Fight For Your Own Fairytale

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I truly believe that we are all writing our own stories, chapter by chapter

life is a series of new beginnings, challenges and climaxes…and of

course the odd dark spell and baddy comes along and tries to jeopardise
the heroine/ hero from achieving their purpose. I have chosen to live a
life of happy ever after, but even with my most positive intentions, I
often get thrown off course and have to realign myself.

Many people don’t come close to their purpose, to living aligned or

anywhere near the fairy tale they desire. I think I know why, as
yesterday I had an epiphany in the supermarket.

I was helping out with our school production and there was a large gap
of time between the end of my working day and the show starting, so I
decided to take myself to a local supermarket and purchase something
for my dinner. It was a sunny and rare hot day in the UK and I really
wanted a salad but also to indulge myself. Leaves don’t really cut it?

Solace in a supermarket can actually be rather therapeutic. So I

wondered around the isles and placed a few of my favourite things in my
basket. I looked down and found that my basket was unreservedly a
middle class snobby delight. Who had I become? The content included:

 Tyrell’s sea salt and black pepper crisps

 a rainbow themed salad bowl (it was so pretty)
 Sushi
 Equinox Kombucha (some sort of fermented goodness in a glass
I giggled with shame…I went back to my office and enjoyed every bite.
I felt good, knew what i’d chosen was the best – felt indulged and also
rather healthy (if we excuse the crisps) but still I felt embarrassed. Until
I saw this quote this morning. It was then that I realised that in that
moment I had eaten and drunk exactly what I desired. As far as I’m
aware Cinderella didn’t run off with the sleazy bloke at the bar (although
we never really learn much about the prince in that particular story?),
Snow white doesn’t marry the first forrest animal to come along and
Pocahontas doesn’t hook up with the village idiot. So why shouldn’t my
basket be full of what I want? Just like my life.

I’m buying it, I’m writing my own fairy tale… more importantly why
am I judging my own basket? Forget social pressure and media
corruption – perhaps (yup this is my epiphany) we don’t feel we are
worth the fairy tale. Our own judgements block us from how we want to
look, feel and in my case – the basket of food I purchase.

So listen up fellow fairy tale lovers, you ARE creating your own story.
Sure, it’s likely to never have a Disney logo but just like my shopping
basket it can be the best or at least what you want it to be. Don’t judge
yourself – you’re totally worth it. Have your own back. If Mr Right
hasn’t shown up, if Mrs Right now is lacking in basket delights…shop
around. That’s why we have so many shops!

Be the fairy tale, but not Cinderella’s – be your own damsel and rescue
yourself. Oh and never settle – fight for your happily ever after and
never worry if anyone else agrees with it, they’re busy writing their own
fairy tale…or haven’t had the wisdom to read this blog and have sad
judgmental baskets of shopping.

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