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Music (from the Greek μουσική  - the art of muses) - the art of organizing musical sounds , primarily

in time ( rhythmic ), pitch and timbre scale. Musical can be almost any sound with certain acoustic
characteristics that correspond to the aesthetics of a particular era, and can be reproduced. Sources of
such sound can be: human voice, musical instruments , electric generators, etc.

Music as an art form 

In terms of the classification of the arts, music is  :
temporal art (a musical work unfolds and is perceived in time, as well as in theater, literature, dance,
poetry, song )
performing arts (the mediator between creativity and the receiver is the performer, as well as in dance,
non-pictorial art (musical images in most cases are free from a concrete reflection of reality, as well as,
for example, architectural).
At the same time, music can be combined with other arts, namely:
with the word (vocal and vocal-instrumental works, opera and operetta , musical recitation),
dramatic action (theatrical and film works),
dance and gesture ( ballet , pantomime )
Like other arts, music has various socio-cultural functions, including:
Hedonistic function  - due to the ability of music to bring listeners pleasure.
Expressive function  - due to the natural human need for external (eg, gestural, facial, sound)
expression of strong emotions and feelings.
The communicative function of music is based on the symbolic use of sound forms. This gives every
reason to consider music a special language.
Cognitive function  - is associated with a person's natural desire for new information, new
experiences. In the process of developing the consciousness of an individual as a social being, stable
motives of cognitive activity grow.
Spiritual-cathartic function  - due to its ability to cause powerful emotional shocks, which are carried
out "through compassion and fear of purification… passions"  .
Magical-suggestive function  - due to the ability of music to enter a person into a certain mental
state. Many scholars associate the emergence of musical art with this function. As a kind of magical-
suggestive, also consider the therapeutic function .
Socio-organizational function - due to the fundamental social need to unite people into integrated
social structures.
It can be noted that within the musical art itself there are also various functional
dominants. Experience shows that musical works cannot perform all socio-cultural functions
equally. Some of them are capable of versatile, deep in the consciousness and subconscious of man,
others - have a narrower range of cultural functions.
Famous musicians
Some of the most famous musicians in the world are Johann Bach, Richard Wagner, Josef Haydn,
Johannes Brahms, Robert Schumann

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