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A souvenir

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 Daily newspaper of the year £1.30 90p to subscribers* to treasure
A picture
of the life of
Her Majesty
Your magnificent
glossy 48-page
picture magazine
tribute to
his darling
KING Charles paid an
exquisite and deeply personal
By Rebecca English
and Sam Greenhill
tribute to his late mother last
Mama’ had been an inspiration and
night in his first address to an example not just to himself and his
the nation as sovereign. family, but to all.
Describing his ‘loss beyond measure’, Speaking from the Blue Drawing Room
the new monarch said his ‘darling Turn to Page 2 Welling up: Charles makes his TV address to the nation yesterday
Page  Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

May flights of angels

Continued from Page One
at Buckingham Palace, where the Queen
recorded so many of her Christmas messages,
a clearly emotional Charles said that he
wanted to renew her promise of lifelong service
to the people of Great Britain and
the Commonwealth.
But most importantly he wanted to say
thank you to one of the greatest and most
inspirational women this country had ever
known. Close to tears, he said: ‘And to my
darling Mama, as you begin your last great
journey to join my dear late Papa, I want sim-
ply to say this: thank you.
‘Thank you for your love and devotion to our
family and to the family of nations you have
served so diligently all these years.’
The King ended by quoting Shakespeare’s
line ‘may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest’,
spoken by Horatio after Hamlet’s death.
In a deeply moving message to the nation,
the King also announced that William and
Kate would henceforth be known as the
Prince and Princess of Wales.
The last Princess of Wales was Diana, Wil-
liam’s mother. Last night a source close to the
couple said that Kate ‘appreciates the history
associated with this role but will understand-
ably want to look to the future as she creates
her own path’.
The King also paid tribute to ‘my darling
wife’ Camilla – now Queen Consort – and her
‘steadfast devotion to duty on which I have
come to rely so much’.
And he made a point of expressing his love
for his estranged son, Prince Harry, and his
wife Meghan as they ‘continue to build their
new lives overseas’.
Charles, 73, was wearing a black tie and suit
and sat next to a posy of sweet peas mixed
with rosemary, which represents remem-
brance. The vase had three corgis at the base
and was situated in Queen Elizabeth’s audi-
ence room.
Vowing to bring the same sense of devotion
to duty as his late mother, the King said: ‘I
speak to you today with feelings of profound

‘Affection, guidance
and understanding’
sorrow. Throughout her life, Her Majesty the
Queen – my beloved mother – was an
inspiration and example to me and to all my
family, and we owe her the most heartfelt
debt any family can owe to their mother; for
her love, affection, guidance, understanding
and example.
‘Queen Elizabeth’s was a life well lived, a
promise with destiny kept, and she is mourned
most deeply in her passing. That promise of
lifelong service I renew to you all today.
‘Alongside the personal grief that all my
family are feeling, we also share with so many
of you in the United Kingdom, in all the coun-
tries where the Queen was head of state, in
the Commonwealth and across the world, a
deep sense of gratitude for the more than 70
years in which my mother, as Queen, served
the people of so many nations.
‘In 1947, on her 21st birthday, she pledged in
a broadcast from Cape Town to the Common-
wealth to devote her life, whether it be short
or long, to the service of her peoples.
‘That was more than a promise: it was a
profound personal commitment which
defined her whole life. She made sacrifices for Deeply moving: King Charles III addresses the nation and the Commonwealth from Buckingham Palace’s Blue Drawing
duty. Her dedication and devotion
as sovereign never wavered, you and I share that sense of loss, Charles acknowledged that it was a and Kate said they were ‘focused only offer the most sincere and
through times of change and beyond measure, with you all.’ time of change for them too. on deepening the trust and respect heartfelt thanks for your condo-
progress, through times of joy and Charles hailed Britain and all the ‘I count on the loving help of my of the people of Wales over time’. lences and support. They mean
celebration, and through times of other countries where his mother darling wife, Camilla. In recognition They added: ‘The Prince and more to me than I can ever possi-
sadness and loss. was head of state for their ‘talent, of her own loyal public service since Princess of Wales will approach bly express.’
‘In her life of service we saw that traditions and achievements’. our marriage 17 years ago, she their roles in the modest and hum- Earlier King Charles III was
abiding love of tradition, together ‘Our values have remained, and becomes my Queen Consort,’ he greeted by kisses and shouts of
with that fearless embrace of must remain, constant,’ he said. said. ‘I know she will bring to the ‘God Save the King’ as he arrived
progress, which make us great as The new King also renewed his demands of her new role the stead- ‘Leading national at Buckingham Palace for the first
nations. The affection, admiration responsibilities as supreme gover- fast devotion to duty on which I conversations’ time since ascending to the throne.
and respect she inspired became nor of the Church of England, a have come to rely so much.’ With the Queen Consort he received
the hallmark of her reign. duty carried out by his mother Announcing that his son, William, a rapturous welcome from thou-
‘And, as every member of my fam- with ‘unswerving devotion’. would become Prince of Wales, he ble way they’ve approached their sands of wellwishers during the
ily can testify, she combined these He added: ‘And wherever you may continued: ‘With Catherine beside work previously.’ first royal walkabout of his reign.
qualities with warmth, humour live in the United Kingdom, or in him, our new Prince and Princess Thanking the nation for its out- Huge crowds cheered as the visi-
and an unerring ability always to the realms and territories across of Wales will, I know, continue to pouring of support since his moth- bly-emotional sovereign arrived in
see the best in people. the world, and whatever may be inspire and lead our national con- er’s death on Thursday, Charles a vintage Rolls-Royce and began
‘I pay tribute to my mother’s your background or beliefs, I shall versations, helping to bring the concluded: ‘In our sorrow, let us shaking hands with countless
memory and I honour her life of endeavour to serve you with loyalty, marginal to the centre ground remember and draw strength from members of the public.
service. I know that her death respect and love, as I have through- where vital help can be given.’ the light of her example. In moving scenes less than 24
brings great sadness to so many of out my life.’ Turning to his family, A royal source close to William ‘On behalf of all my family, I can hours after the death of his mother,
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 

sing thee to thy rest

Sincere and
I shall endeavour surprisingly
to serve you intimate, our
with loyalty,
respect and love new monarch
OT many people begin

N jan
to fulfil their destiny and
potential at the age of
73, but King Charles is

no ordinary mortal.
His long journey from boyhood to
full bloom spans well over
half a century, but here he was at View from the sofa
last, claiming his birthright,
making his first speech to the
nation as King. Charles. ‘People are celebrating the fact
Until this moment, which was broad- that he is the new King,’ she said. ‘But it
cast on all news channels at 6pm last is not 24 hours since his mother died.’
night, we knew the man but not the Indeed. How his life has changed in
monarch. Sitting at a desk adorned such a short period of time, with the
with a photograph of his mother dawning of a day that must have been
and a vase of white mourning flowers, longed for and, as he intimated outside
he spoke the words that would Buckingham Palace yesterday, dreaded
set the tone for the days and the in equal measure.
years to come.

‘I speak to you today with feelings of
profound sorrow,’ he said, and went on to
pay tribute to the woman he called ‘my OR Charles the son, the death of
darling mama’. his mother brings a dimming of
There was a moment when he looked the light in his own life. For
close to tears as he promised to try to Charles the monarch, the death
emulate the dedication and devotion she of a queen heralds the vivifying blaze that
had shown to her subjects. only a kingdom brings.
‘I too now solemnly pledge myself, Yet the everyday trade and industry of
throughout the remaining time God being a royal means that there is little
grants me, to uphold the Constitutional time for private grief.
principles at the heart of our nation… I One can only guess at the churn of emo-
shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, tions behind his calm, friendly manner as
respect and love.’ the new King shook hands with the
The King spoke from the gilt-encrusted crowds massed by the Palace gates. Or
depths of the Blue Drawing Room in stared into the lens as the camera focus
Buckingham Palace, still hung with pulled ever closer as he delivered his
the wallpaper picked out by his great- address to the nation.
grandmother, Queen Mary. Amid the He spoke of the duty of monarchy,
grandeur of the soaring ceilings and affirmed his deep faith with the Church of
faux-onyx columns, the occasion was England, assured viewers that his values
suffused with grief. would remain constant. ‘My life will of
‘I know that her death brings great sad- course change,’ he said, and no one
ness,’ he said of his mother. ‘And I share doubted that.
that sense of loss... with you all.’ It was no surprise that his composure
Room last night, with a framed photo of his beloved mother next to him In his dark suit and sombre tie, a mono- was impeccable. Surely now his decades
chrome handkerchief tucked his breast of royal training and statecraft will come
they broke into an impromptu n Boris Johnson hailed ‘Eliza- mier League football matches pocket, King Charles – to write it, say it or to bear and that he will have the strength
rendition of the national beth the Great’ during trib- and the Last Night of think it still seems astonishing – dug deep of body and soul to fulfil what is now
anthem, with the words utes from MPs in the House the Proms; and delivered a message that was both
changed to King. of Commons; demanded of him.
n The Bank of England post- sincere and surprisingly intimate.
Then the Royal Standard n Gun salutes and peeling We all know that King Charles has much
poned a meeting next week to live up to. His mother, God rest her

was raised above Bucking- church bells broke the to decide whether to raise
ham Palace to signify the respectful silence across Brit- soul, always understood the twin burdens
interest rates because of the of privilege and sacrifice – and that one
sovereign in residence. ain in honour of the Queen; period of national mourning; E paid tribute to both his
A bugle sounded as Charles, n A peak audience of 9.74mil- sons and also to the Queen must never overshadow the other.
n Fellow ‘national treasure’ Her sure instincts as a diplomat, states-
dressed in mourning black lion viewers tuned in to BBC Sir David Attenborough, also Consort. ‘I count on the lov-
suit and tie, walked side by One at 6.30pm on Thursday ing help of my darling wife, woman and monarch never failed her – but
96, paid moving tribute to
side with Camilla – who to watch Huw Edwards Camilla... I know she will bring to the what of her son? Some who are granted a
the Queen and her
seemed close to tears – announce the news of the demands of her new role a steadfast devo- longed-for leading role falter in the pro-
‘precious’ laugh;
through the main entrance of Queen’s death; tion to duty.’ motion, discovering that the limelight
n US President Joe Biden last
Buckingham Palace. n Across the country, well- Earlier in the day, Kirsty Wark was out- does not become them after all.
night confirmed he would
In other developments: wishers queued to sign books side Balmoral Castle for the BBC, point- And some rise to the occasion, like
attend the Queen’s funeral at
n The nation will be able to of condolence at churches, ing out that it was ‘a very dreadfully sad drowning men climbing aboard a lifeboat
Westminster Abbey;
watch as Charles is formally theatres and town halls; moment for the Royal Family’. called destiny.
n Emmanuel Macron departed
proclaimed the new King n A string of events was can- BBC News Royal Correspondent Sarah After a few movingly delivered words
from official French protocol
today, with the ceremony tel- celled in a mark of respect, Campbell agreed, sketching out the emo- from a palace stateroom, King Charles
evised for the first time; including this weekend’s Pre- Turn to Page 4 tional minefield that lay ahead for King has begun his voyage at last.
Page  Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

God Save The

King is sung
by Katherine
KATHERINE Jenkins yesterday
made the first recording of
God Save The King.
The Welsh mezzo-soprano
was ‘heavy with grief’ after
being invited by BBC Radio  to
sing the new national anthem,
which was played on the sta-
tion yesterday.
Miss Jenkins, 2, had a moment
of silence and prayer before
recording the song in a church
in rural Sussex. The anthem
closed an extended edition of
Radio’s  World at One.
‘I have only the fondest mem-
ories singing the national
anthem for Her Majesty The
Queen,’ Miss Jenkins said.
The new version ‘was sung
with the belief that King Charles
III’s reign will be happy and
glorious’, she added. She per-
formed God Save The Queen at
Windsor Castle for the Platinum
Jubilee celebrations in June.

Continued from previous page

to deliver a touching eulogy for the
Queen in English;
n Mezzo - soprano Katherine
Jenkins made the first recording of
the new national anthem, God
Save the King, for the BBC.
Last night the Queen’s ‘long life
spent in the service of this coun-
try’, love for her family and com-
mitment to duty were honoured at
a service of prayer and reflection at
St Paul’s Cathedral. Around 2,000
members of the public joined new
Prime Minister Liz Truss and other
dignitaries for the service.
It saw the first official singing of
God Save the King with lyrics
changed from ‘Queen’ to ‘King’ and
‘her victorious’ to ‘him victorious’.
Earlier Miss Truss had her first
audience with the King at Buck-
ingham Palace – just three days
after being formally appointed as
Prime Minister by his mother.
Miss Truss paid tribute to the
Queen as ‘one of the greatest lead-
ers the world has ever known’, on Deep bond: Charles escorts the Queen through the Palace of Westminster at the state opening of parliament in 2019
by Buckingham Palace at 6.30pm. believed to have been almost an be held today at 10am in St day on Sunday. In his first act, the
‘Creating unity Courtiers have not revealed hour after Downing Street was pri- James’s Palace. With William in King has decreed that a period of
and concord’ whether there was a cause of death vately informed of the death. attendance, Charles will be pro- ‘royal mourning’ for the Queen will
other than old age, other than to Prince Harry was the last to reach claimed King and make his decla- be observed until seven days after
say she had died ‘peacefully’. the Scottish retreat, with the Buck- ration and oath. her state funeral – which is expected
the first of two days of special trib- Nor have they disclosed the exact ingham Palace announcement It will be followed by a flurry of to be on Monday, September 19.
utes by MPs. time she passed away, although it made while he was still in the air. Royal mourning will be observed
She told the Commons: ‘On the is understood to have been around Meghan abandoned plans to join ‘Crying, praying by members of the Royal Family,
death of her father King George VI, mid-afternoon. This would suggest Harry at Balmoral amid consterna- royal household staff and represent-
Winston Churchill said the news had that Prince Charles and Princess tion behind palace doors. and laying flowers’ atives of the royal household on offi-
stilled the clatter and traffic of 20th Anne were the only of her four chil- Yesterday Charles and Camilla cial duties, together with troops
century life in many lands. Now 70 dren to have been there. made the poignant journey from proclamations around the country, committed to ceremonial duties.
years later, in the tumult of the 21st William, Prince Andrew, and the Balmoral to London in an RAF in the City of London at the Royal Kate and William last night
century, life has paused again.’ Earl and Countess of Wessex all plane, followed later by William. Exchange at midday today and fur- changed their titles on their official
The Queen’s death aged 96 on made a dash from London but did The palace has announced that ther proclamations in Scotland, Twitter page to the ‘Prince and
Thursday afternoon was announced not arrive at Balmoral until 5.06pm, the King’s accession council will Northern Ireland and Wales at mid- Princess of Wales’. One source close

Olive branch to Harry and Meghan

KING Charles extended an extraordinary olive By Sam Greenhill remark before their son Archie’s birth left
branch to Harry and Meghan last night. Chief Reporter William and his father both ‘furious’. Following
He included his love for the couple – who the interview, William insisted that the royals
turned their back on royal life – in his historic ing the most important speech of his life – were ‘very much not a racist family’.
televised address to the world. comes exactly 18 months after the duke and Since then, the Sussexes have continued to
Charles told the millions of viewers watch- duchess declared war on the royal household drop ‘truth bombs’ to friendly US media out-
ing: ‘I want also to express my love for Harry during their bombshell interview with US chat lets as they try to justify their lavish deals with
and Meghan as they continue to build their show host Oprah Winfrey. the likes of television, music and podcast
lives overseas.’ Harry told the television star that his father streaming services Netflix and Spotify.
The 73-year-old King has never abandoned had ‘cut them off’ financially after they quit William, in particular, is said to have been
hope of rekindling his relationship with his royal life to live in America – a claim later avoiding all contact with his brother – until
youngest son despite Harry and Meghan mov- proved to be untrue and which caused ‘great this week’s momentous events – in case their
ing to the United States and publicly attacking upset’ to Charles. And Meghan’s unsubstanti- exchanges ended up in the pages of Harry’s
the royals. His dramatic peace offering – dur- ated allegation that a royal made a racist forthcoming memoir. New lives: Meghan and Harry
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 


I SPEAK to you today with feelings brought up to cherish a sense of duty to
of profound sorrow. Throughout others, and to hold in the greatest respect
her life, Her Majesty The Queen – my the precious traditions, freedoms and
beloved Mother – was an inspiration responsibilities of our unique history and
and example to me and to all my our system of parliamentary government.
family, and we owe her the most heartfelt As The Queen herself did with such
debt any family can owe to their mother; unswerving devotion, I too now solemnly
for her love, affection, guidance, under- pledge myself, throughout the remaining
standing and example. Queen Elizabeth time God grants me, to uphold the Consti-
was a life well lived; a promise with destiny tutional principles at the heart of
kept and she is mourned most deeply in our nation. And wherever you may live
her passing. That promise of lifelong serv- in the United Kingdom, or in the Realms
ice I renew to you all today. and territories across the world, and
Alongside the personal grief that all my whatever may be your background or
family are feeling, we also share with so beliefs, I shall endeavour to serve you with
many of you in the United Kingdom, in all loyalty, respect and love, as I have through-
the countries where The Queen was Head out my life.
of State, in the Commonwealth and across My life will of course change as I take up
the world, a deep sense of gratitude for my new responsibilities. It will no longer
the more than seventy years in which my be possible for me to give so much of my
Mother, as Queen, served the people of so time and energies to the charities and
many nations. In 1947, on her twenty-first issues for which I care so deeply. But I know
birthday, she pledged in a broadcast from this important work will go on in the
Cape Town to the Commonwealth to devote trusted hands of others.
her life, whether it be short or long, to the This is also a time of change for my family.
service of her peoples. That was more than I count on the loving help of my darling
a promise: it was a profound personal com- wife, Camilla. In recognition of her own
mitment which defined her whole life. She loyal public service since our marriage
made sacrifices for duty. Her seventeen years ago, she
dedication and devotion as becomes my Queen Consort.
Sovereign never wavered,
through times of change and
‘Let us draw I know she will bring to the
demands of her new role the
progress, through times of
joy and celebration, and
through times of sadness and
strength steadfast devotion to duty
on which I have come to rely
so much. As my Heir, William
loss. In her life of service we
saw that abiding love of tradi-
from the now assumes the Scottish
titles which have meant so
tion, together with that fear-
less embrace of progress, light of her much to me. He succeeds me
as Duke of Cornwall and takes
which make us great as on the responsibilities for
Nations. The affection, admi-
ration and respect she
example’ the Duchy of Cornwall which
I have undertaken for more
Emotion: The tearful King makes his first speech as sovereign inspired became the hallmark than five decades. Today, I
of her reign. And, as every member of my am proud to create him Prince of Wales,
to the King said it had been a ‘diffi- take the charity work he had spent
cult 24 hours’ but that he was ‘so the last six decades pursuing. family can testify, she combined these Tywysog Cymru, the country whose title I
grateful’ that he had been able to He said: ‘My life will of course qualities with warmth, humour and an have been so greatly privileged to bear
spend time with his mother before change as I take up my new respon- unerring ability always to see the best in during so much of my life and duty. With
she died. On the King’s desk dur- sibilities. It will no longer be possi- people. I pay tribute to my Mother’s mem- Catherine beside him, our new Prince and
ing the King’s speech was a photo- ble for me to give so much of my
graph of his mother that he had time and energies’ to the charities ory and I honour her life of service. I know Princess of Wales will, I know, continue to
chosen himself and had brought and issues for which I care so that her death brings great sadness to so inspire and lead our national conversa-
over from Clarence House. deeply. But I know this important many of you and I share that sense of loss, tions, helping to bring the marginal to the
Since news of the Queen’s death work will go on in the trusted hands beyond measure, with you all. centre ground where vital help can be
broke, thousands of people from of others.’
across the country – and the globe Speaking at the St Paul’s service, When The Queen came to the throne, given. I want also to express my love for
– have visited Buckingham Palace dean designate Andrew Tremlett Britain and the world were still coping with Harry and Meghan as they continue to
in central London to feel part of a said: ‘We remember her long life the privations and aftermath of the Sec- build their lives overseas.
moment in history. spent in the service of this country ond World War, and still living by the con- In a little over a week’s time we will come
Many were crying, praying and lay- and of her Commonwealth realms
ing colourful flowers at the wrought around the world. We celebrate her ventions of earlier times. In the course of together as a nation, as a Commonwealth
iron gates on Friday morning. love for her family, her commitment the last seventy years we have seen our and indeed a global community, to lay my
Nearby florists had sold out due to to duty, and her calling to create society become one of many cultures and beloved mother to rest. In our sorrow,
rocketing demand, and charity staff unity and concord.’ many faiths. The institutions of the State let us remember and draw strength from
were selling white flowers in Green In an eloquent and moving trib-
Park for those streaming down the ute, Boris Johnson told the Com- have changed in turn. But, through all the light of her example. On behalf of all
pathways that lead to the palace. mons yesterday that the Queen changes and challenges, our nation and my family, I can only offer the most sincere
In his address the King acknowl- ‘showed the world how to give, how the wider family of Realms – of whose tal- and heartfelt thanks for your condolences
edged that his life had now changed to love and how to serve’. ents, traditions and achievements I am so and support. They mean more to me than
and he would not be able to under- Comment – Page 46
inexpressibly proud – have prospered and I can ever possibly express. And to my
flourished. Our values have remained, and darling Mama, as you begin your last great
must remain, constant. journey to join my dear late Papa, I want
Your Weekend magazine The role and the duties of Monarchy also
remain, as does the Sovereign’s particular
simply to say this: thank you. Thank you
for your love and devotion to our
 DUE to the printing of extra
copies of the newspaper,
some copies of today’s paper
our apologies if this has
affected you. If you would like
a copy of either magazine,
relationship and responsibility towards the
Church of England – the Church in which
family and to the family of nations
you have served so diligently all
may not contain a Weekend please contact our customer my own faith is so deeply rooted. In that these years. May ‘flights of Angels
magazine nor our royal souve- services team on 0330 100 0601. faith, and the values it inspires, I have been sing thee to thy rest’.
nir magazine; please accept Subject to availability.

DETAILS: PAGE 54 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 Daily newspaper of the year 80p

After 8 more

medals and a
hero’s welcome
home for Max... 30
GREIGHT You did it, Daddy!

