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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade 9 Students

Prepared by: Mary Faith A. Tumala

March 11, 2018

Learning Competency: Explain how electrical energy is generated, transmitted and

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
 Trace the path of electrical energy transmission and distribution from the
source to consumers.

II. Subject Matter

A. Title
Electricity Transmission and Distribution
B. Time allotment
60- Minutes
C. Reference
Grade 9 Science Learners Material and Teachers Material
D. Materials
LCD screen, Power point presentation, Pictures, Visual aids, Laptop,
Chalk board, electrical bills chalk and activity sheet.
E. Skills
Teamwork, Stating, Calculating and Collaboration
F. Science Concept
The electricity that flows to our homes is generated in power
stations. From here, it flows through large transmission lines, which carry
it to substations. Finally, distribution lines carry electricity from substations
to houses, businesses, and schools
G. Values Integration
Awareness, Respect, Teamwork and Cooperation

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Classroom Routine

“Class kindly arrange the chairs” (Students arrange their chairs)

2. Prayer

“Okay, may I request everyone to (Students pray)

stand and let us pray”

3. Greetings
“Good Morning Class!”

“Good morning ma’am Faith and welcome

to Grade 9 Apitong. Mabuhay!”
4. Exercise

“Alright! Everybody, hands up!

Shake your hands! Hand sideward!
Shake your hands! Now, stretch. (The students do as what the teacher
Inhale, Exhale” commanded.)

“You may now take your seat”

5. Checking of Attendance

“Who is absent today?”

“That’s good to hear!”

“None ma’am!”

6. Checking of Assignment

“Do we have an assignment?

“Okay! Let’s check your

“Yes, ma’am!

B. Review Lesson

“In Grade 8, you learned about

electricity right?”

“Now, what is electricity?”

“Yes, ma’am”
“Electricity is the presence and flow of
electric charge. Using electricity we can
“You learnt about the relationship transfer energy in ways that allow us to
of electric current, voltage and accomplish common chores.”
resistance and also your teacher
discussed about the safety
precautions in order to avoid
practical hazards.”

“Give me one safety precautions to

avoid practical hazards?”

“You relevant information about

the past lesson you had would
help you in understanding our
lesson for today.”
“Proper electrical connections and proper

“Before that, let’s have a short

review about our lesson yesterday.
Who can recall the topic we had

“Very Good! Now, how is electricity

being generated?”

“Our topic last meeting is how electricity

being generated”

“Brilliant, I guess you are ready “First is hydroelectric power plants, start in
with our new lesson for today.” a dam, then in the reservoir, the water
released from reservoir flows through a
turbine, spinning it, then the generator will
activates then the electricity will be

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

“Where can we normally see this?”

“At home”

“Yes, at home. When we press a

switch, the bulb lights, also the
appliances work and large
industries manufacture products.
Have you ever wondered how this
is done?”

“In our homes, electricity runs the

lights, television, toaster, and
more. It’s hard to even imagine
what your life would be like without

“What would happen if there is no

electricity?” “Because of electricity ma’am”

“It’s easy to see what electricity

does for us. When you want to use
Electricity, you plug an electrical
appliance, toy, or tool into the tiny
holes in an outlet.”

“Does electricity come from these

tiny holes?”
“Life would be very difficult.”

“Have you wondered where

electricity really came from and
how does electricity reach our

1. Presentation

“There are actually processes

involved in getting electricity to our “Well, yes and no”
homes and offices and that’s our
lesson for today.”

“Yes, ma’am”
(Posting the title on the board)

“Sam, read the title”

“Thank you”

“And for our objectives in today’s


(present the objectives)

“Everybody read!”

“Electricity Transmission and Distribution”

“Today, you will be tracing the path

of electrical energy transmission At the end of the lesson, the learners will be
and distribution from the source to able to:
the consumers”
General Competency:

 Explain how electrical energy is

“Questions?” generated, transmitted and

Specific Learning Competency:

 Trace the path of electrical energy

transmission and distribution from
the source to consumers.

2. Discussion

“Before we will proceed with the

lesson let us first unlock difficult
terms which we will encounter as
we go through our lesson. “

“None, ma’am”

 Power plants- an installation where

electrical power is generated for
 Distribution- the action of sharing
something out among a number of
“In order to apply what you have  Transmission- the act of sending or
learned in how electricity being giving something
generated. Now, we will move on  Voltage- an electromotive force or
how electricity being distributed potential difference expressed in
and transmitted.” volts
 Hydroelectric – relating to the
production of electricity by using
“May I know who among you here machines that are powered by
have been to Maria Christina moving water.

“Very good. Since some of you

have not gone to Maria Christina
Falls, we are going to have an
Activity today entitled “Power of
Maria Christina Falls”. We are
going to find out how the
electricity being transmitted and
distributed from Maria Cristina
Falls to our homes.”

“To start our lesson we will have a

group activity.”



1. The class will be divided into seven (7)


2. Each group is given ten (10) minutes to

perform the activity.

