SITXWHS003 - Implement and Monitor Work Health and Safety Practices

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Assessment Summary Sheet

Final Record Sheet

Student Name
Student ID:
Trainer Name
Qualification Name Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Qualification Code: SIT40516
School/Department Culinary Art School
Term: One Date
Unit Code: SITXWHS003
Unit Title Implement and monitor work health and safety
Final Result
Critical Assessment Task (s) Satisfactory (S)/ Assessor
Not Yet Satisfactory Initial
CAT 1: Written Questions S NYS
CAT 3: Project S NYS
Student Declaration:
I confirm that all evidence submitted by me for assessment is the product of my own work (unless otherwise stated) and contains
no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is given in the text. I kept a copy of my
work in case Skilled Up require me to re-produced. My trainer/assessor provided me constructive feedback, where I need to
improve and
discuss my strengths as well, which will help me to improve my knowledge, skill and attitude.
Student Signature (after feedback): Date:

Assessor Feedback:

Unit of Competency Outcome (final result) Competent Not Yet Competent

Resubmission Require if NYC
Assessor Provide the comments here:

New submission Date:

Assessor’s Declaration:
I confirm that the above – named candidate has satisfied all requirement of the unit of competency. I collected the evidence
according to the rule of evidence and made decision on the bases of the requirements. I have informed that candidate of the
assessment decision outcome and provided the constructive feedback.
Assessor Name: Signed Date:

Assessor Signature:

Resubmission Sheet
Resubmission 1:
Re-Submission Date
Assessor’s Declaration:
I confirm that the above – named candidate has satisfied all requirement of the unit of competency. I collected the evidence
according to the rule of evidence and made decision on the bases of the requirements. I have informed that candidate of the
assessment decision outcome and provided the constructive feedback.
Unit of Competency Outcome (final result) Competent Not Yet Competent
Resubmission Require if NYC

Assessor P rovi d e t he com me nts

he H S003

Implement an d N ew submission


Resubmission Sheet

work m onitor
Resubmissio n 2:

safety practices
Assessor’s Declaration:
Re - Submission Date:

Note: h e a lt h a n d
No further
I confirm resubmission
that the above
unit of competency
– nam allows
ed c after
da (2)
te re-submission.
h as s a t i s Student
fied a may
ll r e qneeduto
i r ere-do the
m e n t of thewhole

Office Use Only:

Result recorded by Admin Staff in Yes No
Vettrak Date of recording:

Student assessment workbook

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |  2
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Intellectual Property of Skilled Up

Skilled Up endeavours to produce high quality learning materials and every effort has been
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were deemed correct and appropriate at the time of printing. In the case that information is
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2020 Skilled Up
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59 – 61 Curzon Street North
Melbourne VIC 3051 Phone:
03-8608 9901
Competency Record Summary Sheet
Student’s Name: Student’s ID:

Date of
Assessor’s Name:

Unit of Competency: SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and

safety practices
Student Results
Assessments Satisfactory
Not Completed
Assessment 1: Knowledge Test □ □ □
Assessment 2: Skills demonstration 1 □ □ □
Assessment 2: Skills demonstration 2 □ □ □
Assessment 2: Skills demonstration 3 □ □ □
Assessment 3: Written Test □ □ □


Unit Outcome:  Competent  Not Yet Competent

Is re-assessment required:
 Yes  No

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Student’s Signature: Date:

Supplementary Assessment (If applicable)

Assessment/comments Date Assessor Name Satisfactorily
completed Completed
Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Unit Outcome:  Competent  Not Yet Competent

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess you underpinning knowledge to complete the tasks
outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and relating to the
following aspects:

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
 primary components of relevant state or territory OHS or WHS legislation:
o actions that must be taken for legal compliance
o employer responsibilities to provide a safe workplace
o requirement to consult, and acceptable consultation mechanisms
o requirements for the use of WHS representatives and committees, and their roles and responsibilities
o requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and acceptable mechanisms
o requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping mechanisms
o requirement to provide information and training
o employee responsibilities to ensure safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace
o employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices
o ramifications of failure to observe OHS or WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures
specific organisation:
o full content of WHS policies and procedures; and consultation, hazard identification, risk assessment
and reporting documents
o methods used for WHS consultation, hazard identification and risk assessment
o options for the provision of training:
 coaching or mentoring in safe work practices
 formal training programs in safe work practices
o hazard identification, risk assessment and control
o WHS policy and procedure induction
o WHS representative or committee
o provision of information, fact sheets and signage to ensure safe work practices
WHS information:
o consultative arrangements for WHS
o employee roles and responsibilities in WHS management practices
o legal obligations and ramifications of failure to comply
o location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan
o WHS training information and updates
o policies:
 overall approach of organisation to WHS
 participation of personnel in WHS management practices
 responsibilities of employees to ensure safety
o procedures
o specific risk control measures relevant to the workplace
o specific regulations and codes of practice
o use of:
 hazard identification reporting documents
 risk assessment template documents
consultative processes:
o a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report issues of concern
o fact sheets to fully inform personnel about WHS rights and responsibilities
o formal WHS representatives and committees
o formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
o informal meetings with notes
o WHS discussions with employees during the course of each business day
o recording issues in a management diary
o regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions
o seeking staff suggestions for content of WHS policies and procedures
o special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address WHS issues
o staff handbook containing WHS information
o surveys or questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues
time requirements for hazard identification:
o when changes to the workplace are implemented:
 before the premises are used for the first time
 before and during the installation or alteration of any plant
 before changes to work practices are introduced
o when any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available
required WHS records and reports:
o consultation
o hazard identification
o incident and accident notifications to WHS regulatory authorities
o incident or accident, near miss reports and related statistics
o monitoring reports and recommendations for change:
 agendas for and minutes of meetings
 committee members
 consultation decisions and follow-up actions
 consultation processes
 diaries of meetings
 WHS information provided to personnel
 risk controls
 safe work practices
o risk assessments
o risk control actions
o training action plans
o training undertaken.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Theory assessment at: 59-61, Curzon street, North Melbourne
Practical assessment in the kitchen at: 398 Lonsdale Street,
Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
You are required to address each question in this assessment.
Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks

The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals
were explained to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I
have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of
this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /
Assessment Cover Sheet:
Student Details
Student Name:
Student ID:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of competency: SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and safety
Assessment task: 1. Written questions

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor Signature:
Assessor Name:
Comments/ Feedback:

Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work
has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare
that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed and
Google check for plagiarism Yes No
accepted my result as above for this task and I
Check for Copying/Collusion Yes No am aware of my appeal rights.
Check for Authenticity(own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature:......................................................... Signature:..................................................
Date:................................................................. Date:..........................................................
SITHCCC001 – Use food preparation equipment
Your task:
Answer the following questions. All questions must be addressed to demonstrate

Answer the following questions below. All questions must be answered.

