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Love marriages are common. Arranged marriages are common.

 People are open-minded and flexible. People are conservative and traditional.

Westerners give preference to the individual. Easterners give more priority to family and elders.

Westerners are relatively freer than people in the An individual’s freedom may be restricted due to
east. his close bonds with family.
People may express their emotions openly and People may express their emotions in a subtle
directly. way.
Women may have a better place in society. Women may be expected to play a traditional
Work hard to achieve goals Employees work hard as needed for their survival

Western philosophy is mainly used in the Western Eastern philosophy is prevalent in Asian
parts of the world, such as in the European countries.
Western philosophy deals with Individualism Eastern Philosophy is related to Collectivism.

Western philosophy is more hands-on. Eastern philosophy takes more of a spiritual

I. I. Identify ten (10) differences between the Western and Eastern Perspectives in
terms of their culture, sociological structure, individual daily living etc. Organize your
answers in a table or a diagram and don't forget to cite your sources following the
APA format. (20 pts.)



Hasa, (2016). Difference Between Eastern and Western Culture,


Franscisco, (2018, May 10). Differences Between Eastern and Western Philosophy. Difference Between
Similar Terms and Objects.

II. In your conceptualization of your "self", do you see it more in line with the Eastern or
Western thought? Or both? Briefly explain.  (10 pts.)

- I’m more on both because I am influenced by the western culture of how I lived my life. I
adapted both lifestyle to my daily living, so I consider myself to have both characteristic of
Eastern and Western culture.

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