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SOURCE User Guide

Version 1.0

SOURCE User Guide

Version 2.0
Last Updated: 31st December 2021

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SOURCE User Guide
Version 1.0

Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Accessing SOURCE .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Web Portal ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mobile Application (iOS) .................................................................................................................................... 5
Mobile Application (Android) ............................................................................................................................. 5
Login (First Time) ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Login ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Forgot Password ................................................................................................................................................. 6
SOURCE Features & Pages ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Navigation .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Home Screen ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Dashboard .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Date Picker ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Energy Ratio ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Building Map ................................................................................................................................................ 11
KPI Cards ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Graph ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Carousel Cards ............................................................................................................................................. 15
Devices ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Inverter ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Energy Flow .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Inverter Performance................................................................................................................................... 20
Insights ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Summary of Energy Imported from Grid ..................................................................................................... 23
Overall Performance .................................................................................................................................... 23
Building Benchmark ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Comparison .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Comparison Tool .............................................................................................................................................. 25
Report............................................................................................................................................................... 26
Glossary of terms .................................................................................................................................................. 36

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SOURCE User Guide
Version 1.0

SOURCE is the intelligent cloud-based and AIoT Energy Performance Management that connects your energy
and operations data all in a single platform, turning insights into savings and business intelligence.

Figure 1: SOURCE System Overview

The flow of SOURCE application is to allow the user to monitor the data of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) system
generation with relation to the building energy data, i.e. energy drawn from utility provider. In addition, SOURCE
provides system performance analytics, as well as predictive information on energy consumption with relation
to the energy generated from the PV system.

For Solar PV system visualization, the Solar PV power generated from Solar PV modules is channelled through
to a number(s) of inverter(s) before it is converted into AC signals for building consumption. During the electrical
signal conversion process from DC to AC signal, the inverter(s) will transfer each of the data to a data logger
device and records the generated power. In addition, weather sensor(s) is also integrated as part of the Solar PV
system and is capable of generating weather related data and be transferred to the data logger device.

At the same time, there are separate Digital Power Meter (DPM) device(s) which record the building electrical
energy drawn from the utility provider and consumed by the building equipment.

On the other hand, a microcontroller is commissioned at the building premise that will retrieve both Solar PV
generation and building energy data from inverter data logger and DPM respectively. Once these data are
acquired, the microcontroller will then transfer the collected data to a backend database server, which is a
component of SOURCE, once in every minute.

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Version 1.0

In addition, SOURCE is capable of tracking and providing prompts of the building's Maximum Demand (MD)
status. Since SOURCE is integrated with Solar PV Monitoring functionality, SOURCE is able to track and display
the effects of Solar PV generation towards the building MD, thereby providing additional value to the relevant
stakeholders in managing their MD recording and reporting process.

For a series a glossary items, kindly refer to the appendix page for your information.

Accessing SOURCE
Web Portal

1. Open your internet browser of choice (e. Safari, Chrome, Edge etc)
2. Navigate to:

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Version 1.0

Mobile Application (iOS)

1. Open the App Store

2. Type “Source Navi” in the search bar
3. Click “Get”

Mobile Application (Android)

1. Open the Play Store

2. Type “Source Navi” in the search bar
3. Click “Install”

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Version 1.0

Login (First Time)

1. You will receive an email with your username & a temporary password from noreply@plus-
2. Navigate to the web portal and enter your username & temporary password
3. Enter your new password
4. Your new password will be saved and you can login with your new username & password


1. Enter username given by admin

2. Enter your password. Click on the eye icon to view password as your type
3. Click the Submit button

Forgot Password

1. Click on “Forgot login details in the login page

2. Enter your username/email
3. Click Submit button.
4. You will receive an email with further instructions to set a new password?

