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(N1)The Future of the Present Chotu

By Malini Venkataraman Garbage

[NATURE SOUNDS: BIRD CHIRPS]It was a sunny Sunday noon. Pinky and Chotu
were getting bored. They had watched enough of television and had finished their
homeworks too. Just then Chotu remembered about his remote-control car bought
years ago. He quickly ran to the storage room_and_looked_for_his_car.

Pinky also followed him and joined in the search. As they were looking for the car,
Pinky found a dusty and rusty old thing which resembled like the remote of Chotu's
car.(P2) "Chotu!, look what I found"[WOAH SOUNDS] (C3)"Doesn't this look like
my car's remote? But wait, this looks strange with these ti ny buttons." (P4)"Wait
Chotu!, don't do anything, let's take it to dad and show him" (C5)"I wonder what
happens if I press this".. [REPETITIVE BUTTON PRESSES SOUNDS] (N6)said
Chotu, touching the button inquisitively. (P7)"Don't

Chotu jabbed the button with his finger. Then, they both felt dizzy! The only thing
they saw now was black, and green, and black and green. Their head swirled and they
fainted instantly and woke up only when sharp piercing rays of sun hit their eyes.
Rubbing their eyes, they were surprised to look at t heir surroundings which were very
new to them. No wonder that they were in a completely new place !
[TININING_SOUNDS:SPARKLE] (C9)Hmm.."what place is this Pinky ?.(N10)Chotu
turned curiously questioning (C11)and what is this?"(N12)They saw a big steel castle
with strange machines. And there stood th e two of them, in front of the massive green,
blue and red doors. They didn't know which door to enter. They chose the blue door.
The door opened up to a vast deserted land. The place was so empty. No sign of people,
it was all deserted, trees were hardly visible. There was only some tall thorny
bushes.[WINDY TREES SOUNDS] (P13)"How terrible! (N14)told Pinky
(P15)"there's no greenery at all here! I wonder what place is this and where we have
come?" (N16)and when she turned her head, she could see a huge shadow cast over
them.[SUSPENSE/HORROR MUSIC] (C17) (" A.a..a M..O..N...N.S.S..T..T.ER.R!!
(N18)stammered Chotu. Both froze in terror started to run !. [RUNNING SOUNDS]
The monster chased them like anything in whatever direction they went. Both of them
became so tired that they couldn't move any further. Panting and breathing fast, they
stood in front of the monster helpless. It was made of junk, electronic wastes and all
sorts of garbages and it stank (P19) "YUCK! "Please don't do us anything", (N20)
begged Pinky.(G21) "Ha..Ha..Ha [MONSTER LAUGHTER] (N22) laughed the
monster loudly, (G23) I am the GARBAGE monster! And I was created by you the
humans. You dumped all wastes in the earth, polluted its beauty, threw electronic
wastes, cut down trees and created your own _concrete_jungles.

And Here I am, as the result of all your behaviors and habits. [SUSPENSE/HORROR
MUSIC] (C24) "Yes!, we are ashamed of our behavior. And now we realize the effect
of our actions and irresponsibility of saving the earth. (N25)said Chotu(P26) "Please
leave us and let us go. We will see to that hereafter we will take care of the
environment we live. (N27)Said Pinky(G28) "That is not enough!, How do I believe
you selfish humans!.”(P29) "Please believe us; we won't exploit our nature anymore.
We have seen the effect of all our human activities (C30) We have seen bad state of
the earth in future both begged in chorus (N31) As both of them were confessing to the
monster, a strong air blew and pulled them both to their room. Crushing their eyes,
Chotu and Pinky realized that they had actually travelled ahead of time and saw the
state of earth if we do not protect our environment from pollution and dumping
wastes.(C32) "phewwww![PHEW SOUNDS] (N33) said Chotu wiping his sweat and
coming back to reality. [TININING_SOUNDS:SPARKLE] (P34)"Wasn't that very
scary Chotu?(C35) "Of course!. We should do something on our part to save our earth.
(P36)"I have an Idea! Why don't we take a serious new year resolution to help protect
our enviromnet? (C37)"That's great Pinky"(N38) They both quickly sat with a pen and
paper and started writing their resolution. Stood in front of their favourite Ganesha
and read loudly their resolution [RUBBING PAPER SOUNDS] (P39)"We, Pinky
(C40)and Chotu hereby take resolution from this moment to help save our earth by;

1. Not use plastic carry bags

(P41)2. We will not litter our surroundings
(C42)3. We will plant trees and help make our surroundings greener and cleaner
(P43)4. We will not waste water and try to save it
(P44)5. We will use only ecofriendly goods
(P45)6. We will insist our friends and relatives to follow these methods to save our
earth and make it cleaner and greener.

(P46)They ran to their friends to tell about their experience and spread their
wonderful New Year resolution.

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