Question 1
Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or
undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them.
1. Identifying hazards

2. Accessing risks

3. Deciding on measures to eliminate or minimise those risks



 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 2
List 4 ways you can provide staff with workplace health and safety information.
1. All employee opinions and suggestions are taken into consideration.
2. Confidentiality is maintained when employees express themselves, for instance, by using idea boxes
and other tools to prevent discrimination against those who do so.
3. Quickly inform employees of the results of any consultations.
4. Employees are given the chance to participate and voice their opinions on matters affecting their
health and safety.
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
Trainer’s comment:

Question 3
An emergency evacuation plan is one example of a WHS procedure which helps to keep people
safe. List 4 others relevant to your industry.
1. Reporting of incidents

2. Training plan

3. Plan to manage the hazard

4. First Aid Kit

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 4
List 2 methods of monitoring that staff are following WHS procedures.
1. Hazard Identification

2. Consultation documentation

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 5
List 5 types of document that would act as evidence of your company’s compliance with WHS
1. Risk assessment form
2. Hazard reports

3. Standard operating procedures in a workplace

4. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDs)

5. Induction acknowledgement forms

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 6
List 4 possible steps you could take if you observed a staff member not complying with your
company’s WHS practices, or a hazard control measure was not working properly.
1. If this is happening, immediately report it to the supervisor

2. Pause the staff member from working

3. Instruct the worker on how to work properly

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 7
List 5 WHS issues or potential hazards you need to monitor in your department/industry on a
daily basis.
1. Falling objects or falls

2. Hazards related to fire

3. Hazards related to chemicals

4. Electrical hazards

5. Repetitive motion injury

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 8
List 3 matters you might discuss as part of making consultation arrangements.
1. Gathering the relative information

2. Identifying the departments that are involved

3. The duty of the one who employs to consult

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 9
Name 3 methods you can use to provide staff members the opportunity to contribute their
views on WHS issues.
1. By conducting WHS consultation meetings

2. By making the staff members feel involved in workplace activities

3. By daily pre start meetings

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 10
If you cannot resolve a staff member’s WHS issue or control a hazard yourself, name 3 people
you might refer the issue to in order to find a resolution.
If I cannot resolve a staff member’s WHS issue or contol a hazard myself, then 3 people that I might
refer the issue in order to find a solution are:
Health and safety representative
WHS committee

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 11
A staff member has raised WHS issues in the workplace which now have been
resolved. Why is it important to communicate the result back the staff member who raised it?
The staff member who highlighted the issue needs to be informed of the solution so that he or she is
aware that the problem has been resolved. Additionally, he must be aware of the approach taken to
resolve the problems so that, should they recur, he can address them. This will also stop the errors or
accidents that may happen in the future.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 12
Safe Work Australia’s Code of Practice “How to manage work health and safety risks” lists the
instances when risk management must occur and hazard controls must be used.
List 5 instances when this needs to occur in an organisation
1. Starting a new business or purchasing a business

2. Changing work practices, procedures or the work environment

3. purchasing new or used equipments or using new substances

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
4. planning to improve productivity or reduce costs

5. new information about workplace risks becomes available

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 13
List 4 different types of WHS training methods.
1. Formal or informal training programs

2. Coaching or mentoring

3. Health and safety induction training

4. Risk management and assessment training

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 14
Give 2 examples of when you must provide WHS training to your staff.
1. To determine whether the training enhances staff capabilities

2. To determine whether the training programme needs to be improved or not

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
Question 15
Give 4 examples of training you might organise with a specialist WHS training provider.
1. Incident investigation training

2. WHS committee training

3. Ergonomic assessment training

4. Due diligence training

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 16:
Give 3 reasons you should monitor the effectiveness of training programs?
1. By assessing training efficacy, a shared language is established.

2. You can direct training by assessing its effectiveness.

3. Evaluation of training efficacy can assist in detecting issues

4. Assessment of training efficacy links initiative to outcomes.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 17
Where should Safety Data Sheets (SDS) be kept?
SDSs might be kept in print or electronic form. SDSs must be kept somewhere that all employees can
access them during business hours (not beside a locked room or on a password-protected device to
which they do not have the access to). SDSs need to be kept nearby the workspace (not far away or in
another building).
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
Question 18
List 5 pieces of information you can find on an SDS.
1. Contact details

2. Composition or information on ingredients

3. First aid measures

4. Product name

5. Properties that is there in the chemical

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 19
What information can you get from a completed risk assessment document?
The information that we get from a completed risk assessment documents is
 Idnetify the risks that is associated with the hazard
 Control measures that are implemented
 Review and monitoring of all hazards
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
Trainer’s comment:

Question 20
List 4 pieces of information that should be recorded as a training record for a staff member who
has undertaken WHS training.
1. Individuals that administered the training and their qualifications

2. The type of the training

3. Time and venue of the training

4. If there was competency in the training or not

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |  16
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
Trainer’s comment:

Question 21: How can you minimise the environmental impacts of storing documents and files?
We can minimise the environmental impacts of storing documents and files by:
 Cloud storage: Along with the benefits to the environment, the accessibility of all paperwork results in space
savings, cost savings for printing and storage, and sometimes even time savings because information needs can be
quickly discovered.
 Going paperless: In addition to moving paperwork to the cloud, it is possible to think about if meeting notes can be
taken digitally, whether superfluous printing or photocopying occurs, and whether internal papers may be
exchanged without having physical copies produced of them.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 22
Under the WHS legislation, what is an employer’s duty of care in relation to providing a safe
The primary duty of an employer is to ensure workplace safety and that no one who works or visits
the location is exposed to risks or injured on the job. For instance, the employer is required to:
guarantee that work areas, equipment, and machinery are maintained in a safe state.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 23
If a business chooses to have direct, regular contact between employer and employees instead
of appointing a WHS Committee or appoint WHS Representatives, have they failed to meet the
requirements of the WHS act? Why/Why not?

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
No, they have not failed to comply with the WHS Act's requirements because it is possible for a
company to have direct contact between an employee and an employer, in which case the employer
may speak with the employees directly about the WHS policies rather than appointing a WHS
committee or a WHS representative. Small businesses won't have enough money to hire a separate
WHS representative.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 24
If a WHS Committee raises a WHS issue with an employer, and the employer does not consider
the issue in a timely fashion, has the employer failed to meet their legal requirements?
Why/Why not?
If an employer raises a WHS issue and the employer does not address it in a timely manner, the
employer has violated the law. This is so that employers can ensure the security of their employees'
health and safety. Anybody could get hurt if they do not solve the problem in a timely manner, which
would indicate they are not abiding by the law.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Question 26
Question no. 25

List two penalities a judge may impose on you if you fail to meet your duties under the WHS act.

What is the role of a WHS Committee?

Two penalties a judge may impose if we fail to meet our duties under the WHS Act are:

An effective forum for discussion of work health and safety matters is a workplace health and safety committee. People
in charge of a business or activity and worker representatives can collaborate to design policies and procedures to
improve work health and safety outcomes by meeting regularly on a committee.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Checklist for Assessment 1 – Written questions

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Unit of Competency: SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety
Has the candidate satisfied the following Satisfactory Response

1. Yes No 2. Yes No 3. Yes No

4. Yes No 5. Yes No 6. Yes No

7. Yes No 8. Yes No 9. Yes No

10. Yes No 11. Yes No 12. Yes No
13. Yes No 14. Yes No 15. Yes No
16. Yes No 17. Yes No 18. Yes No
19. Yes No 20. Yes No 21. Yes No
22. Yes No 23. Yes No 24. Yes No

25. Yes No 26. Yes No

Did the candidate’s overall performance meet the standard? Yes No


Student’s overall  Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

performance is:

Is re-assessment  Yes  No

Student Signature Date:

Assessor Signature Date:

Assessment Cover Sheet:

Student Details
 Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 | 20
SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Student Name:
Student ID:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of competency: SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and safety
Assessment task: 2. Multiple choice

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor Signature:
Assessor Name:
Comments/ Feedback:

Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work
has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare
that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed and
Google check for plagiarism Yes No
accepted my result as above for this task and I
Check for Copying/Collusion Yes No am aware of my appeal rights.
Check for Authenticity(own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature:......................................................... Signature:..................................................
Date:................................................................. Date:..........................................................

Assessment: Multiple choice

SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Instructions to the Assessor
This consists of 32 multiple choice questions. All questions must be answered to be deemed
satisfactory. Your trainer will inform you when this is to be held and will hand out the questions on
the day.

