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Department of Business Administration

Physically Distanced but Academically Engaged

Self-Instructional Manual (SIM) for Self-Directed Learning



Name of Teachers:




Table of Contents

Part 1. Quality Assurance Policies and Course Outline Policies ................... 1

Part 2. Instruction Delivery
Unit Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 2
ULOa .........................................................................................................
Course Outcomes .................................................................................... 3
Course Facilitator .................................................................................... 4
Facilitator’s Voice .................................................................................... 5
Metalanguage .................................................................................... 6
Essential Knowledge ......................................................................... 7
Self-Help ............................................................................................... 8
Let’s Check ............................................................................................... 9
Let’s Analyze .................................................................................... 10
Nutshell ............................................................................................... 11
Q&A List ............................................................................................... 12
Keywords Index .................................................................................... 13

ULOa .........................................................................................................
Course Outcomes .................................................................................... 3
Course Facilitator .................................................................................... 4
Facilitator’s Voice .................................................................................... 5
Metalanguage .................................................................................... 6
Essential Knowledge ......................................................................... 7
Self-Help ............................................................................................... 8
Let’s Check ............................................................................................... 9
Let’s Analyze .................................................................................... 10
Nutshell ............................................................................................... 11
Q&A List ............................................................................................... 12
Keywords Index .................................................................................... 13

ULOa .........................................................................................................
Course Outcomes .................................................................................... 3
Course Facilitator .................................................................................... 4
Facilitator’s Voice .................................................................................... 5
Metalanguage .................................................................................... 6
Essential Knowledge ......................................................................... 7
Self-Help ............................................................................................... 8
Let’s Check ............................................................................................... 9
Let’s Analyze .................................................................................... 10
Nutshell ............................................................................................... 11
Q&A List ............................................................................................... 12
Keywords Index .................................................................................... 13

Part 3. Course Schedule .................................................................................... 14

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Course Facilitator:


Student Consultation: By appointment


Effectivity Date: August 2020

Mode of Delivery: Distanced Education Delivery

Time Frame: 54 hours
Student Workload: Expected Self-Directed Learning
Requisites: None

Credit: 3

Attendance Requirements: A minimum of 80% attendance is

required for scheduled virtual sessions.


Areas of Concern Details

Contact and Non-contact Hours This 3-unit course self-instructional
manual is designed for blended learning
mode of instructional delivery with
scheduled face to face or virtual sessions
(twice a week). The expected number of
hours will be 54 including the face to face
or virtual sessions.
Assessment Task Submission Submission of assessment tasks shall
be on 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th week of the term.
The assessment paper shall be attached
with a cover page indicating the title of
the assessment task (if the task is
performance), the name of the course
coordinator, date of submission and
name of the student. The document
should be emailed to the course
coordinator. It is also expected that you
already paid your tuition and other fees
before the submission of the assessment

If the assessment task is done in real

time through the features in Schoology,
the schedule shall be arranged ahead of
time by the course coordinator.
Turnitin Submission (if necessary) To ensure honesty and authenticity, all
assessment tasks are required to be
submitted through Turnitin with a

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maximum similarity index of 30%
allowed. This means that if your paper
goes beyond 30%, the students will
either opt to redo her/his paper or explain
in writing addressed to the course
coordinator the reasons for the similarity.
In addition, if the paper has reached
more than 30% similarity index, the
student may be called for a disciplinary
action in accordance with the
University’s OPM on Intellectual and
Academic Honesty.

Please note that academic dishonesty

such as cheating and commissioning
other students or people to complete the
task for you have severe punishments
(reprimand, warning, expulsion).
Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item
Assignments/Assessments submitted after the designated time on
the due date, without an approved
extension of time, will be reduced by 5%
of the possible maximum score for that
assessment item for each day or part day
that the assessment item is late.

However, if the late submission of

assessment paper has a valid reason, a
letter of explanation should be submitted
and approved by the course coordinator.
If necessary, you will also be required to
present/attach evidences.
Return of Assignments/ Assessments Assessment tasks will be returned to you
two (2) weeks after the submission. This
will be returned by email or via

For group assessment tasks, the course

coordinator will require some or few of
the students for online or virtual sessions
to ask clarificatory questions to validate
the originality of the assessment task
submitted and to ensure that all the
group members are involved.
Assignment Resubmission You should request in writing addressed
to the course coordinator his/her
intention to resubmit an assessment
task. The resubmission is premised on
the student’s failure to comply with the
similarity index and other reasonable

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grounds such as academic literacy
standards or other reasonable
circumstances e.g. illness, accidents
financial constraints.
Re-marking of Assessment Papers and You should request in writing addressed
Appeal to the program coordinator your intention
to appeal or contest the score given to an
assessment task. The letter should
explicitly explain the reasons/points to
contest the grade. The program
coordinator shall communicate with the
students on the approval and
disapproval of the request.

If disapproved by the course coordinator,

you can elevate your case to the
program head or the dean with the
original letter of request. The final
decision will come from the dean of the
Grading System Course discussions/exercises – 30%

1st formative assessment – 10%

2nd formative assessment – 10%

3rd formative assessment – 10%

Final exam – 40%

Submission of the final grades shall follow

the usual University system and procedures.

Preferred Referencing Style Depends on the discipline; if uncertain or

inadequate, use the general practice of
the APA 6th Edition.
Student Communication You are required to create a Schoology
account. Then, the course coordinator
shall enroll the students to have access
to the materials and resources of the
course. All communication formats: chat,
submission of assessment tasks,
requests etc. shall be through this virtual
learning environment and other
university recognized platforms.

You can also meet the course

coordinator in person through the
scheduled face to face sessions to raise
your issues and concerns.

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For students who have not created their
account, please contact the course
coordinator or program head.
Contact Details of the Dean Eduard L. Pulvera, MSIS

Email: eduardpulvera@umdigoscollege.edu.ph

Phone: 09295288740

Contact Details of the Program Head Princess G. Cole, MBA

Email: princess_cole@umindanao.edu.ph

Mark Banuelos, MBA

MM, Program Head
Alex Taguenca Jr., MBA
FM, Program Head
Students with Special Needs Students with special needs shall
communicate with the course
coordinator about the nature of his or her
special needs. Depending on the nature
of the need, the course coordinator with
the approval of the program coordinator
may provide alternative assessment
tasks or extension of the deadline of
submission of assessment tasks.
However, the alternative assessment
tasks should still be in the service of
achieving the desired course learning

Course Information – see/download course syllabus in Schoology

CC’s Voice: Hello students! Welcome to this course BA 100 – Business Essentials
and Principles. By now, we are confident that you are all ready and
eager to learn the theories, strategies and systems of Business
Essentials and Principles and how it will be put into application.

