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(0:12) Once a black lion lived in a jungle. All animals called him the king. There
was a stir-up condition for few days but no one came to the king. He was really
worried and thought that almost every day the animals would come for the
solution of their problems, but what happened then. Why didn't they come to
him. The king ordered his special minister "Mr.Heepo Elephant" to keep an eye on
the jungle and tell him what's going on. Heepo Elephant said.

(0:53) (Elephant) "I will observe the jungle keenly and deeply and will inform you
about all the matters"

(1:02) (Lion) "Well! Well! Well! I'm surprised that no one came to me from so
many days. Aren't they have any problem or they scared of me"

(1:13) Heepo Elephant promised the black lion that he would inform him soon
about what's going on in that jungle. And you know what happened.... hum!! A
big rino came to the jungle and said to the animals.

(1:30) (Rino) "I will kill your king. I finish him. You know he will pretend to be a
well wisher but very soon he will eat all of you. Give me a chance to serve you. Let
me kill him"

(1:57) A frog was listening all this, he said.

(1:59) (Frog) "Our king is very kind. He do justice. Nobody ever slept empty
stomach. And you! Wherever you come from. Go back"

(2:08) (Rino) "Hahaha! You tiny, stupid frog. I will smash you under my feet
anytime. And listen you all, I can fix you all easily"
(2:25) Hearing this all of them got scared because they were all small, short
animals and the Rino was very huge. He could easily finish many animals at a
time. But the frog was very brave and courageous.

(2:37) (Frog) Hey! What do you think you are? You have been mistaken by your
strength, I don't care"

(2:44) Rino became very angry. He said.

(2:48) (Rino) "Hunnn! I don't want to argue right now. But listen, from tomorrow
and onward you must bring your problem to me for solution and if anyone object
then I will hit him with my horn till death, wherever I find him. I will smash him
like a biscuit or candy. Understand?"

(3:21) Hearing this all animals ran away in different directions and disappeared.
They were all scared and wanted to save their lives.

(3:33) Heepo Elephant wanted to know about all the matter. One night he came
out for a walk. The weather was really pleasant. After taking a few paces, he
heard some sounds. Heepo ran towards the sounds. He was surprised to see that
a Rino was telling the animals that he was the king from then. Heepo was worried
to hear that.

(4:08) (Elephant) "Hann! What's going on in our jungle. This strange Rino is
announcing his rulership. Hann!"

(4:16) He got angry and went to the lion. He told him the whole offence. When
the black lion heard this he came in rage and it raised and raised. But after
sometime he overcame his anger and sat calmly. Heepo said to the master.

(4:35) (Heepo) "Your Majesty, a Rino declared himself a king and here you are
quiet and calm"

(4:41) (Lion) "I think we should be patient and tolerant. If we take immediate
action we may harm ourselves. Animals of our jungle are sensible, they will find a

(4:51) (Elephant) "But sir, it will be too late then"

(4:54) (Lion) "Do as I say"

(4:58) Heepo was forced to be quiet. Next day the frog secretly met the lion and
asked for help.

(5:08) (Lion) "Hmm! I came to know about the Rino and we can face it together.
Our strength is more in case of unity. I know you all are loyal to me and will never
turn against me. Now our strategy is tease him as much as you can and compel
him to flee"

(5:35) (frog) "Aha! Very good. Your majesty what a brilliant idea. O.kay I will tell
all the animals now to show their skills and compel him to leave our jungle."

(5:50) saying this the frog left. He met the animals and told his to tease him as
much as they could, whether seen at day or night. The first task was taken by
frog. He went to the place where the dino slept, at mid night when rino was
sleeping the frog and his community started croaking and croaking and croaking.
The rino got fed up. As it was dark and he could not see anyone, so he could not
punish anyone. All this happened for a week. The rino could not say anyone that
he was being teased because he declared himself their king, and a powerful
animal. How could he say that he is fed-up of tiny animals?

(6:50) neither he slept at night nor he ate anything. He was so disturbed but
didn't understand what to do because all the animals would come with bowed
head and would called him 'your majesty' 'your majesty'. Now the time had come
to play the final round, and the players were now the honey bees..... Some had to
entered his nose, some in ear, some would stick to his belly, some would string on
his tail and made his condition miserable.

(7:26) now watch this. It's 2 am and Mr. Rino is sleeping and the players attacked
the rino.

(7:35) (Rino) Oh! Oh! What happened to my nose, my ears, who is there? Where
is there?

(7:44) he didn't understand, what happened to him. A huge rino could not move
freely. It was night, dark how could he punish anyone he couldn't see anything.
This fight going on for some time, with in 10 minutes his condition was miserable.
The honey bees had stung hum everywhere and he got fainted, but the bees
didn't stop. In the morning all animals came to him to see his condition. He was
unconscious. All of them smiled and looked at each other. Now they tried to bring
him to life. As he opened his eyes. He stood up and ran away.

(8:43) "No No No. I am not your king. I don't want to become a king. Hey you all
silly people. No no no save me, save me. This jungle is a cursed place. I am leaving
this place".

(9:02) the rino ran as fast as he could and never came back. Animals mocked him,
by saying hey your majesty, your majesty, our king hahahaha

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