You will be allowed 1.5 hours for completion of this test. Your trainer will mark the test using model

Note: Test paper will be handed out on the day.

Recording the result:

Assessors are required to read the student’s assessment and identify if the learner has successfully
completed the task by circling either “Yes” or “No” with a red pen on the record sheet for each
assessment task. If the student has not completed an assessment task satisfactorily, the assessor
should identify the error with a red pen. Feedback must be provided after assessments have been

The assessment record sheet is included. A separate sheet must be completed for each student.

Because of the nature of these questions and the large variances of circumstances within the
hospitality industry, answers may vary widely depending on the experience and perspective of the
student or grasp of the English language.

Some answers will have an exact answer particularly those requiring mathematical calculations,
while for other questions or activities there may be many possible correct answers depending on
the choice or scenario the student has chosen. Skilled Up have tried to get as many of the possible
answers you will receive but it should be understood that these answers only form a guide to
competence. Assessors must use their professional judgement based on industry knowledge and
experience when correcting the assessments.

How this assessment is conducted:

1. This test will be conducted closed book in the Skilled Up classrooms.
2. All questions must be answered correctly for the student to be deemed satisfactory for this
assessment. Students must bring a pen to class to conduct this assessment.
3. If a student is caught copying from another student you will automatically deem the student
not satisfactory and they may have to repeat the assessment at another time as per Skilled
Up’s plagiarism and Assessment Dishonesty Policy and Procedure.
4. Upon completion the trainer must mark each test and provide feedback with each student
regarding the answers they have written
Assessment 2: Multiple choice
Quiz SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

1. True or False
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to the WHS framework are true or false:

1. The TH&E industry have a very low workplace injury rate. F
2. WHS processes and policies have a negative financial impact on a business. F
3. WHS processes assist in reducing the numbers of workplace injuries. T
4. Businesses have a duty of care for their staff. T
5. Regulations exist on a federal and state level to provide a consistent set of WHS T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

2. Tick the correct answer/s

Which of the following are examples of staff which are protected through an employer’s duty of
care outlined in the WHS laws?

1. Operational workers only.

2. All workers that are engaged by the business. 
3. All workers who are directed by a supervisor of the business. 
4. Supervisory workers only.
5. Only workers undertaking dangerous tasks.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

3. True or False

What is meant by “primary duty of Care”? What would this require?

The primary duty of care requires duty holders to ensure health and safety, so T
far as is reasonably practicable, by eliminating risks through health and safety.
If this is not possible, risks must be minimised so far as is reasonably
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

4. Tick the correct answer/s

Which of the following are WHS obligations of workers?

1. Follow all instructions regardless of safety 

2. Follow reasonable instructions to comply with WHS laws 
3. Refuse to do work you don’t enjoy
4. Cooperate with reasonable policies for WHS

5. Look after your own safety regardless of the safety of others

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

5. True or False

The following statements in regard to a business’ WHS obligations are:

1. TH&E businesses must form a WHS committee to deal with WHS laws. T
2. TH&E businesses must provide clear WHS objectives. T
3. TH&E businesses must request involvement of WHS bodies such as WorkCover T
as much as possible.
4. Poor wording of company WHS policies is not allowed. T
5. Best practices involve command and control rules to implement WHS in the F
6. A business must consult workers when identifying hazards. T
7. A business must allow workers to contribute to decision making in WHS T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
6. Multiple True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS policies and SOPs are true or false:

1. Severe penalties can be applied to individuals and businesses that breach WHS T
2. Businesses must provide clear WHS policies and procedures. T
3. Business policies may address alcohol, drugs and bomb threats. T
4. Businesses have an obligation to conduct regular breath tests and schedule F
collection of urine samples to identify drug use by workers.
5. SOPs are an effective way of supporting WHS policies in the workplace. T
6. An SOP should be developed for jobs that require a high level of skill. F

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

7. True or False

The following statements in regard to management’s WHS responsibilities are:

1. As Manager it is your responsibility to have knowledge on the relevant WHS T
legislation and issues in your workplace.
2. Managers are responsible for communicating WHS information to employees, T
colleagues and superiors.
3. Effective communication of WHS policies and codes of practice is only T
important to managers.
4. WHS documentation should be kept in an accessible location close to the area T
of operation.
5. Employees who do not speak English, or who have other difficulties with T
communication must find their own way to interpret WHS information.
6. When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimise T
the use of printed materials.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
8. Tick the correct answer/s

Which of the following are examples of WHS documentation that should be readily accessible?

1. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) folders 

2. Warning signs 
3. Company advertising material 
4. Easy to understand, visual safety instructions 
5. Emergency evacuation procedures 
6. Motivational posters 
7. First Aid policy 
8. Hazard identification and risk assessment documents 

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

9. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS training and records are true or

1. Businesses have a duty to conduct regular training to ensure safe operations. T
2. Refresher training for WHS needs should be conducted every two years. T
3. WHS requirements should feature on business meetings agenda to ensure T
workers welfare.
4. WHS policies must be explained to new workers within a fortnight of starting in T
the business.
5. Risk assessment is necessary and results must be filed in risk assessment T
register documents.
6. Lists of plant and equipment must include maintenance and inspection T
7. Hazardous substances should be recorded in an inventory. T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
10. Tick the correct answer/s

Which of the following information must be included in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?

1. How to dispose of the container 

2. Product name 
3. Correct storage conditions
4. Flammability 
5. Potential hazards 
6. Use by date 
7. First Aid measures 

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

11. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS consultation are true or false:

1. Businesses have a duty to engage consultants for WHS purposes. T
2. Consultation about WHS can increase productivity. T
3. Consultation has to include the adequacy of facilities and workers welfare. T
4. WHS committees or workers’ representatives are often part of a consultative T
WHS process.
5. WHS committees are used to force employers into WHS compliance. F

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

12. Tick the correct answer/s

Which of the following are times when consultation must occur?

1. When identifying hazards and assessing risks to health and safety. 

2. When identifying areas of efficiency to improve business performance.
3. When making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimise risks. 
4. When making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of workers. 
5. When proposing changes that may affect the health or safety of workers. 
6. When making decisions about suppliers, and the goods and service they provide.
7. When making decisions about the procedures for monitoring the health of workers. 

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

13. Tick the correct answer/s

Select the examples of required employer provisions for a WHS committee:

1. Provide access to premises after work hours for meetings 

2. Provide necessary facilities 

3. Schedule annual meetings to implement WHS policies

4. Provide overtime payment for WHS meetings
5. Provide translation of documentation for non-English speaking workers

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

14. Multiple True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS planning are true or false:

1. Systematic approaches should be used to define WHS roles and duties. T

2. Competent employees assist in minimising risks and must follow processes as T

part of their responsibilities.
3. Injury prevention planning must be done after a serious accident has occurred. F

4. Managers have to monitor staff in WHS matters. T

5. Communicating WHS matters clearly is part of WHS legislation. T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

15. Multiple True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to methods of consulting with employees
are true or false:

1. A WHS committee can only investigate WHS issues within 6 months. T
2. Employees must be paid for the time taken to attend to WHS committee tasks. T
3. Managers should encourage staff participation in WHS and verify that T
outcomes are compliant with relevant legislation.
4. Surveys and feedback are a simple means to gather staff input towards WHS. T
5. Any dangerous tasks should be included in the business’ SOPs. F

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

16. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS training requirements are true or

1. WHS training is compulsory for staff working with new equipment. T
2. Due to the complexities of WHS legislation businesses must involve consultancy T
firms to implement WHS training policies.
3. Training for WHS must occur off-site to ensure that workers are not distracted T
when learning new rules.
4. Training records must be kept in the training register of the WHS records of the T
5. Emergency evacuation training is one example of risk minimisation in the T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

