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Collection of

Althea Arabela G. Magdaluyo

Bped 2-2
Lesson 1
For this topic, I am Occupational health is one of the reasons why a
completely aware of the person is stressed because they don't enjoy it,
distinction between health but when you appreciate it, even in small
and wellness. I used to incentives, you're OK and delighted with it, that
believe that you are not wellness means the person is contented enough. Financial
healthy when you are sick health implies that you are comfortable with your
because you are not living a
current status and secure your future financial
healthy lifestyle, and wellness
situations, including being able to save money
simply another word for health. But now I fully
while working for the purpose of your future.
understand that you are healthy even if you are
Finally, the emotional health is good for you
sick since your physical, social, and mental
when you regulate it and don't let your emotions
well-being are all OK, but you are not feeling
take over; you think before you respond. By
well. Wellness, on the other hand, it makes you
that, I can now recognize what is wrong if I do
conscious of the choices you make in pursuit of
something that is not include to reach my healthy
a healthy lifestyle.
lifestyle. It is important to check on yourself
first before the other people so that you can
give or show them what is proper or if you want
I also learned that there is a dimension
to give an advice.
to our health that we may not always
recognize. The first is physical health, in which
you are physically well and do not experience
physical discomfort. Next, psychological
wellness indicates that you are stress-free. If
you achieve this, your mental health is in good
shape. Spiritual health is defined as having
Wisdom, having a strong sense of hope, having
a dynamic view on life, and constantly thinking
positively. Social health you are in a good
condition to engage with other people especially
if you have a circle of friends that will boost
your confidence. Environment health is that you
feel safe because of the people you're with, no
matter where you go.
Lesson 2

Problems will persist in human existence, No high no low, no matter what status they have
and you will eventually learn that your new duties in their lives. The fifth virtue is temperance,
in life will become increasingly difficult as you get which means you can control your emotions and
older. They believe that if you don't have a have a lot of patience in any situation. As a
problem, you're an alien since the person who result, you understand their condition and put
truly matures faces challenges, unless you can't yourself in their shoes. Last but not the least
manage yourself and have a mental disorder, in you must be a transcendent person, allowing
which some cases you may kill yourself. yourself to have a connection with different
people, in universe and of course to Almighty
God. These six virtues will definitely help to trick
the problem to destroy you as a human being.
Always remember you live everyday and die once,
so in your everyday life always choose to be
happy, don’t depend on other people’s wishes to
be you, it’ll turn you crazy following what they
want. I currently experiencing addiction such as
This lesson explains what it required for a person playing online games and to do painting, although
to have a happy life. The first step is to have I can enhance my art skill sometimes, I didn’t
wisdom, which is comprised of your inner traits notice the time so I do skip dinner. Addiction can
and relationships. The loss of a connection to God lead us to the negative things but some are
is common in persons who suffer from depression. positive if you control it well.
As a result, individuals may ask God why they are
Be yourself, its normal and okay to feel
still alive and why they are having these
sad, stressed, confused, disappointed, angry or
problems. Next is to have courage to face
scared during your breakdown or crisis. Talking to
problems and not give up on them, have the
people you trust can help. I know that it’s hard
motivation to fight and think of positive things.
to ask them if they’re free for you but at least
The next thing is to have the courage to confront
try them to contact. Your family will be always
challenges and not give up, as well as the
your no.1 crying shoulder. In this lesson,
motivation to fight and think positively. Third is
everyone is more enlightened that we can achieve
to have humanity which it teaches us to help
the Maslow Hierarchy of need and be happy in
others by trying to understand and recognize
other people's difficulties with our own eyes and
then trying to help them. Fourth is the justice
where you should treat everyone equally
Lesson 3
Stress is a natural I know that I'm a Type A person because, even
part of our lives. Any when I'm stressed or pressured, I do my
situation or thoughts that hardest to meet my duties. I'm also aware of
makes you annoyed, upset, or the various sources of stress, and I'll do
nervous might trigger it. everything I can to prevent them. To begin with,
Stress is your body's it's about events in your life that make you
reaction to a challenge or emotional because you can't do it anymore.
demand; Second, there are the daily hassles, which cause
me worry since being a college student is not
we often see it in our parents who struggle every
simple. I was also undecided about whether I
day to think about how to manage for our daily
should work or finish my studies and that makes
needs, especially in this pandemic. Stress may be
me stress. Third, there is the interpersonal
beneficial in some situations, such as when it
stress or family, which affects everyone who
helps you escape danger or achieve a deadline. I
lives, to the point where if you don't manage it,
also experiences stress from their lives, and due
you will just let it go. The fourth factor is time
to different issues at home sometimes I can’t
pressure, which is popular at the moment now
hold my tears anymore to cheer up myself, such
owing to activity deadlines. Anger is the fifth
as upcoming paying bills. I am also at a point of
emotion, and when emotions are out of control, it
tension where I am confused of what to do and
can lead to violence. The sixth is trauma, I do
what to do first. As a student, it's extremely
have a trauma to a mustache and I don't want it
stressful due to online classes that sometimes I
to contact any area of my body. Its stressing
lost my internet connection due to having a bad
me out and I literally cried when I remember
signal and you don't know how to come back or
that scenario. Finally, there are social challenges
when to come back again to class, as well as the
that cause us to lose sight of our human
noise of the environment which is inescapable,
and the presence of naughty children at home.
We were all excited when a fun activity started The thing that makes me calm whenever
in which we had to choose which Personality I’m stress is I do paint and I call my name while
Factors we belonged to. Type A is the closing my eyes then breath. What’s yours? If
competitive and achievement-oriented behavior you feel stressed don’t hesitate to call somebody
pattern, Type B is the type where you simply because if you ignore it, things will be different,
chill all the time, type where you are not easily it can lead you to depression or to have anxiety.
stressed, Type C is the kind of person who is an Always remember to breath. Live don’t Leave.
introvert, and Type D is the type who is easy to
carry his emotions but not very expressive.

