Laws of Forestry 1

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Presidential Decree No. 705- “Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines”.

Background/What is it about?
This law established the basic principles for forest management. The administration of
forestry is covered in Chapter 1. The survey and classification of lands for forestry purposes are
covered in Chapter 2. The use of forest resources is covered in Chapter 3. This act codifies,
updates, and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of forest
It is a revised Presidential Decree No. 389, also known as the Forestry Reform Code of
the Philippines, because Former President Ferdinand Marcos believed that the current laws and
regulations governing forest lands were insufficiently responsive to support re-oriented
government programs, projects, and efforts on the proper classification and delimitation of public
domain lands, as well as the management, utilization, protection, rehabilitation, and development
of forest lands.
Problems it Address
The problem it addresses is that the multiple uses of forest lands should be oriented to the
development and progress requirements of the country, the advancement of science and
technology, and the public welfare. Then land classification and surveying should be
systematized and hastened. Next, the establishment of wood-processing plants should be
encouraged and rationalized. Lastly, the protection, development, and rehabilitation of forest
lands should be emphasized so as to ensure their continuity in productive condition.
Executive Order No. 192, s. 1897- Reorganization Act of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources
Background/What is it about?
It ensures the sustainable use, development, management, renewal, and conservation of
the country's forest, mineral, land, off-shore areas and other natural resources, including the
protection and enhancement of the quality of the environment, and equitable access of the
different segments of the population to the development and use of the country's natural
resources, not only for the present generation but for future generations as well. It is also the
policy that recognize and apply a true value system including social and environmental cost
implications relative to their utilization, development and conservation of our natural resources.
As Executive Order No. 131, dated January 30, 1987, was suspended, a policy having
been reached on energy, the reorganization of the Department of Natural Resources, and the
environment was affected. Through the use, development, management, renewal, and
conservation of the country’s natural resources, there is a need to protect and enhance the quality
of the country’s environment, and in order to attain this objective, environmental concerns and
natural resource concerns should be given equal attention by the Department. Hence, under
Article XVIII, Section 6, of the 1987 Constitution, the President shall continue to exercise
legislative powers until the First Congress is convened. The former President Corazon Aquino
ordered this Executive Order No. 192.
Problems it Address

 Advise the President on the enactment of laws relative to the development, use,
regulation, and conservation of the country’s natural resources and the control of

 Formulate, implement, and supervise the government’s policies, plans and programs
pertaining to the management, conservation, development, use and replenishment of the
country’s natural resources;

 Promulgate rules and regulations in accordance with law governing the exploration,
development, conservation, extraction, disposition, use and such other commercial
activities tending to cause the depletion and degradation of our natural resources;

 Promulgate policies, rules and regulations for the conservation of the country’s genetic
resources and biological diversity, and endangered habitats;
Republic Act No. 10690- The Forestry Profession Act
Background/ What is it about?

This act is for the preparation and conduct of feasibility studies pertaining to natural
forest and plantation forest management, watershed management, range or grazing land
management, wildlife and biodiversity systems management, wood technology and timber
engineering, wood products manufacturing and marketing management, and technical or
management consultancy. As well, the conduct of forest experiments, research and development,
training and extension concerning forestry, and the teaching of forestry subjects in any accredited
college or school of forestry, and forestry activities and services required by local government
units, private corporations, foundations, nongovernment organizations, and foreign assisted

It was begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, two
thousand fifteen. Republic Act No. 10690, An Act Regulating the Practice of Forestry in the
Philippines and Appropriating Funds Therefore, Repealing for the Purpose Republic Act No.
6239, known as “The Forestry Profession Law”. It was enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Philippine Congress Assembled.

Problems it Address
 The examination, registration and licensure of professional foresters.
 The supervision, control and regulation of the practice of forestry in the Philippines.
 The development and upgrading of the curriculum.
 The development of the professional competence of foresters through mandatory
Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
 The integration of the forestry profession.