17. Drag and Match

Place the planning steps (from 1 to 8) involved in Emergency Planning into the correct

STEP 3 Identifying means of escape, assembly area, roll call, search and re-entry procedures
STEP 6 Evacuation drills
STEP 7 Providing resources
STEP 5 Establishing warning procedures
STEP 1 Training staff
STEP 4 Organising a command structure
STEP 2 Defining the emergency

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

18. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to organising a command structure are
true or false:

1. Emergency evacuation procedures are assisted if a clear command structure is T
in place.
2. Once the emergency services have arrived wardens must hand over all T
responsibilities to the fire chief and police.
3. Wardens must ensure that all staff are evacuated safely. T
4. The Chief Warden stands in when the Deputy Chief Warden is absent. T
5. Emergency evacuation training is provided specifically for the role of wardens. T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

19. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements relating to workplace hazards are true or false:

1. Floor plans and maps showing exit points and paths and location of fire fighting T
equipment assist with emergency responses.
2. Correct typing techniques can help to avoid Occupational Overuse Syndrome T
3. Manual handling and the use of ladders and stock-moving equipment, such as T
forklifts is a serious WHS consideration.
4. Modify the work area or work station layout is not an effective way of controlling F
manual handling risk.
5. Ventilation, signage, training and inspection are all important aspects of inert gas T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

20. Match

Place the steps for hazard management into the correct sequence from 1 to 4:

Fix it STEP 3
STEP 4 Review it
STEP 1 Find it
STEP 2 Assess it

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

21. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazard management are true or false:

1. Involve staff in finding hidden hazards. T
2. The accident register will show up all hazards that exist in the workplace. T
3. Hazards should be risk assessed so that low level risks can be ignored. T
4. The hierarchy of controls will provide a guide on dealing with hazards in a T
logical manner.
5. Review processes are necessary to gauge the effectiveness of all measures. T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

22. Match

Match the following workplace hazards to their descriptions

1. Physical hazards 2 Fumes and vapours, handling and spillage, incorrect storage
2. Chemical hazards 1 Noise, vibration, lighting, temperature, air quality, working
area, poor flooring
3. Ergonomic 4 Viruses and bacteria, microwaves, UV and x-rays
4. Biological and 5 Stress, harassment, discrimination, workload and security
radiation hazards
5. Psychological 3 Work station design, equipment, tools and manual handling

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

23. Multiple True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazards are true or false:

1. Protective clothing such as a uniform protects the worker from trips and falls.
2. Light has to be sufficient to allow workers to perform their tasks without T
straining their eyes.
3. When working in extreme temperatures workers must be provided with T
protective clothing.
4. Hot areas such as a kitchen must have air-conditioning installed. T
5. Workstations must be well designed to avoid overcrowding.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

24. Match

The TH&E industry uses many chemicals for cleaning and sanitation. Match the classification
categories for chemicals to the relevant potential injuries:
1. Toxicity causes burning, explosion or injury if absorbed by the body e.g. gas and
fuel (4)
2. Corrosion causes inflammation of the skin e.g. cleaning or detergent agents (3)
3. Irritancy causes burns to the skin or soft tissue e.g. solvents, acid or bleach (2)
4. Flammability causes poisoning if absorbed by the body e.g. ammonia (1)

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

25. Match

Match the method for monitoring health and safety to the relevant examples:

1. Direct 2 By promoting a culture of open communication about WHS at work,

supervision your staff will feel that they can approach you about any WHS issue
they encounter.
2. Informal 1 Keep an eye out for health and safety issues, as well as how your staff
discussion respond to them. If you see a staff member do something that is
potentially unsafe, you should take immediate action to address it.

3. Formal 4 Check to see that WHS paperwork has been completed correctly. Even
discussion if the paperwork is filled out correctly, recheck hazards mentioned in
the paperwork to ensure that staff have checked things properly, not
just ‘ticked boxes’.
4. Reviewing 3 Include time at your weekly meeting to discuss WHS. Using open ended
documents questions can help to promote discussion.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Trainer’s comment:

26. Tick the correct answer/s

If you uncover non-compliant situations or procedures, which of the following actions should
you take?

1. Approach the staff member at the next weekly meeting T

2. Point out what they are doing wrong as well as any safety implications T
3. Show them your written SOP, policy or procedure and how they should follow them T
4. Make sure they understand how to do the task safely T
5. Organise training for the staff member if required T
6. Take appropriate disciplinary action T
7. Complete any paperwork, e.g. incident report form, near miss form, updated risk T
8. If a staff member continues to not follow safe work practices make a note of it and get T
other staff to do their work.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

27. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security are true or false:

1. Internal security measures include security guards and theft prevention. T
2. External security measures include limiting access and electronic security T
3. Special events may require measures such as crowd control and CCTV. T
4. Restricting access to specific areas protects employees and guests. Visitor T
passes are a simple measure for verifying visitations to the premises.
5. Key control is particularly important for areas that hold valuable stock. T

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
28. Match

Match the key areas of financial security to the relevant descriptions:

1. Suppliers 5 The accounts department keeps the trading records of accounts

receivable and payable, the payroll and performs all banking
2. Float 4 Safe collection of turnover after main trading periods and handing
over to accounts.
3. Financial 1 Ensure that the delivery tallies with the order, weights and prices are
transactions correct and forward the invoices to the accounts department.
4. Transfer of 2 This is the term used for the money that is in the till before trading
money begins, to have some change available.
5. Financial 3 Staff must control correctness of bill, change given and verify credit
controls card details.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

29. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security are true or false:

1. Client details can only be shared with trustworthy customers. F

2. Security latches and electronic locks are a common security feature in hotels. T
3. Electronic swipe cards prevent access to areas by unauthorised personnel or T
4. Safety deposit boxes are help to protect customer valuables. T
5. You are within your rights to ask customers to open their luggage if you suspect T
them of theft.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:
30. True or False

Indicate whether the following statements relating to WHS communication are true or false:

1. The induction documents play an important part of communicating WHS. T
2. The overall WHS policy of the business should be given to the new employees 6 F
months after their induction, e.g. in the annual staff review.
3. The overall WHS policy of the business should be given to the new employees T
as part of their induction, e.g. in the staff handbook, along with emergency
procedures and contact details.
4. Other information that must be conveyed to staff include the location of safety T
equipment such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits, as well as information
about emergency response contacts such as 000 signage in high risk areas.
5. When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimise T
the use of printed materials and maximise electronic transmission and filing of
all documents in order to reduce waste.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

31. Drag and Match

Match the category of WHS documentation to the relevant examples:

1. Risk 6 Consultation records; Minutes of meetings; Monitoring reports and

Assessment recommendations for change; Standard Operating Procedures;
Relevant Licenses
2. Induction and 1 Local Risk Register; Risk Assessment Forms; Risk Assessment Register
3. Inspection 2 Induction Acknowledgement Forms; Induction Register; Training
Needs Register; Training Record
4. Reporting 3 Workplace Inspection Forms; Workplace Inspection Register; List of
Plant and Equipment; Plant and Equipment Inspection Schedule
5. Hazardous 4 Hazard/Incident/Injury Reports; Hazard/Incident/Injury Reports
Substances Register; Corrective Actions Record
6. Management 5 Safety Data Sheet Register; Hazardous Substances Inventory

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Trainer’s comment:

32. Multiple True or False

Which of the following are methods for coordinating participation on WHS issues?

