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Int. J. Sport Health Sci.

Paper : Coaching and Training

Relationship between 800-m Running Performance

and Aerobic and Anaerobic Energy Metabolism
Capacities in Well-Trained Middle-Distance Runners
Fumiya Tanji1, Toshiki Tsuji2, Wataru Shimazu3 and Yoshiharu Nabekura4
1Department of Sport Research, Japan Institute of Sport Sciences, 3-15-1 Nishigaoka, Kita-ku, Tokyo 115-0056, Japan
2Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8574, Japan
3Nagoya Senior High School, 2-1-58, Sunada-bashi, Higashi-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 461-8676, Japan
4Faculty of Health and Sport Science, University of Tsukuba,1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8574, Japan

[Received July 20, 2017; Accepted March 29, 2018; Published online April 11, 2018]

The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between the 800-m running performance
and aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism capacities in well-trained middle-distance run-
ners. This study was conducted on 12 male middle-distance runners (age 19.7±0.9 years, height
170.0±4.6 cm, body weight 58.9±3.0 kg, body fat 7.8z±1.2z, 800-m season best time
1?53!2±2!2, and equivalent to an average velocity of 25.4±0.4 km・h-1 over 800 m). Par-
ticipants underwent three running tests on a treadmill to assess aerobic (maximal oxygen uptake
_ 2max], lactate threshold intensity [LTI], and running economy [RE]) and anaerobic (max-
imal accumulated oxygen deˆcit [MAOD] and maximal accumulation blood lactate concentra-
tion [DbLa]) energy metabolism capacities. The results demonstrated a signiˆcantly negative
relationship between the 800-m running velocity and RE and MAOD (r=-0.78 and -0.72, re-
_ 2max, LTI, and DbLa (r=-0.16, -0.17, and 0.11, respectively).
spectively), but not with VO
Furthermore, this study demonstrated that >70z of the 800-m running velocity could be ex-
plained by RE, LTI, and DbLa. These results suggest that RE aŠects the 800-m running perfor-
mance in well-trained runners.

Keywords: 800-m running, aerobic energy capacity, anaerobic energy capacity, homogeneous perfor-

1. Introduction by RE at high-intensity, rather than low-intensity

Performances at long-distance running events, Conversely, the 800-m running performance,
which require >80z of the overall energy expend- which requires 60z and 40z of the overall energy
ed by aerobic energy metabolism (Hill, 1999; expended by aerobic and anaerobic energy
Weyand et al., 1993), are associated with aerobic metabolisms, respectively (Du‹eld et al., 2005;
capacities, such as maximal oxygen uptake Hill, 1999). For example, Nevill et al. (2008) and
_ 2max), lactate threshold (LT), and running
(VO Ramsbottom et al. (1994) demonstrated a sig-
economy (RE) (Midgley et al., 2007). RE is deˆned niˆcantly positive relationship between the 800-m
as an energy metabolism for a given running veloc- running performance and VO _ 2max and maximal ac-
ity; lower energy metabolism can be evaluated as cumulated oxygen deˆcit (MAOD). However, their
greater RE. Lately, many researchers have illustrat- results were based on studies conducted on heter-
ed the impact of variable RE on the running perfor- ogeneous performance runners (CV, >10.0z),
mance of highly competitive and/or homogeneous with both male and female participants. In male
runners (Conley and Krahenbuhl, 1980; Morgan et heterogeneous runners (CV, >8.0z), running per-
al., 1989). Recently, Tanji et al. (2017a) have formance is associated with VO _ 2max (Bosquet et
demonstrated that VO_ 2max and RE can explain by al., 2007a), but not with MAOD (Bosquet et al.,
>60z of 1,500-m running performance, especially 2007a; 2007b). Thus, maximal aerobic (VO _ 2max)

