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To, DOAHD/E/2022/00772: LGVED/E/2022/00395: 2022115021

1. Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice.

2. Administrative Secretary, Department of Animal husbandry and Dairying.
Subject: Compliance of Delhi High Court orders - WP (C) 4761 of 2016.
1. DPG/G/2022/80356: LAW&D/R/2022/60129: DOAHD/E/2022/00668:
DOAHD/E/A/22/0000036, read with DOPAT/E/2021/11234.
2. Section 74 and 76 of the Indian Evidence Act.
3. Section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005.
Evidence: Gazette Notification of Govt. of Goa.
Being an active part of Community Policing as man of many achievements and distinctions:
Voice for voiceless: Fighter by spirit: Jat by birth: Philanthropist by profession: Activist by
mission: Humanitarian by choice, Gandhian by vision and action, being habitual khadi
wearers and scout warrior, speaking truth as passion, performing fundamental duties, it is
humbly submitted, that:
1. I am senior citizen of India, performing my fundamental duties, without gain and profit
but to serve animals, decorated as Master Trainer of AWBI, after passing examination.
2. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Elections of Members of Animal Welfare Board)
Rules, 1961, was duly endorsed by the Govt. of Goa but Central Govt., refused to have,
whereas, It should be in their record, uploaded on India Code, keeping in view, Court
orders, read with orders of Cabinet Secretary, for strict compliance.
I am happy to endorsed, tireless services of Smt. Sukanya Berwal, Abhishek Kadyan and Smt.
Suman Malik, to expose this blunders, being whistle blowers.
1. Being public documents, upload on official website at once: Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (Elections of Members of Animal Welfare Board) Rules, 1961.
2. Update India Code, uploading Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Elections of Members
of Animal Welfare Board) Rules, 1961.
Treat it legal Notice, under CPC 80, compliance and reply.
With scouting spirits …..
Naresh Kadyan, Master Trainer, AWBI

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