CO BA 100 - Business Essentials and Principles involves a very

comprehensive business operational procedures which provides
essential knowledge and skills needed in a variety of careers in the
business world. Furthermore, this course is designed to study the basic

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principles, concepts, and strategies of business operative functions
including the different fundamental areas of business such as
Management, HR Management, Marketing, Economics, Finance, and
Accountancy. Indeed, it will develop the skills of students through critical
thinking, interpersonal, leadership, problem solving, communication,
various business strategies, and techniques.

Let us begin!

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Big Picture

Week 1-3: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected

a) Identify the basics and principles of Management.

b) Explain the importance of Human Resource Management to the organizations.

Big Picture in Focus: ULO - A. Identify the basics and principles

of Management


To establish a common frame of understanding, the following essential terms are

operationally defined. You will encounter these terms as we go through the first ULO.
Please refer to these definitions in case you will encounter difficulty in understanding
the concepts.

1. Manager. is someone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the management

process within an organization to achieve the organizational goals.

2. Organization. A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish

some specific purpose is called organization.

3. Management. It is the process of achieving goals and objectives effectively and

efficiently through and with the people.

4. Efficiency. Getting the most output from the least amount of inputs.

5. Effectiveness. Completing activities so that organizational goals are attained.

Essential Knowledge
To understand and perform the aforementioned Big Picture (Unit Learning Outcomes)
for the first three weeks, you need to fully understand the following essential
knowledge that will be laid down in the succeeding pages. Please note that you are
not limited to exclusively refer to these resources. Thus, you are expected to utilize
other books, research articles, and other resources that are available in the university’s
library, e.g., ebrary, search.proquest.com, etc.

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Management is defined into different perspectives by different individuals who made

a contribution about it. These are the examples of the definition;

• “Management is the process of achieving goals and objectives effectively and

efficiently through and with the people.
• "Management is a process of designing and maintaining an environment in
which individuals work together in groups to effectively and efficiently
accomplish selected aims".
• Management is the process of achieving organizational goals and objectives
effectively and efficiently by using management functions i.e.

- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing

- Directing
- Controlling

• Management is a set of activities directed at an organization's resources with

the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.

These definitions when expanded have these implications:

✓ Management is thus a continuous effort aimed at shaping an organization and
contributing to its overall growth.
✓ The functions of managers include planning, organizing, staffing, leading and
✓ These functions are essential to any kind of organization.
✓ It applies to managers at all hierarchical levels.
✓ The aim of managers is to increase productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.

Process - represents ongoing functions or primary activities engaged in by
Efficiency - getting the most output from the least amount of inputs “doing things
concerned with means
Achieving the objectives in time
Effectiveness - completing activities so that organizational goals are attained “doing
the right things”
concerned with ends
Achieving the objectives on time


Science is a collection of systematic knowledge, collection of truths and inferences
after continuous study and experiments. It has fundamental principles discovered.

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Art uses the known rules and principles and uses the skill, expertise, wisdom,
experience to achieve the desired result.
Management has got two faces like a coin; on one side it is art and on the other it is
science. Management has got scientific principles which constitute the elements of
Science and Skills and talent which are attributes of Art.



1. Planning
Planning is the process of setting goals, and charting the best way of action for
achieving the goals. This function also includes, considering the various steps to be
taken to encourage the necessary levels of change and innovation
2. Organizing
Organizing is the process of allocating and arranging work, authority and resources,
to the members of the organization so that they can successfully execute the plans.
3. Staffing
A: Staffing is the process of filling the positions in the organization and keeping them

B: Staffing is the process of recruiting and selecting the right person for the right job
at the right time in the right place.
4. Leading
Leading involves directing, influencing and motivating employees to perform essential
tasks. This function involves display of leadership qualities, different leadership styles,
different influencing powers, with excellent abilities of communication and motivation.
5. Controlling
Controlling is the process of devising various checks to ensure that planned
performance is actually achieved. It involves ensuring that actual activities conform to
the planned activities. Monitoring the financial statements, checking the cash registers
to avoid overdraft etc., form part of this process.


1. Top Level:
• Top management sets the mission and goals, develops policies, evaluates the overall
performance of various departments, responsible for the business as a whole and is
concerned mainly with long-term planning
• They are often called: executive vice president, president, managing director, chief
operating officer, chief executive officer.

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2. Middle Level:
• Middle level management develops departmental goals, executes the policies, plans
and strategies determined by top management, develops medium- term plans and
supervises and coordinate lower-level managers’ activities.
• They are often called: regional manager, project leader, store manager, division

3. Lower (Supervisory, frontline) Level:

• Lower level management takes charge of day-to-day operations, is involved in
preparing detailed short-range plans, is responsible for smaller segments of the
business, executes plans of middle management, guides staff in their own subsections
and keep close control over their activities.
• They are often called: supervisor, shift manager, district manager, department
manager, office manager.

Top Management Middle Management First-Line Management

✓ President ✓ Plant Managers ✓ Foreman
✓ CEO ✓ Division ✓ Supervisors
✓ Exec.Vice Managers ✓ Office Managers
Presidents ✓ Department

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2 Important Words for Management:

Efficiency and Effectiveness

 Efficiency = getting the most output from the

least amount of inputs

 “doing things right”

 concern with means(ways) of getting things
 Use resources – people, money, raw materials,
and cost-effectively)

 Effectiveness = do those work activities that will

help the organization reach its goals

 “doing the right things”

 concern with ends(result) of organizational goal
 Make the right decisions and successfully carry
them out to accomplish the organizational goal.

 Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people in order
to accomplish organizational goals.
 Someone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the management process
within an organization to achieve the organizational goals.
Changing nature of organizations and work has blurred the clear
lines of distinction between managers and non-managerial

Managerial Skills

Primary Skills: Secondary Skills:

• Conceptual Skill • Design Skill
• Technical Skill • Communication Skill
• Human Skill • Leadership Skill

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✓ Conceptual skills:
This refers to the ability to think and conceptualize abstract situations.
These abilities are required for making complex decisions. In short it
is the mental capacity to develop plans, strategies and vision.

✓ Human or interpersonal skills:

This includes the ability to understand other people and interact
effectively with them. The human skills are also important in creation
of an environment in which people feel secure and free to express their
opinions. In short it is the ability to work with other people in teams.

✓ Technical skills:
These skills include the knowledge, abilities of and proficiency
in activities involving methods, processes and procedures in
the relevant fields as accounting, engineering, manufacturing
etc. or in short, the ability to use the knowledge or techniques
of a particular discipline to attain ends.

