Gaudiel Act1 Ansc1 Bae1-1

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Tint _daudiel SS = a = Oi cee alee Re ce oe zi | e _INTRODUCTION a 7 |______Anima|__seieno. deals _with —4he._biology _ot. domestic animale undev r) A list of basic. tems used inanimal science ir_ptovittedt be lous. &s_yavie assign = ment , define tach tum I EE A| 7£Rem | DEFINITION re Animal Ausbandry. 7 is the avt of working with animale a are__controlling if plyicel Powmig Ge cotoe( 3. Lambing = when all the new) lombe am bovr pn flu farna 3: Gestation =the wae BE get indie _uteruc 4. Coucaption ~ the process vt nee tes nt deualeing 1a plants ome tim ov fevtilitation ov s. | farturition =th_oction esa be Poult -a Smee +-er_othw bivel thet ir ‘kept - _ __| for_-food__ S ae i Plumage = feottmy of 9 bivel . a a §-—|_Heat = typu of » known 9) Becon Types. ja} aluing ~ give birth +0 Ifo gee Keep» |= pyodlecetiow andl secuction pt milk oy Se eee gland - oe es | 2. | Shavting 71S skin frm 4 recurt! Bas tr | fou a a | 4. | Suektin BEG PLO een re oe LS | Foul [fish of chickens rors for fred - = eal jy = Kid = A_yote pet : erie == rte lesbos is = 9 _ yuna sheep rats WK. | bitty s oft spring ol 0m bivth of multipaver t anima! (a: Marc -@ temole hove py pt guia aniveor| oes whi ally motwa prof breeding agp Fe ee DE IRON ee Paces |r Se pera eras tha oer ee a Be |B efleeicorem be Cart c eigen ee nee = uncartrated male hore or a mak hove kept for =e ae breeding ene Es EE 4. nd pig expecially ome which ie newly weaned f = sexually metwe fumes _carabao thet heth’t given PR Neco +z we Tan ada female win as E au af yoviour animals neleteel to fu dameyticate ale ee ta a1 Covccow | Steal wertmne fewal onvabao fret hay Galt . yous femal {9ne rie . Ewe fee of tm cheep especialy whe medmr Buck. 7 wel goat over | yeou ef age. es wiling +o child or _aninal ned colt male ho! lew we ae Pork the Freh ov salted fla of quince vleen dresiec) _ eee RRR Poy et lpia te 9 ee Seiichi oe ee iM Roose = an adult nore domestic chicken. ee Pvt |S capo | ta cartreted male chicken -_ ot | 1g. | Doe ses | temo gott_ovse —Lyser_ot 294 1a Pig = Se gong. ae ine that iS not seruell, ature. | Proven sive = me quot hes nffsprng that aw _olel caough 4o be pvaluated tor “4m finctiona) fords pf tha _breecl Ce |S /6 12 yee DEFINITION 1 —Weths goat __}~ —4_castrected mal : paresis Che yoh_ goat meat oor & i Moraes LA ys HR aa as WJ cs eee 4. Pullet _ oa female _chieKun less than one _yeav ao es Drake ail - an adult male duck, igs Pelt =a usually widresteol skin with its hate , wool , fv 2 colt Tamale hore wecke 3 years of age. = 5. Gelding a castrated nele horte. i a Calf = 4 _Yonme bovine - to Cova bull = 4 Sexual uve uncastrated male carabao : usually kept for breeding. et Me_|_Horgemead ~ flesh of the horse especially for um as tood. “ Uudtew + Sleth pf a matuve sheep Te for food. 1B Venison - > edible flesh pf a deev- os 14. Covabeef > meat of the carobac- >a _eajtrated male swine - E — Filly eae ee a female herp wader 4 years Of age. _ = 41} Impottmoy ——__}>_quallt —nf lacking strength eee ee 1g. Fecuditey >the state of fi tae Sie _| + mole = peat of an animal = go- | Incubation > tectietet: geeuibertig ee as DEFINITION < flesh of an adult domectic bouihe » = flech of a young calf | - 4hu meat of animals thet ave not ually farm. | —_the ability fo _vepro duc abudantly.. ee the _qvalit, or state i ——— Retion amount of feed on animal peeeivas ih _o 24 how prod: 74m condition oF _besaming int aoe . pee veproducing, Yoeuallg thet is. benught ou. by ph ae prnducton of ste howmonet ev EAS Bovicgs > | 2 regularly _yecurven} tate tt analy a os Shae fat is bvow a er Cous-tos 0 yo vars chil — ee wacom otherwtp than by nnering » =“ lo- feifav ft 4 femate bovin, thot hes not had 9 calf. = ue Bullock | -_ yonry ball. 2. | farrewine = Be oa a ic pees eo: te. | kiddin: ~ "et _pf_the birtln'ns pCe yp eget ae (a j falling yous, at f.opu aye hove ov other cqutng = nine! - = 7 cs Oke = 2 Gisterkd bull thet has been trained 1 por Me | eee Hie itn fle siping — ne —fenale_shecp _giue _ x bivth tp lombs Pad \ifica ey “tha ability 0 _ oe sneha ect _ —_ Bova) = mole neg catfveted _be-fone |e | Catttion | = vemoun| of durfictey af a _ynole Guiimerl ____ teod. female animals become __s colt > howe need sfortuvition |- Gig | ~capon _|~meiee |- cot = ewe sree = Plumage —|- Pig ~ Pulleg = bullock [| - get = buck = _venisou - betting _|- Stag 7 drake > Ox ~ filly > doe _ = cougbeet ~ Juoktin, ~ Bowrey | - poultr ~ calvi fooling | - velhe | - beef 4 erecta ae aed TT EK 7 game muod > lambing ae = lambing ~ shew We peo sea aS = ella rne = _ = tecundiiher a seis > Sive bs a ~_incubection % polities, “ Fewti a 7 vation > pvbutiy “stv _ weouting, 7 heat - weet = ceshetion gong. aud - act - of - ging > birth - of - lvectock = species - https + te PUN: Animal Seren. Animal Tums oud hair Pepe usage . (n-d-) - bt tps + belay fe iat 0 a feoconbuall Cove cow. _(n-d-) - Defias ta blps : // wu: cekinipnei, tat | definckioing __ /cowen Coveheifer. (n-d:)- pafmitiony . net + https ~( wwe -defnitivns net definition L ave halqury as Jennife Joven (dole). tohet i 7 wteps ! cor | blogs a whorl “if - kambing a. Beet mevttioww = fea Cove Parvin - Webster - (n.d.| = Gulleck https + [/ tlw merriana -wularher_com/dictioary [ba Berviome ~ Wubstur (nd) » Colve. http 2/f-oww-mernian west onm/ bition! Coles —— Mevvidun - webster. (n-d- jou. https * 10 paerran webster - cow | ——tietiovaey |_tameeption “Merriam “wotestte. (42). hustedion - htt pr //umoes- mttrdun ~tacet tee. 60h Mero ~ webiste .(n-d) . Horemeot nttps > [/ www: merriow = website pot | ie J nove meat dictio aa | lectertion. fterriom - webttin (we). Lite. Wttps + (/ www pemriows = welrtee -com / sitet Ea - Hurridn, - pubrtor. (nd). Hutton - tds > [f wtow . vmerridn ~ wart tom // dictiovney Hotton . perton - weltti » (ad) + parturition. http * dictators i povlueition . round meron “webster Caaf cicfiorees [ plumage Merrion: - webrten » (ud:)- Peking ipl oo meine“ niet ee diotenans { a a0 fe herria = weber: (aid) Veal. hittpe* (1 wwe. mevriow, -wubster . vam /) roe dichionany (weet = — sie

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