Müller2011 Article PseudorabiesVirusInWildSwineAG

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Arch Virol (2011) 156:1691–1705

DOI 10.1007/s00705-011-1080-2


Pseudorabies virus in wild swine: a global perspective

T. Müller • E. C. Hahn • F. Tottewitz •
M. Kramer • B. G. Klupp • T. C. Mettenleiter •

C. Freuling

Received: 25 May 2011 / Accepted: 21 July 2011 / Published online: 12 August 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Suid herpesvirus 1 (SuHV1, syn. Aujeszky’s occurrence of PrV infections in free-living populations of
disease virus [ADV] or pseudorabies virus [PrV]), which wild swine, e.g., wild boar and feral swine, (ii) the
belongs to the family Herpesviridae, subfamily Alphaher- molecular characterization of wild swine PrV, (iii) infec-
pesvirinae, genus Varicellovirus is the causative agent of tion characteristics of PrV in populations of wild swine,
Aujeszky’s disease (AD, pseudorabies), a notifiable dis- (iv) the risk of spillover infections to domestic pigs,
ease, that causes substantial economic losses to the swine (v) potential risk-mitigating measures, focusing on further
industry in countries, where AD is present. Members of the research needs.
family Suidae (true pigs) are the only natural hosts for PrV,
although the virus can infect numerous other mammals
including ruminants, carnivores and rodents. Despite the Introduction
tremendous progress that has been made in controlling and
eliminating PrV in domestic pigs, there is mounting evi- Aujeszky’s disease (AD, pseudorabies) is a notifiable dis-
dence that PrV infections are more widespread in wild ease that causes substantial economic losses to the swine
swine across the world than originally thought. Unfortu- industry in countries, where the disease is present. The
nately, our understanding of the extent of PrV infections in causative agent is Suid herpesvirus 1 (SuHV1, syn. Au-
these wild populations and of the threat to domestic swine jeszky’s disease virus [ADV] or pseudorabies virus [PrV]),
is still fragmentary. This review aims at giving a global which belongs to the family Herpesviridae, subfamily
perspective on PrV infections in wild swine by scrutinizing Alphaherpesvirinae, genus Varicellovirus [1]. Members of
the current state of knowledge concerning (i) the global the family Suidae (true pigs) are the only natural hosts for
PrV, although the virus can infect numerous other mam-
mals, including ruminants, carnivores and rodents [2, 3].
T. Müller (&)  M. Kramer  C. Freuling
Institute of Epidemiology, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Since the early 1980s, the disease had spread nearly
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Seestrasse 55, globally. This development was in part fuelled by the
16868 Wusterhausen, Germany emergence of more virulent PrV strains and changes in
e-mail: Thomas.Mueller@fli.bund.de swine management, notably cohabitation and total con-
E. C. Hahn finement of large numbers of pigs and continuous farrow-
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, University of Illinois, ing. Due to increased control efforts and the strict
Urbana-Champaign 61802, IL, USA implementation of national eradication programs, which
have included large-scale vaccination with gE-deleted
F. Tottewitz
Institute for Forest Ecology and Forest Inventory, Johann vaccines and the so-called DIVA (‘‘differentiating infected
Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 16225 Eberswalde, Germany from vaccinated animals’’) strategy, AD has virtually dis-
appeared from domestic pigs in several parts of Europe,
B. G. Klupp  T. C. Mettenleiter
e.g., Austria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Fin-
Institute of Molecular Biology, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI),
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, land, France (except a few departments), Germany, Hun-
17493 Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany gary, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland,