✓ Design skills:
These skills enable a manager to handle and solve any kind of
unforeseen or actual problems, that may crop up in the
organization. Such problems could arise due to internal factors
or external factors and/or both. In short it is the problem-solving

✓ Communication skills:
The abilities of exchanging ideas and information effectively. To
understand others and let others understand comprehensively.

✓ Leadership skills
• The abilities to influence other people to achieve the common

Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles

In 1960, Henry Mintzberg conducted a study to understand about the managerial roles.
He identified 10 managerial roles that are common to all managers. These 10
managerial roles are grouped under: Interpersonal, decisional, and informational
Specific actions or behaviors expected of a manager

3 types of managerial roles:

1. Interpersonal Roles: involve people (subordinates and person outside the

organization) and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature.

2. Informational Roles: involve collecting, receiving, and disseminating


3. Decisional Roles: entail making decisions or choices.

Mintzberg groups managerial activities and roles as involving:

Managerial activities Associated roles
Interpersonal roles – Arising Figurehead
from authority, status, and Liaison
supporting the information, and Leader
decision activities.
Informational roles Monitor
Decisional roles- making Improver/ changer (entrepreneur)
significant decisions. Disturbance handler
Resource allocator

A: Inter-personal Role

• Figurehead: Represents the company on social occasions. Attending the flag
hosting ceremony, receiving visitors or taking visitors for dinner etc.
• Leader: In the role of a leader, the manager motivates, encourages, and builds
enthusiasm among the employees. Training subordinates to work under
pressure, forms part of the responsibilities of a manager.
• Liaison: Consists of relating to others outside the group or organization. Serves
as a link between people, groups or organization. The negotiation of prices with
the suppliers regarding raw materials is an example for the role of liaison.

B: Informational role:
• Monitor: Emerges as nerve center of internal and external information
about Information.
• Disseminator: Transmits information received from other employees to
members of the organization.

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• Spokesperson: Transmits information to the people who are external to the
organization, i.e., government, media etc. For instance, a manager addresses
a press conference announcing a new product launch or other major deal.

C: Decisional Role:

• Entrepreneur: Act as an initiator and designer and encourage changes and
innovation, identify new ideas, delegate idea and responsibility to others.
• Disturbance handler: Take corrective action during disputes or crises;
resolves conflicts among subordinates; adapt to environmental crisis.
• Resource allocator: Decides distribution of resources among various
individuals and groups in the organization.
• Negotiator: Negotiates with subordinates, groups or organizations- both
internal and external. Represents department during negotiation of union
contracts, sales, purchases, budgets; represent departmental interests



Henri Fayol (1841-1925)
He has proposed that there are six primary functions of
management and 14 principles of management,
Forecasting, Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, controlling

There are 14 Principles of Management described by Henri Fayol.

1. Division of Labor
Work of all kinds must be divided & subdivided and allotted to
various persons according to their expertise in a particular area.

2. Authority & Responsibility

Authority refers to the right of superiors to get exactness from their
subordinates. Responsibility means obligation for the performance
of the job assigned.
Note that responsibility arises wherever
authority is exercised

3. Unity of Command
A subordinate should receive orders and be accountable to one
and only one boss at a time. He should not receive instructions
from more than one person.

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4. Unity of Direction
People engaged in the same kind of business or same kind of
activities must have the same objectives in a single plan. Without
unity of direction, unity of action cannot be achieved.

5. Equity
Equity means combination of fairness, kindness & justice.
employees should be treated with kindness & equity if devotion is
expected of them.

6. Order
This principle is concerned with proper & systematic arrangement
of things and people. Arrangement of things is called material
order and placement of people is called social order.

7. Discipline
Discipline means sincerity, obedience, respect of authority &
observance of rules and regulations of the enterprise. Subordinate
should respect their superiors and obey their order.

8. Initiative
Initiative means eagerness to initiate actions without being asked
to do so. Management should provide opportunity to its employees
to suggest ideas, experiences& new method of work.

9. Remuneration
Remuneration to be paid to the workers should be fair,
reasonable, satisfactory & rewarding of the efforts. It should
accord satisfaction to both employer and the employees.

10. Stability of Tenure

Employees should not be moved frequently from one job position
to another i.e. the period of service in a job should be fixed.

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11. Scalar Chain
Scalar chain is the chain of
superiors ranging from the
ultimate authority to the
lowest. Communications
should follow this chain.
However, if following the chain
creates delays, cross-
communications can be
allowed if agreed to by all
parties and superiors are kept

12. Subordination of Individual Interest to

common goal
An organization is much bigger than the individual
it constitutes therefore interest of the undertaking
should prevail in all circumstances. The interests
of any one employee or group of employees
should not take precedence over the interests of
the organization as a whole.

13. Espirit De’ Corps

It refers to team spirit i.e. harmony in the work groups
and mutual understanding among the members. Espirit
De’ Corps inspires workers to work harder.

14. Centralization
Centralization refers to the degree to which subordinates
are involved in decision making. Whether decision
making is centralized (to management) or decentralized
(to subordinates) is a question of proper proportion. The
task is to find the optimum degree of centralization for
each situation.

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Douglas McGregor (1906 –1964) was a famous

management professor in the field of personal development
and motivational theory. He is best known for his development
of the Theory X & Y, a leadership theory on two different
leadership styles.

Theory X
• Average worker is lazy 

• Dislikes work 

• Will try to do as little as possible 

• Have little ambition and avoid responsibility
Theory Y 

• Workers are not inherently lazy 

• Do not naturally dislike work 

• If given the opportunity, will do what is good for the organization. 

Basics of Management
✓ Organizations are groups of people, with ideas and resources, working
toward common goals.
✓ A systematic arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some
specific purpose is called organization.




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Requires you to investigate a business problem, examine the alternative solutions, and
propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.

When to do a case study?

A case study is an appropriate research design when you want to gain concrete,
contextual, in-depth knowledge about a specific real-world subject. It allows you to
explore the key characteristics, meanings, and implications of the case.

The case may call, for problem-solving actions, a policy strategy for the future. Thus,
the case analyst becomes more observant, discerning, critical, articulate, and
constructive. He must gather and arrange relevant facts in the order of their
importance; determine what is good and what is detrimental; decide what should be
done to improve the situation, and present his conclusions effectively. If the case does
not give enough information, the case analyst should identify the areas in need of more

Case study is most useful as an exercise in analysis and decision making. A case is
also very informative because it presents much information peculiar to business
practices and conditions. In this book the cases color not only individuals, business
enterprises, but also situations in the industry as a whole. Management, after all, must
deal with internal problems, provide relevant background information, or criticize the
premises or conclusions arrived at by the student. This will move the case study closer
to the desired solution. The student may have to revise his preliminary ideas until he
is satisfied that he has found the most advisable if not the best conclusions.

