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Amanda Medrano & Emmy Valdez | Comunicación Integral | 07/05/2019

1. Introduction………………………………………………………..2
 Justification of the topic
 Purpose
 Hypothesis
2. Body……...……………………………………………………………..3
 What it consists of and its foundations
 The conditions in which the poles are located
 Ozone layer and how it influences
 What could happen and how can we prevent it?
3. Conclusion……………………………………………………….…6
 The importance of the subject

In this topic we want to touch on points like the fundamentals that had to be
given so that the melting of the poles was possible and to make known the
possible futures if this happens.

This issue is very important given that the poles, although we do not realize,
are a fundamental part of our lives as they modulate the temperature of the
world by functioning as an air conditioner for the Earth, a reflective for
sunlight, as well as they are the habitat of many species that can only be
developed there due to their low temperatures

In addition, they are considered as water reserves, although 75% of the

surface of the planet is composed of water, 97.5% of that water is salty and
within the remaining 2.5%, 70% is ice and the rest is water. liquid So, to make
it clearer, of the entire surface of the planet, 1.8% is ice and 0.75% is liquid
fresh water.

With this essay, our objective is that people can understand why the issue of
the melting of the poles is so important and that we must guard it at all costs,
because if this phenomenon is carried out there could be many fatal and
catastrophic consequences for all planet and its inhabitants

Our hypothesis is developed around a question: ¿What does the melting of

the poles imply and how can we solve it?

We seek to explain all the information regarding the subject, from its
foundations, its causes and possible scenarios.

First of all, what is the melting of the poles? The melting of the balloons is that
as the global temperature increases the ice in the polar ice caps melts and the
sea level rises.

The foundations that had to be given for this phenomenon to begin are thanks
to the global warming that has increased a lot given the contamination that
humans produce. The pollution that has been most present and that has
triggered the increase of global warming would be air pollution, given that we
use many chemicals and greenhouse gases, this greater amount of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can have diverse consequences, but
mainly it can lead to an increase in global terrestrial temperature and trigger
effects of collapses in marine

The conditions in which the

poles are until now, are not
very good. The North Pole is
at sea level which makes it
hotter than the South Pole.
Temperatures in winter are
always negative, ranging between -43º C and -26º C; while in the summer
months the average is maintained around 0º C.

Studies conducted in this area confirm that the average thickness of ice has
decreased in recent years. The global warming of the planet has contributed
to this important change and it is predicted that in the coming decades the
Arctic Ocean will be completely free of ice during the summer.

The situation of glaciers in Latin America (the area of the Southern Andes)
has a relatively large area of glaciers that are rapidly losing mass: they lose
990 kilograms of ice per square meter per year.

While, in the ice sheets of Antarctica, most of the western part, because it is
below sea level and part of its ice discharge into the Amundsen Sea, where
the warming has been removing the ice barriers and caused the ice to move
quickly and become thinner. Since the ice sheets are melting, several species
of origin are losing their natural habitat.

An important issue that has a lot to do with the Melting of the Poles, is the
Ozone Layer. But what does the Ozone Layer have to do with this issue? The
Ozone Layer has a lot to do since, thanks to the pollution that we produce, we
are destroying the ozone layer, which causes an ozone hole. For many years
we have been polluting the air and an ozone hole has just poured over
Antarctica, allowing UV rays to pass, thus increasing global warming, just like
a butterfly effect.

The ozone hole is given that the

ozone is deteriorated by sunlight in
the stratosphere, producing an atom
halogen (ODS) -for example:
chlorine or bromine-which is the one
that subsequently deteriorates

They will say, Why did the ozone hole appear over Antarctica if the ozone
depleting substances are present in the whole atmosphere? Well, the
destruction of this layer is greater at the South Pole, where temperatures are
so low in the stratosphere during the winter that polar stratospheric clouds are
created. The ice crystals formed in these clouds provide a large surface for
chemical reactions, accelerating the catalytic cycles. Sunlight is involved in the
destruction of ozone, a process that intensifies during the spring time, when
the level of solar radiation affects the highest clouds.

Another cause of why this is happening, is the Greenhouse Effect Gas, it has
not been possible to stop these gases given that economic interests are more
important. But there is the possibility that we are gaining the ability and the

knowledge to face the problem. As we learn more, we will invent better ways
to get clean, efficient, affordable, and renewable energy.

The measure that we should adopt as soon as possible is to stop supporting

those who pollute with greenhouse gas emissions to protect the glaciers.
Greenpeace determined that the burning of fossil fuels is the main cause of
climate change. The possible solution is to end the dependence on oil, which
would allow to maintain the increase in temperature below 2 ° C, beginning to
avoid the worst effects of climate change on the planet.

If this continues and we do not take preventive measures, the sea level will
increase catastrophically; The sea ice mantle of West Antarctica is sufficient to
increase the average level of the oceans by 3.3 meters. It would be enough to
cause problems in low areas of Latin America and other low coasts. In a
recent work I did with David Pollard and Robert DeConto, published by Earth
and Planetary Science Letters,
we concluded that the marine
basins of East Antarctica could
contribute 14 meters in sea level

The time it will take for the ice

sheets to melt has already been
estimated, there are chances
that we will have a century or
less before the rapid changes begin in West Antarctica, although it is not

In the worst scenario, the disintegration of the polar ice caps, which would
lead to rising sea levels and force people to abandon many of the world's
most important cities and lead to the loss of billions of dollars in property and
other assets, other than that many people would die.


We must be more aware of what our actions with nature imply, each time we
are causing our home, the Earth, to be destroyed over time, including the
poles; and everything we damage has very severe consequences that lead to
our own death.

We must take care of the planet. Thanks to our contamination the hole in the
ozone layer was made which makes the poles melt faster, at the time that
happens the animals that live in that area will die, the global warming
increases, (obviously as the designated the air conditioner has been
dissolved), less fresh water and the water level would rise to a very high level
leaving much of the terrestrial areas under water, and many more things
would pass even though they are probably uncertain.

It is simply a chain of problems that leads to the death of the entire planet
along with its species, and obviously nobody wants that, but the most you
want to raise awareness in everyone there are people who do not care, and
thanks to that we continue the same, all the effort that those who want to help
do is not enough because we will only save ourselves if we are all together.


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