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rer errccer Mathematics Volume 28 Lectures on Chaotic Dynamical Systems Valentin Afraimovich and Sze-Bi Hsu TT ‘American Mathematical Society + International Press IP ‘Bing Tong Ya, Goel tor ‘A00 Mothonatie Sbjet Cais. ity 31% ary of Congres Catalin Pubes 108 ete EG ln / ein Ae lS Te, Arete dt i if n 8) si ocala a peered Ena seen, % Catharine, te cnr ua gar sedan ee epee an tse con aS ARS tent Contents Basic Concepts Pete Waldo the Obert 12. Dynamic! Stems 13. Dynes! Cus, Some Defi La Syn wih Dipation 15 Sage Attractor Fst Bouter 16 Charteris of Comploity of Atteactors 17 Mave-tierem nd atm Dustin ‘ero-Dimnensomal Dynamics 21 eyubtie Dreams 22 Appleton of the Fern Sehane 23 “Twosides” Bano Suit 24 ‘Topol Mason Chains 25 Topo Presse Hadad! And Bx ion (One-Dimensional Dynamics AD Lereneeype Mays 32 Coonan and Stee Mrs ofthe neat 3. Brg Proto sod! asin Measures ‘Two-Dimensional Bynes 4D Henon type Mars 42 The Noten of Hypertatity 4 Patna Biklf Problem 415, HomoclaieBifaestions {Ub Stenge attacter of Soe Mayo he Plane ‘Systeme with 1.5 Degrees of Freedom Sy Sal Peri: Perertaion of rsn-Sale Ste £2. Biarauics Of Codinersion One Subjected to Pade Por tarsi E 63 The Melos Picton : SA. Rowte o Cnn. eret-Doiing asco EE Sion Seiwa ifucaions and Destruction of Tor m as 153 ene 35 e588 6 Generated by 5.D Veetor Pee {61 Homeetne Burestions in Sytem 63 The Cometic Lorene Attar {64 Saddle Roos Honeetnc Eure Appendix Prot of hn Anmloe Principe 2 Normal Fo forthe Andronv- Hopf Neuse Ser Bil Deron of the Zsa mp 5 Concluding Remarks on Syebobe Desi ‘® sperotiaty Conditions References Index EH Preface ase id many of them a eve mint ents (re, for instance, (AATS), [Ch [D(C i ae on Ih “yma chaos hee i compere: | (wainty the part crete Ty Ales. Aner, ‘Sl nd tens (2) he dian nn tn ‘hcl tem (Chin, Zanes and fen ether to meteors Heyhl, abla tel emnesag May Ree il eee tary oer beta diferent Banc ‘Sat of cmputer station of ceil the Dols deve to iit te pups in axards Tn our leture nate, ens, Mrmr, we ‘eben x tesa — facia PET Two Homocine Ons {63 The Geonetne Lorena Attach PE ca ofthe Anu Pin 22 Normal Pos forthe Anon Hop Nirah i 3 wiperive *Sepratit ap Deviation of the Zany ws 7 Cenlting Remarks en Syotie Dynes ‘© Hyperbnety Conds erences flex mm au id Bs Ey Preface ‘Tere av my beaks ra to theft of nee which scale “chaotic Apri nny thea ay sve acter enol for (ents (efor insane, [AAI Dh et TK, (1, TPT, [td Waterers hasan ederbo uy (os ea pd ‘ve the xtc ofthe ron ook, htt crv thal the xia “égnamil cha? hs thes tai compensa (1) fees dyes {cinly the part created by Alcses, Anon, Bowen, StF. Sina nae nd thers}; (2) the dst tl study ota ocela lal rte (Chit, aay nil tsa pa ph Loree ‘a ober in tetecelegy: Hayat, Rati, Cla and seein clon feel engineering, Mey, Keener and others inthe eg ae ‘ty ter specialists diferent eases o rare sences) (8) the pr sity of comovter snalatien of ena? water cysome E fol ‘amily at the beks devoted to cn othe shelves of Ue bokatres el se tar they can be porstined (ar law witha en} In our lecture notes. we have red to Me the highest oi level “ora” (and mathematical) infin, while being mathematically rg “ones Reve, mee exe se aio lone Se ‘roblems for thse whe a intra in orate ey cae dyn cond in ur book wo were encod about seers wo ave mit oni with nar dyes al, A reer (grate ste) owing nothin (acento etm, ee Salona belay a he ‘nal analy ertinay dierentil equation ete) who gos hough all We exes presented tbe be, wl then Be ake te ejey reading na of hase im hte wor il [Bt tat he tee ‘unt hidden unde the ody Gescbed ple preblensIn (0), SUZ ill be afd ef *rarerca” aia In [Ck (GHD), ete AU leet, te hope thi wil be = omer, ul nt sin, we had to omit tof material, Only @ exr sal pee o eg tary hasbeen mentioned (the interested reader ‘ou Hook at (CES, (KH (12 rors theres). Hani ef tems are alert nt tare in ent on erence) Purser, {he atti reader wll cs that a soon am probes been to eri 1s sop considering it, In be, oo back nn nation mel nly STR We oe oR He TE me — ‘eer eked tothe pabns consi noe Hook “hei cape cna the ey dans ee cha spntne yal stem We mainly flo he approach of Taken {LTP co dene yes posesng yma has an to stings transl geerated ad ade beers sity meas of embolic dyamic. We exjose he mun properties of bli! Maro chains and hom ow to apy sya dames to lettin if the Hot af tvstant et Fea Eom ‘Caper utes yams estou generated by nn oe-oane maps «ieee gs peo cma ae ce to eatinuous and smooth map ofthe nara pres shoe Uae ofthe wll develope (MS) theory of onesies yaad Stns These ofthe cope contin a smmcy of gle propertic ch stems ‘Ghapers 4 through Gare the main one. Chapter octal aor eklque ost tho behave af orbits neighborhood of tondegenerate homoeline tajectory Co fed sadale pot aed show ‘oot he tego we the Pees een, Then Chagter 5 deserbes some problems tlt to systems with 15 degree indo Kesar fs theives of all pro ertatbatons fo ‘ee. Roly epakig, we stow tht onl systems with homoelnie 0 ‘Sof saale equim, being sujet o 2 ml erode petarbato, in oer to chao the peod-dobling eae al the druction ‘wodiecsona to ‘Choper€ cule the pity of producing dynamical chant d= eal seme generated by ecto Bld on theeimersonl mf ‘ude eens mith omc cbs ta sadle nad sade eq ‘ial pee tesa agen: Acme at fe cae "The eject of Chapter eer tobe of independent lteret, We give bet deription of Ljapator, ottwe and renin damenaoas. We SS ‘Wear to emphasize that the materials witen on dirt vel of ia there re wo type af expen ofa, methods end ests othe Soot, Meningie same a on ter hand he ‘freer, For example in Section 4 we gies complete prof of Theor {ETT be Fare to prot, fa nth et ech, ne on resent a satisfuctory description of this subject, as was done, for exazmple, tte book [PT The main enon that we pont “peunaty concn level of al and eimicky and fallow them throught the bose We ‘do tis because of the introductory characte ofthe book The bok ge ail asthe noes fo the spec courses which he 1904) and whic bth agora at he Natal Tho an Unive, Landa, (9061996) (Some miter war prepared for a spel couse at ‘ovtiweaern Univers, Evanson (1999). un Univesity, and the fuulty and graduate students for valuable disews- ‘ons and help in preparing the mane. The ala are grate Profesine J. Ringnd, wbo helped great deal a the final stage of prepo- {ton ofthe mamscrg We task Mia. Chu Ming Hal, who typed oot {sin Ma, Fa-Cha Wet lM Yale Teng we bet ‘ora ll the Fn the ke. "Te fine aathor would Ihe to thask Prfesors W.-W. Lin, $-S, Li, ‘China, and the National Center for Theoretical Sciences for sapport of his search Progra, Basic Concepts 1.1 ‘Lhe World of the Observables ‘We ere mrounded by reaiations i cbcrabhe, of oclatry proces Nour fin wl be ve her, ut he eis wih mph, ‘Brample 111. Consider the function () =0™ «o, ~ Pigats “The funtion ra eallzation ofthe I bake au Ia ther wr tan herbie of the doa system (11, Ie ‘ow cy the curve wane graph shown in Fig 11, can we tind Rk lex? — Yew vt) 0%, v= 0°, Oe A, "Than we eat A ~ P0(¢(2)/¢42) the equation # = Ae deer sie Remnark 3. Let mmc hat we pr ko that) gona Irn toicesal youl spate. Phe sgstem # = hy = aN Foci hee orb ive et tl 20, aye te "Tn ebooll consider the yates wth anallst peste number of ample 11.2. Consider the fling faction ot (Cou we fd mysteries unerats cuca sla 1 ae that this {own spt in par connate) 1 faa Phen r—ce-M, 0 = vb + Oy We can very that) can be repented the yedone ofthe sehtion ofthe yen (112 ely rand 0e in ut $0) for some etc of he constants ,@, The parameters A and w ean be found une Fie. 112 “Thee fo examples sage that (0 vemetis tnerates are the shuts of pte ofr ifer. ‘tal equations, (1) Se know the berate we ean recostrst sn oiginal msi Bu could en otek the oo fn Fig. 1.1.8 be peered by some yeaa tes” Figs Whe inegalr or ni, Some. Coulda dyin gem oi ste ‘behavior Te once oasswer this question me sould ro ote oon ‘ter to DS (Dyrarial Syste) 1.2 Dynamical Systems ‘The mathemati notion of dynamical ester express the fct thot the ‘uo of may rea ter ebro rakes o as 1 aS toe determin the ome that needle af the eae of wr factcular ment cf tine deterins the este ce yeem for all tae "Ene S, the notion of dyamrl stem ete tw component: (0) te spn of tn ey the plane npn (8) fle whi alos sto find a state fa ore tne even an nil tte, Tn the example LL the phase pace ic HY, the ule (le even th eaaton $= —A in {he camp 12th phase space RE, the wb the Qe P= De, Beample 1.21. Th dite lsc map Bart = Oe (— ma = fled aan eis trvial to show that f0.