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Organisation Policy


Organisation Policy_SSS

Recruitment in Swasti Seva sangathan is done by formal procedures, starting from vacancy
identification till Appointment and signing of contract. The recruitment procedure is divided
into the following phases:

1) Vacancy identification
2) Preparation job description
3) Internal recruitment
4) External Vacancy announcement
5) Application period
6) Interviews
7) Second round interviews (if applicable)
8) Appointment procedure and signing of contract
9) Probation period
10) Notice of termination of contract or resignation
11) Retirement

A.1 Vacancy Identification:

Once any vacancy is identified after an employee has left/or will leave the job or new tasks for
the organization arise which require a new post. The need for filling such vacancies and issues
like expectations of the post, recruitment planning, internal recruitment if applicable, mode of
vacancy announcement, type of contract etc is discussed in the Executive Committee meetings.

A.2 Preparation job description

All employees recruited by the organization have explicit job descriptions that form part of the
employment contract whether permanent or temporary. Job descriptions clarify the tasks to be
performed, the level of responsibility of the job, the knowledge and the skill level required to
do the job productively. For most cases job descriptions are standard.

A.3 Internal recruitment

The organization undertakes to advertise suitable vacancies internally, but reserves the right to
recruit externally if the existing employees can’t be withdrawn from his/her respective
positions, or that they lack the required skills for the existing vacancy.

If the organization decides to advertise internally, it is done by an announcement on office

notice board to the employees. Brief details of the minimum requirements for the application

Organisation Policy_SSS

and the job are given. The employee who wishes to be considered for the position will contact
the Chief Functionary and apply for the vacancy formally only if he/she approves. In this case
the over-all potential of the candidate and past performance in the organisation is considered.

A.4 External vacancy announcement

If the internal recruitment round has not yielded any positive results or if the organization has
decided to recruit externally only, the recruitment procedure continues with an external
vacancy announcement. An external vacancy announcement is being done by cost-effective
advertising. Such announcements clearly indicate the application procedure and closing date.

Organisation Policy_SSS

A.5 Application period

People who wish to apply for positions advertised externally can do so only by application and
submission of an updated CV putting down personal details, educational details and details of
working experience. Application period for any vacancy is at least 15 days from the date of
advertisement. Applications received from candidates are short-listed and invited for the

A.6 Interviews

Swasti Seva sangathaninvites candidates for interview to assess whether a candidate is

sufficiently capable for a vacant position. Motivation, judgment, qualifications and experience
on the job are part of the issues considered. Beside a talk with a candidate computer tests,
knowledge tests, work on case studies, driving a car/bike are also part of an interview. The
Recruitment board comprising of one or two EC members, the Director and Secretary forms an
interview panel to conduct interview for vacancies. If a post is very specialized an expert can be
asked to join the interviewing panel. During the interview the interview panel fills in an
interview form for each candidate that helps to compare the results of the interviews.

After each round of interviews all candidates are discussed and the decision is taken by the
interview panel members. Each candidate is informed about the interview results. If the result
is positive the candidate will receive a job offer including an invitation to discuss the terms and
conditions of employment.. No provision of TA/DA is there for candidates coming for the

A.7 Second round of interviews

If during the first round of interviews no definite selection can be made, a second round of
interviews with a limited number of the candidates is held. A second round of interviews is
always required in case the vacant post, requiring a more in-depth assessment of the
candidates. The second round candidates are selected by the interview panel that was active
during the first round of interviews. After the first round of interviews, referees of the
candidate are consulted.
For a second round of interviews the interview panel consists of more panel members than in
the first round if believed necessary. The extra members may for instance consist of specialists
or other key persons who may be important for reaching a more balanced and better decision.
During the second interview usually more in depth questions are asked. If no suitable candidate
is found after two interview rounds the recruitment process starts again.

A.8 Appointment procedure and signing of contract

Organisation Policy_SSS

After final selection of a candidate, an offer letter for the post is sent to the candidate’s postal
address. The job offer letter clarifies the requirements for accepting the job offer and reporting
on duty. The candidate will have to react to the job offer letter within two weeks. If the
candidate shows interest in the job offer, an appointment letter with terms and conditions of
employment is issued by the Director of Samajik Seva Sadan (SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN). If the
candidate accepts the employment contract is signed. In some cases a second meeting is
required to further discuss the terms and conditions of employment before signing these
documents. Each appointment letter would carry a copy of the staff policy document. Period of
contract depends upon the nature of the project and it is not obligatory on part of SWASTI
SEVA SANGATHAN to extend the contract beyond the specified period.

A.9 Probation period

All new appointees stay under probation for a period that varies from 3-6 months. The goal of
the probation period is basically:
a) To test the ability of the probationer to perform well on the job

b) To test the suitability of the probationer’s character to fit into the organization

A supervisor for the probationer is deputed from among the senior staffs of the organisation
who guides as well as monitor the work progresses of the probationer. If work performance
during the probation period is not satisfactory, the contract shall be terminated. In special
cases, where there is scope for improvement, during probation staff is only entitled to
consolidated pay allowances. Leave, medical benefits and such other benefits as admissible
under staff policy shall not be applicable to the probationers.

The first month of probation is meant to familiarize the probationer with the organization and
also to help him/her to settle down and understand the organization’s operations. After one
month the supervisor and the probationer assess together whether the work progresses well
and where improvements are needed. The supervisor prepares a performance report of the
probationer and submits it to the director of Swasti Seva sangathanfor review. If the first month
was unsuccessful and there are no positive prospects for performance to be improved, at this
stage the probationer can be dismissed or demoted the person to his/her former position (in
case of an internal probationer) or can be transferred to another position, or can continue the
probation period in the current position. However after completion of the probation period
performance of the probationer is once again evaluated by the supervisor and based on his/her
recommendation either the employment of the probationer is confirmed or probation is further
extended or complete dismissal of the probationer or to transfer the probationer to another
position in the organization. In case the decision is to extend the probation period, this will be
for a period of another 1-3 months.

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If a probationer is dissatisfied with the decision of the organization he/she can appeal to the
Director. The Director may in such case invite the probationer for a personal meeting. For this
meeting the Director may invite other persons as well. After considering the appeal the Director
will take a final and binding decision.

A.10 Notice of termination of contract or resignation

Written notice to terminate employment, by the organization to the employee or by employee
to the organization must be done as follows:

a. During probation: 7 days in advance

b. Employees up to one year employed: 30 days in advance.
c. Employees longer than 1 year employed: 60 days in advance.
One Month salary will be deducted and experience certificate will not be issued failing to
comply to the Notice period for termination of contract or resignation
The organization may revoke these conditions on the basis of:

a. Provisions within disciplinary procedures. Immediate dismissal can be given in case of

insubordination, absenteeism, lack of performance, lack of co-operation and theft.
b. Continuous Underperformance for a period of 3 months
c. Upon closing of associated project and uncertainties of further funding by respective
d. The employee has been certified permanently unable to work by a medical practitioner
e. The employee has been imprisoned or convicted of an offense.
f. The employee disobey the organization policies & norms
g. The employee Working against the organization interest

A.11 Retirement:
Because of contractual nature of employment in the organization, as such there is no age limit
in the organization for retirement. So no retirement benefits also laid down in the policy.


Organisation Policy_SSS

Employees serving under the Samajik Seva Sadan’s Terms and Conditions of Service will be
entitled to an annual leave totaling 24 working days for each year of service. Employees may opt
to take their leave in one single block or sets of blocks. Leaves have to be agreed by the line
manager and approved by the Director. This section comprises of the following

1) Planning of leave
2) Requests and authorization procedures
3) Paid leave
4) Compassionate leave
5) Maternity and paternity leave
6) Medical/Sick leave
7) Public holidays
8) Leave without pay

B.1 Planning of leave

A leave calendar is drawn at the beginning of the year and agreed upon by heads of programs.
Then the list is forwarded to the director for approval. Head of concerned project is responsible for
inquiring the leave plans of employees working under the Project.

B.2 Requests and authorization procedures

The schedule of leave for all employees is at the discretion of their immediate supervisor in
consultation with the project heads. For each scheduled leave period, the employee will submit
a leave form to the Project Head after agreement by the immediate supervisor (who signs the
form for approval). This will be done at least one week in advance (except for sick leave and
compassionate leave). Depending on the circumstances, the immediate supervisor may
reschedule the leave (in consultation with the concerned employee). The Person in charge of
Admin will verify the leave record and sign the leave form for approval. Final leave approval is
done by the Project head with copy to the Director who may reverse the leave schedule if certain
circumstances may warrant this to happen. The immediate supervisor informs the employee
about non- approval.

Employees taking leave are required to return according to the dates agreed in the leave forms.
Otherwise the normal disciplinary penalties will apply: a formal written warning and loss of pay
for the days the employee was not present at work. An employee serving on probation will not
be allowed to take leave; however it is the discretion of the Director to allow.

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B.3 Paid leave

Employees who have successfully completed their probation are eligible for paid leave under
the following conditions:

a) Employee is not on temporary terms of service or on induction/probation.

b) The employee can never take more than the monthly leave entitlement multiplied by
the number of months worked during the year minus number of leave already taken.
c) Employee must apply for leave at least one week in advance.
d) Leave not taken within the contractual year shall automatically expire and cannot be
transferred to the next contractual year. Paid leave days cannot be cashed in.

B.4 Compassionate leave

In the event of death of real mother/father, first degree sister/brother, father/mother in- law,
spouse and children, compassionate leave of a maximum of two days will be granted. This
applies to employees on permanent terms of employment but under discretion of the project
head. Employee on probation or temporary terms be granted this leave by the Director.

If the employee wishes a leave longer than two days, he/she shall propose the use of his/her
annual leave entitlement or opt for deduction in payment (if there are no paid leave days (left)).
This needs to be agreed in advance following the procedures.

B.5 Maternity and paternity leave

A female employee shall be entitled a maximum of once every 3 years to 3 months maternity
leave on full pay. This leave is granted only for 2 Deliveries. During probation and under
temporary terms of service, there are no provisions for maternity and paternity leave.

During the maternity leave period, the normal benefits and entitlements of the employee
including her contractual rights and accumulation of seniority shall continue uninterrupted and
her period of employment shall not be considered to have been interrupted, reduced or
broken. In the event of illness, certified by a registered practitioner, arising out of pregnancy or
confinement, affecting the employee or her child, the organization shall grant the employee
additional leave as required according to the situation.

