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MC What is on the table? There are two books. Correct There is book.

Incorrect There is three books Incorrect

MC What are under the table? There is cat. Incorrect There are two
cats. Correct There is four cats. Incorrect
MC What are there? There are five cows. Correct There is two people.
Incorrect There is six wolves. Incorrect
MC What does she does and what is she doing? She works at the hospital every
day; she is working now. Correct She working at the hospital every day;
she works now. Incorrect She is works at the hospital every day; she working
now. Incorrect
MC What does he does and what is he doing? He reading a book every day; he
reads now. Incorrect He is reads a book every day; he reading now. Incorrect
He reads a book every day; he is reading now. Correct
MC What is she doing now? She listen to music. Incorrect She listening to
music. Incorrect She is listening to music. Correct
MC What is he doing now? He eats chicken. Incorrect He is eat chicken.
Incorrect He is eating chicken. Correct
MC What does she do in the morning? She is playing tennis. Incorrect She
plays tennis. Correct She playing tennis. Incorrect
MC What does she do in the afternoon? She is watching TV. Incorrect She
watching TV. Incorrect She watches TV. Correct
MC What do you do at night? I am studying English. Incorrect I studying
English. Incorrect I study English. Correct
MC What do they do at night? They swim in the swimming pool. Correct
They are swimming in the swimming pool. Incorrect They are swim in the
swimming pool. Incorrect
MC Does she drive her car? Yes, she drive. Incorrect Yes, she drives.
Correct Yes, she is driving. Incorrect
MC Does he watch a movie? Yes, she watch. Incorrect Yes, she watches.
Correct Yes, she is watching. Incorrect
MC Does she drive her car? No, she doesn't drive. Correct No, she not
drives. Incorrect No, she is not driving. Incorrect
MC Does he watch a movie? No, she is not watching. Incorrect No, she
doesn't watch. Correct No, she not watches. Incorrect
MC El DO y DOES se usa para preguntar sobre acciones rutinarias. FALSO
Incorrect VERDADERO Correct
MC El -ING se usa para preguntar sobre acciones están pasando ahora mismo.
FALSO Incorrect VERDADERO Correct
MC ¿Cuál frase representa una rutina? Yo estoy estudian inglés ahora.
Incorrect Yo estudio inglés todos los días. Correct
MC ¿Cuál frase representa algo que está pasando ahora mismo? Ella está
trabajando ahora. Correct Ella trabaja todos los días. Incorrect
MC ¿Cuál forma de preguntar es correcta? Do she work every day? Incorrect
Does she work every day? Correct She works every day? Incorrect
MC ¿Cuál forma de preguntar es correcta? Do you study every day? Correct
Does you study every day? Incorrect You work every day? Incorrect
MC ¿Cuál forma de responder es correcta? Does she work every day? She works on
Monday. Incorrect Yes, she does. Correct Yes, she doesn't Incorrect
MC ¿Cuál forma de responder es correcta? Do you study every day? I work on
Monday. Incorrect Yes, I do. Correct Yes, I don't. Incorrect
MC TRADUCCIÓN: "Él va a casa." He goes home. Correct He is going home.
MC TRADUCCIÓN: "¿Ellos están visitando a sus amigos?" Are they seeing friends?
Correct Do they see friends? Incorrect

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