1692 T. Müller et al.

Slovakia, Norway, and Great Britain (England, Scotland domestic pig hybrids, with several independent domesti-
and Wales). More recently, Canada, New Zealand and the cations across Eurasia [16]. Although, wild boar can
United States also became free of AD [4–6]. In countries hybridize with domestic breeds, molecular studies indicate,
with an officially recognised AD-free status, vaccination that this contributes only marginally to the diversity of wild
against PrV is prohibited. Today, PrV remains one of the boar in Europe [15].
most important diseases of domestic pigs worldwide, par- In contrast, the so-called feral swine or feral pig in the
ticularly occurring in regions with dense pig populations, USA originates from at least two ancestral pools of
i.e., some regions in Europe, Latin America and Asia. (i) multiple introductions of European wild boar and (ii)
Therefore, it remains included as an OIE notifiable disease pigs descendent from domestic stock that have been
[7]. released during the last centuries. They easily interbreed,
However, despite the achievements in eliminating PrV producing descendants similar in appearance to wild boar,
in domestic pigs in many parts of the world, due to their making it difficult to distinguish them from true wild boar
evolutionary relatedness to the domestic pig, the role of [17]. However, the degree of crossbreeding in feral swine
wild swine as potential reservoirs has become increasingly may differ from region to region. Whether populations are
important. Wild boar (Sus scrofa, L. 1758) are considered characterised as feral swine, i.e., domestic pigs run wild, or
to be reservoirs for several viruses of livestock and introduced wild boar, is usually decided by where the
humans, including classical (CSFV) and African swine animals are encountered and what is known of their history.
fever viruses (ASFV), porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2),
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
(PRRSV), porcine parvovirus (PPV), hepatitis E virus Global distribution of wild swine
(HEV), swine influenza virus and Japanese encephalitis
virus (JEV) (for review see ref. 8). European wild boar and The wild boar is the most widely distributed species of the
feral swine seem to serve as a persistent reservoir for PrV Old World Suidae and has one of the widest geographic
[8–12]. Unfortunately, however, although wild boar are distributions of all terrestrial mammals. This range has
indigenous in many countries in the world, full apprecia- been greatly expanded by human activity. The species now
tion of the extent of PrV infections in these wild popula- occurs in pure wild or barely modified feral form on all
tions and of the threat to domestic swine is still continents except Antarctica, and on many oceanic islands
fragmentary [13]. Since the first review on PrV infections [18]. In Europe, wild boar regained territories in the latter
in wild pigs was published in 2000 [10], increased attention half of the 20th century after they had almost disappeared
has been paid to gaining more information on disease from many parts by the end of the 17th century and during
epidemiology at the regional level. Therefore, this review the two world wars [19]. Their current range extends from
provides an update of the current knowledge of PrV western Europe and the Mediterranean basin, from north-
infections in populations of wild swine around the world ern Africa (Atlas Mountains) to southern Scandinavia and
and attempts to elucidate their possible impact on contin- the far eastern parts of the Eurasian continent, including the
uing PrV eradication programmes and the risks to the islands of Japan, and through India and Southeast Asia as
PrV-free status. far as Indonesia [14], and there is evidence that this con-
tinental expansion is still continuing [19].
Since the first introduction of pigs to the Americas by
Taxonomy and genetic relationship of wild swine the Polynesians and the early Spanish explorers in the 16th
to domestic pigs century, multiple introductions of European wild boar and
releases of domestic swine have occurred in the USA. In
Sus scrofa (L. 1758) is the scientific name for wild and the recent past, due to translocation of animals for hunting
domesticated breeds of the pig genus Sus, family Suidae, purposes and regular movement of the population in search
artiodactyl suborder Suina. ‘‘Wild swine’’, as used of new habitats, crossbreeds of wild swine populations
throughout this manuscript is an umbrella term for both have expanded into many of the central states of the US
true wild boar and feral swine. The true wild boar repre- and even Canada, with expansions now including semi-arid
sents genuine wildlife in Europe and Asia, comprising areas [20]. Currently, wild swine are distributed across 39
nearly 23 subspecies in 4 subspecies groups, e.g., Western of the 50 United States [21]. The National Feral Swine
breeds (scrofa group), Indian breeds (cristatus group), Reporting System monitors the distribution of feral swine
Eastern breeds (leucomystax group) and Sundaic breeds in the US with monthly updates (
(vittatus group) [14], with a sharp genetic differentiation nfsms/). European wild boar has also been introduced by
between eastern Asian and European populations [15]. The humans, mainly for hunting, to South America, New Gui-
true wild boar is considered the ancestor of modern nea, New Zealand, Australia and other islands. Elsewhere,

Pseudorabies virus in wild swine 1693

populations also have become established after escape of pigs, there is mounting evidence that PrV infections are
wild boar from captivity [22]. Wild swine have adapted more widespread in wild swine across the world than
easily to these different environments and established originally thought. First indications of the occurrence of
considerable populations in many areas of these continents, PrV in wild swine in the USA and certain regions of
where they have interbred with free-roaming domestic Europe were provided as early as the mid 1980s [10]. In the
pigs. Similarly, feral swine are abundant in certain regions USA, where serological field studies on PrV have been
of Europe, e.g., Corsica, Sardinia, Croatia, Rumania and conducted for three decades, PrV is endemic in feral swine
Hungary [10, 23]. populations in the southern and central states (Table 2).
Recently, PrV has also been found in isolated groups of
feral swine in Nebraska and Michigan [29]. The source
Population densities of these infections could be traced to illegal introduction of
feral swine from the southeast. While the overall sero-
The population densities of wild boar in western Eurasia prevalence was determined to be about 19% nationwide
show high variation [12, 24], with up to 90 individuals per [30], periodic seroprevalence can vary over a wide range,
sqkm in parts of Spain [25]. In fact, the wild boar is the between 0.5% and 61% at the regional level, depending on
second most abundant ungulate in Europe [23]. On a bio- the sample size (Table 1).
geographical scale, there is a west-to-east decline in den- In Europe, since the year 2000, PrV infections in wild
sities, primarily affected by colder climate and diminishing boar populations have received considerable attention.
food resources [24]. Since the 1950s, populations of wild Serosurveys revealed the occurrence of PrV infections in
ungulates, and particularly wild boar, exploded, which wild boar in at least 14 European countries, including
increased their range and, where they were already estab- Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, the former Yugo-
lished, their density [23]. Based on official hunting statis- slavia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland,
tics, Germany and France are believed to have among the Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland, with
highest population densities of wild boar in Europe, fol- the average seroprevalence for the investigated time peri-
lowed by Spain, Poland and the Czech Republic (Table 1). ods ranging between 0.3% and 66% at the national or
Although no hunting statistics are available for Italy, the regional level. Only in Lithuania and Sweden did PrV
wild boar population is believed to amount to 600,000 infections seem to be absent in wild boar (Table 3). PrV
individuals [23]. Several reasons for the rapid population infections in wild boar were also reported in three prov-
increase have been postulated, e.g., radical changes in inces (Atlas Mountains) of Tunisia for the time period
agricultural land use, climate change, lack of predator 1993-1995, with an overall seroprevalence of 63% [31].
species, increasing mast seeding years of oak (Quercus Also, 42.8% of tested wild boar sera (N = 28) from Iran
ssp.) and beech (Fagus ssp.) trees, reintroductions due to were positive [32].
human activities, uncontrolled growth, and low hunting In contrast, serological surveys conducted in Japan and
pressure (reviewed in ref. 26). New Zealand between 1993 and 1995 revealed no evidence
A similar trend can be observed in the USA, where feral for infections of wild swine with PrV [33, 34]. The exact
pigs have increased in numbers and expanded their range prevalence of PrV infection in populations of wild swine in
[27]. Over the last 10 years, the feral pig population has other parts of the world is not known.
quadrupled and is distributed across 39 states [21], mainly In general, the reported seroprevalence in populations of
resulting from intentional or accidental introductions or the wild boar and feral swine has to be interpreted with care,
dispersal of established feral populations [28]. Unfortu- since these findings may have been biased by sampling, the
nately, there are no current density data available regarding serological assays used or the investigation periods. Sero-
feral swine in the United States. In general, the increasing prevalence over continuous time periods, for example, had
range and density also provide ample opportunities for only been studied in Germany, France, Italy, the Czech
direct human and domestic swine contacts with possible Republic and the US state of Florida. While in Europe,
transmission of pathogens, including PrV [8]. samples sizes ranged between a few dozen and several tens
of thousands, the largest sample size in the US amounted to
about 1660 (Tables 2 and 3). In general, the larger the
Occurrence of PrV infection in wild swine populations sample size, the more accurate the estimated seropreva-
lence (Tables 2 and 3). With more than 100,000 wild boar
Serological surveys on PrV in wild swine are largely lim- sera tested over a 24-year period, East Germany is the most
ited to the current disease situation, driven by public intensively studied area ever. Here, seroprevalences can
interest and funding [10]. Despite the tremendous progress exceed 40%, and a ‘‘steady state’’ may have been reached
made toward controlling and eliminating AD in domestic [35]. PrV infections in wild boar in this area appeared to be