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Version 1.0

SOURCE Features & Pages


Label Name Description

• Click on the hamburger icon to open the menu
• Solutions that are you have subscribed to will be displayed
A Main Menu
in the menu
• Click on any item to navigate to the page
B Lot Selector Choose the lot which you wish to view the data for
All notifications will be displayed here. Click on the bell icon to
C Notification Panel
open the notification panel

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Version 1.0

Home Screen

Label Name Description

Shows location & status of lots in a map
A Map Orange – Online
Grey - Offline
Listing of all lots & connection status
B Lot Status Blue – Online
Grey – Offline
Overview of lot connection status. Hover on donut chart to see
C Lot Event
number of online/offline lots
D Grid Connected Total capacity of PV systems installed
Total amount of energy generated monthly by all PV systems
E Monthly Generation
over a year. Click on the arrow buttons to change the year
Total amount of energy generated by all PV systems since first
F Total Generation
PV system installation
Total amount of CO2 not released to the atmosphere due to
G Total CO2 Avoidance
generation of energy via PV systems
Current month savings on energy bill due to energy generated
H Monthly Savings
by all PV systems
Total savings on energy bill due to energy generated by all PV
I Total Savings
Total amount of savings on energy bill due to energy generated
J Monthly Revenue
by all PV systems

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Version 1.0


Label Name Description

Select date to view data from different days or time period in
A Date picker
the dashboard
B Energy Ratio Displays energy generation & consumption ratio
C Building Map Displays installed systems in selected lot
D KPI Cards Displays key energy consumption information
E Graph Shows energy data over time
Displays data related to installation in lot. Click on < or > buttons
F Carousel cards to cycle through different cards. Cards displayed depends on
systems installed on lot

Date Picker

Label Name Description

A Date Displays selected date/date range
Selected date is highlighted in orange. Can click on any date to
B Date List
change the selected date
Use this to select a date range for data display
1. Click on calendar icon
C Calendar
2. Click on pre-selected date range at the bottom or
choose date range manually in calendar

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Version 1.0

Energy Ratio
Type A – Lots with PV systems

Label Name Description

Displays the amount of energy consumed by source
A Energy Consumption Source
(solar/utility) for the lot
Displays total energy generated by the PV systems and the split
B Solar Generation
between energy used by the lot vs energy exported to the grid
Displays the total building energy load and the percentage split
C Total Building Load
of the energy source

Type B – Lots with no PV systems

Displays the total building load and the percentage split of energy usage across each monitored area. Each
“area” is a digital power meter (DPM), with the energy load of an area being the total load of all electrical
devices that it is connected to.

In the example above, each DPM is connected to one main switchboard (MSB) and is showing the energy
usage of devices connected to the respective MSB.

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Version 1.0

Building Map
Type A - Lots with PV systems

Label Name Description

Type of PV installation:
1. NEM: Net Energy Metering
Excess power is exported to the grid and used to offset
A Service Type energy bill at pre-determined rates
2. SELCO: Self-Consumption
Energy generated by solar PV systems can only be used
internally and cannot be exported to the grid
B Solar PV Capacity Displays the installed solar PV capacity in the lot

Type B – Lots with no PV systems

Label Name Description

A Total Devices Total number of connected Digital Power Meters

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Version 1.0

KPI Cards
Maximum Power

Label Name Description

A Solar Maximum Power Highest instantaneous energy generated by the solar panels
B Utility Maximum Power Highest instantaneous energy draw from utility

Peak Demand

Label Name Description

Lowest energy draw during peak hours, where MD charges
A Minimum
Highest energy draw during peak hours, where MD charges
B Maximum

Average Demand

Displays the average energy demand for the month. Calculated by averaging the energy demand from the grid.

This Month Max Demand

Displays the maximum demand for the lot for the selected month. The lower this number, the lower the MD
charges will be. (if applicable)

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Version 1.0

Current Utility Power

Displays the current power draw from the utility

Displays the energy profile of the building throughout the day as default. The graph can be changed into
day/month view by changing the date range in the date picker.

Day View

Month View with Target Solar Yield View

Name Description
A Maximum Demand Period Period at which MD charges apply
B Maximum Demand Maximum demand for the day
C Legend Click on the parameters to display/hide the data in the graph

Target Solar Yield is set on a monthly basis and the daily/yearly target calculated from it.

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Version 1.0

For detailed values of data, hover the mouse on the graph to get detailed values at the point of time.

