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God is Our Loving Heavenly Father

What role has religion played in your life?
Have you felt God working/God’s love in your life?
How do you feel about your relationship with God?
Would you please share your beliefs about God with us?
What does it mean to you to know that you are a child of God?
Can you think of an instance in your life where you knew that God loves you?
Do you believe that God loves you? How do you know that?
Why does a loving parent give his or her child rules?
Why would the choices we make cause our Heavenly Father to sorrow or rejoice
with us?
Can you think of anything Heavenly Father has done for us that shows his love?
As a parent, how do you feel about your children?
The Gospel Blesses Families
Is there anyone who has helped you through a difficult time in your life? (When
you aren’t sure of the family situation)
What does your family mean to you?
When in your life have you felt the greatest happiness?
Why do you think God placed us in families?
How has your family been a blessing to you?
What are your feelings about the importance of families?
What values do you want your family to have?
How could the teachings and example of Jesus Christ bless your family?
How could the teachings and example of Jesus Christ make you a better
Have you ever prayed for or with your family?
What brings the greatest happiness and peace to your family?
Who is God’s family?
Would knowing that by living the gospel of Jesus Christ you could live as a
family in the presence of God for eternity make a difference in your family life?
Heavenly Father Reveals His Gospel in Every Dispensation
How has God revealed his word and his will to men through the ages?
In biblical times, why were prophets like Moses important?
What is your understanding of the role of prophets such as Moses?
Why is it necessary for God to reveal his gospel over and over again through the
What do you think God did when people rejected the prophet?
How would it help us to have a prophet on the earth today?
What would it mean to you if you knew there was a prophet on the earth today?
If you knew there was a prophet on the earth today, would you listen to and
follow him?
Why would it be important to authorize just one head prophet at a time?
Why do you think it is important for prophets to have priesthood authority from
In your own words, would you summarize what we have taught you about why
God has always called prophets?
Are you familiar with any of the prophets of the Old Testament?
Have you ever driven through a thick fog? How did you stay on the road? How
did you see the Lines? (headlights = prophets)
Why do you think God would keep calling prophets?
How do we sometimes act like the people in the Bible who rejected the prophets?
The Savior’s Earthly Ministry
(The atonement should be presented but is not the main point here, so I have
stayed away from those questions.)
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
What are some of the things Christ did while on the earth?
What is your understanding of Jesus Christ and his ministry on earth?
Why do you think Christ established a church?
Why do you think Christ called apostles?
Why would it be important for the apostles to have authority from Christ?
The Great Apostasy
Why do you think people would reject God’s servants?
What happens when the church’s foundation of apostles and prophets is taken
What would happen to Christ’s church if the authority given to the apostles is
ignored or rejected by the members?
What would happen if you woke up tomorrow and everyone who had any
authority (police, President, etc.) was gone?
Why was there so much confusion and misunderstanding without priesthood?
In what ways can you see the confusion caused by apostasy today?
Why, if Christ established one true and unified church, do you think there are so
many churches with so many differing views today?
Have you ever felt that there was something missing in churches today?
According to what we have taught you, what happens when God’s children reject
his prophet?
Even though there were no prophets during the Great Apostasy, do you think God
forgot about his children?
Will you share your feelings about what we have been teaching?
The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
According to what we have taught you, what does God do to reach out in love to
his children again after a period of apostasy?
If you knew there was now a prophet on the earth again, would you follow
him/would that make a difference to you?
Do you believe God still speaks to us?
If you were confused about religion as Joseph Smith was, what would you do?
Have you ever been confused about religion?
How did you feel about Joseph Smith’s sacred experience as we presented it to
What do you see as the difference between a reformation and a restoration?
Why was there a need for a restoration?
What things do you think Christ’s church would teach today?
Do you understand why God would call another prophet?
Why would it be important for Jesus Christ to restore his church to the earth?
Why would it be important for Christ to restore his priesthood to Joseph Smith?
How might having a prophet on earth today like Moses or Noah bless you/your
Do you believe God would call a prophet today? Does he still love us enough?
Does he have the power? Do we still need his guidance for our problems today?
Would he leave us only with the sometimes confusing instructions that were
given to people 2000 years ago?
What questions do you have about the origins of the Book of Mormon?
From what we have taught you, do you understand the importance of the Book of
Mormon in the restoration of the gospel?
The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ
What does the Bible contain and how does it help us know about Christ? How
could having more witnesses of Christ help us today?
Would you be interested in a Book that could help you understand and appreciate
the bible much more?
How do you feel about God’s preparing additional information about Christ and
his gospel?
If you knew there was more of God’s word that goes hand-in-hand with the
Bible, would that be important to you?
How could having two records of the Savior increase our faith and
Why do you think it is important to know whether or not the Book of Mormon is
the word of God?