< 4 © the th interval ~ 0) ke appl into tet i. © [st] then f(z) € (01), $0, ICO < a < 4 then the ise mace of Hh mater cab hewn biter Tn the rule ‘re tthe rnp (083) Example 1.22. Collar autoation ofthe * we" ype Cals suumata are acing the pst ETE modes of so ‘aed extended dona ster. We ermer the fling eee ise space othe wt of al "antigens the ogee 4 a9 a) cher ace (H,—1} titted = 3 BSH decom cmplte metre space, ‘he rue ven as follows (01) = an asa) +ajo) Hasna) m= O.42=%5 (122) whee sels) = 1 f= > and = 1 fre nother eds, Yh at a the tine nT equals‘ ifthe namber of among), 060, {ey greater than the umber (1) sal ween Definition 1.24. A pai (fA), £€ Ror Ry i te eae of continous tin we 2 o Zin the ar feast ain elie wy system if Mis a eamplete metric sce ad foreach Fi coinins mp fon M into M satin the (aan) group prope, Le frien thot = prof lee fag She eral 1127 Gr eM fo ithe ample 2 le a ey t+ {ES (oo) P= (el ya vie) =n ia Ha) + hn) ob H senlen Sct 0) teen hate vd faa (0p + oes tafe) "Ts, the Yin operator frais the law of motan of the tems. To ascus the properties of dyna yer we nol wane er ogy, Fire djnamiea atm (3). Fora ven sin the pase eps the ate cl potve van trajectory} F(a) Bough 2 eset Uy foe fod the tit (tajetry) of B the st Uectemfs A med i (ek (Gr) swans er fHEfiI— Jy ce

O suc that ("19 ~ zy aad fo 2m, Ole 1'e 7, tthe set Uprcr/ny bal tobe the pee ato tt [the phe spce, Hews, « prods abit ls «clo curve- Tn the case of dicot time, tte oe countable oft caleetina of pit AT frsiain eit othe ula pot pu cade ne ng Foran openset U9 oad arty, thre erstxt® yok that UTD 0, hued plus of DS exes ose state ofthe orignal eater, plod eit oremon! to pane tty bt wht we cay abou ‘rit comeapening toes, popes * nti” tons? Tn Ey ‘the gal of our boo sto alswer this ston It pee to ie ay reeconableanrnr i few wed « 1. BASIC CONCEPTS 1.8. Dynamical Chaos. Some Definitions Prat Cian [expressed a ative undastating of pls out the word “choos” i the flltng werden To sy that a cela ster exhits chaos rans a te ster, ‘oe teams ts tion bu ht De excrete igh ie tn sal enon nthe ection of he il tte, Gara chic stem ny open bal of iia eontions, no wller eal lant tne spread ower the exten of the eine pti eda phese pr? “ruse amestodng of wel kaown psc. Lo yt esate {oto matbematallnguage It contains the eli thes inert thine (6) A roa te iting lyrical chaos” has ove a dete ‘ail model ne Som of ema mae (6) The phase spce ofthis DS coms an ivan set with “este (c) Tina sts 4 be ei fr ngs of ni at, Let as ins th thre talements mee prety (9). Dynamical system. Faisal aking he rion ofS i et enoug o exc te rey ‘Denngdon 13:1. We sg tet sgn! (P(E gamer hy the ymandeal ein UM) if there est 30 € Mand @: M+ Te such Hom o(re) meals Let show (lowing F Takes [1 [ta ay cere ina ingresanion sts mor ones (fr noe white me) can beg ‘had by same DS. Coad hr elletion a al pote obeerebl, prow ing tater than exponentially tne gos to nny. Toe won ‘recone tal menos H ~ fa~ yng R) wi he Tews P= Seg com The st eon with ie above pom tooth space Conse the st map f= B+ B, fl) = leven”) aan ae ently fin saan. ‘Berform the px OR he Ze ba dnaieal DS Aay bound ebserable gf) = a @€ By is ‘roma! by ths unersah DS i the eons tat fA) = ty. TO Se the yal of demos an wo sng determin Law”, 1.3, DYNAMICAL CHAOS. SOME DEFINITIONS 1 [Teta ste to thls contest the dye peeme {fhe ‘huey te felling two aston: [AL The simon f the phate mpc Mf bs Bite wth wept ta the CHnasea Lebo dimension tax dmensicn. [Aa The taco of the Ayman eon nn degen tha ‘an exponential facto: for any pis, € tere ae omens ELAM tat fr any 2 Owe he i (ss f'0) $C Aaa So, when we tlk about dynamin! chao, we dal with DS satitying A "a Dafiton 1.1. te function 6: M —+ Fs Lipschite continu ie. le) eal < Led) or ere Ly > Oa for all zy My and th ptt ALA ate sei, hen age) = (sg) ol to bedearmintcly rome (b) Invariant set with chaotic penavior Tere wee ny ate to given grous thematic dition cf ct, ee remo Una cepanied Wy explanations 1. V9 Alescr (196) (ALI). “A eet eld to be quanto iit tender entry ie pesisne™ At that te people id ot {he th terse yx (Ube notion of aplolal ety wl be ‘patio te. 2. YoU. Yore (1075) [GY] They ited the erm eno 180 {he they of dyeamien sea erplaaed flown Acpatem chats ain infinitely enc peri it wow: prod fc atrarly age movener mane property He expenses” kl Rec! te denne of “passers: Wamp fe oe Mss UT ceil to te ean hore eis «rota (const of ‘Sipunsvenes) 5 0 ah that for stray alot ,y © 7 Here ‘team ah that ast (ps. f°9) 24 2B Jin nb 11 an provided fl homeo ‘his, a * 1 nAsic CONCEPTS 4 R Devaney (180) [Dj A mop f oman invasion tJ ete (JX tpehaly ito (ftw sestve depen of Jnl condltion on J (i wert pols ae ese ‘call that i opocly tne here nob Pt {U(T) —, wteceby ef we denote the lmao ts fd as enive ‘kpedeace’om ial conditions if thre eabte contast @ > 0 Seiten) © tie th tha dit ft, fy) > 4.©, Roun (1904) Re). A apf bead te contions () ‘nd (@) of Sal. (Heamited the assumption (i)-se the ieasion ‘Sat te ae bs (One can se that thi deiitows rb the intioe cerned Ie te fact tha cote ne he to be wtb an ould ‘sls sae property of eetiton (in peer sence) of bebo Vary fen people se Lyupanoe characteristic exponents 0 very the Noreen, thy an no cen a ocr strctre of the amar fot st Janda that ff to bn nll”, ce Was "er hatinegla, cae bar of Waynes generally ‘lke leg, aca form tthe isin ot contig then. We ‘hal cece hs ae, Let eat tha the Cutan’ dein ‘fete above equine n'a oh ten tpg ‘ag (Dein B44) (©. “Basenta invariant sets In orier to be play recogalabl, host of inaction ea rexponing to ani Behr has o be lange noth Tn wae with mijn, eel Bong othe bai fw Marange™ a cacao tor. Ts emervtive sts the ivan ot wth chat Behavior has to'hae postive voune, We wil onder nny pete with sipeton "The lc rea i late o ne oso of ce fom the viewpsnt of the ergdie thor? cor means the exedco of an naan: ese teh god ming properties (ae [2] aa fees therein) In oer to seh wit neh wet et wi ing cai abe the rp ofthe esate ea ara os ming aed edly depend ‘rivals wa typeby of ne inde We vil nce sme of tho wens adres er 1.4 Systems with Dissipation Consider the damsel ystems secre ya sytem of ODE (Ontnary Dies! qeton) A guath swice $2) sal FUN Fe), rer" aay is suid to be trnsera tothe vector (ual yh FON 4G, Grad es 1 te eames to ampere and coy eel ie he than tha i in Louder of "al? sy D. The “all? Die ait ote a bal of dition i (wad 2), F(A) <0, oral 28. "This mean thatthe yectr Be F(2) plus into D- Once an eb ofthe nical yee goa nD, ga there ve Pigtat Deintion Stes the pte = Pa), = ¢ RY ead tobe dinkpative thr exits «ball fsiation D suc that fer ay inti point € Pee ket eal beg Example Lut. The Leven aot [L] Ee -ofe-y Pemaebre-w # ‘is disiative Indeed, consider te function Be, 645820 eesana) — 2 oy pon a 1. BASIC CONCEPTS ey then (end e(X), FO) = ~20(e—y) toyl-se-t rz —y) +ol2—Ney—H8) Sno et ay ty +e) sorte 1 a enc to show tet this function fs nage ete Hevea BB glasses) 2 and at this set is Homme to apne i Bxerese 14.1; Show tat fore utente, (and 629, F). <0, fe x)= "emt of he dapat sa be ete tn the case ofthe nent Aono soem ofthe en Fa, zen", teR, sv ay Ah th een patie 1 hare ovine 4 Sal DCR ch thar fe any sono 2 ~ a(t) ofthese, there exists > 0 ech (atta) ¢D presided thal >, ocala (grad F(2) 0 (y <0) has the pint ofthe treo wit ea) wh ect Yew VT Nee Y Gg) set tna ton cilsandag tag conse 14, SYSTEMS WIPH DissIPATION 0 (end V, Fe) = [leo whey — ems? + un + (0 +12) Since 0 < w < hy chowee & postive mimber