1694 T. Müller et al.

Table 1 Records and approximation of hunting bag, and population estimates for wild boar in European countries during past decades according
to ref. 25
Country Hunting bag
Lowest record Highest record Population
Year Number Year Number Year Estimates

Austria 1948 \1,000 2004 32,500

Belgium 2006 21,000
Croatia 2003 18,200
Czech Republic 1966 \5,000 2004 121,000
Denmark 2010 \25 Present
Estonia 1995 \2,500 2005 17,000
Finland 2010 \100
France 1973 40,000 2003 475,000
Germany 1984 180,000 2009 500,000
Great Britain 2004 230
Greece Present
Hungary 1960 3,900 2002 93,962
Ireland Not present
Italy 2005 600,000
Latvia 1923 \2,500 2005 47,000
Lithuania 1933 \2,500 2005 29,000
Macedonia 2003 525 2005 712
Netherlands 2010 2,300
Norway Not present
Poland 1975 40,000 2005 136,000
Portugal 1989 423 2000 8,000
Romania 1968 3,967 2005 10,714
Serbia 1995 1,356 1991/2000 3,783/3,000
Slovakia 1950 \2,000 2003 22,000
Slovenia 1975 1,078 2005 6,569
Spain 2010 150,000
Sweden 1990 \1,000 2005 18,000
Switzerland Present

dynamic, with the locations with the highest seropreva- some PrV isolates have been obtained directly from feral
lence varying over time. A dynamic ‘‘emergence and dis- swine and from European wild boar [39–44]. A recent
solution of pockets of infection’’, i.e., a local cyclic study characterized PrV isolated from wild boar from dif-
accumulation of infection with movement into non-infec- ferent European countries, including Germany (N = 13),
ted areas followed by a decrease in seroprevalence, has France (N = 1), Spain (N = 8), Slovakia (N = 3), Hun-
been suggested [36]. gary (N = 2) and Italy (N = 1) [45]. The viruses were
PrV seropositivity also has been reported in wild boar either isolated from brain [42], oral and nasal swabs [43],
held in pens from Serbia and Germany, although there tonsils [40, 43, 44] or genital secretions (prepuces, vaginae)
was no contact to free-roaming wild boar in the vicinity [41, 43, 46] of mostly seronegative animals.
[37, 38]. Due to the severe clinical course of PrV infections in
carnivores, many isolates were obtained from hunting dogs,
that had been in contact with potentially infected wild
Isolation of PrV of wild swine origin swine and eventually succumbed to the disease. In France,
from 1997 to 2004, a total of twenty hunting dogs died due
Because PrV enters a stage of latency in infected Suidae, to infection with PrV of wild boar origin [47]. In Germany,
virus isolation from wild swine is often difficult. However, 12 hunting dogs died and tested PrV-positive during the

Pseudorabies virus in wild swine 1695

Table 2 Serosurveys of PrV infections conducted in Europe between 1979 and 2008
Country Region Wild Time Sample Number Percent Method Reference
boar period size positive positive

