Who Are My Neighbors - Cuartero

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College of Arts, Sciences and Education



The Second and Great Commandment

CE 102

Name: Cuartero, Sheryl Anne G. Section: 1NU03


Read and analyze the bible passages from Leviticus 19; Matthew 5:43 – 44; Matthew 9:9 –13; and Matthew 25:31-46.
Using the table below, identify the neighbors mentioned in these passages then (a) specify the written ways of loving them
during the Biblical times and (b) how to love them in our time today. Do not forget to write the particular verse/s where you’ve
got your answer. (30 PONTS)

Complete the table below.


Refers to the identified person or group of people in the
bible with specified commandments on ways of loving

EXAMPLE a. During Bible Times Leviticus 19:9-10

• Leave some gleanings of your harvest for them to collect
Poor and alien (stranger) • Do not mistreat them. Instead, treat them as your
native-born (alien). Leviticus 19:33-34

b.Application Today
• Be generous to the poor. Share what you have in
response to their needs. You can do this through
donation, fundraising, and volunteering.
• Show hospitality to foreigners (Hebrews 13:1-2)

1. A person or thing that is near ● Does not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front Leviticus 19:14
one another of the blind.
2. fellow human beings ● Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for Leviticus 19:32
the elderly.

3. fellow-man ● Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or Leviticus 19:15
favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.
4. Needy and helpless ● I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you Matthew 25:36
looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.
5. Needy and helpless ● For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I Matthew 25:35
was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a
stranger and you invited me in.
6. Aliens who reside with you ● Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or Leviticus 19:15
favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly
7. To have dealings with ● Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. Do not hold back the Leviticus 19:13
someone wages of a hired worker overnight.
8. Lover ● Each of you must respect your mother and your father. Leviticus 19:3
9. Fellow-man ● Do not go about spreading slander among your people. Leviticus 19:16
Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life.
10. Another ● Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your Leviticus 19:17
neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt.

Write a short reflection or realization after doing the activity. What did you realize/learn after doing the activity?
(5 points)
In this activity, I realized that in the tale of the Good Samaritan, a generous Samaritan interrupts his journey to help a half-dead man
because he was moved by pity. One of the key topics of this Lucan story, which is about the interpretation and fulfillment of the law, is

Read and analyze Luke 10:25 – 37. Read the posted exegesis of this passage to answer numbers 1, 2, and 3. (12 points)

1. Complete the table below.


1. Expert in law A lawyer (nomikus) is qualified to interpret I believe that lawyers represent our
the Bible, particularly the Pentateuch. governments by identifying the best
Nomikos is a Greek word that is frequently candidates to serve as our representatives in
used in Matthew and Luke to describe administering the issues of all residents.
Jewish officials who are concerned about However, given our current circumstance, our
the administration and comprehension of "lawyer" is unable to demonstrate this
the Law. properly. Our country is not being governed

2. Jesus Jesus conveys life-changing and Jesus represents our parents, guiding us in
life-sustaining ideas through simple stories all of our life decisions and offering guidance
that everyone can relate to. The man on how difficult life may be. Providing us with
Jesus instructs the man of the law. stories that we can relate to and from which
we may learn.
3. Robbers Thieves and robbers have made the I believe the robbers represent those who
journey dangerous for a long time. make mistakes, even harming others, in order
to obtain the things they desire.

4. Victim (robbed man) The man who was assaulted has no other I believe this represents people who,
designation than a man. although going through a lot, never get
justice. They are ignored by our legal system.

5. Priest and Levite Both the priest and the Levite are bound This is the priest who leads our churches and
by their legal, ritual, and cultural systems, never fails to believe in and practice the
but they continue to follow their religious rituals.
and ritual traditions.
6. Good Samaritan The Good Samaritan parable becomes a Today, a good samaritan is someone who
model of discipleship where the other as a helps others in an unexpected way.
subject, must be our hermeneutical
criterion. Epicedia does not operate
"alone," it needs other virtues such as
prudence, charity, and humility to make
possible the interpretation of the law in our
here and now situations.

2. What are the possible reasons for the priest and the Levite not helping the robbed man (victim)? Explain your
answer. (5 points)

Priests and Levites may have avoided the mugged man because they thought he was dead. The defilement of a
dead person was considered to be derived from contact with a dead (or dead) body by the priestly and Levitical
3. From the identified characters in #1, to whom can you identify yourself? Why? (5 points)

I consider myself a good samaritan, and if I were put in a position where I had to assist someone who couldn't walk
and was in excruciating pain, I would do everything in my power to assist them. After all, I am a nursing student,
and I would use every ability and knowledge that I had to assist or save a person. I would also do the same thing,
even though I had previously given him some treatment that I was familiar with. I would still take him to more skilled
professionals who could provide the additional health care that he would require.

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