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Version 1.0

Carousel Cards
Total Imported Energy

Total energy imported from the grid for the stated time period.

Total Exported Energy

Total energy exported to the grid for the stated time period.

Utility Supply

Total utility supply for the stated time period.

Accumulated Yield

Total yield from solar PV systems for the stated time period.

Specific Yield

Ratio between total annual energy produced and the installed solar capacity.

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Version 1.0

Total Savings

Total savings for the stated time period. Savings is derived based on the reduction in energy imported from
grid due to PV systems and the tariff of the lot

Performance Ratio

Ratio of actual energy output compared to theoretical energy output of the PV system

Panel Efficiency

Efficiency of the PV system in converting solar power to electrical energy

Solar Temperature

Current surface temperature of the PV system.

Max Ambient Temperature

Highest recorded ambient temperature for the stated time period


Current solar power reaching each m2 of PV panel.

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Version 1.0

Peak Sun Hours

Total peak sun hours achieved from the Solar PV energy generation for the selected period of time.

Area of Array

Total surface area of PV panels installed

CO2 Avoidance

Amount of CO2 reduction due to usage of PV systems. Calculated based so SEDA rate of CO2 avoidance per
kWh energy

Tree Equivalent

Number of trees required to offset the CO 2 avoided if PV system was not installed. Calculated based on
Malaysian Green Technology Corporation formula (under the purview of Ministry of Energy, Science,
Technology, Environment & Climate Change).

Fossil Fuel Avoidance

Amount of fossil fuel burning avoided by using clean energy generated from the PV system. Unit is toe, which
is short for tonnes of oil equivalent. Calculated based on International Energy Agency where 1 toe =

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Version 1.0

Energy Tariff

Current tariff for imported energy for the selected lot

Tariff Info

Tariff information for the selected lot

MD Trigger Level

Trigger value for notification to user when maximum demand (MD) hits the preset values. There are 3 MD
levels that user can set.

Wind Speed

Displays the current wind speed if it is available from the weather station.

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Version 1.0


Displays the energy consumption for each system monitored by a Digital Power Meter over time.

Label Name Description

A Date Picker Select the date period for data in graph
Hover on the data to show detailed values

B Graph

C Legend Click on the parameters to display/hide the data in the graph

D Statistics Displays statistics for each device monitored

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Version 1.0

Energy Flow

Label Name Description

A Energy generated by solar PV Displays real time energy generated by PV panels
B Energy transferred to building Displays in real time usable energy delivered to building
Energy imported/exported to Displays real time energy imported/exported to the grid
Displays total energy generated for the hour, day, month and
D Statistics
entire lifetime of solar PV

Inverter Performance

Label Name Description

Displays real time data of the inverter

A Inverter Details

Displays total power generated by each set of PV panels connected to a single

B PV panels details maximum power point tracker (MPPT). Clicking on the panel will bring up the

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Version 1.0

Toggles between viewing power/energy data in the inverter details & PV
panel details
C Controls
Toggles the sorting of inverters in ascending order between:
1. Inverter Name
2. Inverter Serial number

Additional details for inverter. Inverter name can be edited via the pencil icon ( ). To chart inverter
performance over time, clicking on the “View Inverter Analysis” will bring you to a new page.

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Version 1.0

Inverter Analysis

There are two types of graphs available, single or multiple inverters. Single Inverter allows users to compare
performance of the various MPPT in a single inverter. Multiple inverter allows comparison between inverters
within the same lot.

Label Name Description

Select between the types of graph to view
A Graph Selection
Select the data to be shown in the graph. For single inverter, you
B Data selection can view 2 different data units (Volts/Amps/kW/kWh) while for
multiple inverters, you can view 1 type of data.
C Select Inverter Select inverter data to be displayed
D Date filter Select the date for data to be displayed.

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Summary of Energy Imported from Grid

Comparison of the energy that will be imported from the grid with & without solar PV systems installed over
the past 6 months

Overall Performance

Overview of key building energy efficiency ratios, with 100% the optimum value for building energy efficiency.
Clicking on Load Factor/ Performance Ratio / Power Factor will bring up detailed charts for the selected
parameter shown below.