Gymnast Max
Whitlock and
daughter Willow

Record breaker:
Keely Hodgkinson

won 800m silver SEE PAGES 2-5

By Jason Groves, Eleanor Hayward
and Shaun Wooller
ALL over-16s are to be offered
coronavirus jabs.
PM set to heed new scientific advice
In a major shift of policy, scientists will
today recommend that 16 and 17-year-olds
should be invited for vaccinations.
Boris Johnson is expected to accept the advice
on vaccines for 16 and 17-year-olds
immediately, paving the way for the rollout to
1.5million teenagers later this month.
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and
Immunisation had ruled that only children with
Turn to Page 6
to head off autumn surge in schools

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mobile device – including Weekend and You Magazines



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Page  Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Time and again, the

cries came: God
save the King

Emotion: ‘I’ve been dreading this day,’ the King told the crowd


IS Majesty is now Moments later, a laudably modest
home. Almost 25 police motorcade came to a halt
and King Charles III stepped out
years ago to this to meet his subjects for the very
very day, our previ- first time, a red- eyed Queen
ous monarch had Camilla at his side.
stopped her car short of At which point, cheers – proper,
robust cheers – rang out around
Buckingham Palace, climbed the Palace precincts and up on a
out to inspect a mountain of rammed Queen Victoria Memorial.
flowers – and transformed The King had flicked a switch.
the mood of a grieving na- Gone was the air of aimless,
lugubrious bewilderment which
tion in an instant. had permeated London SW1 earlier
And so it was that her succes- in the day. Here, at last, was a sense
sor did exactly the same yester- of reassurance.
day afternoon, although, as he For the first time in 24 hours, we A sea of sympathy: With camera phones raised, some of the thousands at Buckingham Palace record
admitted to one well-wisher: saw people actually smiling at the
‘I’ve been dreading this.’ Palace gates. with handsets and tablets held people. No wonder they wanted to through a crumbling smile. It had
A little after two o’clock, police The applause was rather less aloft and pointing in the same capture it for posterity. been an ‘overwhelming moment’,
cleared a Moses-like path through noisy than the cheers for the sim- direction, it was like being in the Time and again came cries of she said later.
the ever-swelling sea of multi- ple reason that modern Britain midst of a battalion of meerkats. ‘God save the King!’, the phrase Thanking her, the King replied:
national mourners of every age and cannot attend the opening of a Who could blame them? They to which we must all now adjust ‘I’ve been dreading this day, I’ve
ilk filling the area in front of cupboard without filming it on a were witnessing real history, the for the next hundred years or so been dreading this.’
Buckingham Palace. mobile phone. And it is physically homecoming of a new sovereign. at least. He was alluding to the loss of his
No state trumpeters could be impossible to clap while holding And his first priority was not to Others were too moved to say mother, of course, not the pros-
heard. The news helicopters a phone. meet the staff and officials very much at all. Vicky Binley, 51, pect of kingship. Rewind to 2002
chuntering overhead were From my crush point somewhere awaiting him inside the Palace from Rutland, kissed the King’s and he used the very same words
performing that role instead. in the midst of a mob 50-deep, all quadrangle. It was to see the hand and muttered a ‘thank you’ (‘I dreaded, dreaded this
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 

Watch Robert’s
impossibly moving
video tribute
the arrival of the royal couple
moment’) after the death of the
Queen Mother.
Another woman grabbed the new
King’s arm, exclaiming: ‘Good
luck, my darling, you are a good
This all-embracing blanket of
affection and sympathy greatly
moved the new Queen Consort,
who let the tears flow freely. There
Turn to Page 8 Echoes of 199: Amid the mass of onlookers, the royal car comes to a halt before the Palace gates
Page  Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Kiss for the King: One excited woman boldly leans over the barrier to shake hands with the new monarch, before planting a kiss on his cheek in a show of affection

Day grieving King told the Palace

Reassuring presence: Robust cheers rang out as King Charles greeted the crowds
Continued from Page 7 raised – or ‘broken’ in Palace perceived failure to emote. Ten-
speak – up on the flagstaff. sions ran so high that some
were plenty of cries of ‘God That, of course, never flies at counselled against a walkabout.
bless you, Camilla’ and ‘We love half-mast because we are never The Queen, with her unerring
you, Camilla’. without a monarch. ability to gauge the true public
New York film director Ray- As the King walked through mood, left her car at the Palace
nald Leconte, 47, wished her the Palace gates and thence to gates and went to see her peo-
good luck. ‘Thank you very his new office – ahead of his first ple. Suddenly, everything
much,’ she replied. ‘I’ll need it.’ prime-ministerial audience – changed. Tempers evaporated.
One or two remembered their there were several rounds of Yesterday’s circumstances
etiquette and addressed the ‘three cheers’. were wholly different but the
couple as ‘Your Majesty’. If proof were needed of the effect was the same.
As the King made his way almost primeval allure and This was also a statement of
down the floral pile-up running power of monarchy, here it was: what we can expect from this
the breadth of the Palace, we Just as in September 1997 when reign. Fresh off the plane from
saw the first appearance of that the late Queen returned from Aberdeen, having left Balmoral
traditional vestige of majesty. Balmoral to address the nation at lunchtime, the King did not
Down came the half-masted following the death of Diana, return immediately to his home
Union flag. Princess of Wales. at Clarence House.
For the first time, the new Up until then, the monarchy He very deliberately wanted
Tearful: A well-wisher dabs her eyes after leaving a bunch of flowers S o v e r e i g n’ s s t a n d a r d w a s had been under heavy fire for a his first port of call to be
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 

Adoring: He receives another kiss, this time on the hand Witnessing history: The King shakes the hands of well-wishers, who give him sympathetic smiles

mourners: I’ve been dreading this

Touching tribute: King Charles and Camilla walk past flowers laid outside Buckingham Palace yesterday
Buckingham Palace. Subtext: ‘I am equerry recalled that there ‘wasn’t a time. However, yesterday’s arrival
hitting the ground running.’ dry eye in the car as they left’. showed that the King has already
In 1952, the new Queen and Prince Now, seven decades later, the given much thought to the sort of
Philip had been very keen to remain former Prince Charles finds himself monarchy he plans to lead. And he
at Clarence House following the moving out of Clarence House will lead it – into what some may
death of King George VI. yet again. label a new ‘Carolean’ era – from its
They had only just renovated the The new King and Queen will not traditional HQ.
place and assumed that they might be moving all their worldly goods If one thing will have alarmed the
continue to live there with their two just yet. The Palace is in the midst authorities yesterday, it will have
young children. of a huge refurbishment programme been the sheer volume of people
It was Winston Churchill who and is also currently configured for heading for the Palace. I well recall
effectively ordered them to move the annual summer influx of hun- the aftermath of the deaths of Diana
house, arguing that monarchs have dreds of thousands of tourists. It in 1997 and of the Queen Mother in
to ‘live above the shop’. The duke’s will not be fully inhabitable for some 2002. It was days before the public
began arriving in anything like these
Late on Thursday night and from
There were plenty of cries first light yesterday, very substantial
crowds were making their way to
the Palace from all directions. They
of ‘God bless you, Camilla’ Turn to Page 10 Emotional: The Queen Consort is deeply touched by the scenes
Page 10 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Only human: A policeman outside the Palace yesterday ‘We will miss you’: A cyclist’s placard on the Mall Too much: A young woman wipes away a tear

All ages pay their respects: A youngster amid the floral tributes, while a man appears overcome

Continued from Page Nine line to the monarch: ‘Thank you, Springs, australia, earlier in the
Ma’am – for everything.’ That was week. ‘I couldn’t believe it when
were perfectly behaved. Yet, by on many cards. we heard she was ill. We were at
mid-morning the police had intro- I met Natalia Ucinska, 34, a Lon- the theatre last night and they
duced a one -way system for don-based hotel worker from told us she’d died and then they
bouquet-bearers. Posnan, Poland, clutching a bunch played God Save The King – well,
The approaches from Green Park of white and red roses. we just all cried.’ She had nothing
were starting to reach Platinum ‘They are the Polish national col- but praise for the new monarch. ‘I
Jubilee levels. It was only the fact ours,’ she explained. ‘We loved the am of both aboriginal and Scot-
that people came, saw and then Queen in Poland.’ tish heritage and I love the monar-
left again which prevented an chy. We all need that little bit of

almighty logjam. that magic in our lives.’
By the time people had queued Often, at such moments, it is the
to get close enough to lay their ara Shabani, 19, a Lon- tiny things which stop you in your
offerings, they wanted a good don-based student from tracks, like the sight of Mikaela
look at the growing mounds of Iran, had arrived with a Van Der Hagen bringing her corgi,
floral tributes. dozen red roses. ‘I had to archie, seven, to pay tribute to the
The overarching theme was one come. I saw the Queen for maybe greatest corgi fan of them all, or of
of thanks. Several, I noticed, ten seconds on her balcony during an old soldier in tears.
included images of Paddington her Jubilee and now I want to be Of all the countless messages,
Bear. The Queen’s cameo role, here today. I am so sad,’ she said. none, to my mind, captured the
three long months ago, in that ‘She was the soul of Britain. You mood any better than one child’s
enchanting tea party with the must be so sad.’ unsigned drawing of a red love
marmalade sandwiches, continues She was the soul of other places, heart beneath the message, in
to resonate in the most touching too. Tanya Morcom, 54, had big letters: ‘We want you back
Brave face: The King waves to the crowds who greeted him way. Ditto Paddington’s immortal arrived on holiday from alice our Queen.’
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 11

‘As they walked

through the
Palace gates,
rounds of
cheers rang out’

Heading for a new future: The

royal couple enter Buckingham
Palace for the first time as
King and Queen Consort
Page 12 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Charles to be
King live on
TV screens
THE nation will watch the By Vanessa Allen
new King being formally
proclaimed monarch as the The King will be proclaimed at
ceremony is televised for the Accession Council at 10.00hrs
the first time. [on] 10th September in the State
Today will be the first time in Apartments of St James’s Palace,
history that the Accession London. The Accession Council,
Council in the State Apart- attended by Privy Councillors, is
ments of St James’s Palace divided into two parts. In Part I,
will be broadcast. It is due to the Privy Council, without The
start at 10am. King present, will proclaim the
A Principal Proclamation will Sovereign, and formally approve
then be read in public from the various consequential Orders,
balcony overlooking Friary Court including the arrangements for
at St James’s an hour later. It is the Proclamation.
read by the Garter King of Arms. ‘Part II, is the holding by The
It will be followed by Proclama- King of His Majesty’s first Privy
tions around the country, with Council. The King will make his
the second one at City of London declaration and read and sign an
at the Royal Exchange at midday, oath to uphold the security of the
and further Proclamations in Church in Scotland and approve
Scotland, Northern Ireland and Orders in Council which facilitate
Wales at midday tomorrow. continuity of government.’
Buckingham Palace issued Historically, the entire Privy
details of the arrangements. It Council is summoned to the
was confirmed cameras would be Accession Council. But there are
currently more than 700 privy
counsellors. They are mostly
‘Dates from time serving or former politicians,
although Camilla, the new Queen,
of Normans’ and Prince William are counsel-
lors and are expected to attend.
allowed inside the State Apart- Just 200 will be summoned for
ments to capture the proceed- the event, which must take place
ings for the first time. before Parliament meets again.
In recognition of the new King, The Accession Council is pre-
union flags will be flown at full- sided over by the Lord President
mast from the time of the Princi- of the Council. Penny Mordaunt Lament: The lone piper plays as the
pal Proclamation until one hour was appointed to the role a few
days ago in Liz Truss’s new Cabi- crowds make their way into St Paul’s
after the Proclamations in Scot-
land, Northern Ireland and Wales. net. The Accession Proclamation
They will then return to half-mast will be read aloud and then be
to mourn the death of the Queen.
Charles automatically became
King on the death of his mother,
but the Accession Council is usu-
signed by members of the Royal
Family who are present as Privy
Counsellors, and other key digni-
taries. Charles will then hold his
New PM gives a reading at
ally convened at St James’s in first Privy Council. S a muffled tolling
London within 24 hours of the Then, the first public proclama- founded. He doth still my trust
of a single bell
death of a sovereign.
It is being staged a day later for
tion of the new sovereign is read
from the Friary Court balcony by sounds, the huge By Jane renew,’ we sing falteringly, eyes
beginning to brim with tears, feel-
King Charles III because the the Garter King of Arms at St doors close, the last ing deep sadness, but also pride
announcement of the Queen’s
death did not come until Thurs-
James’s Palace. The Proclama-
tion will then be read at the Royal
murmurs still and Fryer and respect for a life lived so
Exchange in the City of London King Charles’s address is St Paul’s itself feels different, too.
day evening, meaning there was broadcast over the loud- AT ST PAUL’S CATHEDERAL
not enough time to set the plans at midday. The Privy Council So often it provides the magnifi-
in motion for Friday morning. dates from the time of the Nor- speaker system, a wonderful cent backdrop for royal weddings
man kings. started playing. ‘She reached us and seemingly Jubilees – the Plati-
The Palace said: ‘His Majesty calm floods St Paul’s all, she led us, she inspired us, num, just months ago. Bursting
Cathedral. she’s part of us,’ says Fran Butcher full of overblown pomp and liver-

The new Carolean age Where, for once, there are no silly
frissons caused by family tensions.
No Prince Andrew skulking behind
a pillar. No murderous looks
from Kettering, Northampton-
shire. ‘After all she’s done for us,
we couldn’t not come,’
ied servicemen and, occasionally,
even a joke or two.

Susanna, 40, a student mentor
...what his time as our passed between the immaculately
presented Cambridges and the
swanky Sussexes. No royal great-
originally from Naples and elegant
in a black veil and dark, fitted suit,
says: ‘It’s a loss like a member of
OdAy there are no
jokes. No trumpets or

monarch will be called grandchildren trying – and failing

– to sit still.
Because this is not a service for
the royals. Or civil dignitaries, or
my family. I am Italian, but I feel
as if one of my relatives has died. I
am just a normal person, but I
needed to come.’
harps. No frills. And very
little colour at all.
Instead, black ties galore, muted
THE Queen’s death marks the to the reign of King Charles I. outfits, a flash or two of colour
heads of state. Of course, there are some famil- from those who had no time to go
end of the second Elizabethan The Caroline era, from 1625 to This is a service of Prayer and iar faces – including our new Prime home to change after queueing for
era and the start of the second 1649, was marred by civil wars Reflection about the Queen for Minister Liz Truss, sitting in the so long, and the odd hi-vis cycling
Carolean age – the reign of King and ended with the execution of the public – teachers, taxi drivers, front row in a smart black dress – jacket stuffed under chairs
Charles III. Charles I. For the next 11 years, lawyers, care workers, dinner and a spattering of ministers and on the black and white checker-
The Prime Minister told the the country was a republic ladies, telesales workers and reti- MPs. But somehow, they feel board floor.
Commons yesterday: ‘All of us in under Oliver Cromwell. rees – to celebrate their Queen. rather irrelevant. Because this is All listening quietly to St Paul’s
The constant in most of our lives. about the Queen, her subjects, her Cathedral singing Behold, O God
this House will support him as When Charles II was restored Many have come straight from faith and music. Our defender.
he takes our country forward to to his father’s throne after years laying flowers outside Bucking- And oh, the music! Exquisite,
a new era of hope and progress. of the Commonwealth and the Then there’s Liz Truss, reading
ham Palace. Others have taken soaring. Perfect, from the moment simply and clearly, from Romans
Our new Carolean age.’ Protectorate, his rule became the day off work. Some have called organists Martin Ford and Will Fox 14 – ‘We do not live to ourselves,
Liz Truss chose her words care- known as the Carolean age. in sick. start playing. and we do not die to ourselves’ –
fully. The term Carolean comes Charles II’s reign from 1660 to All have queued since 11am to And so carefully chosen. Every and possibly wondering if anyone
from the Latin for Charles – Car- 1685 is associated with greater get one of the 2,000 free tickets piece selected to reflect the faith has ever had a more extraordinary
olus. But there is an alternative freedom and he was a much and queued again later, and for that was one of the Queen’s great first week in a new job.
hours, in snaking lines, around constants. ‘All my hope on God is But she isn’t the only newbie
term – ‘Caroline’ – which refers beloved king. Wren’s masterpiece, as a piper
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 SLIP Page 13

St Paul’s public service of thanksgiving that was...

Exquisite, soaring,
poignant and so
perfectly pitched
here. Andrew Tremlett, Dean Des- had to swear allegiance to the from the altar to the back of the attention-seeking sobs that some-
ignate of St Paul’s Cathedral, only King,’ he says. ‘It was very, very cathedral. An extraordinarily times wash through moments of
moved into the Deanery on poignant.’ But of course, it’s all mournful lament by a solitary collective grief.
Wednesday and had to attend an poignant – poor King Charles talk- piper and the end of the great new These are reflective and respect-
emergency meeting with the ing about his ‘darling Mama’, the Elizabethan Age, heralded by ful tears that slide silently down
Bishop of London hours earlier so 2,000 members of the public who Clement Attlee all those years cheeks of all ages, backgrounds
he could be licensed to conduct ditched their plans on the spot ago. and nationalities, as we sing on.
this service. and queued for hours to be here By the time we reach The Lord’s Until, finally, the national anthem Extraordinary week: Liz Truss at
‘It was the first time in the 33 paying their respects. My Shepherd, emotions are run- – God Save The King – and the
years since I was ordained that I The condolence books carried ning high. Not that there are any beginning of a new era. the Cathedral lectern last night
Page 14 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Pensive: Prince Harry arrives back at Windsor yesterday after spending the night at Balmoral in Scotland Strained relationship: The Queen and the

MID the personal family tragedy
on Thursday, a small domestic
drama was playing out.
Unsurprisingly, it involved the
Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
It was a fortunate coincidence of sorts that Harry
Revealed: How
left incredulous’
and Meghan were in the country when the prince’s
grandmother passed away, sparing him an emo-
tional and undoubtedly traumatic transatlantic
dash as the Queen’s health failed.
Despite the rancour of the past few years, no one
would begrudge him the chance to mourn his
beloved ‘Granny’, with whom he had always
enjoyed a warm and fun-loving relationship.
But as the royal households were consumed in
concern for the ailing monarch, the Sussexes

said she was on

The news did not go
down well at the Palace
prompted an unprecedented flurry behind the
scenes by announcing that Harry and Meghan
would both be travelling to Balmoral.
News of their plans came via the small group of
media the Sussexes deem it appropriate to deal with
and tweeted out by journalists at 1.53pm. The state-
ment read: ‘From a spokesperson:

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex that Kate – now the Princess of Edward, arrived as soon as they
will be travelling to Scotland.’ Wales – was staying at home. could afterwards on a plane with
This was, of course, news to the E i t h e r w a y, t h e i r h u r r i e d Prince William, who is now first in
Palace and it did not go down well. announcement that only Harry line to the throne.
Many behind royal walls, frankly,
were incredulous.
There was half an hour on Thurs-
REBECCA would be making the trip north
from the capital prompted a sigh
of relief among aides.
Edward was accompanied by his
wife, Sophie, but she is adored by
the Queen, who views her as a sec-

day following the Sussexes’ initial Putting aside the anguish of the ond daughter, and is likely to have
announcement during which mat- past few years, the initial decision been there at her request.
ters quickly came to a head. in itself, that both Sussexes would Although most have assumed
It is still unclear how much pres- travel, was seen as wholly inappro- that Kate stayed behind because
sure was brought to bear by the priate, according to palace insid- it was her children’s first day
Palace itself – or whether senior ROYAL EDITOR ers, for one very simple reason: this at school, which is in part true,
royal were involved – but a spokes- was a private, family moment. she instinctively knew this was
man for the couple frantically pened is open to speculation. when it was pointed out that she Only the two oldest children of an occasion for the Queen’s
began to ‘clarify’ their position, Some say that Harry and Meghan wouldn’t be, they realised how bad the elderly monarch – Charles and blood family.
informing those same journalists hadn’t considered that William’s it looked. Anne – were present when the It is impossible to forget that
that ‘only the duke was travelling wife wouldn’t be there, with Kate Others believe Meghan was effec- Queen passed away. events are taking place against a
at the moment’. Exactly what hap- staying in London instead, and tively banned, using the argument Her other children, Andrew and backdrop of unimaginable bitter-
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V1 Page 15

Duchess of Sussex at Buckingham Palace in 2018 Grieving: The Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge – now the Princess of Wales – at the Windsor estate yesterday

the Palace ‘was And duchess’s

children HAVE
got royal titles

when Meghan PRINCE Harry’s children have now become a

prince and princess – despite Meghan’s claim
that her son would be denied the title.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s three-
year-old son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor
is now Prince Archie, while his one-year-
old sister is Princess Lilibet.

