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After his first-year term in the In 1880, Rizal founded a In 1879, Rizal, who was then
University of Santo Tomas, secret society of Filipino 18 years old, submitted his
Rizal received the Ateneo students in the University of poem entitled A la Juventud
Rector’s advice to study Santo Tomas called Filipina (To the Filipino
medicine and took up the Companerismo Youth). The prize-winning
medical course, enrolling (Comradeship), whose poem is an inspiring poem of
simultaneously in the members were called flawless form. In exquisite
preparatory medical course “Companions of Jebu,” after verses, Rizal beseeched the
and the first-year medical the valiant Hebrew general Filipino youth to rise from
course. who fought the Armaeans and lethargy, to let their genius fly
ruled the Kingdom of Israel swifter than the wind and
for 28 years (843-816 B.C.). descend with art and science
He was the chief of this secret to break the chains that have
student society, with his long bound the spirit of the
cousin from Batangas, people.
Galicano Apacible as
secretary. As chief, he led the
Filipino students into combat
against the Spanish students in
various street fights.
At the age of 17, Rizal passed Aside from his heavy studies In 1880, Rizal, inspired by his
the final examination in the in the university, Rizal studied poetical triumph the previous
surveying course, but he could painting and sculpture in the year, entered the literary joust,
not be granted the title as Academy of Fine Arts of San submitting an allegorical
surveyor because he was Fernando; took lessons in drama entitled El Consejo de
below age. The title was French, German, and English los Dioses (The Council of the
issued to him on November under private instructors; and Gods). The winning allegory
25, 1881. assiduously practiced fencing of Rizal was a literary
and shooting in the Hall of masterpiece based on the
Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. Greek classics. The allegory
established a parallel among
Homer, Virgil, and Cervantes.
The gods discuss the
comparative merits of those
great writers and finally
decide to give the trumpet to
Homer, the lyre to Virgil, and
the laurel to Cervantes. The
allegory gloriously closes
with the naiads, nymphs,
satyrs, and other mythological
characters dancing and
gathering laurels for
Shortly after losing Segunda In 1882, shortly after his Rizal produced a zarzuela
Katigbak, Rizal paid court to a arrival in Madrid, Rizal joined entitled Junto al Pasig (Beside
young woman in Calamba. In the Circulo Hispano-Filipino the Pasig), which was staged
his student memoirs, he called (Hispano-Philippine Circle), a by the Ateneans on December
her simply “Miss L” society of Spaniards and 8, 1880, on the occasion of the
describing her as “fair with Filipinos. annual celebration of the Feast
seductive and attractive eyes”. Day of the Immaculate
Conception, Patroness of the
Ateneo. In the piece of
literature Junto al Pasig, there
are passages in it which
express in subtle satire the
author’s nationalist ideas.
Several months later, during Rizal economized on his In 1880, Rizal wrote a sonnet
Rizal’s sophomore year at the living expenses, and with the entitled A Filipinas (The
University of Santo Tomas, he money he saved, he purchased Philippines) for the album of
boarded in the house of Dona books from a second-hand the Society of Sculptors. In
Concha Leyva in Intramuros. book store owned by a certain this sonnet, he urged all
The next-door neighbors of Senor Roses. He was able to Filipino artists to glorify the
Dona Concha were Capitan build a fair-sized private Philippines.
Juan and Capitana Sanday library. His collection of
Valenzuela from Pagsanjan, books included The Bible,
Laguna, who had a charming Hebrew Grammar, Lives of
daughter named Leonor. the Presidents of the United
Rizal, the medical student States from Washington to
from Calamba, was a Johnson, Complete Works of
welcome visitor in the Voltaire (9 volumes),
Valenzuela home, where he Complete Works of C.
