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Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS)
National Environmental Quality Standards means the standards established under the
Environmental Protection Act, 1997 to control the emission of effluent, waste, air pollution and
noise pollution.
Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards means standards established by the Federal
Agency under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of section 6 and approved by the Council under
clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 4;
Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) were first promulgated in 1993 and
have been amended in 1995 and 2000.
Among other things, these rules set (i) the Pakistan National Environmental Quality Standards
for ambient air, various types of water, industrial effluent, emission, noise, vehicular exhaust
etc., (ii) requirement for and procedures to obtain Environmental Clearance, and (iii)
requirements for IEE/EIA according to categories of industrial and other development
The discharge or emission of any effluent, waste, air pollutant or noise in an amount,
concentration or level in excess of the National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS)
specified by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Pak- EPA) has been prohibited
under the Act, and penalties have been prescribed for those contravening the provisions of the

1. Compounding of Offences and Payment of Administrative Penalty Rules 2015
2. Hospital Waste Management Rules, 2005
3. Pakistan Biosafety Rules 2005
4. The Pollution Charge for Industry (Calculation and Collection) Rules, 2001
5. Self-Monitoring and Reporting by Industries Rules, 2001-Amended
6. Environmental Samples Rules, 2001
7. Environmental Tribunal (Procedure and Functions) Rules, 1999

1. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Ban on (Manufacturing, Import, Sale, Purchase,
Storage and Usaage) Polythene Bags Regulations, 2019
2. National Environmental Quality Standards (Certification of Environmental Laboratories)
Regulations, 2000
3. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (Review of IEE and EIA) Regulations, 2000
National Environment Quality Standards
1. National Environmental Quality Standards for Ambient Air, Drinking Water and Noise vide
No.( S. R.O. 1062(I)/2010 & S.R.O. 1063(I)/2010 & S.R.O. 1064(I)/2010)
2. National Environmental Quality Standards for Motor Vehicle Exhaust and Noise Vide
No.(S.R.O 72(KE)/2009)
3. National Environmental Quality Standards (Self-Monitoring and Reporting by Industries)
Rules, 2001
4. Revisied National Environmental Quality Standards For Municipal and Liquid Effluents
(mg/l, Unless Otherwise Defined)& NEQS for Gaseous Emissions(mg/Nm3 Unless Otherwise
Defined) Vide No.S.R.O. 549 (I)/2000
5. National Environmental Quality Standards Relating to Municipal and Liquid Industrial
Effluents vide S.R.O. 742 (I)/93 & S.R.O. 1023 (I)/95
a. Pakistan National Ambient Air Quality Standards

➢ Introduction
Ambient air quality refers to the condition or quality of air surrounding us in the
outdoors and the ambient air refers to the atmospheric air in its natural state (typically
78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the extra 1% is made up of a combination of carbon
dioxide, helium, methane, argon & hydrogen), not contaminated by air-borne pollutants.
The closer the air is to sea level, the higher the percentage of oxygen. Generally, carbon
monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NO2), sulfur dioxide SO2, ozone (O3 particulate
matter (PM) and Lead (Pb) are considered pollutants of priority concerns regarding
ambient air quality and public health. Some other pollutants of concern for ambient air
quality and health are dioxins (PCDD), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As).

➢ Pakistan ambient air quality and national ambient air

Air quality management in Pakistan is handled at the national, provincial, and
local (district & city) levels. At the national level, Pakistan Environment
Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for setting air quality and emissions
standards guidelines and for defining associated systems for monitoring and
enforcement. The 2001 National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) included air
pollution in its core programmes. Some key objectives of NEAP such as the
introduction of unleaded gasoline and a reduction of Sulphur in diesel, have
already been achieved. To consolidate the ongoing and proposed initiatives for the
management of urban air quality, the Ministry of Environment (now Climate
Change) had developed the Pakistan Clean Air Program - PCAP, which includes
short- and long-term measures along with actions marked for the responsible
implementing agencies (World Bank 2006).
Chemical and biological loading rates required for design of waste treatment

1. Bioremediation of wastewater using oxidation ponds, aeration lagoons, anaerobic

lagoons, aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors, activated sludge, percolating or trickling
filters, biological filters, rotating biological contactors, and biological removal of
2. Mycoremediation of wastewater using bioreactors;
3. Phytoremediation of wastewater that includes: constructed wetlands, rhizofiltration,
rhizodegradation, phytodegradation, phytoaccumulation, phytotransformation, and
4. Vermifiltration and vermicomposting;
5. Microbial fuel cells for electricity production from wastewater;
6. Chemical wastewater treatment processes that include: chemical precipitation, ion
exchange, neutralization, adsorption and disinfection (chlorination/dechlorination, ozone,
ultraviolet radiation);
7. Wastewater treatment plants. The chapter elucidates and illustrates the plant sizing, plant
layout, plant design, and plant location.

