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FUNTANO, Hannah Raya T.


UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace
through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programs
contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted
by the UN General Assembly in 2015.

UNESCO's mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty,
sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture,
communication and information. UNESCO works so that each child and citizen has access to quality
education. By promoting cultural heritage and the equal dignity of all cultures, it strengthens bonds
among nations and fosters scientific programs and policies as platforms for development and
cooperation. It has a unique role to play in strengthening the foundations of lasting peace and equitable
and sustainable development. Serving as a laboratory of ideas, UNESCO helps countries adopt
international standards and manages programs that foster the free flow of ideas and knowledge sharing.



 Every child has access to a proper education.

 Promoting cultural acceptance between nations while protecting historical sites.
 Improving technology to aid in the distribution of resources and energy.
 Secure the safety of individual expression and basic human rights.

UNESCO Campaigns:

World Heritage Volunteers 2008 : "Patrimonito rolls up the sleeves"

Categories: Education & Training

Date Start: 01-Apr-2008
Date end: 31-Oct-2008

The project gathers participants between 16 and 30 years old from different countries around a
common project requiring collective effort and involvement. The project activities have been designed
according to the needs of the host community and put strong emphasis on contact and dialogue with
the local population. These youth work camps last between two to four weeks and accommodate from
ten to thirty participants.
World Heritage Volunteers 2009 : "Patrimonito Voluntary Action 2009"

Categories: Education & Training

Date Start: 01-Jun-2009
Date end: 01-Oct-2009

The project aims at raising awareness about the necessity to protect, preserve and promote cultural and
natural heritage in general and the inscribed or potential World Heritage sites in particular.

The project furthermore aims at demonstrating the value of non-formal education as an approach to
disseminate the values and expertise developed at the inter-governmental level to a large public and to
young people in particular.

It aims at exploring opportunities for a dynamic dialogue between the heritage and education experts
involved in the promotion and protection of the sites and the volunteers and youth groups developing
concrete World Heritage projects.

Eleven projects - taking place in four continents between June and October - were selected for the 2009
campaign and will contribute to:

 sensitize the international and local volunteers, the local community as well as the concerned
authorities around issues related to World Heritage;
 increase the contribution by the youth and voluntary service organizations to WH promotion
and preservation with activities planned, based on the concrete needs of the site and in
coordination with the site management and local/national authorities;
 create and strengthen synergies between the local youth organization and the local community,
site management, national and local authorities and link cooperation to the issue of sustainable

World Heritage Volunteers 2010 : "Patrimonito Voluntary Action 2010"

Categories: Education & Training

Date Start: 01-May-2010
Date end: 01-Mar-2011

The project aims at raising awareness about the necessity to protect, preserve and promote cultural and
natural heritage in general and the inscribed or potential World Heritage sites in particular.

The project furthermore aims at demonstrating the value of non-formal education as an approach to
disseminate the values and expertise developed at the inter-governmental level to a large public and to
young people in particular.
It aims at exploring opportunities for a dynamic dialogue between the heritage and education experts
involved in the promotion and protection of the sites and the volunteers and youth groups developing
concrete World Heritage projects.

Twenty eight projects - taking place in seventeen countries and locations between May 2010 and March
2011 - were selected for the 2010 campaign and will contribute to:

 sensitize the international and local volunteers, the local community as well as the concerned
authorities around issues related to World Heritage;
 increase the contribution by the youth and voluntary service organizations to WH promotion
and preservation with activities planned, based on the concrete needs of the site and in
coordination with the site management and local/national authorities;
 create and strengthen synergies between the local youth organization and the local community,
site management, national and local authorities and link cooperation to the issue of sustainable

World Heritage Volunteers 2011

Categories: Education & Training

Date Start: 01-Mar-2011
Date end: 31-Oct-2011

The project is and jointly coordinated by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Coordinating
Committee for International Voluntary Service. World Heritage Volunteer projects integrate awareness
raising campaigns with hands-on skills training on conservation and preservation techniques. It aims to
provide opportunities and tools to sensitize about World Heritage; strengthening the sense of
ownership of the local population of their local heritage.

The projects explore opportunities for a dynamic dialogue between the heritage & education experts
and the volunteers towards developing synergies and partnerships.

From 2008 to 2010, 50 projects have been carried out in 18 countries with the involvement of 663
young volunteers.