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Building Benchmark
Compare the performance of your building and PV systems vs historical data.

Label Name Description

The selected parameter for comparison will be highlighted in
A Comparison benchmark
orange. Click on the parameters to change selected parameter
Chose a range of months to compare. The maximum range is 6
B Date Picker


Tool used to compare custom parameters to utility intake/building load. An example would be to compare
your revenue with the building load over time to see how effective you are using the energy to generate

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Version 1.0

Comparison Tool
Detailed comparison of the performance 2 lots during the same period or the same lot at different times

Label Name Description

A Lot Selection Choose the lot to be compared
B Date Picker Choose the date/date range for the data to be compared
• Choose between comparing the entire lot or by device
C Legend • Click on the parameters to show/hide the values on the

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Version 1.0

Allows users to download energy data in excel format.

1. Select Data Type

2. Choose Date Range
3. Click Download

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Version 1.0

Revenue Billing

Module to automatically generate invoices based on electricity generated by Solar PV system to third parties.
The billing module requires 4 basic components to make it work, namely:

1. Debtors
2. Creditors
3. Lots
4. Meters

Lots refer to a physical location which consist of a PV system. In a lot, you would find a meter, which records
the total electricity generated by the Solar PV system for lot. It is from this meter that the amount of electricity
to be charged will be known. This leads us to the creditor, who is the person/entity that is generating the
invoice and billing another person/entity (debtor).

Set Up
List of Debtor, Creditors, Lots & Meters

Label Name Description

A Menu Select between viewing debtors, creditor, lots or creditor
Search for debtors/lots or creditor based on the page you are
B Search
currently at
Table of debtors, lots & Table listing down all debtors, creditors, lots or meters based on
creditors the page you are at
Used to edit/delete debtors. For lots & creditors, you can only
D Actions Menu edit them. You are also unable to edit your own profile here,
only via the profile page.

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Edit Debtor

Label Name Description

Store basic info of debtor which will be automatically input into
A Debtor Profile
invoice when invoice is generated (if template requires it)
Meters assigned here will have their meter readings read and
used to generate the invoice.

To add meters:
1. Click on “Assign more Lots”
B Linked Meters 2. Select a lot
3. Select meter/meters to be added linked

Note that 1 meter can only be linked to 1 debtor. Should a user

link a meter to another debtor, the link with the previous debtor
will be broken.
Settings for automating invoice generation. Currently only
C Automated Billing
supports monthly billing

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PV Template: Select the template to be used

Billing Cycle: Select the date that the invoice will be generated.
01 = invoice generated every 1st of the month. To turn off, select
“Off”. Note that there is no option for 29th-31st as not all
months have these dates

Recipient’s Email: Emails listed in here will automatically be

listed as recipients when invoice is sent. Invalid emails will show
up as a red box instead of a green box.

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Version 1.0

Edit Lots

Label Name Description

A Lot Profile Name, address and lot image for reference
Information about the PV system capacity, meter and meter
B PV Info
reading (read only)
C Target Solar Yield Set generation targets for your lot on a monthly basis

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Edit Creditors

Edit creditor name and address, which will be used to automatically populate invoices when generated (if
template requires it)

Edit Meters

Label Name Description

The name of the meter for reference. This name will be
A Meter
displayed in the invoice should template have it
Tariff/kWh used by the meter. Choose from TNB tariffs or enter
B Tariff a custom tariff in RM & up to 4 decimals. The tariff will be used
for this meter to calculate the invoice amount

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Invoice Table

Label Name Description

Manually generate an invoice by selecting debtor, date &
A Create Invoice
B Date Picker Filter through the invoices based on month generated
List of invoices that have been generated and some basic
C Invoice Table
There are 2 types of invoice status, “Draft” and “Issued”. Draft
invoices are invoices that have been generated but not sent.
D Invoice Status
Draft invoices can still be edited. Issued invoices are invoices
that have been sent out and are no longer editable.
Allows user to review an invoice, download it to excel/pdf
E Actions Menu
format or delete an invoice

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Invoice Review

Your company may have a different invoice template based on your company’s needs.

