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Dagupan City, Pangasinan


Study Guide 1
Kitchen Essentials and Basic Food Production with
I. Overview

This course is structured to teach the fundamental and basic concepts of

culinary techniques, heat transfer, sanitation, safety, equipment usage and
maintenance, menu knowledge and professionalism.

II. Module Learning Outcomes

After completing this study guide, you will be able to:

1. Familiarized with history of culinary arts and the kitchen brigade system
2. Can identify the basic tools and equipment in the kitchen
3. Knowledgeable about food hazard and personal hygiene
4. Having safe and efficient workplace
5. Differentiate between menu and recipe
6. Knowing the balanced diet
7. Enhancing their knife skills and practicing mise en place

III. Key Concepts

1. Purpose kitchen brigade system

2. Proper usage of tools and equipment
3. Preventing cuts and burn while inside the kitchen
4. Basic food procedures and preparation

IV. Content/ Lectures/ Readings/ Learning Resources

1. Participate in a discussion and answer this question: What are your ideas with
Kitchen Brigade System? Do you have any ideas regarding to basic tools in the

2. Read and follow the instructions stated in the learning activities part of this
module on how to participate in the discussion.
3. Watch YouTube Video. Links and Titles will be posted at Google Classroom

4. Lectures


Marie-Antoine Carême
- A Frenchman many say was the first celebrity chef. Best known today for the
spectacular sugar, marzipan, and pastry sculptures he designed and built called
pièces montées — which still exist in fine dining, but are now more commonly made of

Georges Auguste Escoffier

-was a French chef, restaurateur and culinary writer who popularized and updated
traditional French cooking methods.
-"King of chefs and chef of kings"
- He published Le Guide Culinaire, which is still used as a major reference work, both
in the form of a cookbook and a textbook on cooking. Escoffier's recipes, techniques
and approaches to kitchen management remain highly influential today, and have
been adopted by chefs and restaurants not only in France, but also throughout the
-develop the hierarchical brigade de cuisine system for organizing the kitchen staff
which is still standard in many restaurants today.


The kitchen brigade system, also known as the “brigade de cuisine”, is a framework for
hiring and organizing restaurant kitchen staff to maximize efficiency. In the system,
everyone has a specific and useful role, which helps the kitchen run like a well-oiled
Food Safety Hazards
There are four primary categories of food safety hazards to consider: biological,
chemical, physical, and allergenic. Understanding the risks associated with each can
dramatically reduce the potential of a foodborne illness.

1. Biological Hazards
Biological hazards are characterized by the contamination of food by microorganisms.
Found in the air, food, water, animals, and in the human body, these incredibly tiny
organisms are not inherently unsafe – many provide benefits to our anatomy. Despite
this, foodborne illness can occur if harmful microorganisms make their way into the
food we eat. There are several types of microorganisms, each of which can negatively
impact health: bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

2. Chemical Hazards
Chemical hazards are identified by the presence of harmful substances that can be
found in food naturally, or unintentionally added during processing. Some chemical
hazards include naturally occurring chemicals, such as mycotoxins, intentionally
added chemicals, including the preservative sodium nitrate, and unintentionally added
chemicals, like pesticides.
3. Physical Hazards
Physical hazards are foreign objects that are found in food products. They are either
naturally found in the specific item, such as stems in fruit, or not normally part of the
food item, such as hair or plastic. Unnatural physical hazards are generally more
dangerous to health, whereas natural physical hazards can be harmless.

4. Allergenic Hazards
The final, and perhaps the deadliest, are allergenic hazards. Allergies are the 6th
leading cause of chronic illness. Allergic reactions occur when the human body
produces an abnormal immune response to specific proteins found in food.
Every new job brings new potential hazards that require your attention. Educating
yourself on the dangers around you is the perfect place to start in adopting safe habits
in the workplace. Many companies will put their employees through safety training;
however, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are practicing safe work habits.
It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. From construction sites
to warehouses, the workplace is continually changing and can turn dangerous in the
blink of an eye. Watch for falling objects, obstructions in your path, electrical
malfunctions and slippery surfaces.
Do your best to eliminate potential hazards within your work area. This includes:
 Slippery wet surfaces
 Broken equipment
 Tangled tubing and cords
 Don’t Rush

Pressure to get the job done quickly may lead to an accident. Take your time to do the
job safely and accurately. Shortcuts can often result in an unsafe work area and a
potential injury.