World Heritage Volunteers 2012 : "Beyond Territories and Boundaries"

Date Start: 2012

Date end: 2012
Living beyond territories and boundaries appears as one of mankind’s dream, and our common history
abounds with travellers who tried to fulfil it. But now that we travel beyond territories and boundaries
by plane or train, does it mean we are living beyond territories and boundaries?

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention, the World Heritage Volunteers
(WHV) project aims more-than-ever at overcoming boundaries and territories, gathering youth
volunteers all over the world around a single heritage. As the fragile future of World Heritage lies in the
hand of youth, in the hand of those who, tomorrow, will be able to take care of it and “pass it on”, it is
our duty to help them feel responsible for it, and be conscious of its outstanding value. This is what the
Co-ordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and the World Heritage Centre,
who jointly launched this project in 2008, are looking for.

This year, WHV workcamps will be held in 40 world heritage sites and 25 countries, on all continents.
The project will involve 33 youth organisations and some 700 volunteers who will cross borders, share
their cultures, and unite to preserve natural sites, restore archaeological finds, and raise awareness
amongst local communities about their heritage. Volunteers will act in various world heritage sites, from
the endangered antique Chan Chan archaeological zone in Peru, to natural sites such as the tremendous
Victoria Falls in Zambia, or even the Great Wall of China. To achieve such an ambitious goal and fittingly
celebrate the 40th anniversary, young coordinators from all organisations will be trained and supported
by heritage and youth experts, while young WHV reporters will travel from site to site to cover the 2012

Through this project, we hope to foster peace amongst cultures, for our youth to hold the future of
World Heritage with a firm hand.

UNESCO Campaign 2013 : "Have you hugged your teacher today?"

UNESCO in Brazil launches the contest “Have you hugged your teacher today?” to celebrate the World
Teachers’ Day, 5 October, and the National Teachers’ Day, 15 October, to draw attention to the respect
and value for the teaching profession. The proposal aims at virtually mobilizing and engaging the general
public to honour the teachers of Brazil and to stimulate the school environment interaction.

The campaign will be entirely developed within Facebook social media through the event’s web page in
Portuguese of UNESCO in Brazil.

The ones interested in participating in the virtual mobilization should access the page and click in
“participar”. Please, read the rules carefully, which are available in the web page. Then, upload your
photo with your teacher and create a legend for the image on the World Teachers’ Day theme: “a call
for teachers’ respect and value”. And do not forget to shave it among your friends. The 50 (fifty) sets of
photo and legend with the most number of “likes” in the contest’s web page will be analysed by a
judging commission at UNESCO Office in Brasilia. The commission will choose 3 (three) sets of photo and
legend that are most creative and inspiring. The criteria will be based on creativity, uniqueness and
adequacy to the theme. A tablet will be the prize for the three contest winners.
The contest “Have you hugged your teacher today?” will take place from 27 September 2013 to 13
October 2013. Uploading of photos and legends will be allowed until 11:59pm of 13 October 2013. The
results of the contest will be announced on 15 October 2013 on the Facebook contest web page, as well
as in UNESCO Office in Brazil website.

Besides mobilizing and engaging, the campaign proposes to recognize the value of teachers and their
dedication for a quality education. The teachers, with their professional knowledge and skills, are
essential in building a better future for all. UNESCO in Brazil proposes a union of forces to thank teachers
and educational institutions that help building a better inclusive society that respects diversity.

UNESCO Campaign 2014 : "2014 Global Action Week on Education for All"

Global Action Week (GAW) on Education for All (EFA) is an annual awareness-raising campaign,
organized by the Global Campaign for Education (GCE). UNESCO supports GAW every year by
disseminating information and resources through its network and by organizing activities together with
NGOs, GCE members and other EFA partners.

This year, the campaign will focus on the theme of “Education and Disability” under the slogan “Equal
Right, Equal Opportunity”. This event will highlight the profound challenges faced by persons with
disabilities in realizing their right to education.

