B2.1: Trả Lời Cho Câu Hỏi Cái Gì, Ở Đâu, Khi Nào 1.Noun Phrases (Nps) - P.76

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NP: noun phrase TP: clause phrase = tense phrase P: preposition

VP: verb phrase CP: all embedded phrase

AP: adjp and advp C: complitizers (that, if + S + V)
D: determiners T: modal verb, auxiliaries, to-infinitive marker

B1: phân tích từng thành phần part of speech, NP, VP, TP
B2: cụm nào, chữ nào modify cho chữ nào,… -> thì thuộc nhánh Phrase đó
B2.1: trả lời cho câu hỏi cái gì, ở đâu, khi nào

1.Noun Phrases (NPs) – p.76

NP -> N a)John
b) water
c) cats
The simplest NPs contain
only a noun (usually a proper noun [+proper], pronoun
[+pron], mass noun
[count] or a plural noun [+plural])
NP -> (D) N a) the box
b) his binder
c) that pink fluffy cushion

NP -> (D) (AdjP) N a) the big box

b) his yellow binder

NP -> (D) (AdjP) N (PP) a) the big box of crayons

b) his yellow binder with the red stripe

NP -> (D) (AdjP+) N (PP+) The [AdjP big] [AdjP yellow] box [PP of cookies] [PP
with the pink lid]
1.2 Adjective Phrases (AdjPs) and Adverb Phrases

AdjP -> (AdvP) Adj a) the big yellow book

(chỉ lấy 1 phần nhỏ big yellow để phân tích, k phải b) the very yellow book
tính luôn the & book vì có 2 cái này tính là NP nên
adjP -> book yellow (vẽ cây))

AdvP -> (AdvP) Adv very quickly = 1advp(adv) + 1adv = 1advp


very is the head of the adverb phrase and the adjective yellow is the head of AdjP
Very is the head of the lower AdvP, and quickly is the head of the higher one

1.3 Prepositional Phrases

PP -> P NP a) [PP to [NP the store]]
b) [PP with [NP an axe]]
c) [PP behind [NP the rubber tree]]
PP -> P (NP) a) I haven’t seen him before. (before
là preposition có chức năng làm trạng
từ chỉ thời gian thôi, before không thể là conj vì k nối 2 sentence)
b) I blew it up.
c) I threw the garbage out

k cần N sau P như thường lệ (of crayons) vì pre là particle

(trạng tiếp từ) -> giới từ có chức năng như trạng từ
1.4 Verb Phrases (VPs)
VP -> V Ignacious [VP left].
VP -> V (AdvP) Ignacious [VP left quickly]
VP -> (AdvP+) V (AdvP+) a) Ignacious quickly left
Ignacious [VP quickly left].
b) Ignacious deliberately always left quietly early.
Ignacious [VP [AdvP deliberately] [AdvP always] left
[AdvP quietly] [AdvP early]]

VP -> (AdvP+) V (NP) (AdvP+) b) Bill frequently kissed his mother-in-law [VP
frequently kissed his mother-in-law].
transitive (V[NP_NP])
c) Bill kissed his mother-in-law quietly [VP kissed his
mother-in-law quietly]. (cf. *Bill [VP kissed quietly his

VP -> (AdvP+) V (NP) (NP) (AdvP+) I spared the student any embarrassment yesterday
[NP the student] [NP any embarrassment] [AdvP yesterday].

VP -> (AdvP+) V (NP) (NP) (AdvP+) (PP+)

Bill frequently got his buckets from the store for a
[VPfrequently got his buckets [PP from the store ] [PP for a dollar]]
1.5 Clauses (TP)
TP -> NP VP Bill frequently got his buckets from the store for a dollar
[TP[NP Bill ] [VP frequently got his buckets from the store for a dollar]].

TP -> NP (T) VP a) Cedric might crash the longboat.

b) Gustaf has crashed the semi-truck
T làm nhánh trực hệ của TP

CP -> (C) TP Shawn said he decked the janitor

[TP Shawn said [TP he decked the janitor]]

Shawn said that he decked the janitor

[TP Shawn said [CP [C that ] [TP he decked the janitor]]]
TP -> {NP/CP} (T) VP That he decked the janitor worried Jeff
[TP [CP That he decked the janitor] worried Jeff]

VP -> (AdvP+) V (NP) ({NP/CP}) (AdvP+) (PP+) Naomi asked Erin if Dan ate her Kung-Pao chicken yesterday over the phone
(AdvP+) Naomi asked [NP Erin] [CP if [TP Dan ate her Kung-Pao chicken]] yesterday
over the phone