70 International Journal of Sport and Health Science Vol.16, 70-76, 2018
800-m Running Performance and Energy Metabolism Capacities

and anaerobic (MAOD) energy metabolism capaci- mance and aerobic and anaerobic energy metabo-
ties are partly determinant factors of 800-m running lism capacities in well-trained middle-distance run-
performance. ners. We hypothesized that 800-m running perfor-
In contrast, no signiˆcant relationship has been mance related to RE and DbLa but not with other
observed between the 800-m running performance energy metabolism capacities.
and VO_ 2max (Craig and Morgan, 1998; Lacour et
al., 1990b, Tanji et al., 2017b) and MAOD (Craig 2. Materials and methods
and Morgan, 1998) in homogeneous runners (CV,
3.0z, 2.4z and 1.9z, respectively). In addition, in 2.1. Subjects
well-trained runners (CV, 1.9z), Tanji et al.
(2017b) demonstrated that the 800-m running per- This study enrolled 12 male middle-distance run-
formance had a negative relationship with RE but ners (age, 19.7±0.9 years; height, 170.0±4.6 cm;
not with VO_ 2max. Only, Ingham et al. (2008) ob- body weight, 58.9±3.0 kg; body fat, 7.8z±1.2z;
served that the 800-m running performance had a 800-m season best time, 1?53!2±2!2 [CV, 1.9z];
positive relationship with VO _ 2max in highly com- and equivalent to an average velocity of 25.4±0.4
petitive runners (CV, 2.2z). However, both In- km・h-1 over 800 m). Before participation, all par-
gham et al. (2008) and Lacour et al. (1990b) did not ticipants provided written informed consent after
observe a signiˆcant relationship in 800-m running being informed of the purpose of this study. The
performance with RE. Moreover, the studies by In- study was approved by the Research Ethics Com-
gham et al. (2008), Lacour et al. (1990b), and Tanji mittee at the University of Tsukuba Graduate
et al. (2017b) did not investigate the relationship be- School of Comprehensive Human Sciences (Issue
tween 800-m running performance and anaerobic Number: 27–27).
capacity. Results of the above mentioned research
indicate that highly trained and homogeneous (CV, 2.2. Experimental protocol and calculated values
<5.0z) 800-m runners show diŠerent relationships
in running performance with aerobic and anaerobic All participants underwent three running tests,
energy metabolism capacities compared with heter- wherein they ran on a treadmill (ORK-7000;
ogeneous performance runners. Ohtake-Root Kogyo Co., Ltd., Iwate, Japan) at 1z
Overall, a consensus on energy metabolism grade. All tests were conducted in the afternoon.
capacity explaining the inconstant running perfor-
mance in highly trained and homogeneous runners, 2.2.1. Maximal test
especially between aerobic capacity and 800-m run- All participants performed a six-stage intermit-
ning performance, has not been attained. tent incremental load running (3-min running and
Moreover, MAOD may not be related with 800-m 2-min rest) to evaluate their LT intensity (LTI). The
running performance in highly trained and homoge- initial stage velocity was set at 12.6 km・h-1 (only
neous runners (CV, <5.0z; Craig and Morgan, one runner was at 10.2 km・h-1) and was increased
1998). However, the anaerobic capacity can be eval- by 1.2 km・h-1 at each stage. After six-stage run-
uated by not only MAOD but also maximal ac- ning, they rested for 5 min and then performed con-
cumulation blood lactate concentration (DbLa; tinuous incremental load running with the velocity
Vandewalle et al., 1987). Lacour et al. (1990a) increased by 0.6 km・h-1 per min until they reached
demonstrated the relationship between DbLa by the exhaustion to measure their VO _ 2max. Exhaustion
race and both 400-m and 800-m running perfor- was determined when runners reached their age-
mances in highly trained male runners, suggesting predicted maximal heart rate (HR; 220-age), the
that a higher DbLa is associated with a superior respiratory exchange ratio (RER) exceeded 1.15, or
800-m running performance. Perhaps, a compre- bLa exceeded 8.00 mmol・L-1 (Fletcher et al.,
hensive analysis could suggest the training regimen 2009).
that homogeneous 800-m runners should undergo to
improve their performance. 2.2.2. Submaximal test
Hence, the objective of this study was to elucidate The submaximal test was conducted 2 or 3 days
the relationship between the 800-m running perfor- after the maximal test to assess the runners' RE at

Fumiya Tanji, et al.