was the life of the social Bernard (16 volumes),
parties because of his clever History of the French
sleight-of-hand tricks. He Revolution, The Wondering
courted Leonor Valenzuela, Jew, Ancient Poetry, Works of
who was a tall girl with a regal
Thucydides, The Byzantine
bearing. Empire, The Characters by La
Bruyere, The Renaissance,
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet
Beecher Stowe, Works of
Alexander Dumas, Louis XIV
and His Court, and numerous
books on medicine,
philosophy, languages,
history, geography, arts, and
Rizal’s next romance was with In March 1883, Rizal joined In 1879, Rizal composed a
another Leonor – Leonor the Masonic lodge called poem entitled Abd-el-Azis y
Rivera – his cousin from Acacia in Madrid. His reason Mahoma, which was
Camiling. In 1879, at the start for becoming a mason was to declaimed by an Atenean,
of his junior year at the secure free masonry’s aid in Manuel Fernandez, on the
university, he lived in “Casa his fight against the friars in night of December 8, 1879 in
Tomasina,” at No. 6 Calle the Philippines. honor of the Ateneo’s
Santo Tomas, Intramuros. Patroness.
Between Jose and Leonor
sprang a beautiful romance.
They became engaged. In her
letters to Rizal, Leonor signed
her name as “Taimis,” in order
to camouflage their intimate
relationships from their
parents and friends.
When Rizal was a freshman By sheer determination and In 1881, Rizal composed a
medical student at the constant practice, Rizal came poem entitled At M.R.P.
University of Santo Tomas, he to play the flute fairly well. He Pablo Ramon. He wrote this
experienced his first taste of was a flutist in various poem as an expression of
Spanish brutality. One dark impromptu reunions of affection to Father Pablo
knight in Calamba, during the Filipinos in Paris. It is said Ramon, the Ateneo rector,
summer vacation in 1878, he that he even composed some who had been so kind and
was walking in the street. He songs, particularly Alin Mang helpful to him.
dimly perceived the figure of Lahi (Any Race), a patriotic
a man while passing him. Not song which asserts that any
knowing the person due to race aspires for freedom, and a
darkness, he did not salute nor sad danza La Deportacion
say a courteous “Good (Deportation), which he
Evening.” The vague figure composed in Dapitan during
turned out to be a lieutenant of his exile.
the Guardia Civil. With a
snarl, he turned upon Rizal,
whipped out his sword and
brutally slashed the latter on
the back.
In the summer month of May In Leizpig, Rizal translated In progressive Barcelona,
1881, when he was still a Schiller’s William Tell from Rizal wrote a nationalistic
medical student at the German into Tagalog so that essay entitled Amor Patrio
University of Santo Tomas, Filipinos might know the story (Love of Country), his first
Rizal went on a pilgrimage to of that champion of Swiss article written on Spain’s soil.
the town of Pakil, famous independence. Later, he also He sent this article to his
shrine of the Birhen Maria de translated into Tagalog for his friend in Manila, Basilio
los Dolores. He was nephews and nieces Hans Teodoro Moran, publisher of
accompanied by his sisters – Christian Andersen’s Fairy Diariong Tagalog, the first
Saturnina, Maria and Trinidad Tales. Manila bilingual newspaper,
and their female friends. They (Spanish and Tagalog).
took a casco from Calamba to Rizal’s Amor Patrio, under his
Pakil, Laguna, and stayed at pen name Laong Laan,
the home of Mr. And Mrs. appeared in print in Diariong
Manuel Regalado, whose son Tagalog on August 20, 1882.
Nicolas was Rizal’s friend in It was published in two texts –
Manila. Spanish and Tagalog. The
Spanish text was the one
originally written by Rizal in
Barcelona. The Tagalog text
was a Tagalog translation
made by M.H. del Pilar. The
article caused quite a
sensation among the readers in
the Philippines because of its
nationalistic flavor.
Because of the unfriendly Rizal became a member of the In response to Publisher
attitude of his professors, Anthropological Society, the Basilio Teodoro Moran, Rizal
Rizal, the most brilliant Ethnological Society, and the wrote the second article for
graduate of the Ateneo, failed Geographical Society of Diariong Tagalog entitled Los
to win high scholastic honors Berlin, upon recommendation Viajes (Travels). His third
in the University of Santo of Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer. article, entitled Revista de
Tomas. Although his grades in His membership in this Madrid (Review of Madrid),
the first year of the philosophy scientific societies proved that which he wrote in Madrid on
course were all “excellent,” his scientific knowledge was November 29, 1882, was
they were not impressive in recognized by Europe’s returned to him because the
the four years of his medical scientists. He was the first Diariong Tagalog had ceased
course. Asian to be accorded such publication for lack of funds.