A maximum of 7 days, if applied for, will be given to the male employee once every three years
for paternity leave. This leave will be taken within a period of four days after the spouse has

Employee is encouraged to announce her pregnancy to her immediate supervisor as early as

possible, and on such grounds, she will be allowed time off for her antenatal visits. Similarly
same way, the nursing mother will be allowed time off during working hours for breast-feeding.
The duration of absence should be determined on case-by-case basis, but should not exceed a
period of two hours per day for a maximum of six months after giving birth.

Organisation Policy_SSS

In circumstances whereby an expectant employee may be working under dangerous conditions,

which could result, into serious health hazards, management may re-design her duties. This will
have to be certified by the organization appointed medical doctor and approved by the line

B.6 Medical/Sick leave

Sick leave will be authorized when the employee is unable to work because of sickness or
injury, or when the employee needs medical examination or treatment, which can be obtained
only during the time when employee would normally be on duty. Sick leave is not used for care
of family members or treatment for a family member. Absences of such nature are subjected to
the normally applying disciplinary procedures. Application for sick leave should be evidenced by
a doctor’s certificate delivered on the second day of sickness latest, with a written request from
the employee, also delivered on the second day latest. Always a sick leave should be filled in.
The immediate supervisor will make approval of sick leave then forward it to the project head
who seeks approval of the Director. The sick leave will start from the first day of absence. The
management has the right to visit the employee or send a doctor to visit the employee for the
purpose of cross checking.

Employees are entitled to a maximum of 15 days sick leave days in year. This paid sickness
benefit may be extended at management’s discretion by another 15 days if employee is
hospitalized. After the 30 days the case will be reviewed and the management will take a
decision about termination of employment. Cases of misused sick leave will be subject to
disciplinary action. This entitlement applies only if employee is on permanent employment
contract and not on probation or on temporary terms of service.

B.7 Public holidays

The organization respects the public holidays as defined by the national authorities of the
country. But because of the non-government nature of the organisation only 10 numbers of
holidays against the public holidays declared by the government are allowed those are mutually
agreed between staffs and the Management Committee. Public holidays falling within an
employee’s leave are not counted as leave days and as such are not deducted from the
employee’s leave record. Observation days declared by the government will be celebrated in
the organisation and all staffs expected to attend the office. Other than this certain observation
days will be celebrated by the organisation to show its solidarity towards the cause it is working
for and will be decided by the Management Committee.

B.8 Leave without pay

Leave without pay is granted in exceptional cases to permanent employees who have been
employed with the organization for a minimum of 18 months. The leave however fit into the

Organisation Policy_SSS

planning of the organization and it should be able to (partially) replace the employee. The leave
should be requested for three months in advance.



In Swasti Seva sangathanSalary means payment for work, made to an employee with an
employment contract, usually done in the form of a monthly cash or cheque payment. The
salary system of the organization is bound to agreed hard currency amounts and is followed by
the organization. The amount of salary is paid according to the employment contract of the
employee. The salary system is evaluated periodically by the organizations.

Employees are expected to pay their government graduated tax to the concerned Authorities or
any other tax they are obliged to pay, according to the law of the country. It is not the
responsibility of the organization to pay this tax or to remind the employee to pay.

Incomplete months are paid by calculating the number of days actually worked. The salaries
presented comprise the total of basic salary, housing and transport payments that an employee
should receive. Necessary deductions paid by the organization for the employees also include in
the salary. Each employee signs a pay slip (in duplicate) at the end of the month stating the
above. One signed pay slip will remain with the employee and the other with the organization.

For each position in the organization it has been defined what the salary should be in hard
currency. The salaries depend on:

a) the position of the employee

b) the time an employee has worked in the organization
c) the performance of the employee.

This section consists of the following items

1. Basic pay
2. Performance Allowance
3. Acting allowance
4. Advance
5. Travel Allowances / per diem
6. Leisure
7. Break time tea and coffee
8. Work facilitation
9. Insurances
10. Support for Vehicle

Organisation Policy_SSS

C.1 Basic pay

Basic as per the scale of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN approved salary structure. New structure
will be announced from time to time. If required, project specific revisions may be undertaken
considering the special needs of that project.

C.2 Performance Allowance

SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN periodically undertake a performance appraisal with the employee.
When the conclusion is that performance has been acceptable this results in either a promotion
to a next step in the salary grading system of the organization or 5% increase in basic salary
with due discussion with his/her supervisor of concern staff. This means that the employee
from then on will receive the hard currency salary in the new step. Each step increase will be
confirmed in writing by the Project head after obtaining the approval of the Director for the
increase. In case of the salary increment of the Project heads, this will have to be approved by
the EC. Employees with unsatisfactory performance will attract no promotion or step increase,
but will continue to receive general compensations.

C.3 Acting allowance

Acting allowance is an additional allowance on top of the salary of an employee who acts on
behalf of a higher grading position. Acting allowance may apply:

a) If the employee for which one is acting is temporary absent (for instance for a training
course or due to illness),
b) in anticipation of the employee being promoted into the position he/she is acting for, or
c) if the position is vacant and to be filled in the future by another person still to be
The granting of an acting allowance to an employee is decided on by the Director and
Management team of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN. The amount will be based on the grade the
position the employee will act on behalf of. Acting allowance is not regarded as a merit
increase. After acting is finalized and if the employee takes the full position, he/she will receive
the payment suiting the post.

C.4 Advance

One can avail one month salary as advance. To settle the advance s/he get minimum five
installment slab.

Organisation Policy_SSS

C.5 Travel Allowances / per diem

The Organization shall meet the following maximum expenses while staff is sent on official duty
outside the place where the organization is working. These allowances are only paid against actual
costs made. Travel bill will be reimbursed as per the travel norms given below:

Particulars Supporting documents

Tickets and travel agent bill

Actual – Normally sleeper class.
not required with TA bill
3-T AC is entitled for journeys more than 24
Ticket and travel agent bill
Inter-city hours. In case of extra ordinary circumstances
required with TA bill
travel team leader can approve travel by AC tickets.
Airfare in extra-ordinary circumstances and Ticket and travel agent bill
with permission of CEO. required with TA bill
Private Taxi only with permission of the Team
Bill& Slip required with TA bill
Leader/ CEO
Conveyanc Auto-rickshaws for normal travel within city. Bill not required

Unless provided for by the organization, this Bills not required

Boarding will be divided as follows:
Metros – Rs 200
State Capitals – Rs 150
District HQ & Other Places – Rs 100

Metros, State Capitals – Rs 500 project staff)

Lodging Other Places – Rs. 200 Bill required with TA bill
Permission of CEO required if accommodation
is not available within these limit.

If an employee is sent on a training course the organization will determine the allowances
needed. If for instance lunch is provided during the training course, the employee will not be
given the lunch part of the allowance; when a training course takes place within the town
where the employee lives and the employee can eat and sleep at home no allowance will be
given at all. If third parties pay allowances (e.g. organizers of the training course) the employee
is allowed to accept these but the organization will in such case not give an allowance to the
employee. On request employee can be given an advance, but that must be settled
immediately after returning.

The following are conditions for all employees in the organisation:

Organisation Policy_SSS

a) All tour plans gets prior approval by an approval authority. The 1 st mode of
transportation is 2nd class train fair and bus fair in the shortest route.
b) Travel bill must be submitted within three days of completion of travel. Travel bills
submitted after 3 days without any appropriate reason will not be entertained.
c) No travel advance will be given before the settlement of previous travel advance.

C.6 Leisure
The senior management shall arrange a staff get together with other employees once in a
calendar year (usually as Christmas party). Venue and date will be decided upon by vote or

C.7 Break time tea and coffee

Tea or coffee is served to office staffs in the afternoon only in working days. The exact time is
decided by the organization. Tea and coffee items are provided by the organization. Snacks,
meals and extra drinks have to be paid for by the employees themselves.

C.8 Work facilitation

Depending on the position and tasks of the employee the organization will do as much as
possible to facilitate the employee in his/her work. This means that the employee can use the
organization’s computers, transport (if stated in the job description), stationary, calculators,
field equipment and helmets all while on duty. Usually these items are not taken home, but left
in office.
Protective measures are provided for all employees but items/materials (except consumables)
remain the property of the organization. Stationary can be used in normal quantities as
required by the work. Employees can request for equipment or items needed to be able to
perform duties. These can be granted at the discretion of the management.

C.9 Insurances

All employees are insured for bodily or material damage they cause to a third party while being
on duty. This means they can’t be sued by a third party on personal level provided the damage
was not caused willfully or by negligence.
All employees are also insured for medical treatment as a result of an accident being on duty
and income for a period of at least 3 months in case of full disability (based on their current
income). The employee always has to wear a helmet while driving or co-driving a motor cycle
while being on duty. In case death occurs while on duty as a result of an accident, the direct
relatives are paid at least 3 months’ salary. All these provisions depend on the insurance’s
assessment and are only paid if the insurance company decides to pay.

C.10 Support for Vehicle

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a) The program co-staffs not having a personal vehicle (2-wheeler) are allowed to request
for a vehicle loan to the organisation. The amount is deducted from the salary of the
staff in a reasonable terms
b) As per the project provision a monthly travel allowance is paid to staffs using personal
vehicle (2-wheeler) as approved by the appropriate authority from time to time for
official purpose. In case of heavy running the travel bill will be reimbursed in per KM
basis @ Rs.2.00 along with the Log Book.
c) The project staffs can avail project allocated vehicles in a long term basis as per the need
of the project. An agreement must be signed for the safety Security and maintenance of
the vehicle will be allowed after duly fill up of vehicle requisition form. No staffs are
allotted vehicle without a valid Driving License (DL)
d) Vehicle running expenses bill should be submitted along with the copy of logbook within
7 days of completion of the month and must be scrutinized by the team leader. Bills
submitted after 7 days of completion of the month without any appropriate reason will
not be entertained
e) The organization vehicles will be kept in office premises and will used for official works.
The users have to maintain the log book otherwise the fuel bill will not accepted
f) Only Coordinator and other senior Program Officers is provided with a jeep / motor
vehicle can use vehicle or taxi within the budget limits. Any other senior Program staff
or staff together wants to avail use of vehicle, prior approval from appropriate authority
is essential
g) The petty maintenance within Rs.50/- will bear by the vehicle holder. Other than that
will be reimbursed by the office. The servicing of the vehicle is lies with the vehicle
holder. If any time it is observed the vehicle is not safe, secured or maintained properly
then vehicle can be withdrawn
h) All two & four wheelers will be covered under third party insurance, to meet the loss of
life and property of staff and 3rd party

Swasti Seva sangathanhas a system of staff development in place for employees at all levels.
This consists of performance appraisals of the employees and the possibility for employees to
follow internal and external trainings when they are invited to do so. Employees are also free to
apply for training courses that they would like to follow. This section comprises of the following

1. Employee performance appraisal

2. Performance appraisal process:
3. Training
4. Transfers
5. Promotion
6. Use of notice board

D.1 Employee performance appraisal

Swasti Seva sangathanperiodically review the performances of all its employees that aims at
improvement of performance in their current job. The objectives of performance appraisal of
staffs by the organisation is

a) To satisfy the individual's needs for feedback on performance and to assist him/her in
improving the performance in the current job.
b) To strengthen supervisor - employee relationships.
c) To get feedback on the level of employee motivation.
d) To help the employee to perform better in order to strengthen the organization as a
whole to perform better.