90z VO _ 2max intensity (Tanji et al., 2017b). Par- lated with substituted VO
_ 2max into the velocity-VO
_ 2
ticipants did warm-up running for 4 min at 6 km・ regression equation from the intermittent incremen-
h-1 and then ran at 65z, 70z, 75z, 80z, 85z, tal load test data. Velocity at LT (vLT) was deter-
and 90z VO _ 2max intensity, calculated according to mined by the lactate analysis software (Lactate-E;
the maximal test results, with 2-min rest between Newell et al., 2007). LTI was determined from vLT
each velocity. and vVO_ 2max, and RE was calculated using the
method described by Tanji et al. (2017a).
2.2.3. Supramaximal test The velocity–VO_ 2 regression of the submaximal
The supramaximal test was conducted on the test was established by seven points: 65z, 70z, 75
same day as the submaximal test to measure their z, 80z, 85z, 90z VO _ 2max intensity, and the 5.1
MAOD after the HR, rating of perceived exertion, mLO2・kg-1・min-1 y-intercept (Russell et al., 2000).
_ 2, and bLa conˆrmed that participants had
VO MAOD was calculated by integrating the diŠerence
recovered and returned to a resting state (after an between the actual and estimated oxygen uptakes
approximately 1–2-h rest). Each runner selected the (oxygen demand) from running speed extrapolation
running velocity (velocity of the supramaximal test _ 2 regres-
in the supramaximal test to the velocity-VO
[vST], 121.7z±4.4z VO _ 2max) to reach exhaus- sion of the submaximal test. The diŠerence in bLa
tion after approximately 2–3 min (Noordhof et al., concentration before and after the supramaximal
2010). test was deˆned as the accumulated bLa concentra-
tion (DbLa).
2.3. Experimental instruments and measurement
methods 2.5. Statistical analyses

Expired gas was assessed by the VO

_ 2, carbon di- All statistical analyses were performed using
oxide excretion (VCO _ 2), pulmonary ventilation SPSS version 22 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
_ and RER using the breath-by-breath com- The relationship between two variables was investi-
puterized standard open circuit technique with an gated using the Pearson's correlation coe‹cient.
expired gas analyzer (AE310-S Aero Monitor; The multiple regression analysis was performed us-
Minato Medical Science Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan). ing a forced-entry method with 800-m velocity as an
The gas analyzer and ‰ow sensor were calibrated us- independent variable and physiological variables as
ing the calibration gas (air equivalent: 21.00z O2, dependent variables. Data are expressed as mean±
0.03z CO2, and balance N2; exhalation equivalent: standard deviation and P<0.05 is considered statis-
15.00z O2, 5.00z CO2, and balance N2) and a ‰ow tically signiˆcant.
calibrator (2 L), respectively. Experiments were
conducted in a continuously ventilated room. Be- 3. Results
fore the test, after each running stage, and after 1,
3, and 5 min of exercise to exhaustion, a ˆngertip Table 1 presents the results of aerobic and an-
blood sample was obtained for bLa measurement aerobic energy capacities. The individual correla-
(1500 SPORT Lactate Analyzer; Yellow Springs _ 2 regression, cal-
tion coe‹cients of the velocity–VO
Inc., Yellow Springs, OH, USA). The HR was mea- culated by seven points, demonstrated robust
sured using an HR monitor (Polar RCX5; Polar linearity (0.9981±0.0022). In addition, vST was
Electro Japan, Tokyo, Japan). In addition, labora- 23.2±0.7 km・h-1, corresponding to 90.7z±1.6z
tory temperature and humidity were controlled at of the 800-m velocity, and the exertion time was
24–269C and 50z–60z, respectively, with continu- 135.9±11.0 s; all subjects ran for >2 min.
ous ventilation throughout the experiment. The 800-m velocity presented a signiˆcantly nega-
tive relationship with RE and MAOD (r=-0.78
2.4. Data analysis and -0.72, respectively; p<0.05; Figure 1) but not
with VO_ 2max, LTI, and DbLa (r=-0.16, -0.17,
_ 2max was deˆned as the highest oxygen uptake
VO and 0.11; p=0.61, 0.60, and 0.72, respectively). In
during 1 min in the continuous incremental load addition, RE demonstrated a signiˆcantly positive
_ 2max (vVO
test. The velocity at VO _ 2max) was calcu- relationship with MAOD (r=0.91; p<0.05; Figure

