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Gestational Diabetes

Assignment #9

1. The “Two Step” GDM screening (Page 589)

a. Step 1: 1-hr 50g glucose test
i. If blood glucose ≥140 mg/dl  go to step 2
b. Step 2: 3-hr 100g OGTT
i. Diagnosis is made if glucose is ≥140 mg/dl after 2 hours
In the case, Suzan is was referred for 100g OGTT since her 50g test result was
147 mg/dal (> 140)

2. Suzan has Gestational Diabetes (her blood glucose is 163 mg/dl after 2 hours)

3. 1800 kcal: 50% CHO  900 kcal = 225g (minimum 175g)

20% protein  360 kcal = 90g
30% fat 540 kcal = 60g

One day Menu: B – S – L – S – D – S

B: 20% of total calories  360 kcal (30g CHO)

S: 10% of total calories  180 kcal

L: 30% of total  540 kcal

S: 10% of total calories  180 kcal

D: 20% of total calories  360 kcal

S: 10% of total calories  180 kcal

4. If her blood glucose remains elevated after 2 weeks; I might consider weight
metformin or glyburide or insulin therapy.

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