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Connections Between Generator Specifications and Fundamental Design Principles

JMFogarty -
Power Generation Technology
GE - Power Systems, SchenectadyNew York

Table 1 - Linkage Between Key Technical Require-
The purchaser of a modem power generator expects it to ments and Generator Performance Characteristics
produce electric power reliably and economically over the
useful life of the power plant. In particular, it is expected Purchaser Related Design or
to operate for significant intervals without requiiing off- Requirement Performance Parameter
line maintenance, and that any maintenance, when re- Overall size and cost of the
quired, can be performed quickly and without significant kVA Rating generator
disruption of the power plant operation. Furthermore, it is
expected to operate efficiently and without significant sup- Armature Voltage Cooling system
port personnel. Exciter rating
Rated Power Factor Cooling system
Successful design and operation of the generator de- Volume of active material
pends on agreement between the generator manufacturer Short Circuit Ratio Efficiencv
and purchaser regdrding the t e c h c a l requirements of the
Operating Temperature
generator. Many of those requirements are published in Limits
standards such as ANSI C50.13 and IEC 34-1 and are
common across broad classes of generators. Additional
technical requirements or specific requirements in lieu of
those covered by the standards are given in the purchase
specification for the generator. Reliabilitv Management of Forces

This paper will discuss the interaction between com- Variations

monly specified performance characteristics, such as the
short circuit ratio or the rated power factor, and design and
other performance characteristics. It will explore how key
requirements placed on the generator manufacturer will be Cooling Gas efficiencv
addressed in the fundamental design of the unit. Rotor amortisseur circuits
Unbalanced Loading efficiency

2 KEY TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Underexcited Opera- Stator core end

Field Winding Ceiling Field winding voltage and
Certain requirements tend to appear in many purchase
specifications and drive the overall design of the generator.
Table 1 lists a number of these requirements along with the
aspects of the generator design or performance they will
affect. In a number of instances, a requirement is linked to Factor field winding arrangements
specific performance parameters (such as efficiency), so
the purchaser may be asked to balance one aspect of per-
formance against another. The generator manufacturer can 3 BASIC PHYSICAL LAWS
provide data to support that analysis, but the decision must
be made by the purchaser. The output rating of the generator is expressed in
terms of kilovolt-amperes (kVA) and is given by the ex-

kV.4 = -

where the voltage and current are phase quantities and the kVA = k32@@MAR [41
number of phases is uniformly three. The selection of an
output rating and armature voltage thus fixes the armature
where k3 is yet another constant. Eq. 4 highlights the fun-
phase current.
damental design trade-off made by the generator designer.
For a given kVA rating, the designer must select either
According to Faraday's Law, the phase voltage pro-
high flux or low flux (larger machine vs. smaller machine)
duced in the armature winding is proportional to the mag-
which then fixes the level of armature reaction MMF. A
netic flux in the machine and the speed of operation. The
low flux machine would be physically smaller but it would
magnetic flux in the machine is
then have a higher level of armature reaction MME.


The trade-off implied by Eq. 4 does not involve the

where k, is a constant, f is the operating frequency, and armature voltage. For example, by choosing the number of
NdCKT is the number of turns in one circuit of the armature turns per circuit in the armature winding appropriately, one
winding. could design three different generators for the same kVA
output but at voltages of 13.8, 18, or 28 kV. All of the gen-
The magnetic characteristics of the materials forming erators would all have the same magnetic flux and anna-
the stator core and the rotor forging limit how much flux ture reaction MMF.
can be carried in a given section of the machine. There-
fore, machines with greater amounts of magnetic flux must Many times the purchaser specifies an armature volt-
be physically larger to carry that flux. By choosing the age because of balance of plant or other considerations. In
number of armature turns per circuit, the generator de- the absence of these constraints, it is best to let the gen-
signer can specify the magnetic flux at any appropriate erator manufacturer choose a voltage that best satisfies the
level. entire set of design constraints.
According to Ampere's Law, both the field winding The influence of voltage on the generator design ap-
current and the armature winding current create magnetic pears mainly in the cooling circuit. If the winding is indi-
fields in the generator that interact to produce the electro- rectly cooled, all of the losses in the copper turns must be
magnetic torque equivalent to the power output of the gen- conducted through the armature insulation to the stator
erator. core where it is removed by the cooling gas. If the winding
is directly cooled, that heat does not pass through the in-
The magnetomotive force produced by the armature sulation. As a result, higher armature voltages requiring
current, referred to as the Armature Reaction MMF, is thicker insulation on the coils are practical only for directly
proportional to the current and the number of turns per cooled armature windings. Whereas indirectly cooled
circuit in the winding. Thus, windings may operate at voltages as high as 22 kV, di-
rectly cooled windings are in operation at 28 kV.