3. For the procedure, carefully analyze

the pictures which come first until the last
stop. Afterwards, paste the pictures on
the Manila paper and trace the path of the
electricity from the source to the
consumer. You can use arrows in tracing.
Also, label the transformers by their
corresponding voltages. After that, post
your outputs on your respective areas.
The first group to finish first will have an
additional points.
4. Your activity will be graded based on
the rubric.

(See attached rubric)

“You may start now”

(After 10 minutes)

“Now post your outputs”

“All groups should answer the

Guide Questions.”

“Group 1, will explain the trace,

Group 2, will determine the step –
up and step – down. Group 3, will
answer Q 1, Group 2, and will
answer Q 2 and so on.”

“Each group will choose a member

to explain their output and you will
only be given 1-minute to present

“Everyone did a good job.”

(Students will raise their hands)

“Now, let’s trace it together”

“What are the different stations in

the transmission of energy?
“What comes first?”


“That’s right, the tremendous

energy produced by falling water is
used by water turbines to rotate
large generators at a hydroelectric
power plant.”

(All group representative explain their

“What’s next?” output)

“What does the transmission

substation do?”

“Under this substation is step-up

transformers and step-down
transformers. What are step-up

“Power plant, distribution lines, transmission

“How about, step-down
substation, distribution system substation,
residential consumer and transmission

“After the Transmission Substation, “The Hydroelectric Power Plant”

what’s next?”

“Because the hydroelectric power plant is

where the electricity being generated.”

“Very good, and next is?”

“It transfers power from the

transmission system to the
distribution system of an area.”
“Transmission Substation”
“Now, what is distribution system “It receives electric power from a nearby
here in Iligan City?” generating facility”

“Step-up transformers increase the voltage

or raise the voltage to 138,000 V-765,000 V
“Now what will happen to the and also within the operating station.”
voltage from the transmission
substation up to this substation?”

“Lastly?” “Step-down transformers decrease the

voltage to be consumed at safe levels. It
reduces the voltage to 34,500 V- 138,000

“How many volts is being “Transmission Lines”

distributed to our homes?” “It is a conductor or conductors designed to
carry electricity or an electrical signal over
large distances with minimum losses and
“What do you notice about the size distortion.”
of the transmission lines as it
reaches the consumers?”
“Distribution System Substation”

“Does the size of wires and cables

used matter in energy “Iligan Light Power Incorporation”

“Again, from there, electricity

comes into our homes through a
service box, where your meter is
located to measure how much you “Step down transformer reduces the voltage
use. Wires take electricity around to 2, 400 V- 19, 920 V”
your home, powering your lights
and all your other electrical
“The reduced voltage is then carried by the
distribution lines to be distributed to the
residential consumers”
3. Application

“220 V”
“Do you know how many power
plants do we have here in

“Transmission lines have greater cross –

sectional area to allow a large amount of
“There are 5 power plants we have current to pass through. Having a large
here in the Philippines amount of current cross section also
reduces resistance, lessening transmission
loss. The residential wirings have much
“Do you know how many power small cross – sectional area. “
plants do we have here in Iligan
“Yes, it ensures safety in the entire network
system and reduces transmission losses.”
“So, we have 2 power plants here,
1st is the hydroelectric power
plants which is the Maria Christina
Falls, 2nd is the coaling plants in
Kiwalan which still on going.”

4. Generalization

“I need 6 students to trace the path

of the electricity”

“What do you call the cables and “No, ma’am”

wires where the electricity travels
from the power plant?”

“How about the distribution lines?”

“Again, who can recall the path of “No, ma’am”
the electricity from the source to

“What happens to the voltage that

travels from the source

“So, from generating plant, step-up

transformers, transmission lines,
step-down transformers,
distribution lines to residential
consumers.” Electricity is produced in power plants
(Maria Christina Falls), transmitted at high
current and voltage in transmission
“Now, is there any questions or substations, passed through the distribution
clarifications?” substations, and then finally distributed to
business and residential areas.

“If none, let’s have a quiz”

“Transmission lines”

“Distribution lines carry electricity

throughout a town or community to the
homes and businesses that we serve.”

“From the power plant, the electric power is

“stepped-up” to several thousand volts by a
transformer and delivered to the
transmission line. At numerous substations
on the transmission system, transformers
step down the power to a lower voltage and
deliver it to the distribution lines. Distribution
lines carry power to residential consumers.”

“The voltage is stepped – up for

transmission and stepped – down before
being distributed to households.”

“None, ma’am”

IV. Evaluation
Get ¼ sheet of paper. Write your name and the date today.
Instruction: identify the following?

1. ___________ relating to the production of electricity by using machines

that are powered by moving water.

2. ___________ characterized by a statistical distribution of a particular


3. ___________ a building or group of buildings in which electricity for a

large area is produced.

4. ___________ to send (information, sound, etc.). In the form of electrical

signals to a radio.

5. ___________ the force of an electrical current that is measured in Volts.

V. Assignment
Bring Electric bills and list down the appliances in your home and their voltages with the
help of your parents/ guardian.

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