The student then proceeds to a written presentation of the case and prepares himself
for an open discussion of his case with his group or classmates. The written report
and the group discussion are in them- selves exercises in communication, discussion,
and persuasion. The student improves his ability to present his ideas effectively, to
defend his position, and to persuade others to view things in the same light as he;
does. He learns that others will come forward with different viewpoints and different
solutions; that there is no single "correct answer" as in an arithmetical problem; that
different solutions can be argued. Different managers will render different decisions
depending on their individual valuation of the relevant factors, viewed in the light of
their knowledge and experience. This makes the decision making exercise difficult,
but at the same time highly interesting and challenging.

Guidelines in Analyzing Business Case:

Objectives of the Case Study:

1. To make the student become more efficient and accurate in finding the cause and
effect of business problems.

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2. To train the student become more imaginative in formulating efficient and effective
3. To help the student apply his own special experience, and to handle new situations
if he has little or no experience.
4. To develop his skill in interacting, cooperating and fostering closer working relations
with his group members.

Basic Characteristics of a Good Case Analysis

1. It is based on particular situational facts.

2. There is good understanding and identification of the central problem.
3. The solution must be highly creative and have the makings of being practical and
workable under the given circumstances.
4. The student's position must be supported and defensible.

Case Analysis format:

Case title
Background of the study
I. Timeframe
II. Viewpoint
III. Statement of the problem
IV. Statement of objectives
V. Areas of Considerations/ Statement of the facts or SWOT
VI. Alternative courses of actions
VII. List of advantages and disadvantages
VIII. Objective Analysis
IX. Decision Matrix
X. Conclusion
XI. Recommendation
XII. Implementation (Action plan)

Outline Details

Timeframe - Specify the time context (month and year) if the case fact is explicit
about it. The time context should tell us when the problem was observed, which
requires the necessity of an action.

Viewpoint - In solving business problems, the student must specify the view- point
he is taking. It is always based on the manager's viewpoint. Given a business
problem, the president of a company will most likely have a different approach or
solution from those of other company officers.

Statement of the problem - A problem is a deviation or an imbalance between what

should be and what is actually happening. This imbalance is caused by a change of

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one kind or another. A problem could be answered by the question - what is wrong
that needs correcting?
A business case may contain a variety of issues or problems, from the trivial to the
significant, from the irrelevant to the relevant.

The student should focus his attention on the key or central problem. The
elimination of the central problem will eventually result in the elimination of other
peripheral problems. Specify what the problem is by describing it very accurately in
terms of four dimensions: identity, location, time, and extent.

Statement of objectives - Objectives are specifications by which alternative courses

of action are to be developed. These are statements or functions to be per- formed or
undertaken by the courses of action.

Must or Short-Range Objective. This objective sets the limits that cannot be
violated by any alternative course of action. These objectives will help the manager
recognize the screen out the impossible and poorer alternatives right at the outset.
These objectives are of absolute importance to the success of the decision and the
survival of the organization. These objectives should be attained within a year.
Want or Long-Range Objective. This objective does not have absolute limits
but expresses relative desirability. They are of relative importance to the success of
the decision but are less than absolute. These objectives should be attained beyond
a one-year period.

Areas of considerations/ Statement of the facts - When the student has

determined what he considers to be the central problems and has defined his
objective, he must proceed to organize the facts around the possible causes of the
central problem. This requires the separation of the significant areas from the
unimportant ones, and the relevant to the irrelevant. The analysis of each area must*
come from the personal opinion of the analyst and not from the case facts.
SWOT analysis- A self-assessment that prompts you to think critically about
your business conditions. By analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats, you can better understand why your business is growing and what challenges
lie in wait. The key to benefitting from this exercise is critical thinking – you need to
analyze the business accurately and honestly, to determine a definite problem and
proper strategy that will possibly solve problem.

Alternative courses of actions - There are possible solutions to the problem.

Alternatives are collections of what appear to be at the moment the best means of
meeting the individual objectives. In some cases, the alternatives are clear; in others,
the student must formulate alternatives appropriate to the problem at hand."

The student must not remain content with pre-determined alter- natives. He
must strive for new and better solutions. Alternatives must be mutually exclusive.
Significantly, an alternative must be able to stand alone.
Take each alternative and measure it individually against each of the must and
want objectives. Discard the alternative that does not meet what a must objective
requires. Alternatives that satisfy all must objectives should then be evaluated further
against the want objectives.

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List of advantages and disadvantages - Appraise the alternatives and weigh its
individual impact in the company both advantages and disadvantages. Initially, the
student must make a tentative choice of the alternative which seems best to him.

Objective analysis/Decision matrix analysis – The process of considering a careful

analysis of evaluation using a rating scale in order to understand or explain it.

Decision Matrix - a series of values in columns and rows that allow you to visually
compare possible solutions by weighing variables based on its importance, and
highest evaluation results from a comparative objectives analysis.
It does not only help you select the best course of action for your business, but
it can also aid you in prioritizing tasks, problem-solving and crafting arguments to
defend a decision you've already made.

Conclusion – A judgment or decision reached by reasoning from the decision matrix.

Summarize your conclusion in clear, simple language; emphasize how the findings
from your case study differs from or supports prior research and why. Do not simply
reiterate the discussion section. Provide a synthesis of key findings presented in the
paper to show how these converge to address the research problem. If you haven't
already done so in the discussion section, be sure to document the limitations of your
case study and any need for further research.

Consider the following points to help ensure your conclusion is appropriate:

 If the argument or purpose of your paper is complex, you may need to

summarize these points for your reader.
 If prior to your conclusion, you have not yet explained the significance of
your findings or if you are proceeding inductively, use the conclusion of
your paper to describe your main points and explain their significance.
 Move from a detailed to a general level of consideration of the case
study's findings that returns the topic to the context provided by the
introduction or within a new context that emerges from your case study

Note: Depending on the discipline you are writing in or the preferences of your
professor, the concluding paragraph may contain your final reflections on the evidence
presented as it applies to practice or on the essay's central research problem.
However, the nature of being introspective about the subject of analysis you have
investigated will depend on whether you are explicitly asked to express your
observations in this way.

Recommendation – A suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action in

solving a case from the statement of conclusion.

When writing your recommendations, you can talk about the steps that should
be followed in future studies. These include steps that are needed to implement
particular policies or actions that you want to follow in solving a case. Any resources
that would be required in the process should be explained as well.

[Type here]
Implementation (Action plan)- Make a detailed action plan to ensure the success of
the decision or recommendation. For each prospective serious trouble area, the
student should set up corresponding preventive and contingency action. If prospective
serious trouble areas could not be prevented, review other alternatives for final action.