D.2 Performance appraisal process:

After completion of the probation period and annually, each member of staff undergo an
appraisal exercise to review his/her performance and to agree on new targets, as well as
identifying training and employee development needs. Each employee is evaluated based on
targets set, and then other new targets are set for the next year. It is the responsibility of
employee and immediate supervisor to ensure that individually set targets are monitored on
regular basis as specified in the completed performance appraisal report. Failure to comply
with this will have an adverse implication on the part of the immediate supervisor and
concerned employee. One copy of the appraisal form is given to the employee in duplicate and
the original copy of the form is filed in the employee’s personal file. If the employee does not
agree with the outcome of the appraisal, he/she can appeal with the Director.
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D.3 Training
The organization supports a policy of progressive development of employees. Training needs of
employees at all levels are assessed regularly and where required for the job, internal or
external training are organized at the organization's expense. Training wanted and initiated by
the employee but do not suit the organization’s budget or priorities should be paid by the
employee and be done outside working hours.

Employees who purse courses sponsored by the organization, and have a high cost implication,
are obliged to serve the organization for a minimum of 1 or 2 years (depending on the amount)
after training before they can resign/retire from the organization. They will have to sign an
agreement under this arrangement.

D.4 Transfers
The organization appoints the employee to a specific project location (District Office) and this
may be subject to transfer at any time. An employee may be given the opportunity to transfer
because of:

a) The organization may initiate the transfer. In this case the employee needs to be
consulted on the possibilities for him/her to transfer.
b) Transfer may be effected as a result of personal interest/request and this may take
place after request by the employee to be transferred to another office. An employee
wishing to transfer from one Branch office to another usually has to apply for an existing
vacancy. If the post is advertised externally, he/she would have to equally compete with
external applicants.

Transfers need the approval of the Director. Employees who are transferred may apply for
coverage of incurred costs involved in the transfer. This will be looked into per each case.

D.5 Promotion
Swasti Seva sangathangives adequate scope to its staff to take advantage of joining higher
position as per the guidelines outlined for recruitment. Promotions are linked to the past
performance of the staffs in the organisation and their eligibility for that particular position. If
an employee takes up another position in the organization his/her salary is fixed according to
the grading level of the new position, starting as if the employee was newly employed.

D.6 Use of notice board

All important communication regarding vacant positions, the change in positions of employees
(whether being promoted, acting on behalf of, transfers, new appointments, resignations, etc),
training courses and other important issues regarding staff development are announced on the
notice board in the office for every employee’s information.

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Swasti Seva sangathanhas developed a Code of Conduct for the employees. Every employee
upon acceptance of a position with the organization signs the Code of Conduct at the same day
the employment contract is signed. The Code of Conduct comprises the rules to which all
employees should comply. This section comprises

1. Code of conduct and working Rules

2. Disciplinary procedures
3. Procedures to be followed
4. Guidelines for handling offences
5. Appeals
6. Grievance handling procedures
7. Grievances against employees

E.1 Code of conduct and working Rules:

All staffs are required to :

a) Observe their contract of the employment in all respects; this includes the terms and
conditions mentioned in the appointment letter and the staff policy document and
performing effectively the duties of the job for which they have been employed.

b) Observe all SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN directives, procedures, instructions and policy
statements and respect the confidentiality of information.

c) Give due consideration to the safety and welfare of others.

d) Observe SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN’s normal working hours including any variation
agreed for field projects/ specific projects; obtain the prior approval of their supervisor
for any absence from work and inform as soon as practicable of reasons and duration of
their unexpected and unavoidable absence from work; send to the appropriate office,
medical certificates for longer period of sickness absence.

e) Behave to colleagues and seniors in a manner which expresses love, respect and
maintains individual dignity, maintenance of good working relationships and the ethics
of a charitable organization; the behavior not only be consistent in performance of their
duties, but personal integrity; as SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN provides a lot of freedom in
work and financial dealings, it expects the staff to be much more honest, transparent,
self-controlled and high level of self-accountability; the staff should have personal
responsibility and care to maintain its good image outside the internal working

Organisation Policy_SSS

environment should be of helping each others , extending warm welcome to new

comers as well as relating in a similar manner with the ex-colleagues; violation of any
working rules shall be treated as offences and disciplinary action will be initiated.

E.2 Disciplinary procedures

Disciplinary procedures apply to all employees at all levels irrespective of the nature of

This is to ensure that the organization's policies, standard of performance and behavior are
maintained at an appropriate high level. The organization’s policy is to ensure that always a
positive approach is used to motivate the employee. Disciplinary procedures only come in if the
encountered situation is of willful nature and (potentially) damaging to the organization and/or
colleagues. It is at the discretion of the Director to judge whether an offence is minor or major.
Depending on this judgment Swasti Seva sangathanfollows standard disciplinary procedures.
An Ad hoc disciplinary committee is instituted to deal with disciplinary cases and settled

The following are the step by step disciplinary actions followed by the organization:

a) Verbal warning: (not recorded in personal file of the employee).

b) Written Warning: Each warning letter is recorded in the personal file of the employee.
Each warning letter has a particular level, depending on the offense. If warning letters
issued to an employee exceeds 4 times during the whole time of service of the
employee, the Project heads of the organization can decide to start the procedures for
dismissal or suspension of the employee whenever he thinks this is necessary.
c) Suspension. Suspension means that an employee is sent off the job for a limited time of
2 weeks maximum without payment of salary. The decision to suspend someone is
taken by the Director.
d) Transfer to another job / place
e) Down grading in present job with a reduction in salary
f) Withholding of future increments
g) Supervision for a period without pay
h) Dismissal: Dismissal can be with or without pay, depending on the offense. The decision
to dismiss someone is taken by the Director in consultation with the Project heads.
E.3 Procedures to be followed
The line managers and supervisors are primarily responsible for identifying offenses. They
communicate each offense to respective the Project heads. In reaction to an offense the Project
heads provide a verbal warning to the involved employee in case of small offenses. In case of
larger offenses the Project heads and/or the Director coordinate the disciplinary action. After

Organisation Policy_SSS

the approval of the Director the agreed disciplinary action is imposed on the involved

The following authorization levels can be distinguished with regards to disciplinary action:

Verbal warning: Line Managers

Warning letters: Project Heads

Suspension: Project Heads in consultation with Director

Dismissal: Director

E.4 Guidelines for handling offences

The table below shows a guideline for how to handle offenses.

Type of offence Minor Major

Willful failure to obey legitimate

Warning letter Warning letter

Willful loss, misuse, damage, theft,

Warning letter,
unauthorized use of organization’s Warning letter
suspension or dismissal

Improper publicity of organization’s

Warning letter Warning letter

Verbal warning / Warning Warning letter,

letter dismissal

Lateness or leaving work without Verbal warning / Warning

Warning letter
permission letter

Failure to co-operate with other Verbal warning / Warning

Warning letter
employees letter

Gossip among and about colleagues

Verbal warning Warning letter
within/outside the organization

Organisation Policy_SSS

Reporting on duty under the influence

Suspension Dismissal
of alcohol/narcotics

Warning letter,
Breach of safety rules Warning letter
suspension, dismissal

Careless or neglect of work Warning letter Warning letter

Fighting at workplace Dismissal Dismissal

Threatening behavior towards another Warning letter,

Warning letter
worker suspension, dismissal

Having private business with suppliers

of the organization on organization’s Warning letter Suspension, dismissal

Claiming expenses from the

organization which are higher than the
Warning letter Suspension, dismissal
actual expenditure or which do not

Verbal warning, Warning

Any other offence not stated above Suspension, dismissal

If a formal warning is written to the employee it explains the nature and seriousness of the
offense. A copy of this warning will be given to the Director and placed on the employee’s
personal file. Following the delivery of the formal disciplinary action the Project Head
concerned hold a formal interview with the employee during which contents of the letter is
discussed. Minutes is taken and filed as well.

The disciplined employee must countersign all disciplinary letters or minutes of the proceedings
of the disciplinary interviews. Failure to the employee member to endorse the document
should be reported to the Director and noted on the employee’s personal file.

E.5 Appeals
At any stage in the above proceeding, the employee may appeal through the Project Head for
suspension or change of the disciplinary action. The Project Head ask advise from others within
the organization and produces an advise in writing which is handed to the Director who make a
final decision about the disciplinary action. No further appeals will be permitted.

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E.6 Grievance handling procedures

An employee may have a legitimate grievance against a colleague, a manager or the
organization. This for instance includes conditions of work, unreasonable instructions, poor co-
ordination, poor or inappropriate communication or other matters. The employee is
encouraged to feel free to seek settlement of problems, complaints and grievances without fear
of interference or dismissal. In such case the employee is, however, obliged to follow the
procedure mentioned below. Always the person against whom the grievance is held is heard

E.7 Grievances against employees

The employee will approach the Project head for grievance. In case the grievance is against the
Project head the employee will approach the Director. The Project head/Director investigates
the matter and if possible solves the issue to the employee’s satisfaction. Grievance complaints
are always taken very seriously by Swasti Seva sangathanand are given full attention
immediately. The organisation resolve the grievance by inviting the person against whom the
grievance is held and the employee who expressed the grievance to come to terms with each
other in a personal conversation in which the Project heads/Director acts as a facilitator.
Agreed points between both the persons during discussion are laid down in writing and both
persons sign it for approval. The agreement is made up in three-fold: one copy for each of the
two involved employees and one copy for the filing system. If the issue is not resolved in this
process decision of the Director is final and binding.