way to Balmoral
In last year’s bombshell interview with
Oprah Winfrey, the couple suggested Archie
might be blocked from becoming a prince.
Meghan spoke of her shock at being told
her son would not get police protection
because he did not have a title, revealing
there were also ‘concerns and conversa-
tions about how dark his skin might be’.
The Sussexes indicated to Oprah that they
had been told protocols would be changed
once Charles became King, so that Archie
ness. So deep is the rift of laser-guided and deeply a lonely drive to the castle, rately back to Windsor yester- would be excluded from becoming an HRH
between the two brothers that harmful accusations against finally arriving at 7.52pm – an day and there was no word last
even though Harry and Wil- family members, as well as hour and a half after the pal- night as to whether the pair
and a prince.
liam have been temporarily the institution of the monar- ace’s historic statement have any plans to meet – However, the death of the Queen means
living just a few minutes’ walk chy itself. informing the nation of the although it seems Harry will they are now the grandchildren of the
from each other at Windsor It was noticeable that there death of Her Majesty. remain at Frogmore Cottage monarch, rather than the great-grandchil-
this week, there has been was no invitation for Harry to He was seen being driven out until after the funeral on Sep- dren, and are entitled to be addressed as
no attempt at contact from at 8.28am yesterday, little more tember 19. prince and princess, and to use HRH.
either party. than 12 hours later. It is unclear whether Meghan It is not known if the Sussexes want Archie
Relations are little better Had to kiss his During that time he would is still in the country, but and Lilibet to be addressed as a prince and
with any other members of father’s hand have had to kiss his father’s she has two young children princess. Harry and Meghan stopped using
the family either – King hand, curtsey to his step- back in the US and may well HRH since they quit their roles as senior
Charles, in particular, has mother – and break bread fly back to them, returning for
been left bewildered and with those he has caused so the funeral. working royals, but still retain them.
join the family party that
deeply hurt by his younger headed north on Thursday, much hurt. Grief is often said to bring a Being a prince or princess does not auto-
son’s incessant attacks. taking off from RAF Northolt The brothers now face seeing family together – whether it matically mean royals have police body-
While no one wants an all-out bound for Aberdeen. a lot of each other as they pre- does when it comes to Harry guards paid for by the taxpayer, and the
war, few are in a hurry to for- He made his own way to Bal- pare for the Queen’s funeral. and the rest of the Windsor Sussexes have chosen to live in the US.
give or forget Meghan’s series moral by private jet and faced Harry made his way sepa- dynasty remains to be seen.
Page 16 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

tales bring
laughter to
the House
By Tom Witherow

MPs packed the Commons

yesterday to pay tribute to
the Queen, with many
standing several deep and
even sitting on the floor.
They observed a minute’s
silence and hailed her life of
service to the nation and her
statesmanship, as well as shar-
ing anecdotes of her warmth,
sense of humour and love of
family, nature and animals.
The Prime Minister was one of
several MPs to praise the Queen’s
leadership in the pandemic.
Liz Truss said ‘she gave us hope
that we would meet again during
the darkest moments’, adding: Humour: Mrs May yesterday
‘she knew this generation of Brit-
ons would be as strong as any.’ try. It made our life smaller and
Her predecessor Boris Johnson more remote, but she was able
delivered a moving tribute to ‘Eliz- to reach beyond that to reassure I HOPE the House will law is passed; to whom every armed services. And that impulse
abeth the Great’, while another and steel us.’ not mind if I begin minister of the Crown swears to do her duty carried her through
former resident of No 10, Theresa Matt Hancock, the former health with a personal allegiance and for whom every right into her tenth decade – to
May, had the House laughing with secretary, hailed the Queen as ‘the confession. A few member of our armed services is the very moment in Balmoral, as
a story illustrating the Queen as greatest statesman of all time’, as months ago, the BBC pledged if necessary to lay down my Right Honourable Friend has
‘down to earth and a woman of he praised her for ‘taking the rare their lives. said, only three days ago – when
common sense’. step of going public with her
came to see me to talk Think what we asked of her in she saw off her 14th prime minis-
While the former prime minister health status when declaring that about Her Majesty the Queen. that moment: Not just to be the ter and welcomed her 15th.
was being hosted at Balmoral in she’d taken a vaccination’ during And we sat down and the living embodiment – in her DNA – And I can tell you that in that
the pandemic and for ‘giving the cameras started rolling of the history and continuity and audience, she was as radiant and
country hope in dark times’. and they requested that I unity of this country. But to be the as knowledgeable and as
‘At the heart of Tory MP Andrea Leadsom gave should talk about her in the figurehead of our entire system, fascinated by politics as ever I can
this nation’s life’ a humorous insight into the past tense. the keystone in the vast arch of remember, and as wise in her
Queen’s personal life, as she told And I’m afraid I simply choked the British state. advice as anyone I know – if
of a visit of the Privy Council to up. I couldn’t go on. And I am A role that only she could fulfil not wiser.
scotland, she attended a picnic sandringham one January. really not easily moved to tears, because, in the brilliant and And over that extraordinary
with Her Majesty – and ended up ‘I recall the Queen saying what a but I was so overcome with durable bargain of the span of public service, with her
facing a tricky decision concern- busy Christmas she’d had, and I sadness that I had to ask them to constitutional monarchy, only she naturally retentive and inquiring
ing some cheese. suggested at least her family don’t go away. could be trusted to be above any mind, I think – and doubtless
Mrs May said: ‘Hampers came need to pause Christmas lunch And I know that today there are party-political or commercial many of that 15 would agree – she
from the castle and we all mucked for the Queen’s speech,’ she said. countless people in this country became the greatest statesman
in. I picked up some cheese and ‘At which point, she told me they and around the world who have and diplomat of all.
put it on a plate, and was transfer- most certainly did! As for all of us, experienced the same sudden And she knew instinctively how
ring it to the table. The cheese fell
on the floor. I had a split-second
her family would pause their lunch
and watch the Queen’s speech.
excess of unexpected emotion.
And I think millions of us are
Think what we to cheer up the nation, how to lead
a celebration, and I remember her
decision to make. she told me Princess Charlotte trying to understand why we are innocent joy more than ten years
‘I picked up the cheese and put
it on the plate and put it on the
had run over to the screen and
said: “Look! There’s Gan Gan!”’
feeling this deep and personal, and
almost familial sense of loss.
asked of her all ago after the opening ceremony of
the London Olympics, when I told
table. I turned around to see Labour MP Harriet Harman, her that a leader of a friendly
that my every move was being
watched very carefully by Her
mother of the House of Commons,
said: ‘The relationship between
Perhaps it is partly that she has
always been there: A changeless
human reference point in British
those years ago Middle Eastern country seemed
actually to believe that she had
Majesty the Queen. our Queen and Parliament was life. The person who – all the jumped out of a helicopter in a
‘I looked at her, she looked at me never just on paper, but was always pink dress and parachuted into
surveys say – appears most often
and she just smiled. And the active and always encouraging. interest, and to incarnate impar- the stadium.
in our dreams, so unvarying in her tially the very concept and essence And I remember her equal
cheese remained on the table.’ ‘she radiated British values of
Opposition leader sir Keir duty, patriotism, international- Pole star radiance that we have of the nation. pleasure on being told just a few
starmer reflected on the personal ism, charity and service. But while perhaps been lulled into thinking Think what we asked of her – and weeks ago that she had been a
relationship the Queen had with she embodied British values, she she might be in some way eternal. think what she gave. she showed smash hit in her performance with
her subjects. never intervened in politics – and But I think our shock is keener the world not just how to reign Paddington Bear.
He said: ‘For the 70 glorious that is constitutional alchemy.’ today because we are coming to over a people, she showed the And perhaps more importantly,
years of her reign, our Queen was Beyond Westminster, former understand in her death the world how to give, how to love and she knew how to keep us going,
at the heart of this nation’s life. prime minister Gordon Brown full magnitude of what she did how to serve. when times were toughest.
‘she did not simply reign over said: ‘Most of all, what shone for us all. And as we look back at that vast In 1940, when this country and
us, she lived alongside us. she through was her complete and And think what we asked that arc of service, its sheer duration is this democracy faced the real
shared in our hopes and our fears, utter dedication to the country 25-year-old woman all those years almost impossible to take in. possibility of extinction, she gave
our joy and our pain, our good and to the constitution. We will all ago. To be the person so globally she was the last living person in a broadcast – aged only 14 – that
times and our bad.’ miss her greatly.’ trusted that her image should be British public life to have served in was intended to reassure the
He recalled how she inspired the The Queen reigned for 57 com- on every unit of currency, every uniform in the second World War. children of Britain.
nation during the pandemic, plete sessions of Parliament and postage stamp: The person in she was the first female member she said then: ‘We know, every
saying: ‘Covid closed the front oversaw 18 general elections and whose name all justice is of the Royal Family in a thousand one of us, that in the end all will
doors of every home in the coun- 15 prime ministers. dispensed in this country, every years to serve full time in the be well.’ she was right. And she
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 17

No politician is
as passionately
patriotic or as
eloquent as Boris.
Read his tribute to
the Queen in full Touching eulogy: Boris Johnson yesterday and,
above, a minute’s silence in the Commons

was right again in the darkest bad as they seem. And it was that plated convoys. I can tell you as a happy and so well understood – not can say with such confidence
days of the Covid pandemic, indomitability, that humour, that direct eyewitness she drove herself just in this country but in the ‘God Save The King’ is a trib-
when she came on our screens to work ethic, that sense of history in her own car, with no detectives Commonwealth and around the ute to him but above all to Eliz-
tell us that we would meet again. which together made her Elizabeth and no bodyguard, bouncing at world – that the succession has abeth the Great, who worked so
And we did. the Great. alarming speed over the Scottish already seamlessly taken place. hard for the good of her coun-
And I know I speak for other ex- And when I call her that – landscape, to the total amazement And I believe she would regard it try not just now, but for genera-
PMs when I say that she helped to Elizabeth the Great – I should add of the ramblers and tourists we as her own highest achievement tions to come.
comfort and guide us, as well as one final quality, her humility. Her encountered. that her son – Charles III – will That is why we mourn
the nation, because she had the single-bar electric fire, And it is that indomitable spirit clearly and amply follow her own her so deeply. And it is in
patience and the sense of history Tupperware-using refusal to be with which she created the modern extraordinary standards of duty the depths of our grief
to see that troubles come and go grand, unlike us politicians with constitutional monarchy. and service. that we understand why
and that disasters are seldom as our outriders and our armour- An institution so strong and so And the fact that today we we loved her so much.
Page 18 SLIP Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

New King’s audience

with Britain’s new PM
His Majesty
receives Liz
Truss at the
palace after
PM hails an
‘era of hope’
By John Stevens
Deputy Political Editor
THE King held his first audience
with the Prime Minister at Buck-
ingham Palace yesterday, just
three days after she was formally
appointed by his mother.
His Majesty greeted Liz Truss at the
historic meeting shortly after he
returned to London from Balmoral.
The Prime Minister yesterday pledged to
support the King as he ‘takes our country
forward to a new era of hope and progress,
our new Carolean age’.
Speaking in the House of Commons ahead
of the audience, Miss Truss said Britain
‘must show the world that we do not fear
what lies ahead’ after ‘our lives changed
forever’ following the death of the Queen.
‘His Majesty King Charles III bears an
awesome responsibility that he now car-
ries for all of us,’ the Prime Minister told
MPs. ‘Even as he mourns, his Change of guard: Liz Truss and the Queen on Tuesday First impressions: Miss Truss curtsies as she is introduced to the King
sense of duty and service is clear. mally be proclaimed King. Penny Balmoral on Tuesday – in what was 15th prime minister,’ she added. that courage now.’ She also signed
‘He has already made a profound Mordaunt will officiate as Lord to be one of her final official duties ‘Again she generously shared with a book of condolence to the Queen,
contribution through his work on President of the Privy Council. during her 70-year reign. me her deep experience of govern- saying: ‘She was the rock on which
conservation, education and his In the House of Commons at The Prime Minister yesterday ment, even in those last days.’ modern Britain was built.’
tireless diplomacy. We owe him lunchtime, Miss Truss will be paid tribute to her as ‘one of the Miss Truss referenced how, in the Boris Johnson also told MPs the
our loyalty and devotion. among senior MPs who will take greatest leaders the world has ever Queen’s first televised Christmas Queen was ‘as radiant and as
‘The crown endures. Our nation the oath to the King. known’. She said the Queen message in 1957, she said: ‘Today knowledgeable as ever’ in their last
endures. And in that spirit, I say Later this afternoon, the Prime ‘remained determined to carry out we need a special kind of courage meeting on Tuesday.
God save the King.’ The former prime minister, who
Minister and Cabinet will have an her duties’ even at the age of 96. so we can show the world that we
had travelled to Balmoral to offer
Miss Truss and the Cabinet will audience with His Majesty. ‘It was just three days ago at Bal- are not afraid of the future.’ his resignation shortly before Miss
attend the Accession Council this The late Queen appointed Miss moral that she invited me to form Commenting on the quote, the Truss was appointed, said: ‘That
morning when Charles III will for- Truss as her 15th prime minister at a Government and become her Prime Minister added: ‘We need impulse to do her duty carried her
right through into her tenth dec-

Carrie: She was so ade to the very moment in Bal-

moral... only three days ago, when
she saw off her 14th prime minister
and welcomed her 15th.

warm and kind... ‘I can tell you, in that audience,

she was as radiant and as knowl-
edgeable and as fascinated by poli-
tics as ever I can remember and as

we were lucky that wise in her advice as anyone I

know, if not wiser.’
Yesterday the photographer who

she was our Queen took the last picture of the Queen
greeting Miss Truss at Balmoral
said she had ‘seemed very happy’.
Jane Barlow, a Press Association
CARRIE Johnson last night ‘We were so lucky that she photographer, said: ‘When I came
said how the Queen sent her was our Queen,’ she added. into the room with the Queen’s
a message of support when ‘I will also always remember press secretary, she was very smi-
her husband was battling her comforting words when ley. ‘There was a wee while we had
Covid-19 in intensive care. Boris was very ill in ICU and I to wait for Liz Truss to be
Writing on Instagram, the was sick with worry. We will announced so during that short
time she did comment on the
former prime minister’s wife all miss her so much.’ weather... She seemed in very good
said the monarch was ‘so She concluded her post spirits. Obviously she was very frail
warm and kind and funny’. with: ‘God Save The King.’ Supportive message: The Queen with Boris and Carrie Johnson in 2021 but she was very smiley.’
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V1 Page 19

King Charles
and the PM at
Page 20 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Now duty calls: King Charles boards his plane at Aberdeen for the flight to London Return of the King: The aircraft carrying Charles and Camilla lands in west London

STILL shell-shocked from the news of
the Queen’s death, the Royal Family and
the nation embarked on the first day of
mourning yesterday.
Across the land, schoolchildren and workers
paused to honour Her Majesty, and thou-
sands gathered to lay flowers.
Electronic advertising hoardings switched to
show faces of the monarch and the capital cities of
the UK echoed with the boom of gun salutes. And
as the nation began to come to terms with the
saddest of news, the grieving royals began the
process of saying their own farewells as the King’s
reign took hold.

EVEN before dawn yesterday, crowds began gath-
ering at the Queen’s principal residences. Windsor
Castle, her primary home in latter years, was a
place of mournful silence as well-wishers laid
flowers and reflected on her life.
As the day wore on, thousands of the curious
and the sad made the pilgrimage to the gates of
the castle. Children too young to understand the
enormity of the events were among those
in tears.
Sarah Minch had brought her son Johnny, five,
to lay flowers. Attached was a card with Padding-
ton Bear on the front.
She said: ‘We loved the sketch she did with Pad-
dington for the Platinum Jubilee, and hopefully
that is something my son will remember watching.
It’s those shared moments that can be so impor-
tant. It’s desperately sad and I wanted to bring
him here to pay our respects.’
Alice, eight, came with her mother to lay down
bright pink roses and a hand-drawn picture of
Queen Elizabeth wearing a crown and standing
underneath a rainbow. A couple from nearby
Bracknell, Angela and Gareth Jenkins, brought
hand-picked flowers from their own garden.
She said: ‘We’ve been very saddened by the news.
We drove over this morning to leave these flowers,
just to pay our respects to Her Majesty and
acknowledge our gratitude for her service really.’


ON the Balmoral estate, the new King Charles III
and the new heir to the throne, William, were pre-
paring to face the epoch-making day.
It was late morning when an ashen-faced Charles
was seen first for the first time since his accession
to the throne.
With the Queen Consort, Camilla, he was driven
out of Birkhall, his own Scottish residence a short
distance from Balmoral Castle, at 11.15am.
Dressed entirely in black, she was sat in the front
passenger seat, staring straight
ahead. pleasantries with staff before
Charles, dressed in his mourning boarding an Embraer Legacy 600
HARRY FIRST TO GO previous evening to reach his
beloved grandmother in time to
to reach the Queen’s bedside. Yes-
terday, he boarded a scheduled
clothes of a black suit and tie, executive jet operated by the Royal PRINCE Harry, however, had been say goodbye, had spent only 12 British Airways flight to London’s
looked sombre as he sat in the Air Force. the first to emerge from Balmoral hours at the castle overnight. Heathrow. For a moment there was
back with a protection officer. The RAF wasted no time and it Castle, grief etched on his face. The last to arrive, he was the first a brief glimpse of the unstuffy
Their party arrived at Aberdeen was wheels-up at 12.30pm as the He sat bereft in the rear of a to leave, and on both occasions did Prince Harry of old, when he
airport at 12.14pm. historic flight down to Bucking- Range Rover as it swept through so alone. instinctively put his arm around an
They emerged from the car amid ham Palace got under way, its the gates at 8.28am for the journey Flanked by five police outriders, airport worker who offered
blustery conditions, Camilla under progress followed live on flight back to Aberdeen Airport. Harry arrived at the airport at her condolences.
a b u b b l e u m b r e l l a a n d a tracker websites by more than The Duke of Sussex, having lost 9.20am. On Thursday, he had char- Phyllis Stewart comforted the
windswept Charles exchanging 240,000 people. his desperate race against time the tered a private jet in his dash duke as she walked him to the air-
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 21

Sombre: King Charles disembarks as he prepares to face the nation Lost in thought: A pensive Queen Camilla on the journey from Balmoral back to the capital

First day of
mourning for
a nation still
reeling from
her loss

craft steps. In turn, the duke, before his plane had landed.
wearing a black suit and carry- Once back in London, a pensive-
ing his own shoulder bag, smiled looking Harry was driven to
and gently patted her shoulder Windsor where he was reunited
before climbing up the steps. with the Duchess of Sussex at
His BA flight took off at 10am. Frogmore Cottage.
It must have seemed like almost Meghan, after initially planning
no time since he was last in the to come to Balmoral with her
air, the day before, when Buck- husband, had stayed in Windsor
i n g h a m Pa l a c e m a d e t h e
announcement to the world TURN TO NEXT PAGE Main picture: Beefeaters on parade Above: A gun salute at the Tower of London yesterday
Page 22 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Flower child: A youngster adds a sunflower to the bouquets outside Windsor Castle yesterday Top guns: Shooting enthusiasts at the Welsh Game Fair carried out


after a change of plan that was waspishly
interpreted by the BBC’s royal correspondent
Nicholas Witchell as a response to concerns
‘she might not be terribly warmly welcomed,
to be perfectly candid about it’.

AS the King flew south, MPs in the House of
Commons were offering eulogies to his late
mother. The chamber was a sea of black.
At 12.49pm, backbench MP Boris Johnson –
only three days after his own trip to Balmoral
to resign as prime minister – gave a beautiful
and heartfelt tribute, dubbing her ‘Elizabeth
the Great’.
He told the Commons: ‘She showed the
world not just how to reign over a people, she
showed the world how to give, how to love and
how to serve.’
‘On Tuesday, she saw off her 14th Prime Min-
ster and welcomed her 15th – and I can tell
you, in that audience, she was as radiant, and
as knowledgeable, and as fascinated by poli-
tics as ever. I think she became the greatest
statesman and diplomat of all.’
Outside in Hyde Park, there was a proces-
sion of 71 horses from The King’s Troop Royal
Horse Artillery, of which 36 pulled First World
War-era 13-pounder field guns into position.
Similar guns were being wheeled into place
at the Tower of London by the Honourable
Artillery Company – and by other Armed Forces
personnel in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Ply-
mouth, York, Stonehenge and Portsmouth,
and overseas in Gibraltar and Jersey.
A t 1 p m p r e c i s e l y, t h e y f i r e d t h e
Death Gun Salute – one round every 10 sec-
onds, with 96 rounds to mark every year of the
Queen’s long life.


WHEN the King’s flight touched down at RAF
Northolt in west London at 1.34pm, the sun-
shine came out.
In fact, it was apparently so stuffy inside the
State Rolls Royce sent to collect him that
Charles spent some time apparently strug-
gling to find the button to lower the window.
And then, with Camilla by his side, the King’s
party cruised on to the A40 and into central
London. Police motorcycle outriders zipped Prayers: Pupils and
ahead to stop the traffic at junctions, and as
the convoy threaded its way through streets teachers observe a
near Paddington, stunned Londoners stopped minute’s silence at
what they were doing as they suddenly St Mary Magdalene
realised the historic moment they were wit-
nessing – King Charles III’s approach to Buck- Catholic Primary School,
ingham Palace. Even before the convoy in Milton Keynes
reached the final leg, Constitution Hill, the
streets were lined with
well-wishers. cheers, tears and cries of ‘God save Charles on the hand, said he told Windsor Castle Fire Service laid some people used their phones to
And as the Rolls Royce rounded the King’. One woman kissed his her: ‘Oh thank you so much, I’ve flowers at the gate with a note say- hold video calls with elderly rela-
the corner to the palace, Charles hand – another kissed his cheek. been dreading this day.’ ing ‘Rest in Peace Your Majesty. tives or those unable to travel dis-
experienced the first taste of the ‘God bless you Sir’, and ‘We Thank you for 70 years of Service.’ tances to show them the tributes
public’s reaction to him becoming love you, King Charles – and we A NATION MOURNS PC McAllister of Surrey Police as they were being laid.
King – thunderous applause. loved your mum’ were among the A t B a l m o r a l , t h e Q u e e n’ s
What followed was stunning affir- remarks, along with a hearty THE warmth of the nation towards wrote in a note on flowers: ‘Rest coffin, draped in the Royal Stand-
mation, if he needed it, of the ‘Well done Charlie!’ from a man at the new King was reflected outside now, Your Majesty. We are proud to ard with a wreath of her favourite
nation’s rapturous embrace. the back. royal residences everywhere. Mem- have served you. ‘You were a bea- flowers, is resting in the castle’s
As he stepped from the car and The King seemed overwhelmed, bers of the public offered Charles con of shining light and the perfect ballroom, where Her Majesty had
walked down a line of well-wishers but managed to thank everyone as their best wishes as they laid flow- monarch. You will be missed. danced as a girl. The Duke of Corn-
outside the palace gates, he was he shook at least a hundred hands. ers and mourned the Queen. At Thank you for everything Ma’am.’ wall and Cambridge departed at
bestowed at every step with Vicky Binley, 51, who kissed Windsor, the Green Watch of the In a sign of the changing times, lunchtime to return to London,
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 23

their own salute and a two-minute silence Lest we forget: Images of the Queen at her most regal replace advertisements on the streets of Edinburgh yesterday

Right: Images
of the young
Queen and
her older self
replace the
giant adverts
that normally
Circus in

Charles is
given a warm
reception by
hundreds of

and was last night back with London, attended Miss Truss
his family in Windsor. and senior ministers.
Today William will undertake And at 6pm, the King melted
his first duties as the heir to the hearts with an address to the
throne as he joins the Privy nation, broadcast on television
Council for the proclamation of and inside the cathedral.
his father as monarch. He paid tribute to his late
mother and spoke of his ‘pro-
KING’S ADDRESS found sorrow’. He said she was
LAST night there was a public ‘an inspiration’, an example to
service of remembrance at St him and to his family and was
Paul’s Cathedral in central ‘mourned most deeply’.
Page 24 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Kindred souls: Charles and Camilla share a joke in New Zealand

HE wasn’t born to be a queen, yet she will be one.
She had no desire for a crown, yet she will now wear
one. She felt no need for a life embroidered with
titles yet, she is now Her Majesty, with all the pomp
and pageantry that involves.
The journey that has taken the former Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles from
mistress to Queen Consort at the side of King Charles has been both
remarkable and, at times, brutal. It has meant acquiring a resilience and
a sense of purpose that few believed she could possess.
Along the way, since her marriage to the Prince of Wales in 2005, she
has managed to display a bold and imaginative jauntiness that has been
warm, well-received and unthreatening.
Now comes an even bigger test. As wife to the monarch where her
words and deeds will receive even greater attention, these
accomplishments will be ever more necessary. But to be a success in this
role she will need more.
So how will she approach this daunting new stage in her life, and is she,
at the relatively advanced age of
75, equipped for all that it entails?
Those who know her best, her
family, are confident that she is.
One key attribute, they say, is that
she brims with common sense — a
quality that is sadly in short supply
in the current Royal Family.
They also point to her unfussy
ordinariness. Indeed that very
ordinariness may turn out to be


her greatest asset.
She will, after all, be the first
crowned Queen Consort who used

to do the weekly family shop at
Sainsbury’s and who once upon a
time only had one smart dress
(from Monsoon) in her wardrobe.

