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Chapter 4 Eating and Drinking

Focus 1: Eating and Drinking
➢ Vocabulary 1: food and drink
Focus 2: May I take your order
➢ Grammar: Modals for offerings and invitation
Focus 3: Agree and disagree with something
➢ Grammar: so, too, either, neither
Focus 4: Countable and uncountable nouns
➢ Grammar 1: Countable and uncountable noun,
➢ Grammar 2: There is, there are, some, any
➢ Grammar 3: How Many, How much

Focus 1. Eating out

1 Read and practice the conversation below

A. At the home (between two friends)

Sarah : What do you want to do tonight?
David : I don’t know. I’m bored sitting indoors.
Sarah : How about going out for something to eat?
David : I don’t know. What do you want -Chinese, Indian, or
Sarah : Let’s go somewhere different. For a change, why don’t we
eat some normal English food?
David : What is normal English food then?
Sarah : Well, fish and chips for instance.
David : No, I don’t want to eat a lot of fried food.
Sarah : How about traditional roast beef and roast potatoes.
David : We have that every time we visit your mother! I want
Something different from that
Sarah : Then, what do you suggest? You know my favourite food is
David : Well, it’s not mine! It’s always too hot and too spicy. I only
go to the Indian because you like it.

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Sarah : It’s only hot because you always choose the hottest dish. We
we could go to the Chinese if you want.
David : Last time we were there our dinner was cold. I didn’t enjoy it
at all.
Sarah : Well that just leaves the Japanese Restaurant.
David : Too much sushi – I hate it. Who eats raw fish!
Sarah : Is there anything you do like?
David : I like Pizza
Sarah : And you said I was boring!
David : I didn’t mean you. Ok, Ok, you choose where we go. I don’t
care anymore.
Sarah : What about going to MacDonald’s?
David : That’s a good idea, nice and cheap. I don’t have much
Money anyway.
Sarah : what a surprise.

B. At the Restaurant (waiter and customer)

Waitress : Are you ready to place your order?
Samantha : Yes. We're really hungry, so we'll have a starter and a main
Waitress : Ok, what can I get for your starters?
Samantha : We'll share some garlic bread, please.
Waitress : And what would you like for your mains?
Samantha : I'd like a Margherita pizza, please, and the others are going
to have spaghetti bolognaise.
Waitress : Fantastic. Excellent choices.

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2 Write down the name of the food and drink below.

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3 A. Put the words in the correct group.

apple chicken cod peach tea milk spaghetti

sugar carrot ham rice veal pear wine
beef coffee melon onion water peas garlic
cabbage orange beans pork lettuce potatoes grapes
yogurt flour cheese salmon lamb coke strawberry

Fruits Vegetables Meat Fish/ Drinks Dairy Grocery

Seafood Products

B. Complete each sentence with a word from the box

breakfast dinner supper picnic take away

meal food snack lunch menu

1. The waiter gave us the _________________and we choose our meals.

2. A good_________________ is the best way of starting the day.
3. Ann has to take a medicine before every ______________________.
4. _________________ is the meal we eat in the middle of the day.
5. A ________________ is what we eat between meals if we feel hungry.
6. When the weather is good we can have a ______________outside.
7. ________________ is the meal we eat in the evening.
8. _________________ is a small meal that we eat before we go to bed.
9. A _________________is a meal that we buy in a restaurant and take
home to eat.
10. Michelle really loves Greek___________________.

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Focus 2. May I take your order

1 Read and practice the conversation below

A. At the Restaurant (waiter and customer)

Waiter : May I take your order?

Susan : Yes, I’d like the lamb kebabs.
Waiter : All right. And would you like a salad?
Susan : Yes, I’ll have a mixed green salad.
Waiter : Ok. What kind of dressing would you like? We have blue cheese
And vinaigrette.
Susan : Blue cheese, please.
Waiter : And would you like anything to drink?
Susan : Yes, I’d like a large iced tea.

B. Ordering breakfast

Waitress : Would you like to order now?

Phil : Yes. I’d like bacon and eggs with buttered toast. No jelly.
Waitress : What would you like to drink?
Phil : Do you have hot chocolate?
Waitress : Yes, we do.
Phil : Then, I’ll have a cup of hot chocolate.
Waitress : How do you want your eggs?
Phil : Over easy, please

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Grammar 1
Offers and Invitation

Modals will, can, would like, will you/won’t you.

a. We can use will or can to offer to do something.

e.g., 1. I will carry your bag - Oh, Thanks.
2. We can give you a lift - Oh, that would be great, Thank you.
We can also use question forms with can to make an offer.
e.g., Can I get a taxi for you? - Yes, Please

b. To offer food or drink, we can use would like or will you/won’t you have….?
e.g., 1. Would you like some cookies? - Yes, please, thank you.
2. Would anyone like more coffee? - No, Thanks
3. Will you have a biscuit? - Thank you
4. Won’t you have something to drink? Not for me, Thank you.

c. To invite someone, we can use would you like to…? Or will you/won’t you…?
e.g., 1. Would you like to have lunch with us?
2. Would you join us for dinner?
3. won’t you sit down?