1. A daily brief can incorporate WHS reminders and time for staff to make T
2. You could place a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box in an accessible place to T
allow the recording of any ideas, suggestions or problems.
3. You could enforce minimum levels of suggestion and interaction for each work F
team, with associated penalties for failing to engage in the program.
4. You may wish to hold periodic meetings on WHS issues, or to incorporate WHS T
into the regularly scheduled meetings and throughout the course of the day.
5. Surveys and feedback questionnaires can be conducted, anonymously if T
preferable, to keep Management and other staff up-to-date with any issues.
6. Official meetings may have a standing agenda item and have the outcomes T
7. Informal meetings may require notes to be taken, e.g. in a common F
management diary, and filed for appropriate action.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

33. Tick the correct answer/s

Tick the correct statements relating to recording and following up on WHS suggestions from

1. It is a requirement to record, report and resolve any health and safety issues raised by 
your staff.
2. If you cannot resolve the issues yourself, you may need to refer the issue to another 
person such as another staff member, higher level manager, WHS representative, WHS
committee or an external consultant.
3. If you cannot resolve the issues yourself you should request that the staff member who
reported the issue develops a proposed solution which they can then implement and test.
4. Communication and feedback must be organised in such a way as to encourage further 
involvement in WHS Management and not to discourage involvement.
 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

34. Drag and Match

Match the hierarchy of controls used for controlling risks to the relevant examples:

1. Eliminate the 4 Use a non-flammable cleaner instead of a flammable one

2. Substitute the 5 Take a hazardous piece of equipment out of operation
3. Isolate the hazard 6 Supply earplugs for noisy operations

4. Use engineering 1 Use a guard or barrier

5. Use administrative 2 Redesign the process to reduce the hazard
6. Introduce personal 3 Provide a refresher training course

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

35. True or False

As a manager, what are your duties in investigating accidents or incidents? Indicate true or

1. As a Manager you should take a lead role in assessing and controlling risks and T
set an example for your employees.
2. If an accident or incident has been reported then you will need to manage the F
3. Any accident or incident, also known as a near-miss, must be investigated as T
soon as possible.
4. The purpose of the investigation is to find out the causes of the incident and to T
make adjustments so that the incident does not occur again.
5. An investigation should focus on victim impact statements rather than facts and T
possible solutions to the problem.
6. A complete catalogue of all the steps involved in the investigation should be T
7. If the accident is serious enough it might warrant an official investigation by the T
government body.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainer’s comment:

Checklist for Assessment 2 – Written quiz

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Unit of Competency: SITXWHS003 Implement and monitor work health and safety
Has the candidate satisfied the following questions: Satisfactory Response

1. Yes No 2. Yes No 3. Yes No

4. Yes No 5. Yes No 6. Yes No

7. Yes No 8. Yes No 9. Yes No

10. Yes No 11. Yes No 12. Yes No
13. Yes No 14. Yes No 15. Yes No
16. Yes No 17. Yes No 18. Yes No
19. Yes No 20. Yes No 21. Yes No
22. Yes No 23. Yes No 24. Yes No

25. Yes No 26. Yes No 27. Yes No

28. Yes No 29. Yes No 30. Yes No

31. Yes No 32. Yes No 33. Yes No

34. Yes No 35. Yes No

Did the candidate’s overall performance meet the standard? Yes No


Student’s overall  Satisfactory (S)  Not Satisfactory (NS)

performance is:

Is re-assessment  Yes  No

Student Signature Date:

Assessor Signature Date:

Assessment Cover Sheet:

Student Details
Student Name:
Student ID:
Group No:
Assessment Details
Unit of competency: SITXWHS003 – Implement and monitor work health and safety
Assessment task: 3. Project

Date of submission:

Assessment Outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Assessed

Assessor Signature:
Assessor Name:
Comments/ Feedback:

Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where this work
has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or photograph of my
assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback. I also declare
that I have undertaken the indicated assessment
integrity checks Student: I have received, discussed and
Google check for plagiarism Yes No
accepted my result as above for this task and I
Check for Copying/Collusion Yes No am aware of my appeal rights.
Check for Authenticity(own work) Yes No
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No

Signature:......................................................... Signature:..................................................
Date:................................................................. Date:..........................................................

Assessment Task 3: Project

What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in three of the following
real or simulated situations:
o evacuation of staff and customers
o security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
o handling chemicals and hazardous substances
o hazard identification and reporting
o incident and accident reporting
o risk assessment and reporting
coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety and security issues
coordinate risk assessments, WHS training, and the maintenance of records relating to above situations
monitor the effectiveness of the WHS system and identify:
o required adjustments
o staff training needs
demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or territory
occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during above situations.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
59-61 Curzon Street, North Melbourne
Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located in the
teacher support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training

For this assessment access to the following resources are essential:

 access to a computer
 internet access
 a workplace, real or simulated, with workers or students present
 risk assessment templates (attached)
 relevant state or territory WHS legislation
 current plain English regulatory documents distributed by the local WHS government regulator
 codes of practice and standards issued by government regulators or industry groups
 WHS information and business management manuals issued by industry associations or commercial
 current commercial WHS policies and procedures
Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements
The assessment for this project consists of 2 Parts, Part A and Part B.

Part A requires you to plan for 3 situations of your choice as outlined below:

1. You are required to select 3 situations as listed in the task description on the following pages.
2. Once your situations have been selected, you need to access the relevant codes of
practice from the Safework website or the website governing WHS relevant for your state.
3. After you have identified the specific requirements for each situation you will need to:
a. plan, develop and implement consultation processes with your staff/ colleagues;
b. conduct risk assessment for each;
c. apply the relevant risk control measures; and
d. implement each situation in instances as instructed by tour trainer.
4. During implementation of each situation you need to identify the effectiveness for
each system, identify any adjustments required and identify any further staff training
5. For each situation you need to provide:
Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
a) Clear reference to websites or sources including sections and pages where
you located the relevant legislation
b) An implementation plan that provides the steps and processes for
planning consultation, risk assessment and implementation for each
c) The actual records required to meet legislative requirements (for example
consultation records for staff consultation/ where incident reporting is selected the
appropriate form(s)/ where chemicals and hazardous substances are selected the
relevant SDS, PPE register, training register etc./ where security management of
any kind is selected the relevant SOPs, emergency procedures, staff training
records/ where evacuation is selected, the floorplan(s), emergency procedures,
wardens, forms for reports as relevant etc.)

Part B requires you to implement and monitor the effectiveness of each situation to identify the
need for adjustment and any training requirements for staff to overcome any shortfalls or non-
compliance that is identified

6. The observation criteria below provide a guideline for generic key criteria.
7. Additional criteria will be added by your trainer as relevant for the specific situations

Part A Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment

Your Tasks
For the purpose of this assessment you need to provide for each situation listed below:
a) Clear references to websites or sources including sections and pages where you
located the relevant legislation

b) An implementation plan that provides the steps and processes for

planning consultation, risk assessment and implementation for each

c) The actual records required to meet legislative requirements (for example consultation
records for staff consultation/ where incident reporting is selected the appropriate
form(s)/ where chemicals and hazardous substances are selected the relevant SDS,
PPE register, training register etc./ where security management of any kind is selected
the relevant SOPs, emergency procedures, staff training records/ where evacuation is
selected, the floorplan(s), emergency procedures, wardens, forms for reports as
relevant etc.)