Austria Lower Austria Free-living 2010–2011 162 98 60.5

Belgium Hainaut Free-living 2004–2005 47 15 ELISA [69]
Namur Free-living 2004–2005 403 22
Luxembourg Free-living 2004–2005 1422 17
Liège Free-living 2004–2005 983 15
Croatia Moslavacka gora Free-living 1999 44 24 54.55 ELISA [87]
Brodsko-posavska, Karlovacka, Free-living 2000–2003 745 30.4 [88]
Koprivnicko-krizevacka, Osjecko-baranjska,
Sisacko-moslavacka, Vukovarsko-srijemska,
Czech Entire country Free-living 1995–2005 338 101 29.88 ELISA [89]
Former Croatian part Free-living 1988 96 53 55.21 SNT [37]
France Central and northeastern France Free-living 1979 143 0 0 SNT [90]
Southeastern and central France Free-living 1979 260 0 0 SNT [91]
Corsica Free-living 1991–1998 492 159 32.32 ELISA [92]
Continental France Free-living 6025 199 3.30 ELISA
Continental France Farmed 5508 65 1.18 ELISA
Continental France Free-living 2000–2004 6801 0–54 ELISA [93]
Corsica Free-living 2000–2004 53 ELISA
Germany Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania Free-living 1989 5000 13 0.26 SNT [94]
Lower Saxony Free-living 1990/1991 722 12 1.66 SNT [95]
Saxony-Anhalt/Brandenburg Free-living 1990/1991 640 13 2.03 ELISA [96]
North Rhine Westphalia Free-living 1992–1996 719 51 7.09 ELISA [97]
Brandenburg Free-living 1991–1994 3143 281 8.94 ELISA [66]
Baden-Wurttemberg Farmed 1996 141 52 36.88 ELISA [38]
North Rhine Westphalia Free-living 1996–2000 929 92 9.90 ELISA [44]
Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania Free-living 1997/1998 99 13 13.13 ELISA [98]
Free-living 2000/2001 322 58 18.01 ELISA
Brandenburg Free-living 2004/2005 166 26 15.66 ELISA
Saxony-Anhalt Free-living 2001/2002 254 15 5.91 ELISA
Baden-Wurttemberg Free-living 2001/2002 159 11 6.92 ELISA
Rhineland Palatinate Free-living 2005 199 12 6.03 ELISA
Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania Free-living 1985–2008 15466 535 3.46 SNT/ELISA [35]
Saxony-Anhalt Free-living 1985–2008 7184 177 2.46 SNT/ELISA
Brandenburg Free-living 1985–2008 15190 927 6.10 SNT/ELISA
Berlin Free-living 2000–2006 5020 234 4.66 SNT/ELISA
Saxony Free-living 1985–2008 45674 4856 10.63 SNT/ELISA
Thuringia Free-living 1985–2008 13853 66 0.48 SNT/ELISA
Italy Tuscany Free-living 1983–1984 20 0 0 SNT [99]
Sardinia Free-living 1989–1991 2609 753 28.86 ELISA [100]
Sardinia Free-living 1994–1995 2379 986 41.45 ELISA [101]
Sardinia Free-living 1993–1997 4027 1120 27.81 ELISA [102]
Grosseto district Free-living 2002/2003 152 41 26.97 ELISA [68]
Campania Free-living 2006/2006 342 105 30.70 ELISA [103]
Liguria Free-living 1992–1993 430 40 9.30 ELISA [104]
Bologna Free-living 89 6 ELISA [105]
Rome Free-living 1997–1999 136 0 ELISA
Maremma (Tuscany) Free-living 1997–1999 265 47 ELISA

1696 T. Müller et al.

Table 2 continued
Country Region Wild Time Sample Number Percent Method Reference
boar period size positive positive

Lithuania Entire country Free-living 2004 24 0 0.00 ELISA [106]