After finishing the fourth year The specific paintings that Rizal composed a lovely poem
of his medical course (1882), Jose Rizal were done in 17 to on August 22, 1883 dedicated
Rizal decided to study in 25 years of age are as follows: to Consuelo Ortega y Perez. In
Spain. He could no longer • The Portrait of the poem A La Senorita C.O.y
endure the rampant bigotry, Morayta was made in P. (To Miss C.O. y P.), he
discrimination, and hostility Barcelona in 1885. expressed his admiration for
in the University of Santo The painting material her. He found solace and joy
Tomas. that Rizal used was in her company.
• The allegory on a pair
of porcelain bases of
the new year
celebration was made
in Berlin in 1886. The
painting material that
Rizal used was oil.
On May 3, 1882, Rizal The sketches that were made Upon the request of the
departed on board the Spanish by Rizal on his first trip in members of Circulo Hispano-
steamer Salvadora bound for May 1882 were the Singapore Filipino, Rizal wrote a poem
Singapore. With tears in his lighthouse, along Suez Canal, entitled Me Piden Versos
eyes and gloom in his heart, he Castle of St. Elmo, studies of (They Ask Me for Verses)
gazed at the receding skyline passengers of SS Djemnah, which he personally
of Manila. He hastly took parting view of Manila, and declaimed during the New
paper and pencil and sketched Aden. All of the sketches that Year’s Eve reception of the
it as it vanished in view. were made by Rizal were put Madrid Filipinos held in the
in the sketch book of Rizal. evening of December 31,
All of the sketches by Rizal in 1882.
1882 were made by ink or
On May 8, 1882, while the Another sketch by Rizal was In his mood of homesickness,
steamer was approaching made in Dapitan when he was Rizal wrote on April 22, 1886,
Singapore, Rizal saw a 18 years old. The sketch that a fine poem A Las Flores de
beautiful island. Fascinated by Rizal have drawn is the fishes Heidelberg (To the Flowers of
its scenic beauty, he that caught in Dapitan. The Heidelberg).
remembered “Talim Island material that Rizal used for
with the Susong Dalaga.” The sketching was ink.
following day (May 9) the
Salvadora docked at
Singapore. Rizal landed,
registered at Hotel de la Paz,
and spent two days on a
sightseeing soiree of the city,
which was a colony of
England. He saw the famous
Botanical Garden, the
beautiful Buddhist temples,
the busy shopping district, and
the statue of Sir Thomas
Stanford Raffles (founder of
In Singapore, Rizal The sketches of Rizal that On July 31, 1886, Rizal wrote
transferred to another ship were made in Leitmeritz in his first letter in German
Djemnah, a French steamer, 1886 were the pencil sketch of (which he had improved after
which left Singapore for Dr. Blumentritt and the sketch his stay with the Ullmers) to
Europe on May 11, 1882. On of a boat. The materials that Professor Ferdinand
May 17, the Djemnah reached Rizal used for sketching were Blumentritt, Director of the
Point Gelle, a seacoast town in pencil and ink respectively. Ateneo in Leitmeritz, Austria.
southern Ceylon (now Sri He had heard of this Austrian
Lanka). The following day the ethnologist and his interest in
Djemnah weighed anchor and Philippine languages. With
resumed the voyage towards the letter, Rizal sent the book
Colombo, the capital of which he mentioned. That
Ceylon. book was entitled Aritmetica
(Arithmetic) and was
published in two languages –
Spanish and Tagalog – by the
University of Santo Tomas
Press in 1868. The author was
Rufino Baltazar Hernandez, a
native of Santa Cruz, Laguna.
On June 11, Rizal reached The sketch that was made by Rizal wrote an entry on his
Naples. This Italian city Rizal in the album of Mrs. diary dated August 6, 1886.
pleased him because of its Juan Luna in Paris in 1886 The diary describes the
business activity, its lively was about the monkey and the celebration of the fifth
people, and its panoramic tortoise. The material that centenary of the famous
beauty. He was fascinated by Rizal used in sketching was University of Heidelberg.
Mount Vesuvius, the Castle of ink.