Rules and regulations with regard to various administrative issues that have not been covered
up in the previous sections have been discussed in this section. This section comprises of the

1. Reporting of the staff

2. Attendance Register and Leave Records
3. Use of Vehicle
4. Use of Telephone, Fax/Xerox & Library
5. Participation/organizing Training Program
6. Personal files
7. Politics and religion
8. Loss or damage of organization property
9. Working hours or days
10. Location/Duty Station
11. Expense claim policy and procedure
12. Ownership and confidentiality of information/documents

F.1 Reporting of the staff: Swasti Seva sangathanhas a clearly defined structure and line of
communication and for each employee in the organisation has a specific person to report that
has been mentioned in their contract/appointment letters. The organisation has also a standard
norms and procedure for working as mentioned in the organisation policy. All employees in the
organisation must report to their line-manager/supervisor/authority in time and at specific

F.2 Attendance Register and Leave Records: The organisation maintains a separate attendance
registers for each project office as well as head office. These attendance register is verified daily
by administrative department. Hence on the 3rd day of every month, administrative Section
must report the leave status of individual staffs to the Director. Leave status and applications of
each staffs will be recorded in their respective personal files staffs by administrative-in-charge.

F.3 Use of Vehicle: While using the vehicles, Swasti Seva sangathansees that it is in the best
interest of the organization and at the minimum cost .So the person requiring the vehicle will
give a vehicle requisition to the administrative section mentioning the program details and
duration of use. The person using office vehicle must keep vehicle documents, insurance paper,
Organisation Policy_SSS

driving license and helmet in his custody otherwise he should bear the cost of any penalty / fine
for non-production of the said documents imposed by public authorities. He should maintain a
log book for Distance covered and maintenance made if any for the vehicle on each traveling
day. The log book should be verified by the accounts before making any payments for cost of
fuel. The vehicles should be kept in the office in the off hours or holidays. Administrative dept
should maintain a list regarding the movement of vehicles at any time and the insurance due
dates, tax payment due dates driving license due dates so that measures can be taken to renew
the said documents before expiry of the terms.

F.4 Use of Telephone, Fax/Xerox & Library: Administrative dept of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN
should maintain a log book for both incoming and outgoing telephone calls and Fax messages
indicating Date of call, Name of the person to whom call is made, the purpose of telephone,
signature of the caller etc. The telephone should be locked in the off hours and holidays using
dynamic locking system and the pass word of the telephone for locking and unlocking should be
kept secret by the staff designated for the work and it should not be disclosed to other staffs
except to the head of the organization. Regular follow-up regarding receipt of bills and payment
of telephone bill should be insured by the administrative dept so that no disconnection is made
without the bill payment otherwise he/she will be responsible for the office work hampered
due to his/her negligence. Similarly log book for Xerox work and library issue and receipt
register should be maintained to keep control on misappropriation of books. Library books
should be issued only to the staffs and authorized persons. Physical verification of books should
be made on a regular basis and a status on the library books should be reported to the higher
authorities. Administrative dept should made requisition for purchases of new books after
receiving requisition from different department and should keep the books in the safe custody
by lock and key in the Suitable racks or cabins.

F.5 Participation/organizing Training Program: All the training programs of internal staffs in the
external organizations and staff of outside organizations in SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN should
be routed through the administrative dept. The dept should collect formal letters for both type
of training with details of program schedule specialization of participants required, traveling,
lodging and boarding arrangements made or required. After formal request for training the
letter is submitted to the Director or Secretary to nominate and approve the training as per the
best interest of the organization. After the approval of the program the fund requisition is made
for the traveling, boarding, lodging and venue booking cost and the details are handed over to
the nominee for participation. Administrative dept is responsible to collect a report on training
impact on individual initiative and on the organization capacity building along with the training
materials, documents received and bills and vouchers collected for accounts settlement.

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F.6 Personal files

For each employee (temporary or permanent) a personal file is prepared. The Personnel Admin
Officer is responsible for maintenance of the personal files. He/she will ensure that the
employee files are kept up to date with maximum safety and confidentiality. The following
persons can access the personal files:

a) Representative of Donor Agencies (without permission)

b) Director (without permission)
c) Admin Officer/In Charge (without permission)
d) Other members of the Management team (with permission of the Director)

The employee will access his/her personal file if seeking for some specific document. This is
done in the presence of the Admin Officer after permission of the Director. If necessary parts of
the file can be kept secret for the employee.

F.7 Politics and religion

The organization is a local non-governmental organization and has no political/religious
affiliation. The properties and facilities of the organization shall not be used for any political or
religious purpose. Employees should express their personal political/religious beliefs without in
any way involving the organization directly or indirectly. If the organization feels that religious
or political involvement is conflicting the interests of the organization, the employee can be

F.8 Loss or damage of organization property

Employee on permanent or temporary terms and conditions of service will be personally
responsible for the organization's property, which is within his/her control either at work or
home. Loss of such property, which cannot be adequately accounted for or explained, shall be
treated as theft and if such case occurs it could lead to summary dismissal. If the employee
looses organization’s tools or equipment which are in the employee’s possession he/she will
have to pay the costs for replacement.

F.9 Working hours or days

a) The normal working hours are 48 hours per week, with the head office opening between
9.00 AM to 5.00 pm on every work day. Sunday will be holidays. However, in field area
the hours and days shall be fixed according to the local context and nature of work.
b) In case of emergency staff including Office Secretary, Coordinator, Accounts officer,
Driver, Watchman, Attendants and such other posts specified by the instructions of
Director the duty time will depend on the work requirement.
c) There is no overtime allowance for additional hours.

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F.10 Location/Duty Station:

A staff is appointed for specific locations of work and attached to a specific office of the
organisation. If somebody is leaving his/her duty station/locaion has to take permission from
the Team Leader. Employees are allowed to reside in the office premises but for any of his/her
family member/guest/relatives permission is required from the Team Leader.

F.11 Expense claim policy and procedure

a) Expenses are not part of salary but direct reimbursement of expenditure.
b) Claims for reimbursement must be made on the appropriate form, signed by individual
and authorized by Section Head with approval of Project heads prior to submission to
the Admin Section.
c) As a general rule all claims must be supported by receipts, if possible VAT receipts.
However, it is recognized that certain items of expenditure e.g. some public transport
fares cannot be supported by documentary evidence. In such cases the claim form must
include details of the reason of expenditure.

F.12 Ownership and confidentiality of information/documents:

a) All staffs of Samajik Seva Sadan (SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN)must ensure that all
Information used or held by them during their contract period shall be and remain at all
times the property of Samajik Seva Sadan (SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN). Upon the
termination or expiry of the Contract Agreement, the concerned person shall promptly
deliver to Swasti Seva sangathanall such tangible items related to this agreement, which
is in its possession or control and which either belong to Swasti Seva sangathanor
contain information related to this agreement.
b) All staffs of Swasti Seva sangathanwill ensure that they shall not disclose or use or cause
to be disclosed or used, at any time during or subsequent to their contract/Agreement
with the organisation, any confidential information of Swasti Seva sangathanand keep
all the information collected during their association, strictly confidential.
c) Unless allowed by the Director all the information, reports, photographs, proposals and
legal documents of the organisation are treated as confidential and will be kept under
the safe custody of the Administrative section of the organisation. While sharing the
aforesaid information or documents with others all staff must seek approval of the
d) All the correspondence and letters relating to the organization by mail should be made
by using only organization e-mail ID.

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Financial management is more than keeping accounting records. It is an essential part of
organizational management and cannot be seen as a separate task to be left to finance staff or the
treasurer only. Financial management involves planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring
financial resources in order to achieve organizational objectives and involves a range of financial
tactics. Sound financial management is one of the most important policy development of Swasti
Seva sangathanand apart from various rules, regulations and procedures this policy reflect different
roles and responsibilities of staffs and board members. This section contains the following

a) Accounting Practices
b) Fund Management
c) Cash Management
d) Cash Disbursement
e) Revolving Fund Management
f) Payment
g) Procurement
h) Assets Management
i) Stores Management
j) Books Keeping And Accounting
k) Financial Documentation
l) General Accounting Principles


Swasti Seva sangathanbeing registered under societies registration act 1860, under 12A of the
income Tax act 1961 and Foreign Contributions regulation act; it follows the accounting
principles and practices that conforms to provisions of these acts. The general Accounting
principles and practices of the organisation are mainly

a) It follows the mercantile system of accounting as per income tax act. . Hence the
income and expenditure for the whole financial year will be made whether paid or
not. Depreciation on fixed assets will be maintained on WDV method as per income
tax act. Consistency and full discloser will be maintained in following principles and
maintenance of accounts.

b) The financial year of the organisation will be from 1 st April of one year to 31 st March
of the following year.

c) Books of account shall be maintained at head office / branch office as per the
requirement of projects operation area and donor requirements.

Organisation Policy_SSS

d) Financial statements and utilisation certificates are to be made preferably on half

yearly basis or as per the donor requirements and to be audited by qualified
auditors. Consolidated financial statements should be prepared and audited with in
July 31st. The return can be filed with Ministry of Home Affaires latest by 30th July
and Income tax authorities latest by 30th September of each financial year as per
statutory requirements.

e) Program accounts will be settled within three months from the day the program is


Sources of Fund: For achievements of its aim and objectives Swasti Seva sangathanshall raise its
funds from the following sources

a) Membership fees and entrance fees from General body and executive body members

b) Grants, contribution from General body and executive body members

c) Service Charges from beneficiaries treated to be members by deposit of some amount

for a particular objective of a project Grant.

d) Sale of own publication/publication of any associates of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN

related to the objectives of any grant sanctioned for implementation by SWASTI SEVA
SANGATHAN in the form of Books, periodicals, CDS or DVDS etc.

e) Grants, donations or contributions, loan from the financial agencies, Nationalised and
Privatised Banks and other funding agencies from non-members, Govt. Local Bodies,
Industrial House, Business communities, National and international sources sanction
with in the legal objectives of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN as a society.

f) By any other sources as decided from time to time by the presidium in consultation of
the board within the purview of its objectives or by hiring assets created from the
requirements of the project grants.

Mode of Receipt, acknowledgement and Deposit of Fund.

The funds received from (donors / members having permanent account number / recognition
as donor agencies) under the above mentioned heads by cash for amounts below 20000/- and
by cheque / draft / fund transfer by Mail transfer (RTGS) for amounts exceeding 20000/- should
be deposited in scheduled bank account opened in the name of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN for
the respective objectives / Projects. Acknowledgement for money receipts for receipts should

Organisation Policy_SSS

give the receipts in Indian national currency and receipts of foreign currencies should be done
both by format specified by the donor agencies and money receipts. Total receipts of foreign
currencies deposited in the scheduled bank and bank interest accrued to the deposits should be
acknowledged to the Ministry of Home affaires Govt of India in the form of FC-3 Return on or
before 31st July of every year.

