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VALUES- are deep-rooted ideas based from beliefs that result to right or
3.ATTITUDES- predispositions consistent with values that are based from
Communicative Competence learnings and thus, strongly affected by emotions.
-this refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge of syntax,
morphology, phonology and like, as well as social knowledge about how
and when to use utterances appropriately. PERCEPTION- about making sense of an interaction or experience. It is
-it is the ability to use the language system appropriately in any based from beliefs, values and attitudes. The only difference is that self-
circumstances with regards to the function and varieties of language as concept is internal, while perception is external. Both happen within the
well as shared sociocultural suppositions. self but perception involves selecting, organizing, and interpreting data as
influenced by self-concept.
•Intrapersonal EXPECTATION- an individual’s mindset of what may happen in the future. It
•Interpersonal is most based on an individual’s learnings through social relationship and
life experiences, and are greatly influenced by one’s self-concept and
perception of the world.
-small group
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION is communication with other people.

INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION is communication within the

individual. DYADIC COMMUNICATION is communication between two individuals
Self-talk is the process of communicating with the self. It is a conversation 1.CONVERSATION- most casual and most informal form; involves a friendly
with the self also often described as the thinking process. relationship
2.DIALOGUE- concern and trust is involved; considered as the deepest and
most intimate form; involves sustained relationship
Three aspects considered in the intrapersonal speech context:
3.INTERVIEW- most purposive and most structured; involves an
1.Self-concept- how an individual thinks and feels about the self.
interviewer and an interviewee.
2.Self-image- component of self-concept that focuses on an individual’s
image or picture of his/her self.
SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION is communication between three or
3.Self-esteem- a component of self-concept that focuses on an individual’s
more individuals
value or worth placed in his/her self-image

Interpersonal communication can be:

DIRECT COMMUNICATION- a face-to-face, immediate, and physical
1.BELIEFS- the self’s orientation of what is true or false, and good or bad.
MEDIATED COMMUNICATION- involves the use of technology, can be done appropriateness of message. This means considering your audience, the
real time or recorded, and is virtual. forum under which you are speaking, the era, and the accepted norms.

PUBLIC COMMUNICATION- where a speaker, who is a sender- 1. Think or speak positively.
receiver, speaks to an audience. 2. Honor thyself.
MASS COMMUNICATION- public communication that is mediated. 3. Give constant feedback.
4. Be attentive.
5. Make yourself understandable.
6. Maintain eye contact.
SPEECH CONTEXT is about how meaning is affected depending on
7. Express cultural sensitivity
the social situation wherein the speech is delivered.
-the number of individuals involve in a certain situation could affect the =Linear
communication process -Formal
-proximity plays a huge role on how we interact with others. It is a kind of CONVERSATIONAL
nonverbal communication resting in the distance between participants of -There is an active discussion between the participants
communication. -The feedback is instantaneous
-immediacy is the way we signal closeness, willingness to communicate, LINEAR
and positive feelings to another person. -Discourages interaction
4.NUMBER OF SENSORY CHANNELS -Speaker has dominance in the discourse
-are based on the five senses of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Social
scientists have found the sender is more likely to gain receiver’s attention if CONVERSATIONAL
the sender uses two or more sensory channels to send information INTIMATE STYLE- there is a deep connection among those involved in the
5.CONTEXT OF COMMUNICATION conversation which is usually shared by a pair, or a small group composed
-context is the circumstances surrounding a message. The circumstances of, at most, three people. Focuses more on the perception of the speaker
might include the setting, the value positions of the people, and where no information is transmitted, only shared knowledge.
CASUAL STYLE- refers to the usual conversational style we use when talking Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy
to friends. It is not as private is intimate style but it is not used when and mutual valuing. - Rollo May
talking to strangers. The participants involved uses slang or informal
speech in their language so there’s an expressive and close relationship. In
this style, conversations are often full of assumptions so less information is

CONSULTATIVE STYLE- the norm or the common stylistic core of English.

Here, words are used according to their denotative meaning and sentence
structures are complete, but informal markers are still used in order to
build rapport. This style is more able to transmit information because
words being communicated are carefully calculated based in the receiver.

FORMAL STYLE- uses words to which technical meanings added for deeper
understanding of the message. Sentences are not only complete, but also
complex, and paragraphs are constructed to show cohesion between ideas,
this speech style takes careful planning because this style is used mostly
when the speaker is not sure how the listener will respond in the
conversation. The main purpose of this style is to be informative.

FROZEN STYLE- often used in literary texts. It is written or spoken in an

extremely formal style. This style does not force any message but leaves
the listeners/ readers with their own interpretation and analysis of the
given text. The assumed intention of the text or speech is to educate its
audience while remaining social strangers.

“When you forget yourself and your fear, when you got beyond self-
consciousness because your mind is thinking about what you are trying to
communicate, you become a better communicator” – Peggy Noonan, the
former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan.

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