Lesson 4

We managed to learn about love from our I do believe that

parents, and as we get older, we adopt other physical appearance
types of love from other people. We already can’t do anything if
know that we are valuable to someone because of their characteristic
their simple concern, and there is where we is not pretty well
experience love. On the other hand, various when talking about
people we encounter have varied meanings of
Romantic relationship like “Ganda lang ang
love. Love as a friend, romantic love, love as a
ambag”. I'm currently in a relationship, and
sister/brother, love as a neighbor, or love as a
every now and then we quarrel over something
relative are all forms of love. Almost all of us
that leads to us wanting a break up because we
got very engaged in our lecture since we had
choose pride rather addressing the situation
personal experience with the topic. We manage
through discussion. This topic enlightens me on
to gain a more understanding by knowing the
how to improve our communication skills in order
importance of our actions when we are in a
to discuss an issue. In our circle of friends,
relationship, such as we should maintain the
when they confront someone who is giving me red
three Strengths of a successful partnership. The
flags, I feel like they are my own
first is to be exclusive, which means that you
brothers/sisters because they already know my
only date your partner. Second, both of you
weaknesses, insecurities, status, wants and not
have a deeper level of communication, as if you
wants even in simple things, that makes me feel
care for her/him like a mother. Lastly, there is
special and safe at the same time.
the sexual component, which indicates that both
of you are amenable to talking about sex. The most important part of having buddies
including my boyfriend is that they accept each
All of us has a different way on how we
other's imperfections, and that no matter the
attract to someone which this could be a great
situation is, we should defend one another as a
help when deciding if someone has a potential to
family, so that no one can bring us down except
be your partner. Sometimes we tend to choose a
of ourselves. I have also a bisexual friend which
person who is familiar to us because we know
is also the joker of the group and that makes
themmuch and we already
too our group happier like in a simple scenario he/she
knew their vibes. Next is the one who always repeat the funny moments
thing that we consider is of our friend and that’s okay with us.
the Physical Appearance,
like we adore their beauty
even we didn’t know them.