Why would God want all of his children to have his gospel?
How does the Book of Mormon show that God is the same yesterday, today and
Imagine there was a book that would help you become a better spouse and parent;
help you to be more patient, loving, peaceful and happy, all while testifying that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and Savior of all mankind. It would increase
your faith in him more than you ever thought possible. Would you not feast upon
the words of such a book?
Knowing what the Book of Mormon is, how could it help you?
Would it be important to you to know whether or not there is a prophet on earth
Can a prophet inspired by the devil bring forth a book that so powerfully testifies
of Jesus Christ and invites people to come unto him?
According to the formula given by Christ for discerning false prophets (Matt
7:16-20), how would you know a true prophet?
Pray to Know the Truth through the Holy Ghost
What are some of the things Joseph Smith did to find an answer to his question?
How do you think you could come to know about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon?
Do you know how to pray?
Have you ever felt that your prayers were answered by God? How did you know
it was from God?
Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit in your life? What does it feel like to you?
What has Moroni urged us to do to know the truthfulness of the Book of
Why must we read the Book of Mormon to know of its truthfulness?
Why would it make sense to ask God if these things are true instead of anyone
Why do you think it is important to ask “with a sincere heart, with real intent,
having faith in Christ?
Do you believe God will give you an answer through the Holy Ghost?
If you receive the confirmation that the Book of Mormon is true will you repent
and come unto Christ by being baptized into his restored church by the proper
priesthood authority?
Do you understand the importance of reading and praying to know the
truthfulness of the Book of Mormon?
Great Questions for Lesson 2
Pre-Earth Life: God’s Purpose and Plan for Us
What difference would it make in your life if you knew who you are, where you
came from and where you are going?
Have you ever asked yourself what life is all about?
Have you ever wondered who you are, where you came from and where you are
How does learning that you are literally a child of God and you lived with him
before you came to earth change your view of this life?
What do you believe was your relationship with God before you were born?
Do you believe God is mindful of you and has a plan for you? Why or why not?
Why do you think God asks us to call him “Father?”
What are some of the things you do to show your children that you love them?
What are some of the things you want for your children?
Do you believe there is life after death? Do you believe there is life before we
are born on earth?
Before you build a house you need a plan. What do you believe God’s plan was
for us when he created the earth?
What do you believe is the secret to happiness in life?
Does it make a difference to you to know that your Father in Heaven loves you
with a perfect love and is doing everything possible to help you return to him?
The Creation
Who do you believe created the earth?
Why do you think God created the earth?
Why do you think we need to know about the creation?
How does the world around us “denote”/testify that there is a God?
What are some of the most beautiful creations you have ever seen? What do they
tell you about God’s love for you?
Agency and the Fall of Adam and Eve
Are you familiar with the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
What do you understand about “the Fall of Man” and the consequences that
followed it?
How did the choice of Adam and Eve affect our lives on earth today?
Read 2 Nephi 2:22-25. With this scripture in mind, why would Adam and Eve
choose to eat the forbidden fruit? How is their choice a blessing to us?
What would have happened to us if Adam and Eve had never partaken of the
Why was it important for Adam and Eve to make their own choice?
From what we have taught you, why was the Fall of Adam and Eve necessary?
According to what we have taught you about agency, why is it so important?
Why do you like to be able to make your own choices?
How would you feel if I planned out your whole life for you and you had no
If a man committed a sin, would it be fair to hold all of his posterity responsible
for it?
Our Life on Earth
Why do you think our Heavenly Father wanted us to walk by faith in this life?
How do you think God feels when we make righteous choices?
From what we have taught you, what are some of the reasons why we are here on
What are some of the things we can do in this life to prepare to return to our
Father’s presence?
What are some things on this earth that keep us from returning to live with our
Father in Heaven?
What are some challenges and trials you have had in this life? What have you
learned from them?
Why do you think we are here on earth?
What do you feel is your purpose in life?
Why is what we do in this life so important?
If we could remember our life before coming to earth, how might that interfere
with our growth here on earth?
Consider why you send your children to school. How could you compare that to
why God sent us here?
How does opposition in this life give us a chance to learn about good and evil?
If our Heavenly Father loves us so much, why does he allow us to suffer? Would
you want to shelter your children from all challenges and difficulties? What
would they be like if you did?
What is something that brings you joy in this world? What brings you sorrow?
How can relying on God bring us happiness in life?
The Atonement
As we gain experience with good and evil we make many mistakes that make us
unworthy to be in God’s presence. How can we ever erase those mistakes and
become pure again?
How do you know Christ loves you?
Are you familiar with some of the things Christ did for us while on the earth?
Now that we are here on earth, how can we get back to our Heavenly Father?
Do you understand what we mean by “the atonement of Jesus Christ?”
