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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh https://prep.


Mini test 1
Exercise 1: Xác định các thành phần câu của những câu sau đây
Lưu ý: Không điền quá 3 từ cho 1 ô trống

Ví dụ: I eat breakfast every day.

Subject: I 

Verb: eat

Object: breakfast

Time/place phrase: every day

She catches a big fish.

Subject: ___________
Verb: ___________
Object: ___________

Verb: ___________
Object: ___________
My mom eats chocolate every morning.
Subject: ___________

Time/place phrase: ___________

Peter takes the test every Friday.

Subject: ___________
Verb: ___________
Object: ___________
Time/place phrase: ___________

My grandmother practices exercises every day.

Subject: ___________
Verb: ___________
Object: ___________
Time/place phrase: ___________

Anna and I drink coffee after school.

Subject: ___________
Verb: ___________
Object: ___________
Time/place phrase: ___________

Exercise 2: Chuyển các danh từ sau sang dạng số nhiều tương ứng.

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Tomato ___________

Bag ___________

Lady ___________

Bush ___________

Potato ___________

Wife ___________

Country ___________

Flower ___________

Scarf ___________

Box ___________

Exercise 3: Điền sở hữu cách phù hợp trong bảng dưới đây vào ô trống để hoàn thành những

câu sau
butcher's daughter's your my
their dentist's Salley's his

This is ___________ new book. I bought it from a local bookstore.

___________ name is Macro. He is my ___________ teacher. My daughter really likes him.
The children are playing outside. I am looking after ___________ bags.
Shall we go to ___________? I want to bring a few things for her.
Every day my mother wakes up early and she goes to the ___________ to buy some fresh meat.
I have a toothache. I think I should go to the ___________
Are you looking for ___________ mobile phone? It's on the table. You should not leave the stuff

Exercise 4: Các phát biểu sau đúng hay sai? Chọn True cho câu đúng và False cho câu sai

Chúng ta có thể dùng of + noun với người

A. True
B. False

Of + noun không được dùng với sự vật

A. True

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B. False

Có thể dùng noun + ‘s với sự vật

A. True
B. False

Exercise 5: Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi bằng cách thay đổi cách viết
dạng sở hữu
Ví dụ:

The weight of the bird is around 1.2kg.

The bird's weight is around 1.2kg.

We usually go to the London's centre on Christmas Day.


We sometimes play a board game at Lucy's house.
What is the computer's size?
I can't find the book of Mary.

Exercise 6: Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau và viết lại câu đúng hoàn chỉnh
Ellen and Ali are me best friends.
Do you see my bag? They isn't in my room.
That motorbike is expensive. You can't buy them.
That cat black and white.
Alice and I to the shopping mall every weekend.

Exercise 7: Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau

(50)… work in one of the (51) ... tallest buildings - Taipei 101. This building is in Taipei's business
district (khu kinh doanh). Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004. (52)… has a beautiful grey
color. It has one hundred and one (53) … There are even five more levels below the building! Many
companies (54) … offices in Taipei 101. There are great places to shop in the building, too. I am
proud to work in such an important place.

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Học tại Prep, đỗ mọi kỳ thi tiếng Anh

A. I
B. Me
C. Mine
D. My

A. worlds
B. world's
C. world
D. of world

A. It
B. Them
C. Its

D. They

A. floors
B. floores
C. floor
D. floories

A. place
B. have
C. at
D. the

Exercise 8: Chọn CÁC CÂU TRẢ LỜI tương ứng với mỗi câu hỏi cho đề IELTS Speaking Part 2
 Lưu ý: Mỗi câu hỏi có thể được trả lời bằng một hoặc nhiều câu.

IELTS Speaking part 2 question:

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Describe the place in other countries where you would like to work in. (Miêu tả một địa điểm ở
nước ngoài mà bạn muốn được làm việc ở đó)

You should say (Bạn nên nói):

Where that place is (Nơi này ở đâu?)

What it looks like (Nó trông như thế nào?)
What can you do there? (Bạn có thể làm gì ở đó)
What you feel about it (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về nó?)

Where that place is (Nơi này ở đâu?)

I would like to work in one of the world's tallest buildings - Taipei 101.
This building is in Taipei's business district (khu kinh doanh).
It has one hundred and one floors.
There are even five more levels below the building!
Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004.
There are great places to shop in the building, too.

I am proud to work in such an important place.
It has a beautiful grey color.
Many companies have offices in Taipei 101.

What it looks like (Nó trông như thế nào?)

This building is in Taipei's business district (khu kinh doanh).

I would like to work in one of the world's tallest buildings - Taipei 101.
It has one hundred and one floors.
There are even five more levels below the building!
Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004.
There are great places to shop in the building, too.
I am proud to work in such an important place.
It has a beautiful grey color.
Many companies have offices in Taipei 101.

What can you do there? (Bạn có thể làm gì ở đó?)

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This building is in Taipei's business district (khu kinh doanh).

I would like to work in one of the world's tallest buildings - Taipei 101.
It has one hundred and one floors.
There are even five more levels below the building!
Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004.
There are great places to shop in the building, too.
I am proud to work in such an important place.
It has a beautiful grey color.
Many companies have offices in Taipei 101.

What you feel about it (Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về nó?)

This building is in Taipei's business district (khu kinh doanh).

I would like to work in one of the world's tallest buildings - Taipei 101.

It has one hundred and one floors.
There are even five more levels below the building!
Taipei 101 opened to the public in 2004.
There are great places to shop in the building, too.
I am proud to work in such an important place.
It has a beautiful grey color.
Many companies have offices in Taipei 101.

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