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Starters 12 Seeing your grandparents


1 Sam is seeing his grandparents today. Look at the picture and

write the words in the boxes.

boat / car trousers / jacket / dress sheep / horses

house / flat in / next to / on mother / sister / father

Sam and Jill are in the with their

and and their baby , Kim. They’re waving at their

grandparents. Their grandfather’s wearing a and .

Their grandmother’s wearing a . Sam and Jill’s grandparents don’t

live in a . They live in a . It’s a park.

In the park there are some animals. There are two and three

. Today there’s a the water.

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Starters Speaking & words

1 Listen and read. Then act. 82

1 What beautiful 2
Grandma, can we
play a board game?

Sam! Your shoes

are dirty! Yes, let’s play
Don’t worry! this game!

3 Grandpa, can you tell 4

us a funny story?

Yes, sit down Grandma and

here. Grandpa are old now, but
they’re very nice!

2 Draw lines from the words to their opposites.

1 a
old dirty

2 b
happy beautiful

3 c
clean sad

4 d
ugly young

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Starters Story & writing

1 Ask and answer about Sam’s family. That’s

Sam’s cousin,
Who’s that? Bill.

What’s He’s eating

he doing? a burger.

2 Look at the picture and complete the words.

In the kitchen In the dining room In the living room

c upb oa r ds p t e a c r

d t b l

w d c i s m r

c k b g s p e

d o c i r n t v s n

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Starters Language practice

1 Listen to Lucy. Circle the correct pictures. 83





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Starters Mini-test

Reading & Writing, Part 2

Look and read. Write yes or no. There are two examples.

The family is in the garden. yes
Mum is pointing at the cat. no  

1 The dog has got a sausage.

2 Grandpa is reading a book.

3 The baby is taking some sweets.

4 Grandma is smiling.

5 There’s a helicopter between

the sun and the house.

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Starters Mini-test

Listening, Part 3

Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example. 84

Which is Ben’s grandfather?


1 Which is Mr Green’s car?


2 Which is Grace’s favourite fruit?


3 What sport does Dan like playing?


4 How does May go to school?


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Starters Speaking Please see instructions in the Intensive Program Lesson Plans.

1 Look at the people.

• What are they wearing? • Are they old or young?
Try to remember.

2 Colour the cards and play the game.

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12 Family meal
Present simple: like (2)
Wh- questions (3)

Do you like …?

Do you like fish? No, I don’t.

Do you like carrots? No, I don’t.

Do you like meat? Yes, I do.

Do you like …? is a yes/no question. The short answers are Yes, I do

or No, I don’t. It is the present simple interrogative form.
Do you like + + ? = Do you like apples? Yes, I do.
Do you like + + ? = Do you like bananas? No, I don’t.

1 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions.

1 you Do like meat Do you like meat ?

2 like Do oranges you Do you ?

3 like bread Do you Do ?

4 rice like you Do ?

5 like Do tomatoes you ?

6 you like fish Do ?

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2 Write questions.

1 bread Do you like bread ?

2 carrots Do you ?

3 bananas ?

4 rice ?

3 Match.

1 Do you like fish? L

2 Do you like meat? J

Yes, I do.

3 Do you like carrots? L 4 Do you like apples? J

5 Do you like rice? J

No, I don’t. 6 Do you like bread? L

4 Write.
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

1 Do you like meat? J Yes , I do .

2 Do you like carrots? L , .
3 Do you like fish? L , .
4 Do you like bread? J , .
5 Do you like juice? J , .
6 Do you like milk? L , .

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What do you like?

Do you like carrots? What do you like?

No, I don’t. I like yogurt!

What do you like? is a wh- question.

We can reply :
I like yogurt. L
I don’t like fish.

5 Write the words in the correct order.

1 do What like you 2 you Do like bananas

What do you like ? ?

3 you Do fish like 4 you like do What

? ?

5 like I bread 6 don’t I like bread

. .

7 like What you do 8 carrots I like don’t

? .

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6 Look and write.

1 Jamie: What do you like , Emma?

2 Emma: I like fish .
3 Emma: Do you like fish , Jamie?
4 Jamie: Yes , I do .

5 Angie: What do you like , Dave?

6 Dave: .
7 Dave: , Angie?
8 Angie: .

9 Emma: , Angie?
10 Angie: .
11 Angie: , Emma?
12 Emma: .

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Primary 12 Speaking
1 Look and listen. Then point and say. 85

This is rice. This is bread. This is meat. This is milk.

2 Listen and point to the picture. 86

3 Listen and answer the questions. 87

Answer the questions.


• Do you like rice?

 Yes, I do.
• Do you like yoghurt?
 No, I don’t.