Utilisation of Funds

The utilisation of funds will be made by following proper accounting principles / procedures
described above and maintenance of proper books of account required for statutory and
internal control of funds. The books of account should be audited by qualified statutory auditor
appointed by SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN and utilisation certificate for each project along with
statutory audit report for the organisation as a whole should be prepared by the auditor as per
the requirement of donor and Government.


Purpose of this chapter is to provide guidelines/Follow general procedures and practices to the
persons responsible in handling of cash and the internal controls to be maintained for the
proper safekeeping and smooth management of Cash transactions.

Cash Transactions

a) All receipts of Swasti Seva sangathangenerally includes grant / donations for a particular
activity, revolving loan repayments and sale of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN /or its
associates publications etc. All the receipts of the above categories received from
outsiders not exceeding twenty thousand may be received by cash and amount
exceeding 20,000/- should be received only by account payee Cheque / draft in favor of

b) All cash receipts should be deposited in the designated bank account on the same day
or next working day unless impracticable or not directed by competent authority to
deposit for the purpose of the requirements of the organization.

c) All payment to outsider above Rs.20,000/-, except to the Govt. and Govt. undertakings
and statutory authority unless approved by approving authority should be paid by
account payee Cheque or draft. Cheques issue register should be maintained to keep
control utilization of Cheques.

Documentary evidence for cash transactions

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a) Original copy of Money receipts and Bills of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN with date and
number and purpose of receipt should be issued for every receipt of cash or Cheque.

b) Original copy of Bills and money receipts with details of address /registration number of
the party/SL. No Of Bill/Date of Bill/Signature of the issuer with figures both in figures
and words of the Party’s No of the Bill, Date of issue.

c) In Case of payments to outsiders where a regular receipt cannot obtained a receipt in a

standard format voucher/ Bank account deposit slip in original can be made with the
certification and acknowledgement of receipt of goods or serviced from concerned dept.

Cash Control Mechanism

For effective control of Cash, Cash book is to be closed on every Saturday for which cash
transaction is available and closing balance of cash is to be written with details denomination of
notes and coins. The physical verification of cash is to be carried out by any other person other
than the cashier for reconciliation. Bank Reconciliation statement is to be prepared by the
accountant on monthly basis for all the bank accounts where bank transaction is available.
Besides this internal control procedure, half yearly internal audit is to be carried out by
statutory audit farm appointed by the organization for financial control and donor compliances.

2. Bank Accounts :

a) General: for betterment in operation of the transactions. SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN

can operate a number of Bank accounts according to the requirement of the funding
agencies and self. But SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN has to maintain one separate Bank
account for F.C Grants, which is recognized by the Ministry of Home Dept. of Govt. of
India at the time of FCRA Registration.

b) Signatories of the Accounts: The Bank Accounts must be operated with joint signature
of two signatories. The signatories may change from time to time as per the resolution

3. Petty Cash:

a) General: SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN must have a petty cash fund, for small payments,
which requires cash immediately, that are of recurring nature and expected amount for
expenditure within one month can be predicted well in advance with small margin of

Organisation Policy_SSS

b) Creating of Fund: To establish a petty cash Fund, Cash should be paid to the petty
cashier in charge for the petty transactions. The total petty cash amount should not
change unless it is determined by experience that the fund is inadequate.

c) Disbursement amount from Petty Cash Fund: Petty Cash is maintained as an imprest
basis, which means that the fund is only reimbursed for the amount spent. At the time
of disbursement of petty cash the accountant (or other authorized person for custodian
of the fund) will follow the procedure as explained separately in this manual under the
head CASH DISBURSEMENT BY CHEQUE OR CASH. Except that the authorized person has
to see that each individual payment should not exceed Rs 20,000/-.On behalf of the
treasurer the Accountant has been authorized to be the custodian of the petty cash.

d) Procedure for replacement of petty cash Fund: Before exceeding the petty cash limit,
the custodian of the fund must aggregate the amount support with petty cash vouchers.
Custodian of the fund should fill an itemization petty cash in duplicate and the total
amount of the itemization sheet only can be drawn by a self-Cheque as petty cash
replacement. Original of the itemization should be attached to the payment voucher of
debit voucher, and duplicate of the sheet should be retained with that petty cash
vouchers bunch.


a. Procedure: The accountant is responsible for maintaining cash and the Cheque book.
When disbursement is made, the accountant should review all the supporting documents,
recorded in Para below, to be sure that it is in order. It is the responsibility of the book keeper
to check the addition, multiplication, discounts etc. on each in voice, to be sure that total price
is correct.

All payments above Rs.20, 000/- should be paid by account payee Cheques, or DDs. Then the
accountant will prepare the Cheque the Cheque for the proper amount, name of the payee and
the date with current date and assemble all related documents, voucher (form-2) dully filled
along with the Cheque in case of cash payment the accountant must prepare the petty cash
voucher (form 03) and will assemble all related documents along with petty cash voucher. All
documents must be cancelled with “PAID” stamp (with date and Cheque no in case of Cheque
payments) except money receipts from the payee. Then the vouchers should be given to
appropriate person for approval. After the approval of the vouchers, the cash will be disbursed
(if it is petty cash payment) or the Cheques will be given to signatories to sign it. For any project
level transaction, the concern Approving authority is responsible for reviewing all documents to
be sure that the disbursement is properly supported for the correct amount of the goods or
services which are received by “SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN”. Payment should be made only on
original in voices not on copy of invoice. The approving authority should also note that the
voucher with all its supporting has been duly cancelled by “PAID “stamp and dated with the

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current date. Only after this review has been made, the approving authority will sign the
If in any case the approving authority decided not to pay the after preparation of the Cheque,
then that Cheque must be cancelled and all the paid stamps should be crossed and signed by
the approving authority for further use at the appropriate time. The cancelled Cheques must be
attached to the cancelled voucher. If any Cheque has to be dispatched or mailed it should be
kept in safe strong custody.

b. Exception: Situation may occur in which it is unacceptable according to local customs or by

circumstances to pay for the goods or services by Cheque. If this happens a bearer Cheque may
be prepare in the name of the payee after due approval from the appropriate authority,
keeping all other formalities same as above.

c. Supporting Documents: for the disbursement by Cheque or cash the following documents
should be attached with vouchers.

a) Original invoice

b) Approved material requisition (form-4) or approved request letter from the

responsible person for a particular program.

c) Purchase Order (if necessary)(form-5)

d) Goods received note (form-6)

e) Any other comments from the users of the materials or services in separate sheet.


Revolving loan fund is a loan fund provided by project grant as an item of expenses,
which is to be given as loan to cooperative members promoted by the grant of the
project. The purpose of revolving loan fund is to lend funds to the coop members for the
specific purposes of increasing their income, improving the opportunity of being
employed and assisting them to be an entrepreneur in attaining a better quality of life.
The repayments of revolving loan (Principal along with the interest) will be kept in a
separate bank account and it is to be again utilized for the same purpose in similar

a) Procedure: After the due request by the primary or secondary cooperative with
documents like 1) loan application indicating request for loan 2) Board resolution
regarding authorization to receive external loan from SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN receipt
of these documents loan committee will consider the availability of fund and track
record of the cooperative and sanction or cancel the loan application, if loan is

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sanctioned a letter for sanction of loan with amount will be issued and the coop is
required to submit i) Non-Judicial court paper for loan agreement and ii) post dated
Cheque for the sanctioned loan amount. After receipt of theses two documents the
coop will receive the required Cheque or DD along with a loan repayment schedule.

b) Bank Reconciliation: A bank reconciliation statement is prepared to detect the

differences between the bank balance as per statement of bank and the cash book
balance of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN. This statement should be prepared by the
accountant on a regular monthly basis for the counter cheek with bank account and act
according for correct utilization of money before second date of next month.

G.6.1 Procedure for payments to Clients:

SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN will basically handle six types of clients like (i) vendors / suppliers
(ii) Contractors (iii) Consultants (iv) Direct assistance to beneficiaries v) Cooperative societies
etc. The procedures for payment to these different clients are given as below:

G.6.2 Payments to Vendor / Suppliers :

The payment will be made to these clients for purchase of some materials, assets or
equipments from them. The total process is divided into two parts One is purchase, which
elaborately discussed in the chapter purchase procedure and other part is payment which is
already discussed under chapter “CASH” in the “cash disbursement by Cheque or cash “.

G.6.3 Payments to Contractors:

Here the meaning of contractor is the person who is doing any civil/Job work with an
agreement with “SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN “. Before the payment is made the accountant
should verify the following materials.

a) Contract agreement between the contractor and SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN made on
legal non-judicial court paper.

b) Certification of measurement by the authorized engineers and counter signed by the

area in charge where the construction projects are going on.

c) The most important thing is to follow the Act and rules of Income. Tax Act of the
Government regarding deduction of any TDS.

Apart these, all other procedure mentioned under the head “cash disbursement by “Cheque” or
“cash” should be followed.

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G.6.4 Payment to Consultants

Before the payment to the consultants the accountant should verify the approved
agreement/appointment letter between the consultant and SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN. The
concerned person of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN who is responsible to get the work done by the
consultant should verify the consultancy report and certify for the consultancy on the bill of the
consultant. There after accountant should go through different rules of the Income tax Act for
consultant regarding percentage of TDS deduction and all other formalities should be
maintained as per the head “Cash Disbursement by Cheque or cash “.

G.6.5 Payment as Direct Assistance to beneficiaries

At the time of payment to these types of persons the accountant should be more careful.
Before giving the payment to these types of clients should enquire about the documents like
request letters from beneficiary duly reviewed by the area in charge and approved by approving
authority, supporting documents attached to the request letter as per the scheme mentioned in
annual budget. Most of the parties have no bank accounts for these types of payments. The
assistance to the beneficiaries to be preferable in kind if urgent cash payment required they
should be paid directly from office by individual signature in the payment voucher.

G.6.6 Payment to Cooperative societies

Generally payment to cooperatives consists of loan disbursements and it should be according to

the procedures described in the revolving loan payment. Besides in any capacity development
payments are made for the organization, as a whole the procedure for direct assistance to
beneficiaries should be followed.

G.6.7 Internal payments / Payment to Staffs

Various advances are to be given as per advance rules given earlier. Such advances are of
Traveling, Purchase advance, salary advance, Vehicle purchase advance and advance for a
particular program. Before payment of a particular advance the accounts department should
ensure that such advance payment has been sanctioned in a prescribed1) “advance Requisition
form”2) two copies of advance requisition form prepared. First copy is sent to accounts dept for
payment and second copy to be retained by the originating dept. Following documents are to
be attached for advance requisition.

a) Documentary evidence of request letter for any program to be held outside the office
with detailed address of venue and number of days of program with program details.

b) Authorization to participate on behalf of the organization.

