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My role model

English project

My role model is Prophet Mohammad ibn Abd Allāh ibn

Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim.
Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) was born in 570 , his father is Abd Allāh ibn Abd al-Muttalib
and his mother is Aminah bint Wahb . He is orphan , his father
died before his birth and his mother died also after birth in short
time . His uncle Abu Talib cared for him after his grandfather
death .

Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allaah

be upon him) married Khadija bint Khuwaylid when
he was 25 and she was older than him . prophet
( peace of allah be upon him ) was illiterate , he did
not know how to read or write . he was shepherd
then he moved to trade . He was "faithful,

trustworthy" and "al-Sadiq" meaning "truthful", his

nickname was "al-Amin" .

Revelation Time

Mecca was popular with idols worship where there

were several Gods and idolatry practices. Prophet
Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
when angel )‫ (حراء‬him) began to pray in cave haraa
Gabriel appeared to him and asked him to read
versus in Quran . Prophet was very frightened . he
.got revelation at the age of 40
Khadija was the first to believe he was a
prophet , then his close friend Abu Bakr and his
cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. He began to prevail
Islam in Mecca privately being afraid of Quraysh
tribe for 3 years and 10 in public . Quraysh tribe
opposed prophet mission to worship one god .
he left mecca and went to Almadina at the age
of 53.
In the Medina and after the Prophet’s migration,
the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) fought many invasions against the
polytheists of the people of Mecca and the
surrounding areas.

The most important at all

is the Great Ghazwa of
Badr, in which Muslims
defeated the polytheists of
the people of Mecca and
achieved a clear victory
although they were less
than in number.

:‫مشروع الطالبة‬

‫وسن الزهراني‬

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be

upon him) lived after the emigration a life full of
Jihad and a call to the religion of Allah, and the
empowerment of the Muslim state until he died
on Monday, the twelfth of Rabie Awal of the
.eleventh year at the age of 63

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