Have you ever been in debt and unable to repay?
According to what we have taught you, what are the obstacles Christ overcame
through his sacrifice to make it possible for us to return to Heavenly Father?
What is your understanding of the mission of Jesus Christ?
According to what we have taught you, how can we receive the blessings of
Christ’s sacrifice/atonement?
Have you ever felt guilt for doing something you knew was wrong? Have you
ever felt forgiven?
What does the sacrifice/atonement of Christ mean to you?
Why do you think Jesus Christ is central to God’s plan?
Why do you feel Christ paid for our sins?
How does it help you to know that Christ has suffered for your sins and
experienced all your pains and heartaches?
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior?
Do you have any questions concerning what we have taught about the atonement
of Jesus Christ?
Why must we have faith in Christ and his atonement/sacrifice?
How can we show God that we have faith in Christ and his atonement?
How can it help you to know that all that came about because of the Fall and all
that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
How do you feel about what we have taught you about the sacrifice/atonement of
How could you show more gratitude for the atonement in your life?
The Spirit World
What are your beliefs about the next life?
Why is it important that all of God’s children learn about Christ?
How would you feel if you never got the chance to hear the gospel of Jesus
Would a loving and just parent favor some children over others?
What are the consequences of our choices on earth?
What do you believe happens to our spirit when we die?
How do you feel about God giving everyone a fair chance to hear his gospel and
accept or reject it?
What do you feel will bring us the greatest joy in the next life?
Imagine you were visiting a foreign country and while there you didn’t know that
something you were doing was illegal and you were arrested for it and sentenced
to death? Would that be fair?
What do you believe will happen to those who did not have the opportunity to
accept Jesus Christ in this life?
Since we are the same person after we die, why would it be better to accept
Christ in this life?
How does this teaching about the spirit world show Gods love and mercy?
Who do you know that has passed away that you would like to be able to hear the
message of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The Resurrection, Judgment, and Immortality
What is your understanding of resurrection?
What difference does it make to you in this life to know you will one day be
judged by your choices and the desires of your heart?
How will you feel at the Day of Judgment knowing you followed Jesus?
What comes to your mind when we talk about the Final Judgment or Judgment
By what measure do you believe we will be judged?
What is the best way to prepare for the judgment?
Why do you think a final judgment is necessary?
Why is it important to live the best we can in this life?
According to what we have taught, do you understand the difference between
immortality and eternal life?
When you stand before Christ at the judgment day, how do you want to feel in
his presence?
How can we receive mercy at the day of judgment?
Kingdoms of Glory
What is your understanding of Heaven and Hell?
Do you believe that someone with a speeding ticket should be given the same
punishment as someone who has committed murder?
According to what we have taught you, what would you need to do in order to
return to the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
Knowing the happiness and glory that await us in God’s presence, are you willing
to do what is necessary to receive his great gift of eternal life?
According to what we have taught you, what will life in the presence of God be
What do you understand about God’s plan for you and your family?
What would you be willing to do to live with your family forever?
What would you be willing to do to live with your Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ forever?
Why do you think there would be more than one level of reward in heaven?
What is the greatest gift God can give you?
Do you see why coming unto Christ and living his commandments is so
How would you describe the sun in comparison to the stars and the moon?


Through Christ We Can Be Cleansed From Sin
How does the sacrifice and life of the Savior make you want to live your life?
According to what we taught you in our last lesson, what makes it possible for us
to return to live with God?
What role has Christ’s sacrifice/atonement played in your life?
How does it feel to take a shower after being dirty and sweaty and hot all day?
What is sin, to you?
How does sin make you feel about yourself? About God?
Why would sin keep us from being with God forever?
How can we make our Father in Heaven happy?
How can we make ourselves happy?
In this country, what does the justice system do?
What if we had to save ourselves?
How could we more fully appreciate the atonement in our lives?
Have you ever felt the cleansing power of Christ? How does it feel?
Do you believe that through Jesus Christ you can be forgiven of your sins?
If our hands are dirty, can we get them clean by rubbing them together? What do
we need to clean them?
Faith in Jesus Christ
Think about some of your everyday activities. How does faith in a certain result
move you to action?
What do you believe we must do to gain forgiveness of our sins?
What does faith mean to you?
How do you exercise faith in Jesus Christ?
What are some ways that we can gain faith in Jesus Christ?
How has your faith in Christ blessed you in your life?
Why would having faith in and love for Jesus Christ lead to action?
How can we show our faith?
Why do you think that faith is the first principle of the gospel?
Would you share with us a time when you put your trust in Christ?
How can we show our love for the Savior?
What do you have to do to make a seed grow?
Why is it important to walk by faith?
What happens to our faith when we obey Christ’s teachings?
How do we know when a person has faith in Jesus Christ?