St. Telmo and other historic
sights of the city. On the night
of June 12, the steamer docked
at the French harbor of
Marseilles. Rizal, after
bidding farewell to his fellow
passengers, disembarked. He
visited the famous Chateau
d’lf, where Dantes. Hero of
The Count of Monte Cristo,
was imprisoned. He had
enjoyed reading this novel of
Alexander Dumas when he
was a student at the Ateneo.
He stayed two and a half days
in Marseilles, enjoying every
day of his sojourn.
On the afternoon of June 15, The sketch of Rizal that was In response to Virchow’s
Rizal left Marseille by train put in De Nueva York diary invitation, Rizal wrote a
for the last lap of his trip to was made in 1886. The sketch scholarly paper in German,
Spain. He crossed the is about the Brooklyn Bridge. entitled Tagalische Verkunst
Pyrenees and stopped for a The material that Rizal used in (Tagalog Metrical Art) which
day at the frontier town of Port sketching was pencil. he read before the society in
Bou. After the passport April 1887. This paper was
inspection at Port Bou, Rizal published by the society in the
continued his trip by rail, same year, and it elicited
finally reaching his favorable comments from all
destination – Barcelona on scientific quarters.
June 16, 1882.
On November 3, 1882, Rizal There are also sketches of One of Rizal’s important
enrolled in the Universidad Rizal that were put in the letters written while he was in
Central de Madrid (Central Madrid diary of January 1884 Germany was that addressed
University of Madrid) in two in Academy of San Fernando. to his sister, Trinidad, dated
courses – Medicine and Those sketches of Rizal are March 11, 1886. In this letter,
Philosophy and Letters. two sketches without Rizal expressed his high
description and a landscape regard and admiration for
and sketch of a figure. The German womanhood.
material that Rizal used in
sketching the two sketches
without description was
crayon while the sketch of a
landscape and sketch of a
figure was not identifying the
kind of material that Rizal
During his first summer There are also sketches of Toward the end of 1884, Rizal
vacation in Madrid, Rizal Rizal that were made in began writing the novel Noli
went to Paris, sojourning in Madrid in 1883-1886. The me Tangere in Madrid and
this gay capital of France from sketches are about Spanish finished about one-half of it.
June 17 to August 20, 1883. characters in Madrid, Notas When he went to Paris, in
At first, he was billeted at the Clinicas, and Drs. de Wecker 1885, after completing his
Hotel de Paris on 37 Rue de and Becker that was inserted studies in the Central
Maubange; later, he moved to in a letter to Dr. Viola. The University of Madrid, he
a cheaper hotel on 124 Rue de material that Rizal used in continued writing the novel,
Rennes in the Latin Quarter, sketching the three sketches finishing one-half of the
where it was cheaper to live. was ink. second half. He finished the
last fourth of the novel in
Germany. He wrote the last
few chapters of the Noli in
Wilhelmsfeld in April-June
1886. In Berlin, during the
winter days of February 1886,
Rizal made the final revisions
on the manuscript of the Noli.
After the Christmas season in
1886, Rizal put the finishing
touches on his novel. To save
printing expenses, he deleted
certain passages in his
manuscript, including a whole
chapter – “Elias and Salome.”
On February 21, 1887, the
Noli me Tangere was finally
finished and ready for
printing. With Viola, the
savior of the Noli, Rizal went
to different printing shops in
Berlin to survey the cost of
printing. After a few days of
inquiries, they finally found a
printing shop in Berlin. On
March 21, 1887, the Noli me
Tangere came off the press.
Rizal immediately sent the
first copies of the printed
novel to his intimate friends.
The title Noli me Tangere is a
Latin phrase which means
“Touch me Not”. Rizal
dedicated his Noli me Tangere
to the Philippines. The novel
contains 63 chapters and an
epilogue. The novel Noli me
Tangere was a true story of
Philippine conditions during
the last decades of Spanish
A touching incident in Rizal’s There are sketches that were In 1882, Rizal wrote a poem
life in Madrid occurred on made in Heidelberg in 1886. entitled Goodbye to Leonor.