1. Color
-is one of the things that makes your dish look good. Some chefs even add food
coloring to their dishes to make it more appetizing, even though they knew it is not
healthy. Also, it shows how delicious it is.

2. Taste
-is the most vital element because it is the soul of food. Spices and herbs are helpful in
dishes to help balance the dish and make it more interesting.

3. Flavours
-this can be found in different types of sauce. Flavors can be sweet, sour, spicy, bitter,
and salty.

4. Texture
-this includes the crunchiness, crispness, tenderness, chewiness of a certain food.

5. Aroma
-attracts every person who can smell the food itself. It can also increase appetite.

6. Plating
-aesthetic effect in culinary arts. Type of Plates being use and added garnish
Sometimes we eat because we enjoy the taste and experience of different foods.
Sharing food and meals are important social events.
But other than for pleasure, we need food to get nutrients, vitamins, minerals and
Very few foods are either all good or all bad. By having an idea of the balance in your
diet, it should be easier to enjoy food and be healthy.
There are seven essential factors for a balanced diet: carbs, protein, fat, fibre,
vitamins, minerals and water.

Good knife skills help improve the quality of the food you cook by ensuring uniform
cooking times and making it look nicer. Check out these illustrated examples of all the
basic culinary arts knife cuts.
Mastering basic knife skills is one of the most essential parts of cooking, along with
keeping your knives sharp. A sharp knife not only allows you to work faster, but safer.
When your knife is blunt the amount of pressure needed to cut through food is much
greater, one slip can result in a nasty injury.
V. Learning Activities

Learning Activity 1: Online Discussion

Google classroom activity: Participate in an online forum/ discussion on the topic

of basic culinary arts

Forum Guidelines/ Instructions

1. Participate in the online discussion entitled “History of culinary and basic

food preparation” in Google Classroom

2. Your response must be reflective, well considered, and written clearly,

coherently and courteously.

3. Respond thoughtfully, courteously, and concisely. Your response should be

a constructive contribution to the discussion.

4. Do not monopolize the discussion. Limit your posts/responses to 2-3 well

considered posts.

5. Note that this is a synchronous discussion. Module participants will be

joining the discussion at different times, not at the same time. Do not expect
an immediate response to your post/response. And do not treat the forum
as a chat room.

Note: If it is not possible to participate in an online discussion due to internet problems,

just save your answers in a digitized format in a USB flash drive then send it thru
courier at Lyceum-Northwestern University College of Hospitality Management, Tapuac
District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan or drop it thru the designated drop-boxes at the

Learning Activity 2: Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous Learning: You will watch a pre-recorded video that will be posted in
Google Classroom with the topic of History and the Basic Culinary.

Asynchronous Learning Guidelines/ Instructions

1. Watch a video links are posted in the Google Classroom.

2. Study the proper food handling.

3. In your notebook specified for learning kitchen essentials and basic food
production, answer the different exercises.

4. Take a video of yourself showing the different kinds of cutting techniques

Learning Activity 3: Writing Exercise

Doing the writing exercise is an activity to get you more familiarized with the topics
we have learned.

Writing Exercise Guidelines/ Instructions:

1. In your notebook have the outline of kitchen brigade system.

2. Input all the different positions and their job descriptions.

3. Take a clear picture of your work and compile them in one (1) .pdf file and
turn in your work in Google Classroom in the assignment tab entitle
“kitchen brigade system”

Note: If it is not possible to submit in an online discussion due to internet problems, just
save your answers in a digitized format in a USB flash drive then send it thru courier at
Lyceum-Northwestern University College of Hospitality Management, Tapuac District,
Dagupan City, Pangasinan or drop it thru the designated drop-boxes at the university.

VI. Assessment/ Evaluation

1. Answer the following questions:

a. What is knife skills?
b. What is the Danger Zone?
c. Why knife skills is important?

2. Turn-in your answers in the Assignment tab in Google Classroom entitled “knife

VII. Module Summary

1. History of culinary and the evolution of modern cooking

2. Basic food preparation
3. Safety workplace
4. Proper food handling
5. Proper using of kitchen tools and equipment

VIII. References

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