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Page number must be located at the top 1

right side of the page.

The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and

identify the variables under discussion and the
relationship between them.

The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12-

point Times New Roman Font. It should not be
bolded, underlined, or italicized.

English Speaking Competency Enhancement of Grade 10 students in CBSUA-LHS

SY 2017-2018
The author’s name and institution should
be double-spaced and centered.

Dela Rosa, Juan C.

AMA Computer Learning Center- Naga

Indicate the Month and year kung kailan

natapos ang research nyo, UPPER CASE,
bold, Times new roman, 12 pt.




Upper Case, Bold
This chapter focused on the rationale of the study. It contains the background of the study

and its context. It also outlines the statement of the problem and objectives, statement of

hypotheses, the significance and the scope and delimitations of the study.

Background of the Study Bold

Twists and turns brought by 21st century are very apparent on all features of human life.

Employment as well as access to education were not just narrowed in one’s own country but
In-text citations include the
now name/s andto all parts of the world. With these developments, standards were higher
the publication year.
and more challenging. Competency on diverse skills is very much needed. In the present day, the
The publication year and the not
feat of
page number success
is used, is gauged with the ability to communicate, share and use information
APA users are concerned with
the date resourcefully effectively. The new theme that structures 21st century also includes
of the article (the
current the better).
communication literacy.

Trilling & Fadel (2009) claimed that today’s students, dubbed as the millennial

generation, should be able to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and

nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.

To be able to triumph these goals, students who have not yet mastered the competencies

expected from them should undertake programs and interventions to help them cope with the

standards that the field of education has enriched. Among these skills, Thornbury (2005) said

that speaking is the most difficult skill to build in the classroom. It is the most used skill to

convey messages and exchange information, Richards (2008). Speaking is the most important

aspect of all the four macro skills. It offers ability for the learners to use a specific language
If an article has three to five authors, write out all of the
authors’ names the first time they appear. Then use the first
author’s last name followed by “et al.” 3

effectively and correctly in communication and to build a higher and productive exchange of

information between the speaker and the listener. Despite its importance, schools and universities

fail to aid the students in terms of the proper use of linguistic elements.

Thornbury (2005) said that speaking becomes increasingly automated through successive

practice. Through this, they will be trained to make the speaking enhancement very productive.
Use two spaces after a period throughout
your paper.
There are many ways on how we can enhance the students’ speaking performance, according to

Kariyekayi (2006). Teachers should create a classroom environment where students have real

life communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral language such as

discussions, storytelling, Interviews, asking questions, test etc. with the use of the target

language. Furthermore, Fumiano (2007) shared that having a mentor and/or coaching a learner

can lead to the development of competence and confidence in the learner’s own skills and

abilities. The speaking enhancement is meant to help students understand and improve them on

language, and to aid them in their difficulties in speaking.

The speaking enhancement of second language is very essential to aid the students

against the factors that affect their speaking competency. There are many factors that affect

speaking competency such as Environmental, Physical, Emotional, and Mental. For example,

Amara and Marai (2002) believed that students feel uneasy in learning English language because

they consider it as a difficult subject to learn. Some may suffer from high anxiety which causes

examination failure. These factors can affect skills and level of competency in speaking English

language that’s why speaking competency enhancement is the focus of this research to help and

enhance the students in their difficulties in speaking.

This study served as determinant of the level of English speaking competency

enhancement of Grade 10 students in CBSUA-Laboratory High School; to provide them with


accurate strategies in English speaking instructions, detect their weaknesses and further develop

these to nurture their English speaking competency for future academic and work performance.
Upper Case, Bold SOP must have a Major Problem; the Major 5
problem is the General Problem of your

This study focused on speaking competency enhancement of Grade 10 students of CBSUA-

LHS SY 2017-2018. Specifically, this study answers the following questions:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the Grade 10 students?

SOP must include a Specific Questions (3 to 6

a. Personal Background questions, depending on your research title)

b. Home and Family Background

c. School Background

2. What is the level of English speaking competency of the Grade 10 students before the


3. What is the level of English speaking competency of the Grade 10 students after the


4. Is there a significant difference in the English speaking competency of the students before

and after conducting the speaking competency enhancement?

5. What are the factors affecting the English speaking competency of the students?

6. What are the preferred strategies of students in speaking?


When making a specific questions on your Statement of the

Problem, make sure it is connected to your Major
Problem.(eg. If your Major problem is all about English
Speaking Competency, then the specific questions must
revolve around this major problem ONLY.

Upper Case, Bold


This study generally aims to determine the effect of speaking competency enhancement

of Grade 7 students in CBSUA-Laboratory High School. Thus, specifically, it aims to:

1. Identify the socio-demographic profile of the Grade 10 students.

a. Personal Background

b. Home and Family Background

c. School Background

2. Determine the speaking competency level of the Grade 10 students before the English

speaking competency enhancement.

3. Determine the speaking competency level of the Grade 10 students after the English

speaking competency enhancement.

4. Describe the significant difference in the speaking competency of the students before

and after conducting the English speaking competency enhancement.

5. Identify the factors affecting the speaking competency of the students.

6. Identify preferred strategies of students in speaking.


To make the Objectives of the study, you just have to

convert the specific questions on your SOP into a Declarative
Sentence. See the difference between the Specific Questions
and Specific Objectives above
STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESIS- A hypothesis is a statement that
introduces a research question and proposes an expected result.
In statistical hypothesis testing, the (HO)null hypothesis of a test
STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESES always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while
the (HA) alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an
Upper Case, Bold effect or relationship.

This study was tailored on the following hypothesis:

HO: There is no significant difference in the level of English speaking Competency of Grade 10

students of CBSUA-LHS before and after the GESE enhancement was conducted.

HA: There is a significant difference in the level of English speaking Competency of Grade 10

students of CBSUA-LHS before and after the GESE enhancement was conducted.

This is an example of a Research Beneficiary. Make sure when choosing

Upper Case, Bold your Research beneficiary, they must be CONNECTED to your research

This study focused on the Enhancement on speaking competency in English of Grade 10

Students in CBSUA-LHS. The research will also be beneficial to the following:

Students. Results of this research would help them to determine their speaking

competency in English that would help them improve their speaking ability.

English Teachers. This study would help English teachers to realize the importance of

molding the speaking skills of the students as one of the means to develop their communicative

skill. The Research beneficiary must be Bold, and you have to add a (.) after

School Administration. The results of this research would help them in planning,

conducting activities, programs and interventions that would improve and develop the speaking

competency of the students.

After stating your research beneficiaries, you have to state the

importance or Significance of your research to the ff. research

Parents. This research would help them know that their children needs improvement

when it comes to their speaking abilities, also this would be a great help for them to monitor their

children’s capabilities and difficulties in speaking of their children.

Future Researches. The results of the study would serve as a basis and support for the

effectiveness of enhancement in the speaking performance of the students. It may also serve as a

reference material for those researchers who wants to develop their researches related to this



This study focused on the Enhancement on English Speaking competency of Grade 10

Students in Central Bicol State University of Agriculture- Laboratory High School SY 2017-

2018 with the use of standardized materials and activities. This study targets the Grade 10

students of CBSUA-LHS to prepare them for the communicative demands of Senior High


Delimitations aim to narrow the scope of a study. For example, the

scope may focus on specific variables, specific participants, specific
sites, or narrowed to one type of research design (e.g., ethnography or
experimental research). .

References for Instructions:

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