Netherlands Veluwe region Free-living 1994 115 3 2.61 SNT [107]
Free-living 1994–1999 0 ELISA [108]
Wildbeheer Veluwe, Roerstreek,Hoge Veluwe, Free-living 1996–1999 368 0 0 ELISA [109]
‘t Loo Crown dominion
Wildbeheer Veluwe, Roerstreek Midden Limburg, Free-living 1996–1999 364 0 0 ELISA [110]
Hoge Veluwe, Kroondomeinen
Wildbeheer Veluwe, Roerstreek, Midden Limburg, Free-living 1996–2001 878 0 0 ELISA [111]
Hoge Veluwe, Kroondomeinen
Poland Olstyn Free-living 1994–1996 34 11.8 ELISA Szweda, W.,
cited in [112]
Entire country Free-living 1997–1998 1816 235 12.94 [113]
Free-living 1998–1999 1429 278 19.45
Free-living 1999–2000 4791 663 13.84
Romania Southern parts Free-living 2008 357 197 55.18 ELISA [114]
Russia Wladimirska, Moskowskaja Twerskaja, Free-living 48 19 39.58 ELISA [115]
Belgorodskaja, Chabarowski Kraj, Charkowskaja
Belgorodskaya, Vladimirskaya,Moskovskaya, Free-living 2002–2007 83 27 32.53 ELISA [116]
Tverskaya, Smolenskaya, Kirovskaya
Oblasts and Chabarovsky Krai
Slovenia Entire country Free-living 2003/2004 427 111 26.00 ELISA [117]
Entire country Free-living 2003/2004 178 55 30.90 ELISA [118]
Entire country Free-living 2007 698 115 16.48 ELISA [119]
Entire country Free-living 2008 749 175 23.36 ELISA
Entire country Free-living 2009 672 115 17.11 ELISA
Spain Sierra Morena Montes de Toledo Free-living 1999–2000 78 8 10.26 ELISA [120]
Central spain 16 9 56.25 ELISA [11]
Asturia; Ebro Bassin, Jaen Free-living 2000–2003 693 308 44.44 ELISA [54]
South-central Spain Free-living 2000–2003 66 28 42.42 ELISA [121]
Farmed 2000–2003 218 144 66.06 ELISA
South-central Spain Free-living 2004/2005 185 85 45.95 ELISA [122]
Catalonia Free-living 2004–2007 273 0.80 ELISA [123]
Sweden Southern Sweden Free-living 2006 231 0 0 ELISA [124]
Southern Sweden Free-living 2007 334 1 0.30 ELISA [125]
Southern Sweden Free-living 2008 542 0 0 ELISA [126]
Southern Sweden Free-living 2009 500 0 0 ELISA [127]
Switzerland North Alps Free-living 2001–2003 1450 35 2.41 ELISA [128]
South Alps Free-living 2001–2003 407 28 6.88
Entire country Free-living 2004–2005 ca. 1000 ? 3.50 ELISA [129]
Entire country Free-living 2004–2005 1060 30 2.83 ELISA [85]

time from 2000 to 2010. Notably, there was an apparent endemically infected while foraging and feeding on PrV-
increase in recent years, with four dogs succumbing in infected wild swine cadavers, reports of wildlife being
Germany in 2009 and 2010, of which two animals became infected with PrV through contact with wild swine are rare.
infected in Austria and one in Luxembourg [48]. In PrV has been detected in a panther (Puma concolor coryi)
neighboring Belgium, two hunting dogs also died after from Florida [52], and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from
infection with wild-boar transmitted PrV [49]. In Austria, France and Germany. However, there is no direct evidence
the first case of AD in a dog associated with wild boar was for an association with wild swine. In Morocco, PrV was
reported in 2006 [50]. However, recently, another four isolated from African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) held in
hunting dogs have been shown to have succumbed to PrV captivity that died of acute infection after being fed wild
infection in Austria after having had intensive contact with boar meat [53]. It has been speculated that PrV infections
wild boar [51]. in wild boar may have an impact on conservation of
Although wild carnivores have the highest chance of endangered wild carnivore populations in Spain, e.g., the
contracting a PrV infection in areas where wild boar are Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) and the Iberian wolf (Canis

Pseudorabies virus in wild swine 1697

Table 3 Serosurveys of PrV infections conducted in the Americas between 1979 and 2008
Country Region Feral swine Year Sample Number Percent Method Reference
size positive positive

USA California Free-living 1981–1983 130 4 3.08 SNT [130]

Southeast Free-living 1979–1983 423 22 [17]
Hawaii Free-living 116 46
Texas Free-living 1985 124 46 37.10 SNT [131]
Arizona Free-living 1986 192 1 0.52 SNT [132]
Ossabaw Island Georgia Free-living 1981–1986 661 200 30.26 LAT/ [67]
South Carolina Free-living 10.00 LAT/ Wood et al. (1992),
ELISA cited in [133]
Florida Free-living 1980–1989 1662 579 34.84 MIDT [13]
Great Smoky Mountains Free-living 1990 108 0 0 LAT/ [134]
Oklahoma Free-living 1996 120 0 0 LAT/ [135]
Kansas Free-living 1993/1994 20 0 0 LAT/ [20]
South Carolina Free-living 1999 220 134 60.91 LAT/ [136]
Texas, Alabama, South Carolina, Free-living 2001–2002 100 38 38.00 LAT [133]
Florida, Georgia,
Texas (East) Free-living 60 7 11.67 [137]
Texas (South) Free-living 42 16 38.10
Texas (East) Free-living 125 22 18.00 ELISA [75]
Texas (South) Free-living 244 87 35.66
Texas (South and Central) Free-living 2001–2007 409 145 35.45 LAT [138]
Great Smoky Mountains Free-living 497 16 3.22 ELISA [139]
South Carolina Free-living 2006–2007 20 10 50.00 LAT/ [140]
North Carolina Free-living 120 0 0
North Carolina Free-living 2007–2009 482 0 0 ELISA [28]
Brazil Southeast Farmed 1998–2001 358 25.2–100 SNT/ [141]

lupus signatus) [54], but a direct influence has not been large genomic regions [55]. Four major genome types
reported. could be differentiated, with type I predominantly found in
the USA and Central Europe. Types II and III circulate in
Central and Northern Europe, respectively, whereas type
Molecular characterisation of PrV isolates of wild swine IV is restricted to Asia.
origin Using this technique, a comprehensive study of Euro-
pean PrV isolates of wild boar origin demonstrated that all
Isolation and characterisation of PrV from infected wild except one belonged to genotype I [45]. Based on the
swine can help to understand population diversity and may observation that mainly type II strains were found in
facilitate tracing back the infection chain [10]. Classically, domestic pigs in Central Europe, it has been suggested that
the analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms infections of wild boar by domestic pigs did not occur
(RFLP) using BamHI restriction endonuclease was used to recently [42, 57]. Within the major genome types, several
characterize PrV isolates from domestic swine [55, 56]. subtypes can be distinguished [55, 56]. Interestingly,
The method is inexpensive and can detect variation across genetic profiles of East German wild boar PrV isolates

