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Balaoro, Bea Aiela M.


Strategic Human Resource Management

Topic: Framework of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) - SHRM formulate

strategies to help a person/employee to be capable in doing a work.
1. Conceptual Background
- What I know about strategic human resource management from the word itself is managing,
implementing, and giving strategies/policies to achieve an objective or goal.
- SHRM contains the idea of a person’s skills, potential, capabilities,and behaviors.
2. Models of SHRM
- I think the models of SHRM are the employee and employer. (I have no knowledge po about the
models of shrm.)
3. Characteristics of SHRM
- SHRM develops human function.
- SHRM contains the idea of a person’s skills, potential, capabilities,and behaviors.
4. Emerging HR Scenario
- My idea about the Emerging HR Scenario is that it tackles the issues regarding the business and

Topic: Context of SHRM - One of the contexts of the SHRM is the most important people and their
performance, and development, Mission or the objective/goal.
1. Environment of SHRM
- Business Environment, Organizations, Work setting,
2. The Systems Concept
- How the workflow works.
- Approach.
3. Business Environment and SHRM
- It’s the influence coming from the work environment to the people working.
4. External Environmental Factors - these factors are outside that aren't controlled by the
5. Internal Environmental Factors - these factors refer to inside or within the company.
6. Technological Environment Trends in the Nature of Work - Competitions, Latest updates.
7. IT and HRM
- Technology that undertakes the company.
- Manages the information and data from the company and imports data.
8. Impact on HR Sub-Systems -
9. Impact on HR Culture and Structure -
10. Challenges and Opportunities - Recruitment and Selection
11. Social Media and HR - Social influences/Characteristics
12. Internet of Things, Big Data, and HR -

Topic: Strategy Formulation

- What I think about the Strategy Formulation is the process and the steps in doing the strategy.
- Strategy Formulation is the ACTION of the person/employee.
1. Strategy Formulation and HRM
2. Strategic Management Process
3. Importance of Human Resources to Strategy
4. Integration of Strategy and HRM
5. Strategy Formulation and Planning
6. Typology of Integrated HR System
7. Strategic Human Resources Planning (SHRP)
8. Strategic Staffing
9. Strategic Recruitment - screening of applicants
10. Strategic Selection - selecting applicants
11. Placement and Induction
Topic: Strategy Implementation - is converting the plans/strategy in actions to get results.
1. SHRP Process Organizational Learning
2. The Learning Framework
3. Learning and Knowledge Management
4. The ADDIE Model
5. The Employee Learning Matrix
6. Career Planning and Development - career planning is strengthening potential and development
is helping to attain an objective.
7. Promotions and Succession Planning - Accepted
8. Performance Appraisal - Recognitions
9. Performance Appraisal to Performance Management
10. Appraisal Feedback and Counseling
11. Potential Appraisal
12. Compensation and Rewards - Acknowledgements
13. Employee Relations - Employees interactions
14. Trade Unionism
15. Collective Bargaining
16. Employee Participation in Management
17. Employee Engagement - Employee’s loyalty and trust.
18. Employee Retention and Termination
Topic: Strategy Evaluation - determines the effectiveness of the strategic plan. Testing validation.
1. Approaches to HRM Evaluation
2. Evaluating HR Subsystems
3. Evaluating the HR System
4. Strategic HR Evaluation: Challenges

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