June 24, 1884. Because he The topics of the sketches are Leonor was only 13 years of
was broken, he was unable to about Fritz Ullmer, cartoons age when she first met Jose
take breakfast that day. With made in Heidelberg, Pastor Rizal. Due to the strong
an empty stomach, he Ullmer, Ephigenia, and a disapproval of Leonor’s
attended his class at the gladiator. The materials that parents of their love affair,
university, participated in the Rizal used in sketching were they kept in touch by sending
contest in Greek language and pencil and ink respectively. letters and photographs to
won the gold medal. In the each other. This poem was the
evening of the same day, he one Rizal wrote for Leonor as
was able to eat dinner, for he he left for Spain in 1882.
was a guest speaker in a
banquet held in honor of Juan
Luna and Felix Resurreccion
Hidalgo at Restaurant Ingles,
The banquet on the evening of One of the sculptures was There was a poem that was a
June 25, 1884 was sponsored made in Barcelona in 1885. part of the novel Noli me
by the Filipino community to The sculpture is about the bust Tangere. The title of the poem
celebrate the double victory of of an intern at Hospital de Sta. is “The Song of Maria Clara”.
the Filipino artist in the Cruz. The material that Rizal This poem forms part of the
National Exposition of Fine used in making sculpture was Jose Rizal’s first novel, Noli
Arts in Madrid – Luna’s clay. Me Tangere. In the novel, one
Spoliarium winning first prize of the main characters, Maria,
and Hidalgo’s Christian upon the insistent requests of
Virgins Exposed to the her friends, rendered a
Populace, second prize. It was beautiful song with the
attended by prominent accompaniment of the harp.
Spanish artists,
newspapermen, and men-of-
letters, statesmen, and
On November 20, 21, and 22, One of the sculptures was
1884, the serene city of made in Calamba in 1881. The
Madrid exploded in bloody sculpture is about the bust of
riots by the students of the his father. The material that
Central University. Rizal and Rizal used in making
other Filipino students sculpture was clay.
participated, together with
Cuban, Mexican, Peruvian,
and Spanish students, in the
rumult. These student
demonstrations were caused
by the address of Dr. Miguel
Morayta, professor of history,
at the opening ceremonies of
the academic year on
November 20, in which he
proclaimed “the freedom of
science and the teacher.” Such
a liberal view was condemned
by the Catholic bishops of
Spain, who promptly
excommunicated Dr. Morayta
and those who applauded his
Rizal completed his medical One of the sculptures was
course in Spain. He was made in Madrid at Academia
conferred the degree of de San Fernando in 1884. The
Licentiate in Medicine by the sculpture is about the bust of
Universidad Central de his father. The material that
Madrid on June 21, 1884. The Rizal used in making
next academic year, he studied sculpture was clay.
and passed all subjects leading
to the degree of Doctor of
Medicine. Due to the fact,
however, that he did not
present the thesis required for
graduation nor paid the
corresponding fees, he was
not awarded his doctor’s
Rizal also finished his studies
in Philosophy and Letters,
with higher grades. He was
awarded the degree of
Licentiate in Philosophy and
Letters by the Universidad
Central de Madrid on June 19,
1885, with the rating of
Shortly after terminating his
studies at the Central
University of Madrid, Rizal,
who was then 24 years old and
already a physician, went to
Paris in order to acquire more
knowledge in ophthalmology.
On November 1885, Rizal
was living in Paris, where he
sojourned for about four
months. He worked as an
assistant to Dr. Louis de
Weckert (1852-1906), leading
French ophthalmologist, from
November 1885 to February
1886. He rapidly improved his
knowledge of ophthalmology,
as revealed by his letter to his
parents on January 1, 1886.
After acquiring enough
experience as an
ophthalmologist in Dr.
Weckert’s clinic, Rizal
reluctantly left gay Paris on
February 1, 1886 for
Germany. He visited
Strasbourg (capital of Aisace
Loraine) and other German
border towns.
On February 3, 1886, Rizal
arrived in Heidelberg, a
historic city in Germany
famous for its own university
and romantic surroundings.
So delightful was Rizal’s stay
at Paster Ullmer’s home that
Rizal felt the pangs of sadness
when he ended his sojourn on
June 25, 1886. He returned to
Heidelberg, carrying with him
beautiful memories on the
Ullmer friendship and
Rizal was fortunate to be
sojourning in Heidelberg
when the famous University
of Heidelberg held its fifth
centenary celebration on
August 6, 1886. It was three
days before his departure, and
he was sad because he had
come to love the beautiful city
and hospitable people.