The characteristics of a good action plan are:

• It is systematic. Plans of action should be properly enumerated from the first plan to
the last plan.
• It is realistic. The plan must be capable of being carried out. An unrealistic plan
causes frustration and is self-defeating.
• It is flexible. A good plan should be flexible enough to be changed when change is
called for.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Revano, Teodoro F. (2019) Management : concepts and organization. Mindshapers Co., Inc.
Intramuros, Manila

Let’s Check

Activity 1. Since you have already learned the basic knowledge and principles of
Management, answer briefly the questions below.

1. What is a Management?

2. What is the importance of Management?

3. How does a management be formed?

[Type here]
Let’s Analyze

Activity 2. At this point, I want you to thoroughly examine by giving your own insights
about the given principles of management below, comprehensively.



















[Type here]
























[Type here]













In a Nutshell

Activity 3. Cite ways or personal experiences that you apply the following principles
of management;










[Type here]









If you have any questions and clarifications for this lesson, please do not hesitate to
reach out via Schoology or other convenient modes. You may list down all your
issues/questions below and write the answers after the clarification.

Questions/Issues Answers






KEYWORDS INDEX: Administrative Office Management, flexibility, teamwork

[Type here]
Big Picture in Focus: ULO - B. Identify the importance of Human
Resource Management


For you to demonstrate ULO - B, you need to have an operational understanding of

the following terms below. Please note that you will also be required to refer to the
previous definitions found in ULO - A section.

1. Human Resource Management. This term refers to a location where someone

works for his or her employer, a place of employment.

2. Stress. It is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event
or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's
reaction to a challenge or demand.

3. Employee. Someone who gets paid to work for a person or company.

Essential Knowledge

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of employing people, training

them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing
strategies to retain them.

The HRM process consists of planning, attracting, developing, and retaining the human
resources (employees) of an organization.

It is planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement,

development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human
resources to the end that individual, organizational, and social objectives are
-Edwin B. Flippo

[Type here]
Nature of Human Resource Management

HRM is a management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train and
develop members for an organization. HRM is concerned with people’s dimension in
organizations. The following aspects constitute the core of HRM:

1. HRM Involves the Application of Management Functions and Principles. The

functions and principles are applied for acquiring, developing, maintaining and
providing remuneration to employees in organization.
2. Decision Relating to Employees must be integrated. Decisions on different aspects
of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions.
3. Decisions Made Influence the Effectiveness of an Organization. Effectiveness of an
organization will result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high quality
products supplied at reasonable costs.
4. HRM Functions are not confined to Business Establishments Only but applicable to
non-business organizations such as education, health care, recreation and like.

HRM refers to a set of programs, functions and activities designed and carried out in
order to maximize both employee as well as organizational effectiveness.

Objectives of HRM

The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing
workforce for an organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives too. Specifically,
HRM objectives are fourfold: Societal, Organization, Functional and personal.

[Type here]
(Source: Human Resource and Personnel Management, Text & Cases, by
Aswathappa K., Tata Me Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., P.8.)

 Personal Objectives:
To assist Employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so far as these
goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal objectives
of employees must be maintained, retained and motivated.
 Functional Objectives:
To maintain the contribution of department at an appropriate level organization should
fulfill the needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less sophisticated
to suit the organizations demands.
 Organizational Objectives:
To recognize the role of HRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness, HRM is
not an end in itself, but it is only a mean to assist the organization with its primary
objectives organization.
o restriction.
 Other objectives:
✓ Accomplish the basic organizational goals by creating and utilizing an able and
motivated workforce.
✓ To establish and maintain organizational structure and desirable working
relationships among all the members of the organization.
✓ Develop co-ordination among individual and group within organization to
secure the integration of organization.
✓ To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as
to match it with the growth of the organization.
✓ To attain an effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of

[Type here]
organizational goals.
✓ To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate and
equitable wages, incentives, employee benefits and social security and
measures for challenging work, prestige, recognition, security, status.
✓ To maintain high employees’ morale and human relations by sustaining and
improving the various conditions and facilities.
✓ To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing
training and development programs.
✓ To consider and contribute to the minimization of socio-economic evils such as
unemployment, under employment, inequalities in the distribution of income
and wealth and to improve the welfare of the society by providing employment
opportunities to women and disadvantaged sections of the society.
✓ To provide an opportunity for expression and voice management.
✓ To provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership.
✓ To provide facilities and conditions of work and creation of favorable
atmosphere for maintaining stability of employment.
✓ To create & utilize an able & motivated work force Establish & maintain sound
organizational structure Create facilities attain an effective utilization Identify &
satisfy individual & group needs.
✓ Maintain high employee morale Training & development Opportunity for
expression Provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership Facilities and

[Type here]
Functions of HRM

Human Resources management has an important role to play in equipping

organizations to meet the challenges of an expanding and increasingly competitive
sector. Increase in staff numbers, contractual diversification and changes in
demographic profile which compel the HR managers to reconfigure the role and
significance of human resources management.

The functions are responsive to current staffing needs but can be proactive in
reshaping organizational objectives. All the functions of HRM are correlated with the
core objectives of HRM. For example, personal objectives are sought to be realized
through functions like remuneration, assessment etc.
HR management can be thought of as seven interlinked functions taking place within
organizations, as depicted in Figure below.

Additionally, external forces—legal, economic, technological, global, environmental,

cultural/geographic, political, and social—significantly affect how HR functions are
designed, managed, and changed.

Scope of Human Resource Management

The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a
worker - from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves the
organization comes under the preview of HRM.
The major HRM activities include HR planning, job analysis, job design,
employee hiring, employee and executive remuneration, employee motivation,
employee maintenance, industrial relations and prospects of HRM.

The scope of Human Resources Management extends to:

 All the decisions, strategies, factors, principles, operations, practices, functions,
activities and methods related to the management of people as employees in any
type of organization.
 All the dimensions related to people in their employment relationships and all the
dynamics that flow from it.