Higher armature voltages also influence the level of

where k2 is another constant. Whereas higher levels of flux corona in the machine. This phenomenon is not as impor-
require a larger machine, higher levels of armature reaction tant in generators cooled by hydrogen because of the
MMF drive higher losses, lower efficiency, higher excita- higher corona start voltage. It is a key concern in air-
tion levels, and higher electromagnetic forces within the cooled generators.
generator. Each of those concerns can be addressed but the
solution will generally involve systems of greater com-
plexity and cost. For example, the armature reaction MMF 5 EFFECT OF POWER FACTOR
in generators for large fossil-fired or nuclear power plants
may be twice as great as for indirectly cooled gas turbine- The rated power factor is the lowest power factor at
driven generators. The larger units require water cooling at which the generator may be operated at its rated kVA out-
elevated hydrogen pressures compared to the air or hydro- put. A typical generator Vee curve, shown in Fig. 1, relates
gen cooling of the smaller units. the field winding current to the kVA output of the genera-
tor for various power factors. In this instance, the generator
Simple rearrangement of Eqs. 2 and 3 yields is capable of operating at 0.80 PF overexcited at full rat-
ing. Operation at power factors between 0.80 overexcited

and unity power factor requires lesser field current and However, because most generators exhibit some level of
operation in the underexcited region requires the least field saturation, the SCR is slightly less than that indicated by
current. Eq. 5.

The higher field currents associated with the overex- The trend has been toward lower SCRs. SCRs of 1.0
cited region power factors allow the generator to produce to 0.8 were common 70 years ago. In the 1960’s, they were
greater levels of reactive power (VARS) but at the expense in the range of 0.58 - 0.64. Now 0.50 or less is typical. The
of higher losses in the generator field winding and a higher generator designer achieves a given SCR by choosing an
capital cost for the generator and excitation system. The appropriate length of air gap between the rotor and stator.
trend has been to rate smaller turbine-generators at power Higher SCRs require longer air gaps, causing greater gen-
factors of either 0.80 or 0.85. At higher ratings, the power erator field current, higher field winding losses, greater
factor shifts to 0.90 or higher to avoid the excessive size of cooling requirements and lower overall efficiency.
the generator and excitation system
A high SCR was typically specified to achieve desired
stability levels on the power system. Modem static excita-
tion systems with high initial responses, make it possible
1.2 to achieve good stability even with generators of low SCR.
Per Unit Now the purchaser can achieve all of the benefits of a high
SCR without the “costs.”


Operating temperature limits are typically specified by
r // JOPF reference to the applicable sections of published standards.
0.6 Thus a generator could be specified to operate at “Class B”
temperature rises. The standards would then specify the
allowable field winding and armature winding temperature

High temperatures pose two potential hazards to the

generator. Excessively high temperatures will accelerate

Underexcite Overexcited
the degradation of the insulation systems. Typically the
working lifetime of the insulation is halved for every 10°C
increase in the operating temperature. For this reason, the
standards acknowledge that at the peak and peak reserve
Field Current (Amps) capabilities assigned to generators, temperature rises be-
yond the capability of the insulation system are permitted
and that accelerated loss of life will occur.

Fig. 1 - Typical Generator Vee Curve The characteristics of modem insulation systems are
such that no appreciable loss of life occurs provided oper-
ating temperatures do not exceed the temperature rating of

The short circuit ratio (SCR) is a measure of the in- The second hazard posed by high temperatures is re-
herent steady state stability of the generator on the power lated to thermal expansion of the heated components.
system. In the absence of magnetic saturation in the gen- Thermal cycling of the field and armature windings is an-
erator the SCR is the inverse of the direct axis synchronous ticipated in the design of the generator and steps are taken
reactance. Thus, approximately, to accommodate it. Nonetheless, higher than expected
temperatures may lead to excessive relative motion among
1 winding components and accelerated wear of the windings.