Useful Expression for offering

Offering (Formal)
Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to go to a disco?
Would you like to come along?
Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you like to join us for dinner?
Shall I get you a bottle of water?
Would you like to leave a message?

Offering (informal)
What can I get for you?
Won’t you have a pancake?
Cheese sandwich?

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Have some ….
Like one?

Responding to offers

Accepting an offer Refusing an offer

Thank you No, thanks
Yes, please Not for me, thanks
I’d like it very much No, I really, I won’t, thank you
Thank you, I would… I’d like to but I have….
That would be very nice I’m afraid I can’t. Thanks anyway
I’m pleased to do that It would be a great pleasure to… but I’m
With pleasure afraid I have ….

2 Complete the sentence with the expressions from the box.

Of course, dear Would you like some help? Would you like me to help
Let me take you to the Of course, that’s very kind of Would you like me.
hospital. you

1. Ronald : you look so busy, ________________

Marry : No, thank you, I can handle them.

2. Judy : Good morning sir, do you have a science book about animal
Shopkeeper : Of course, dear, we have the book that you want. ___________ to
show the shelf?

3. Jane: you look pale

Jim: I’ve got a severe headache
Jane: _______________

4. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer

Jerry: _______________________.

5. John: Hello, Jean. Where have you been?

Jean: Hi, John. I just bought a few kilograms of apples in the market.
John: Do you need some help to carry the apples?
Jean: ___________
The suitable response to complete the dialogue is…

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6. Ellana: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom : ________________. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.

4 Read and complete

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Focus 3. So, too, either, neither

1 Read and practice the conversation below

A. At the School
Sam : Hi, I’m Mali. I’m a new student here.
Melly : So am I. My name is Melly. Where do you come from?
Sam : I come from San Diego.
Melly : What a coincidence! I do, too. Nice to meet you!
Sam : Nice to meet you too!

B. At the House
Wendy : Say, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
Mike : Sure. Where would you like to go?
Wendy : Well, what do you think of Thai food?
Mike : I love it, but I’m not really in the mood for it today.
Wendy : Yeah. I’m not either. It’s a bit spicy.
Mike : Hmm, How do you like Khmer food?
Wendy : Oh, I like it a lot.
Mike : I do too. And I know a nice Khmer restaurant near here, it is called
Malis Restaurant.
Wendy : Oh, I’ve really wanted to go there.
Mike : Terrific! Let’s go!

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Grammar 1
So, too, neither, either


This pattern is used to express the This pattern is used to express the same
same things or act in positive things or act in negative sentences. (give the
sentences (give a positive response to negative response in a negative statement).
an affirmative statement)
NOTE: "Neither" has the meaning "Not
Either". So, it does not need "Not" in “to be,
auxiliary, modal”, on the next statement.
Whereas "Either" needs "Not" in "to be,
auxiliary, modal", on the next statement.

❖ Affirmative statement (to be) + ➢ Negative statement (to be) + and +
and + so + (to be) + Subject Subject + (to be) + not + either
❖ Affirmative statement (to be) + ➢ Negative statement (to be) + and + neither
and + Subject + (to be) + too + (to be) + Subject
Example: Example:
I am crazy about dessert I’m not in the mood for Indian food.
So am I/I am too Neither am I/ I’m not either
Oh, I’m not Really? I am
❖ Affirmative statement + and + so + ➢ Negative statement + and + Subject +
auxiliary (have, has, etc) or modal negative auxiliary or modal + either
(can, will, should, etc) + Subject ➢ Negative statement + and + neither +
❖ Affirmative statement + and + positive auxiliary or modal + Subject
Subject + auxiliary (have, has, etc)
or modal (can, will, should, etc) +
Example: Example
• I can eat really spicy food. • I can’t stand fast food
So can I/ I can too Neither can I / I can’t either
Really, I can’t Oh, I love it
• Rima has eaten potatoes and I have • You have not broken the glass, and neither
too/So has I have I/ I haven’t either
I have not eaten potato yet Yes, I have broken the glass.
❖ Affirmative statement + and + so + ➢ Negative statement + and + Subject + do /
do / does / did + Subject does / did + not + either
❖ Affirmative statement + and + ➢ Negative statement + and + neither + do /
Subject + do / does / did + too does / did + not + Subject
Example Example:
I like Japanese food a lot I don’t like greasy food
So do I/ I do too Neither do I/ I don’t either
Really? I don’t like it very much Oh, I like that a lot

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2 Write the correct response to show agreement for these


1. Anne : Hi Tom… Where did you go after graduation?

Tom : Hi Ann, I worked in Semarang.
Anne : Wow, ______ I. How long had you been working there?
Tom : I worked there for about a year. What about you?
Anne : I ___________… But I got much experience during worked
Tom : You’re right, ___________ I.

