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1. This experiment was to find how mass and speed effect KE.

This is
important because if you were in a situation where you needed
something to go higher, you would know to add more or less of
To test mass, we filled the bean bag with a certain amount of water, then
dropped it. After, you recorded how high it made the bean bag go. The
same speed, but the same amount in the bottle, just dropped from
different heights.

My hypothesis is when you have more mass, the KE will be greater. This
is also the same with speed, if it is dropped from a higher place, the
bean bag will launch farther than the last time.
2. Data I collected from the lab was like my hypothesis explained. When
the height of the bottle increased, it made the bean bag go higher than
the last. And I tested 4 different masses, 0.125 kg, 0.250kg, 0.375kg and
0.500kg. Each time the bean bag went higher on a larger mass.

A lot of times on the speed test, the bean bag would go higher than the
bottle drop point, but not every time. Also, when it was dropped from the
same height each time, some results varied quite a bit, like when it was
dropped from 1.28 the results were 1.14 then 1.30 1.30. Mass on the
other hand was all in the same number range, only once the numbers
were a bit off from each other.
3. Some formulas I used were KE= ½ mv^2 and Ht v^2/2g. The first was
to calculate the kinetic energy of an object, m=mass v=speed. Second
was for finding out what height I needed to drop something to reach a
certain speed, Ht=Height and g= Gravitational Acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2.

I used these to figure out tables that showed relationships between

different things like mass and KE or speed and height. The whole time I
was doing the lab, my data was going up, when there was more
mass/speed there were higher values in the table.
This means that my hypothesis at the beginning was correct, more of
m/s means KE will increase proportionally because they are all linear. I
found it surprising when the bean bag height went over the water bottle
drop mark.
4. To conclude, my hypothesis matched my data. The data values went
up when more mass or speed was added. This means if I were in a
situation where I needed more kinetic energy for something, I would
know to increase mass or the speed of the object giving it energy.

The reason that this hypothesis is correct is when you have more mass,
you have more energy. So, when you drop let's say a baseball, it isn’t
that heavy so it would only launch the bean bag so far. But a bowling
ball is very heavy and has lots of energy when falling because of that, it
would make the bean bag go very high.
To make this experiment better, I would use a smoother material for the
lever so energy wouldn’t be lost by friction from wood rubbing together.
Also, maybe a scanner or video camera to more accurately record how
far the bean bag went. All of these would help the lab get more precise
results, maybe they could be used in a future lab.

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