UNESCO Campaign 2015 : "Raising Peace Campaign 2015"

Raising Peace aims at strengthening and raising the visibility of the role of the International Voluntary
Service (IVS) movement in the promotion of peace and human rights. It is a process that leads to the
empowerment of the IVS movement and civil society in general, for advocacy and activism on Human

The Campaign includes:

 Declaration of Human Rights and Peace

 Seminar on Communication for Peace and Human Rights in conflict zones
 Three Peace Weeks to train activists on:
 The rights of migrant people, refugees and to citizenship of every person in the world
 The rights related to gender, sexuality and to the own body
 The right to healthy life, food and housing
 Final Conference in Paris with a report on Human Rights, Peace and IVS
World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2016: "Together for Heritage"

The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2016: Together for Heritage campaign illustrates the global
success of the World Heritage Volunteers initiative, now running for the ninth consecutive year to
mobilize youth to preserve and promote World Heritage by reaching out to their peers and their

The WHV 2016 represents a great opportunity for volunteers to immerse themselves in learning about
the day-to-day life in a World Heritage property, to acquire basic preservation and conservation skills,
and to engage in intercultural exchanges with local communities.

From the exceptional monuments and buildings of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal to the massive pyramids
of the Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan in Mexico, from the vineyards of the Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion
in France to the vertiginous peaks of Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Uganda, or even the narrow
streets of the Medina of Fez in Morocco, the local and international volunteers of the WHV 2016 will be
involved in projects held at several of the most outstanding sites in the world.

As volunteers, you will have the choice to join one of the 58 youth action camps taking place at 53 World
Heritage properties or sites inscribed on the Tentative Lists from 35 countries and implemented by 47
various local youth organisations, NGOs or public authorities in cooperation with other stakeholders
such as schools, universities, public and private institutions, and site management.

Volunteering in World Heritage preservation is a unique experience! If you want to get involved in a
project, consult the brief descriptions of each of the WHV 2016 action camps. When you find the one
you want to participate in, contact the project organiser. Please note that the email addresses are in the
project profiles.

The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative is led by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) in
collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), European
Heritage Volunteers (as a branch of Open Houses) and Better World.

World Heritage Volunteers 2017 : "Heritage in our Hands"

The World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2017 campaign: Heritage in our hands will take stock of the
progress made over the past ten years to mobilize youth to preserve and promote World Heritage by
reaching out to their peers and their communities.
Over the past ten years, the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Initiative has tremendously grown due to
the increasing interest and appreciation for the protection and preservation of World Heritage sites. In
the year of its 10th anniversary, 51 youth action projects will be implemented at 50 World Heritage
properties and sites inscribed on the Tentative Lists, from May through November 2017, by 46
organisations in 32 countries.

From the Vajrayogini temples of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal to the 16th-Century Monasteries on the
Slopes of Popocatepetl in Mexico, from the parks and gardens of Classical Weimar in Germany to the
vertiginous peaks of Rwenzori Mountains National Park in Uganda, the local and international
volunteers of the WHV 2017 will be involved in projects held at some of the most outstanding places in
the world. Offering a great opportunity for volunteers to immerse themselves in learning about the day-
to-day life at a World Heritage sites, the WHV 2017 will enable volunteers to acquire basic preservation
and conservation skills, and to engage in intercultural exchanges with local communities while being
involved in World Heritage preservation and promotion.

World Heritage Volunteers 2018

This year’s theme for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2018 campaign is Empowering the
Commitment to World Heritage. For its 11th year, 51 action camp projects will be implemented at 50
World Heritage properties and sites inscribed on the Tentative Lists, from June to December 2018, by 44
organizations in 28 countries.

The WHV 2018 campaign provides empowering and enriching opportunities to young people and
enables them to go beyond borders in some of the most outstanding places in the world. Volunteers will
work together to preserve natural and cultural sites, as well as to raise awareness among local
communities about their heritage.

The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative is led by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) in
collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), the
European Heritage Volunteers (as a branch of Open Houses) and Better World.

World Heritage Volunteers 2019 Campaign

This year’s theme for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) 2019 campaign is Empowering Commitment
to World Heritage. For its twelfth year, 68 action camp projects will be implemented at 62 World
Heritage properties and sites inscribed on the Tentative Lists, from June to December 2019, by 55
organizations in 36 countries.

The WHV 2019 campaign provides empowering and enriching opportunities to young people and
enables them to go beyond borders in some of the most outstanding places in the world. Volunteers will
work together to preserve natural and cultural sites, as well as to raise awareness among local
communities about their heritage.
The World Heritage Volunteers Initiative is led by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (WHC) in
collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS), the
European Heritage Volunteers (as a branch of Open Houses) and Better World.


World Heritage Volunteers Initiative

Within the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme, the World Heritage
Volunteers (WHV) Initiative was launched in 2008 in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for
International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) to mobilize and involve young people and youth organizations in
World Heritage preservation and promotion.

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