Xd Through proper design of the stator and rotor and their
windings, one can provide for the effects of thermal ex-
pansion and thus minimize their impact on the life of the

machine. If a given application imposes extraordinary designed to accommodate the expected thermal expansions
thermal duty on the generator, the specific nature of the but limit radial and peripheral motion. Likewise, compo-
duty should be explicitly defined in the specification to nents can be designed to restrain the windings from fault
ensure the generator is properly designed. forces and to immobilize the winding with respect to run-
ning forces.

8 EXTREME AMBIENT CONDITIONS The final source of forces is purely mechanical and
results from cycling each time the rotor is brought to rated
In many instances, generators are expected to operate speed and then stopped. Metallic components in both the
over a wide range of temperatures. In some cases, the rotor and field coils must be designed to withstand the low
minimum ambient temperature may be as low as -30 "C. In cycle fatigue inherent in such operation.
others, the maximum ambient temperature may be as high
as 50 "C. In all cases, the generator must perform reliably

and within temperature limits. System
The cooling system must be specifically designed to
accommodate a wide range of temperatures. The liquid loo
coolant may be water or fluids such as ethylene glycol.
The choice of coolant will dictate the size of the coolers
and the type of auxiliary equipment supplying the coolers.
Force Thermal
Other environmental conditions may dictate special Level Expansion
features within the generator. Particularly dusty conditions Porces
or caustic environments would preclude open ventilated
air-cooled units in favor of TEWAC or hydrogen-cooled
configurations. In particularly corrosive environments,
special steps must be taken to protect the generator.
1 -
0 120 Hz


The effects of forces within the generator are compa-

rable to the effects of thermal cycling. Fig. 2 depicts the
Oal t
types of forces that occur within the generator and their 3 6 9 12
relative magnitudes and frequency of occurrence. 10 10 10 10

The forces associated with thermal expansion are as- Number of Cycles or Occurrences
signed a reference level of 1.0. The normal double fie-
quency running forces would be approximately one-tenth
as great. The forces from synchronizing out of phase or Figure 2 - Range of Forces Encountered
short circuits would be about 100 times as great. During Operation

It is expected a peaking unit will experience approxi-

mately 10,000 thermal expansion cycles, which corre- 10 OFF-FREQUENCY AND
sponds to a start and stop each day for 30 years. Over a OFF-VOLTAGE OPERATION
similar period, a base-loaded generator will experience one
trillion cycles of double-frequency running forces. Simi- The IEC 34-1 standard defines regions of operation
larly, the system fault forces are much higher in magnitude for which the generator terminal voltage or frequency is
but much less frequent. In fact, some generators may never significantly above or below their nominal values. Many
experience any severe faults. generator specifications now require the generator remain
operational throughout those excursions and some national
The forces imposed on the generator are managed by grid codes explicitly provide for off-nominal operation
designing support systems that address each type of force. beyond that defined in the standards.
For instance, the stator slot support system and the end
winding support system for the armature winding can be