1. You are required to plan the following situations:

1) evacuation of staff and customers

2) security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
3) handling chemicals and hazardous substances

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Tasks to be completed

What will be observed?
Selection 1: 20th August, 2022 1st August 2022 to 30th Consultation: Weekly meetings
Evacuation of staffs August, 2022 will be used to carry out this.
and custoners The consultation will cover any
emergencies that occurred at
work, including a fire or
explosion. People involved, for
instance, employees and clients
Risk Assessment Process:
Hazard analysis will be
part of this process, and
one of the questions it will
ask is: Are there
emergency exits at the
workplace? Exist specific
locations where
employees and clients
should congregate in the
event of a workplace
Implementation: This will
entail creating and
installing emergency
escape signs and posts at
key locations, like
doorways and staircases.
Monitoring of processes:
This involves looking if the
processes are done
correctly or not.
Identification of
Training:To allow them to
mimic the real case
scenarios that seem to be
likely to occur at work, all
staff and employees
require refresher courses.
The management of the
workplace can set up a
practice that mimics a
real-life scenario so that
they can feel and
anticipate the results.
Needs: The needs must be
Evaluation: requires going
through all the procedures and
remedial measures that have
been implemented, such as
emergency exits and doors and
their operation. This will make
it easier to determine whether
their functionality is still being
Recording of documentation:
Examples of forms that will be
utilised in record keeping
include incident forms, risk
assessment and quantification
forms, and hazard
identification forms.

Selection 2: security 25th August, 2022 1st August, 2022 to 28th Consultation: Consultation will
management of cash, August, 2022 be done through regular
documents, meetings. This will handle
equipment, keys or security magements of cash,
people documents, equipments, keys
or people.
Risk Assessment Process:
Risk assessment involves
what to do about the
saecurity management of
cash, documents,
equipments, keys or
Implementation involves
following the instructions
of manager or trainer on
Monitoring of processes:
The reguar monitoring of
processes is done to check
if the things are being
done properly or not.
Identification of Training:
Proper training related to
security management of
cash, documents,
quipments, keys, people
should be given which
involves virtual as well as
physical lessons.
Needs: Needs must be
fulfilled in order to get the
things done properly.
Evaluation: Entails looking
through all the stages and
required adjustments that have
been made.
Recording of documentation:
Proper documentation such as
risk assessment, monitoring
report, and so on.

Selection 3: handling 10th August, 2022 1st August 2022 to 20th Consultation: It will be carried
chemicals and August, 2022 out through sporadic
hazardous substances gatherings. When an event
occurred at work, such as a
chemical contamination or
explosion, that information will
be conveyed. People involved
include, for instance,
employees and clients.
Risk Assessment Process:
evaluating the dangers of
exposure to harmful
chemicals will be
necessary for this. A toxic
chemical exposure might
have local, systemic, or
both types of toxic effects.
The eyes, skin, nose, lungs,
and digestive tract are
common locations for local
reactions; local effects
involve harm at the site of
initial contact. In a
chemical risk assessment,
potential chemical risks in
the workplace are
identified, and controls are
suggested to minimise
worker injury and
exposure. It evaluates the
handling, storage, and
transportation of
dangerous materials so
that preventative
measures can be done to
lessen injury.
Implementation: will be
carried out to ascertain
the exposure risk or the
percentage of chemical
danger in the workplace.
Determining who has been
exposed to the dangerous
chemicals and, if so,
providing first aid to those
who have. In order to
analyse risks, you must
determine the impact of
the hazards you have
identified as well as their
frequency or probability of
occuring. This is known as
the amount of risk, and it
can be determined using
the following formula.
degree of risk = effect x
Monitoring of processes:
The processes should be
monitored by the
Identification of Training:
Educate the employees in
the workplace regarding
the identities of the
compounds they work with,
the dangers these
substances cause, and the
safety precautions
employees should take. The
trainings could be
conducted twice in a week
or before new chemicals
are introduced in the
Needs: Needs must be
fulfilled so that this
probelm will be solved
nicely and adequately.
Evaluation: Requires going over
all the procedures and
necessary corrective measures
that have been implemented,
using the risk matrix to calculate
the chance of the risk. This will
make it easier to determine
whether their functionality is
still being developed.
Recording of documentation:
Risk assessment, the record of
monitoring, and so on is done.

2. Once your situations have been selected, you need to access the relevant codes of practice
from the Safework website or the website governing WHS relevant for your state.

Situation Code/legislation/factsheet Reference

Evacuation of staffs and customers Work Health and SafetyRegulation https://
2017 Chapter 3 - General risk
andworkplace management view/regulation/2017/404/

Security management ofcash, Work Health and Safety Regulation https://
documents,equipment, keys or 2017
people Chapter 6 - Security of workplace view/regulation/2017/404/
Handling chemicals and Work Health and Safety Regulation https://
hazardous substances 2017 Chapter 7 - Hazardous
chemicals view/regulation/2017/404/


3. After you have identified the specific requirements for each situation you will need to plan,
develop and implement consultation processes with your staff/ colleagues.

1. Instance

Situation: Evacuation of staffs and customers

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to this situation
Anyone who owes a duty of care under the conditions outlined in the code is subject to its provisions.
The WHS Act's health and safety obligations can typically be met by adhering to an approved code of
practise that relates to the code's topic. In Victoria, both the common law and the Wrongs Act 1958
govern carelessness.

Consultation Requirements: Where, when, what

Depending on the sort of work being done, the dangers present, the size and location of the workplace,
the number of employees, and other factors, it will differ from one workplace to the next. With a
website and a safety expert,
Who is involved:
individuals running a firm or endeavour, as well as all personnel working there
Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed
No matter where or what the workplace is, make sure it is safe and secure.
Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation

2. Instance

Situation: security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to this situation
1. A person in charge or in charge of a workplace where construction work is being done is required to make every
reasonable effort to keep the workplace secure against illegal access.
The maximum penalty is either $3,600 for an individual or $18,000 for a body corporate.
2. In order to comply with clause (1), the person must take into account all pertinent factors, such as
(a) the dangers to health and safety from unauthorised entry to the workplace,
(b) the probability that unauthorised access will take place
 Add: 59-61 Curzon Street North Melbourne VIC, 3051 | 1300 723 144 |  46
 SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
Consultation Requirements:
When a company or undertaking engages in cash handling or processing and transportation, the
responsibility holders should communicate about the dangers and risks and collaborate and
coordinate to remove or limit the risks as soon as it is practical to do so.
Who is involved:
Employee, staff members, and Customers
Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed
Large sums of money kept in the registers and a visible safe can both raise the danger of robbery and
armed holdups. Another risk factor is the location of the company in a high-crime region.
Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation

3. Instance

Situation: Handling chemical and hazardous subustances

Describe the legal requirements set out by the relevant code/legislation that applies to this situation
Abandoning the usage of subsurface handling and storage systems
1. If a person operating a business or project at the workplace wishes that a system used at the
workplace for the use, handling, or storage of hazardous substances underground be no longer used
for such purposes or be disposed of, then this clause applies to that system.
2. The person is responsible for making sure the system is eliminated as much as is practically
The maximum penalty is (a) $6,000 for a person and ($30,000) for a body corporate
3. The person must make sure the system is risk-free for health and safety, to the extent that it is
reasonably practicable, if it is not reasonably reasonable to remove it.

