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Research Title: “Students' Attitude of Collaborative Learning and Satisfaction Towards on Online Study Room”

Significance of the Study

Conclusions (Choose the beneficiary
(Based on items with lowest frequency, weighted mean and-or
Statement of the (This should not be mere repetition of presentation of results. Summarize from your Chapter 1
results that has shown essential inferences. List concrete feasible
Problem your set of interpretations from your Chapter 4 Template. Focus on how Template who will be
plan of actions to be done thereafter with whom you identified in
important and relevant the results of your study are.) responsible for your
the set of beneficiaries of your study.)

An online learning environment permits students to collaborate with their Male students should try to engage more in using online study
educators and classmates to acquire more knowledge, create a better rooms even if in a short period of time. Using online study rooms
learning environment, enhance their collaboration and communication skills Students has no age limit thus, any college students are encouraged to try
that could help them do better in academics. Most of the college students using breakout rooms to help them enhance their academic
who prefer using online study rooms are in first-year college as it allows them performance.
to adapt to the online learning environment. Female students frequently use
online study room than male students as they are more independent
learners. Furthermore, students age ranges from 17-19 years old have more
interest in using digital platforms to learn more new things than other ages
because they think that it would be such a great help for their academic
performance as well as to gain more new friends in terms of collaborating
1. Demographic with their classmates using online learning platforms. College students who
have participated in online learning acknowledged that it is effective in
adolescents. Microsoft Teams is one of the most used video conferencing
applications nowadays. It has impressed the students in giving the best Developers must continue advancing different video conferencing
Video Conferencing
experience in online learning, which can enhance their perspectives and applications as this would help students to have a better experience
Applications Developers
satisfaction in using this platform. This also brings an advantage in attending during online learning.
online classes of the students. It gives them a commitment to study better
during the lockdown. The majority of the students sometimes use video
conferencing applications as it would help them acquire further knowledge.
Undergraduate students preferred having an online learning, they prefer
studying in breakout rooms in a short period of time (I.e., 1-2 hours) because
their attention span is not that substantial, but they can still do their tasks in
their time frame.

2. Main Variable 1: Educators

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Teachers must still guide and consider their students in online
learning as some of them are slow learners and encounter difficulty
in studying alone. By considering and providing new learning
methods that will let the students engage collaboratively. They
should also connect and interact with students as much as possible;
with that, no students will be left behind.
Students are moderately satisfied in using online study rooms because some
of them encounter problems such as poor internet connectivity and not
having an updated version of the software that limits the features of the Students should engage more in participating in different online
What are the Students
video conferencing application that can hinder students from having a study rooms to broaden their knowledge.
students’ level of smooth collaborative learning experience. The student's satisfaction in online
satisfaction towards study room shows that commonly are satisfied based on their own Parents are advised to invest in a stable internet connection to give
online study rooms? Parents
experiences. Most of the students showed that mostly females are more their children a comfortable and smooth online learning experience.
(Jerine & Aki) content than males towards online study room.
Developers should consider every version or latest update to be
more friendly for the users so that everyone can use it. Depending
Video Conferencing on how their latest update was. Also, the developers must be open
Applications Developers to the opinions of their users so that in that point they can create a
good relationship with each other and also, they can know what
they need to improve or to maintain.