‘She gets the mystique of royalty
but she also has this approachable
side which means she knows about
the economies of running a home,’
says a close friend. It is this
emotional intelligence which has most of her remaining time at Off to the shops: Camilla stocking up at a Sainsbury’s branch in Gloucester back in 1992
been vital at shoring up Charles at Windsor Castle.)
times of personal crisis. For Charles, the time it took for up palace gossip and can sift comfortably retired and facing literature, art and architecture.
Some things must and will change. him to come to the Throne was fact from fiction. She also has nothing more demanding than One area where she can undoubt-
Can she, for example, continue to known by those around him as the good judgment. babysitting grandchildren. edly perform a public service will
‘eternal wait’. It was Camilla’s ear, attuned to She will also need to come to be in soothing her husband’s often-
But it did mean he was the potential danger, that persuaded terms with her fear of flying worried brow. As Prince he has
most well-prepared monarch in Charles last November finally to as for five years at least Charles frequently crossed swords with
Unlike many B r i t i s h h i s t o r y. I n C a m i l l a ,
meanwhile, there has been a subtle
part with long-standing aide and
former valet Michael Fawcett
will want to make his mark in
the Commonwealth.
politicians: as King he will be
risking his crown if he does so.
difference during her 17 years as following the cash-for-honours Camilla will be more in the public She understands that and she
royals, she has Charles’s wife.
As one friend put it: ‘She is
scandal. It also revealed a little of
her ruthlessness — for it was
eye now than at any previous time,
including those dark days when
has been instrumental in recent
years in persuading him to moder-
prepared but she has not been
common sense preparing: there is a difference. It
means she has been aware of the
Fawcett who did much to help
smooth her path from pariah to
partner in the years after Princess
she was outed as the ‘third person’
in Diana’s marriage.
And yet when she has the chance
ate his opinions.
Camilla, then, is responsible for
transforming Charles from the
future but not planning for it.’ Diana’s death. to sparkle she does so with style. angry and bitter figure that
It is more than 70 years since That has always been her While lacking the intellectual emerged from the ruins of his
retreat as she has as Duchess of Britain last had a Queen Consort strength, though conducted out of range of Prince Philip, Camilla marriage to Diana to the confi-
Cornwall to the reassuring famili- and it is tempting to wonder if public view. If there is hesitancy — dence he exudes today. Yet her evo-
arity of Raymill House, the Wilt- Camilla will model herself on the and there was certainly a little lution is even more extraordinary.
shire bolthole she refused to part late Queen Mother, who earned when she accompanied the King So much has changed. This time
with after marrying Charles? the undying gratitude of the nation
This, remember, is where she supporting her hesitant husband
to greet mourners and well-wishers
outside the Palace yesterday — it
Camilla treats exactly 25 years ago Camilla was
living in virtual hiding as she was
kicks back and where her children King George VI during the dark is only to be expected. scapegoated for death of the
and grandchildren are spared the days of World War II.
formalities of royal residences and Certainly she will want to cushion
Charles is a master at meeting
crowds and it has often been the
everything as Princess of Wales.
When Charles later went to see
where no one frets if the washing Charles as indeed Queen Elizabeth case that as Prince it was he who his mother to try to win her
up is piled too high. did for Bertie — and Philip for his
But as the Sovereign’s wife there Lilibet — at times of trouble, which
was putting his wife at ease at such
events, rather than the other way
an adventure support for his relationship with
the then Mrs Parker Bowles, he
will be fewer opportunities for such are certain to come. round — as it so often was with was firmly rebuffed. The Queen,
escapes — and many more But because she is a relative Philip and the Queen. ever conscious of the fragility of
demands on her time. There will newcomer in royal terms, she will In the early days of her royal life does, however, also have an erudite the Throne, wouldn’t hear of it.
also be other homes, including be a more supportive figure than Camilla’s stamina could not keep outlook that complements her For the next few years the
Buckingham Palace, where it has those previous icons, happier in up with the demands on her time. husband. Her passion for books — relationship was conducted
been years since a monarch and the background. Now those physical demands are she is patron of the National privately and off-limits, except to a
consort have lived together. Her brilliance, say fans, is that going to be even greater. The next Literacy Trust and the Book Trust handful of close and trusted
(Prince Philip moved out on his she has ‘very good radar’. These ten days are going to be the most — means we will have perhaps friends.When it did finally emerge
retirement from royal duty in 2017 friends say that she always knows gruelling she has ever faced, at an the most cultured monarch and into the spotlight, the woman once
and the Queen chose to spend what is going on, is good at picking age when most of her friends are c o n s o r t e v e r, e n c o m p a s s i n g seen as the problem for the
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 25

She’s our
first Queen
who used to
do a weekly
shop in
And that very
may be her
greatest asset
monarchy was being hailed as the word “majesty” means dignity. duchess. There will be planning
the solution. Both she and Charles will have to for the move into the Queen’s
Camilla adjusted to her ever- make themselves a little more apartments at Buckingham Palace
changing life with remarkable remote in their encounters — rooms barely altered since the
sangfroid. It is hard to believe she with the public,’ says a long-time 1950s. And who to keep and who
didn’t allow herself a small smile royal adviser. to let go among the staff.
when the Queen’s reported view For now the novelty of her new The passing of the crown is
was related to her as: ‘Since position will take priority for always abrupt — and for Camilla,
Camilla isn’t going anywhere, she Camilla. If it is in danger of over- who never expected to be Queen,
may as well be welcomed.’ whelming her — as well it might the change is likely to
The Queen knew that being — she can rely on the two people be profound.
monarch required teamwork. who will ensure her feet remain on At 73, the reign of King Charles
She and Philip had been a team: the ground . . . her children Tom III is unlikely to be marked by any
and the fears she’d had about and Laura. jubilees as his mother’s was.
Charles and his obsessions They had ringside seats when Indeed his task would seem to
stemmed from a concern that he their mother was being vilified by be to secure the monarchy for
had no one with whom to share critics at the height of the Wales’s William and Kate.
the burden of responsibility. marriage crisis. Unencumbered by Once that is safely negotiated, it
‘Camilla has always treated titles, they are also critical in seems certain that the next phase
everything as an adventure,’ says giving their mother those real-life of his kingship will be to present
a friend. ‘And if she adopts the experiences from which the Royal him as a grandfather figure, in the
same strategy to being consort, it Family remain detached. same way King Edward VII was
might all be less of an ordeal than ‘She has always been part of their styled after the long reign of
she fears.’ lives, knows and likes their friends Queen Victoria.
There will be adjustments. She and this has been a healthy dis- This will offer Camilla the
will have to accept being less traction from her other existence appealing prospect of emulating
accessible in public than she has as a royal,’ says a close figure. the Queen Mother as grandmother
become accustomed to — possibly The coming days will be a time of the nation. It’s a role she seems
a little cooler, too. ‘Don’t forget of great change for the former ready made for. Looking majestic: At the State Opening of Parliament in 2016
Page 26 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022
W woman like
e knew the Queen’s
death was going to
be a heavy blow but
I don’t think many
people foresaw how
deeply it would
affect the soul of the nation, and
unleash so many waves of grief.
That final picture of her at Balmoral, taken
only four days ago, says it all. The Queen had
just seen off Boris Johnson, and was welcom-
ing her 15th Prime Minister, Liz Truss.
She can’t have been feeling well. Her poor
right hand is partly black. And yet she is smil-
ing, as she so often was throughout her long
reign. In her state of health, she must have
struggled, but she went on. It was her duty.
we ordinary self-indulgent mortals can
scarcely comprehend what it entailed for this
exceptional woman to sacrifice herself in this
Two days in and STEPHEN
GLOVER, a frequent critic of
way — to smile when she may not have felt
like smiling, to be polite when perhaps she did
not feel so well-disposed towards every
member of humanity.
And throughout it all she kept her own feel-

Charles, is feeling optimistic. But

ings to herself in an extraordinary act of self-
denial. In a confessional age she kept her coun-
sel. She bore in silence a mother’s excruciating
anxiety of having a son, Andrew, risk his life in
the Falklands war. She could not share her
grief with her people at her husband’s death.
Few of us end up having lived our lives as we
set out to do. Queen elizabeth triumphantly
succeeded in fulfilling her pledge to serve her
nation, which she made in Cape Town on her
21st birthday in 1947.
a few words of respectful advice:
Your Majesty, please keep your
Her sense of duty really was awe-inspiring.
She reminded us that brave human beings
can achieve great things. I am certain it would
not have been possible for her if she had not
believed that she was an anointed daughter of

many opinions to yourself!

God, serving His purposes. I believe she was,
and did.
Many who do not or cannot share this view
will nonetheless accept that she was a very
remarkable person who cared for this old coun-
try of ours with love and endurance. we know

‘The King comes

to the throne with
heavy baggage’
she was unique, and that is why it is so hard for
us to accept that she is no longer here.
So king Charles III — how odd those words
are to write! — steps into a void. He is by
some margin the oldest monarch ever to
accede to the throne. As a son, his grief is
infinitely more painful than ours, as was evi-
dent in his eloquent and moving broadcast
address last night. I have little doubt that he
is full of trepidation. He certainly should be.
How do you follow a woman like the Queen?
It is immensely challenging because of what
she has achieved. And it is also difficult — we
must be frank, as so much is at stake —
because the new king comes to the throne
carrying some heavy baggage.
when elizabeth became a young Queen
in February 1952, relatively little was
k n o w n about her, and what
was known was good. It was, he can do about what is in architecture, for instance. On the involved in politics, which he has about culture and politics to herself
i n a n y c a s e , a m u c h m o r e the past. other hand, his apocalyptic state- sometimes done. I don’t think — to the great benefit of the
deferential age in which public But there is much he can do in ments about climate change have, many will object to his expressing monarchy and her people.
criticism of the monarchy was other ways — and must do in order to my mind, occasionally verged on concerns in a personal letter to Dearest to her heart were the
almost inconceivable. to secure the future of an institution the hysterical. Tony Blair about Lynx helicopters Commonwealth and the continued
king Charles is an elderly man, which his mother has passed on to In 2009, for example, he warned performing poorly in high existence of the United kingdom
whose eventful private life has been him in a strong condition, respected that we had ‘100 months to act’ temperatures in Iraq. He had — viewpoints that are hardly
picked over by the media, and as it is by the majority of the before the damage caused by global private information which he acted controversial except, in the latter
whose openly expressed views British people. warming became irreversible. upon in a public-spirited way. instance, to Scottish and
about all manner of things — from In a television interview in 2018, Thirteen years later, even climate But he was well out of bounds welsh nationalists.
architecture to global warming to Charles was adamant that he change zealots concede that we when, as recently as June, he There is perhaps an edge of
farming to conservation — are well wouldn’t be a ‘meddling’ king. It is still have time to save the planet. reportedly described the Govern- arrogance in Charles which
known. It is a strange reflection imperative that he lives up to his Of course, many will agree with ment’s policy of sending asylum encourages him to open his mouth
that we know far more about the promise to follow his mother’s Charles’s opinions about the seekers to Rwanda as ‘appalling’. when he shouldn’t, and sometimes
inner man than we ever did about e x a m p l e , r a t h e r t h a n e m i t importance of tackling climate That is a perfectly reasonable point to act in a way that is unwise in a
his mother. contentious opinions that are change while they may scorn his of view, but it shouldn’t have been future sovereign.
I believe most of us have forgiven bound to divide his subjects. utterances about architecture. expressed by the heir to the throne It has been recently reported that
him for his undoubted mistreat- That he has done so in the past is That is my point. An outspoken about elected politicians. in 2013 he accepted £1 million for
ment of Diana, Princess of wales, beyond dispute. I happen to agree monarch is bound to be divisive, The Queen was a highly intelligent his charity from the family of
and those few who haven’t probably with quite a lot of what he has said and weaken the institution. and very well-informed woman, yet Osama bin Laden, the most
never will. There is anyway nothing — on the ugliness of most modern There is also a danger in becoming she was able to keep her thoughts destructive terrorist who has ever
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 27

you follow a
term, the Queen’s death will induce
Harry to build bridges with those
who still plainly love him but from
whom he has emotionally
separated himself.
But I fear that, as long as he
remains married to Meghan, these
two self-absorbed and not entirely
straightforward iconoclasts will
continue to detonate bomblets

the Queen?
that are liable to hurt the King.
I’m afraid to say that, unless they
desist, the only solution will be to
deprive them of their royal titles so
that their barbs, already tiresome
to a growing number of people, will
be rendered less damaging.
King Charles III is not without
his problems and challenges —
that’s for sure. I haven’t even
mentioned the possibility that
Australia and New Zealand may
react to the death of the Queen,
who was popular in those countries,
by declaring republics, and
jettisoning the monarch as head
of state.


And then there is Scotland. It is
Standing in: A pensive possible that affection for the
Charles beside Queen north of the border helped
to keep the glue in place as the
the Imperial State United Kingdom threatens to fall
Crown, symbolising apart. Her demise could be cited
the Queen, at the by nationalists as a reason to break
up our country.
State Opening of Yet despite all these storm
Parliament in May clouds, I remain hopeful that the
reign of King Charles will be a
fruitful one, and that he will in due
course hand over an institution to
Prince William which is in as good
a state as it is today.
The reason for my optimism lies
in what has happened since the
Queen died. Not even two full
days yet, though it seems like an
age. I feel as though I have learnt
a lot about my country, and
its greatness.
When a considerable former
president dies in the United States

‘The monarchy
will endure . . . it
heals divisions’
or France, there is of course much
grief and mourning. Tears are shed
and eloquent speeches are
delivered. But it is not the same.
It is not the same because, much
more than any alternative system,
monarchy has deep roots in
people’s hearts, as we have
witnessed since Thursday, and will
see until long after the Queen has
been laid to rest in St George’s
C h a p e l , W i n d s o r, b e s i d e
her husband.
She was the best of monarchs, of
course. She became a wise older
woman who gave us stability and
reassurance in a way a younger
woman, or perhaps any man, could
never quite do. She was a unifier of
classes and nations. A healer.
This rare woman was woven into
the life of our country. Our parents
and grandparents and even their
parents have known her as we
have. I was born a month before
she became Queen. The span of
her reign is the span of my life.
I write these words from Italy,
which got rid of its monarch in
1946. I think many Italians are
lived. Prince Charles’s courtiers Charles sensibly undertook to step great grandfather, Edward VII, or of allegations that he sexually probably a little envious of our
claim the decision was taken by back from his charities, and his spineless great uncle, Edward abused Virginia Giuffre more than institution. I suspect they think
the trustees. declared that he would ‘count on VIII, who gave up the throne. two decades ago when she was 17. that the Queen was a sweet elderly
On another occasion around the the loving help of my darling If he can emulate his mother by Although he continues woman, whereas we know that she
same time, Charles is reported to wife, Camilla’. remaining silent about public strenuously to deny these was much, much more.
have accepted a holdall containing Our new King would be wise to issues while avoiding confronta- allegations, in February Prince None of her immediate successors
one million euros from Sheikh remember that there are still many tion with politicians, and if he Andrew reached an out-of-court is likely to have her special gifts
Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al republicans in this country who behaves in a circumspect and settlement with his accuser said to since she was unique. But unless
Thani, a former prime minister of have stayed their hand, and kept kingly way, he will be doing himself, be worth £7.5 million. Is this the they are fools — and I don’t think
Qatar, during a one-to-one meeting quiet in recent years on account of and the precious office he holds, a end of the matter? Andrew may be King Charles is a fool — the
in Clarence House. This money was the Queen’s great popularity. great service. Somehow he looked a smouldering piece of potentially monarchy will endure because it
also intended for good causes. If Charles’s standing with the the part in his appearances lethal ordnance. symbolises our sense of
In both instances, Charles’s con- public should slump as a result of yesterday. Perhaps he has already And then there is Prince Harry, nationhood, and heals many
duct wasn’t what one would expect silly, self-inflicted wounds, these been touched by the mystique who unfortunately for him arrived of our divisions.
in an heir to the throne. It would republicans will be quick to of monarchy. too late on Thursday to be at his Elizabeth II showed us as
be considered practically scandal- pounce, and their numbers could There are, it must be said, also grandmother’s bedside. He is perfectly as is possible the benefits
ous in a British monarch. We must quickly swell. problems within the Royal Family dramatically at odds with his father, of monarchy. There’ll be trouble
hope that Queen Consort Camilla, Despite all this, I believe our new that are not of his making. One is Charles, and with his brother, ahead. Of course there will. There
who seems a sensible woman, will King to be a decent, cultured and the position of his brother Andrew, William. In fact, he is estranged always is. But we’ll be all right if we
offer her husband firm advice. well-intentioned man — far to be who has effectively been deprived from most of the Royal Family. remember what our dear Queen
In last night’s address, King preferred over his indulgent great- of his royal role as a consequence Perhaps, at least in the short- has done for us.
Page 28 V2 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Our new Prince &

LL eyes may be on our new
King and Queen, but
another significant change
in national life will warrant
the public’s attention.
Will have more
For the first time in more than 60 years,
the country has a new Prince and Princess
of Wales.
In his address to the nation last night, King
Charles III announced that William is now
officially the Prince of Wales and Kate the
Princess of Wales.
And I am told the heir to the throne, as he
now is, has a good idea of how he wants to
time to focus on
his new role now
approach his new role.
‘The duke was incredibly close to his
grandmother, he looked up to her like no
one else. And that service and duty that she

he no longer has
epitomised is something that will very much
be a characteristic of his future role,’ one
source close to William said. ‘He learned
from the best.’
Knowing this day would come sooner or
later, I spent months talking to William’s
inner circle to find out what kind of Prince of
Wales he will be.
Practically, of course, the biggest change
to nursemaid his
younger brother.
will be his funding.
He will inherit from his father the £1.2billion
Duchy of Cornwall, an estate comprising land
holdings and investments, which has kept
successive Princes of Wales in small change
since the 14th century.
Last year the profits from this, which can
now be used by William, amounted to £23mil-
lion – although Charles always chose to pay
His plan? To
tax voluntarily on it. Instead of having to go
cap in hand to his father for funding, William
will be the master of all he surveys.
The Duchy is one thing on which both
bring much more
optimism to
William and his father – who have found
themselves at loggerheads on many issues
over the years – have agreed.
William, 40, has admired his father’s careful
stewardship of the estate, and Charles is
largely considered to be an excellent land-
lord by his tenants, setting up hardship
funds and keeping a close eye on rents. ‘dreary’ public life
W ILLIAM has also spent the last
few years ‘future-proofing’ his
charitable empire, the Royal
Foundation, and ensuring his
major project, the Earthshot Prize, is able to
operate independently without his day-to-
day involvement so that he can take on new
affairs of state.
I am told he wants to hand these
initiatives on to his own children
when he becomes king one day. pick and choose their causes care- occasions and is focused on making
Like his father, William is deter- fully. There are, to put it delicately, sure his team fosters a good rela-
mined to continue to push issues significantly fewer members of the tionship with them,’ says a member
including the environment, mental Royal Family than there were pre- of his inner circle. ‘But like his
health and homelessness. viously and ten times the need for father he believes a slimmed down
‘He will remain very hands-on,’ their help.’ monarchy is the way forward.’
says a friend. ‘He believes that as Friends say William is also keen to However, Princess Anne, Prince
Prince of Wales he can continue to be defined by a ‘sense of optimism’. Edward and his wife Sophie are still
make a significant contribution, ‘He thinks that is the essence of the very much part of the plan moving
particularly in the area of housing job of the Royal Family. He and forward. ‘He has so much respect
and homelessness. He knew he Catherine both feel there’s not a lot for his aunt’s diligence and work
needs to tread carefully but he of optimism in public life and it can ethic and is incredibly close to the
Picture: GETTY

won’t be silent. He’s inherited a lot feel pretty dreary at times,’ one Wessexes. They are very much part
of his father’s campaigning zeal. former aide tells me. of the future,’ a source confirms.
‘He shares his father’s willingness ‘There are some incredible peo-

to speak if there’s something he ple in our country doing amazing
believes in for the long term. The things and they believe it’s their
Prince of Wales was ridiculed for job to counter pessimism and Duty: Prince William at the Sovereign’s Parade at Sandhurst in 2018
his views on climate change and highlight the good.’ Y THE sounds of it,
look at him now. William wants to But how will they do this with uncle Andrew is very ready. He is now. What has hap- fighting the media... That has been
bring that to his own work.’ fewer royals in the mix? What much not part of this pened this week is so much bigger taken away now.
The friend added: ‘He’s not going about the Duke of York’s eviction plan. than anyone can imagine but the ‘It’s clearly been painful, but Wil-
to be happy if there’s some big chal- from public life and Harry and ‘Frankly, he would have pushed households have worked hard to liam wasn’t spending his time
lenge that’s not getting proper Meghan’s acrimonious departure. for things to have happened a lot get their houses in order. thinking about the future and the
attention because of his position he These are blows to their future faster than they did, just like the ‘For a long time the family have work he needed to be getting on
will have to say something. Of plans, surely? Prince of Wales would have if they been pulling together in the right with, and now he is.’
course he will be very careful. He ‘Clearly it’s not what they had could have operated freely. But it direction. Family crises can make For now, of course, William’s focus
doesn’t like courting controversy envisaged,’ says one close adviser. was complicated with the Queen or break you. The debacle [with is on his family and their loss. Wil-
but he is not afraid of taking risks.’ Interestingly, much as he loves and her son,’ I am told. Harry and Meghan and Andrew] liam still cannot quite believe his
That doesn’t mean William and his cousins, Princesses Beatrice It certainly sounds as if William is seems to have made this one.’ grandmother is gone. But he knows
Kate will be stomping around the and Eugenie, William believes ready to be Prince of Wales. A Another source adds: ‘When the there was nothing he wishes he had
public arena, hectoring and lectur- they should not have a role in former member of his agrees: ‘Abso- whole Harry and Meghan show said, but did not get the chance to.
ing on any subject that draws public life. lutely, the mechanisms have been came on the scene in 2018-2019, a The main thing is that William,
their attention. ‘He adores his cousins and values in place for a long time but his head lot of time, energy and emotion with the support of his wife, is ready
A friend said: ‘He knows that he their love and support hugely. He is is in the right place now too. was spent on his brother. They for his new role. Somehow, among
and the duchess are going to have always telling his team to make ‘A couple of years ago I think it’s shared a team, he was trying to the outpouring of grief, the future
to cover a lot more ground and sure they are invited to the big fair to say he wouldn’t have been help him work through his issues, feels in good hands.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V2 Page 29