Presidential Decree No. 330, s. 1973- Forestry Reform Code of the Philippines

Background/What is it about?
This act promotes the planting of trees on lands adjoining the edge of rivers and creeks in
both a measure of beautification and reforestation. As well, the planting of trees along roads and
areas intended for the common use of owners of lots in subdivisions will provide shade and
healthful environment.
Way me makita.
Problems it Address
 Planting trees extending at least five meters on his/her land adjoining the edge of the
bank of the river or creek, except when such land, due to its permanent improvement,
cannot be planted with trees.
 The owner existing subdivision shall plant trees in the open spaces required to be
reserved for the common use and enjoyment of the owners of the lots therein as well as
along all reads and service streets. Consulting the Bureau of Forest Development can aid
them understand the appropriate species of trees to be planted in a certain location and
the manner of planting them.
 Holder of a license agreement, lease, license or permit from the Government, involving
occupation and utilization of forest or grazing land with a river or creek therein, should
plant trees extending at least twenty (20) meters from each edge of the bank of the river
or creek.

Republic Act No. 9147 “Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act”

Background/ What is it about?

The Act provides for the conservation, preservation, and protection of wildlife species and their
habitats, in order to preserve and encourage ecological balance and biological diversity. It
provides, furthermore, for the control and supervision of wildlife capture, hunting and trade
while supporting and promoting scientific research on the protection of biodiversity. This apply
to all wildlife species overall, including those living in the protected areas as per the Republic
Act No. 7586, National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act and also to exotic
species that could be traded, live or bred in captivity or propagated in the country.

This act is a consolidated of House Bill No. 10622 and Senate Bill No. 2128 was finally
passed by the House of Representative and Senate on the year 2021.

Problems it Address
 It would conserve and protect wildlife species and their habitats to promote ecological
balance and enhance biological diversity.
 It regulates the collection of trade of wildlife in order to prohibit unauthorized
possession , transport, exportation, importation, breeding and selling of endangered
species, endemic species, exotic species and threatened species all over the country.
 It would also address the need of our country for support and initiatives on scientific
studies on the conservation of biological diversity to further improve the ways we adapt
to protect wildlife and its habitat.

Mariit Wildlife and Conservation Parl

Mari-it, from the West Visayan word that means “dangerously enchanted” is a refuge of many
endangered species endemic to the central Philippine Group of islands known as Visayas.
These are species facing shortages, habitat loss and even extinction as a result of deforetatiom
and hunting. The Mariit Conservation Park is a 1,000 hectare run by the West Visayas State
University – College of Agriculture and Forestry and was established in 1993 and is located in
Brgy. Jayubo, Lambunao.
The are features a small mountain surrounded by various endemic plant species and
waterfalls, a natural habitat of many of the native species, making it a perfect location for the
The park is considered as the largest Hornbill Breeding Facility in the world. In its care are
two critically endangered hornbill species: Dolongan (Visayan Writhe Hornbill) and Panay
Tariktik Hornbill. The conservation park also provides resources for the breeding of Native
Pikoy “Dangag” ( Racquet Tail Parrot) and wild boar among other endangered species.
Mari-it Park is currently home to 16 Visayan hornbills, including the writhe and tariktik
hornbills; five Visayan leopard cats, and two Panay cloud rats, which are both vulnerable; 11
critically endangered Visayan warty pigs; and 20 endangered Visayan spotted dear.
This is through a Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources and Mulhouse Zoo in France for the conservation of the Visayan Spotted
Deer. This critically endangered specie was chosen as the “flagship specie” for conservation
of bio-diversity of Panay Island.

The captive breeding of Visayan Writhed billed hornbill in Mariit Conservation park started in
1995 but it was on January 2005 when the first successful breeding took place and five
months after in June, the successful fledging.

The fledging is considered the world first successful breeding of this species in captivity.