1698 T. Müller et al.

(a) FL81gC-1U
(b) 2873-ESP
FL944855-gC1U 2885-ESP

H11725-1u 2886-ESP
HI354-gc1u 519-FRA
NCDog-gC1L 536-FRA
57 537-FRA
TXAndersonSOW-gC1L 551-GER_NRW
OK_18_PRV_F1_88 552-GER_NRW
56 555-GER_RP
OK_23_PRV_F1_93 556-GER_NRW
OK_21_PRV_F1_32 594-FRA
OK_9_PRV_F1_96 561-ITA
67 OK_22_PRV_F1_92 558-SVK
54 559-SVK
OK_16_PRV_F1_24 560-SVK
TX11-1U- 613-GER_SN
68 OK_17_PRV_F1_87 79
61 13-GER_BRB
AR9772LnL-PRV-F1-26 12-GER_BRB

66 TN669900gC21 11-GER_SA
92 641-GER
SC3-3-05gC1L 527-FRA
FL_6731B-FL-PRV-F1-42 576-HUN
61 563-HUN

0.005 0.005

Fig. 1 Phylogenetic trees of PrV of US feral swine (a, modified from GenBank AF158090) as an outgroup was used as implemented in
Hahn et al. [4]) and European wild boar (b, modified from Müller MEGA5. All positions containing gaps and missing data were
et al. [45]) using partial gC nucleotide sequences. The neighbor- eliminated. Bootstrap values (500 replications) greater than 50 are
joining method (Kimura 2-parameter) with the strain Ea (pig, China, indicated

differed considerably from known subtypes from domestic the virion envelope involved in virus attachment to host
animals [43]. Together with wild boar isolates from Hun- cells, was chosen for comparative studies. Sequence anal-
gary, the East German isolates showed the same rare PrV ysis of a region comprising parts of the gC gene allowed
subtype, Iw (5-10/5-12 double fusion strains), confirming differentiation of isolates exhibiting an identical RFLP
previous associations with PrV isolates from domestic pig restriction pattern [45, 60], thus making it difficult to cor-
and cats in Hungary. In contrast, the great majority of wild relate the two techniques [59].
boar PrV isolates from Europe showed BamHI restriction However, sequence analysis was applied for the inves-
patterns similar to the standard pattern, as exhibited by PrV tigation of AD outbreaks in domestic pigs and for analysis
strain Kaplan, which has been identified as subtype Ip [45]. of PrV of wild swine in the USA [4, 59], the character-
PrV strains isolated from wild boar and feral swine in ization of PrV from Brazil [61], and the characterization of
the USA were of subtypes Ip and Iip [42, 57, 58] and thus PrV associated with European wild boar [45]. PrV gC
distinct from European isolates and from strains isolated sequences show a high degree of diversity (Fig. 1a and b).
from domestic swine. Interestingly, many isolates from At least eight different genetic types have been shown to
Florida and Georgia showed an additional fragment of circulate in wild boar in Europe, with up to three circu-
8-9 kb with a concomitant loss of fragments 14 and 5’ due lating in individual countries [45]. In the USA, PrV from
to a missing BamHI restriction site separating them. At feral swine could be distinguished from virus circulating in
least one California isolate seemed to be closely related to domestic pigs during the national epizootic [4]. In the
domestic pig isolates and may represent a transmission eastern states and the Hawaiian Islands, PrV gC sequences
from domestic to feral swine [59]. showed a higher degree of identity than in Texas and
Nucleotide sequence variations are the basis for another Oklahoma, where gC sequences were more variable
molecular approach for comparing PrV strains [60]. The (Fig. 1a). Several PrV isolates from feral swine in the south
variable glycoprotein C (gC), a nonessential component of central states were closely related or identical to strains