ain sacha way that the coatrae n| (ew? ukaw oc? fs postive define. (Inf, aii te ocauaty a > 2 Tipe to abo that there ei 8 comtant bw that us*~ ow? > (arbor ag ol, Tein oar eetb— (oh +002) am eine < OW 4 ete Hea <1 Me) sith eae "The nti ofthe bal of dxipstion canbe generale to the cae a 8 oer dyiral sp ("8 a alos Definition 142. A comnts D esl to be aboorbing rtm ping) stf7 ne D foreach ¢ 20 whee Tat D isthe interior of Toeample 1.48. Fer the DS geerted by tho lic map x — where Fe a(t 2), the ier [4] 32 an sbeoring regan. Since swt (Li) ~ [BT © (4 Bxample Yat, Consier the Hétoe aap (B= (es) — (8) we Fe aVU— 9) Als. Tos map exe. Conse se Toaunge A ((ee)- [| 512 Sy $)- tn oder to how ct inn Shang ret es safc to che that he ages of the sees sehen’ of bebo to Ia) Thi ss to wes ty ek ‘uli, Pe example, te imioge oe segue 1, Sv fy -actees!a,, <2-om, show that an aborting eon ext provided that 2520 BY enamel 2 1. RASIC CONCEPTS tablished (settled) motlons and transient processes. or systems with dissipation, evry natural osu the tre set andthe estaba pees o regimes. The baste pope ofc {able ston tht he motion “ng is nil tate nd nd ‘endent of it (in an appropriate range of til contin. Te rwan tht (i) alter nie tie coreponding othe rane proces each pstve emir fll eto a small ephbornod of an esc, (2) the ctabiehed motion shld be erect fragment of motion rerod, sa, oe a ws ever aya gal ten sea a ‘hie rete eles to a tasers bres "Tho Hn igh be expres vigor ison ferme ther ro nny definitions of tractors We pve one of tha, the mst one ‘forthe vewpoit of be theory of uration. We shall dus some of oben Iter 30) i ‘Then he set aepyro {aed the aro attract in fh abrhing maton 7 asthe flowing eam LAS ews, Beauiple 14.8. Coser th lage bn the polar coed on the Po at (0) The bat fr < my), Loy <2, an aborting reson, ne Fay roll rf) <0 oe mast stron int the ball 0, an absorbing {gin Tse asimal attractor in D i the neguent Js Jel Shy = 0. ‘ais to sable quien: 2 = £1 ym 0, aad oe ofthe ene type: Ep Ouane, Wee th psi th sags th erat, a0) Te eur ot tat thsi the ema stanton, Consler a pani! ysis (fA) moo <#-< 00, UT CM be altar a Bead pot or 8 Dood ot. Tao be Se = (Ye AF; a (YT) 0, fo aoN(S! ~ (ye Mast fy,F) +0, ts) Hcl to be the tea (the) at of. Proposition 1.1, Let beth maximal attractor nan aborting gion DandT be ster a fined point or 4 period rit i D. Then 5¥ CA Proof, Assume that y © ‘Thon thie 8 f > eh that Jp & 0) 6D fort ty where {f) & an encghoriood of P."Theine Be PD for any >be Lent Eng PD= A 3 Definition 1.4.4. A st Ae called an attractor if there ets an ab- etn ree fo wy aid tra So, maximal tsar Wan atector no ony eo ete ar torso arpa ho has real ater [1,1] > (0) catales ‘stron (1,000) Regia mots cmespond to simple attractors. Chote ios very chon snmp te Stange easton We ey Rt tha simple stan (aii, Aiea qian ong O an equities of te aseoth ey of Aurruy 2eRy there F(2) sth nonin tem sain, £10) =U, DEW) =o et Ne Spee A, ym be aceoraloe oft mate AL TPR <0, PLA the pot seid to be inert table. Proposition 14.2. A Jsry sabi equim isan tract. Proof. (a) Fer the case n = 1, the stem can be represented ae ‘oto Citnens Moo A Dn Re 2 < Ot = leven Thin fo any A e"Suance to muti By mht the owe shone of staan = Ree onvets the evter = A+ F(z) to a Cy+ Ra) where = C44 C1 = BeABz? (6 = lag Cip Ca) td Oh bee Ay epee A, By ¢ Ry oF the arama (% —%) aay = az te © Spe ay | Oy Is Font Fily)= BoP (By'9)- Therefore, Weise, 20, > 038 erat meh Hence, |y [cis a al of ization i ‘Semall emongh Indeed, yen as inure | Oe HCD H 1 HAG(e) Dr Se LA) 19s i a etn isin fferaioronwee By mine the Cronus neal, we bave Fa) He an 14, SYSTEMS WIrH DISSIPATION * Ha Ih Peotone ead 8 are smal enough then 5+ ae) < p/2 anf ce LM Ei fie isan beong regen end the ots Om ems atrctor SUAS et sori the “bal of dilation bounded by the upc [| Bat [= (i) Fixed points RTE he pint ot ee Sod pint af mmo ma FRO + [Re Ina neighborhood ofthe map f' 2 # canbe represented in the fem pee tAlerst)+Ple) whe AW Dace he eienalues py of are calle the rips ofthe fed point = Tost el of slits, ase tha 3° = 0. The point i ad to be nei tale fj < 1 Proposition 1.4. A lary stable fled point i an atraetr ‘Proof. Atin Pepstion 1.42 (), thee ex liner change of wc bis y= Ber ach tant n the new vcabes te map has the folowing Mac 9 a Cyr hia) where Om BeADG? and | Che meraizn ll) Fei 'irh t aval enough, and Fle) = ByF (Bz'y}, Since Fi) is Ag) p Ir where (0) = 0 nnd Mg) i contin fnetion in ane thal of. then | [Mg] 22g se and eal enous Iv ESHe Udy t'r ES Ce N-FAG Wa te la a Os the maximal itactor in the abanting min ly J € mene tt vanaie ts tem te eyes foe " Example 1.47, Fin the gon of parameters onthe (8) ae for vvich the Hoon tap (2p) == (8h = and = eB) ~es w8> Tre fae pole in teapot of an aac Solution, Tae maphas wo fae points Oy = 0, and Ox = SS anima aae( Se) (5 eave orm ana the mien 1 (02-0) + VEFB=a=) SSE 6 1, BASIC CONCEPTS 1 @+ 260)? ab ten pus ave ra arbors, and Op an atari (252526) 3 thant 3 (0426-014 VORR hc the vo pint, See altar) a2 4b €0.0-¢b< Lor Ge 0b> 00> (tu) Pesto potnes ira that i oa Foetiode pt oe a sooth dynamin! sem (goAR) i hay = so) P29 7 201 2} ry ~ Ghnsnee rte, leet) Me teqatte t @9 ctw Silat ge oe 38 ine a ted ots 14, SYSTEMS WITH DISSIPATION " (0) Limit eyes Sats price, Foamy with the continss shoeing tm epe wayte O8 nar 9 Pete te Fw (sed a lore. We sh s small uetlon 5 fea normal dein Bir fe wotne ita aypamsal tan eer bythe ten of Meare SSG), serve anes se ae = fone Roy es cd Sl} T) ul) fr lt be she oan of FT a tumoral ston conan eu be eho a an open pee Pf {Biplane dated by te equi (FUs-r= se) = Uwnere te eas (Puente the mar pers RO Ifa von Beto (C1. Sktwae opt one = at eee P agin by catia tho ‘sui othe ciel tint wth ep! to ila ond. z eat al ig, 1.42 Fartcrote there wil be itt ee) > 0 for wtih fs © P an (Fteh Paha) > 0, where gt the ow generated by the stan # = Fh the le fo = gs, eS, thon we obtan a mapping b — F {hin ap b cal the Poser rng cm ‘The lool prepeton of te {yanmar ne te pedi rit Tare completely deter Py the properties ofthe orbits ofthe Poincaré ap, Thuroeing some sooth coordinate 2 ©” * on the pate Prac sor theo cpa te the Bue int oth may Fea be ‘nthe frm Ac nonlinear terms —— Definition 1.4.5. Tho cgenalues ofthe matric A are cle the mule Xiplers (or Floqee mpes cr tarcrrte mpiss) of 0 PD Of cour, fr any sohmadofRwhici tronewra 29 Ta the pit = we Sn deine a Poincaré map ad ealealste the multe. Te an be show tha the muitpiers are quits whieh ae independent ct ‘ver, co ealelate multiplies we only nad 9 se lero equations (eat) instead of tbe oral one ne (we fortes, a). Brample 149. Let ws conser the etn in pola coordinates on the plane se nd the Floquet mnliper of the mi eee # = (0) Let us fn oy sng the dition. Intodce the loa cordate =F 1 thon the equation canbe sownticn ss alows ¢= —E(€ Sect) hat Thor the etn nm he agree nthe ling spt or i [=| es 2842) 4 Bl6+2) 9 Gil +) ‘Therefore the multiple of th Pincre map & 6 a md | (0) 12 ast 10 compute the ine by wang the baearze system cf the diferent equation shout €=0 fam ok 14, SYSTEMS WITH DISSIPATION » We tae) = Eo, = (28) memo, a the rupee rege TEL jase ain the ame le hy de citations at mips ave abs vl a Hh Se Ht eee ean bien ta Propocttion 1:48. A aero Bini eT feo trenton 1 wes chown that Healy wae i oi as stan, “Te ier tale Ben printf the Poincaré map coespoods to te nary leit eye Theseandard arguments of contin ar eo show thar Tis an attractor, (The poo in deta of te Popaston 1 am be md, for acta, [RS itis very aie to Sind the maltiplers ofa Umit eyle snayieaiy ce fe know equation. Usually, people wea computer to do. Bat therlipien example 14.10, Hone pews fons sem Ter al yesade pertartos of vkonsoun ston, sponta to apn netin of pectaraton then apenas he wiper. Soptan f= F(2) 2c Wha egulsem = 7p an all geal GF DE ey) el pts ten the pte = Fe) ele Dy (28-2 Be = lr) asa wie Ln cre = = HN), su has TAG) fed cae 1 Men won oh hey of iipeeorennly kad oma ough Rr eal, ena the fering sym saAetenO, bm eer oR shee 4 0,942) = (0), €-€ 1. Tho phase spare ofthe esters Tepid (e008 1B) = (0) 2-2 thn equation af rit (ela, and 8 =O isthe equation of a (Pinar) section. Tne ving, es fd the prions he mati, elation nw cighborbod of teint eel x 2(t)~ Megha, 28 (22) = sexo 12, Thon 2° ~ 2 i the apprximation of te Poincaré map, and y= exp 22 isthe zeroth oer appentznaton of he nitper. “Tho i orderapprnimasion i pronation (2) shoul ero seocted tn ie form 8) = 0) 1 oft) where ft) come fintion aenaenl 20 1. BASIC CONCEPTS shige nt enti 10) = 0. Setting serene ors eens ae ely) Nave + 60) +e (ape +09) a(ut +). ‘Thay me hae the eloming eget (pt the tems af the send rior acai in) dereenetalutsm). 