The primary effects of these variations are higher than Hydrogen cooling enables the generator designer to
nominal magnetic loading and excessive heating, both achieve a higher specific output (kVAkg), so a hydrogen-
from the overloaded components and the reduction in cooled generator will be smaller than an air-cooled ma-
cooling that may occur at slower speeds. chine of the same rating. It will also be more efficient be-
cause of the reduced fan and windage losses. Many
Eq. 2 shows the relationship between the magnetic hydrogen-cooled generators would be unacceptably large
flux, armature voltage, and frequency. If the voltage is 5% if designed as an air-cooled generator.
high and the frequency is 5% low at some instant, the flux
in the magnetic portions of the machine is 10% above the
nominal value. The higher flux leads to higher core losses, 13 UNBALANCED LOADING
increased magnetic saturation, significantly higher excita-
tion currents, and higher temperatures. Unbalanced loading generally refers to negative phase
sequence currents (12) flowing from the power system.
It is possible to design the generator to accommodate Those currents produce a magnetic field in the generator
such off-nominal operation. In general, the designer will that rotates in the opposite direction to the rotor. The rela-
provide additional magnetic material and operate the ma- tive motion of the rotor and the magnetic field induces
chine at slightly lower temperatures in anticipation of these double frequency currents in the rotor surface that can be
overloads. Such changes lead to a larger machine and particularly high, leading to damaging temperatures.
higher initial capital costs.
The heating caused by a given level of negative phase
sequence currents is directly related to the armature reac-
11 SUBTRANSIENT REACTANCES tion MMF. See Eq. 3. It was noted that the designer might
select a low level of magnetic flux to achieve small size
Minimum values of the subtransient reactance (X"dv) while accepting a higher level of armature reaction MMF.
are typically specified to limit fault currents the generator The heating level on the rotor surface varies as the square
or high side circuit breakers must handle. Larger genera- of the armature reaction MMF and could be the factor that
tors will typically have rated voltage subtransient reac- limits the armature reaction MMF level.
tances in the range of 15 - 20% on the generator reactance
base. Smaller gas turbine driven generators may have Val- The capability of the generator to withstand short-term
ues of 15% or less. unbalanced loads is expressed as the product of :1 inte-
grated over the transient event and is referred to as I;t.
The subtransient reactance is the sum of the armature Both the ANSI and IEC standards specify minimum levels
leakage reactance (Xlv) and a contribution from the amor- of unbalanced loading capability as a function of the kVA
tisseur and field windings. For generators with solid iron rating of the generator. .
rotors (almost all turbine-generators), the field winding
contribution is insignificant and the amortisseur contribu- In the case of a line-line fault near the generator ter-
tion is only a few percent. minals, the peak rotor surface currents can be extremely
high. A rotor wedge could carry in excess of 100,000 am-
When a minimum subtransient reactance is specified, peres. Although such a fault might be cleared within cy-
the generator designer can increase the reactance by se- cles, such currents are capable of burning contact points in
lecting specific winding pattems. If that step is insuffi- the rotor circuits leading to potential crack initiation sites.
cient, one may deepen the stator slots or lengthen the stator
core, both of which will increase the size of the machine. At higher ratings (> 700,000 kVA) it will usually be
necessary to provide additional capability to carry the rotor
12 COOLING GAS surface currents by including explicit amortisseur windings
and taking steps to minimize contact resistances among the
Hydrogen and air are both used as primary coolants in rotor structural components.
the generator. Hydrogen has been used since the late
1930's and a large experience base exists to justify its use. Similar heating can occur if the armature current con-
tains harmonic components other than the rated frequency
Air-cooling offers simplicity in the design of the gen- currents. These currents will generally be present if there
erator. The stator frame and packaging are designed to are nonlinear loads, such as solid state power converters or
enclose the machine but are not pressure vessels. The gen- electric arc furnaces, on the power system. If a given gen-
erator does not require any additional auxiliary systems erator application also includes such harmonic currents, it
nor shaft seals. Accordingly, air-cooled generators can is important to define those currents in the specification so
operate unattended in remote locations. the rotor can be properly designed.

Real e

The Generator Reactive Capability Curve, shown in a

Rated PF
typical instance in Fig. 3, describes how the allowable
kVA output of the generator varies as a function of the
power factor and cooling gas pressure.

Typically Point C, where the capability curve breaks

in the underexcited region, is selected to lie on the 0.95
underexcited or unity power factor lines. In a number of
instances, purchasers specify the location of Pt C occur at
0.90 power factor underexcited. In those cases, special
steps may be needed to extend the capability to Pt C.


Some specifications include specific requirements for

the excitation system ceiling voltage, expressed in per unit 0.70 PF
Curve AB limited by field heating
of the nominal field winding voltage. Values as high as 10 Curve BC limited by armature heating
Curve CD limited by stator end region heating
per unit may be specified to achieve desired levels of per-
formance during system transients.

Regardless of the ceiling voltage, it is generally neces-

sary to maintain the peak voltage in the field winding be- Fig. 3 - Typical Generator Reactive Capability Curve
low levels that will initiate corona. Otherwise, the
insulation system must be designed with inorganic materi-
als to withstand the corona. Therefore, hgh ceiling voltage
requirements will usually dictate low nominal field volt-
In order to achieve such noise levels, specific steps
must be taken in the design of the stator frame and the
ventilation system. These steps may include sound dead-
ening materials and barrier walls. In addition, sound pres-
sure measurements correlate well with key ventilation
characteristics, so reduction measures should be applied to
Government occupational safety and health regula- areas of the machine exposed to the ventilation system,
tions and a general awareness of the hazards of intense such as ducting.
noise levels are driving stringent noise requirements in
power plant specifications. Whereas noise limits of 90 dBa
sound pressure levels have been common, now limits of 85
dBa and even 80 dBa are being specified.
The requirements included in a generator specification
have a direct connection to fundamental design choices. A
specificationthat covers the key performance requirements
and also reflects how those requirements dovetail with the
design of the generator will best protect the interests of the


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