Pseudorabies virus in wild swine 1699

from domestic pigs, suggesting recent transmission from This supports the hypothesis that PrV strains of wild
escaped or released domestic pigs [4]. When PrV sequen- swine origin may generally be less virulent than those of
ces of wild boar and feral swine origin from Europe and domestic pigs and are highly adapted to co-existence with
America were analyzed together, a great diversity was their specific host population [39, 63, 64]. As a conse-
again revealed. Surprisingly, one German isolate (Ger-614) quence of low virulence, seroconversion can be delayed,
was identical to sequences from Oklahoma, while vice and some wild swine can harbour viral DNA without
versa, the Texas isolate 19F was very closely related to detectable antiviral antibodies [63, 64].
strain Bartha and one isolate from Slovakia (data not Most studies show that seroprevalence in wild swine is
shown). As the region used for sequence analysis repre- correlated with age, and significantly higher infection rates
sents only a very small portion of the entire PrV genome have been found in adult wild boar than in juveniles and
(700 bp versus approx.145 kbp), these data should be piglets [13, 35, 44, 54, 66–69]. A significant difference in
interpreted with care regarding epidemiological links and prevalence rates between the sexes was found among wild
virulence, and for reliable molecular epidemiology, more boar in Spain and Tunisia, where seroprevalence was
than one parameter should be included. higher in females than in males [31, 54].
The seroprevalence in wild boar piglets decreases over
the course of a year, and this may reflect the natural half-
Infection characteristics of PrV in populations of wild life of maternal antibodies (maAb), which can be detected
swine up to 27 weeks postpartum by ELISA in consecutive
generations of offspring born to infected sows [69, 70].
Results obtained in experimental studies on the suscepti- Virus isolation from various secretions and excretions
bility of wild swine for PrV seem inconsistent and may of wild swine has suggested that oral/nasal [43, 44, 62, 67]
have been impaired by the origin and virulence of PrV and venereal [40, 41, 43, 71] shedding represent the two
strains or the doses used for inoculation. Whereas no major routes of transmission of PrV among free-roaming
clinical signs were observed after inoculation of wild boar pig populations. Based on experimental transmission
with a domestic swine isolate [62], moderate to severe studies with virus from feral pigs in both captive feral and
disease was produced in feral swine and wild boar, domestic swine, venereal transmission has been suggested
respectively, that were experimentally infected with other to be the likely main route of transmission in free-living
domestic PrV strains [63, 64]. Compared to domestic pigs, feral swine populations [41]. Transmission may be trig-
very young wild swine seem more resistant to the virus, gered by sexual maturity, perhaps in conjunction with
probably because of the earlier maturation of the important reactivation of the virus due to mating stress, with males
CD8 T cells [65], but in an outbreak of clinical AD in wild playing a key role in transmission and maintenance of PrV
boar in Spain, higher mortality was observed in young infection. Considering the age dependence of seropreva-
individuals [11]. lence, there is reason to believe that the virus may be
However, several studies and field observations have transmitted predominantly in younger animals, as there are
shown, that infection with PrV of wild swine origin seems higher percentages of susceptible animals among piglets
to result in low pathogenicity, indicating that in wild swine, and juveniles. Because wild swine piglets born to naturally
the virus is relatively attenuated. Inoculation of feral swine infected sows seem to be protected from infection by
in the US with an indigenous feral swine PrV isolate virus-neutralising maAbs up to 16 weeks postpartum, it
resulted in subclinical, latent infection [63]. Also, a wild has been speculated that juveniles get infected in autumn,
boar PrV isolate from East Germany produced mild clinical when contact rates and stress increases due to the start of
symptoms in experimentally infected wild boar and the mating season [70]. The apparent high rate of pro-
domestic pigs, but only when higher inoculation doses (107 miscuity observed in feral swine in Texas may increase
TCID50) were used [64]. Since there is a diversity of PrV in transmission rates [72]. In addition to direct contact, ani-
wild swine [4, 45], the results obtained with one strain may mals might also get infected when sniffing at tree trunks
not necessarily mimic the outcome of infection with other marked by male wild boar in heat with virus-containing
variants. Field observations in Europe and the Americas saliva.
suggest that PrV infection in free-living wild swine may
produce only mild respiratory symptoms and may go
unnoticed [10]. However, occasional clinical cases with Risk of spillover to domestic pigs
central nervous symptoms have been reported from an
outbreak of AD in wild boar in south-central Spain and Based on the available data (Tables 1 and 2), there is
from two cases in an endemically infected area in East reason to believe that PrV infections in wild swine pop-
Germany [11, 39]. ulations will spread further in the future. In the light of the