2 nf tors (2-08 ff denn 2m f te Hence, the toner approimation ofthe usp ps not ( +1 [F serie) ‘We can proceed in the came way in rer to find the 2d and nh onder (©) Close variant cures, ‘async syste ta a absorbing ego athe farm 9 anpas x, ae peer nthe frm ofthe diet product SPSS) ex 1 TP we 9° ice ela emo my ade ‘rine road earnest tl the apa of cata. Wefin ‘Sc egos and atartors in syems with period quast-perol Fer ines intonplel peyton in pele end mony oter aeons o- Example 14:1; Let + and # be peas coordinates on the pane and consider te flowing tap f= (9) — (hl be nae 4 SYSTEMS WITH DISSIPATION a "The cele 7 = 1 am nwt at. Show that eer so aor {eon for whieh the ele r= 1s emaea atracte, Let D = (60) OES ETC eon sana, It cay to chek fast ray, ce 21, D aan sbeorbng resin Stine won a bong renin ce frm oy ans tut dial to show thet the maim rato coe inant Cae Se uence whee an aboorbing some setae a ange Citrate We seis the Stations Late, and now let us give sme ‘effcea condson forthe existence of nara toi [AGLS, Condy nap Ps (oy8)— (8) 3-6 RM, Oe FE, ofthe flowing 2,8), O= 8+ ale8), (0d 2, beef. re dee nbefunctions which re 2r-princn @ = ‘sca that Tans an "annus Da((e: [ Ow >0 ‘Since du DF = nthe snap F's comorphism. Moreover, the an ue [2 Ai an absorbing tepon i> py Toi fa) wm eich can be rede t0 Wie viet a4 "Thai pnnmatee of the mag f sty the eoaition (1.40) then this tony hash bot Inara crv nthe capac of a taxinal aac Faample 14:1 Disipatoe spac map [See Apply A fr der tin "We consider Fs (0) ~ (88) which has the following form: oe @o) 0 tle ult +asind)) = 0+ anf) (0d 22) 14 SYSTEMS WITH DISSIPATION » wire <4 $19) DERI e> 1.0-< 4 2 yy, 0 << Land 0 <0 1 Sine des DPowvle sbp(Lt and)" 0 thie map ee eosin fo sown image She that ho anus p= {am tru-ortercmasery, vent} ts an absorbing eon fp smal cwough. Tne, onan < (aaa earn)” = rarer smsey 2 arose ey 38 meaty ema. Tren, FD) € D. Now, for pont a D we ar} las viet ontl tasmayy™ = Rue va ty(l tannay™-baaeose = ap Fh esa rece j) 0 ap — 0. Tee cany Ho cc that the onto a) an (im (42) ast fn al enous; moeoer the codon (©) Tne th fee sn the conten (6 (1-42) ha te frm Le Kal < Re sere Ky, rept cnstants and ir > 1. Hence contons (a Tipave suid ie smal enongh, and te map asa ceed nal cote cia ofthe mlm atreter iD. Te ecesand fo ‘trating vant tras of the system (832), Sa o* 1. BASIC CONCEPTS se bet nd anf nprn etal in lw car 8 Sere ee tin sun oe Beample L414 Anitonor opens ication Conse farts of P-iflanorpiems Jy m © pest, # > 5 of 1 ech hw the lowing for in polar coordi: apr Fe) = He whee <7 < ro, FG are smosth Sanctions Tionly (6) i dilsorerpie Sr sal vas of ry 1 shown fu Apps A2 tha ts map sexta for for any geet fay iy Eales each that bat mfx oie, say Ons With seca Salus of complex miles qromer Un Tif > 0, salle than Vif Pe and equal 01 ‘et ws dm; fie thal the map (146) Bas am sheng annus for postive lly sal values of 49) +at6 8) Proposition 14:7. Thee is € (Oe) sich that for vey ps 0< B< nthe aus pa foo-f2 {oof 4 an aber eon fr the man J Proof let M259 (IIE Toe . sVimeena} om Vi he Fe (leer 4eMyr = (1-1 (via) Vi < VI 72 (1-0 (vas) vai> VE ete smal enue 14. SYSTEMS WITH DISSIPATION » on VF then, iad eurn (198 (V8) ») VV od, evieaty #-< VTi is al enh “tw sap fy so diomephiom ond (AT) © ineD Therefore jc) , (once page tele ia iat fal} wonge, {|| [lll then fo vas (0) le D we have i Al < 1d (Vi (4a via) = + (} ators vr)» AM A as | Aas, 2 4M, [| = emeurm Be apy int am am ane s9°M 42M Vie (B+ BVM +208 + (via) Mis E 5 7Bivae Conon (142) (0) ad () at said smal enough. Coon (042) () boos +o) > (BEAU. De >0, fs) +0 and a) a8 +0, Coma (142) (2) lo sti. SE = 2. ASIC CONCEPTS enor the apf bs ose arias cure iste cpl fa inal teen noe sudan Vf S'S VRE The were ata for {ha carve he oiin eof order ‘Tins wo hove deve he fercation of an appearance of led t= sara cee em afl point (Sete referees reed tothe Faso {an be found in [Me], HK) a (AALS) na of hemi etisf oecereae of chaste bebe dma senate to the bred fan arnt torts ad he resto TTOSEasiti werctor nthe lar former tras in he ps space. ‘hin of Peipearé mage led to eveaion of the makin caczor Fae ee few cameuth freien’ cme tn sing diferent frm fe Saehing “trans Conair, fo eam, the Zale’ map, nd ty 19 ind contions under we does not awe on varia low curve i be ns D Jae Abe Rye, A> ps, heed poms ofthis tp any she oquiton aarfe+osing), 042k +0 +(2+asne) hee Ke Zi a eed intone. ‘We obtain om the eed equation: 2 +asin@ = 2k 18, oft ones = nak =u) and = (L~1)@xh— w)- Thaore lark, aitek ul em te he ie (mt mo ak tine eagle coe 0 fo nT sl iio SORESEE SSAC made bw een of [Ere me ee ‘ld lecrve a proves Toole very similar to the geome consi {Castor es (nore, bw aie the ana fem isis 40 coco} inthe role of Z. Then the inereton PPLE he of Hat wo cnmet omens ay Fan nha horm ofthe eagles °f(B)" ‘own in Fig 1.4, then te ntereton 21, 0 aga has eas 0 Seer a apomenss to. eer me Fame 1.3 fr m mone deta “La, STRANGD ATTRACTORS, FIRST ENCOUNTRR = We show below that In some region of params inching By and 1) the aces ap bas terion Cece et oo 0 Tei {te tom of or ate. Cantor Sots. Mh Seandaed (middle-thied) Cantor ent (esti the iuerad T= TIT oneal te ltervals [0,19] ~ Jo aa al or fpond = oA = NYS2/) 10 get oy we eee dy= Ia Ulta Fe ten [Ba]. tee ff nny sete Pc ey 8 108 wpa) melo) BeBe Yan Inca she ota (er midlshind) Contre For every pot 2 € © hore exits anlgue sequence (yf) sch hit 2, Fyne TE cary to wey that as a teary erp: 3 = E, Ind then zs H+ 5k Us lant forever € 2. Hance # € 8 J chen: (0) tt Osten s 5 E, f= HOA? fe, 2€ Jo foUla imtnesame way weve sow that = €Je = ©. (On the other hand, if 2 € C then the corresponding sequence (iy ia-~*) fren erary expansion. “Theo how te lowing peopertica (0 Tis ce (C a eteetion flo (a) ea pect st — for any = Etre ae may es ne 1 belonging 20 Fag Wi stay) a Whee ms enry tase (i 1s atosntyesoonnecet we ~ every point ia connect component [restnt ramen st) oben words, fr any two dine! pont (Py Stere ace dowel digi sea 0 = ond V9 y sh that UY = é Seana n 1. BASIC CONCEPTS [An artrary compact ebort of sm apace sting () (8) ie said se Cher on Any Crna ls bommorgtic othe tant ete ta the Cantor ei wsrnary msrotint of dexeripthn of Stange “t) Example 1.54. {ORE Elldng ne consider a simple emit of « yar systan re ry Comer fn theca ovarian st, Lt Jez be dened ty the formal 2={ So-am, 2518.” Fie 5.3 se by A the st of ois whose nth teats, n> 0, Delon to We deste thet A slows: be Ut of points # wh that #€ Tad fe) € 7 Ris dear ie 19s) mar = [9] U [83] — 4 Ze be the sto pols xsck hat £2,792 ©. Tie Jo = 1s. STRANGE ATTRACTOR: FIRST ENCOUNTER a (i) Let = (22. fo, Pa, JPx € 2). We det follows fom the de ston that = aly ft € Je Ben U.S Proccding in th ame gy we bean Tea Ue tamn, ioe Fite el a Jets the set of poles zsuch that fz € 1,0 a> Jy te gaat (a) 426 fy water sn Since asin®s = j(V207=T~1) and alas om (138) 4 (v=), ten =H al -=(G) ouefGeyyf om 1 va WS > a va then — a 1. BASIC CONCEPTS (159) we have 15 = > ak Assume that for k= 31a (158) wo have acect (usa) Since > o> dp tll tha § <2 (4p) mac that for smal excugh ee 1 otis that J() basa et to conned rmponets in B sack thas tench of the has pls with coodats (70) fr aay € fa 0s =e SeeMy. 