CH 14

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2 b Stimulus is this is an externalfactor that

causes the sequenceto start

receptor Sensors in the body that detect

the stimulus

coordinator a
part of the central mucous system
that connects the receptor to theeffectorThe
brain is aware of coordinators activating
because they are in the CNS

effecton us organs that cause the response

like muscles or glands

response the effect of the effectarnike saliva

bing produced

3 as a
voluntary action is ordered by Her brain to
happen an involuntary action happens automaticly
without going Kenough the brain
b breathingsweating

c jumping talking
2 e A D cell
myelin sheath
C b Akon D b dentnitas

b B D insulates the axon

Cts transports the impulses
D D connects the neurone to others andto
3 IS a between meroms where impulses are
transmitter substances
IS a substance that is used to transmit
impulses in synapses
an insulator substance that earns
the atom
IS a short neuron that transmits impulsesin
from bursary Memons to nobler neurons
in the spinal Chanel

41 X
I h
1 as a between neurons
b chemicals that transmit impulses through the dynap
c chemicals that neurotransmitters bind to

2 e stones neurotransmitters
b travelsthrough the synaptic gap and bind tothe
e detect when a neurotransmitter has found to it

d generate energy mended for synapticpransmissian

3 a f increasesnaval activity by stimulating receptors
III decreases navalactivity by blocking receptors
b Amphetamines are excitatory drugs
Heroin is an inhibitory drug
IT herein reducestherelease of neurotransmittersin thepresynapt
neuron this reduces
1 amphetamines stimulate the release of neurotransmitters

a caffeine stops the neurotransmitter that causes sleepguess

from binding
b ecstasy stimulates the dopamine receptors that cons
c Cocaine blocksthe removal of dopamine andstimulates
serotonin receptors
the retina
in S

Suspensory ligaments
Optie nerve
ciliary muscle
teen gland
4 When lightintensityincreases the pupil shrinks to block
too much light from enteringthe eye
when light intensitydecreases the pupil grows to allow
more light in
1 as IT relaxes II pulledtight III is stretchedinto
bypressure inthe thin
a longand
eye ovalshape

b I Contract II slackandloose HI roundshape

to counteract
2 a I Crontract 1 melee damshrieks
b I relax II contract expands
as the rods detect the brightness of
light and causethe
circular and radial musclesto relax on eonotniets

d the control forthe pupil refler happens independentlyfrom

the brain so ifthe brain is asleep thepupilreflex
will still happen

3 there are come and nod cells the nod cells deleet
lightof lowintensity and the comes defeet light of

high intensity The rod cells helpus see in thedark the

cone cells detect different wavelengths for colourvision

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