These are given below:

❖ Human Resource Planning ❖ Employee Assistance
❖ Design of the Organization and Job ❖ Union/Labour Relations
❖ Selection and Staffing ❖ Personnel Research and Information
❖ Training and Development System
❖ Organizational Development
❖ Compensation and Benefits

[Type here]
a) Human Resource Planning: The objective of HR Planning is to ensure that the
organization has the right types of persons at the right time at the right place. It
prepares human resources inventory with a view to assess present and future
needs, availability and possible shortages in human resource. Moreover, HR
Planning forecast demand and supplies and identify sources of selection. HR
Planning develops strategies both long- term and short-term, to meet the man-
power requirement.

b) Design of Organization and Job: This is the task of laying down organization
structure, authority, relationship and responsibilities. This will also mean definition
of work contents for each position in the organization. This is done by ‘job
description”. Another important step is “Job specification”. Job specification
identifies the attributes of persons who will be most suitable for each job which is
defined by job description.

c) Selection and Staffing: This is the process of recruitment and selection of staff. This
involves matching people and their expectations with which the job specifications
and career path available within the organization.

d) Training and Development: This involves an organized attempt to find out training
needs of individuals to meet the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to
perform current job but also to fulfill the future needs of the organization.
e) Organizational Development: This is an important aspect whereby “Synergetic
effect” is generated in an organization i.e. healthy interpersonal and inter-group
relationship within the organization.

f) Compensation and Benefits: This is the area of wages and salaries administration
where wages and compensations are fixed scientifically to meet fairness and equity
criteria. In addition, labour welfare measures are involved which include benefits
and services.

g) Employee Assistance: Each employee is unique in character, personality,

expectation and temperament. By and large each one of them faces problems
everyday. Some are personal some are official. In their case he or she remains
worried. Such worries must be removed to make him or her more productive and

h) Union-Labor Relations: Healthy Industrial and Labor relations are very important for
enhancing peace and productivity in an organization. This is one of the areas of

i) Personnel Research and Information System: Knowledge on behavioral science

and industrial psychology throws better insight into the workers expectations,
aspirations and behavior. Advancement of technology of product and production
methods have created working environment which are much different from the past.

Role of Human Resource Management
The role of HRM is to plan, develop and administer policies and programs designed
to make optimum use of an organizations human resources. It is that part of
management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship
within enterprises.

Current Classification of HR roles:

According to R.L Mathis and J. H. Jackson (2010) several roles can be fulfilled by HR
management. The nature and extent of these roles depend on both what upper
management wants HR management to do and what competencies the HR staff have
demonstrated. Three roles are typically identified for HR.

 Administrative
 Operational Actions
 Strategic HR

1. Administrative Role of HR:

The administrative role of HR management has been heavily oriented to administration

and recordkeeping including essential legal paperwork and policy implementation.

[Type here]
Major changes have happened in the administrative role of HR during the recent years.
Two major shifts driving the transformation of the administrative role are: Greater use
of technology and Outsourcing.

Technology has been widely used to improve the administrative efficiency of HR and
the responsiveness of HR to employees and managers. Moreover; HR functions are
becoming available electronically or are being done on the Internet using Web-based
technology. Technology is being used in most HR activities, from employment
applications and employee benefits enrollments to e-learning using Internet-based

Increasingly, many HR administrative functions are being outsourced to vendors. This

outsourcing of HR administrative activities has grown dramatically in HR areas such
as employee assistance (counseling), retirement planning, benefits administration,
payroll services and outplacement services.

2. Operational and Employee Advocate Role for HR:

HR managers manage most HR activities in line with the strategies and operations
that have been identified by management and serves as employee “champion” for
employee issues and concerns.

HR often has been viewed as the “employee advocate” in organizations. They act as
the voice for employee concerns, and spend considerable time on HR “crisis
management,” dealing with employee problems that are both work-related and non-
work related. Employee advocacy helps to ensure fair and equitable treatment for
employees regardless of personal background or circumstances.

Sometimes the HR’s advocate role may create conflict with operating managers.
However, without the HR advocate role, employers could face even more lawsuits and
regulatory complaints than they do now.

The operational role requires HR professionals to co-operate with various

departmental and operating managers and supervisors in order to identify and
implement needed programs and policies in the organization. Operational activities
are tactical in nature. Compliance with equal employment opportunity and other laws
are ensured, employment applications are processed, current openings are filled
through interviews, supervisors are trained, safety problems are resolved and wage
and benefit questions are answered. For carrying out these activities HR manager
matches HR activities with the strategies of the organization.

3. Strategic Role for HR:

The administrative role traditionally has been the dominant role for HR. A broader
transformation in HR is needed so that significantly less HR time and fewer HR staffs
are used just for clerical work.

Differences between the operational and strategic roles exist in a number of HR areas.
The strategic HR role means that HR professionals are proactive in addressing
business realities and focusing on future business needs, such as strategic planning,

[Type here]
compensation strategies, the performance of HR and measuring its results. However,
in some organizations, HR often does not play a key role in formulating the strategies
for the organization as a whole; instead it merely carries them out through HR

Many executives, managers, and HR professionals are increasingly seeing the need
for HR management to become a greater strategic contributor to the business success
of organizations. HR should be responsible for knowing what the true cost of human
capital is for an employer.

For example, it may cost two times key employees’ annual salaries to replace them if
they leave. Turnover can be controlled though HR activities, and if it is successful in
saving the company money with good retention and talent management strategies,
those may be important contributions to the bottom line of organizational performance.
The role of HR as a strategic business partner is often described as “having a seat at
the table,” and contributing to the strategic directions and success of the organization.
That means HR is involved in devising strategy in addition of implementing strategy.
Part of HR’s contribution is to have financial expertise and to produce financial results,
not just to boost employee morale or administrative efficiencies. Therefore, a
significant concern for chief financial officers (CFOs) is whether HR executives are
equipped to help them to plan and meet financial requirements.

The role of HR shifted from a facilitator to a functional peer with competencies in other
functions and is acknowledged as an equal partner by others. The HR is motivated to
contribute to organizational objectives of profitability and customer satisfaction and is
seen as a vehicle for realization of quality development. The department has a
responsibility for monitoring employee satisfaction, since it is seen as substitute to
customer satisfaction.

According to McKinsey’s 7-S framework model HR plays the role of a catalyst for the
organization. According to this framework, effective organizational change is a
complex relationship between seven S’s.

HRM is a total matching process between the three Hard S (Strategy, Structure and
Systems) and the four Soft S (Style, Staff, Skills and Super-ordinate Goals). Clearly,
all the S’s have to complement each other and have to be aligned towards a single
corporate vision for the organization to be effective. It has to be realized that most of
the S’s are determined directly or indirectly by the way Human Resources are
managed and therefore, HRM must be a part of the total business strategy.

Importance of HRM

The importance of human resource management can be discussed by Yodder,

Heneman and others, from three standpoints, viz., social, professional and individual

1. Social Significance: Proper management of personnel enhances their dignity by

satisfying their social needs. This is done by: (i) maintaining a balance between the
jobs available and the jobseekers, according to the qualifications and needs;

[Type here]
(ii) Providing suitable and most productive employment, which might bring them
psychological satisfaction; (iii) making maximum utilization of the resources in an
effective manner and paying the employee a reasonable compensation in proportion
to the contribution made by him; (iv) eliminating waste or improper use of human
resource, through conservation of their normal energy and health; and (v) by helping
people make their own decisions, that are in their interests.