130 +(04-)| >4e Fe > ae (1539) z 1.0. CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEXITY OF ATTRACTORS 37 “rom sage f(f(B) 2) a ot conned ompanent de each ‘monnmestof D), ees o cach salon Sp © (B= 48s 6), ‘reer seumeisieconrrainn sas tothe one dsr eae hs cops Cato et Cp toa to the mail tector f the Feparere rp Ths otractr ne obestange ne cones Cantor teins Cp 6p+c< 0< 0c smontingtnsirangestrctrs. (tissinplet to aun, that € 1). Most range avai tain Cantor sof be". In order to deserbe ber ‘Se dita, we med odie me emetic har ters, he ctl imenon and sme sorsrteite of tat ef ois, Ke toolial Catron. We cone the Inthe wet sin 1.6 Characteristics of Complexity of Attrac- tors ‘mewlon end tpl etvny There rents defntons af these qua ‘in and we seal cst them iter, Now we we eseatnly the fat that Sete wear talking bent are invari eso aia yee (0, )-separabiey Cacaceris of complet ovate wa cane expressed inte fhe baer feria Lex (7 he dvnal system and ACC M ‘be a vara ompars set (example, an attractor). Well the set Pyle) = [pte am orient of temporal nga. TW seni Pole) al Tah Se sald tbe (e)-wpmrted thr ext F 7, 0, BE ni, sich tot dst (P24) 2 foe Fg 6) ” 1b. paore concn Pg. 1 CConser a ser of seements of trmorllensth such that eves two ‘latin sopnenta ae (meeepareted It sac esha! Lome i pet to icuson we Sal ove by A In ote words, we caus “hes wth an atonal soemant of teers ent n wid & (releparval fro al spats i dy (Someta oe ues mal {ruched et stn of, separa sts owe era 12). Wenate thot Ang ont nique given m and ow Example 1). So et A dens the ait of eh An dns can be erp se lms. Lat we assume we have device x “Clg; ali Unga (noel gest Then 4. mcnlntion of memantine aa et Gye = ae the earinaty of Aa at Coe = tga Cn Cory, C6 tat iireaae oth with coring ¢ Rid Inwesig A {rete fan an incre in proven (ours) of ar easter ‘sud ths jn tina of fe sirurre of te et A There, we ean clelate arte hereof Cy 8 fms A) — ln ena One (23) © = O14) = gi nl c ‘The quay C{A) be indepencat off snd cond with te socal pperton donee crt tanh rata dineston of Aprovied ‘Fit Litter (Tut we aed ot ton to the i ix nin (1.64) bonis under the Lipitesenmptioe on fone as C(A) = Wine -o!S4. A wl be doe Deo, he tata mension 8 Yry Inpornat wm dlrs oie of ew ‘On the tbe anda increan fh with fed cana ome emoata in Ave Fy this © eased ty che etbity of ett and scaly oy 14 CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPLEXITY OF ATTRACTORS. 20 the comple of the parton ofA Into tajctri. This instability and {hs complete ae cheval tpg entropy (et Ue ane, 1) ina a asa) Roughly speaking i etoring Tes [2 we nya gay Tay= See 09) ‘eho ic ale Take’ rain, We their reve (A) = fi, Tiong MPA) ~ By Ba {at our compiter have two conta knobs One knob improwes accra (095 Sadat eds emperor ‘ist en ap to the sn oe poe cal eon ee aE ie te al a pce soe Rasa oa semen ie athe > iid) aes oma a Ye Meg Hh Trample LL Gone nop 2 #2 29 nod eof th ce 5: rE Chews ct Dect Brey 8 te once Sra ot pans home ob ET Sh te in bat th cy oagh = 2-H a Se Gasp fe On Pag dg) = HEN Seppe pean, a ard Cheam ki tate at (pte) = enh e ‘shpat 1) = (70) aes {se (20 te) cep d reyn et H dswtt pa ie lag etn te Tw tha al » Y, nasic cones ‘We nota tats posse os that hens in (1.1), (15:2) (13) Io Inept ft coos of te gaan rms hi xe, tre bae = fi, CA) = 1. Let us rom tb the set Ay es omen I intely tary weye Ie our example, given array By © 0.25) we Shei iret B= {0420-20 ) a ile Pm sample 1.02 Cuan Se cpl oe 18s Ao who 1 eatin cone wt La Be = (oe) bein to a od desi ers ny Ee Tie hve ty Pa) > See ig Sen FP on ayn © emai he Bn Fes rane Devan ie een Pei) ot ele pekacione arte Tn toss Fa) = (251, Tio) = Ua) nf v9 © Baye (absent, For any PEA, we net © Iya A 9b tits fy ‘en owt TS Pa Sm Ge a Te nT) on een Sy Hen wd ten OG 2 my To Tw tpn ee ahd! he epg toy man nen UA) Ba Same pcp ny that an aint lee set A of a denamical sem ix sid tobe foetal i C(A) > dn(A) wh dm (A) i the “elie” {epologial ivenien. Somtimes at attractor 40 To De sree ii (em (OD, Thee are vera deiiton ofthe amie” cei TW). at for wt eons now tha any elo suber «Buea (or Banach pore bas ditenon or ay pe of tpolgl desis) Wir cotaine st omesmoxpi Wo Ue saieasonal open ell ~ [Goccn): desde octzt et} CRY and do not rtaio a eet mcomirpie to Boss, (Dy defen, By i one pols) Tae ca be 1 Cantor se Afr which (A) = = da) (ae ter trace otemer A nich the C(A) alin (A)) But So moe ed alt of ‘DS, one ba C(A) > a4 cry an invariant of denial stem (ae Sen 2.) the Teequalty CLA) 2 ln tncinte ret ofan abirary at Aas we |L7, MANE THEOREM AND TAKENS DEFINITION a 1.7 Mafie Theorem and Takens Definition ‘et ws come ba to tho space B= {a= (yf al bound teres ‘hk and fo th ivr dynam stm goncated by the si sop Pee floames)~ (eves) Clveg ae seer cone ovis (Fe} iy aod th cure A=: Fa), Clot Ay an iva ompatso tthe dyna! stm (f*,B). Tse ae fo posts CU) ee ort (ag) =e ie Goon w he the flowing rmbl sea (ne SVC} or Aseeeon and referees ‘Matic theorem [Ma Assume that @ compact sabe A of @ Banach pees nts Bae ines (2) oe 97) 41. hom for ir p-imeasinal utepae Fy CB there a mas subwet F of C t all prjrtions 71/8 By rock hat a, ts onotovne Is Py ets seal thas a poiction 1 sies =, anda massive sts tee ofthe sccnd Bate category Sa, a maasve ste tho inaction of ‘en dense sets “Tn fg epoca (iy) < 9 then randy ease” ors secs yD By is onetoone cb Ay peed that 204) +1 ro 'TAD allows one to rerorira «Shite dmessneal system, pee Sing an Geran ga floss” Claw se aiatl pojton ry Bins By telhdbys) = (las ~-bna) La the erection onto the ‘ubepare spanaing by tbe fen n coowdinates’ op = (10.07 en = Cette gee (Des th) ASE thar BES ae (iy to montoned sy Wt spy fe mats Thom ean Arion aman f (Aa) ~ 20 (Ae) into forint wa: fz = roofs, Sr ro(ag) eg LTA Toth wor = 4 ngnt) hen Fe esoen sof Ome = (ae amen mae F245 lageresssteonls ber Flaine seems) = (ons ssdpan) We hove a dani zm aa te to (hg) with te ee {Poof bo Bs ‘et ws apa se mean of expreion: Ya dynamical ern seneates nobel’. Let (Mf be dau system, and b = {heh} bean obeerle Polwing Tans (Tm sy tat te ste (ghvan seoente the coerabe pL tha exits 2 Lieditecnrinons| Fiction ec Af == Tea an ial pein = © MT uch at b= 2), SS Fhe 20 f= 0.1. In our cam M = By b= a, and a i theft continate OF fg. In ther words coir the function @ : B= Ry le) Bem Cusnie-) Charly Lipetcetimeman, Todos Bony te ements ¢, 2B: wero Some Lipa constant of» equal. Hurthennre (a) Ion the sed property “as usshow no¥ that the “ntedimeasoaa” dynamia! tem (P°s4g}gousats the obearable yar wel. Indeed, the function iy Ea tn lenin Sn) ae te ded finn. Bie eels 2 = Beall oxy (simp to vey ear there eqn to th Buse ee [Ci By) ‘hen the Lette onan of eq 1 In fa, By retrition of wont the aubepce En ¢ B. Determinitcally generated and random observables Fakes (72 sugested disauslar dsermlale ad "rendon” abe semble rerdngt te fll ropes (we expe the a cy ‘ae tome) Detntion Lisl. AR obarbe @ © 1 1 sat Be deterministiealy| (0 tere 8 ymamies rem 9° M) sch thse @) CM) show, we ped Zo prove th nC (Reg) A he topological eos 1 (From) ae ae ws wa Proposition 7.1. The flonng onus bald eft ce(a), ACF ws) EMD Proof, Fic 2,0 and it a Pte). a6 (9 Pale) = (Pd) (cay uma segues P(r (om) ae (me opare (i) Agee masa, i. there smock © Ay Bf By sc tha 1 ee) and (ab) ae (my ebampratd foreach § 1,2 Ce gl “ 1. BASIC CONCEPTS Consider vom the st wes, here) for some & € {0,1,--+,n~1} then, due to (1.7.3), dist(#*b.,. f*ba) 2 € me tai ci sates ae opel BS Egtesy Ss aoone ea am Pedy hte Pe) nl Fa) tele emnnint ire) ie ae ot mel Tiscuw cer Casas Gus Cye nih Bee ne (va) $ Ore (4) on and frm (174) i flows tha naa 5 to ante nti Taine the Limits ¢— 0 and n= 30 ek (evs) £049) ne) 2 (Piredg) = (sia) ‘han ise dpsamion etm (inp) gut on sure (9 {he ctl dno of th phase see 2, Baie (8) the tone $25 Cony of ti dpa ptm a the et rie) fanein 0'& Uehiro Hee tom Deion, gd {Srenutely gone We cal ma br ttf, ho topo Coton of the dma wees (Fe0A,) and (FA) athe same, Lo tpg neo 8 tpl! ai. Bay fr some ee fon fae eens (17.8) ent bac one Newetsew Upbeat te ra eins wl coli wl 1.7, MARE THEOREM AND TAKENS DEFINITION «6 ‘Proposition 1.7.2. 