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Competitive (Fluid Mechanics)

Q1: Two pipelines of equal length and with diameters of 15 cm and 10cm
are in parallel and connect two reservoirs. The difference in water levels
in the reservoirs is 3 m. If the friction is assumed to be equal, find the ratio
of the discharges due to the larger diameter pipe to that of the smaller
diameter pipe.

Q2: A syringe with a frictionless plunger contains water and has at its end
a 100mm long needle of 1mm diameter. The internal diameter of syringe
is 10mm. Water density 1000kg/m3. The plunger is pushed in at
10mm/sec and the water comes out as a jet.

Q3: A rectangular water tank, full to the brim, has its length, breadth and
height in the ratio of 2: 1: 2. The ratio of hydrostatic forces at the bottom
to that at any larger vertical surface is:
(a) 1/2 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4 (e) None of these
ANS. b
Q4: A cylindrical gate is holding water
on one side as shown in the given
figure. Using the gravitational
acceleration as 9.81m/sec2, the
resultant vertical component of force of
water per meter width of gate will be:
(a) Zero (b) 7700.8N/m (c) 15401.7N/m (d) 30803.4 N/m
(e) None of these
Q5: Cavitation is caused by
(a) high velocity (b) high pressure (c) weak material (d) low pressure
(e) low viscosity.
ANS. d

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