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repbict be Pace Oe of tue Prident Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 912 Series of 2013 APPROVING THE 2013 REVISED SCHEDULE OF FEES RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the proposed 2013 Revised Schedule of Fees attached as Annex “A,” and forming as an integral part hereof be, as it is hereby APPROVED. APPROVED this Srd day of December 2013, Coconut Palace, Pasay HON. bits G. BINBY, ‘Vice-President of the Philippines Cs en AUSTERE A.PANADERO NIO M. BERNARDO City » DILG Chief Executive Officer and Commissioner ExOttcto Commngoner 4. PACANAN RIA reser ee Undefsecretary, DPWH Ce mer Ex-Offtio Commissioner AO EMMANUEL F. ESGUERRA i WAREZ PAREDES Deputy Director-General, NEDA © Commissioner Ex-Offigin Commissions JOs¥ F/JUSTINIANO LINDA iB‘) ., MINSE. Undersecretary, DO] Z- Commissioner Ex-Officio Commissioner HLURB Bldg, Kalayaan Avenue cofner Mayaman Street, Diliman, Quezon City ‘ ‘HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY BOARD 2013 SCHEDULE OF FEES | 1. ZONING / LOCATIONAL CLEARANCE ‘A. Single residential structure attached or detached Tr Pron [3 Over P200, 000" au a 7 [8 Apartments! Townhouses a z 1 P56 : P720-+ (WO ot Tie im exooss of P200,000)_—) 4. P500,000 and below 2. Over P500, 000 to 2 Malin 3. Over 2Mllion| ©._Dormitories }— 1 £2,160 ee 3.600 + (110 of 1% of cost in excess of PZN { regarcs ofthe numberof ors) 7. P 2 Millon and below 2. Over 2 Mifion gg [7 T Project Cost of which is= -7 Below P2 von [52 Over 2 Non 4, Below P100,000 2 Over P100 000 — PEDI000 ae aS [P2.160 3 Over PSD0, 000 P2860 4. Over Pt iilion —P2 Wition — a Pazar a 5. Over P2 Millon : PIZO0 = (Wie 1 oh ooslin eioess IPA F._ Special Uses! Special Projects (Gasoline Staion, Call Stoe, Sioughiee Howse, Treatment lant 4 Below P2 Wilion or —_ | PFD = (VAD of 1% of costin excess of PZM) 2. Over P2 Nilion = P7200 + (10 of 1% of cost in excess of P2M) ‘&._Alteration apeae! cost ar ‘Semo as the original application Z SUBDIVISION AND CONDONAHBUR PROJECTS (under PD. S57) = Seer ‘AC Subdivision | 77_Approval of Subdivision Plans (cluding townhouses) i 1 ee ee ee ee Development Fen (PSDP) ae = zi PRO ha, oF a acon thereat ua PSO. rogardess of density J 28000 ha. reparcdess of donsty = P.00¥ sqm. = Zee P1.500/ha. regardless of dansiy na) ‘Same as Fine! Approval and Develorment Pesrat f © Prosasang Fee a ‘Adkitonal Foe on Foot Area of housing Carganent = Inspection Fee * i 4 Cariicate Completion PiNGfealaabie ok ‘qi P7500) ha, rojas of daly Cerificate Foe —= Processing Fee Ingpoction Foe * P4500 ha, rogardiess of donsity E Extension of Tire to Davai coe * Processing Fee: P504 PEPE ‘Adcfonal Fee (untnished area tor dalopment) [Pa egm fe a Inspection Fee * et : 'P1,500//ha. regardless of denity ~ Application for CRILS wth DP issued by LGU shall ba charge inspection fee Eee reece | B.__Condominium Project po - “Approval of Condominium Plaasiiaal Approval and Developancal Peardl 1. Proliinary Approval aed Locational Creranoe Z | i 2 Final Approval / Davelopment Prat Ee a | t 2 = PP ie a tani Aca P720/ sam. ane! b._No. of Floors cr ‘P288/ floor i 7 Bang Aras os P2808 cam. GFA ‘= _inepeaton Fee oe PAS00/ha = E 3 Aleralon ol ian afectod aroas ony) ‘Same as Find Approval and Developm Peart 4. Conversion {affected areas ony ror pear Soe i 2. Certificate of Registration a ___° Processing Feo F Lists to Sa ro ] 7 Inspection Foo P5001 he = ee |“ Tensaiorar Tae peo i ws Proce Few Pate = 1 ‘Adéfionel Fee (unfinished floor area for development) PA7.20 eam, Inspection Fee : as P50 ha | Carica of Completion = | Pat = iF 80/he Z 7 P2i6ihe ae Psa iH 1 500 ha = aa Pea = ioe peu PAO ha ony rt Poor ra = = Economic Hou P4500 ha (Projects already taspocted for PALC appielion mex nal be charged ingpacton foo) oe ‘3. Alleraton of Pan (flected areas only) ‘Same as Final Approval and Devalooment | L = Permit | _ 4 Building Part (oor area of heating uri) Pr eam ra [2Certfcate of Rogieration z Processing Fae ss ‘2. Socialized Hoiking PAO. oes i ._Esonomic Housing —_—_ Pra License to Sal (per saleable et) : | + Processing Fee = [ a Sociaved easing — Ty Pear sab ot [scare > Eoonomie Housing E72 eletietot Gr isp aon mm ais coo = P300/ sqm. oa nnn _Evonomic Housing 4 ‘Rcktonal Fee (uninished area or doveonmont aan co = Inspection Fee a zi oo i _Sociieed Homing ’b.__Econome Housing 1 PH,500he reer 7-20 sqm. ae Pad foor al — P5.B0/ sqm OCA = inspection Fee _ | Prsobrha 7 a 3 Aleraton of Pan aflectod areas oy) ‘Same a8 Final Approval end Davelopmont 2 Certcate of Rogstrtion Pro 7 z| .Liooneeto Sal a a 2, Resdonial P7201 qm of saleable area | a ‘a Commercial = _____ | P10.66eqim. o saleable area Sree Inspection Foe a PAs00/ ha Z ad “Extension of Time to Develop ree 2 Prosssing Fee PaoW sam. z ‘© _ Inspection Foe (unirished roa tor daveopmend) — PY SOOM : 5 Caxiicate of Completion ‘Certicate Foe ea = Processing Foe ioe = Inspection Fee Nd ‘TINDUSTRIAL/ COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION _ 5 4, Approval of industria/ Commercial Subdivision a ae onane r a Paina pee 7 1 500/ Fa = Prooassing Fee Pros | L a = _Ingpection Foe PI S0Oi ia |______ (Projects already i for PALC not be changed inepection fea) | 3. Ateration of Pian (affected areas onty) P2580 | Same as Final Approval and Development = Inspection Fee * “7 Extension Timo to Develop _Provessing Fea ‘Additional Fee (unfinished aroa for development) Pj acy rpc er PALC acon mayb carps nap ‘3. Alleraion of Pian (aflected eress only) 2 Cerificate of Registration E.Liesnse to Sell ____2 Processing Fee Inspection Fee * “4 Extension of Time to Develop ‘+ _ Processing Foe _ "> Adktional Foe on Foor Area of housing component and P1500ha ~Projacie spine PAL epee a STA ~_&._ Memnorel Project Ee toretaee ‘6 Columbarium — 7. Ghanga of Name! Ownership! Amendinants of CRS '8.__ Voluntary cancobation of CRLS = 9. Revalidation’ Renewal of Permit (Condominium B.__ Other Cartitcations Zoning Coriicatone: ‘Catiicaton of Town Plan! zoning Ordinance Apcrovah Ceticaton of Now RightsiSaios loon) >} o3foo| iim of 5 ils per coriicate) 7 Other, toindide: 2. _ Avalebilly of record publ rogue P28 oe .__Cantiese of ro record one 268 Te Centcation of wih or nthe CRIS P768 — a 4 Std muy of eames np Se) PED aa ] Pad z| { 300 = 1 DedersiBrckers E Pra r 2 Salesman Agent a — - ~~] Regular HOAS: CMP HOAS | 7 23a 70 Peeo 70) PSD book —] ne <= Bylaws P20 ams ‘4 Dissolution of Homeowners Assockalion ae ase eer z 5.__Centfcaton ofthe new sol of Oca Pad = 5. z P26 a P1007 hat a PStidocket e cae oo a 2.” Radional Foe for dams (for refund, damages, atiomey’s fee, ai) 1._ Not more than P20,000" 2. More than P70,000 but tess than PO, 000 ‘3. P0000 or more but less than P100,000 0 or more but fess than P150,000 Pats Higarts ae exon tom pant ofa fos Those who gross income is not more than PS,000 par moni and residing win MLM. Those who gross inoame is iol more than PAOD0 par mony and rosing witin MM. 3.—Those who do not own real propa LA ‘Goverment agencies and its instrumenialiias are exempted from paying Leg oss '@ Local government and government oamed or conoid corporation Se a rere see oer cede TUBLC tea eseren fo aan sl Research Fee fer the University ofthe Philipines — (UPL a Ona Poa ot rays pO No Case Be Lower than P12: ‘Covered by MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 18 ‘Satiee of 2013 (October 2, 2013) J

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