1 tere exe 9 constant 1 >0 suc ta ee (sa) 0 apd ass a= Ta lbs EAS Sm wh Pa (8) = {PB ISaH Te ys TU) ate erent Sta da manna thee iemo Be Ac bof, eat Pad Fhe laeheepurid fr ey $= 1° Gye Cone now thoes {Fa ru) J =~ One} were Ba ro) = {Pra Mire (o0eyn=H} whe df, fy) > thm dot with = Pa = Phy, the lion nega © sated it (fab Pra) > 6 In ther word the ort mnt in str (An) at (nara Tle Carlds) § en thet we obtain 4 (r0(Ae). az 1s) $ (004). are) he inguate(1.7.9) end (175) ply the desi res, Te avin ha de cial dawson nn ion wth ope Sisecortinooas changes ovals: Ay and Ap ao $0 Ste (ds) andthe ape hh aro Leis eoatenas then Chiah i rot uta eta ie fr Pepe (6) Conable da og ue a = Feet) ——— « 1. BASIC CONCEPTS GOO - Fys(At)) ee 508) = them ti tion hee wat AEP) za) ANF (b) Forth egution = Fp) ‘scan ue the fang dserte version (cit2=3¥=2" yas) ) wn = Oto shore y =a), and a Tweet 9-1 =) = thon the enti (17.11 en bo ew Here CCE) REN goerate by Ue map f (40) ~ (6.6). (0) Fart gion fe =F (2-2) we iran aa Wier = Ute ste) (un) heh manltethe fact that if wo know tales ofthe viable y at text moment of ine node new vices snG)= tems, 8) =H onl) 1.7, MANE THEOREM AND TAKENS DEFINITION « thon the oqatan can he rrton ata ganic stem of the form a+ niahon6s +) saie-vem ls 41)-GlealDe vn) ‘ahaa generat by too map f:R™— TR, f(g) = (85: ey) Rows eoantr an coresbisy = (man) Boe see hog that yi gant nym rman af the fy (1718), bar we do ot How the value of m. How dow fd #7 The following observation ves usa posi of finding (o) Wry proerte bythe one-dimensional ester (1.710, he: (9 evo rat (tra) to ca th gre of te ition »= GU). fine akan = GU (a) for every tiple (yon Boers) € RE we hve = Gi) hes = Elyp, be oe ole (ys pet) Delon tt fo (ober f lind arene y = C(e), # =.) In the (ereczlsmice. Proceeding inthe same way we show that ov Cele bese belong oa eure onsen ‘cold (by ys gece by dy sptam ofthe frm (1.711, wi ‘imensonal pase sper then i} evey tile yp Bp Dongs ert ee Fan Fetes ewe wen = CO) ory tape (yap 0.9 14) Blane tthe inereton of two evinces, nce 942 =O iyrten) Dd Boa = Glaperaral ee Im te ere way we can show tha fan observable yi generated by «dynamical sytem o he fore 718) with mimensbaal paw space fhe every toni py vgyge-s)s 1m alas tn an mimes ‘rail nthe -nnsonal Buea space. If we know bow to calla tho dimension of he mae for ayn thee ca i mas ee ae femme eh intr n> he ay teu (gp Ypomen) Banas £9 Generally, dynamical systems generating observables have more com pice rm it 18) 24 te sala” vl hr cane erator bon the dimeoson m a the pan pace ofthe oa dynam 6 tem, but the ablation sil ora The vale = iy iad to De che EE « 1, BASIC CONCEPTS senting dimen Lt fm hp ot ‘eodin rar horse te meal se a ae ical dinnson srl than ‘ede now eli ang i eo wel be et inser eth onl sult Aone a Iovebcrtle ¢ = ees) greed ty » dari oma (PM). ‘Pate ba fom gM Rn apo ze © 9 a G0) tac 0( Fz) be the ctl dimension of the irik ‘vrais soctines elev tthe Tae agin. ‘Agoritn Sepa We eae oye a ts mange uw <4 gs ~ (wre ent AO) = Oa € ite eae "Than eablate (C2) tw thin map and Bd C (AC) = Ch, nada (1A) = OF ours, it can oceur that oy = But ont # ayet- ask means @ ex nok Te gerratal bya one dimen” avout sem (hap 2s Conca pie {ly} oe frst mer ral (natn) mt the imo fhe i (oat) in RE: (sche) = W441) whee 9 tip of the sabct = Uo (aagys) © RE it tl. "Them £8), ad © (A) = Ca nad Py (9A) = ‘eye =e dd i rw Th rea) sation we have a Bie te sass (acon). We cen derive an agai ao flown. Conser the Sogn pins SS evech) eRe, We darn mal 6, and wena ekcne Costin») TRO" Wistar wth and checkin a> hk xtc ct me eack fg ~ yl > eo ot Ths we id ech hat oy 2 The wc il 2a = a2 find by sth In uml >a ng ba] > Proceeding in hese trys we find fal election of ramber 0 < hy < hy <= < by < {ne tat a, ~ ey 2 & EE CL p. Tag tks «0 ad tm 0 a Cyr Tooting i the ne way wean fn CP or ay there exists ng such that rary n> ney we ae Gy = Cotte he = hogs they acrling ote ry preset ar wana 9 teat the ctrl an meaty a dail system with the awe space R=, “The vant set A'% ods yma ystems bomen the ran et A> Ursin. th etn (PAA), nd he fatal 1.7. MANE THEOREM AND TARENS DEFINELTON ° tenn ard topolgielentrois ae te sae this amok, we ‘Respupe an ke rg! Gyeamilrtem sel el wih Ue sen Ser kt voy inyertnt fm m hore! cw tN nunce wet Work prac in the presaed fot He EAREER'ow wo eles etl cancion we opel! ete iam caaputrs ae nt fe "Terne pepe te Nees fhe the eration denon or the Lmeason “ftcnso etc) to dete te tant of alien, We sal does {i acer Chase Zero-Dimensional Dynamics ever ate of dynam ete may heen sets ape et ofthe dimension of the phase spce. For exatie elpt of Aynamical sytem in high dzpensonl ave spce ew edison evn exazpes fer dimen retin st wih re let the andard Castor set. The cts py’ portare teh derstanding {he beaver uf esa whe an they he he eter ue stays "The mala tale yeti Aye 2.1 Symbolic Dynamice Sumbolc dynamics « prt the anes thory of daniel syste, where people tly the dynansea ystems gered ty the fy map the spa of seeren a= (wa) hore Rod) (RE. The methods of sybe in he Werks of. Hamad st HM “eyiablic dja” was reduced ty HAL. Arse wt GA. Hedland (Gt [Ml The eoteparney mag ofthe tac Pega with the mers ‘4S. Smue (2005) al, W. Pry {Et [Pa a eae oe [ALS Far ‘compte tater of eyubole dean ce (EM ‘The idea of Une dosepton of observables celts ina phase space ie tome of amine fst wey spl, Stat wth ebseales Assume tht al the vals ofan sherahle = (aver) belong toa Inter! « 2 ae init et Mana rh i deter the ee yey ase to ces tht Oe come ete Ee tepid qenerte te Aya rte, te bi sp 20, you Wy = Want (Chin: e os contin map, In 4) < 8B €< sR 1 ‘Shen the ineqaity eta Imptiesthe exe the Ft coordina dist (eu’,ou") Definition 22.1. ‘The dyna yun (o™S) fal the ane. a coil heme (hi) with two svinbols (i) Realization qt ive wre examples ofthe representation of the dysamiet poten (o™stg ner ala: x Re ‘Astv wns ata above, he eit in the ight and ef ti eal ar reas ce terury expanse of the munbet = Belonging 10 the vere i Gator eC. Every Pa i ek econ Tete henson, wean ely 1 with the star Cantor se Bio. all a 2. ZERO.DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Se, (nodD, the map 2 =r (wed 1), 00 the standard Cast set C- (68) Cytinders, Definition 2.1.2. The set Cais = (WEN 20 fay thet) scaled neolinder str, simpy. a eylinder, (Chey for any calleton (iy) he ander Gg in eons torte ‘oases Taya. oF tbe toad Coster et Moreone, Keto dant exlinrs ob hae ot en om au ths tae ens ie = iy ries ti intie co tare ae puta Cy Taaast ate) = ny 1 F () Main properties (@) Paid points ere dns in Todd eta” — (uu) Be an abirary pola and n 2 Tes ates ieee Then the eit = (lupe onal [ott a the flowing povetics (Wie wperatic otal = i ‘hs in an seiteury meghaeood ofthe pint (0) Te munber of eps poi a 22, APPLICATIONS OF THE BERNOULLI SCHEME 6 (6) The ap a expanse eta! zat Then thor een € 2g, mach Mata = Osim nh fe, Hee ame(orwiere) “The const of expanvenes it (@) Bote and inension that the rer Cane = 2-204, it egal he ber of the epee othe aera Tags By ‘herr. Tan = S288, and Piatt Tooe = gt Behe = 10s pie ose (ad ws ee Bo too this bom) that lade, a C(O) = FG and H(oly) = tee Lat ema ath icin ne ara ir theta ie ‘Scent onthe wight she Oa fh sey Sik occa! es opin tite 29 Applications of the Bernoulli Scheme In Bernal scene (20°) fy al sen cantina a {hoch mepabnienal monte operator. Tere treat spec ‘Satie tothe Berl if ne to ea outs inthe og) ‘hice spaced sequences ny. Somes is noua Job Conse the oliowng wap f2 +2, a, 0SEsh, e o-{ fa, TEE aan (i) Westow that the standard Contr set Cs uric Tadd every pein eC asthe repeentanion tare (hy, seal % «2 RRO-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Funbewore, Ie 2 Tene (0) Bory pint fa whic fa € (fr all € 2 nn Be represented vere 25 Be Be, 7 teria € (1): Tse be proved in te ean wy tf theca ai epe (0) very aque ~ iyi) fe € {0,1} Zi deere w pont sain (22), Shien ire fui] hr way RE Zs. Theat (Faoch pints ay, hres t Use starred Cte (00) Tie ap fe ently sanjgats tthe map Fy» Ory Tein) ~ Go biciothn.) Th prot