Princess of Wales
OT only do we have a new
monarch, but after
25 years we also have a
new Princess of Wales.
While we all continue to
absorb the reality of the Queen’s death,
the changes which automatically follow
somehow seem equally shocking. Roles
are instantly swapped, titles inherited,
With a mixture
the hierarchy is altered.
The very words ‘His majesty’ sound alien
to most of us. ‘King Charles’ will take some
getting used to.
of refreshing
now, of course, we have Her majesty the
Queen Consort. and William and Kate have
become the Prince and Princess of Wales.
It’s a title Camilla chose not to use,
because it was one that had belonged so
comprehensively to Diana. Out of respect
to the Princess, and because of the part
Camilla would acknowledge she had played
in the breakdown of Charles and Diana’s
and a sprinkling
of stardust, she
marriage, she decided instead to use the
title Duchess of Cornwall.
But with the confirmation that Kate is
our new Princess of Wales, I’m sure the
mother-in-law she never knew would think
her a worthy successor.
Comparisons between the two are, of
course, inevitable. Diana was a beautiful
woman, tall and willowy — much like Kate.
will be a worthy
successor to the
But there was so much more to her than her
looks, and that’s true for Kate, too.
Diana was sharp and wily; after her

Her double act with mother-in-law

Wills would have
delighted Diana she tragically
divorce, she remained dedicated to using
her platform to effect change, for example
never got to meet
by that memorable walk through a minefield

in angola.
Kate has the brains and the profile to do
the same — and more. For unlike Diana,

Kate enjoyed a gentle transition into royal
life. Diana was thrust into her duties with
no preparation. She had been born an
aristocrat, but was unused to a public plat-
form and the harsh glare of the limelight.
Kate, by contrast, comes from a solid EX-BBC ROYAL CORRESPONDENT
middle-class background and dated
her Prince for almost a decade on her visit to australia with at Kensington Palace, Diana
before they married. She shared his Charles, a natural star of the royal told me that William — then
student life and formed a strong roadshow. By that time, she was an adolescent — found the
foundation of friendship with him also an accomplished actress, as burden of kingship weighed
before either of them committed to the truth was that the fairytale heavily on his shoulders.
a life together. marriage was already null and void. But she was confident he
They even broke up for a while But the crowds rushed to see her; would come to terms with
— a mock divorce, if you like — Di-mania was rife. the fact he had no choice
before William came to his senses Diana’s success only served to over his destiny.

and snapped up this modest, ‘William is all right,’ she told me,
beautiful young woman who has looking proudly at one of the many
blossomed into a Princess — and framed pictures of her boys that
our future Queen.
as Princess of Wales, Diana felt
she was left alone to navigate her
She’s more than adorned her living room. ‘The
country is lucky to have him.’
and how lucky William is to have
role without sufficient support.
Coming from a broken family, she
able to make the Kate. With her at his side, he has
grown into a confident, mature
Charm: Kate in Nassau, in the Bahamas, on a royal tour last March
lacked the comfort of a secure future King who has shown he is informality to royal events, longer with us. The stability and
network of parental back-up.
Towards the end of her life, she
title her own more than willing to shoulder the
responsibilities of his role.
crouching down to talk to people
in wheelchairs, sitting on the floor
continuity she represented has been
ruptured. But the line goes on.
told me she much preferred to be William and Kate are a mutually to chat with children; touching, During the past few months, as
called lady Di: ‘I certainly don’t supportive couple who allow one hugging and being thoroughly the Queen gradually handed over
wake up every morning thinking: further fuel tensions in her another to take the lead when the down to earth while still sprinkling key responsibilities to her heirs,
“Yippee, I’m a Princess!” ’ marriage. Charles was jealous of his focus is on one of their respective a little magical royal stardust. Kate has shown she has not only
Of course, to the world, she was wife’s popularity and resented play- causes. They are the team Diana after her divorce, Diana chose to grown into her role but has grown
the consummate Princess. and, ing second fiddle. One of Diana’s had hoped to be with Charles. reduce the number of charities she with it. She strikes me as full of
yes, her shoes will be hard to fill. constant refrains during our chats Kate has become hugely popular championed. She wanted to confidence and with a charm that
From the moment Diana walked was that she and Prince Charles without dominating the stage or concentrate on the causes she is quite bewitching.
down the aisle of St Paul’s Cathe- ‘would have been such a great eclipsing her husband. now a con- cared about most deeply. Kate is loved and admired by our
dral to marry her Prince, her star team’. as it was, she made her mark fident, hands-on mother of three, Kate has done that from the new King and Queen, adored by
quality shone through. Her mar- on her own, leading the way in mak- blessed with a happy marriage and start, focusing on issues such as her husband and popular with the
riage was declared a ‘fairy tale’ by ing the monarchy more accessible, a supportive extended family, she’s early learning and mental health, public. almost a quarter of a cen-
the archbishop of Canterbury, and more obviously compassionate. more than equipped to take on that which she is passionate about. tury to the day since William
we all bought into the myth. How delighted she would have highly charged title of Princess of On Thursday the world changed. walked behind his mother’s coffin,
She had such charisma, even as a been, then, to see her son part of Wales and make it her own. The woman who was such a quiet, his wife has inherited her title,
shy, young bride. I first saw her in such a great double act. Just as Diana did before her, calm presence in the very fabric of Princess of Wales. and she is
the flesh in 1988 when I reported During one of our conversations wherever Kate goes, she brings an our national life for 70 years is no thoroughly deserving of it.
Page 30 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

HE date was April 3, 1993
and, for the first time in its
history, the Grand National
had been declared void. What the snobs
about the thrill
There had been a false start,
a warning flag unfurled late, yet 30 of
the 39 runners still thundered off
down the course.
‘It was such a mess!’ the Queen told us,
clenching her fist in frustration. ‘They didn’t
see the flag!’ Here was a lively 67-year-old who
loved horses, knew their form, and looked
forward to the excitement of that national

– and I’ve done

event at Aintree. Her eyes gleamed as she
named one or two of her favourites among the
runners and it was easy to imagine her giving
useful tips to her staff.
The occasion was a small private drinks party
given by the Prince of Wales at Sandringham.
For me, a passionate monarchist, it was
thrilling to see the Queen at her most natural,
so unguarded — like any
grandmother who might have
had a flutter and was cross that television and listening to the
her fun was spoilt. radio, you heard little personal
‘So frustrating! So frustrating!’ stories of how exciting it was for
But she saw the amusing side of ordinary men and women once to
it too. ‘They just carried on!’ she see the Queen or even shake her
exclaimed in disbelief, an hand. It’s as if those brief encoun-
unmistakable twinkle in her eye. ters transformed the ordinary
Made confident by a glass of gin into the extraordinary — and that
and tonic, I said one or two things was the magic of Elizabeth II.
to her about horses and, if she I’m happy to share my own

by BEL
thought me foolish (since my anecdotes because at this strange
equine knowledge could be time of sadness and change they
written on my little fingernail), give me happiness and comfort.
she didn’t show it. That smile For that informal meeting in 1993

was dazzling. was, in fact, the third time I met
Alone later, I spoke aloud to my Her Majesty.
own grandmother, who had died In February 1968, I married my
in 1971. I know that many people fellow student at University Col-
who write to my advice column lege London, Jonathan Dimbleby,
about their losses find comfort in whose father Richard had been an
speaking to the beloved dead, would feel nervous to meet her intrepid war reporter, a political
and I am no exception. and privileged to shake her hand. TV presenter and ‘the voice of the
‘Are you proud of me, Nan?’ I They say the age of deference is nation,’ commentating on Royal
whispered to the air — and truly over, but why should we not feel occasions with famous fluency.
I felt her spirit with me, her little due deference to those who have At a time when television was
granddaughter, under the same lived so long, seen so much? new, he brought it alive for
roof as Royalty. My own mother (two years older millions and was revered. It was
Of course my beloved ghost was than the Queen) died earlier this his unmistakable, mellifluous
proud. My grandmother was a year and in mourning her, as I am voice we had heard on that first
dinner lady who also cleaned now mourning the Queen, I am TV set at the Coronation in 1953.
people’s houses for a living and expressing love but also a deep When Richard died of cancer in
each weekend, when I was a child, r e s p e c t f o r t h a t w a r t i m e 1966, the Dimbleby family set up
we would sit together and cut out generation which embodied a fund in his name and, five days
stoicism, loyalty, faith, love of after my wedding, the Queen was
country, service, a sense of duty, to open the Richard Dimbleby
tolerance and great kindness. We Cancer Unit at St Thomas’s
Her eyes shall not see their like again.
Just six when the new Eliza-
Hospital, London.
I stood in the family line, wearing
bethan Age began, I belong to a black and white mini-dress, and
twinkled, her the post-war generation which
remembers respectfully standing
waited to curtsey and shake her
hand. You can imagine how amaz-

smile dazzled up for the National Anthem in

the cinema when the film or
cartoon had ended. Nobody ever
ing it was for a student — just 21
and from a very ordinary back-
ground — to have the Queen stop
scuttled out. We saw television and say, ‘I hear you’ve just got
for the first time when the Queen married. I hope you will be very
pictures of the Royal Family from was crowned and my working- happy.’ At her side, Prince Philip
newspapers and magazines. class grandparents bought their beamed and it felt like a blessing.
I learned my deep love of the first set (with doors that closed) The second occasion was on
Queen and her family at her knee specially for the occasion. November 8, 1984, and the Silver
and, embedded in my DNA, it With other family members we Jubilee of the bereavement
still fills me with a mixture of all crowded round that tiny, charity CRUSE, celebrated at the
love and awe. flickering grey screen in the living Albert Hall. The Queen, as Patron
Love for the human side of the room of their rented house in of the charity, was to preside, make
Royal Family and awe at the mon- Liverpool, the whole thing feeling a speech and present awards.
archy’s unassailable mystique. more personal because my father Mine (I still have it in my office)
I know many middle class had actually travelled all the way was ‘for the special contribution
members of the intelligentsia find to London (no motorways then,
it impossible to understand why remember) with two friends —
‘ordinary’ people would care ‘blue-collar’ workers all three
about the Queen, why they bother — to join the massive crowds.
to crowd in front of Buckingham ‘Dad’s there!’ we cried out in
It seemed she
Place in tears, just as they excitement, peering at the screen
thronged the Mall with joy at Her as if we might pick him out. Next
Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. day he brought back the red-
was blessing
Republicans sneer when work- white-and-blue striped cardboard
ing class people say sadly that the periscope bought from a souvenir
Queen ‘reminded me of my Nan’ booth: an angled mirror each end
my work
— when obviously the immensely to afford a glimpse of a golden
rich head of State inhabited a coach and horses in the distance.
totally different, ‘posh’ world. My brother and I played with it to public understand of bereave-
Yet she was indeed a devoted until it fell apart. ment through articles in the
mother, grandmother and great Watching the news coverage, national Press.’ A great honour.
grandmother as well as matriarch listening to the voices of people Allowed one guest, I took my
to a nation. She combined thronging the streets of London dear dad to see me shake his
empathy for her people in bad to mourn the Queen and to wel- beloved Queen’s hand.
times — who can forget her come their new king, I was struck I’d watched nervously from
during the Covid lockdown? — by the sense of ownership people the side of the stage as others
with a profound sense of a calling expressed: the Queen was ours. walked across (such a long walk
from a higher power. Respected all over the world it seemed too, with the dread of
Yes, as she grew older she she might have been, but to tripping up), bowed or curt-
increasingly resembled every- loyalists the Queen has always seyed, briefly shook the royal
body’s granny, slightly stooped, in been focus for our patriotism, our hand, accepted the rolled scroll,
sensible shoes. But how miraculous belief (yes, deep down) in then moved on. She rarely said
that she could arouse that exceptional Britannia, our anything other than the
personal affection yet still instil conviction that our monarchy obvious congratulations.
in people a sense of awe, so that matters as a force for good. But when my name and citation
the most sceptical of politicians Again and again, watching boomed out across that vast,
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 31

will never understand

of meeting the Queen
it THREE times ... packed space, the Queen seemed to
hold my hand for a few seconds
Scan this
QR code for our
pictures of the
unseen Queen
longer as she said, with grave
sweetness: ‘There isn’t a more
important subject for you to write
about. Well done.’
Just as I had felt she had blessed
my marriage fourteen years earlier,
now it seemed she was blessing
my work.
All these years later, writing this on
a day of national mourning, I find my
eyes filling up at the memory of her
words, her touch. Yes, my memories
are personal — but they also convey
a universal emotion of gratitude.
When the Queen suffered her own her life: ‘You just have to get on
setbacks and experienced the with it.’ That stoicism was the
sadness and acute disappointment signature of those who witnessed
of witnessing the marriage splits of the Blitz, whether in Liverpool or
three of her children, I always London, and knew there was no
thought, ‘She is feeling this just as choice but to pull together in the
we all do.’ No amount of privilege cause of a greater good.
can shield you from personal pain. The Queen’s whole life was devoted
In 1992, the Queen gave a speech to that greater good — service to
in London to mark the 40th our country — and that is why she
anniversary of her accession to the was such an inspiration, even to the
throne, in which she famously teenagers in tears in front of Buck-
defined the year in Latin as an ingham Palace on Thursday night.
‘annus horribilis’ — horrible year. In People need role models and, in
the same way, many of us will recall this age of often tawdry celebrity
a time in our lives when just about culture, the Queen, as matriarch,
everything seemed to go wrong and showed us what it is to ‘keep calm
we could do nothing about it. and carry on’ without complaint.
When people write to my column To me, that resilience, combined
sharing problems concerning a with her radiance, was the greatest
partner, or bereavement, or a gift she gave us.
difficult son letting you down, or a Yet what of the concept of
feeling of being trapped in a job, or ‘majesty’? In the end, we knew the
the painful end of a marriage, or Queen was not ‘just like us’, no
matter what personal sorrows she
suffered. When, at the Coronation,
the Queen was anointed with holy
My eyes fill up oil (as King Charles III will also be),
the symbolism is profound.
The holy oil, blessed by the church,
at the memory is a sign of God’s favour and of the
Monarch’s difference from other men
and women. The moment is sacred
of her words — and the Queen’s deep Christian
faith will have felt it most strongly,
consecrating her in her duty.
That duty now passes to her son,
dealing with illness or frailty, they a man whose whole life has been
are sharing emotions which the devoted to public good. None of us
Queen herself knew. After all, she will ever bear such a heavy burden
experienced all those aspects of life of responsibility and I believe that
herself. We all have family troubles, in our hearts we know our Queen,
even if they are not (luckily for us) and now King Charles III, take up
played out in the public eye. that burden on behalf of us all.
When I counsel forgiveness (and The 17th-century English poet
we must forgive, or we hurt our- John Dryden wrote, ‘Kings cannot
selves) I always have the Queen as reign unless their subjects give’ —
an example. I don’t believe she ever and in the past two days we have
had anything but love in her heart witnessed the love given by that
for Princes Andrew and Harry. public to their late Queen and their
Sometimes people write to me new King, which will enable the
with a tired sense that they just monarchy to survive, even through
cannot see the point in carrying on. these turbulent times.
And nobody can tell me that the It has survived before and I believe
Queen never once became weary of there is enough love and loyalty in
peering into those red boxes, the British people to keep it going.
shaking hands and presenting Our late Queen and our new King
awards, or sharing small talk with need us as much as we need them,
dignitaries. The woman with her and the sacred bond between
own problems must have been fed Monarch and People has a power
up at times, but the Queen had to and a beauty which is almost
do her duty. beyond words.
She would, of course, say what my It arched over Buckingham Palace
mother always told me, repeating it between drenching showers, the
even when she was near the end of rainbow of hope for us all.
In the frame:
An obliging smile
for schoolboy BEL’S ADVICE COLUMN
snappers in 1972
Page 32 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

She helped plan By David Wilkes

30,000 and Rebecca Camber

THE nation will come to a halt in
nine days’ time as the Queen is
laid to rest amid all the pomp and
Queen will
farewell ceremony that Britain does best.
Our longest-serving monarch will
have the first state funeral for more
than half a century at Westminster
Abbey on Monday, September 19.
be laid to
messages As well as being the first since Winston
Churchill’s in 1965, it will also be the first
at the abbey for any monarch since George
II’s way back in 1760.
Since then such funerals have been held
rest after
to Queen at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. But the
Queen, who played an active role in plan-
ning her final send-off, decided hers should
be in the much larger abbey.
It can hold a congregation of 2,000, com-
9 days of
By James Tozer

MORE than 30,000 readers left moving

tributes to the Queen in the Daily Mail’s
pared with 800 at St George’s Chapel and
its central London location makes it a
better spot for large crowds.
The abbey is steeped in significance for
the Queen because it is where she was
online condolence book yesterday.
A heartfelt message from Sarah Cham-
berlain said: ‘What a legacy you have left
us – strength, determination, leadership,
crowned and married. The Queen Moth-
er’s funeral was also held there in 2002.
The date has yet to be confirmed and
details of the funeral have yet to be
announced. Yesterday it was still not clear
kindness and generosity. So incredibly
proud and thankful for you.’
Mia Lorenzen posted: ‘Thank you for
brightening all of our days with your
whether there would be a public holiday.
But it is known that the funeral’s plan-
ning began as long ago as in the 1960s. It
is expected that after lying in state in
with up
Westminster Hall for five days, the Queen’s

to 10,000
warmth, guidance, steadfastness and love.
Your service to your country and world is
unmatched. Your love of family is so admi- ‘It will need a
rable! You will be missed every day.’
Emeka Mbanugo praised the Queen as ring of steel’
‘the best of the Commonwealth’, adding:
‘Our heartfelt condolences to the family
and the British nation.’
coffin will be moved by a bearer party to a
gun carriage outside.
Bridget Kelly in Johannesburg posted: The original plans are for the coffin to be
‘You were an inspiration to us all – about
service, about loyalty, about sacrifice.
‘I am glad you are reunited with your
pulled to the abbey on the gun carriage by
naval ratings – sailors – using ropes rather
than horses. Senior members of the family
are expected to follow behind – as they
called up
did for the funeral of Princess Diana and

Scan this QR code

to sign our online
the Duke of Edinburgh. The military will
also join the procession.
Heads of state, prime ministers and
presidents, European royals and key
to guard
figures from public life will be invited to
condolence book gather in the abbey.
One notable absence will be Vladimir
Putin. The Russian leader has paid trib-
ute to the Queen following her death, but
the Kremlin has confirmed that he would
not attend her funeral. The service will be
televised, and a national two-minute
silence is expected to be held.
Afterwards, the Queen’s coffin will be
and VIPs
taken to St George’s Chapel, the burial
place for monarchs since the
19th century. She will be buried ham Palace to pay their respects, monies like the London 2012 will also be brought in. It will be
in the King George VI memorial around 10,000 police officers Olympics and royal weddings, a hugely complex operation.
chapel, an annex to the main could be on duty every day in but this is a challenge like no They have to work with the intel-
chapel, where her mother and London in the lead-up to the other. It will be a huge opera- ligence services to risk-assess
father George VI were buried, funeral. The Met will also need tion which will cost millions. who is coming.’
along with the ashes of her help from specialist officers ‘He will have to consider the Former Met commander Bob
sister, Princess Margaret. from forces across the UK. risk of the funeral attracting a Broadhurst, who led the
beloved Philip. May you rest in peace.’ Mourners are expected to Former head of royalty protec- fixated individual, terrorists or policing operation for the
Bronwyn Craig said: ‘Love, thoughts and queue for hours, and overnight, tion Dai Davies yesterday said those who simply don’t like London 2012 Olympics, said all
prayers from Australia’, adding: ‘Condo- to pay their respects to the it would be a ‘major test’ for the King Charles III and want to leave and training was likely to
lences to King Charles III and his entire Queen as she lies in state in new commissioner of Scotland cause trouble.’ be cancelled.
Westminster Hall, expected to Yard Sir Mark Rowley, who The former Met divisional Mr Broadhurst added: ‘Unfor-
family. A beautiful lady who will be tunately large numbers of peo-
missed by many!’ be from Wednesday. starts in the job on Monday. commander added: ‘It isn’t just
ple also bring in criminal oppor-
Around the country wellwishers queued With large crowds likely to Mr Davies said: ‘The Met are the Met who will be involved. tunities, so you have to manage
yesterday to sign condolence books at continue gathering at Bucking- world leaders at securing cere- Specialist units from the SAS crime. You have to manage the
churches, theatres and town halls. basics like lost children, all the
Portsmouth, Westminster, Swansea, other stuff that goes with that.
Derby, Preston, Nottingham and Belfast
were among those to have set up the
books in civic buildings as has the National
Grenadiers flying from Iraq to take part ‘Clearly terrorism will be a fac-
tor, security is a big issue right
from the outset.
‘By the end of the week you
Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. SENIOR guardsmen will fly home from Iraq to company of 80 guardsmen was named after start to click in to what will be,
The Royal Family is encouraging mourn- take part in ceremonies marking the death of her and she was its honorary commander. She I would say almost certainly,
ers from all over the world to use its offi- Her Majesty the Queen. will remain so for the time being. the biggest security operation
cial website to post messages of support. The soldiers from Queen’s Company, 1st Queen’s Company includes some of the the country has seen.
A statement on the website – www.royal. Battalion Grenadier Guards, have been guard- Household Division’s tallest soldiers – every ‘Practically every nation on
uk – said a selection of messages would be earth is going to want to send
ing British diplomats in Baghdad. guardsman must be at least six feet. their king, queen, prime minis-
‘passed on to members of the Royal Fam- They will be brought back to Britain in recog- The Daily Mail understands soldiers from ter or president.’
ily, and may be held in the Royal Archives nition of the seniority of Queen’s Company and Queen’s Company are likely to be chosen to A period of royal mourning
for posterity’. its relationship with Queen Elizabeth II. The bear Her Majesty’s coffin. will be observed until seven
days after the Queen’s funeral.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 33

her state funeral GEORGE V1

Gold Orb
to crown
the King
IN the wake of Queen Eliza- By Stephen Wright
beth II’s death, plans agreed Associate Editor
under ‘Operation Gold Orb’
– the secret codename for the
coronation of her son Charles tive of different community
– will swing into action. groups and faiths’. The date of
When she was crowned in June the ceremony, which will be a
1953 it was a lavish ceremony public holiday, will be confirmed
that was a much-needed morale in the coming months.
boost for a nation starved of With modern Britain very dif-
pageantry by the war. ferent to society in 1953, the
But 70 years later, the forth- coronation will reflect the reli-
coming coronation of King gious and cultural diversity of
Charles III is expected to be a the country and will mark a sig-
vastly scaled-down affair at nificant departure from the
Westminster Abbey and one crowning of his mother – pic-
which will cement his wife’s tured in her full regalia – which
place in history. reflected the nation and empire
The service is not expected to of the time.
happen before next spring but Prince Philip, as a male con-
still within a timeframe much sort, was not entitled to be
quicker than the Queen’s own crowned, but instead knelt
16-month wait after she acceded before his wife during her coro-
to the throne. nation and pledged to be her
And it is likely ‘liege man of
to be significantly life and limb’.
shorter and The last time
Honour guard: the cheaper than in a queen con-
the past – setting sort was
Queen’s father, crowned was in
the tone for
George VI, lies in Charles’s reign. 1937 when the
state at Windsor It is estimated Queen’s
that the 1953 mother, Eliza-
coronation cost beth, sat along-
£1.57million – the side George VI.
equivalent of For the corona-
£46million today. tion of Eliza-
The King has beth II a
already made it carriage pro -
clear he favours a cession trans-
l e a n e r, m o r e ported more
modern monar- than 8,000 dig-
chy and his coro- nitaries to
nation service Westminster
will reflect that, Abbey where
sources say. With many were
the country fac- accommodated
ing a recession and renewed on makeshift benches. More
pressure on the public purse, than 40,000 troops were involved
his wish to see a radically in the parade.
streamlined service is likely to The ceremony, the first to be
be widely applauded. televised, lasted more than
Nevertheless, planning will be three hours.
meticulous, with every detail But seven decades on, guests
considered. The coronation is at Westminster Abbey are
rich in religious significance – a expected be limited to 2,000,
solemn and sacred ritual where and the service will be ‘far
the new sovereign is anointed shorter because you have to
and takes their oaths before consider Charles’s age’, a source
God and their country. said. By the expected time of his
Details of the plans for the cor- coronation, the new King will be
onation of Charles were leaked 74 and his wife close to 76.
to The Mail on Sunday in Febru- While aspects of the service
ary after the Queen revealed it will be overhauled in favour of
was her ‘sincere wish’ that reflecting a ‘modern day Brit-
Camilla would be known as ain’, it will remain an Anglican
queen consort when, ‘in the full- service with the vows not
ness of time’, her son succeeded expected to change.
her. A source was reported to Not only will the number of
have said that it would be guests be a quarter of the con-
‘shorter, sooner, smaller, less tingent in 1953, there will also be
Meet and greet: Charles and Camilla wave to the crowds outside Buckingham Palace yesterday expensive and more representa- fewer Royal Family members.
Page 34 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