Why does a belief in Christ lead us to repent?
What is your understanding of repentance?
What does it mean to repent?
Why does repentance bring us peace?
You have often heard that we must repent, but do you know how to repent?
Why is our repentance so important to our Heavenly Father?
How do you feel when one of your children disobeys you?
Do you think it would be possible to repent without having faith in Christ?
What are the blessings of repentance?
What things in life make you want to be a better person?
Why should we repent and continue to keep the commandments?
How often do you think we need repentance?
Why would it be important to recognize our sins?
Why would it be important to forsake our sins?
Why would it be important to confess our sins to God or in serious cases, to
priesthood leaders?
Why would it be important to make restitution for our sins? How can we make
restitution for things we can’t restore?
What does it mean to you to have a mighty change of heart? Why would it be
important to have a mighty change of heart?
If someone told a lie about someone else, how would that person repent of that
How can we know that we have been forgiven?
How do we know when a person has truly repented of their sins?
Do you have faith to repent of your sins and forsake them?
Will you take the steps necessary to follow Christ by repenting of your sins?
Do you believe you can be cleansed from all your sins?
Why is sincere repentance important?
Baptism, Our First Covenant
What are your beliefs about baptism?
Why would baptism by the proper authority be important?
According to what we have taught you, why would baptism by immersion be
How can we show our determination to follow Christ and keep his
How would baptism be a witness of our covenant with Christ?
Are you familiar with the word “covenant”?
What blessings come from making and keeping covenants?
How could the ordinance of baptism by someone holding the true authority of
Jesus Christ bless you and your family?
Why do you believe God wants us to be baptized to become a member of his
How does baptism by immersion symbolize being “born again”?
Why did Jesus Christ go to John the Baptist to be baptized?
Why do you think Jesus chose to be baptized when he was already sinless?
One of the first things Christ did when he started his ministry was to be baptized
by one with proper authority. Why do you think he considered this so important?
If Christ needed to be baptized, how much more do we need baptism?
In your own words, why must we be baptized in order to enter into God’s
Do you have the desire to make this covenant with the Lord and have these
blessings in your life?
The Gift of the Holy Ghost
How have you been blessed by the Holy Spirit in your life?
What is your understanding of the role of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit?
Why do you believe God gives us the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Why should we seek to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion?
Why is it important that we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Why is it important that we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost from someone who
has the proper authority?
How much easier would your life be if you had the constant divine assistance of
Heavenly Father with you?
How would the gift of the Holy Ghost be like having God with you at all times?
Have you felt the companionship of the Holy Ghost with you as you have learned
the gospel? How would you feel if we promised you the constant companionship
of the Holy Ghost?
From what we have taught, what can the Holy Ghost do for us?
What are some times when you have felt the Holy Ghost/gifts of the Spirit (Gal
5:22)? What do they have in common?
When have you felt Heavenly Father’s love for you?
Have you ever heard of the baptism of the Spirit or baptism of fire?
From what we have taught, who is entitled to the gift of the Holy Ghost?
How do you feel when you do something wrong? How do you feel when you do
something right or good? Would you like a gift that will help you do good and
turn you away from bad?
How could constant companionship of the Holy Ghost help you follow Christ?
Are you willing to prepare yourself for baptism so that you can receive this great
gift that Heavenly Father desires to give to you?
Endure to the End
What are your feelings about continued righteousness after baptism and receiving
the Holy Ghost?
What do you suppose it means to “endure to the end”?
After we are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, have we done all
that the Lord expects of us? What more do you believe we must do?
Why do we need to continue to follow the example of Jesus?
How can we continue to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost?
What can we do to continue in this path?
From what we have taught you, what do baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost
have in common with taking the sacrament?
Have you ever experienced something that was very difficult and you wanted to
quit, but didn’t? What were the blessings of enduring to the end?
How do you keep enduring to the end when something is very difficult and
If a runner doesn’t finish the race, can he expect to win the prize?
How could scripture study, prayer, repentance, etc. help us endure to the end?
Why do you think it is important to keep repenting and trying to be obedient?
What can we do daily to help us endure to the end?
From what you have learned, what is your responsibility after you are baptized?
Since salvation is a lifelong process, what is the importance of enduring to the
If you want to get in good physical shape, could you do it by working out once
and then quitting?
What do we need to do on a continual basis to endure to the end?
How can we grow closer to our Savior and Heavenly Father after baptism?
What does it mean to you to know that enduring to the end in the gospel of Jesus
Christ can bring you blessings of direction, peace, happiness, hope and a sense of
purpose in an often unhappy and troubled world?
Do you have the desire to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and endure to the end
so that you may return to live with your family forever in the presence of
Heavenly Father?
What make a marathon runner successful? What makes us successful in the eyes
of God?

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