Ks to hate te ‘eof ope Tree the map fe topolallyeonjvgnte to the Berl shi (as tres tothe op Fy) Example 22.2. Biprnstative cellar sutanste (SA). Inthe press rape we CORTON SEC apy wg Vers of cellar stomata Let ue eonsider a cellar sutomson of «> allel pert pe. a yal ester wit the phase spare ferrin con afbostist-) = (aint @b--), 226) es there ofthis ells automaton ean be writen as follows aeons) eee, BS site j =0,1,2,-5,m€ 2 the dct tine and © sation mo ae ape sae han) ona tion the a Co It) sumer et ponataton 1 “FG (oj) "A dct ecolry of the fring (226) a (227) atthe age (Ce) tae str Cu Cp (Cn) ~ Cia (Cu) = Cr, eg SE 22, APPLICATIONS OF THE BERNOULLI SCHEME 0 si weave 0 cae sir tothe yvonne We pene below that the dyin eytems (ft) ad (2.2) ae topolegically conjgate (Comer the map fy“, determine bythe allowing re {hf fees ean (6 ‘he map cortmuous (i) The map his netoore (oh) = ad) = Mot. Leta = iar. = (hn). Then ow) = ii gee) = eit oi), hel) — Gish), Ma) = OL) ‘rua ie ana g ots tor sdf ew, sleep Clot a, on a elas to fal ncn ad nd gh el Ue sae epider Cf CL, Jp = jf This esas ‘Asm that hd) = ha Tan for ay € yy thee is) € (0,1) so ht! yyy Ther, fr b= O we have WP, Whe Coy. ie. & =i = iO), Fork 1 we be sel = (ot Ot) ail = (Bois 88h) € Coy, HoH =H ost =n; eae = if = fh. Ra k= wn have Pu! = (OHIO (EL gas (jaw) Soa), )ysd flow tha BOR eS Q)beaetyif- Ju Preceding nthe sme wa, we la the af uh) iidn. “Tins the rap one to one "To shor {i}, we fst wot hat Ue foal (228) cn be writen as (ind, ~ (6), o =. tre he i ins ma ora, Tre (ohh = (Mays 2 (On the eter ban oa), = fh). unt the pro of (i is cmplete. From (8, (HD, oft and gt, are efetogaly snug ne hy lle antoten (227) hae the trea ‘ivan the Beno bit prt sates te pope ()— {forthe Bernoulli, audit topceeal entropy equ 2 ‘nie the tect may i very el oon Frans or te mop Je lng to ey or earl, hat Gdn de dd") Unindi Oh Binino Oh Oia O Or, NONEHENOHOL GI) In obber worst posite to Sind a fram for any fxd corte of the egies f Goins but ti rn depends en he ber Rewark 222. Foca more gona! Mpermutatv cellar autonaton of mt Dee) OG coal sree) Osea) ere 2,2 a et) (1) pt do thar cepaing tral ise 8 Bawal it wip gta en pc Ba. ample 22, Nola expense Caner mn wi sono ape. Seca Mt: 4+ [oah 2 T be atmo np eh oh ve doe eens tha Meena tine urs hee ech fore 223) We ce NAS eae i nae 22, APPLICATIONS OF THE BERNOULLI SCHEME oo fi t @ © Fig 288 ects ty Fhe st pla wa rie Ido tf i roger z ‘pe ToU ti Ouhe}. Any att (fe} ey 2 € Ty deters Chains) eM stetowe 87°C 1p oe =a Fae ye Wotan ht arene = Gta) £@y He Sei ag eT sh ha Pay fy Hy Tod at we rt & ‘re tel eae Taran QMO May Became of he cnt > 1 he gto i, te 1 0 ove ke Be tention FF sans ony {2}, Prom the centro, fy € fy Raley, Hlepe zy TD @ eee teeth NG) seme cin tht WB eas lataty eta = Lente “Toners, bth sd Heng Us i wt Hc ay So te Inccie och lier ne’ Cat, abo coin, Teta, {Samay a onsanapie te he tert Goto i Seehof nok eaten i ma ‘Areca cies Ue qtiie map f'2-ax(t~ =), oe Te ttnate PG) = aay Toe et Th Stee ‘mined by the meqathy ax(1~ 2) <1, ae fo = [o}— byt a] 4 — hy the oto [ray > 3, HU te >t ore>24 V5. Hse, a> 2+ V8 thn the map fs 20 2 ‘2: BBRO-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS invsioot Cantor ston which stopp eee 6 the De Remark 2.2.3. In Esample 228 we may replace the asm | > > Thy the wake one tee exists vy > Osh that (=F > 1 Consider i with sym sine) 4 {Oem =D) anc) = 7 ‘Than 67 es comput metic space. We deine thes map = 67 SF lait) = Gln) Definition 2.2.1. (4,07) fail to he eit wwe sym col ebae (i) 2.3 “Twos (@ eta ‘The ated Reel are ot tet to ety Ayman pe tems geerate by aap wich nt oe-toome To ely the ayaa yeas gerate hy bomeonoepisms (ordi biss) peopl te ied symbole eters in roth trl Deven ei "The pha ace oe Us dasa ye te led” Rernoulli Shift 2 (out egy) se (009) i a ‘ies cumple metispace The map, generating the dynamic yt a teak ap 0:0, w= whee neso-one, here, ¢ & cnr i wey (ow = (ou) for So Fat ‘ou, ou we cnet ech cer — 28, “TWO-SIDED* BERNOULLI SHUT o Detiton 23:1, Theda (0.6) ei eos Bona wn ro ao 0) Raneton (Real ttn of he Bera tt te sa po Peta liny yom we pan ig. 23 tw the (sybils the mapas the aang way was sows tei thal = Sey (00 1). Nowe Dew 2s , Bea a we = FF * 30a i) o “2 PDRHUSDDIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Your) ‘So wo have an expansion along te and supepantn o aine Soe a ureto long te yar oeTag 922) Lat R= (tx Ba) til FR» be deed ts flows Kew, AE (onto) es The tap (22) call the babes trsafrmation snc the aesion ofthe ee eins ie sense, to bakers manpstbns 6 omy wily {int Ue slit apo 8) of ietoptogolly conju to the Tks ab Seve mil the coven B12 2 “TWOSIDE? BERNOULE (i Stabe and unstable etn CEES Nbe ens (22.1) mere carly Asa a pots such at see wk = fy for aL 2, the Er = Fyre te the wane toordiate: Moves, anced at) = 3 5, ae dnt (ota jane (otatihgt) 0 oe Wey tatu belongs tothe stable set of a, w/ & Win ond tong thestae et of ua” CW wih spec tothe Repo Sims,” me pos uch fa we 1 wget, forall 12h, then tur = Hes nd lt (o“afsebu") —+ O as 08. We sy tha Se ig, tate wet a, ad « Wi eae et of ‘wae mts ate “pl” tothe yas (long wich we have wesc) a ate ste ae perl tothe saci ang mich We Ive expose) op Ce Chey Co Terie one rus. eine therm Gare (foie the oneal ercnili hit, there ae 281"! (h-€4 1epernic pet shift mpg At The peta ui ee dense nf ‘hey of tne penis mo ‘Example 2.8: “Lins Smale hnstioe map by = (@meRtioses4osyst) bi = {tne R-osesnscyes} D = (ew)iazeeQocys a) = 2ZBRO-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Conder ieceorpim J+ RE ph tht: (0) the mage J(0) ts the fn of henson: so Fg. 23.35 (0) he eis ote ma (63) ~ (9) the wes Do, Dy of Siete {ET bia ocact, ae 3a) @ ® Fig 2a. F (DyUD) theo ofl pits fal taetais beng, 0 Dt Wall dw that 7° ad ofa opty cnet (9) Weverif hatte igen Bp, ak P28): nc flows fea (253) tha the mamenn (Gry) 9 8 cry ekmao tee = een UG) Seu W)bebogstnthelnee =the geen Fa) £4 £1) belmgs to te tne 2 = + ty a, tasks to Ad, SSAUISE tetmmens (Gp 2 43's v4) hes “these (len) ot 23, erwo.smen* RERNOULL siTET o (1) Wererem th to the det rod Ctra in ter ‘Niort int Bele eto he axial the stable et 3 Let Po FDL)ND, Gor (01), Ry= (ea :1S2 M4105 Sah, Wa leu):3-Msesgosyes, Rana LEPa)ODa) = (PYM) fonda 100) (w= Fi, 230), Ragas = (EU W)NDA)N BA) FD) OP Ba) OF (Oe Ciena egos (gh aba) on (OA A 6, were () ties, se ted, 1, Roget CR (a) the sequence Pucker avait, be rh fercommpe 1 (i) eters yey feet and te ens Oak ce U@..)02. as PU(@9) 9.=0) arin "tc equas (42, apres Hence, the oer Fy May € Fea sce Ise sets fr the Cantor st jf forse eget at ats) the the segment $8, — (20) == 2 Beye A alaitctecnsg eee ue 5 =O, Rants a ‘in tn oe pep (40%) = mbes Rae 2h, GPa but, test (34-2) seqpenon can be writen sete et DT Oy Pon ne at Pree fis cs. (235) “Terie, Us et i ldo bean untae set. Nest esr 36) fonn — myo fi ass the peal the table met of Eve ‘eames (a=), larson retain SUI), he Za, we construct the allowing DeOF"Das = De AFD Dig MDy Ooeef*Dey (Big) (9 ayy Dats ) PDaie = FOAL O Dy AF PD ED (a) the marae drag = Dig {Ce p) i ~ 0) ave dna and {e eneth of ele = 0 a8 B08 {e005 254,9= 00) Sf, Dante Eat 0, Pret ‘hea, because of (2, we have # (Bs ssres ean — m 2 onme.nineeNSIONAL DYNAMICS ‘heer, ll to 9 ale Pena o eas) “Tey he sew fer (236) Deter aetna Seda): eve Frio) hn, © erect proto the Salienbareec™ Te has teflon proprtos (0 Wis Favorit de, boca of (28), (287), JSS") = ssn ISNDCS AS, sod bona of (2.48), (288), PMS NS) = Ps ADASIS CSOs @ dan Find, we show tht £.¢ B. Since £ = $*15* we have fE c fd ECS Merona $8. 