DAY 1: TODAY ■ Archbishop of Canterbury DAYS 7 & 8: FRIDAY
■ 10am Meeting of the c
conducts a short service SEPT 16 AND
Accession Council at St James’s f
following coffin’s arrival. SATURDAY SEPT 17
Palace. Privy Counsellors ■ Lying-in-state period
■ Lying-in-state period
gather without Charles and b
begins, with a continuous continues. Heads of state arrive
proclaim him King. v of King’s Guards.
vigil in London for the funeral.
■ Then King takes oath. ■ Over four days, hundreds of
■ King likely to visit Cardiff.
■ 11am Trumpeters play as t
thousands of people are
expected to file past the coffin ■ King due to meet military
public proclamation of new and police leaders, and
sovereign is read from to pay respects, as happened
for the Queen Mother in 2002. Governors General, at
St James’s Palace balcony Buckingham Palace.
by Garter King of Arms. ■ Senior royals also expected
■ Union flags go back up to t pay their own moving
full-mast at 1pm and remain t
tribute – standing guard again ■ Final day of lying in state.
there for 24 hours. at
a some stage around the ■ Evening reception at
c in another Vigil Lancaster House for funeral
■ Charles holds audiences ST GILES’ CATHEDRAL, EDINBURGH of
o the Princes.
with Prime Minister and guests including heads
the Cabinet. fi i past coffin
filing ffi as the Q Queen i behind
to be walking i DAY 6: THURSDAY SEPT 15 of state, Governors General,
lies in state in St Giles’. in procession. realm prime ministers and
■ The Queen continues to lie in
DAY 2: TOMORROW ■ Royals expected to attend ■ 3pm Coffin placed on a state with a rehearsal likely to other dignitaries.
■ Mourners line the service and stand guard catafalque in Westminster take place for the State ■ Foreign royals and
100-mile route as Queen’s around coffin in a ceremony Hall with Crown Jewels Funeral procession. Governors General invited to
coffin is driven from Balmoral known as Vigil of the Princes. placed top..
laced on to pay their respects.
to Palace of Holyroodhouse ■ House of Commons and ■ King holds audience with
in Edinburgh. House of Lords come together St Edward’s the Prime Minister.
20 miles in Westminster for a Sovereign’s
Motion of Condolence which sceptre with
A96 King could attend. cross
BALMORAL Aberdeen ■ Charles III follows
Edinburgh vigil with visits at Imperial
State crown
some stage to Wales and
A9 Northern Ireland, known as
Operation Spring Tide.
A93 Sovereign’s orb
■ Queen’s coffin expected to be Trafalgar Horse Guards
M90 flown to London. Parade
M9 ■ A hearse will transport her to WHITEHALL
Glasgow Edinburgh
EDINBURGH Buckingham Palace, as streets
are lined with mourners. WESTMINSTER
■ Guard of Downing St HALL
Honour from the
King’s Guard
greets coffin at Green St James’
Park Park
the Grand
■ The Bow Room
will host the
coffin initially,
where the King WESTMINSTER
and other royals ABBEY Houses of
can mourn. Parliament
■ Then coffin
will be moved to
Funeral of the Queen
Throne Room Mother in 2002
where devoted
■ Coffin will rest overnight in pay their respects.
oak-panelled Throne Room, as ■ Rehearsal for procession of
books of condolence are opened the coffin from Buckingham
for members of the public. Palace to the Palace of
■ Proclamations read in the Westminster takes place.
Scottish, Welsh and
Northern Ireland devolved
parliaments in Edinburgh, SEPT 14
Cardiff and Belfast. ■ Operation Marquee: The
Queen’s body is expected
DAY 3: MONDAY SEPT 12 to lie in state at Palace of
■ Coffin moves to St Giles’ Westminster for four days
Cathedral, processing along ■ 2.30pm Coffin pulled by gun
Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. carriage taken on ceremonial
■ Members of public may get procession through London as
chance to pay respects by Big Ben tolls, with royals likely WESTMINSTER HALL
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 35


■ The Queen’s State WE
Funeral is expected to take The Queen lies in state
place at Westminster Abbey
in central London.
■ Plans, Elizabeth
yet to be Tower
approved, are for the ABBEY
Funeral service
Queen’s coffin to
process on a gun carriage
to the abbey, pulled by naval
ratings - sailors – using ropes
rather than horses. St Margaret’s
■ Senior family members are Church
expected to poignantly follow
behind – just as they did for the Parliament
funeral of Diana, Princess of Square
Wales, and the Duke of Edinburgh.
■ Military personnel will line the
streets and also join the procession.
■ Heads of state, prime ministers and
presidents, European royals and key
figures from public life will be invited to
gather in the abbey, which can hold a Funeral of
congregation of 2,000. George VI
in 1952
■ Service will be televised, and a national two
minutes’ silence is expected to be held. WINDSOR CASTLE
■ On the same day as the funeral, the Queen’s coffin Private
will be taken to St George’s Chapel at Windsor Chapel
Castle for a televised committal service. East
Slough Hayes Ealin
M25 Southall
M4 A4 Round Entrance
WESTMINSTER Tower Quadrangle
WINDSOR Heathrow River Tha
T mes
CASTLE airport
Staines Teddington
2 miles M3


Committal and private service Porch
w the

Nave Quire
West High Altar



■ That evening, a private George VI memorial chapel – Princess Margaret.
interment service will be an annex to the main chapel ■ Philip’s coffin will move
attended by senior royals. – where her mother and from the Royal Vault to
■ The Queen’s final resting father were buried, along the memorial chapel to
place will be the King with the ashes of her sister, join the Queen’s.
Page 36 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Weather ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Go to: for UK and world 5 day forecast
Premier League games off, Proms axed and even

eco-activists halt protests out of respect as...

60 20

UK comes to
20 -10
0 -20
-20 -30

Summary: Mainly dry

a standstill
By Andy Dolan
and Colin Fernandez
UK TODAY: Early mist will clear. Then mainly dry but
with large areas of cloud cover around and a chance of PREMIER League football
matches and the Last Night
Sir David, 96:
I’ll never
some showers developing, mostly in the east. Cloud
will break and sunny spells will develop. Max 22c. of the Proms are among the
sporting and cultural events
Today’s weather
cancelled out of respect for
the late Queen – as even envi-
ronmental protesters sus-
forget her
pended planned disruptions.
As Britain came to a halt yester-
day to remember Elizabeth II’s
70 years of service, attractions
such as Legoland in Windsor,
Glasgow 11c 16c 18c 18c 15c London Zoo, Kew Gardens and
Aberdeen 13c 16c 17c 15c 13c Historic Royal Palaces’ six sites,
Belfast 13c 17c 19c 18c 15c including the Tower of London,
were closed out of respect.
5 day forecast Luxury food and fashion retailer
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Selfridges, which has a royal warrant
to supply the Queen food and house-
London 23c 26c 23c 22c 20c
hold goods, did not open its stores in
Plymouth 19c 21c 20c 20c 19c Birmingham, Manchester and Lon-
Cardiff 21c 23c 21c 20c 19c don. Liberty, Mulberry and French
B’ham 21c 23c 20c 20c 19c Connection were also closed.
M’chester 20c 20c 20c 19c 17c The Government said there was no SIR David Attenborough By Paul Revoir
Newcastle 20c 18c 18c 17c 17c yesterday said that he Media Editor
Glasgow 19c 17c 18c 17c 16c ‘No obligation to would remember his
friend the Queen’s ‘most funny she laughed in a
Aberdeen 17c 16c 16c 16c 14c cancel events’ precious laugh’. genuine way ... she
Belfast 19c 17c 18c 17c 16c
The broadcaster, 96, wasn’t putting it on and
obligation for events or sporting fix- produced her Christmas that made it very easy’.
Yesterday 24 hours
to 2pm
Rain Temp
(ins) (min) (max) tures to be cancelled, or for enter- messages several times He added: ‘She made it
24 hours Sun Rain Temp Edinburgh 1.1 0.57 14 17 tainment venues to be closed, during and joined her for The seem you were meeting
to 2pm (hrs) (ins) (min) (max) Glasgow 2.7 0.54 14 18 the period of national mourning Queen’s Green Planet on another human being
Aberdeen 3.3 0.12 14 16 Hull 5.1 0.02 12 21
which began yesterday. with exactly the same
Aberporth 1.7 0.30 14 16 Ipswich 2.5 0.20 14 20
But official guidance released by ITV in 2018.
Belfast 3.3 0.69 14 18 Leeds 4.9 0.18 13 20
the Cabinet Office suggested organi- 1986: Making Christmas He told ITV News: ‘If conditions that all
Birmingham 3.8 0.24 11 20 Lincoln 3.1 0.11 11 19
sations may wish to consider cancel- message. Top: In 2019 there was something human beings have.’
Bournemouth 2.2 0.34 15 18 London 4.2 0.02 15 21
Bristol 5.5 0.17 14 18 Manchester 3.5 0.25 12 20 ling or postponing events or closing
Cardiff 1.5 0.13 14 19 Southampton 5.8 0.23 15 19 venues on the day of the state
Durham 3.4 0.48 13 18 St Andrews 0.9 0.35 15 17 funeral ‘as a mark of respect’. yesterday’s two matches were has been cancelled as a mark mourning surely shouldn’t
Information supplied by Meteogroup Stornoway 6.4 0.00 14 18 Soon after the guidance was postponed – while cricket will of respect. The conclusion of silence music.’ Extinction
Moon and Sun released, the Premier League also resume at all levels. the eight-week summer season Rebellion, whose actions
Extremes (24 hrs to noon y’day)
MOON rises: 7.55pm, sets: 6.01am Warmest: Bridlington, East Yorkshire,
announced all weekend fix- Play was suspended for the of daily classical music con- blocking roads have previously
Sun rises London: 6.27am, sets: 7.26pm 21c (70f). Coldest: Shap, Cumbria, 8c tures would be cancelled, fol- day at golf’s BMW PGA Cham- certs, which takes place pre- paralysed the capital, said its
Manchester rises: 6.33am, sets: 7.37pm (46f). Wettest: Charterhall, Borders, lowing the lead of the English pionship on Thursday, with no dominantly in the Royal Albert plan to illegally occupy Hyde
HIGH TIDE London Bridge: 2.48pm 1.33ins. Sunniest: Jersey, Channel Football League. All Welsh, play yesterday. But the event Hall in central London, was Park this weekend was can-
Liverpool: 12.00pm Islands, 7.4hrs. Northern Irish and profes- will resume at Wentworth due to conclude tonight. celled ‘until further notice’.
sional Scottish football was today. And horseracing, the Some questioned why the Its sister group Animal Rebel-
Europe forecast Geneva today c f tomorrow c f also postponed, along with Queen’s favourite sport, will performances couldn’t go lion said its plans were also on
fair 21 70 sun 22 72 England’s National League, return tomorrow after the ahead as a celebration of the hold, while even anti-monar-
today c f tomorrow c f Lisbon sun 31 88 fair 26 79 FA Trophy and even grass- British Horseracing Authority Queen’s life. chy pressure group Republic
Amsterdam rain 21 70 fair 22 72 Madrid sun 34 93 sun 34 93
Brussels thunder 18 64 fair 22 72 Paris
roots fixtures as the national cancelled events on Thursday Journalist Russell Davies, who said it would not campaign.
showers20 68 fair 24 75
Frankfurt thunder 19 66 fair 21 70 Rome sun 29 84 sun 29 84
game paid its respects. evening, yesterday and today. hosts Radio 4’s Brain of Britain The TUC Congress, due to be
Premiership rugby fixtures The BBC announced that quiz, tweeted that it was a ‘poor held in Brighton from tomor-
Around the world yesterday Noon local
time will go ahead today – although the Last Night Of The Proms decision’, adding: ‘National row, was postponed.
weather c f weather c f weather c f

Sunny 31 88
Amsterdam Cloudy 18 64
Sunny 31 88
Auckland Cloudy 15 59
Fair 28
Sunny 22
Sunny 25
Showers 18
New Delhi
New York
Sunny 35
Sunny 32

Cloudy 13
But defiant barristers ... and schools are told

Sunny 40 104
Barcelona Fair 30 86
Sunny 45 113
Cloudy 30 86
Hong Kong
Sunny 25

Cloudy 19
go on with all-out strike they have to stay open
Beirut Sunny 31 88 Jersey Showers 19 66 Rhodes Sunny 29 84 CRIMINAL barristers are to By David Barrett SCHOOLS were told to stay By Sarah Harris
Belfast Cloudy 18 64 Larnaca Sunny 33 91 Riga Sunny 14 57
continue their all-out strike Home Affairs Editor open yesterday but held spe-
Belgrade Showers26 79 Las Palmas Sunny 27 81 Rome Fair 30 86
Berlin Fair 21 70 Lisbon Sunny 26 79 Singapore Thunder 26 79 despite the Queen’s death. cial assemblies, observed added that they ‘may want to
Biarritz Rain 21 70 London Cloudy 18 64 Stockholm Fair 14 57 The leader of the Criminal Westminster next week have silences and lit candles to mark consider conducting special
Brisbane Showers 17 63 Los Angeles Fair 33 91 Strasbourg Fair 21 70
Bar Association (CBA) said been called off, but the strike the death of the Queen. activities... to commemorate
Brussels Showers 17 63 Luxor Sunny 36 97 Sydney Showers 18 64
defence barristers will con- action will continue. Protests Some adapted lessons, low- the life of Her Majesty’.
Bucharest Fair 28 82 Madrid Sunny 28 82 Tangier Sunny 24 75
after the Queen’s funeral will ered flags to half-mast and It is thought the funeral could
Budapest Fair 25 77 Malaga Sunny 27 81 Tel Aviv Sunny 32 90 tinue to refuse to work on invited pupils to write in books
Cairo Sunny 32 90 Malta Sunny 30 86 Tenerife Sunny 28 82
legal aid-funded cases. CBA be ‘kept under review’. be held on Monday, September
Cape Town Sunny 18 64 Melbourne Cloudy 18 64 Tokyo Drizzle 25 77 of memories about the longest- 19. Once confirmed, officials
chairman Kirsty Brimelow KC The Communication Workers serving British monarch.
Casablanca Fair 25 77 Mexico City Fair 20 68 Toronto Fair 25 77 will contact schools again with
CopenhagenCloudy 18 64 Miami Cloudy 32 90 Tunis Sunny 34 93 told members: ‘This is a critical Union axed yesterday’s postal In an email to schools on further guidance. If it takes
Corfu Cloudy 29 84 Milan Fair 25 77 Vancouver Fair 18 64 stage. The action is having sub- strikes, and the RMT rail union Thursday, the Department for place on a weekday, it is widely
Dubai Sunny 38 100 Montreal Sunny 25 77 Venice Fair 25 77
Dublin Showers 18 64 Moscow Fair 10 50 Vienna Cloudy 23 73 stantial impact and resolution has called off its strikes next Education said they should expected to be treated as a
Dubrovnik Showers24 75 Mumbai Cloudy 30 86 Warsaw Cloudy 13 55 is a logical government step.’ Thursday and Saturday so ‘remain open’ during the period bank holiday and schools are
Faro Sunny 26 79 Nairobi Cloudy 19 66 Wellington Cloudy 14 57 Protests at courts and in mourners can get to London. of national mourning, but thought to be likely to close.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 37

At ease: The Queen at

her desk in Balmoral –
the Highlands home
she adored

By Rebecca English
Royal Editor
After spending the summer at her beloved Balmoral...
With her increasing frailty in
recent weeks and months, the
Queen had cut back on her
But she still appeared to be in
excellent spirits, according to visi-
Days earlier no one
had any idea how ill
tors who met her at Balmoral.
her good mood on tuesday – when she
greeted new Prime Minister Liz truss
with a smile – and the fact that members
of the Royal Family were only scrambled
to Balmoral on thursday morning sug-
gest that her health took a catastrophic
turn for the worse on Wednesday night.

Queen would become

She died the following day.
Dr iain Greenshields, Moderator of the
General Assembly of the Church of Scot-
land, stayed with the Queen at Balmoral
last weekend. they had dinner together
on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
he described the monarch as frail but
in ‘really good spirits’ and ‘very engag-
ing’ company.
he said he had been surprised by who was appraised of everything.’
her sudden decline and death. Dr
Greenshields recalled: ‘She was in
great form, really good spirits –
A right royal jape as she pruned the roses he added: ‘She had an incredible
respect for people of all faiths –
and none of course as well –
obviously frail, you can see that, TWO tourists once mistook the Queen for a conversation. They were asking her what it was because she very much saw herself
but absolutely on the ball. worker at Balmoral while she was gardening and like to work for the Queen – did the Queen never as the Queen who was there for all
‘She was talking about her past, people.’ the Queen had enjoyed
her love for Balmoral, her father, she played along in the role as a joke, a former tend the roses herself? And she played along one of her happiest summers in
her mother, Prince Philip, horses... Scottish first minister revealed yesterday. with it for about five minutes or so. recent years, entertaining a string
very engaged with what was hap- Labour peer Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale ‘And they went back round to the bus to leave of family and friends at Balmoral.
told the story as he paid tribute to Her Majesty. Balmoral and she very quickly nipped into the the photographer who took the
He said in the House of Lords: ‘The Queen told a kitchen, took her headscarf off and the sun- last public pictures of her con-
‘She appeared in story about two American tourists who had been glasses off, went out the front door and waved firmed the monarch was in ‘good
spirits’. Jane Barlow, of the Press
excellent spirits’ on a bus trip and had wandered round the back goodbye to the bus, only to see these two Ameri-
Association news agency, had been
of Balmoral to the rose garden where she was can tourists looking out the window. sent to Balmoral to capture the
tending the roses with a headscarf and sun- The Labour peer added: ‘That great sense of moment when the Queen met Miss
pening in the church and what was glasses on. humour and fun was remarkable – and it was a truss on tuesday. She said: ‘i got
happening in the nation too.’ ‘They didn’t recognise her so they broke into privilege to have seen it up close.’ a lot of smiles from her.’
Dr Greenshields told BBC Radio the Mail revealed yesterday that
Scotland’s Good Morning Scot- one source with close links to the
land programme: ‘her health was remembered: ‘this frail lady came ‘in conversation with her, she took how personal and how deep that royal household said the Queen
frail – we knew that – but when i in but there was still that sense of me over to the window and she went. She knew and understood had not been suffering any chronic
left her on Sunday she was very who she was and that real sense of was looking over her gardens with exactly what the challenges were condition – ‘she was old, not ill’.
positive and i just find it very hard making you feel immediately at great pride and affection. And i that faced the church. Another insider said: ‘She’d lost a
to believe that in those few days ease – engaging with you immedi- think that’s where she would have ‘She talked about that very lot of weight and had been feeling
things had changed so much.’ ately in conversation, a nice bright wanted to spend her last days and clearly when she was speaking all the aches and pains that a 96-
he said she spoke ‘very movingly’ smile, everything you would expect i would think the family are com- with me over the weekend. year-old woman would be expected
to him about the funeral of Prince of your monarch.’ forted by that. ‘it was obvious that she knew to feel and had suffered terrible
Philip last year and how affected Poignantly, he described how the ‘As far as her faith was concerned, what she was talking about and it problems with her sore feet.’ the
she was ‘particularly when the Queen seemed joyful to be at her it was very obvious, particularly i was really quite interesting to be Queen was seen only weeks ago
pipes were played during it’. he beloved highland home. he said: would say in the last ten years... able to sit down with somebody walking her corgis in the gardens.
Page 38 V1 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

In every
tributes to
our Queen Spain: El Mundo, popular
tabloid produced in Madrid
Italy: La Stampa, Turin-based
paper is one of nation’s oldest
France: La Croix, Roman
Catholic paper based in Paris
Netherlands: De Volkskrant,
Amsterdam’s morning daily