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Primary Speaking

4 Listen. Then talk to your friend. 88

Talk to your friend.


• My favorite food is fish. Do you like fish?

 Yes, I do.
• I like figs. Do you like figs?
 No, I don’t.

5 Listen and pretend. 89

Talk to your partner:


• Would you like a

sandwich for lunch?
 No, thank you.
• Would you like water
for lunch?
 Yes, please.

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12 Extra writing
1 Look and write.
1 2 4

1 c a r r o t s
3 4 g 5 6
w j
2 b d
5 6

3 r e

2 Write. Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

1 Do you like fish ? Yes, I do.

2 Do you like ?

3 Do you like ?

4 Do you like ?

5 Do you like ?

6 Do you like ?

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12 Values
Good for you!

1 Look and check 3 the healthy food.

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 Draw a healthy lunch.

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12 Unit test
1 Circle the correct word. /3

1 orange / apple 2 meat / sandwich

3 tomatoes / carrots 4 bread / cookie

2 Complete the words. /5

2 y 4 r 5 j
3 m

1 e g g

6 f

3 Order the words. /4

1 I like don’t rice. I don’t like rice.

2 Do milk? you like
3 do What like? you
4 like yogurt. I
5 don’t I grapes. like

4 Complete the sentences. /3

1 Do you like bread? Yes, I do .

2 you like fish? No, I .
3 you like tomatoes? No, I .
4 you like carrots? Yes, I .
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Review 4
1 Write She’s got or She hasn’t got.
1 She’s got long hair.
2 She hasn’t got short hair.
3 straight hair.
4 curly hair.
5 black hair.
6 grey hair.
7 a doll.
8 a teddy.

2 Write the words in the correct order.

1 like I lions 2 monkeys like I

I like lions . .

3 don’t I elephants like 4 don’t like I snakes

. .

5 giraffes like I 6 I like don’t monkeys

. .

3 Match.
1 It’s big. c a b c
2 They’re long.
3 They’re tall.
4 It’s long. d e f
5 It’s small.
6 It’s short.

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Grammar Review 4

4 Write. No, I don’t . Yes, I do.

1 Mum: Do you like carrots? 2 Mum: Do you like bread?

Ann: No , I don’t. . Ann: , .
3 Mum: Do you like rice? 4 Mum: Do you like bananas?
Ann: , . Ann: , .
5 Mum: Do you like apples? 6 Mum: Do you like yogurt?
Ann: , . Ann: , .

5 Look and write. What Do No like don’t I

1 2 3
Do you like Do you
tomatoes? fish? do you like?

, I don’t. No, I . like meat!

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Summative test 4
1 Circle the correct words. /3

1 2
curly / straight tiger / lion

3 4
circle / square milk / juice

2 Complete the words. /5

1 b anana 5 w

3 b

2 m 4 p 6 g

3 Look and complete. /6

1 He doesn’t have long hair.

2 She curly hair.

3 It three sides.

4 She short hair.

5 He straight hair.

6 It five sides.

7 He black hair.

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Test Summative test 4

4 Look and write. /2

1 2 3

I like apples. I tigers. I juice.

I don’t like carrots. I snakes. I yogurt.

5 Circle the picture that rhymes. Write. /4

1 hat a b cat

2 red a b

3 Ken a b

4 man a b

5 leg a b

6 Listen and circle the sound you hear. 90 /5

1 ch sh th 2 ch sh th
3 ch sh th 4 ch sh th
5 ch sh th 6 ch sh th
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Skills test 4

1 Listen. Check (✔) or write an ✘. 91 /5

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Listen and draw or . 92 /5

1 2 3 4 5 6


3 Read. Write the names under the pictures. a
My name’s Diana. I have black hair.
It’s long and straight. My eyes are brown.
I have one sister. Her name’s Alice. She b
has brown hair. It’s short and curly. I have
one brother. His name’s Zack. He has short, Diana
curly hair. His eyes are blue.

4 Read again and write ✔ or ✘. /6

1 Diana has black hair. ✔ 2 Diana doesn't have blue eyes.

3 Alice has straight hair. 4 Alice has long hair.
5 Zack has brown eyes. 6 Diana has two brothers.
7 Zack has curly hair.

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Test Skills test 4


5 Look at the table and complete the sentences. /4

Alex: I like elephants .

I don’t like snakes .

Alex Ruby: I .
Ruby Mary: I .

6 Copy the sentences in your best handwriting. /4

1 She has straight hair. She has straight hair.

2 It’s a triangle.
3 I like yogurt.
4 I don’t like lions.
5 Do you like milk?


7 Name the shapes. Describe them. /4

1 This is a square.
It has four sides.
It's small.

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