3. Main Variable 2: Ever since online distance learning has been implemented as a new method
What are the of learning, students have started to engage in different online study rooms. Parents should still support and motivate their children even though
attitudes of students It is one of the ways to develop their collaborative learning with other Parents they are already in college to study well as it will help students to
in online study rooms students, which will eventually enhance their positive attitudes towards an become more inspired to do better with their academics.
towards collaborative online study room. Students who engage in collaborative learning through
learning? (Tin & online study room have a positive attitude. Joining an online study room does
Princess) Students should adapt to the changes brought by the pandemic for
not only focus on students’ gaining knowledge but also enhance their
personality traits and well-being. Studying in an online study room helps them to get used to this kind of learning set-up and how they
students adapt to other educational systems, especially nowadays everything manage their time studying and doing their school works.
is based online ever since the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Some positive Students Communication is also important and should always be practiced
attitudes that they can acquire in an online study room are adaptable, flexible even if nowadays everything can be based online. Students should
also be eager to share personal, professional, and academic
and collaborative. Those positive attitudes that they acquire when joining an
interactions as a part of collaborative learning.
online study room are very relevant and helpful nowadays, which can still be
acquired by other students in the next academic years.
Teachers should align and guide their students through online study
rooms so that both of them could communicate easily and work on
time. They must organize the time and schedule of the students
when it comes to using online study rooms to prevent consuming
too much time and for them to be able to use the remaining hours
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to do their school works independently.

Students must explore more through reading different learning

Students materials that their teachers gave to enhance their knowledge that
can help with their academic performance and improve their study
Students who maintain very good study habits throughout the COVID-19
habits throughout an online environment.
4. Main Variable 3: pandemic are more likely to progress in an online set-up; this can also
What are the changes motivate them to work diligently on their studies. College students' study
in the study habits of habits have changed due to online study rooms; they are now collaborating
the students? (Jewel & productively with their classmates while completing their requirements and Curriculum designers shall provide and create more teaching and
Eleni) learning how to organize and balance their time. Students may explore and learning materials such as illustrations, video animations,
adapt to various study techniques as long as they are effective and lead to PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and so forth. Students can
academic achievement. perform advanced reading while they are in an online study group
Curriculum designers
with their classmates. This could enable the learners to have
advanced understanding and be familiarized with the subject their
instructors will discuss. Moreover, the students can utilize these
tools to assess their prior knowledge.

7. Correlation (All)
The students’ demographic profile such as sex, age, year level, frequency of Students may acclimate in collaborative learning to further enhance
visit in an online study group within a month and hours spent per visit has no Students their knowledge, study habits and confidence to improve their
significant relationship between the students’ satisfaction in using online companionship with their classmates.
study rooms. Both genders are equally treated on how to use the breakout
rooms. It does not also require any age for students to use an online study Parents are advised to lessen the household responsibilities of their
room. For the year level, students at different levels are accepted to use the Parents
children for them to focus on their academics.
online study room. A student’s frequency of visit in an online study room
does not correlate in their satisfaction as they have their own decision when Curriculum Designers Curriculum designers shall reduce the requirements given to
students because even though their time is flexible there are still
they need or want to use their online study room. Some of the students want
other responsibilities assigned to students in their home that can
to study for a short period of time while others study for a long time for them
hinder them from studying and doing their school works.
to analyze and understand every lesson. However, the application used for an
online study room has a significant relationship with the student’s satisfaction
as it helps them to have virtual communication with their teacher and
classmates as well as to see how breakout rooms benefits to the students.

Difference in students' sexes does not correlate with students’ attitudes in an

online study room since having different sexes in a group can establish good
relationship and more collaborative learning with peers or other students.
When using online study rooms, there is no age limit or classification, which

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can enable students to openly discuss and communicate with each other.
Same goes with the students’ year level, it does not have significant
relationship with their attitudes since difference in year level is also difference
in personality or characteristics (like age, sex, race, etc.) because they can
modify their attitude when dealing with peers and not with other students of
different year level. Regardless of how many times a student visits and
spends their hours in an online study room, it does not affect the students’
attitude in collaborative learning. The application used will provide
accessibility to students in online learning, but it will still not relate to the
students’ attitude.

In terms of demographics, there is a significant relationship between sex, year

level, and changes in the study habits of the students. Female students have
greater study habits and collaborate more with their peers in an online study
room than male students. College students prefer studying with their
classmates rather than independently, enhancing productivity. Nonetheless,
the age, frequency of visit and application used by the college students has
no significant relationship with changes in their study habits as they have
different thinking skills in learning, and they have their freedom to decide

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