2. Professional Significance-. By providing healthy working environment it promotes

team work in the employees. This is done by: (i) maintaining the dignity of the
employee as a ‘human-being’; (ii) providing maximum opportunity for personal
development; (Hi) providing healthy relationship between different work groups so that
work is effectively performed; (iv) improving the employees’ working skill and capacity;
(v) correcting the errors of wrong postings and proper reallocation of work.

3. Significance for Individual Enterprise: It can help the organization in accomplishing

its goals by: (i) creating right attitude among the employees through effective
motivation; (ii) utilizing effectively the available goals of the enterprise and fulfilling
their own social and other psychological needs of recognition, love, affection,
belongingness, esteem and self-actualization.

Human Resource Management Activities

Contribution to the success of the business is prime focus for every business function,
HR is no exception, but sometimes it has to do a bit more as it primarily deals with the
people who are responsible for the failure and success of the firm. The figure depicts
that to enhance the organizational performance HR must support business efforts that
focus on ultimate business goals of productivity, service, and quality.

Human Resource Productivity

Productivity is the amount of output per employee, the increase in global

competition, with businesses not confined to boundaries, continuous improvement of
productivity has become even more important. Human Resources could be made
more productive by organizational efforts, improved processes, flexible policies,
better communication network, organizational structure and systems.

Human Resource Quality

Competitive advantage and organizational progress is highly dependent on the quality

of product and services organization offers to its customers, High degree of positive
association exists between Quality and organizational performance. Provision of
better quality requires skilled employees with knowledge to make better use of
resources at hand; this could be made possible through advanced, focused and
improved training of the employees.

[Type here]
Human Resource Service

Better Service is driven by satisfied, committed and motivated staff, employees who
feel insecure, stressed, overburdened, and those who complain about lack of
knowledge at work, limited delegation and lack of empowerment would not be able to
provide the service desired of them. Business Norms are witnessing a shift, Success
today requires empowering staff to strengthen management and the organization,
creating a culture of learning, knowledge sharing, innovation, liberating staff of

traditional blocks that hinders flexibility, and learning. HR could help by creating a
business where work is not forced, but is fun, creating a workplace where people love
to contribute not required to add some value.

[Type here]
To accomplish the aforementioned goals, HR undertakes several activities that are
mentioned in the ring next to the Goals in the figure. But these activities cannot be
undertaken as exclusive but are dependent on the environment and the organization.
The HR activities are as follows:

HR Planning and Analysis

Human Resource Planning activities are initiative by the HR function of the

organization to assess the current and future needs of people for the organization that
would help the business achieve its goals. The key objective of this activity is to identify
Human Resource who would add value to the business organization. A key component
of this activity is to anticipate the forces that may influence the future supply of and
demand for employees. Human Resource Information Systems could aid the HR
planning activity of the HR business function, as it would provide accurate and timely
information on HR, that could be crucial in HR planning. Data that is accessible and
easy to understand enables HR planning and managerial decision making to be based
to a greater degree of information rather than relying on managerial perceptions and

Equal Employment Opportunity

A major requirement for any business firm to be an equal opportunity employer, and
this has a major effect on all other HR activities and is integral to HR management.
This requires business to be sure that while recruitment and selection activities are
undertaken all necessary procedures are in place that would limit discrimination on
caste, color, religious beliefs and any other association or demographics that could
result in selection bias.


Staffing is aimed at provision of Human Resources that would stimulate organizational

progress and would catalyze the success of the business. Staffing is undertaken with
the purpose of finding people who would add value to the business, those who would
increase organizational capability. The foundation for staffing is Job Analysis, that
highlights what workers do, From this, job descriptions and job specifications can be
prepared. For details on recruitment and selection read the article Recruitment and

HR Development

Modern focus of HR is on Development, and it has to start from day 1. Orientation

shall be carried out in a way where employee shall be briefed on the need for personal
and business development, but importantly HR shall provide adequate resources for
development. Training and Development function of HR is key to enhance Job
Satisfaction, reduce staff turnover, enhance organizational culture, improve working
practices, and create a workplace that thrive on knowledge creation and sharing.

[Type here]
Training is a necessity for both the individual and the business due to the immense
change in business environment such as the technological changes, the way
customers react to products and services, plus training is a pathway for development,
this development would aid in preparing organizations for future challenges.

Compensation and Benefits

Rewarding people for their work in form of pay, incentives and benefits is termed as
Compensation. Commitment and Motivation of the Employees depends a great on
how refined the systems are and how well they empathize with the staff. High profit
sharing business could include gain sharing/profit sharing programs that could help
make the employees owner in the loss and profit, and could help in enhanced
commitment on part of the staff.

Health, Safety, and Security

Organizational progress and prosperity is not possible without employees wellbeing.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) has made organizations
more responsive to health and safety concerns. Safety is about making sure adequate
procedures are in place that would minimize accidents and injuries at workplace
whereas health is concerned with taking initiatives that would limit hazardous work
with certain chemicals and newer technologies.

Employee and Labor/Management Relations

Respect at workplace is key to better working environment, Relationship between the

Management and staff at all levels in the organization must be based on mutual
understanding and respect so that organization and the staff prospers together. For
this to happen Employers must understand the right of their employees on them and
shall make sure that those rights and duties are fulfilled whereas employees must
understand that they have certain obligations to fulfill towards the business, this
psychological contract is basis of establishing a long term relationship that adds to the
success of the firm.

Roles of HR Manager
Human Resources Management plays a critical role in an organization. It plays a
crucial role in process of converting inputs into outputs, product design, quality
maintenance, rendering services and many other functions depend largely on the
human efficiency.

[Type here]
Human Resources Manager plays a vital role in the modem organization. He plays
various strategic roles at different levels in the organization. The roles of the HR
Manager include roles of conscience, of a counsellor, a mediator, a company
spokesman, a problem solver and a change agent.

 The Conscience Role: The conscience role is that of a humanitarian who

reminds the management of its morals and obligations to its employees.
 The Counsellor. Employees who are dissatisfied with the present job approach
the HR manager for counselling. In addition, employees facing various
problems like marital, health, children education/marriage, mental, physical and
career also approach the HR managers. The HR Manager counsels and
consults the employees and offers suggestions to solve/overcome the

[Type here]
 The Mediator. As a mediator, the HR manager plays the role of a peace-maker.
He settles the disputes between employees and the management. He acts as
a liaison and communication link between both of them.
 The Spokesman: He is a frequent spokesman for or representative of the
 The Problem-solver: He acts as a problem solver with respect to the issues that
involve human resources management and overall long range organizational
 The Change Agent: He acts as a change agent and introduces changes in
various existing programs.

