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UNIT 3 Trade and Exchange- lead to cooperation or exploitation?

1. Work started in class on Monday- page 64-questions 1 and 2-Activity-working with sources.

2. Write a mini essay of 600-700 words on- “To what extent does trade and exchange promote
cooperation or lead to exploitation?” Explain with the help of silk and spice trade, opium
trade and slave trade.


Para 1- Introduction- (what you will discuss in the essay-briefly)

Para 2- Trade and exchange leads to cooperation- is good...explain…give example of silk and
spice trade.

Para 3- Trade and exchange leads to exploitation-is bad…explain…give examples of opium

trade and slave trade.

Para 4- Conclusion- what is your conclusion? Does it depend on the individuals? Time? It is
always good or bad, or can be both? Etc.

Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, trade and interchange brought many benefits to
various countries and individuals, increasing globalization. Many countries and people groups,
such as Africans, were, however, severely disadvantaged. The data I will present in this essay will
show both sides of the debate to reach a logical conclusion and show the consequences of trade
and exchanges on the planet.

Cooperation, mixed culture, and globalization were among the advantages of commerce and
exchange. The silk and spice trade are a great example. Globalization introduced culture to the
14th century, whether through clothing or materials, or through the spice trade itself. The Silk
Road was one of the key reasons for the dissemination of various cultures. It helped with the
spread and interchange of various items, beliefs, religions, and cultures in general, resulting in a
sort of globalization. On the silk road, different civilizations and religions including as Buddhism,
Islam, and Christianity interacted. The trade of a variety of materials, goods, and services caused
the countries to become increasingly connected, and these religions were traded across Asian
empires & they're linked Technology and innovations, as well as knowledge and information,
and languages, were moved from Asia's east to west, resulting in cooperation. Through the use
of trading, growing civilizations, and sharing ideas and beliefs, the world was able to connect,
collaborate, and globalize.
When it comes to the drawbacks of commerce and exchange, it has resulted in a great deal of
exploitation and abuse. The trade of persons forced into slavery, as well as the trafficking of
harmful and highly addictive narcotics like opium, resulted from trade.
Despite the fact that the opium trade brought income to merchants and was used as a pain
reliever, it led to the usage and abuse of opium, causing millions of people to suffer opiate
addiction in China, as well as the fact that opium was expensive, leaving individuals addicted to
drugs while also losing money, wrecking the Chinese economy as well as generating a strained
relationship between China and the United Kingdom, ultimately in war. The slave trade was a
dreadful business. Trade can lead to cultural exchange and collaboration, but it can also lead to
money-hungry groups and people being exploited. Hundreds of millions of tortured slaves were
exploited as a result of the slave trade. Enslaving and owning slaves to sell and trade was
extremely cheap and simple. They were not compensated as much as they should have been for
all of their hard work. Many Africans, both men and women, were affected by this ... even
youngsters, this was because children were easy to command and had a lot of flexibility in their
labor, making them slaves for the rest of their lives. They had no choice but to be exploited and
exchanged as a result.

In conclusion, Trade and exchange ushered in a plethora of varied cultures and cooperative
efforts that improved the globe and the way we see things and products, but it also promoted
abuse and addiction, as well as manipulation into exploitation and servitude in deplorable
conditions. To summarize trade and exploration can be manipulated in both a positive and
negative way, depending on the explorer or merchants (control) they are able to change the
outcome. Furthermore, the time period of which the trade and exploration are significant as the
outcomes may have been different if people were more open minded and sympathetic to
others, as they are today. As well as the amount of development in technology may have
changed the perspectives of some of trades done.

Trade and exchange leads to cooperation- is good, silk and spice trade.

Trade and exchange leads to exploitation-is bad, opium trade and slave trade.

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