800-m Running Performance and Energy Metabolism Capacities

Table 1 Mean (±SD) values of aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism capacities (n=12).

_ 2max
(mL・kg-1・min-1) (zVO
_ 2max) (J・kg-1・m-1) (mLO2・kg-1) (mmol・L-1)

66.2±4.9 80.4±3.5 4.75±0.33 57.0±8.8 9.5±0.9

_ 2max, maximal oxygen uptake; LTI, lactate threshold intensity; RE, running economy
Notes: VO
at 90z maximal oxygen uptake intensity; MAOD, maximal accumulated oxygen deˆcit; DbLa,
maximal accumulated blood lactate.

Figure 1 The relationships between RE (a) and MAOD (b) and the 800-m velocity (n=12).

4. Discussion

The main ˆnding of this study was the negative

relationship of 800-m running performance with
RE, the negative relationship with MAOD, and no
signiˆcant relationship with VO _ 2max, LT, and
Numerous studies reported RE as a physiological
variable that is associated with the long-distance
running performance in well-trained runners (CV,
Figure 2 The relationship between RE and MAOD (n=12). <5.0z; Conley and Krahenbuhl, 1980; Morgan et
al., 1989; Tanji et al., 2017a). Tanji et al. (2017a)
suggested that runners in 1,500-m distance run-
2). ning events (1,500–10,000 m) experience a spurt
The multiple regression analysis revealed a sig- phase near the end of the race, which may aŠect the
niˆcant positive relationship between the 800-m ve- success or failure of their performance. Similarly,
locity and physiological variables, such as RE, LTI, the results of the present study are in agreement
and DbLa (adjusted R2=0.731; p<0.05; variance with those of Tanji et al. (2017b), indicating a
in‰ation factor [VIF]=1.107, 1.078, and 1.086, re- relationship between the 800-m running perfor-
spectively) as independent variables. The linear mance and RE. Based on the perspective of previ-
model of the 800-m velocity is as follows: ous studies (Conley and Krahenbul, 1980; Tanji et
800-m velocity (km・h-1) al., 2017), even well-trained 800-m runners (CV:
=-1.344×RE (kcal・kg-1・km-1) <2.0z) possess superior comparable VO _ 2max, sug-
-0.046×LTI (zVO _ 2max) _ 2max but the RE can elucidate
gesting that not VO
+0.156×DbLa (mmol・L-1)+34.046, the diŠerence in the 800-m running performance. In
with standard error of 0.250 km・h-1. particular, running at a high intensity recruits more
type II muscle ˆbers, which are more likely to be

Fumiya Tanji, et al.

