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16 personalities

The career path that I have been focusing on a lot lately is the route of becoming a teacher.
There are so many aspects in teaching and I find the love in helping others. When looking at the
results from my personality test, I would definitely say all my strengths are a accurate
representation on how I would view myself. I feel like I use these qualities daily in school as well
as when I play basketball with my team and I do think these qualities would portray a good
teacher. When looking over my weakness, there are some I would say I agree on and some I
don’t. One example would be that I’m overcommitted. This is something that reflets me and
might become more of a problem when it comes to universities and the years after that. School
and grades is something I care a lot about and when I dedicate myself to complete the tasks
given, I always tend to over commit myself to the work and end up putting a lot of pressure on
myself. This can easily damage my mental health and cause burn outs. One weakness I would
disagree on is the reluctant to change. I feel like I have experienced a lot of change in my life in
my life and even though maybe it was a struggle in the beginning, I’m much more able to adapt
to this day. My friendships are definitely are good representations of my results with my closest
friends from elementary school. As I want to be a teacher, I’m not sure if the career paths given
really reflect that exact route that I would take. When I look at the workplace habits, I do think
that these habits are a good representation of how I would work in a classroom setting.
Especially, how it highlights I can be independent as well as successful in collaborative spaces.
Overall, I would say that this test is a good example of who I am as a person, classmate and
team player as well as giving possible traits I could develop as I get older.

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