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English B - HL

Internal Assessment (Oral)

Criteria marks and teacher marking comments

Criterion Marks Out of Comments
The candidate's command of the language is accurate and very effective
as she is very fluent and her use of vocabulary is appropriate both, in a
literary and in a more general context as well. She uses ¨like¨as a filler
10 12 but is does not affect her oral production which is almost error-free
except for ¨have to be teached¨or ¨more happier¨. Her pronunciation and
intonation have a touch of authenticity, which enhances her

The candidate engages with the literary extract in an appropriate manner

as she focuses on different aspects in a well-structured way. However,
B1 she confuses the setting of We Need New Names with that of the other
Message 4 6 literary works she has read, as she mentions South Africa and APartheid
-literary extract- instead of Zimbabwe. Her refernces to characters, POV, language and
themes are adequately supported with the extract. She could have
finished the presentation in a more convincing manner though.

The candidate responds promptly and broadly, evidencing good

communication skills and personal interpretations of the extract ad the
Message 5 6
novel, as she even refers to different chapters to account for her

The student interacts in a coherent and fluent manner while showing

authentic involvement with the topic. Her personal experience and
Interactive skills 6 6
opinions mainly regarding how children may be taught to face frustration
and stress enhance the exchange.

Total 25 30

Observations: The candidate's performance is very good as her authentic engagement in conversation and
language skills show she has the necessary abilities to communicate in the target language.

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