1700 T. Müller et al.

tremendous progress made in elimination of AD in Risk-mitigating measures

domestic pigs on one hand and the vast territories with
endemic PrV infections in wild swine populations in North According to the Terrestrial Code of the World Organisa-
America and Europe on the other hand, the potential risk tion for Animal Health (OIE), the recognition and main-
of PrV transmission via infected wild swine has become a tenance of an AD-free status is not affected by the presence
growing matter of concern. Although, there is evidence of PrV infections in wild swine, given that measures have
that PrV infections in domestic pigs and in wild swine been implemented to prevent transmission of PrV from
represent epidemiologically distinct infection cycles [35, wild swine to domestic pigs [79]. Unfortunately, those
66], experimental studies suggest that there is no zero risk, measures have not been defined.
as infected wild swine can shed virus in sufficient amounts Disease elimination in wild swine as one possible option
to trigger infection [43, 63]. So far, however, no quanti- is hampered by their natural behaviour and population
tative studies on the risk of transmission have been dynamics. In view of the continuously expanding wild
reported. swine populations, with or without human intervention
With the possibility of spillover of virus to non-porcine [23], a reduction of wild swine populations below a density
species, including rodents, transmission through carcasses where transmission would cease is illusory. Another option
of rats, raccoons, and other infected animals should also be would be the oral vaccination of wild swine against PrV,
considered [73]. which has proved successful for classical swine fever
Two main routes of transmission, aerosol transmission (CSF) [80]. Recently, experimental studies have shown that
and direct contact, to domestic pigs could be relevant. wild boar develop an adequate immune response after oral
Given the attenuated nature of wild swine PrV and the vaccination with attenuated PrV (Lange, Vahlenkamp and
rather low concentration of individuals in sounders com- Mettenleiter, unpublished). While suitable attenuated vac-
pared to domestic pig holdings, aerosol transmission of cine strains may be at hand [81], a manageable and cost-
PrV over long distances, without having direct contact to efficient vaccine baiting strategy still needs to be devel-
domestic pigs, is unlikely [35]. Thus, in countries with a oped. In a large scale study of feral swine vaccinated with a
high level of biosecurity in pig-producing facilities, the gene-deleted vaccine, for example, no change in population
risk of spillover infection appears much higher for seroprevalence of wild-type viral antibody was found
‘‘backyard’’ or outdoor producers of swine [74]. In Texas, (David Stallknecht, personal communication). Also, safety
it has been demonstrated that feral swine have direct issues of attenuated PrV strains for non-target species
contact with domestic swine from such facilities [75]. would be a major constraint unless recombinant vaccines
Also, in the USA, anecdotal reports have suggested expressing immunodominant PrV glycoproteins would be
infection following the commingling of wild and domestic available in the future. Thus, oral vaccination of wild boar
swine for refreshment of gene pools. Supplementary is not an option at present.
feeding during the hunting season as practised in some The attenuated nature of wild swine PrV may lead to
countries may concentrate wild swine and thus facilitate inapparent infection, a delayed immune response, and a
direct transmission among conspecifics and possibly to lack of immune reactivity. Thus, infection of domestic pigs
domestic pigs in outdoor holdings. could be silent, requiring continuous surveillance [10, 63,
During the final phase of eradication, sometimes the 64]. Yearly serological monitoring of the domestic pig
only supporting evidence of new outbreaks in domestic population is required for the maintenance of an AD-free
pigs is deduced from the absence of other recognised status [79, 82], and this would also help to detect spillover
sources of infection, and infection is therefore blamed on infections of wild swine origin. The implementation of a
feral swine in the vicinity [10]. In fact, in Europe in 2004 similar periodic serological monitoring of wild swine
and 2010, isolated cases of AD in outdoor farms in populations at a national level could be another way to gain
southwestern France were suggested to be linked to PrV basic information on the presence or absence of PrV
infections in wild boar [76]. In the Czech Republic, one infections in wild swine. The National Wildlife Disease
AD case in a backyard holding facility was attributed to Program within USDA-APHIS routinely screens feral pigs
contact with wild boar, since the farmer was a hunter, and for antibodies to CSF, PrV, and Brucella suis [83]. Given
swill feeding was identified as the possible route of the latent character of PrV infections, monitoring at bi- or
infection [77]. Nevertheless, those reports of PrV trans- even triennial intervals would be sufficient to obtain
mission are surprisingly rare, considering that wild boar information on the spread and dynamics of PrV infections
have been identified as the primary source of initial out- in populations of wild swine, as experience from long-term
breaks of classical swine fever in Germany [78]. Some serological surveys (24 years) in wild boar populations in
credit can be given to the improvements in biosecurity East Germany has shown [35]. An adequate sample size
made by commercial farmers. should be defined by taking into consideration statistical

Pseudorabies virus in wild swine 1701

(accepted confidence intervals), spatial (size of the area historic origin of PrV infections in domestic pigs as well
under scrutiny) [84] and practical (feasibility of sample as in wild swine remains unknown. The genetic similarity
collection) aspects and detection of other diseases [8]. If among wild swine and domestic pig isolates suggest that
possible, clustered sampling should be avoided. Also, transmission has taken place in both directions. Since PrV
outdoor pig farms deserve close attention in serological infections in domestic pigs and wild swine appear to be
monitoring for the maintenance of an AD-free status. epidemiologically distinct, PrV in wild boar does not
Assuming that venereal and oral/nasal excretion/infec- impact on the OIE definition ‘‘freedom from disease’’ in
tion are the main routes of transmission, prevention of domestic pigs. However, infected populations of wild
direct contact between wild swine and domestic pigs seems swine represent a constant danger for reintroduction of
an appropriate risk-mitigating measure and should be given PrV into free domestic pig herds and regions, as observed
utmost priority. Separating domestic pigs and wild swine with CSF virus. Implementation of proper monitoring of
by double electric fencing should be required for pig disease in wild swine populations should be mandatory,
holdings and at the same time, strict sanitation measures particularly in areas where wild swine populations overlap
should be applied. In particular, outdoor pig farms should with domestic pig husbandry. Also, further studies are
be considered to have the highest risk of infection [85, 86]. needed that focus on factors that affect the risk of wild-
This approach has been successful in areas with high PrV boar-associated PrV transmission, as well as character-
seroprevalence in wild boar in Germany. During the past ization of isolates and successful measures to eliminate the
2‘ decades, no spillover of PrV has been detected in disease.
domestic pigs in those areas [35]. In Spain, the level of PrV
seroprevalence in domestic pig farms is not influenced by Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the
anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions,
the level of ADV seroprevalence in the coexisting wild which helped to improve the manuscript. We also thank Viola
boar populations [86]. Free roaming of domestic pigs is a Damrau from the library at FLI for her continuous support. Gratefully
traditional form of animal husbandry in some parts of acknowledged is the financial support by the Federal Ministry of
Europe, in particular in the Mediterranean basin and the Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
Balkans [23], and may be required for the production of
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