Macron’s English salute

Grief: Mr Macron signs a condolence book at the British embassy in Paris

Honour: A ballet company outside the British embassy in Tokyo Remembering her Down Under: An image of Queen Elizabeth II is projected on to the
EmmanuEl macron broke from By James Franey photo of the Queen in her younger years, that it is not always necessary to be fashion-
official protocol yesterday to deliver Europe Correspondent draped in a black cape, and the headline able to earn esteem and sympathy. leaders
‘England’s sorrow’. and politicians – not only in Britain – should
a touching tribute to Queen Eliza- ‘a universal icon, she has gone through a keep this in mind.’
beth II in English. Jack. The British flag appears at the Elysee century of history without ever weakening, Spain’s El Pais said that for more than 70
The French president’s address from only when a high-level dignitary from the without ever giving up,’ the paper said. years the Queen ‘maintained the neutrality
the Elysee Palace in Paris praised the uK is present. The cover of a special edition of the glossy that guaranteed the continuity of the Brit-
monarch’s ‘wisdom and empathy’, French daily le Figaro carried the head- celebrity magazine Paris match described
line ‘Goodbye to the Queen’, praising her as the Queen’s death as ‘the end of a world’.
adding ‘we all feel an emptiness’. ‘a rock for her kingdom’ after seven decades In Germany, best-selling daily Bild wrote ‘The world is crying
‘To you, she was your Queen. To us, she
was the Queen,’ the French leader said dur-
of devoted public service. It praised Her ‘the world is crying for the Queen’, while the for the Queen’
majesty’s command of the French language Frankfurter allgemeine Zeitung said the
ing the three-minute speech posted on and her ‘old-fashioned elegance’. monarch ‘encapsulated normality and the
social media. ‘Elizabeth II mastered our lan- ‘let’s face it,’ a front-page editorial said, fulfilment of duty’. ish crown’. Dutch tabloid De Telegraaf
guage, loved our culture and touched our ‘the willingly rebellious French, the heir to a The milan-based Corriere della Sera news- hailed the great-grandmother of 12 as ‘a
hearts. From her coronation on, she knew people who once executed their king, often paper described Her majesty as ‘a leader global icon.’ Its front-page headline was: ‘a
and spoke with all of our presidents. no found themselves secretly admiring her dig- par excellence’. ‘Elizabeth II has always Queen in the whole world’s hearts.’
other country had the privilege of welcom- nity, and perhaps even envying this country remained true to herself, even to the point The paper’s lead editorial said the mon-
ing her as many times as we did.’ whose queen was a remarkable woman.’ where she sometimes seemed alienated from arch was ‘a rock’ for many British people
mr macron made the address in front of left-wing newspaper liberation carried on the present,’ the Right-wing daily wrote. during ‘turbulent times’.
the French and Eu flags, as well as a union its front page an elegant black-and-white ‘The affection felt in these hours shows The Volkskrant said the Queen ‘was like a
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V1 Page 39

France: Liberation, renowned Italy: The Corriere della Sera, Spain: El Pais, the country’s Germany: Bild, million-selling France: Paris Match, famed
Left-wing national daily Milan’s evening paper Madrid-based paper of record broadsheet with tabloid style weekly news magazine

as the world mourns

Respect: The New York Yankees stand during a minute’s silence at Yankee Stadium

sails of the Sydney Opera House after a 96-gun salute in Canberra yesterday Condolences: US President Joe Biden at the British embassy in Washington DC
grandmother and mother to the British’, held in Canberra. Prime minister Anthony

...except Putin mouthpiece

adding: ‘She was always there for the Albanese said the tributes reflected ‘the
people, in good times and bad.’ light she brought to so many’. But some
Right-leaning Belgian daily Le Soir republicans refused to wait until the offi-
stated on its front page that she was sim- cial mourning period ends before calling
ply ‘the Queen of the century’. ‘Is this the for Australia to ditch the Royal Family.
end of an era?’ the paper asked. ‘Our thoughts are with her family and all VLADIMIR Putin propagandist Margarita peace. We all die.’ The self-styled journal-
‘The fact that the Queen survived every- who loved her. Now Australia must move
thing, everyone, provided proof that the forward,’ Australian Greens Party leader Simonyan has lashed out at the global ist’s channel has been banned across most
world’s house of cards could shake but Adam Bandt said on Twitter. outpouring of tributes for the Queen, say- of the EU for peddling fake news and con-
never crumble. What now?’ Chinese president Xi Jinping lamented ing her death was receiving too spiracy theories.
Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald the Queen’s passing, saying: ‘Her death is much attention. The RIA news agency, another Kremlin
claimed ‘the world’s most famous and a great loss to the British people.’ The 42-year-old boss of the Kremlin- mouthpiece, suggested that the future of
admired woman leaves behind a fractured German president Frank-Walter Stein- backed RT channel sent out the bizarre the country was in doubt.
and fraying kingdom’. meier said: ‘Britain held out the hand of missive on her Telegram channel late on ‘The death of the Queen calls into ques-
In a dispatch filed from London, the reconciliation to Germany, and the hand Thursday night. tion the very existence of the United
newspaper said the Queen’s passing was of reconciliation was also the Queen’s
‘a hammer blow to the British psyche’. hand.’ He called a state visit by the Queen ‘Colleagues, let’s finish up with the Kingdom,’ it claimed.
Monuments and public buildings across to West Germany in 1965 ‘one of the amount of news about the Queen,’ Miss The Kremlin confirmed that Putin would
Australia were lit up with images of Her most important and powerful symbols’ of Simonyan wrote. ‘She died. Well, rest in not travel to Britain for the funeral.
Majesty after a 96-gun salute had been post-war friendship.
Page 40 V2 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

OR millions of people of a certain age,

F one of the abiding memories of the

Queen and her son and heir Charles
was the look of maternal pleasure,
pride and affection on her face as she
placed a coronet on his head confirming him
as Prince of Wales.
No one could have imagined — at that magical moment
at Caernarvon Castle marking the Prince’s 21st birthday
in 1969 — that 25 years later he would be describing his
mother as cold and distant.
The world read those painful words in Jonathan
Dimbleby’s authorised biography of the Prince and this
apparent unfeeling attitude became, for many, their
perception of the Queen — despite the fact she was a
devoted mother who had breastfed all four of her children.
Lord Mountbatten, the man Charles considered to be his
‘honorary grandfather’, once told the historian Robert
Lacey that ‘nanny’s night off ’ was the Queen’s
favourite of the week.
‘When Nanny Mabel [Anderson] was off duty, Elizabeth
could kneel beside the bath, bathe her babies, read to
them and put them to bed,’ he said.
So was the Queen really so cold and distant? Or might
Charles’s childhood memories have been clouded by the
uncertainty and unhappiness that dogged him for so
much of his early life?
As Dimbleby wrote in his book, the Prince bitterly
recalled a childhood during which the nursery staff, not
his emotionally reserved parents, were the people who
taught him to play, who witnessed

his first steps, who punished and
rewarded him and who helped him
put his first thoughts into words.

LEVY and
He was almost 46 at the time and,
ironically, had himself been accused
of displaying a somewhat careless
attitude to what his own two sons
were getting up to.
According to the Queen’s intimate
friend and cousin, Margaret Rhodes,
these recollections deeply wounded
his mother. agree. He is a glass-half-empty attendance was out of the question.
‘She always talks quite a lot about person while she is a half-full one.’ Some saw this as the Prince of
her children and she worries about Indeed, for much of the Queen’s Wales putting his mistress before
them like any other mother,’ reign she feared Charles could his mother, so it is hardly surprising
declared Mrs Rhodes. She believed imperil the stability of a throne that that more years of mutual
the criticism was a misinterpreta- she had worked hard for all her life. misunderstanding and distrust
tion of what was simply her ‘unde- ‘Infuriating’ was the word she were to follow.
monstrative’ style as a mother. frequently used to describe him. The Queen emerged as a critic of
There is, of course, another It took until he was well into his her son’s extravagance, for example.
famous picture of mother and son. 60s and the monarch in her 80s for A courtier reported her saying she
It shows Charles, aged five, appear- them to grow close and for Charles felt the ‘amount of kit and servants
ing to formally shake his mother’s to admire his mother’s judgment he takes around is grotesque’.
hand in greeting at a London and understand her caring concern In the dark days after Charles’s
railway station as the Queen and about the happiness of all her 1996 divorce from Diana, one of the
Prince Philip returned from a six- children. Key to all of this, as we Queen’s aides wondered if it might

month Commonwealth tour. shall explain, was the Queen’s not be better if he were to ‘retire’
Here was a mother separated from eventual welcoming of Camilla into to the country, marry Camilla
Picture: GEORGE

her children — Anne was three — by the Royal Family. and pass over the succession to
duty and continuing to observe the Certainly, the wisdom of years Prince William.
made Charles realise that his public This view was reported to the
complaints about being distant Queen who, said the aide, ‘did not
when he was young were probably react violently against it’ and even
‘Nanny’s night unfair. She was, after all, a working
mother whose unique role took her
appeared to wonder if it might offer
a possible solution. Mother love: Kissing her hand in 2012 and playing when he was three
on journeys to all parts of the world, This was perhaps the nadir of the
off ’ was the especially when she was a new
young Queen anxious to be seen.
many years of acute worry the
Queen had endured about Charles
Diana was to live with and, in
private, sometimes described the
a highly placed confidant of
the Prince.
Queen’s favourite As Lord Charteris, her long-time
private secretary, once pointed out:
‘At the beginning [of her reign], she
and his public image which were
largely concentrated on his rela-
tionships with Diana and Camilla.
Princess as that ‘impossible girl’.
But the way she said it also sug-
gested she knew what the Princess
‘He was devastated. He couldn’t
understand why she had taken
so bitterly against the woman
was learning and simply had too Not that the Queen was unsophis- was going through being married he loved.’
much on her plate to enjoy Charles, ticated to the ways of men. Indeed, to the fussy Prince of Wales. To the Queen, her son’s shock at
traditional formalities in which she and then Anne.’ when she was first told that her For his part, Charles was always her response was the clearest
had been trained since the age of But was the division between then bachelor son was sleeping with unsettled by his view that the indication of the self-absorption
ten. In later years, the question was motherhood and national duty the wife of a brother officer in the Queen accepted Diana’s version of that had always exasperated her.
asked, why didn’t she take Charles shared as wisely as it might have Brigade of Guards — Andrew how he treated her during How could the Queen indicate even
and Anne with her? been? Charles thought not. Parker Bowles’s wife Camilla — she their marriage. It was a version the smallest element of approval
After all, Charles was being taught Many agreed with him, ascribing made no comment. also accepted by the majority of for a woman perceived by millions
by a governess at Buckingham Pal- his self-absorption and appalling ‘The news wouldn’t have surprised the public. to have been the wrecker of a
ace and she could have travelled self-pity to the fact that the Queen, the Queen at all,’ said the Rev In the months after Diana’s death, fairytale marriage?
with them. while a flawless monarch, was, Michael Mann, the late Dean of huge efforts were made to For his part, Charles felt that
But as Mrs Rhodes (who died in according to one courtier, some- rehabilitate Charles and he was neither his mother nor his father
2016) explained: ‘People simply what ‘detached from the lives of her widely praised for his efforts as a understood him and that they gave
don’t understand — it’s much children’ — which inevitably most single parent doing his best to him no encouragement.
bring up two sons who had lost In his craving for maternal
better for small children to be at affected her firstborn.
home in a familiar environment The consequence, according to
rather than drag them halfway family friends, was a child already
‘He is a glass half their mother.
Emboldened by this changing
approval, he was especially
frustrated that his mother had
round the world.’ lacking in confidence who felt
She added: ‘In my opinion, Charles deprived of motherly love.
has been rather naïve. I remember As the Dimbleby revelations
empty person, public attitude, barely a year after
Diana’s death, he cautiously raised
the issue of Camilla with the Queen
never offered much in the way of
praise for the way in which he had
founded and built up the Prince’s
when he and Anne were quite small proved, Charles was to bear this
and the Queen would take them sadness over the Queen’s apparent she a half full one’ one evening at Balmoral.
He was seeking her approval of his
relationship because he wanted to
Trust, the mainstay of his charity
work. Her attitude was always
‘don’t talk about it, get on with it’,
away to Balmoral. She would get maternal indifference through to
them to make their own beds and his mature years. It was in the spin- be able to take her out publicly, and recalls a lady-in-waiting.
help with the washing up. She off ITV interview with the broad- for them to be seen together. Charles, quietly advised by wiser
cooked the supper, they loved caster that Charles admitted his Windsor. ‘Her reaction would Instantly, he realised his mistake. heads, was forced to take a step
bangers and hot spuds. affair with Camilla Parker Bowles have been that this was a natural His mother’s snappy response back and wait. And this policy paid
‘These were magical times full of and, initially, Camilla came to thing for an eager young man to shocked him, but also made off when it eventually became clear
fun and love. She was much closer embody the uneasy differences be doing.’ him angry. that, for the good of the monarchy,
to the children than Charles gives between mother and son. Later, however, the fact that a ‘He simply couldn’t see it,’ recalls the Prince of Wales had to ‘regular-
her credit for. The Queen was not among guests man with a beautiful young wife a former courtier. ‘He couldn’t see ise’ his relationship with Camilla.
‘True, she didn’t sweep them up in 1998 when her grandsons William was finding extramarital pleasure that this request to the Queen so In other words, if he was staying
[in an embrace] as Princess Diana and Harry hosted a 50th birthday with an older woman plainly soon after Diana’s death was much with her, he had to marry her. In
did with her children but they were party for their father at Highgrove. perplexed the Queen as much as it too premature.’ fact, it was the Queen who pres-
different times. She didn’t go because she knew did Prince Philip. Her woman’s-eye The Queen’s response was to tell sured him into making a decision.
The Queen deeply loves Charles Camilla would be there. At that view of Mrs Parker Bowles was that her son that she didn’t want to talk Jubilantly, Charles announced the
—it’s just that they have a different delicate time — just a year after she looked ‘rather used’. about ‘that wicked woman’ and impending marriage. His then
outlook and sometimes they don’t Princess Diana’s death — her She knew, of course, how difficult wanted nothing to do with her, said private secretary, Sir Michael Peat,
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V2 Page 41

How the Queen insisted with a lofty air of intimate

knowledge that the relationship
between the Prince and his mother had
‘never been better’.
But the fact was, this was a marriage
that had the Queen’s reluctant accept-

finally grew close to

ance, not her enthusiasm.
In her long reign, however, the Queen
had grown to understand the value of
pragmatism. More than anyone, she
recognised that her son would make a
better monarch with someone he loved
at his side, just as she had.
She and Prince Philip did not attend
their son’s second marriage ceremony
at Windsor’s Guildhall, but she did host

‘infuriating’ Charles
a party for 700 afterwards in Windsor
Castle, at which she proposed a toast
to the bride and groom, congratulating
them in racing parlance by welcoming
them ‘into the winners’ enclosure’.
That was the defining moment — one
that moved Charles almost to tears —
that began the change in the nature of
this uniquely troubled relationship
between a Queen and her heir.
All his life, Charles had been desper-
ate for his mother’s approval, yearning
to hear her describe him as a winner
and how ironic that the moment arrived
only after he’d put a ring on ‘that wicked
woman’s’ finger.
As time passed and the Queen was
experiencing those first signs of frailty
even as Prince Philip, then in his 90s,
was slowly withdrawing from public
life, she began to see the son she had
perceived as too needy, vulnerable,
emotional and self-centred in something
of a new light.
He was gradually taking over many of
her responsibilities, and doing so with
confidence and even a little panache.
This new mutual respect led rapidly
to full co-operation between what had
in effect become rival royal households.
Courtiers who were used to pursuing
competing agendas at Buckingham
Palace and Clarence House were
astonished by this rapprochement,
and relieved.
For a long time the Queen’s aides
perceived Charles’s household to be
committed solely to polishing his own
image at the expense of other Royal
Family members. What ended the
rivalry was Charles effectively becoming
‘co-head’ of the ‘Firm’ as the Queen’s
physical powers declined.
She was largely happy with the new

She welcomed
Camilla to the
‘winners’ enclosure’
arrangement — although not entirely
in agreement with Charles’s ambitions
to slim down the monarchy if this meant
pushing Edward and possibly even
Princess Anne to the margins of the
Wedding day joy: Charles chats to the Queen while walking with Camilla after the marriage service at Windsor Guildhall in 2005 royal show.
But the Camilla factor remained an

... and he came to

issue. Part of this was due to the
Queen’s deep and abiding Christian
faith, which meant she was never fully
comfortable with the idea of the former
Mrs Parker Bowles becoming King
Charles’s queen.
And then, on the 70th anniversary of
her own accession in February this year,
it was announced by Buckingham
Palace that it was her ‘sincere wish’

accept she wasn’t

that her daughter-in-law should be
known as Queen Consort alongside
King Charles when the time came.
There was not just her famous prag-
matism: the Queen recognised that
Camilla had worked assiduously for the
Crown behind the scenes, never once
upstaging Charles, an accusation regu-
larly hurled at Diana. What is more, her

a distant mother
son’s happiness and contentment with
his second wife was plain for all to see.
The story of the Queen and Charles
could have been one of the most tragic
mother-son relationships in royal
history. After all, throughout the ages,
monarchs and their heirs have failed to
see eye-to-eye. And yet, by the time of
her death, mother and son were recon-
ciled and their philosophies joined.
She had changed her mind about

And the key to it all was Camilla him. She believed, at last, that he
could be a fine king. Charles, signifi-
cantly, had also changed his mind
about his mother.
Page 42 V2 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

It’s the answer to the

wants to know: what
ECAuSE I have met her
— because, at close quar-
ters, I have observed her
as she carried out a range
of her official duties —
Not a Anything
people often ask me, leaning
forward, narrowing their eyes:
‘What was the Queen really like?’
My answer disappoints them. ‘Very nice,’
I say. ‘Rather normal, actually; quite
prude but PC
straightforward; much as you’d expect.’
I wonder if we appreciate how fortunate
we have been. Elizabeth II was neither
eccentric nor quixotic, and her husband
was as honest and straightforward as the
A wicked Partial to
mimic of
day is long.
If there is one word that sums up
Elizabeth II, it is ‘dutiful’. Her life was
driven by duty. She was a dutiful daughter
and a dutiful Queen.
a crafty
As Princess Elizabeth, aged 21, she said: ‘I
declare before you all that my whole life,
whether it be long or short, shall be devoted
to your service.’ She meant it. At her
Coronation, she made a commitment to
God as well as to her people, and her faith
accents cigarette
by royal confidant
sustained her in all she did.
From an early age, she knew what lay
ahead: a relentless, endlessly repetitive
rollercoaster ride of royal duties and good
works, from which only death or revolution

could release her.
She never abdicated, not — as some
commentators suggested — because she
didn’t want to see her son become King, but
because her faith, sense of duty and heritage
meant abdication was simply not a
possibility. Her uncle David abdicated and
his was not an example she wanted to follow.
‘It’s a job for life,’ she said. ‘It’s a
question of maturing into something
one has got used to doing and lege. She had met everyone and been drinks tray reappeared and Her made no pretence of being what she
accepting that it’s your fate, because everywhere. She had never wanted Majesty might allow herself a was not.
I think continuity is very important.’ for anything. Wherever she went, she moderate gin and tonic. At 8.15pm, Although formally apolitical, she
It is not really surprising that her was cosseted. And the corgis came, it was dinner time. was definitely not politically correct.
death touches us in the way it does. too — flown, if need be, in an Andover On some days, the Queen and If she chose, she would go out rid-
Along with members of her family, aircraft of the Queen’s Flight. Prince Philip would share all or some ing without a hard hat. She would
she featured in our newspapers and Her days were sometimes long and of their meals — but by no means wear fur, she wouldn’t use a seat
on our TV screens almost daily. often arduous, but she had staff ever every day. Their interests and belt and in her assorted resi-
Yet our relationship with royalty is in attendance and the comfort of a commitments often took them in dences, cigarettes were freely
neither fleeting nor superficial. The routine that rarely varied. different directions. available to her guests.
Queen is on our postage stamps, At 8am, Her Majesty’s dresser Long before Prince Philip’s death, I am told she even smoked
entered the royal bedroom with the the Queen had grown accustomed one herself from time to
‘calling tray’ and a pot of Earl Grey to evenings on her own. She time. Can that be true?
tea. The curtains were drawn, the watched television, she completed If it is, it made her more
One o’clock was bath was run (to a depth of seven
inches and a temperature of 72f —
crosswords, she gave the corgis
their late supper. She telephoned
understanding of her
tested by thermometer) and the her racing manager. She chatted Camilla’s weakness
the time for gin Palace began to stir (no vacuuming
was permitted before 8am).
with her personal page.
I can tell you exactly what the
for the weed.
It was no

and Dubonnet Her clothes were laid out for her,

her hairdresser was at hand. At 9am,
as her personal piper played beneath
Queen was like. She had the
interests, attributes and tastes of
an English (or Scottish) country-
accident that

her windows, the Queen walked woman of her class and generation. second wife
from her bedroom, through her D o g s a n d h o r s e s , c o u r t e s y, turned out
coins and banknotes. She is more sitting room to her dining room, kindliness and community service to be very
than head of state: she is at the holding her Roberts radio, listening counted with her. much the
heart of our national identity — and to the news of the day. According to Sonia Berry, perhaps Queen’s sort
for a reason. Breakfast was modest: cereal (from her closest childhood friend: ‘She of woman —
During her exceptionally long those Tupperware containers), a would never have chosen to be much more so
reign, Elizabeth II was living slice of granary toast, a layer of Queen. She would much rather have than Diana
history. Her godparents included Oxford marmalade. At ten o’clock lived in the country with horses and could ever
b o t h h e r g r a n d f a t h e r K i n g the business of the day began: her dogs and been a normal housewife.’ have been.
George V and Arthur, Duke of private secretary appeared; corre- In 1956, Nikita Khrushchev,
Connaught, the last surviving son spondence was considered, state General Secretary of the Soviet
of Queen Victoria. papers scanned; if it was a morning Communist Party, braced himself for
As the latest in a line of sovereigns for receiving ambassadors or the day ‘haughtiness’ when he took tea with Pictures: MAX
that linked her directly to King Edgar, of an investiture, Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle. To his MUMBY/INDIGO/
Richard III, Henry VIII, George IV studied her briefing material. surprise, he found her ‘completely THE ROYAL
and Queen Victoria, she was the At one o’clock, before a light lunch unpretentious — the sort of woman COLLECTION/
embodiment of our nation’s story. (she wasn’t fussy about her food), you would be likely to meet walking PA / JAMES
Her presence linked us to our past. she treated herself — until her 96th along Gorky Street on a balmy MULLIN/REX/
year, when she gave up alcohol on summer afternoon’.
the advice of her doctors — to a gin Essentially conservative (with
and Dubonnet: equal measures, two radical flourishes), intelligent (not
SHE thoroughly understood her lumps of ice and a slice of lemon (the intellectual), pragmatic (not intro-
role, her duties and the inevitable lemon was sliced for her). spective), ‘immensely tolerant’
restrictions that these imposed. But At 2.30pm, she walked the corgis. (Prince Philip’s phrase), even-tem-
the Queen’s life was also one of privi- At five, she took tea. At six, the pered and utterly reliable, the Queen
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 43

