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Toril, Davao City

Name: Jesreign mae S Angub__ Year & Course: ___1 st year_

Date: __________________________________
Title: Craft Your Own

Things to do:
Give one situation in which your communication fails because of a barrier. Identify
the barrier as you narrate what happened in the situation. Write your answer in
paragraph form in not more than 200 words. Upon organizing your composition,
follow the preferred format: The first paragraph must contain the description of the
person you have encountered in the scenario, the place and time. In the second
paragraph, state what happened why you came up with the mismatch of
communication. Lastly, the third paragraph should contain the realization or
reflection after you encountered such experience. Your output will be rated on the
rubric attached.

Write your response here

-It is very hard to hear or understand what someone is saying in there is a lot of noise in the
background for example outside of the house make up lots of noise so when you’re talking
to someone you would”t be able to hear or understand what the message was. Ifs also very
difficult to make sense of other people’s facial expressions if you can’t see their faces
properly due to poor lighting rooms with an awkward seating position might mean that 9
groups of people cannot see each comfortable .

People sometimes feel uncomfortable if they trying to communicate with a person who is to
close or at a distance. The environment also plays an important role in the effectiveness of
communication aids. For instance, hearing aids will amplify background noises as well as
the voice of the speaker.

-Barriers, effective communication, Organization content.

-Environmental barriers.
Distracting sounds, an overcrowded room, poor facilities, and acoustic all of which may
hinder the ability to listen to and understand the message.

-Individual barriers
This happens particularly in situations where we have strong feelings about something. In
such cases, we tend to block out communication and form our own viewpoints.

-Organization barriers
In organizations there may hierarchies. Message have to pass through many levels
before they finally reach the receiver.

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