Label Name Description

A Export PDF Export the current invoice to PDF
Send this invoice to recipients via email. Default recipients will
B Send Invoice be listed and user can add/remove emails if needed before
Edit the details of the invoice before sending. Fields that are
C Edit editable will be highlighted. This button will not be there if the
invoice has been issued to prevent tampering.
Saves the invoice as a draft if any edits were made. This button
D Draft will not be there if the invoice has been issued to prevent
Data displayed here will be dependent on the template used.
Data displayed here will be taken from values set in Debtor,
E Invoice Area Creditor, Lots & Meter settings.
For electric meter readings, units are taken by reading the first
& last meter reading for the bill cycle

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SOURCE User Guide
Version 1.0

User Management

Tools for company administrator to be able to manage who has access to SOURCE & which resources they
have access to.


Label Name Description

A Create User Create access for a new user to the dashboard
Displays list of users that have access to the dashboard and their
B User Table
C Search Bar Quickly search for users using the search bar
D Action Edit or delete a user via the actions menu

Creating/Editing a User

Label Name Description

Input user’s name, company, email & role. Email will be used as
A User Details username for login. Newly created users will have their welcome
email sent to the email in this field
Displays which pages this user can access based on the role
B Page Access
selected in “User Details”. Editing access is via role page
Displays which lots’ data this user can view based on the role
C Action
selected in “User Details”. Editing access is via role page

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Label Name Description

A Create Role Create a new role
B Role Table Displays list of roles created and summary of their access
C Action Edit or delete a role via the actions menu

Creating/Editing a Role

Label Name Description

Select role type & input role name. There are 2 role types –
A Role Details
Admin & Staff. Admins can manage users while staff cannot
Edit which pages this role has permission to view. Tick means
B Page Access
role has access
Edit lots that this role has access to via the lot selection drop
C Lot Access

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Glossary of terms & formulas


Building Load – Power consumed by the building, measured in kilowatt (kW)

Creditor – Person/Entity that is issuing the invoice

Debtor – Person/Entity that is receiving the invoice

Irradiance – Solar power received by solar PV per m2

Load Factor - An expression of how much energy was used in a time period, versus how much energy would
have been used, if the power had been left on during a period of peak demand

Lot – Refers to a location/site or building

Maximum Demand (MD) – It is the highest level of electrical demand monitored in a particular period usually
for a month period. Maximum Demand for any month shall be deemed to be twice the largest number of
kilowatt-hours (kWh) supplied during any consecutive thirty minutes in that month. MD is measured in
kilowatt (kW)

Peak Sun Hours - Solar insolation which a particular location would receive if the sun were shining at its
maximum value for a certain number of hours.

Performance Ratio - a measure of the quality of a PV plant that is independent of location. It is stated as
percent and describes the relationship between the actual and theoretical energy outputs of the PV plant. It
thus shows the proportion of the energy that is actually available for export to the grid after deduction of
energy loss (e.g. due to thermal losses and conduction losses) and of energy consumption for operation.

Power Factor - The ratio of the real power that is used to do work and the apparent power that is supplied to
the circuit

Solar Active Power - Amount of power generated by solar PV system

Target Solar Yield – User set target energy production for the PV system. Targets are set on monthly basis,
with daily & yearly target calculated from it.

Theoretical Maximum Yield – Calculated power that should be generated by the solar PV in ideal conditions
based on irradiance, PV efficiency & area of PV

Utility Intake – Energy imported from or exported to the grid. When positive, energy is imported from grid.
When negative, energy is being exported to grid

Environmental Impact Formula

CO2 Avoidance – 0.585 tCO2/ MWh (Source: SEDA - CO2 Avoidance – SEDA Malaysia)

Tree Equivalent – 1 tons of CO2 = 25 trees (Source: MGTC - Carbon Calculator (

Fossil Fuel Avoidance – 1 ton of oil equivalent (toe) = 11,630kWh (Source: IEA - Unit converter – Analysis - IEA)

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