8 because J(S°7D) CS, Hens Pad sense o 8. Suuly we be fot cE. Ths FE ‘Sine 3 he alanis, ile hat 3 Next wesou that 5 Ifa) € Btbe the ri (5 28)) = [iit © Dyke Z Heme, (off) € Dug forall > 0,8 €(, eink) © Daa sd hp Sy Haya > fe > Was topelong to, 28, (6) © FPL gm FD, = Bey for evry b, 9025 € Fe Tas, BC (6) Weshow that 1 tapolgialy conju oo In fact the ap h 2 + Be dei a6 above for acy veence we Coke tee) 0, Mosaosirn) =P *Dgs Fi lant this ap fs ono toene asd commun at wo then We hive citesa Dy hod Da forsome EZ. Thay we di ia) =F as MG) FPO. Hee is vo oe ad at sf, We ery > 1 He GW) URGA CAL ND nthe Tor) rc, i ns Mm 24 TOPOLOGICAL anova n ey Mt) = Me) fry 389.1 lows ne Hou) =, B_F*Da «Barbero, on eT “Tous is bomeacorpisn which is tpcegalcejugay om of to We: ‘rom the meus (23) anc (234), allows hat van-(35) ot om-(2 5) rich lows ust construe S* aud $n an expt form. Generally te Uri fe map inact constant and we tse" yer coins” (Stow the ect ft stable wtb tt All hatte eo et oomuation fry sine to he peo above 2.4 Topological Markov Chains [cit wes mention above nary oes not ll eybobic ences xe {pond to ert of dame! year: but tree sa sbset of aise cree Arle ey etn quence car har cpt Nes ‘Sthles there neces of drial sens for which be rules expres an elgcrae wey These symbole spters re eal opel Mackov {autres te ye) al capa amore ‘Comer an crete! grap, ey, with owt al Nee ai ‘ng the fling sop Bach vert isthe ed pnt of sre edge and the stating pint of acter (or the sane) lg. Tet werent vein a stad he gs 2 ‘Toe we a fem two eros acurdig to the following a= (0) Ann» mesons, Ay with nny € Nich thet oy ea ‘he manta of edge with te acting pt ya heen pol. (ay An x nemating aD, wens Oy © (0), 1h) 1 mat mtg te ae asimgton: fr any W eh a= (4944), ay ‘Minas one he aging, = ET. Te ay tery that a ae ompnct me sarés Were the the stp, oa = Ws f= hess Cetin map, ad eet on Definition 2.41. The dyoamical system (e".13) is said to be a one- (Bed tepetegiat! Mark sate sth tranttion matey A The Mrnaniea eter" 0) isl to bea two-sided topalgieal Mackow ‘Ghnin with tration matebe 4 Ter the Brno sco ll the eos of the tration matrix are ct ice al eens ne eed Ie fete of Ane eet Uo 2 (or 09) a seed lariat sob ofthe Bern if ith Imnynbole Any rstition of to ced avait bet alld tebe Tpolgkad Mazin eats zea ale sto rte ae some pertack qualities in rigors form ‘Contr he Sond ovo sent nT € 2 fom the teenie (hgbenh) Te ml iy oni to bo aaistin be eines G22 Ca 61, 6 Obviously i ge fo) dminble the ¢'= Ty ga = Hey yda = He Dee by Re tae Proposition 24.1. For n 2 ty y= BATE? wlare B= (lp) fe the mer weve wit al curiae eal one a cy £2 -ERO.DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICS Proof. Donte by AN) te mute of we words oth therm atv tes mond wth te et ete ad he sk ee j Thon MG) = yd BE =F aay. Hence by induction, Mp =p ean whereof? te th etry ofthe matric AY, Further, = Sag ewet ° Corollary 2.1. et Fr be th sunber of mperade oils ofthe sit fra eta (or 2). Ta Dyn teat a AM 42) he Does rete elas ofthe mats A roa An mneioie an igi) corresponds to te ani word fbi fot sak hat the Bt andthe ast eerste te sme. Thao, P, Mbt M he jim 43) In sa to be the topolaea! neoy fU si map (PA). ote that teint (24.3) exits eto ebr ryeen of power o mahi Lat wow ha he Sf (243) cusisent with the df tin ofthe topelogsa eseory i txts fears, We vey his fet for anestedtopelegien! Marv cams (oe two-se ues ewie (Sth iotnaln) Le sera > in harm oth ditaoe tna (in fovt diffe deine the ote topology): ie tpl Noro cain ith tenon mates 8 sce eq”, N > Ty wt fray Dente mer to Oe eable words wy =n cre devme] ofthe lath n+ Aad then cone the care Spon ners 08 = Geel and Cs = Cor (il. Fee nt Ponte 2 Ci and g” Coe thre Je {Oh 1 sh that (onal!) = @-" Thue by ehsing stray abe pn —————__—$§ 24, TOPOLOGICAL MARKOV CHAINS ® eh ens eae of han + we bane deeper Ca thre ty aa (chatted et we ene st of tl a of (reeparnnated pants of temporal enti (se setion 1.6), Therefore, Cee Rete On ie eter hand for ary” ps 22 nthe Sader oe log m4 8 ee hn thet er every © (0.1.01 Ty Samah O forse p20, and three there ew peri pout ofthe fa (dag AE eee bid slain) ECR erron-Frobeniys Theorem: If Ais ox m x m-natrs wih nomex tage ues Ch Th oF © 7 nw eno 2 a poi then ‘A hoe unis ap too tne) eigenen ¢ with pine cord ‘ate and nebo eigemsecor eh nnnegaive coodiatn, Morse, the elgeredue coreg tae spl poste and gre Un te thant vce of alter eigenen ‘ot ean be fund in It) ‘RPE Canin ats Asati the mumpons of he Fear robin Tos, nts igen Neca bo eda meh Saal rt 2 tic rneeNSIONAL DYNAMICS a> Dal Pal>~-2 Bo Froponition 24:3. IFA ie priv sex thn he tpl etry ale ait og gual = ‘Prost, Bee the Porrnrbenians thor, the scala prod (eH e Boo 0. Reqrenam E? inthe fam B" = (Bae +8 where b {esto te ges emresperting 0 ays Anws Nom BANE oe E(BON C+ AB) = [(Bel* +00) were Gy +08 n+ 06. Hen, Eo EAs + By WDA Fi, — © wee prom Dernaen 243, Klos thot the etreny A= Remark 242. 1a general if Pul2 Pal 2-2 Pe hen the tpl enor = ri ‘Example 24.1. Fixe pins of the “voto” ele autarntn Tet ts call nt the pase apr Us GAM! yet Ae ot esa) weet ts) coder ith themed. =F erator J 3 +8 trio by the fing le 08) = san oysfn) 400m) +0500) ‘rier he fed pst fe Arar sites are al confwations so cciagt) such that racy © 2s hoy = Hehe either teat ated pansy Be CE say as 2 Se wae oe the sit map (0%) called the {teuttonnl ama pt). Ts ensy to verify that fr dyin ‘Shinar en vt ways (copy tly f=) onneartos the SIeeE Bast poe, YT uneetand 9 nw to test te psi haste Sl ear dynamical ten We decribe > in terms of toploseal ar cet Fer Ua omer the rap oF 24.3, pa TOPOLOCAL MAaOV OR n ® is a No +1 eae Sie 1 ‘Th corspoting testion mate A= | 9, 10 that [2 an fia re topolapeaty eats Sar lls Se pay ‘obvi, 8 conta fet = ye We sow that econ pete cearey ene Had) la) = 0.9204), Bul tere PEC Wmeh tat wf ff, Boome of (24d), ug Uwg C (12) or ScUuf CE) fer thesel of eestenes ase ako = 1, = 2 Cece ee ersvcker © (i), Le, ony, = +1 acing to the “nition of MG) ed ne = -1 soreding to tat of Ha). We we ‘extradition. Mey 8 2 etwas se wey a oP ther ters of pred pints athe opeleial xtopits one Ce to wey that tne character polyemilofthe tse A is (LAP as dopmies ace 92, 2220 me. 5, y= (iden hear), the topcegeal entropy f= en, al Use ober of peiic = ™ 2 memo sins¥SIONAL DYNAMICS Tn edber word the suber of rerio pnts in the pace of * sem ote ohion? i geotsty dtr ‘Topological transitivity and topological mixing [Detiniton 2.4. 4 casa! stm (fH) md Lo Le topo ‘ally trenton if ther exten crit hich dene nM, a topo Totally mixing ifr any two open pooampty ste, V thee ie pte noe int the tersncton JU 11V 0 EPEY 26 {eis posible to show (es fr ata [KI] hat «dyna ysten topolopealy tee ab nt fra to Nappy pen ets CV (Oke ente a poate np rare JUV 38 Ts, x tpl fubing dja system opel tau Proposition 2.4.4. 1fA isa inition mati then he topolaica Markee Chain (ofl) is topaagelly ming Proof, Unie the aurmglon, lets de mate A ar pent tie for sme no 0, We sw tt the sae tur for A, Ind fe SEN peg. Hom the very eM we KW than every ‘rhiexin the dol pint f come edge f the graph earesponding to ther {Hix A Thin tats tht there ff suc Ut eng 0. Then ef") > 0 for ny pai ij. By induction 8 fle that af? > 0 for ay pai i,j seen > te, a ove ming pry, en fo lngh 9b 18> | shee exite Ap uch tht o C8. O1C. 4D for ty IN No, where Ch ad Cae ie arespening clinics i 94, Be Cae Car la ted C2 Cy las We ow EAE One Tay > Oa iG), > 0 Taecone we may construct an sate perc pio pre 2(2 1-1) whe fee fon 2 =(ahdoonien yond fel acch = Ik Toppy tm mn fry bob duane, we BES ic toning tpl acon nin ith Aye (1,234) ees 13a Wented withthe gratrs ge Pespetively, at Fe ee 7d vegan tothe deve yr te tration Mau A fou)y uy af ose (3) das na carespond to the air 2, Tha ee ED the mb of iatsble words of ee 1 Ts BANET, a he wrA® 2 41 1 CDM = Pe e410) “The ata ition i og 10 O= CRs ery petiodicadmste wnt warsponds to an emer of (2.9) sh cae nonheme of (D, 9) of the fe ge equals By 2.5 ‘Topological Pressure, Hausdurif and Box Dimension epoagal rte fa aunty nich reas the tal nero er awa of eg nin toll Marto cha amare eer x (Surat tater see ort of wonpeel nat (Sit hocuccan ll werd (rent) ave eal weights. The topo SU RONET Tracers tar tae to acount diereres bee SAA pins) i thi dllerce Berend intern of» corinne Fee Runt nad Te owen bronght hie maton to the hooey € “mania tes (See IBS) Fe pein the epdoeealpresure yumaia tex oes tance RE, Tat (fs M) ben Aan pte seal

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