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c) Authorization to purchase goods or services, along with materials requisition,

quotations, Comparative statement and approved purchase order.

d) Approved application for salary advance.

e) Approved application for vehicle purchase advance with price quotation of the vehicle.

f) Details breakup for program expenses as per budget, which is approved by the
approving authority.

Advance settlement Process given under salary payment section.

G.6.8 Salary Payment

Salary payment is to be made by cash or cheque as per the convenience of accounts, statutory
requirements and donor requirements. Generally it is to be paid on the 5 th of the working day
of the succeeding month, if that day falls on holiday or any day which is more important and
preferential from the organisation point of view, then on the next following day. Before the
payment date the salary statement is to be prepared mentioning the gross earnings and other
deductions linked with salary, but before the preparation of salary statement programme
advances, tour advances, purchase advances, salary advances and clearance from
administrative department must be settled if the programmes, tours and purchases have been
made as per stipulation. Administrative department should issue attendance details for
preparation of salary statement. Deductions form salary will be made as per leave rules in force
on proportionate basis i,e, Gross Salary /Total No of Days during the month multiplied by the
number of Days worked including holidays. The payment will be made to the individual
employees as per the signature on the Salary register. The advance settlement should be made
by submission of the following documents.

A. Programme Advance/Training

a) Authorisation or request letter for initiation of the programme.

b) Participation list of the participants
c) Material requisition
d) Fooding Menu
e) Expenditure details with supporting bills and vouchers.
f) A report on programme/ training containing the objectives of the programme, matters
discussed ,and outcome of feedback from participants with signatures of the
programme/ training coordinator.
g) Photo evidencing the location of the venue and participants of the programme

B. Tour Advance.
a) Authorisation for tour programme.

Organisation Policy_SSS

b) Expenditure details with supporting bills and vouchers

c) A report on the outcome of tour programme along with materials received from the
C. C. Purchase advance.
a) Purchase order for the purchase work.
b) Materials receipt note from administrative dept.
c) Proper bills and vouchers

D. Clearance from administrative dept.

a) Regarding settlement of issue of library books and mess expenses.

b) Regarding submission of Activity report and action plan.
c) Regarding activities /behaviour violating the credibility of the organisation.


The purchase procedure should be so standardized that good quality of materials or assets are
purchased at a reasonably fair price as and when required by any department without
interruption of the work, so this procedure is very important for the organization.

Procurement Procedure

a) First of all the organization should form a committee of at

least three persons and the purchase committee so formed may be treated as a purchase
department. The committee should be given authority to perform the process of
b) For purchase of a particular material /asset, the
concerned dept for which the materials required should give requisition to the purchase
dept. in the material requisition form, as soon as the material stock reaches ordering level
c) After receipt of the purchase requisition the purchase
dept should invite tender or collect at least 3 nos of quotation from the genuine suppliers
or manufacturers present in the market. Then a comparative statement should be
prepared regarding Price, quality, terms of supply ,terms of payment etc. The supplier
/Manufacturer which considered to be favorable for most of the terms for the
organization should be treated as the standard supplier and a list of such supplier should
be prepared for quick reference. The process should be updated from time to time as per
market changes. Then the purchase order should be placed to the supplier as per
approved comparative statement analysis.

Organisation Policy_SSS

Some exceptions may be applied for placement of Purchase order:

i) A purchase order should be given to a supplier if the amount of purchase exceeds

Rs.5,000/- (form-5)
ii) If the total purchase price of the materials is below Rs.5,000/- the authorized
person can purchase without following the procedure (c)the purchase should be
made from a authorized dealer.
iii) If the products which have to purchase, is a brand item and there is authorized
shop / dealer, then the authorized person can follow the other procedure except
the quotation and comparative statement preparation.


Fixed assets management plays a vital role in the internal control system of the organization
because most of the assets purchased are of higher value and longer life period of use. An
organization involving in developmental activities creates assets from the grants of the funding
agencies. The funding agencies have the right to know that the fund provided for the particular
objective is well reflected in the capital expenditure i.e., assets of the organization, financial
statements and policies. The asset management should be so designed that the assets can be
traced at any time, the project to which it belongs and the location and value as on any date,
besides the statutory authorities also require the details of assets during assessment of the
organization. Hence a standard procedure should be followed for the above purpose which is as
Safety and security of Assets

One fixed assets register must be kept by the organization. Separate folio must be maintained
for separate assets. The folio must be updated as and when an asset is purchased. The
purchase procedure defined above should be strictly adhered to the purchases of assets. If the
user of the particular asset is transferred or left the organization, then the store in charge
should be responsible for the particular asset up to the period till the asset is transferred to
another user. Fixed assets should be physically verified by the audit department and a report
should be given to the management regarding the status of fixed asset each year.

Some standard formats are suggested for assets control, location and for calculation of
Depreciation No-1 and No 2 are used as management tools for first two objectives and No 3
used for depreciation calculation as per Income tax act.


Sl.# Description of Make Inventory # PV.# Date of Purchase Location Project. User's Signature
Fixed Asset Purchase Price name


Sl.# Description of Make Inventory # PV.# Date of Purchase Location User's Signature
Other Assets Purchase Price name


Cost Depreciation Balance
Locatio Remark
Dat Particular Voucher Quantit n s

Down Value

During the

e s No. y

Upto the







Introduction :

Store consists of consumable materials which are frequently transacted, whose cost is low as
compared to the fixed assets but the volume of materials is very high so the total cost of the
stores materials is significant. So there should be a standard procedure to control wastages and
misuse of store and thereby reduces the total cost share of the income and expenditure
account. So for keep in track of the proper use of the materials the store management
procedure should be followed .


I. One person should be an authorized for store keeping.

II. He should first enter all the items which are purchased as per material requisition, in the
stock register (in the format material below).

III. After the entry in the stock register, one GRN should be prepared (form-6) in duplicate.
One copy of the GRN should be attached to the Purchase invoice or challan and send to
purchase dept for payment. Any discrepancy found regarding the quality and quantity of
Materials as per purchase order should be reported in the GRN.

IV. Issue should be done by the store in charge with support of approved requisition, to the
requisite person. The signature of the person should be in the stock register.

V. One of the approving authorities should verify the physical stock at least once in a month
at random basis.

Stock Register

Sl. No. ---------------------- Page No. ---------------------

Name of the item ---------------------------- Make ------------------------

Date Particular Receive Issue Balance Signature

Qnty. Qnty. Value
Organisation Policy_SSS


The accounting system must, at minimum, meet the information requirements of the organisation.
It should provide relevant and timely information for decision-making, monitoring financial
performance, budget preparation and monitoring budget compliance, cost accumulation. Thus the
financial Management policy of Swasti Seva sangathandesigned to maintain book of accounts
from where information can be drawn easily with a short time to meet its reporting
requirements. It also maintains a simple, appropriate and a transparent accounting system for
smooth functioning of the organizational business. Books at Accounts maintained by the
Accounts section of the organisation are mainly

a) Main cash Book

b) Main Ledger
c) Subsidiary cash book (project wise)
d) Subsidiary Ledger (Project wise)
e) Journal Books
f) Advance Register
g) Salary Register (if necessary)
h) Contact Register

G.10.1 Main Cash Book : Two main cash book should be maintained by the accountant. One is
for FC Grants and other is for Indian grants receipts.

Procedure of maintenance: all the funds which are collected by SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN from
FC sources should be entered first in FC main cash book and collection from Indian sources and
donation should be entered in Indian main cash book. From that cash books advance rule
should be followed. Cash book should be maintained as per double entry book keeping
systems. After completion of the project or at the financial year end, which is earlier, the
balance money in project cash book should transferred to main cash books again.

G.10.2 Main Ledger:

Two main ledgers should be maintained of accounts department. One is supported by FC main
cash book and other is for General Main cash book. For maintenance of the ledgers, double
entry book keeping systems should be followed by accountant.

G.10.3 Project Cash Books (Subsidiary): For each project separate cashbook should be
maintained. It may be maintained at head office or at project office (if possible). All advances
from main cash book should first enter into that cash book. For maintenance of the cash books
double entry book keeping rules should be followed. At the end of financial year or at the end
of the projects the cash books should be submitted at accounts section with all the vouchers at
project office.

Organisation Policy_SSS

G.10.4 Subsidiary Ledgers (Project wise) : Separate ledger should also supported by each
subsidiary cash book . These are also maintained as per the rules of double entry book keeping.
At the financial year end or at the end of each project these should be submitted at account
section, if these are maintained at different project office.

G.10.5 Journal Book: A journal book should be maintained at accounts section of SWASTI SEVA
SANGATHAN at the head office . For betterment of transactions at project offices this register
may be maintained at there. All the columns should be duly filled up by the keeper of this
register. The format is to be developed.

G.10.6 Salary Register / Statements: Salary register should be maintain at accounts section and
should be signed by all the employee with revenue stamps if required) at the time of payment
of salary. The format is to be developed.

G.10.6 Contract Register: If SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN involved in any types of contact (like
civil works, consultant etc.) a contract register should be maintained at accounts section. The
format is to be developed.

Conclusion: These are the basic registers to be maintained at any time for implementation of
manual system of Accounting but if the computerized system of account is adopted the then
also the same can be maintained at that system and hard copy of the registers should be
printed and get authorized by signing on day to day basis.


For a better function of the office and projects, the management of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN
should be reported periodically, about the different receipts and payments. So at least monthly
information should be reviewed by the management.

G.11.1 Monthly financial Reports:

These are minimum reports to be produced at the end of every month.

a. Monthly trial Balance
b. Monthly cash flow statement
c. Budget Vs Actual expenses
d. Outstanding Advance statement
e. Monthly vehicle status statement / report.

Monthly Trial Balance :

The accounts section of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN should prepare a monthly trial balance at
the end of each month, for whole organization. The format is to be developed.

Organisation Policy_SSS

Monthly cash flow statement:

If required then a monthly cash flow statement may be prepared by accounts section. But of
cash flow statement is prepared then monthly trial balance may not be required.

Budget Vs. actual expenses:

This format at should be maintained at the end of each month for the expenses as on that date.
This statement should be verified by the management for better planning towards further
expenses for the projects. The format is to be developed.

