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Course Code: HIS 007

Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7

(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

Lesson title: Humanizing Rizal: Experiencing the Materials:

Romantic Side of Jose

Rizal’s First Love PEN PC Modules

Lesson Objectives: References:

After this lesson, I can: Daquila Sonia. Seeds of

Revolution (2009)

1. recognize one’s endearing qualities to inspire others.

Zaide, Gregorio F. and Sonia
M. Zaide (2011). Jose Rizal:
2. Life, Works and Writings of a
Genius Scientist and National

 Segunda Katigbak

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021


Productivity Tip:

Try playing some music while doing the exercises on this module.


1) Introduction (2 mins)
● Good day everyone..How are you today? I hope you will find our lesson very interesting. We
will look into the love life of our national hero.
● I guess everybody has a copy of the activity sheets. Now you check the pages, be sure there
are no missing pieces.
● Start with this simple exercise

● Direction: Enumerate at least 3 women that were romantically linked with Rizal.

1. Josephine Bracken

2. Segunda Katigbak

3. Leonor Valenzuela

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

How well do you know about the women in Rizal’s life? Identify the one being asked in the chart
below. Write your answers on the first column and leave the third column unanswered.

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

Segunda Katigbak Segunda Katigbak

1. Who is said to be the first love
of Rizal?

Nellie Bousted Nellie Bousted

2. A woman who almost got
Antonio Luna and Rizal into a
Josephine Bracken
3. A woman whom Rizal called as
Josephine Bracken “dulce extranjera”

1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)
The women who caught Rizal’s heart:

1. Segunda Katigbak - Segunda was the sister of Mariano Katigbak, Rizal's friend and classmate. She
studied in La Concordia College, where Rizal's sister Olympia also studied. She was the
puppy love of Rizal.

2. Leonor Valenzuela – Leonor or "Orang" was his neighbor when he stayed in Intramuros while studying at
the University of Sto. Tomas.

3. Leonor Rivera – was the daughter of a cousin of Rizal's father, making her Rizal's cousin and his childhood
sweetheart.Their relationship was disapproved by Leonor Rivera’s mother. She later
married her mother’s choice, the Englishman Henry Kipping

4. Consuelo Ortiga y Rey – the daughter of Don Pablo Ortiga (former mayor of Manila) whom Rizal dedicated
his A la Señorita C. O. y R., which became one of his best poems

5. O Sei San (Seiko Usui) – a Japanese samurai’s daughter who worked at the Spanish Legation in Tokyo.
She was 23 years old when she met the 27-year-old Rizal.

Gertrude Beckett – Nicknamed "Gettie" by Rizal, Beckett was the daughter of Charles Beckett, who was

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

Rizal's landlord when he stayed in London, England in May 1888.

7. Nellie Bousted - was the daughter of British businessman Eduardo Boustead and was half-Filipina. She
almost got Antonio Luna and Rizal into a duel.

8. Suzanne Jacoby – a Belgian woman who was the niece of the landladies of the boarding house where Rizal
stayed in Brussels in February 1890.

9. Josephine Bracken – Born in Hong Kong to Irish parents, Josephine was the wife of Rizal; he called her
"dulce extranjera."

The SAMURAI (or bushi) were the warriors of premodern Japan. They later made up the ruling
military class that eventually became the highest ranking social caste in 1603-1867.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

A. Answer in 3-4 sentences each of the following:

For male students:

● What qualities of Rizal do you find in you?

The qualities of Rizal that I found myself is we are both easy to be attracted into someone.

What qualities of Rizal do you think is not anymore “popular” with women of today?

The Qualities of that I think is not anymore popular with the women these days is his height and sickly.

For female students:

● If Rizal is alive and standing before you today, would you fall in love with him? Why?

● Looking at the qualities you have, would Rizal fall in love with you? Why?

B. Does a person need to be in love in order to do positive and good actions? Why?
Somehow yes because the person that you love can change you and you can be a better person
with or without them.
FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

C. Analyze the questions below and answer them.

❖ Valuing Relationship
● How would you characterize Rizal as a lover?
I would characterize him as a lover by he was somehow attractive to girls and he has a good
heart as well.

● How would you relate this with your own characteristics?

I would relate myself to this characteristics since I am not much ugly ang not much handsome but I am
definitely a good person.

● Describe your own way of valuing and loving relationships – may it be family, friendships, special
relationships, country-citizen relationship, and most especially you-and-your-creator relationship. Write
your answer in the frame below.




3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)
This time you go back to activity 1 and complete your chart by writing your answers in column 3 based
on what you know from today’s lesson.

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Let’s walk around your vocabulary!

Instruction: WORDS IN A WORD: Think of words that can be made using the letters from the word
“INSPIRATION.” There are hundreds of words you can generate out of this word. Write as many as you can
(Ex. nation). Enjoy doing! Use the space below for your answer.

Print Nap Pain Sprain

1.0 Sort Paint Sprint

Nation Rats Paints Strain

Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
A. Work Tracker
Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just completed.

B. Think about your Learning

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

“My Learning Tracker”. In this section, you are going to track your learning by accomplishing the chart below.
Write the learning targets, your scores, learning experience for the session and plan for the next session.

Date Learning Target/Topic Scores Action Plan

What module# did you What contributed to the quality of your

What were your
What’s the do? What were the performance today? What will you do next
scores in the
date today? learning targets? What session to maintain your performance or
activities did you do? improve it?

Module 7, my learning I have the motivation to answer modules

9/15/2021 targets is to note and I will maintain it by always having the
important information will of accomplishing my goals


1. Who was really the true love of our foremost national hero?
Possible Answer: While Rizal was romantically involved with several women, it all ended a failed
relationship. Taking Josephine Bracken as his wife does not necessarily mean a sign of true love. On this
note, one can be convinced that Rizal’s true love was his “motherland”

2. How old was Rizal and Leonor Rivera when they became engaged? How was the relationship ended?
Answer: Rizal was 19, and Leonor Rivera was 13. They kept their relationship secret which lasted for 10
years. When Rizal left for Europe he sent letters to Leonor Rivera, but Rivera’s mother bribed the local
postman to intercept all correspondence between Rizal and his girl friend. Rivera got married to an

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

Englishman upon the encouragement of her mother. Rizal was so devastated upon hearing this news.

For personal opinionated responses, rubrics below will be used in checking.

Reminders for Teachers:

1) Collect the accomplished SAS

2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) It is important to remember that students who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions
for health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and
should be given alternative summative tests.

For checking essay questions, teachers will use this rubric:

Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

Features (4) (3) (2) (1)

Written in Written in an Writing has little Writing has no

extraordinary style interesting style style or voice; gives style; no new
Quality of Writing and voice; very and voice; some new information or
informative and somewhat information but voice, and very
well-organized informative and poorly organized poorly organized

Grammar usage Virtually no few spelling, A number of So many spelling,

and Mechanics spelling, punctuation, or spelling, punctuation or
punctuation, or grammatical errors punctuation, or grammatical errors
grammatical errors grammatical errors that interferes with
the meaning

FLM 1.0
Course Code: HIS 007
Student Activity Sheets Lesson #7
(Day 10)

Name: Jose Maria Karl A. Dy Class number: _________________

Section: 1A-A5 Schedule: Monday 8:00-10:00 Date: 9/15/2021

FLM 1.0

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