“Glory”, one of the three fledgings of the critically endangered “Dolongan” (Visayan
Writhed-Billed Hornbill) that was successfully bred in captivity at the Mariit Conservation
Park is named after President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Aside from President Arroyo, the other two fledgings or young birds are named, “Mickie”
after Environment Secretary Michael Defensor and Lulu” after WVSU President Lourdes
Aranador. These three individuals have contributed much support to the conservation of the
Mariit Conservation Park.
The conservation park used to have funding support from conservationsists groups abroad but
was eventually cut off when the person-in-charge of preparing their proposal died. Its funding
dried up in 2014, and after struggling to get by on scant resources from the local government,
the park decided to open its gates on tourist. By this, the Lambunao Local Government Unit
had joint venture with the WVSU- CAF for the development of Mari-it as an eco-tourism site.
Just before the Covid-19 Pandemic, the news regarding the opening of the park went viral,
bringing tourists flocking to the park to see spectacular species and have even reached an
average of 100 visitors per month.
The park rolled out the welcome mat: it mounted animal-shaped sculptures at the entrance,
signboard with detailed descriptions of each species, and paved the paths between enclosures.
It also posted ethics reminders: “Observe silence,” and “Don’t feed the animals” signs are
prepared throughout the park. Tourists pay an entrance fee of 20 pesos and an additional 20
pesos as an “environmental fee,” which helps pay for the park’s operating costs.
But it hasn’t all been smoot sailing, tourist would unintentionally taunt the spotted dear,
Philippines long-tailed macaque and warty pigs. The cacophony of the tourist disturbs them
during feeding time and sends them into hiding. In the hornbill area, tourist would open
shake the enclosure fence to prod the birds into moving for the sake of the video. With this,
tourist must be managed so that they will not be a threat to the animals in captivity.
“Converting the park as a tourist site has indeed brought the needed funding, otherwise the
situation of the animals, even if they are in the park now, remains the same: They are just
waiting for extinction”-Lucia Lastimoza, project manager, 2019.

The Bottomline
The right set of laws are crucial to ensure that community forest is successful in halting
deforestation, mitigation of climate change and preservation of biodiversity while also providing
awareness. The Mari-it Wildlife and Conservation Park is the home of the largest hornbill
breeding facility and has encompassed by the numerous laws enacted within the Republic of the
Philippines. Rightful laws have benefitted many endangered species in the forest cover of
Lambunao and other provinces of Visayas. Beneath the rise of illegal exportation and selling of
endangered species and illegal mining, the initiative to strengthen the facility would eradicate
further exploitation of our forest and its bound natural resources and organisms.
Aforementioned forestry laws became the foreground of this facility. Through the
implementation of the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines, protection, rehabilitation and
conservation of forest land which is the habitat of almost the endemic species of our country
provides guiding principles to prevent destruction and further affecting the residing species here.
Deforestation have been stopped consequently securing the area for wildlife. The Mariit Park
showcases how natural habitat of wildlife could save their species from extinction rather than
putting them in an enclosure far from their natural habitat.
Moreover, the Forestry Profession Act give opportunity for knowledgeable people to spread
awareness on the importance of the forest and conservation of wildlife and natural resources. For
instance, the Mariit Park don’t just stand as a home for threatened species, but it also become a
ground for learning. It is said that WVSU-CAF facilitates and manage the said facility. With this,
they are provided a hands-on learning experience especially their course focused on the
agriculture and forestry. They could conduct forest experiments, research and development and
training and extension concerning forestry with the partnership of the government to further
supplement their learning. It both benefited the learning institution and environmental facility.
One act that also supports this facility is the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act. It gives
guidelines on how to manage the facility especially that both aims to save different species from
extinction, exploitation and harm.
Substantially, there is an existing government agency that mainly focus on the Laws of Forestry
called the Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Forest Management. They
provide technical guidance to the central and field offices for the effective protection,
development and conservation of forestlands and watershed. They have policies and programs
towards the achievement of sustainable forest management, based on science and principles of
good forest governance.
Afterall, we can learn a lot from forests, regrowth, change and beauty…

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