He also performs various other roles like welfare role, clerical role and fire-fighting
role as indicated in figure above.

1. As a Specialist: The HR department has staff relationship with other

departments/managers in the total organization. The personnel department is
responsible for advising management from the Managing Director to the lowest line
supervisor in all areas relating to HR management and industrial relations. HR
department also performs various functions of employment, training and
development. It represents the management in many of the relationships that affect
the organization as a whole. It is also responsible for representing various workers’
problems to the management.

HR department generally acts in an advisory capacity; it provides information,

offers suggestions and is not responsible for the end results. The HR managers
must exercise control each and every aspect very tactfully in order to win the
confidence and co- operation of all line managers. They have to persuade line
managers to work with staff specialists and not against them. The authority of the
HR manager should derive from concrete HR policies and programs and from the
advantages and result of accepted specialized knowledge.

2. As a Source of Help: In certain situations (when line managers lack skill or

knowledge in dealing with employee problems), experienced HR managers
assume line responsibility for HR matters. But it may be resented by the managers
who ought to seek staff assistance in meeting their HR responsibilities. They
should earn the reputation and confidence of line managers of being a source of
help rather than a source of threat to line managers. Staff assistance is likely to be
effective when it is wanted rather than imposed.

3. As a Change Agent: HR Manager should work as an enabler and change agent

regarding HR areas and he should be familiar with different disciplines like
management, technology, sociology, psychology and organizational behaviour as
organizational adaptability, viability and development are dependent on human
resources development. So, the HR manager should work as a consultant of an
organizational development by providing necessary information and infrastructure

[Type here]
to the line managers. Thus, the role of HR managers is more concerned with
providing information and offering advice to the decision-makers rather than
making decisions.

4. As a Controller: Nevertheless, it is still true that effective HR executives advise

on policies, help managers in implementing their programs and provide services,
exercise monitoring and control functions sparingly.


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“We’ve got nothing, technology-wise, that anyone

else can’t have. There’s no secret Toyota Quality
Machine out there. The quality machine is the
workforce -- the team members on the paint line,
the suppliers, the engineers -- everybody who has
a hand in production here takes the attitude that
we’re making world-class vehicles.”

Googlers say their compensation is the best.

Google is a great example we’ve used

in this article because they have tried
many innovative approaches. One thing
that has contributed to Google’s
success is providing an environment
where employee happiness is a high
priority. They provide amenities like free
healthy meals, on-site laundry and
fitness centers, paid parental leave, and
on-site childcare.

According to Business Insider, a full “73 percent of Google employees find their
jobs to be meaningful,” and the pay doesn’t hurt either, with an average salary of
$140,000. Even newer employees regularly make around $93,000 per year.
Google provides transportation and a flexible work environment, including
telecommuting for work. They also strive to maintain transparency and encourage
employees to set high goals and learn from setbacks.

[Type here]
Some employees say their job
is low-stress.

12% of employees reporting their job

isn't stressful may not seem significant,
compared to other companies on
the 2015 Fortune 500 list, this is a
relatively high score — only 53
companies had more employees report
low stress levels at work

American Express

This company made Fortune’s 2014

list of the Best Companies to Work For
and it’s easy to see why. Amex offers a
flexible work environment with
excellent benefits including paid
leadership training, 20 weeks paid
parental leave, on-site fitness centers,
and reimbursements up to $35,000 for
surrogacy or adoption expenses.
This positive work environment
extends to the management as well, and 92 percent of American Express employees
think that their management is honest and ethical in business.

[Type here]
If your organization is dedicated to HR
best practices and tries to follow these
principles, you could see higher employee
retention and happier employees who
contribute their best. The HR practices of
your company can be the highlight of your
business by implementing flexibility and
training within the HR department. Who
knows, you may even end up on Fortune
magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For in a few years.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

Joeng J. and Glazkov N. (2015) Human Resource Management. Arcler Press LLC. New York

Let’s Check

[Type here]
Activity 1. Since you have already learned the basic knowledge, concepts, and
practices of HR Management, answer briefly the questions below.

_______1. The process of employing people, training them, compensating them,

developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them.
_______2. Someone who gets paid to work for a person or company.
_________3. To assist Employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so far
as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal
objectives of employees must be maintained, retained and motivated.

_________4. It prepares human resources inventory with a view to assess present and
future needs, availability and possible shortages in human resource.

_________5. This involves matching people and their expectations with which the job
specifications and career path available within the organization.
_________6. This involves an organized attempt to find out training needs of
individuals to meet the knowledge and skill which is needed not only to perform current
job but also to fulfill the future needs of the organization.
_________7. This is the area of wages and salaries administration where pay are fixed
scientifically to meet fairness and equity criteria.
_________8. HR professionals are proactive in addressing business realities and
focusing on future business needs, such as strategic planning, compensation
strategies, the performance of HR and measuring its results.
_________9. The amount of output per employee, the increase in global competition,
with businesses not confined to boundaries, continuous improvement of productivity
has become even more important.
_________10. This requires business to be sure that while recruitment and selection
activities are undertaken all necessary procedures are in place that would limit
discrimination on caste, color, religious beliefs and any other association or
demographics that could result in selection bias.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 2. At this point, I want you to thoroughly examine by giving your own insights
about the roles of HR Manager below, comprehensively.

1. The Conscience Role


2. The Counsellor

[Type here]

3. The Mediator

4. The problem-solver

5. The change agent


In a Nutshell

Activity 3. Cite your personal experiences or observations about the company’s HRM

1. HR Quality


2. HR Services
[Type here]


If you have any questions and clarifications for this lesson, please do not hesitate to
reach out via Quipper or other convenient modes. You may list down all your
issues/questions below and write the answers after the clarification.

Questions/Issues Answers







HR Management HR Manager Human Resource

[Type here]
Course Schedule
This section calendars all the activities and exercises, including readings and lectures,
as well as time for making assignments and complete other requirements, in a
programmed schedule by days and weeks, to help the students in SDL pacing,
regardless of the mode of delivery (OBD or DED).

Activity Deadline Where to Submit

ULO a -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO b -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper

[Type here]
QA List - Quipper
ULO c -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO d -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO e -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO f -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
Q & A List - Quipper
ULO g -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO h -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
ULO i -
Let’s Check Activities - Quipper
Let’s Analyze Activities - Quipper
In a Nutshell Activities - Quipper
QA List - Quipper
FINAL EXAM - Quipper

[Type here]
Course prepared by: Course reviewed by:


Course Facilitator/Faculty HR, Program Head

Recommending Approval: MARK BANUELOS, MBA

MM, Program Head


Dean of College FM, Program Head

Approved by:


[Type here]

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