Consultation Requirements:
In the workplace, there are probably millions of dangerous compounds that are utilised in paints,
insecticides, cleansers, and fuels.
Who is involved:
Anyone using the product is involved here
Risk assessment including Hazard Analysis – what will need to be assessed
Without the right safeguards, it can result in cancer, respiratory conditions, skin and eye irritations, as
well as injuries from fire and explosions. What we must do is as follows:
 Verify the labels and wash the containers.
 Find out about safety and give it to them.
 Keep a manifest and register.
 Display signage and placards.
 Protect your personal items from contamination.
 Keep your chemistry steady.
 Control leaks and spills.
 Avoid causing chemicals any harm.
 Install the necessary fire safety.
 Prepare with emergency supplies and strategies.
 Distribute safety gear.
 Have efficient handling and storage methods.
 Keep an eye on your employees and monitor their wellness.
 Using chemicals and carcinogens that are forbidden.
 pipeline management
 Codifications and laws.
Complete the risk assessment template marked “Situation
Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment
Situation 1. : Evacuation of staff and customers
1.Attemp 2.Attemp 3.Attemp
Marking Criteria t t t
Legal requirements set out in legislation S NYS S NYS S NYS Comments
The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified
The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for emergency procedures are


 PCBUs must ensure that an emergency plan

is prepared
for the workplace, including for workers who may work
at multiple workplaces

The inclusions listed in the emergency plan are identified and http://www.safeworkau
 emergency procedures, including: /about/publications/Do
 an effective response to an emergency cuments/657/Emergenc
 evacuation procedures y_plans_fact_sheet.pdf
 notifying emergency service organisations at the
earliest opportunity
 medical treatment and assistance, and
 effective communication between the person
 authorised to coordinate the emergency response
 and all people at the workplace
 testing of the emergency procedure
 information, training and instructions for workers to
implement the emergency procedures
 a floor plan or outline of the area where evacuation
is planned is attached
Details for the place and time for consultation are provided
Details of participants who participate in the consultation are
The nature and details for consultation is provide in a clear
The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements
(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)
Risk Assessment
The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified
in legislation for emergency procedures listed above

The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified for

each process/ procedure
The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or
potential for each process/ procedure
The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant or
potential for process/ procedure
Security hazards are identified as relevant
The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks
undertaken in the workplace and information provided by the
Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards
identified are described clearly
The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided
though consultation with colleagues
The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template on
the last page
The actions for each hazard identified are determined and
listed in the template for each hazard

The implementation requirements for actions determined for

each hazard are outlined
The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according
to level of risks identified
The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in the
hierarchy of controls
The risk assessment template is submitted complete
List additional criteria as relevant
Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment
Situation 2. : Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
1.Attemp 2.Attemp 3.Attemp
Marking Criteria t t t
Legal requirements set out in legislation S NYS S NYS S NYS Comments
The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified

The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for the select type of security
management are identified: (for example Safety of
workers in a workplace or as relevant

List the criteria for legal requirements here

Details for the place and time for consultation are provided
Details of participants who participate in the consultation are
The nature and details for consultation is provided in a clear
The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements
(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)

Risk Assessment
The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified
in legislation for emergency procedures listed above
The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified for
each process/ procedure
The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or
potential for each process/ procedure
The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant or
potential for process/ procedure
Security hazards are identified as relevant
The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks
undertaken in the workplace and information provided by the
Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards
identified are described clearly
The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided
though consultation with colleagues
The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template on
the last page
The actions for each hazard identified are determined and
listed in the template for each hazard
The implementation requirements for actions determined for
each hazard are outlined
The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according
to level of risks identified
The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in the
hierarchy of controls
The risk assessment template is submitted complete

List additional criteria as relevant

Planning WHS systems, consultation and risk assessment
Situation 3. : Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
1.Attemp 2.Attemp 3.Attemp
Marking Criteria t t t
Legal requirements set out in legislation S NYS S NYS S NYS Comments
The correct code, legislation or factsheet is identified

The source where the information is accessed is provided

The legal requirements for duties in relation to hazardous
chemicals are identified as relevant for the nature of the
 correct labelling of containers and pipework, using warning http://www.safework.n
placards and outer warning placards and displaying of
safety signs /pdf_file/0018/52155/
 maintaining a register and manifest (where relevant) of managing-risks-
hazardous chemicals and providing notification to the hazardous-chemicals-
regulator of manifest quantities if required

 identifying risk of physical or chemical reaction

of hazardous chemicals and ensuring the
stability of hazardous chemicals
 ensuring that exposure standards are not exceeded
 provision of health monitoring to workers
 provision of information, training, instruction and
supervision to workers
 provision of spill containment system for hazardous
chemicals if necessary
 obtaining the current Safety Data Sheet (SDS) from
the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the
 controlling ignition sources and accumulation of flammable
and combustible substances
 provision and availability of fire protection, fire fighting
equipment and emergency and safety equipment
 preparing an emergency plan if the quantity of a class
of hazardous chemical at a workplace exceeds the
 manifest quantity for that hazardous chemical
 stability and support of containers for bulk
hazardous chemicals including pipework and
 decommissioning of underground storage and handling
 notifying the regulator as soon as practicable of
abandoned tanks in certain circumstances
Details for the place and time for consultation are provided
Details of participants who participate in the consultation are
The nature and details for consultation is provide in a clear
The consultation plan is clear and meets legal requirements
(information/contribution/actions/ outcomes)

Risk Assessment
The risk assessment includes the critical inclusions identified
in legislation for emergency procedures listed above

The hazards or potential hazards are realistically identified for

each process/ procedure
The hazards identified include physical hazards relevant or
potential for each process/ procedure

The hazards identified include equipment hazards relevant or

potential for process/ procedure
Security hazards are identified as relevant
The list provided reflects consultation reflecting on the tasks
undertaken in the workplace and information provided by the
Any existing controls in place to reduce risks for hazards
identified are described clearly
The risk scores entered must reflect the details provided
though consultation with colleagues
The risk level and risk score is determined for each hazard
identified in the risk assessment and listed in the template on
the last page
The actions for each hazard identified are determined and
listed in the template for each hazard
The implementation requirements for actions determined for
each hazard are outlined
The implementation strategy reflects the priorities according
to level of risks identified
The implementation strategy reflects the steps outlined in the
hierarchy of controls
The risk assessment template is submitted complete
List additional criteria as relevant
Part B – Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems
Your Tasks

You are required to implement each situation based on the work you have planned and
completed in Part A.
1. Brief all relevant staff before implementation to provide a refresher of the procedures that
were finalised and determined during consultation and risk assessment

2. Monitor each situation and ensure that any breaches are identified promptly.

3. Use relevant templates or a log to document progress and incidents for each situation.

4. Take appropriate actions to prevent any potential incidents, accidents or other hazards where
a safety risk has been identified.

5. Document each breach or shortfall you identify for each instance.

6. Write a report summary for each situation and clearly outline the requirements for changes
for each procedure based on the results in 4. and which type of training this will require as a
result for each situation.

7. Attach your completed templates or log as relevant.

8. Attach your final summary report.

Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

Situation 1. : Evacuation of staff and customers
1.Attem 2.Attem 3.Attem
Marking Criteria pt pt pt
Implementation S S S S S S Comments
Staff is briefed on evacuation procedures
Each role is clearly defined
All equipment is checked and prepared
All PPE is checked and available as identified
The evacuation procedure is trialled

Each process is monitored
Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:

Breaches or issues are documented
Participants are de-briefed/feedback
A summary report is submitted
Each breach or shortfall is identified
Steps for rectification are summarised in report
Training requirements are identified in the report
The documentation/templates used for monitoring are
attached to this assessment
The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant

Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems

Situation 2. : Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
1.Attem 2.Attem 3.Attem
Marking Criteria pt pt pt
Implementation S
S Comments
Staff is briefed on procedures
Each role is clearly defined
Define the steps required for implementation relevant for
the selected procedure

Each process is monitored
Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:

Breaches or issues are documented
Participants are de-briefed/feedback
A summary report is submitted
Each breach or shortfall is identified
Steps for rectification are summarised in report
Training requirements are identified in the report
The documentation/templates used for monitoring are
attached to this assessment
The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant

Implementing, monitoring and evaluating WHS systems
Situation 3. : Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
1.Attemp 2.Attemp 3.Attemp
Marking Criteria t t t
Implementation and Monitoring S NYS S NYS S NYS Comments
Staff is briefed on handling chemicals and hazardous
Each role is clearly defined
All equipment is checked and prepared
All PPE is checked and available as identified
The use and application of chemicals is trialled during service
Correct dispensing is monitored
The disposal of chemicals is monitored
Each process is monitored
Define steps monitored:

Any breaches are identified

Corrective action is taken:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Staff is informed or actioned for breaches as relevant:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:
Issue: Action:

Breaches or issues are documented
Participants are de-briefed/feedback
A summary report is submitted
Each breach or shortfall is identified
Steps for rectification are summarised in report
Training requirements are identified in the report
The documentation/templates used for monitoring are
attached to this assessment
The final report is attached to this assessment

List additional criteria as relevant

WHS Risk Assessment Template

Organisation Hotel Futura Risk Assessment completed by XX

Department Catering Date 15.06.2016

Section Patisserie Review date Refer to Due Date required

1. Preparation of Doughnut mixture
Workplace Activity 2. Cooking Doughnuts
3.Finishing and Garnishing
5.Distribution to outlets

St Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Existing Risk Step 5 Risk Score Implementatio

ep Hazar Potentia Existing Score Action
1 ds l risks controls If relevant required
Ac Hierarchy of
ity (describe (describe (describe
the consequences existing risk
hazard) and impacts control
(describe/ of the risk) measures in
name the place)
activity, task
or process
with the
Action Due Date

indicates unacceptable level 9/Catastrophic XX 24 hours

Preparing Doughnuts The doughnut mixer The person operating the Staff follow SOPs 4 of risk. Controls must be
is not guarded and mixer could be injured by (page 4)
immediately implemented or
the mixing bowl the moving parts if their
could be accessed hand slipped in while the
when the machine machine was operating. the risk eliminated (i.e. cease
was operating Hand could be cut or activity)
could even lose a finger. Substitution or Engineering
3 Staff use the machine
frequently Put machine out of action
St Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Existing Risk Step 5 Risk Score Implementatio
ep Hazar Potentia Existing Score Action
1 ds l risks controls If relevant required
Ac Hierarchy of
ity (describe (describe (describe
the consequences existing risk
hazard) and impacts control
(describe/ of the risk) measures in
name the place)
activity, task
or process
with the
Action Due Date

Cooking doughnets Some gas is being There is a pungent Manual fryer can be used instead of 4 Organise mechanic to install a 9/ Catastrophic Your name 12 hours
leaked by the doughnets doughnets fryer gurad if possible or replace
odour coming from machine with a safe version
the kitchen since the shows an unacceptably
gas pipe connection high level of risk. Controls
that feeds the must be put in place right
methane for cooking away or the danger must
appears to be broken be eliminated.
or loose. Replacement or
Take the machine offline.
 Replace the device with a
secure one.
Finishing and garnishing the production and Food poisoning could Consideration is being given 2 Glazes are labelled in a 6/ medium risk Your name 72 hours
expiration dates of the
result from to buying local glazing. clear manner.
glaze applied to the
doughnuts improperly checking Manufacturer date and
the garnish for quality expiration date are both
and freshness. given.
Customers became  Supply of ingredients,
including garnishes, is
unwell as a result,
vetted from reputable and
losing faith in the high-quality vendors.
quality of the
doughnuts produced
by Futura Restaurant.
Packaging Fragile packaging This is done to Packaging in sealed 3  Ensure that the material is 4/ low risk Your Name 15 days
well packages
is properly prevent containers
 it must be airtight
marked, and the contamination from
containment harsh weather
container is conditions including
sealed. heavy downpours and
intense sunlight.
Distribution to outlets Must be airtight and Done so that the distribution Handling should be done carefully 3  Make sure that there are 4/ low risk Your Name 1 month
sealed, no content of material is done properly trucks on the road with the
should fall or be bare minimum of safety
polluted with gear.
distributing  The temperature is
monitored frequently to
make sure that no germs or
wilts are developing.
St Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Existing Risk Step 5 Risk Score Implementatio
ep Hazar Potentia Existing Score Action
1 ds l risks controls If relevant required
Ac Hierarchy of
ity (describe (describe (describe
the consequences existing risk
hazard) and impacts control
(describe/ of the risk) measures in
name the place)
activity, task
or process
with the
Action Due Date
St Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Existing Risk Step 5 Risk Score Implementatio
ep Hazar Potentia Existing Score Action
1 ds l risks controls If relevant required
Ac Hierarchy of
ity (describe (describe (describe
the consequences existing risk
hazard) and impacts control
(describe/ of the risk) measures in
name the place)
activity, task
or process
with the
Action Due Date

Risk Analysis matrix – Level of risk

Risk Score Risk Level Action
Identified Hazards Risk Assessment
Likelihood Consequence LxC
(L) (C)
The doughnut mixer is not guarded and the
mixing bowl could be accessed when the machine Frequent use Major 3x3=9 Catastrophic indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls
was operating must be immediately implemented or the risk
3 3 eliminated (i.e. cease activity)
Substitution or Engineering

Likelihood L Score Consequence C Score Risk Score (L x Hierarchy of Risk Controls
Rare (Monthly) 1 Minor – e.g. small cut, first 1 Elimination is a permanent solution and should be attempted in the first instance.
aid treatment only
Occasionally 2 Moderate – e.g. sprained 2 Substitution involves replacing the hazard or environmental aspect by one of lower risk
(Weekly) ankle, one day off required
Frequent (Daily) 3 Major – e.g. loss of limb or 3 Engineering controls involve physical barriers or structural changes to the environmen
bodily function or process.
Constant (Hourly) 4 Catastrophic – e.g. fatality 4 Administrative controls reduce hazard by altering procedures and providing
Personal protective equipment last resort or temporary control.

• Minor/no risk (risk score 1-2) – is acceptable. No further action on risk control measures is necessary
• Moderate risk (risk score 3-4) - indicates conditional acceptability. Further risk control measures should be considered and existing controls monitored
• Major risk (risk score 5-6) - indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls and measures must be developed and implemented in the short to medium term
• Catastrophic risk (risk score 7-16) - indicates unacceptable level of risk. Controls must be immediately implemented or the risk eliminated (i.e. cease activity)
Student End of Unit Feedback Form
The purpose of this evaluation is to obtain your feedback on the content, delivery and
assessments of the unit of competency provided by Skilled up. Your response will be treated
in strict confidence and will assist us to review and improve our delivery.

Student Name(Optional)

Qualification Enrolled

DIRECTIONS: Along each scale given below, please tick the box that matches most closely
with your opinion as indicated below:

All completely Mostly new but with Mostly refreshing ideas All refreshing ideas
new information some familiar ideas with some new ideas
How would you rate the
content of the Unit?

Useful Somewhat Not

useful useful
How useful were the practical/class activities in helping you learn new
information or refreshing ideas you had previously learned?
How useful were the practical/ class activities in understanding of the
Very Fairly Well Not Well
How well did your Trainer explain the concepts covered in the Unit?

Strongly Disagree Not Agree Strongly

Disagree sure agree
1 2 3 4 5
I received the assessment information prior to the date
Unit Competency standards were available or explained
The Assessor covered all WHS/OHS issues (if applicable)
Instructions were clear and easy to understand
I knew exactly what was expected from me
The Assessment procedure was explained
The Assessor used appropriate language
I was encouraged to participate
The Trainer / Assessor was professional with Industry

Definitel Somewhat Easy Somewhat Definitely

y Easy Easy NOT Easy NOT
How would you rate the degree of easiness of the

FURTHER COMMENTS: If you have additional comments, please use the space below.

End of Unit Feedback Issue History

Issue Date Revision Details
Jan 2020 Current Version

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