✓ Wastewater treatment techniques

Wastewater, or sewage, originates from human and home wastewaters, industrial
wastes, animal wastes, rain runoff, and groundwater infiltration.
Generally, wastewater is the flow of used water from a neighborhood. The
wastewater consists of 99.9% water by weight, where the remaining 0.1% is
suspended or dissolved material. Types of wastewaters include: municipal
wastewater, industrial wastewaters, mixtures of industrial/domestic wastewaters,
and agricultural wastewaters. Typical agricultural industries include: dairy
processing industries, meat processing factories, juice and beverage industries,
slaughterhouses, vegetable processing facilities, rendering plants, and drainage
water of irrigation systems.

Aims of wastewater treatment

The goals of treating the wastewaters are:

1. Transforming the materials available in the wastewater into secure end products that are
able to be safely disposed off into domestic water devoid of any negative environmental
2. Protecting public health;
3. Ensuring that wastewaters are efficiently handled on a trustworthy basis without
annoyance or offense;
4. Recycling and recovering the valuable components available in wastewaters
Biological treatment processes

The secondary treatment can be defined as “treatment of wastewater by a process involving

biological treatment with a secondary sedimentation”. In other words, the secondary treatment is
a biological process. The settled wastewater is introduced into a specially designed bioreactor
where under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the organic matter is utilized by microorganisms
such as bacteria (aerobically or anaerobically), algae, and fungi (aerobically)

Biological treatment of wastewater

4.1. Biological growth equation

The biological growth can be described according to the Monod equation:


Where, μ is the specific growth rate coefficient; λ is the maximum growth rate coefficient that
occurs at 0.5 μmax; S is the concentration of limiting nutrient, that is BOD and COD; and KS is the
Monod coefficient [3].

Generally, the bacterial growth can be explained by the following simplified figure:
Organics+Bacteria+Nutrients+Oxygen                        →New Bacteria+CO2+H2O+Residual Orga
Figure 1.Biological synthesis and oxidation [3].

Figure 2.Photosynthesis and oxidation [2]

Principles of biological treatment

The principles of biological treatment of wastewater were stated by [3]. The following is a
summary of the principles:

1. The biological systems are very sensitive for extreme variations in hydraulic loads.
Diurnal variations of greater than 250% are problematic because they will create biomass
loss in the clarifiers.
2. The growth rate of microorganisms is highly dependent on temperature. A 10°C
reduction in wastewater temperature dramatically decreases the biological reaction rates
to half.
3. BOD is efficiently treated in the range of 60 to 500 mg L-1. Wastewaters in excess of 500
mg L-1 BODs have been treated successfully if sufficient dilution is applied in the
treatment process, or if an anaerobic process was implemented as a pretreatment process.
4. The biological treatment is effective in removing up to 95% of the BOD. Large tanks are
required in order to eliminate the entire BOD, which is not feasible.

Chemical treatment processes

In early wastewater treatment technologies, chemical treatment has preceded biological

treatment. Recently, the biological treatment precedes chemical treatment in the treatment
process. Chemical treatment is now considered as a tertiary treatment that can be more broadly
defined as “treatment of wastewater by a process involving chemical treatment”. The mostly
implemented chemical treatment processes are: chemical precipitation, neutralization,
adsorption, disinfection (chlorine, ozone, ultraviolet light), and ion exchange.

4.1. Biological growth equation

The biological growth can be described according to the Monod equation:


Where, μ is the specific growth rate coefficient; λ is the maximum growth rate coefficient that
occurs at 0.5 μmax; S is the concentration of limiting nutrient, that is BOD and COD; and KS is the
Monod coefficient [3].

Generally, the bacterial growth can be explained by the following simplified figure:

Organics+Bacteria+Nutrients+Oxygen                        →New Bacteria+CO2+H2O+Residual Organi
4.2. Bacterial kinetics

The bacterial kinetics can be shown in Figures 3 and 4. The microbial growth curve that shows
bacterial density and specific growth rate at the different growth phases is shown in Figure 3.
The microbial growth curves that compare the total biomass and the variable biomass are shown
in Figure 4.

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