Lesson 5

Sleep is very important to us that may let As I have observe my friend who’s job is a call
us to start our day refreshed. We sleep after a center agent, she is always irritated when her
long time of being a wake because our body and schedule change because she said that she find
mind needs to rest and be recharged for us to it difficult to sleep because her body clock
have a full energy that we use in our daily lives. needs to be adjusted. The same thing to my
Good sleep makes our body healthy while on the friend who is living in Hawaii, whenever she is
other hand lack of sleep and not sleeping for going home here in the Philippines she is like a
several days will put our health in danger. Some vampire here because, at night she was awake
people take drugs for them to stay awake and and full of energy while on the other hand during
full of energy that they use for their living and daylight she is sleeping since her body clock is
many reason but these action have a negative adjusted on the time of Hawaii.
impact to their body and mind. There are also
people who is having difficulty on sleeping and
they are depending on the help of drugs to make
them sleep and there are also people who is
taking those drug trying to escape the reality by

As I experience lacking of sleep it makes me look

and feel like I have been waking up all day even
thought its morning and I just barely start my
day. I feel sleepy, shaky, it is difficult to focus As a student sleeping is very important to me,
and I get easily irritated over small things. and having enough sleep makes me feel livelier in
learning and more focused on the discussion. On
Everyone has our own body clock depending on
the contrary as a student I am not always
what we are doing or what schedule we have and
getting enough sleep because I stay up till
these body clock changes when we sleep. There
midnight doing and reducing the task given to us
are many cause why our body clock changes for
because we are always loaded with task, and I
example we sleep late than our usual sleeping
know that it is not healthy. On the good side,
time the result is we will also wake late than our
even though I am not getting enough sleep, I
usual waking up time. Another example is most of
always still manage to wake up early not getting
us find it difficult adjusting their body clock
late to the class and stay focused and active to
when shifting work schedule and places, like
the discussion.
traveling and living at the other countries.

Lesson 6

For this lesson we tackle about nutrition We must also know what actions to take to
which help us to manage our health by eating restore our body health. Micronutrient
food that is necessary for our growth. Here in deficiency, which is better recognized to
the Philippines there are few Filipinos who are everyone thanks to the Bear brand commercial,
unaware about the importance of choosing food which helps to prevent its occurrence and obtain
with lots of nutrition, the basic example is that the necessary vitamins.
Filipinos is not paying attention and does not
read the nutrition facts when they buy food
products. As of now, here in the Philippines we
are facing the poverty which lead to many
children and even adult who does not meet the
proper nutrition. Many people neglect to eat
nutritious food that even a months old baby is
not given proper milk nutrition. Another example
is the mothers who cannot breast milk because
they also lack in nutrition and cannot give the
child what it needs such as fat-soluble vitamins
like A, D, E and K which is crucial to your
baby's health. For me, the implemented nutrition
month plays a big role in imparting knowledge to
everyone especially to children and parents.

In this pandemic the problem with Healthy diet and exercise also make our
malnutrition became much worse, because many body healthy and protected, I am a fan of the
people does not have work to feed the mouth of saying “you are what you eat” and that’s why
their family and they are only depending on the when you eat healthy food, you will become
food assistance “Ayuda” that the government is healthy, while on the other hand if we eat junk,
giving to them. Most of the food assistance that our body will also absorb junk and it will lack of
the government is distributing are processed nutrients that are our body is needed, we will
food such as instant noodles and canned goods. become unhealthy our body is open to sickness.
As of this pandemic we must make our body As of now, even though there is widespread virus
healthy so that we do not become immediately and we are not allowed or we cannot do outdoor
afflicted by spreading diseases. activities, we can regain our health just by doing
indoor exercise such as jogging, jumping jack,
pushups and even enrolling to virtual Zumba
lessons to make our body stay active and
protected to the widespread viruses.

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