Pedral - Activity 2

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Name: Albyn Rjan L.

Pedral Course/Year: BSAB -1ST Year


Activity Fill my K-W-L: You are provided with columns below. Fill in the column with
the best of your knowledge about growth and development. There is no right or
wrong answer here. You may write phrases or clauses in bullet form.

What I know? What I want to know? What have I Learned?

…about being a good …about being a good
citizen? citizen?
 Being a good
 Follow rules  How it can affect citizen can
 Being kind into the society influence others
 Being respectful  Is worth it to be a  Being a good
 Know the rights good citizen citizen is worth it
and laws  Is there a  Being a good
 Help others fulfillment being a citizen helps you to
 Do moral things good citizen be a better person
 Being a good
Citizen is being
moral and having a
right conduct and

a. What do you want to know about leadership and good citizenship?

The things of leadership that I'm curious to learn about including how to be a
good leader, how to get a group of people to listen to your instructions, and how to
get a group of people to follow you wherever you go. And with terms to good
citizenship, I'd like to know how it benefits the environment or influences the people
in our immediate surroundings.

b. And why is it important for a student like you to learn about leadership and good

For a student like myself, learning about leadership and good citizenship is
essential because we may one day find ourselves in a position where we must act as
either a leader or a citizen. Learning about leadership now will help you in the future,
and if you start learning about it now, you'll already have the knowledge you need to
be a strong leader. And knowing about being a good citizen while we are still
students helps us realize that being a good citizen in the future can help us
appreciate the laws and that we can help others by being a good citizen.
c. What have you observed with your classmates before /neighbors or anyone in the
community in terms of their values and actuations as good citizen?

I have seen how my classmates and neighbors behave as good citizens by

supporting one another as classmates, showing respect for their neighbors, and not
interfering with one another's lives. I have also seen how they treat strangers with
respect and adhere to the laws of the city in a clear manner, such as crossing into a
pedestrian lane. Another thing that matters is how they present themselves; being
moral and having the correct principles make them good members of the community.

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