NP -> (D) (AdjP+) N (PP+) (CP) The fact about Bill that he likes ice-cream bothers Natasha
[NP The fact about Bill [CP that he likes ice-cream]] bothers

The big man from NY has often said that he gave peanuts to
1.6 Coordination (Conjunction)

a) XP -> XP conj XP 60) a) the [blue and red] station wagon

b) X -> X conj X b) I saw [these dancers and those musicians] smoking
something suspicious.
c) I am [drinking lemonade and eating a brownie].
d) [I’ve lost my wallet or I’ve lost my mind.]
e) We went [through the woods and over the bridge]


1) the box
2) his binder
3) that pink fluffy cushion
4) the big box
5) his yellow binder
6) the big box of crayons
7) his yellow binder with the red stripe
8) the big yellow box of cookies with the pink lid
9) the big yellow book (x)
10) the very yellow book (x)
11) very quickly
12) to the store
13) with an axe
14) behind the rubber tree
15) I haven’t seen him before.
16) I blew it up.
17) I threw the garbage out
18) Ignacious quickly left
19) Ignacious left quickly
20) Ignacious deliberately always left quietly early. (x)
21) Bill frequently kissed his mother-in-law
22) Bill kissed his mother-in-law quietly
23) I spared the student any embarrassment yesterday
24) Bill frequently got his buckets from the store for a dollar (x)
25) Cedric might crash the longboat.
26) Gustaf has crashed the semi-truck
27) Shawn said he decked the janitor (x)
28) Shawn said that he decked the janitor (x)
29) That he decked the janitor worried Jeff (x)
30) Naomi asked Erin if Dan ate her Kung-Pao chicken yesterday over the phone (x)
31) The fact about Bill that he likes ice-cream bothers Natasha
32) The big man from NY has often said that he gave peanuts to elephants (x)
33) the blue and red station wagon
34) I saw these dancers and those musicians smoking something suspicious.
35) I am drinking lemonade and eating a brownie.
36) I’ve lost my wallet or I’ve lost my mind.
37) We went through the woods and over the bridge
38) The very small boy kissed the platypus.
39) The man killed the king with the knife.
40) The man from NY flew only ultra-light planes
41) He flew only ultra-light planes.
42) Paul ate at a really fancy restaurant
43) It was a brand new car that he bought.
44) Big bowls of beans are what I like.
45) The big boy was kissed by the slobbering dog
46) John and the man went to the store.
47) very smelly
48) too quickly
49) much too quickly
50) very much too quickly
51) the old shoelace
52) the soggy limp spaghetti noodle [assume spaghetti = Adj]
53) these very finicky children
54) the desk with the wobbly drawer
55) in my black rubber boots [assume rubber = Adj]
56) that notebook with the scribbles in the margin
57) the pen at the back of the drawer in the desk near the bright yellow painting
58) The kangaroo hopped over the truck.
59) I haven’t seen this sentence before. [before is a P, haven’t is a T]
60) Susan will never sing at weddings. [never is an Adv]
61) The officer carefully inspected the license.
62) Every cat always knows the location of her favorite catnip toy.
63) The cat put her catnip toy on the plastic mat.
64) The very young child walked from school to the store.
65) John paid a dollar for a head of lettuce.
66) Teenagers drive rather quickly.
67) A clever magician with the right equipment can fool the audience easily.
68) The police might plant the drugs in the apartment.
69) Those Olympic hopefuls should practice diligently daily.
70) The latest research on dieting always warns people about the dangers of too
much cholesterol.
71) That annoying faucet was dripping constantly for months.
72) Marian wonders if the package from Boston will ever arrive.
73) I said that Bonny should do some dances from the Middle East.
74) That Dan smokes in the office really bothers Alina.
75) The belief that syntactic theory reveals the inner structure of sentence
emboldened the already much too cocky professor.
76) The man loved peanut butter cookies
77) John went to the store.
78) Norvel kissed the Blarney stone
79) The destruction of the city bothered the Mongols
80) Sincerity is an important quality.
81) the assassination of the president
82) Tucson is a great place to live.
83) Gabrielle’s mother is an axe-murderer.
84) Anteaters mother attractive offspring.
85) Wendy’s mother country is Iceland.
86) I told Daniel the story
87) I told Daniel that the exam was cancelled
88) I told the story to Daniel

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