On August 9, 1886, three days
after the fifth centenary
celebration of the University
of Heidelberg, Rizal left the
city. He boarded a train,
visited various cities of
Germany, and arrived in
Leizpig on August 14, 1886.
He attended some lectures at
the University of Leizpig on
history and psychology. He
befriended Professor
Friedrich Ratzel, a famous
German historian, and Dr.
Hans Meyer, German
On October 29, 1886, Rizal
left Leizpig for Dresden,
where he met Dr. Adolph B.
Meyer, Director of the
Anthropological and
Ethnological Museum. He
stayed two days in the city. He
heard Mass in a Catholic
The winter of 1886 in Berlin
was Rizal’s darkest winter.
During this bleak winter, he
lived in poverty because no
money arrived from Calamba
and he was flat broke.
In a reunion of Filipinos in the
Paterno residence in Madrid
on January 2, 1884, Rizal
proposed the writing of a
novel about the Philippines by
a group of Filipinos. His
proposal was unanimously
approved by those present.
Unfortunately, Rizal’s project
did not materialize. Those
compatriots who were
expected to collaborate on the
novel did not write anything.
At dawn of May 11, 1887,
Rizal and Viola, two brown-
skinned doctors on a roaming
spree, left Berlin by train. It
was an ideal season for travel.
At 1:30 pm of May 13, 1887,
the train, with Rizal and Viola
on board, arrived at the
railroad station of Leitmeritz,
Bohemia. Blumentritt was
carrying a pencil sketch of
Rizal which the latter had
previously sent him, so that he
could identify his Filipino
friend. Professor Blumentritt,
the genial host, helped Rizal
and Viola get a room at Hotel
Krebs, after which he brought
them to his home and
introduced them to his wife
and family. The two Filipino
tourists spent many pleasant
hours at the home of their kind
host. They stayed in
Leitmeritz from May 13 to
May 16, 1887.
After Leitmeritz, Rizal and
Viola visited the cities of
Prague in Czechoslovakia,
Vienna in Austria-Hungary,
and the cities of Schaffhausen
and Geneva in Switzerland.

The feedback that I have learned from this assignment is that the life, works, and writings of Dr.
Jose Rizal in his collegiate years up to his trip to Europe (17-25 years old) is important to be known
by many people. Jose Rizal was still an intelligent student in his first year in college. Unfortunately,
after his first year in college, Rizal was upset about his professors in University of Santo Tomas.
The professors in UST were described by Rizal as grumpy and snobbish professors. That is the
reason that Rizal was unable to have medals in college. After the college days in UST, Rizal went
to Europe to finish his studies. It must be one of the characteristics the students nowadays must
learn and that is to be able to not surrender in finishing the studies. Despite the not so good grades
that Rizal encountered, he still finished his Licentiate in Medicine in Madrid. Unfortunately, Rizal
didn’t finish the Doctor of Medicine course in Madrid. Rizal also studied philosophy and letters in
Madrid and that was really wonderful to have a hero who is brave in taking circumstances when it
comes to studies. In 17 to 25 years of age, Rizal has so many accomplishments in sketching,
painting, and sculpture in his time. People must be proud of what Rizal contributes by his works
to this country. Another achievement that people must be proud of was being a travel wonder of
Jose Rizal. Rizal traveled every city in Europe to be able to have a wonderful experience there.
When Rizal was in Europe, he was writing so many poems in able for the people to be inspired of
the lessons that the poems of Rizal had. Also, Rizal published a novel that has so many lessons to
learn for the youth. That novel is Noli me Tangere, that is still teaching by the high school teachers
of Filipino subject. Jose Rizal’s Noli me Tangere tells the people that we should reflect on our
actions and beliefs for our country. The theme of the novel is to promote nationalism and to accept
change in ourselves is still applies to us today. We must patronize our country by respecting the
law, promoting Philippine culture, and realizing the true goal of the country by helping each other
towards the improvement of the country. It teaches us the values of wisdom, fighting what is right,
and loving our country. The conclusion of the feedback is that people must always remember Jose
Rizal as a creative, intelligent, wonderful, and obedient person/hero whatever the age Rizal had in
his life.

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