Outstanding Advance Statement:

This statement should be derived from advance register every month end by the accounts
department. From this statement the management of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN can get a
proper information about the unauthorized advances outstanding with employee and can take
decision for salary held up or any other action against the said employee. The format is to be

G.11.2 Annual financial Report:

At the end of each financial year Swasti Seva sangathanhave to meet certain statutory as well
as obligatory reporting requirements. Those reports are also required for information to
management of the organisation. The following are the reports those are to be generated by
the accounts sections at the end of financial year

a) Final statement of Accounts

b) Budget Vs. Actual expenditure
c) Assets List
d) Insurance List (Vehicle and other assets)
e) Stock Statement
f) Library Periodical List
g) Advance outstanding List

Final Statement of Accounts: At the end of each financial year, the accounts section must
prepare the final accounts for that year. Each final account must include project wise receipts
and payment accounts, Income and Expenditure accounts and Balance sheet. After those
accounts another two sets of three accounts should be prepared for FC Grants and for Indian
grants separately. After all these accounts a consolidated final accounts must be prepared for
SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN itself as a whole. General principle of Double entry book keeping
should be followed at the time of preparation of final accounts.

Organisation Policy_SSS

Budget Vs. Actual Expenses Statement:

As per the monthly budget vs. actual expenses statement at the end of each financial year one
final report should be generated by the accounts section in the same from at like (form-18). It can
help the management to inform about non utilized amount to the funding agencies, with proper
reasons of such under utilization.

Assets List: Asset List should be prepared by the accounts section at the end of each financial
year end, from the asset register. It will help to the management to locate the assets from a
single sheet .It will help for preparation of final accounts also. The format is to be developed.

Insurance List: (Vehicle and other Assets insurance list : )

A list of insurance should be prepared by the accounts section. From that list management can
know about the renewal of the insurance policies. So that a the policies can be renewed before
expiry and insurance claim can be materialized for any loss or damage. The format is to be

Stock list at store:

A complete list of stocks at store should be prepared by store in charge at the end of every
financial year. It must be tallied with physical balance of the materials at store, as well as with
stock register. From this list management can get an idea about the further material purchase.
The format is to be developed.

Library Periodical list:

For library so many of periodicals are coming. For these annual subscriptions have to be paid.
So a list of those periodicals must be prepared at the end of every financial year by the library in
charge. From that list the management of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN can know about the
subscription payment for the next year, which helps the management for preparation of Annual

Advance Outstanding List:

At the end of every financial year the accounts section should prepare the advance outstanding
as on that date. From which the management can take some action for the recovery the same.
It also helps for preparation of final accounts.

Organisation Policy_SSS


Various accounting procedures maintained for different operations should ensure all or most
of the characteristics delineated below.

I. Transactions should be recorded in such a manner to give details break up into different
divisions as per approved budget of the projects to be implemented.
II. Transactions are to be recorded from written documentary evidences of payments, work
accomplishments and materials receipts as per order specification.
III. The original recording is to be verified by some authorized person at the upper level of
the organizational hierarchy other than the performer of the work or the person who
record the transactions and periodically verified by outside professional organizations.
IV. Prices and values verified and compared.
V. Assets are under proper custody and periodical physical verification and insured by
insurance company.
VI. Proper managerial control is exercised over journals, ledgers and vouchers, financial
statements and reports. .



We as a Voluntary organisation respect the dignity of all employees working for the
organisation irrespective of their gender or hierarchy and we expect responsible conduct and
behavior on the part of all our employees at all levels. Providing for a safe and congenial work
environment to all employees is an integral part of the Society’s employment policy.


This policy has been framed with a view to:

 Promote a workplace based on equality & respect
 Provide a safe and congenial work environment
 Awareness & sensitization about sexual harassment at the workplace
 Prevent sexual harassment

Organisation Policy_SSS

 Provide formal and informal mechanism for redressal in case of complaint of sexual
harassment at the workplace
 Define the implications and outcome of sexual harassment.
 Ensure protection against retaliation to complainants, witnesses, committee members and
other employees involved in prevention and complaint resolution.

This policy shall be applicable to all employees of Swasti Seva sangathanand its subsidiaries
including any associate engaged on fixed term contract, short term engagement, temporary
engagement, probationers, contract persons and visitors on our premises. It shall also include
any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature mentioned in the policy by any
Vendor/Supplier/Contractor including their agents, supervisors, managers and their employees
to any of our employees on our premises.

Responsibilities of Swasti Seva sangathan

a. Ensure a safe environment free from Sexual Harassment for women including prevention
and deterrence of Sexual Harassment
b. Prepare and prominently display the policy for the prevention and prohibition of Sexual
c. Maintain a proactive program to educate all members as to the definition of sexual
harassment and procedures for redressal
d. Undertake workshops and training programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing the
e. Prominently display notices in various places spreading awareness about the issue of
“Sexual Harassment at the Workplace” and giving information for the redressal
mechanism that has been put in place and encouraging women to file their grievances
f. Facilitate initiation of proceedings under this Policy through the institution of Committee
against Sexual Harassment for redressal of an act/s of sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment:
Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether direct or
by implication) such as:
a) Physical contact and sexual advances
b) Demand or request for sexual favors
c) Sexually - colored remarks
d) Showing pornography and
e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal or written conduct of a sexual

“Unwelcome sexually determined behavior” includes but is not limited to:

I. Subjecting another person to an unwelcome act of physical intimacy including grabbing,

brushing, touching, including sexual flirtations, advances or propositions

Organisation Policy_SSS

II. Making any unwelcome remark with sexual connotations like sexually explicit, remarks,
cracking jokes or using sentences with sexual connotations or making sexist remarks etc
III. Showing any sexually explicit visual material in the form of pictures / cartoons / pin-ups/
calendars / screen-savers on computers / any offensive written or electronic material
/including pornographic
IV. Engaging in any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, verbal or even nonverbal,
staring to make the other person uncomfortable, making offensive gestures, etc
V. Sending unwelcome communication of a sexual nature, through e-mail, letter, mobile
technology or any other form of written or electronic communication, exhibiting conduct
of a sexual nature
VI. Making an unwelcome demand or request whether directly or by implication for sexual
favours and/or making it a condition of employment / payment of wages / increments
/promotion / preferential treatment / threat to detrimental treatment in employment /
threat to current or future employment status or similar act
VII. Where a Supervisor requests sexual favours from a junior (or any other person) in
exchange for actual or promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases,
promotions, increased benefits or continued employment or threatens to terminate any
such person for non-co-operation
VIII. Where a boss or other senior person intrudes into the private life of employees or
persistently asks them out
IX. Where any employee(s) make(s) sexual epithet, jokes, written or oral references to sexual
conduct, and/or gossip regarding one’s sex life, comments on an individual’s body,
comments about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies or prowess in an attempt to
humiliate or make another person uncomfortable
X. Behavior which creates an environment that is intimidating, hostile, offensive,
humiliating for women employee

Any place where working relationship and/or employer-employee relationship between the
society and the person exists. This includes our premises (including transit houses & guest
houses) and any place visited by the employee arising out of or during the course of
employment including transportation provided by the employer for undertaking such a journey.

Aggrieved Woman:
In relation to workplace, a woman of any age whether employed or not, who alleges to have
been subjected to any act of sexual harassment by the Respondent.

Against whom the aggrieved woman has made a complaint


There will be a Committee against Sexual Harassment (CASH) through which the policy will be
implemented. Committee” shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary and 3 other members. Out

Organisation Policy_SSS

of these 5 Committee members, 3 shall be women. One of the 3 women shall be the
Chairperson. One of the Committee members shall be a woman from an NGO other than Swasti
Seva sangathanfamiliar with the issues of sexual harassment. The tenure of the committee shall
be 2 years & names of the committee members shall be announced by the Management
Committee of Samajik Seva Sadan (SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN).


Given that this policy highlights a preventive focus and there is a need of both informal and
formal procedures of redressal mechanism.


Informal processes normally involve an intermediary means for resolving a problem. In the case
of Sexual Harassment, at first instance, any member of the Committee Against Sexual
Harassment (CASH) whoever is available may be the point of first contact for anyone seeking
informal support/intervention to stop unwelcome behavior.

Benefits of an informal process are:

 It is consistent with the preventive approach

 It helps to diffuse a minor incident without diluting as also escalating the problem
 Often people just want unwelcome behavior to stop without drawing undue attention and
 an informal process makes this option more possible
 It involves employees to share in the responsibility of eliminating unwelcome behavior at
 A sense of restraint and responsibility on the part of all concerned is critical for the
effective functioning of these guidelines

The preventive / informal process that can be adopted is as follows:

Step: 1
Convey to the person who is the cause of distress, about what that person’s actions, words,
behavior is doing and convey in no uncertain terms that such behavior is not appreciated. What
is important is the “Way” a particular behavior, action or word is perceived and “Intent” is of no
Step: 2
The second step would be to approach someone within the society – preferably your Superior.
The Superior would then try and counsel / talk it over with a view towards closing the matter

Step: 3

Organisation Policy_SSS

In any case all such incidents along with the resolution, needs to be reported to the Director of
the society who will then provide a short report to the Committee against Sexual Harassment
(CASH) and the matter will be closed.
Step: 4
However, in the event of it not being resolved, then it would need to be escalated to the
Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH).


In the event of the complaint not being resolved through informal mechanism, then it would
need to be escalated to the Internal Complaint Committee for redressal.

Step: 1

The aggrieved woman may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment at the workplace
to the Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH), within a period of one month from the
date of incident and in case of a series of incidents, within a period of one month from the date
of the last incident. The complaint can also be routed through the women member of the
committee. The Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH)will render reasonable assistance
to women for making the complaints in writing. This time limit may further be extended for
another one month if the committee is satisfied that there were circumstances that prevented
the woman from filing a complaint within the specified timeline.

Step: 2
A member of the Committee against Sexual Harassment (CASH) would then hold an
investigation and give a report to the Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH).
Step: 3

The Committee, before initiating the inquiry at the request of the aggrieved woman, will take
steps to settle the matter between her and the respondent through mutual settlement.
Wherever such settlement has been arrived, the internal committee shall record it and send the
same to the Director to take action as per recommendation. Once such settlement has been
arrived at no further enquiry shall be conducted by the Committee against Sexual Harassment
(CASH), however, a woman can further refer the same to Committee Against Sexual
Harassment (CASH) for redressal if the terms of settlement have not been complied.

