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1. When seeds start to germinate?

If the conditions are right and the embryo is alive.

2. Seeds absorbs______to start germination.


3. Write the stages of bean seeds

Seed absorbs water and swells.
The first root starts to grow.
The root grows down into the soil.
The first shoot start to grow.
The shoot grows up above the ground.
Side roots grow.

4. Why does the puddle dry up after the rain stop?

Because they change into a gas.

5. Water changes into a gas called_______.


6. How do we call the process of liquids change into

7. _________happens when a liquid turns into a gas.

8. ________makes evaporation take place faster.


9. During evaporation, what happen the particles of

water grain?
When particles of water gain heat energy, they move
faster and further apart and break free from the
liquid’s surface.

10. Can you tell the ways that we can use

Drying our hair, keeping wet clothes in the sun,
Sweating, grapes drying on a rack in the sun.

11. Liquids evaporate faster when the air

12.Why do you think soil in the garden dries out
more quickly on hot, windy days?
Because it evaporates faster when the air is moving
and the heat.

13.Think of three foods that are made by using

Dried fruit, dried fish and dried vegetables

14. More water evaporates in _____ conditions than

in ______conditions.
Warm, cool

15. More evaporation takes place from _____surfaces

of water than from _______surfaces.
16. Light travels from the torch in bands. A band of
light is called_________.
A beam of light

17.How do light travel?

Light travels from the light source to the object.The
light bounces or reflects off the object into our eyes.

18. How do light travels?

Light travels in a straight line from a light source.

19. How do light reflects?

Light reflects off objects into our eyes.
20.What is image?
We call the reflection of our face in a mirror called
our image.

21. What is periscope?

Periscope is an instrument that uses mirrors. It
allows us to see things above of us.

22. Mirrors have a shiny surface which reflects light


23. What different ways do we use mirrors?

A security mirror in a shop, A rear view mirror in a car,
Safety mirror on a bend of road, A dentist’s mirror.

25.Mirrors can help us to see things behind us.

26. What surface reflect light best?
Flat, shiny surfaces reflect light best.

27. What surfaces absorb light?

Rough surface absorb light.

28. Why is it better to stay fully clothed in a hot desert,

even if you feel very hot?
It will prevent sunburn and it will slow down
evaporation from the body not to dehydrate as

29.What is volume?
The amount of space that takes up in a container
called volume.
30.The angle of light reflecting off the mirror to the
eyes was same as the angle at which the light arrived
at the objects.

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