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Organizational Behaviour



Complex Being

Unpredictable Behaviour

Thinking – Mind + Feelings (Emotions)

Psychology – Study of human behaviour

Stephen P. Robbins – Father of Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour is the field of study that investigates the

impact that the individuals, groups and structures have on the
behaviour of organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge
towards improving organization improveness.

Anthropology – It is the study of society and its influence of social

behaviour of individual and individual activities.

# Perception Selectivity

People are selective and prefer to select only those goods which have
the needed characteristics.

External Factors – Size, Intensity, Reputation, Familiarity, Contrast,


Internal Factors – Self Concept, Belief, Expectations, Needs, Response

Disposition, Perceptual Defense
Response Disposition – Connection with familiar stimulus rather than
unfamiliar ones.

Perceptual Defense – We try to screen out those elements which may

create threat or conflict.

# Inter-Personal Perception

It is how the perceiver perceives another person and latter (person)

becomes the stimulus for perception.

Factors of perceiver, Factors in perceiver, Factors of perceived


A (Perceiver) B (Perceived)

= Outcome

# Determinants of personality

1 Biological factor

Heredity, Brain, Physical features

2 Family and Groups factors

Home environment, Family members, Social groups

3 Cultural factors

Culture teaches one to behave in the way that is acceptable to the

4 Situational factors

# Physical Appearance

1 Endomorphy – They are short, plum, self-conscious, love for comfort,

like to be surrounded by people

2 Mesomorphy – Heavy build muscular individual, exhibit too much

physical activity

3 Ectomorphy – They are tall and lean personality, prefer isolation

when troubled

# Type A People

1. Urgency
2. Highly achievement oriented behaviour
3. Competitive
4. Impatient
5. Are more prone to heart attack

# Type B People

1. Easy going
2. No urgency for work
3. Less competitive

# Extrovert

1. Sociable
2. Lively
3. Happy
4. More interactive
# Introvert

1. Quite
2. Think within themselves
3. Intellectual
4. Interact less
5. Less number of friends

# Personality Theories

1. Psycho Analytical Theory

 ID – Source of physical energy and immediate graffiti.
 EGO – It is conscious logical part of human behaviour based on
 SUPER EGO – It is a social and personal norm serves as ethical,
constraint and society.
2. Socio Psychological Theory – It reflects the interdependence and
interconnectivity of individual and society.
3. Trait Theory – These are the responsibilities, attributes, behaviour
pattern which distinguish one individual from the other.
4. Self-Theory
 SELF IMAGE – The way one see themselves
 IDEAL IMAGE – The way one would like to be
 LOOKING GLASS SELF – How others are perceiving the qualities of
an individual
 REAL SELF – What one really is

# Perception – Perception can be defined as the process through which

people select, organise and interpret their sensory impression in order
to get meaning to its environment. – Stephen P. Robbins
# Factors influencing perception / Interpersonal Perception

 PERCEIVER – Personality, mental state, attribute (caused to an

event), first impression, stereotype (Perceiving a person on the
basis of characteristics of the group which the person belongs.)
 TARGET/PERCEIVED – Status, Visibility traits

Characteristics of


Object Selection
People Organising
Event Induct

Characteristics of perceiver and


Behaviour Output, Attitude,
Opinion, Feelings,

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