less e‹cient than type I muscle ˆbers (Hunter et al., ed that the mean MAOD of well-trained runners
2005). Assumedly, less recruitment of type II mus- (average 800-m run times: 1?55!2; n=8) and recrea-
cle ˆbers or adaptation to more e‹cient type II tional runners (average 800-m run times: 2?38!8; n
ˆbers results in an economical run at an even high =6) were 52.2 and 53.0 mLO2・kg-1, respectively.
intensity and, thus, high 800-m running perfor- These results suggest that male runners, regardless
mance. In addition, an 800-m running requires very of the competition level, have MAOD of approxi-
high intensity, whereas VO_ 2 during running reaches mately 50 mLO2・kg-1, and it is di‹cult to explain
approximately 90z of VO _ 2max only (Draper and the diŠerence in the 800-m running performance for
Wood, 2005; Sandals et al., 2006). Since the RE this male and/or homogeneous runners. On the other
study, which was evaluated at 90z VO _ 2max, was hand, the results of this study showed a signiˆcant
closed with energy metabolism during an actual negative relationship between MAOD and 800-m
800-m race, a possibility of a stronger correlation running performance (r=-0.72). However,
remains. MAOD was strongly related with RE (r=-0.78;
Both VO
_ 2max and MAOD are considered as es- Fig. 2), suggesting that higher anaerobic energy
sential variables for the 800-m running performance metabolism capacity leads to both lower 800-m run-
(Nevill et al., 2008; Ramsbottom et al., 1994) be- ning performance and RE. These results speculate
cause they are related to maximal velocity and con- that the ability to minimize the amount of energy
tribute to the energy metabolism ratio. However, metabolism at high-intensity running rather than
the results of the present study do not support the producing anaerobic energy metabolism is strongly
assertion described above. Perhaps, this disagree- related to the 800-m running performance in well-
ment in results might be attributed to the diŠerence trained runners, and that RE, but not MAOD,
in the performance of participants. In fact, all should be considered for evaluating the 800-m
major studies that deduced relationships of the running performance. MAOD was evaluated by
800-m running performance were either conducted running for >2 min (135.9±11.0 s) at VO _ 2max in-
on male and female runners (CV, >10z, Nevill et tensity of 121.7z±4.4z. In addition, the velocity-
al., 2008; Ramsbottom et al., 1994) or heterogene- VO
_ 2 regression used for calculating the energy de-
ous male runners (CV, >8z, Bosquet et al., 2007a; mand, comprised intensity at both below and above
2007b). However, the present study was conducted LT and demonstrated a strong linearity (r=0.9981
with only well-trained male homogeneous runners ±0.0022), suggesting the high reliability of MAOD.
(CV, 1.9z). Although Ingham et al. (2008) demon- The ˆndings of this study demonstrated that
strated a relationship of the 800-m running perfor- >70z of the 800-m running performance can be
mance and VO _ 2max in highly-trained runners (CV, explained by RE, LTI, and DbLa, supporting our
2.2z), other studies (Craig and Morgan, 1998; hypothesis that both aerobic and anaerobic energy
Lacour et al., 1990b), including our study, did not metabolisms are required for considering the 800-m
observe any relationship between these variables in running performance. However, the low LTI capac-
either well- or highly-trained runners (CV, 3.0z ity in‰uencing the high running performance is a
and 2.4z, respectively). Furthermore, owing to limitation of this model that warrants further inves-
high VO
_ 2max in a majority of well-trained competi- tigation.
tive distance runners (1,500-m events), no The assessment of MAOD requires at least two
relationship between the running performance and tests, and runners are required to put in eŠorts. In
_ 2max has been established (Conley and Krahen- contrast, di Prampero and Ferretti (1999) suggested
buhl, 1980; Tanji et al., 2017a). This study suggests that AOD is estimated by DbLa as multiplied 3.0
similar results in well-trained 800-m runners. mLO2・kg-1・mM-1. Having a superior DbLa capac-
Female runners have lower anaerobic energy ity can sustain the running performance, even with
metabolism capacity and running performance than increasing glycolytic pathway metabolism (Hasanli
those of male runners (Ramsbottom et al., 1997); et al., 2015). Thus, DbLa could be readily calcu-
thus, a signiˆcant relationship was observed be- lated by assessing the accumulated blood lactate
tween the 800-m running performance and MAOD concentration during running and be useful to one
when participants included both male and female of the anaerobic energy capacities. In addition,
runners. Furthermore, Olesen et al. (1994) evaluat- Lacour et al. (1990a) demonstrated a correlation be-

800-m Running Performance and Energy Metabolism Capacities

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This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number and 800-m performance. J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness, 48:
JP15K01550 for YN. 138-142.

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