2. Ella : Nanda, have you seen my shoes in the garage?

Nanda : No, I have not.
Ella : What about you, Santi?
Santi : _________________

3. Ira : Could you do the exam this afternoon?

Wati : No, I could not. It was difficult.
Ira : You’re right. I tried to do it, but _____________

3 Write the response to show the agreement of these statements

1. My cousin loves to hear stories, and _______________ (I)

2. She doesn’t watch much television, and ______________ (I)
3. My uncle is a wonderful story teller and _________________ (my
4. He tells the scary stories, and ________________ (she)
5. I can never guess the endings and _______________ (no one else)
6. My uncle has a hundred or more stories, and
_____________________ (my aunt).
7. He rarely repeats a story and ____________________ (she)
8. I like the use of their hands and faces and __________________
(everyone else)
9. I wish I could tell the stories well, and
__________________________ (my father)
10. I will never forget their stories, and ___________________ (the

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Focus 4. Countable and uncountable

1 Read and practice the conversation below

A. At the Home
Sara : Are there any apples in the refrigerator?
Lynn : Yes, there are.
Sara : May I eat one of them?
Lynn : Yes, you may.
Sara : Are there also any oranges in the refrigerator?
Lynn : Yes, there are.
Sara : May I eat one of them?
Lynn : Yes, you may.

B. At the cafetaria
Diane : What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Terry : I usually eat a loaf of bread for breakfast.
Diane : Do you drink a cup of tea every morning?
Terry : No, I don’t.
Diane : What do you usually drink every morning?
Terry : I usually drink three glasses of water.

Countable Noun Uncountable Noun

✓ Refer to things that we can count ✓ refer to things that we cannot
✓ Have singular or plural forms. The count.
singular form can be preceded by ✓ always have singular form and
determiner a/an, while the plural take singular verb
form may be used with some
A lamp Some/two lamps Wine dust love
A pear Some/three pears sugar air help
An umbrella Some/ five umbrellas butter time beauty

Countable and uncountable Noun

Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted,
e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be
counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc. When you learn a new noun, you should
check if it is countable or uncountable and note how it is used in a sentence.

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Grammar 1

Countable nouns
For positive sentences, we can use a/an for singular nouns or some for
There's a man at the door.
I have some friends in New York.

For negatives, we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plurals.
I don't have a dog.
There aren't any seats.

Uncountable nouns
Here are some examples of uncountable nouns:

bread rice coffee information

money advice luggage furniture

We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with
There's some milk in the fridge.
There isn't any coffee.

The expression of Quantity for countable and Uncountable nouns


Countable Uncountable
Lots of (+ sentences) A lot of (+ sentences)
Many → there aren’t many ( - Much → there isn’t much ( -
sentences) sentences)
A few ideas (means some) A little more work (means some)
A bit of milk
Few people (small amount) Very little time (small amount)

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2 Put the words in the correct group

oil sugar Chicken Carrot Peas Flour Cheese

Chocolate prawns Lemons Cucumbers Fish Vinegar Onions
Lettuce Pepper Pasta Pears Toast Honey Croissant
Tea Bottle of Eggs Can of Butter Meat Slices of
milk coke bread

Countable Uncountable

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Grammar 2
There is, there are, some, any

❖ In English grammar we use “there is” or “there are” to talk about things
we can see and things that exist.
❖ We use “there is” for singular and uncountable nouns, and we use
“there are” for plural countable nouns.

❖ With plural countable nouns we can either give the quantity (“five
people”) or use “some” if we don’t know the exact quantity.
e.g., There are five people in the office.” (We can see five people
“There are some people in the office.” (We don’t know
exactly how many people)

❖ With uncountable nouns, we also use “some”.

e.g., “There’s some milk in the fridge,” (I don’t know the exact quantity.)
“There’s some money in my wallet.” (I don’t know exactly how
much money.)
Remember: with singular countable nouns we use a/an, the, or another determiner
or pronoun – not “some”.

Negative form and use any Question form and using “any”
1. Add not or n’t to the end of the verb 2. To make a question, change the word
order from subject-verb to verb-subject:
Countable Uncountable Countable Countable
for plural, countable nouns use For uncountable There is a + singular There is some +
“any” after “aren’t”. nouns, use “any” noun = Is there a +
uncountable noun = Is
after the negative singular noun?
“isn’t”, there any +
uncountable noun?
e.g., e.g., e.g., “Is there any time to
There isn’t a freezer in the “There isn’t any
“Is there a toilet on this go shopping?”
kitchen.” (singular, countable money in my wallet.”
noun) (uncountable noun) train?”
There aren’t any students” in
the classroom. (plural noun)
1. Use “no” after “there is” or “there are”. 3. Then, change “some” to “any” in questions.

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3 There is/there are; some/any with plural nouns

1. There’s __________big notice board on the classroom wall.

2. There aren’t _____________ computer in the music room.
3. _______________ a wardrobe in your bedroom?
4. Are there ____________ students in the science lab?
5. There are _____________ magazines on the table.
6. Is there a swimming pool at your school? Yes ______________
7. _______________ any books on the desk.
8. _______________ a sports centre near my house.

Grammar 3
How many, How much

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