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Name: Albyn Rjan L.

Pedral Course/Year: BSAB - 1 ST Year


 Based on what you infer from the reading as well as from the videos, what then
must be the right relationship between the heart and the mind? Why? 

Jesse Prinz, a culturalist and philosopher, asserted in the video that humans
relate their cognitive decisions to their environment. For instance, participants were
asked whether it is right or wrong to cannibalize the dead body in terms of survival;
after repeatedly hearing vomiting sounds, they decided it is wrong; however, if the
environment is clear and orderly, they decided it is necessary and right. According
to the article, feelings such as anger and fear can influence how a person behaves.
An angry person may act violently, and a terrified person is likely to run away. In
the article, it said that if emotions infuse with an evaluative judgment that is when
it’s called a moral judgment. When emotions take over our thoughts, the heart
makes the decision, and the mind blindly follows. And occasionally the mind also
makes decisions because we act on our emotions because of our prior
experiences, such as when we decide to offer assistance to someone in need.
After all, we understand how it feels to be treated properly in an emergency. We
need emotion to be interested in matters of morality because emotions have a
significant amount of influence in making good or bad decisions.

 Give a personal example where you used emotions in making a moral

decision. How did you arrive at it and what happened? 

I think there are many times that I based my emotions on a moral

decision, one the thing that I can remember is when we had a mini f2f in my
senior high school last May 2022 for our graduation show in the Philippine
women’s college of Davao. That day at morning, right after when I drop off from
the jeep there is a woman that approached me while I’m waiting for the
pedestrian to get cleared, she said she can’t find the office for the examination
for getting a license as a teacher so as a student of teacher I decided to help her
because I feel that she needs help and I am also new in exploring the downtown
and I know what it feels to be lost and can't find your way. I tried my best to find a
tricycle driver and told the driver where the office for the licensure for teachers is.
I decided to help her because I had a feeling that I need to help her, and it might
be rude to ignore her while she was lost in the city, she was not familiar with. I
feel happy after I helped her.

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