 The Committee, while investigating the complaint referred to it, will call upon both the
parties separately, listen, look at proof (if any), verify documents produced by the
parties, allow the parties to produce witnesses and to put forth their say. Both the
parties during the course of enquiry are given an opportunity of being heard.
 At the end of the investigation, the Secretary of the Committee shall prepare a report of
findings on the complaint and submit it to the Chairperson of the Committee. The

Organisation Policy_SSS

findings of the report should be made available to the respondent and aggrieved
woman within 10 working days from the date of completion of enquiry.
 The Chairperson of the Committee shall ensure that the complaint is attended to within
10 working days after receiving it and that the investigations are completed within 30
working days.
 During the pendency of an inquiry, on a written request made by the aggrieved woman,
the committee may recommend to the Director, to

o Transfer the aggrieved woman or person accused to any other location of

o Grant leave to the aggrieved woman up to the period of 1 month (over
and above the entitled leave).
o Grant such other relief to the aggrieved woman as may be prescribed

Step: 4

The Chairperson after studying the report & discussion with the Committee members shall
submit her recommendation to the Director within 10 days of completing the inquiry for
necessary action.

Step: 5

The implementation of the recommendation of Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH)

by the Director should be done within 30 days of receipt of such recommendation.

Step: 6

Pursuant to a finding of Sexual Harassment by the Committee against any person accused of
the same, the Committee may initiate any one or more of the following actions:

a) Actions in accordance with misconduct mentioned in the contract / appointment

letter/Staff policy
b) Issue a verbal warning
c) Issue a warning in writing
d) Issue a suspension
e) Deprived of increment or promotion
f) To deduct, notwithstanding anything in the service rules applicable, from the salary or
wages of the accused person the such sum as it may consider appropriate to be paid to
the aggrieved woman
g) Order dismissal depending upon the severity & sensitivity of the incident

Organisation Policy_SSS

h) Financial Penalty (In accordance with the mental, physical trauma, loss of career
opportunity, medical expenses) in lump sum or in installments

Step: 7

In case the Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH) on conclusion of the enquiry finds
that the allegation was malicious or has made the complaints knowing it to be false, or has
produced any forged / misleading document, it will recommend action to be taken by the
Director against the woman who has made the complaint. In all such cases the malicious intent
on the part of the woman must be established before any action is recommended.

Step: 8

The Committee Against Sexual Harassment (CASH) will protect the identity of all individuals
involved during the process, including the aggrieved woman and respondent and contents of
complaints and enquiry proceedings.

Guidelines for members of Grievance Redressal Mechanism:

1. Believe in the reality of the complaint lodged

2. Empathize with the complainant and do not function like a criminal court
3. Remember that it may be difficult for an employee to talk about anything ‘sexual’. Hence
there can be a long time interval between the harassment and the actual complaint
4. Handle complaints in a confidential manner and within 30 working days
5. Submit annual report on sexual harassment cases, if any and actions taken to address the
same, to the MC
6. Maintain all the data related to sexual harassment cases in the organisation
7. Provide safety for the complainant and his / her supporters, if such a need be felt and that
the committee can recommend action against persons indulging in intimidation of the
complainant or witness to a complaint
8. Discard pre-determined notions of how an accused should look or behave or dress. Be
aware of stereotypes
9. Do not insist on detailed description of harassment. This could increase the complainant’s
10. Most sexual crimes are committed in private; hence there may not be any eye-witnesses.
11. Since this is a human rights issue, balance of probabilities is a sufficient measure of
12. Help the complainant regain his / her self-respect.
13. Make ‘discreet’ enquiries as to whether other employees have experienced similar
14. Document results of any sexual harassment complaint or investigation. Not only the
results, but also document any corrective action that the employee or supervisor was
asked to take
15. Inform all employees that it is their obligation to report sexual harassment that they either
experience or witness

Organisation Policy_SSS

The inability to substantiate a complaint or provide adequate proof need not attract action
against the woman.

Social Service Contract / Agreement.


Po –,

POSITION:  You will be employed as “Animator, ISVD Project”


The terms & conditions of your appointment with Swasti Seva sangathanas the Animator are:

The assignments and duties covered:

- Liaison at G.P level and facilitate day to day works and arrangements at field level and recording it.
- To hold monthly meeting of the VMC, support the VMC to execute the works with efficiency.
- Monitor the field level activities and build up good rapport with development convergence agents of
Line Departments for the benefit of the target community.
- To monitor each activity mentioned in the project proposal for each village and form Farmers club,
User Group, Youth Groups etc. where ever it is feasible and guide their activity.
- All the Govt. Developmental Programs to be got approved in Palli & Gram Sabha so that they will
come back from Govt. as sanctioned programs for each village.
- To keep contact with the PRI representatives to get the passed work done for their target village and
keep record and submit to Office promptly.
- Monitor the Swach Bharat Abijan of Govt. constructing Individual Latrine in 100% families of your
Target Villages.
- Facilitate review and planning with community through VMC and village assembly every month in
order to involve the people to get the work done as well as to assess the progress so that they will
OWN the assets created.
- You will be responsible for all the development activities planned by the village are executed and
end results achieved. This will prove the credibility of the Organization and your efficiency to
continue the project till --- and also your acceptance by the community as a guide and continue the
work even after the end of the sanctioned project.
- Attend monthly meetings at SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN office with report of the previous month and
planning for the coming Month.


Organisation Policy_SSS

Your appointment with the Organization shall commence on: (Date from - to -).


Initially you will be appointed for a period of one year (12 months) from the date of commencement i.e.
(Date from - to -). The period of appointment includes the probation period of 3 months from the date
of commencement and after successful completion of your probation only your appointment will be


Your will be paid a consolidated honorarium of Rs 8000/- (Rupees eight thousand only) and 18% Staff
Welfare per month during the contract period. The Staff welfare amount of 18% of your Honorarium
shall be deposited in a separate Joint Account. You have no direct right on this welfare fund because this
belongs to all the staff of SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN working in different projects for which there is no
direct funding. As per your merit in your service and continue to serve your Target community even
after the project is over, the Management will take a decision to grant you a specific amount as a reward
for your service, from this fund provided no advance above Rs. 20000/- has been given to you from this
fund under the discretion of the Director.

You will be reporting to the Coordinator on daily basis.

Your normal hours of work will be from 9.30 A.M to 5.30 P.M daily, Monday to Saturday with 1 hour
break for lunch. The organization does not encourage its staffs to work on Sundays. You will be expected
to work appropriate hours in order to carry out your responsibilities. As you are in a voluntary
organization you may be expected to work longer than the standard work week, either after hours
during the week or on weekends, without additional compensation. However the organization reserves
the right to change your working days and hours.

Normally you will be required to work in the operational area of Samajik Seva Sadan (SWASTI SEVA


You can avail a maximum of 12 days of annual leave but not more than 1 day will be allowed in a month.
You must give not less than one week advance notification of those dates and periods on which leave
will be taken. Lateness or unauthorized absence will be taken as misconduct and you will be liable to
disciplinary action.

You can avail a maximum of 12 days Sick leave. You are allowed for a maximum period of one week at a
stretch; however you will have to produce a medical certificate from a registered physician after joining.

Organisation Policy_SSS

It is entirely at the organization’s discretion whether or not to make any payment to you while you are
absent through illness after the permitted 12 days.

PROBATION: Your appointment will be probationary for the first 3 months. If this agreement is
terminated within the probationary period it shall be at the discretion of the Organization and in this
case 1 week notice will be given.

provide any emergency/medical/insurance against death and injury according to the laws of the
country of employment. However, you will have to subscribe to a Micro Insurance Policy that is covered
by SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN under the sponsorship/license of LIC of India.

DISCIPLINARY: Disciplinary Action will be taken in cases of the following

 Misconduct, for example: lateness or unauthorized absence.

 Poor work performance, for example: not doing work diligently or to the best of
Animator’s ability, not keeping proper records.
 Capability, for example: persistent or repeated health problems, a long-term medical
condition affecting the Animator’s ability to do your work, or lack of skills.
 Gross misconduct, for example: dishonesty, physical or verbal abuse of staff or
volunteers, drunk at work.
You will obey and comply with all reasonable orders and instructions given to you by the organization or
its authorized agents and observe all standing and other rules and/or regulations now in force or from
time to time approved by the organization.
Any breach of trust as per the contract will lead to suspension or summary dismissal by the organization.
If you have any grievance, which you consider to be genuine in respect of any aspect of your
engagement, you have a right to a hearing by your immediate superior as the circumstances warrant. If
you are unhappy with the outcome of the hearing you may appeal to Project – in – Charge / Secretary,
of the organization in writing.

In the event that either the organization or you may wish to terminate the contract, before its expiry
date, one month notice must be given by both parties. Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the
giving of a lesser period of notice by either party where it is mutually agreed.

The organization reserves the right to search your vehicle and property while on or while departing from
the organization premises


During the period of this contract, you will devote the whole of your time and attention to the business
of the organization and you undertake that during the period of this contract you will not engage in any

Organisation Policy_SSS

other activity which is likely to prejudice your ability to serve the organization, nor will you engage in
any activity which may cause a conflict of interest with the business of the organization.

In consideration of your appointment by Swasti Seva sangathanand in further consideration of

information, data and confidential matters that will be imparted to you with respect to products,
process and general business activities carried out by the organization, you agree to the following:
1) All such records and all reports, sketches and plans relating to work carried out in the course of
your employment will, together with all other documents and papers of a secret and
confidential nature provided by the organization, be property of the organization at all times.
You will not retain copies of such records, reports, plans or sketches without the prior approval
of the organization.
2) You will not at any time either during the subsistence of this contract or after its termination
make use of or communicate to any unauthorized, any of the confidential information of the
organization which you may have obtained while in the service of the organization.

3) That upon the termination of this contract you will hand over all documents in your possession
or control relating in any way to the business of the Organization to the organization, without
prior request.

4) All publications will be submitted to the organization for clearance and approval prior to
submission for publication.

5) Any discovery, invention or process made or discovered by you whilst in the employment of the
organization and relating to the business of the organization will be the property of the

6) Any changes in the terms of this contract or in other terms, conditions & rules of appointment
will be notified to you before the date of proposed change, and will have effect with your


The contract is renewable with mutual agreement of Director, SWASTI SEVA SANGATHAN and you the
Social Development Worker. In such case a fresh contract might be issued to you.

I accept and agree to all of the above Terms & Conditions of my appointment: 

Signature of the Animator Signature of Director

Date: Date:

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Probation Monitoring Form

(To be filled in by the supervisor of the probationer)

Name probationer: Function:

Date start probation period: Month:

Name supervisor:

Training and supervision activities undertaken:

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Performance of probationer:

Conduct of probationer:

Recommendations for additional training/support:

Other recommendations:

* If there is not enough space on the form, continue on the back of the form or add separate
* Fill in the month number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th month).
* At all places where you are asked to comment on the performance of the probationer
distinguish between strong and weak points!
* Include comments on how suitable you feel the person is for the function, whether and how to
continue with this person, etc.

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