question everyone
was she really like?
Always on the phone to
her ‘extravagant’ mum
WAS the Queen Mother contemplating her mother’s
jealous of her elder daugh- insouciant extravagance. At
ter? The Queen’s former the time of her death, Queen
private secretary, Martin Elizabeth’s overdraft at
Charteris, believed she was. Coutts was reported to be in
‘Queen Elizabeth was not the region of £4 million.
yet 52 when the King died,’ She was supposed to have
he reminded me. ‘She was once said at a dinner party:
accustomed to being centre ‘Golly, I could do with
stage, the focus of attention, £100,000, couldn’t you? Had
universally loved. She was such an awful afternoon
still loved, of course, and t o d ay w i t h m y b a n k
admired, but she was no manager scolding me about
longer the star of the show my overdraft.’
and I don’t think she found And yes, the Queen might,
that easy. now and again, express envy
‘In the early days of the of her mother’s extraordi-
new Queen’s reign, there nary capacity for avoiding
was an awkwardness about all unpleasantness. But
precedence, with the Queen mother and daughter were
not wanting to go in front of good friends, on the same
her mother and Queen wavelength, with mutual
Elizabeth, of course, accus- interests (especially horses)
tomed to going first.’ and comfortable in each
Even so, Elizabeth II had a other’s company, each look-
good relationship with her ing forward to their regular,
mother — ‘loving and easy, uncomplicated chats
normal’ is how the Queen’s on the telephone.
cousin Margaret Rhodes Prince Philip said to me
described it to me. once, eyebrows raised in
Merry monarch: At a horse The Queen did occasionally amazement: ‘They’re always
show in 2015 and, above, shake her head when on the phone!
aboard Britannia in 1971
C a m i l l a can talk easily quite interesting words.’ More was happy to do it; she played
(and amusingly) about dogs recently, at an art gallery, she her part without fuss and in
and horses. She is comforta- was confronted by a series of just one take; she enjoyed the
ble with the Queen’s view of Lucian Freud nudes: heavy, surprise on the night — she
life (for the most part, she spreading bosoms, weighty, had not confided to her family
shares it); she is politically blue-veined thighs. Sensing that she was making this
incorrect (in a good way), that the photographers unique contribution to the
f u n n y, s e l f- d e p r e c a t i n g, present were eager to get a Olympic celebrations.
realistic and, like the shot of her gazing up at one of Given the weirdness of her
Queen, she is a mother and them, Her Majesty moved life (imprisoned by her fate;
grandmother who has herself adroitly out of range. destined to be Queen from
been a bit tempest- When her host inquired, the age of ten), the Queen
tossed but has managed ‘Haven’t you been painted by seemed to me to be quite
to weather the storms. remarkably well balanced,
Was the Queen a rounded, grounded and at
prude? By no means. ease with herself, the world
As you might expect,
she was averse to
She didn’t tell and her place in it.
Friends who knew her when
bad language, but she was younger tell stories of
— as I witnessed
myself in the 40
family about her sitting on the sofa after
dinner, her feet tucked up
years I knew
Prince Philip —
her husband
the Bond skit under her, chatting late into
the night. People (even those
who knew her well) still found
occasionally it difficult to treat her
used four-let- normally, but she behaved
ter words. Lucian Freud, Ma’am?’, she normally nonetheless.
The Queen smiled and said, sotto voce: Once she arrived a little
simply put ‘Yes, but not like that.’ late for a supper at a private
up with Famously, the Queen was a house in Belgravia. ‘Cooee,’
his salty skilful mimic — not so much she called up the stairwell as
language. of individuals but of accents, she was taking off her coat,
W h e n be it Cockney or Norfolk — ‘it’s us. Sorry we’re late.
Lech Walesa and she had a lively, even Terrible traffic.’
was Presi- impish, sense of humour. This essential normality —
dent of Poland We all know that: we gasped combined with fundamental
and came to in amazement when she decency — was always there,
stay, she told an appeared on film with Daniel beneath the royal trappings.
aide: ‘He only Craig’s James Bond as part of From all the people I have
knows two English the opening ceremony of the spoken with who were close
words.’ She paused, London Olympics in 2012. She
before adding: ‘They are was amused to be asked; she TURN TO NEXT PAGE
Page 44 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
ELIZABETH R 1926-2022


to the Queen — courtiers, friends

and family members — I get the
Her ‘snapping’ at Philip over intruderIN JULY 1982, an intruder — a 33-year-old ping at Philip. She was really quite snappy with
impression that she was not
judgmental when it came to schizophrenic named Michael Fagan — found him. Which was unusual for her. Not for him, of
others. She looked for the best in his way into Buckingham Palace and disturbed course. He’s always been a bit snappy. But the
people and hoped for the best the Queen, alone, asleep in bed. man getting into her room was horrid.’
from them and for them. This alarming incident prompted a double It was. The man had a broken glass ashtray in
When things went wrong, she dose of outrage from elements of the Press: his hand and was bleeding when he entered
prayed (on her knees, with her why was the Palace’s security so lamentable the Queen’s bedroom at around 7.15am.
hands folded together) that they and where was Prince Philip? Why was he not She pressed the alarm button by her bed,
would go better. But although she on hand to come to his wife’s rescue? but her overnight police guard had gone off
was Queen, she did not lay down
the law. She was, for instance, Indeed, the ‘revelation’ that the Queen and duty at 6am and her footman was walking the
always reluctant to interfere in her husband did not appear to share a corgis. Fagan simply wandered in, drew the
the private lives of members of bedroom caused more comment in certain curtains and sat on the bed.
her family. quarters than the fact that a lunatic could He wanted to share his troubles with Her
There was a streak of hysteria in wander off the street and into the sovereign’s Majesty. (Later, he told police he had planned
Diana, Princess of Wales: you bedroom without let or hindrance. to slash his wrists in front of the Queen.) Even-
sensed it even with a brief The Queen, who, at the time, handled the tually, when he asked for a cigarette, the
acquaintance. There was none in intrusion with commendable calm, was Queen managed to manoeuvre him out of the
the Queen. The Queen was sane.
The Queen was sensible. She had nevertheless shaken. The popular Press had bedroom and the alarm was raised.
her feet on the ground. the answer: ‘Give her a cuddle, Philip,’ The incident prompted a review of Palace
Unlike Prince Philip, who would instructed one headline. security, which was, in the words of Fagan
occasionally fly into a rage, she In fact, when sleeping under the same roof, himself, ‘diabolical’. This was not Fagan’s first
was always calm. According to her the Queen and Prince Philip usually did share dawn raid on the Palace: on the previous
friend Sonia Berry: ‘She might get the same bed. It just happened that on the occasion he had stolen a bottle of wine.
annoyed about something but as morning of Fagan’s intrusion, Philip had a The then Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw,
a rule she stayed on an even keel. crack-of-dawn start for an out-of-town who was ultimately responsible for the
I never saw her lose her temper.’
official engagement and so spent the night in Queen’s security, offered his resignation. It
Picture: REX

Nor was the Queen self-con-

scious: she would apply her his own quarters. was declined. Some years later, he told me,
lipstick whoever was watching. Their long-standing friend Gina Kennard told his eyes brimming with tears: ‘I felt utterly
She was not easily flustered: how- me: ‘At Balmoral that year — after that man got ashamed, utterly miserable. It was the worst
ever hectic the schedule, however Sat on Queen’s bed: Michael Fagan into her bedroom — the Queen began snap- moment of my public life.’
many stops on the tour, her own
steady pace never varied.
Of course, she had senior
courtiers around her who knew handful of exceptions, she did not respect, often with affection, tax on her private income. There count with her. She tends to do
what they were doing (unstuffy, say things which people could occasionally with awe — suggests was negotiation — a bit of give what she has done before.’
for the most part; unfussy, with remember, or do things which their admiration was genuine, not and take on either side — but She made up for her error in the
a couple of exceptions), and made people sit up and take simply a matter of form. ultimately, the government of the years that followed. She visited
loyal ladies-in-waiting who were notice. But her personality In the United Kingdom, she had day called the shots. Aberfan four times, most recently
real friends. emerged nonetheless. 15 prime ministers. She main- She did, however, successfully during her Diamond Jubilee tour
For 67 years of devoted service, We know what the Queen stood tained a cordial relationship with resist an attempt by Tony Benn in 2012, when she unveiled a
she also had her dresser and con- for and cared about. Take, for them all — even Margaret (when he was Postmaster-General plaque at Ynysowen Community
fidante Bobo MacDonald (the example, her dogged commitment Thatcher, who told me that the in the mid 1960s) to have the Primary School and made a
Queen came down from Balmoral to the Commonwealth. Whitehall talk of her having a strained Sovereign’s profile removed from speech. (She was ever-present and
to the Chapel Royal at St James’s and Westminster may be more relationship with the Queen was British postage stamps. always highly visible, but she did
Palace for her funeral). Bobo was preoccupied with the United ‘a lot of nonsense’. Once, I asked Lord Charteris, not make that many speeches.)
succeeded by another dresser, Kingdom’s relations with Europe ‘The Queen,’ said Lady Thatcher, Her Majesty’s longest-serving The Queen is still charged by
Angela Kelly (a Liverpool dock and the United States, but the ‘is simply marvellous. And her private secretary, if the Queen some with having been out of
worker’s daughter, 25 years Q u e e n’ s knowledgeable commitment to the Common- herself ever felt she had put a touch and slow to react (for
younger than the Queen), who enthusiasm for what she described wealth and to our Armed Services foot wrong. He said, at once: example, in the case of Paul Bur-
became an ally and friend. as ‘a free and voluntary associa- has been especially important.’ ‘Aberfan. She got that wrong and rell’s trial and at the outset of the
Inevitably, given the length of tion of equal partners’ that ‘in all When Parliament was sitting, she knows it.’ week of Diana’s death) and even
her reign, the Queen had her ups history has no precedent’ was a the Queen and prime minister met In October 1966, in the South her keenest admirers, who
and downs. In 1957, a 33-year-old wonder to behold. once a week, and in September regarded her as a force for good,
peer, writer and historian, the 2nd The novelist Daphne du Mau- the prime minister and his/her would not have described her as a
rier, when her husband Boy consort were briefly guests of Her force for change.
Browning was still Comptroller of
the Duke of Edinburgh’s house-
Majesty at Balmoral (it is reck-
oned that the Blairs’ baby Leo,
The world But while that might have
mattered when she was a younger
‘She is simply hold, stayed at Balmoral and was
struck by the way Prince Philip
born a tad prematurely on May 20,
2000, was conceived under the changed, the woman, it did not matter at all
later in her reign. The world
changed: the Queen, thank God,
could talk about anything — lit- royal roof).
marvellous,’ said erature, art, murder, military
manoeuvres — while the Queen’s
The Queen saw herself
as a ‘sounding board’ for her Queen did not did not.
Amid life’s uncertainties, she
range of interests and conversa- prime ministers. was reassuringly familiar. She kept
Lady Thatcher tion was much more limited.
Her Majesty’s face only really ‘lit
She said: ‘They unburden
themselves, or tell me what’s
the show on the road.
She kept her profile on the post-
up’ when the talk was of horses — going on. If they’ve got any Wales mining village of Aberfan, a age stamps, not for reasons of
and world affairs. problems, sometimes one can slag heap collapsed, engulfing the vanity but because that was where
Lord Altrincham, became In truth, the Queen was excep- help in that way, too. I think it’s village school and killing 146 peo- it belonged; that was where you
internationally notorious over- tionally well informed. This is rather nice to feel that one’s a ple. The Queen expressed her expected it to be.
night for publishing what many because she was conscientious. sort of sponge. anguish in a press release and dis- n AdApted from philip:
regarded as an unforgivable per- She did her ‘boxes’ week in, week ‘Some things stay there and patched Prince Philip and Lord the Final portrait by Gyles
sonal attack on the Queen. out, throughout the year. She said some things go out the other ear . . . Snowdon to the scene. She did Brandreth, published by
Altrincham accused the Queen, she was a quick reader, ‘though I occasionally, one can put one’s not immediately go herself. Coronet, £12.99. © 2022
then 31, of being out of touch, do rather begrudge some of the point of view when perhaps they ‘It was a mistake,’ Charteris told
hours that I have to do instead of hadn’t seen it from that angle.’ me, ‘and one she regrets. The scale Gyles Brandreth. to buy
living entirely within the confines a copy for £11.69 go to
of her own class, surrounded by being outdoors’. On the whole, the Queen of the tragedy called for an imme-
She knew the presidents and accepted what politicians threw diate response, but she is not a or call
courtiers of ‘the tweedy sort’, 020 3176 2937. Offer valid
making speeches that amounted prime ministers of the Common- at her over the years, such as the spontaneous person and is not
to ‘prim little sermons’ in the wealth personally. The way they curtailment of the Civil List and given to emotional gestures. until 24/9/2022, UK p&p is
manner of ‘a priggish schoolgirl’ spoke of her — invariably with the requirement from 1993 to pay Custom, form and precedent free on orders over £20.
and speaking with a voice that
was ‘a pain in the neck’.
‘ L i k e h e r m o t h e r, ’ w r o t e
Altrincham, the young Queen
‘appears to be unable to string
even a few sentences together
without a written text.’
He went on: ‘When she has lost
the bloom of youth, the Queen’s

The Queen’s teenage

reputation will depend, far more
than it does now, upon her per-
sonality. It will not then be
enough for her to go through the
motions; she will have to say
things which people can
remember and do things on her

crushes on other men

own initiative which will make
people sit up and take notice. As
yet there is little sign that such a
personality is emerging.’
More than 60 years on, the
Queen’s reputation does indeed
rest upon her personality. With a
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 45

Storm as
Long to rain
Poignant symbol:
A golden-edged
cloud resembling
the Queen in the
skies over
Met Office
cuts back
over us?
Clouds look just like
By Mary O’Connor
THE Met Office faced an outcry
yesterday after seeming to
suggest it would cut back on

Her Majesty in hat forecasting weather out of

‘respect’ to the Queen.
In a tweet posted yesterday morn-
ing, the service wrote: ‘We are sad-
By Chris Brooke dened by the death of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts
are with her family and all those
HER mischievous grin and colourful hats lit up affected by this news. As a mark of
her reign for 70 years. And now, it seems, they respect during this time of national
are continuing to brighten our skies – in the mourning, we will only be posting
form of some extraordinarily shaped clouds. daily forecasts and warnings.’
As news of Her Majesty’s death broke on Social media users were quick to
Thursday, huge rainclouds appeared in blast the tweet, with former BBC
news correspondent Jon Sopel writ-
formations that well-wishers remarked ing on Twitter: ‘I’m totally bewil-
‘looked like the Queen’. dered… why is it a mark of respect
Photos of the phenomena – which resem- to give us the weather forecast for
bled the Queen in her favourite style of hat, today but not tomorrow? Or to put
below – quickly went viral on social media. it another way, why is it disrespect-
Leanne Bethell stopped to take a picture of ful to give us tomorrow’s weather?’
the skies in Telford, Shropshire, after her Broadcaster and Mail+ contribu-
daughter, Lacey, spotted the similarities. tor Michael Crick called the appar-
ent move ‘even nuttier than post-
She said: ‘We were driving home not poning football matches’, while
long after the announcement and my Piers Morgan wrote: ‘How does
11-year-old daughter was screaming withholding weather reports respect
and shouting. She then pointed at the Queen?’
the sky and said, “Mum, it’s The But Met Office spokesman Gra-
Queen”. So I had to pull over and hame Madge has clarified the fore-
take some pictures.’ caster will still be providing full
A ten-year-old schoolgirl in weather forecast and warnings
information, but ‘pausing’ all other
Great Wyrley, Staffordshire, also ‘non-operational content’.
shared a picture of a cloud that He said: ‘It is unfortunate there
looked like the Queen ‘in a has been confusion. Our intention is
big hat’ moments after the to focus on the forecast within our
monarch’s death was seven-day forecasting horizon.
announced. Other photos ‘We are pausing other content tem-
of the clouds rimmed with porarily, so the public can focus on
gold were shared as the any potential impactful weather dur-
Sunset: A cloud seems to form a broad hat brim, left, and ing the national mourning period.’
sun set that evening. right, a formation in Staffordshire looks like her profile

Sick jibes as anti-royalists

celebrate the Queen’s death
By Neil Sears niser-in-chief overseeing a parasitic

‘Despicable’ attack by New York Times

empire, the effects of which are felt
ANTI-monarchists marked the to this day. Our thoughts are with
the people ravaged by her reign.’ It
Queen’s death with bitter attacks promoted tweets from other anti-
on her – including a hope that she THE New York Times sparked anger after it deep anger across the globe – including from royalists who claimed the Queen
suffered ‘agonising pain’. ran an article on the day of the Queen’s death the newspaper’s own readers. was guilty of ‘evil’, ‘tried to stop
US academic Dr Uju Anya tweeted: which said the monarch had ‘helped obscure One reader described the timing of the independence movements’ and
‘I heard the chief monarch of a thiev- a bloody history’. piece as ‘despicable’ while another in Malay- ‘has blood on her hands’.
ing, raping, genocidal empire is finally A piece written for the US newspaper by a sia said it had been ‘entirely inappropriate’, British writer Will Self was com-
dying. May her pain be excruciating.’ Harvard academic on Thursday used her ‘mean spirited’ and ‘disrespectful’. missioned by US website The Daily
Twitter later deleted the post, but Dr death to attack the ills of British history. Another reader in London said: ‘Trust the Beast to write a piece titled: ‘Brit-
Anya went on to claim the Queen ‘spon- ish monarchy should die with the
Maya Jasanoff called on people not to New York Times to take the low road and give Queen.’ Self, who was sacked by a
sored genocide’. She added: ‘I’m wishing ‘romanticise’ the Queen’s era, saying that the British and Commonwealth subjects a
her an agonisingly painful death like the newspaper for taking heroin on
one she caused for millions of people.’ she had ‘put a stolid traditionalist front over kicking once the sovereign has passed away. PM John Major’s plane in 1997,
The academic, who has a Nigerian and decades of violent upheaval’. Can’t you just let us take a breath before described the Queen as a ‘looker’
Trinidadian background, specialises in The extraordinarily ill-timed attack sparked publishing this?’ who ‘the vast majority of British
linguistics and critical discourse at Carn- men had sexual dreams about’.
egie Mellon University in Pitts- Meanwhile, comedian Kevin
burgh. The university said it did why should black and brown tweet’. It added: ‘TalkSport does 1982 Falklands War with Britain, Bridges told a show in Glasgow on
not condone attacks on the Queen mourn!!’ The former Manchester not endorse the tweet.’ TV presenter Santiago Cuneo the day of the Queen’s death that
but ‘free expression is core to the City and QPR winger, 49, later His TalkSport colleague Simon toasted the ‘good news’ of the she ‘won’t be the only old woman
mission of higher education’. deleted the tweet and his account Jordan told him online: ‘Trev, I’m Queen’s death with champagne, who is going to die this winter’.
Former England footballer and after a backlash. TalkSport sus- really not sure that is an appropri- calling her a ‘British s***’. American singer Phoebe Bridg-
TalkSport radio pundit and Trevor pended him, saying he ‘will not be ate thought, let alone tweet... Left-wing website The Canary, a ers claimed that the ‘Qween’ had
Sinclair wrote on Twitter: ‘Racism on air while we carry out a thor- Respect and value should be the cheerleader for former Labour been a white supremacist ‘war
was outlawed in England in the ough investigation into the cir- overriding sentiments – not divi- leader Jeremy Corbyn, wrote: criminal’ behind ‘colonial geno-
60s & it’s been allowed to thrive so cumstances and timing of his sion’. In Argentina, which lost the ‘Queen Elizabeth was the colo- cidal violence’.


Page 46 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

The enduring power
E HAvE lost a beloved
Queen, but we have not
of the monarchy lost the monarchy. And
As each hour passes, the collective sense of that is no accident.
loss felt for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Thanks to her careful
grows ever more palpable. custodianship, and thanks to that of her
We see it outside Buckingham Palace, predecessors and our wiser old statesmen
where thousands of mourners, young and and women, it is in good health — although
we cannot take anything for granted.
old, have braved the unpredictable weather The majority of people in Britain still
to bid farewell to the mother of our nation. support the idea of monarchy. But throughout
We see it around the globe, where reports the Queen’s reign, there have been those
of her death led every news bulletin and who have said: ‘This outmoded institution
world leaders have lined up to pay tribute will last Queen Elizabeth’s time. When she
to her extraordinary life. dies, we’ll think about it again, and many of
After such a long and exemplary reign, it is us will decide Britain should be like the
right and fitting that over the next fortnight other sensible countries in the world and
we will commemorate her passing with all become a republic.’
the pomp and glory in Britain’s considerable With the Queen’s death, they will now be
armoury, leaving the rest of the world gathering their forces and marshalling
looking on in envious awe. their arguments.
Britain, they will tell us, must learn to grow
But with our longest-serving monarch up. The U.s., after all, has been a successful
gone, it is certain republicans will seek to republic for nearly 250 years. France, Germany,
exploit her death as an excuse to do Italy, Ireland — they are all nations modern
away with our constitutional monarchy enough, grown-up enough, to have a head of
and continue their clamour for an elected state they elected for themselves.
head of state. Why should we be stuck in the past, with a
For years, Her Majesty’s near faultless head of state imposed on us solely because
custodianship and universal respect have she or he was the eldest child of the last white,
left their movement depressed and privileged person who sat on the throne?
demoralised. But with the country in the Yes, these so-called sensible people will
midst of transition, those previously argue, a bit of pageantry cheers us all up, and
inaudible whines will grow ever louder. it helps the tourist industry to have a monarch
Doubtless they will trot out their usual who can be paraded through the streets like
someone in a fairy tale, in a glass coach,
well-worn arguments as to whether a wearing a crown. But although this might
modern democracy should be headed by appeal to our hearts, do not our heads tell us
someone who is only in place through
accident of birth.
And while it is true the role of sovereign
can sometimes appear anachronistic and
symbolic, it is of crucial importance to the Countries which
functioning of our democracy.
It brings both continuity and stability. By
remaining above the fray of partisan politics,
gave up monarchy
our head of state ensures the smooth
transfer of power between governments. fell victim to tyranny
On top of that, it has the ability to bring
the country together in a way that no
elected official possibly can. that it is time for a republic in which we are

For these vital reasons, the new King allowed to choose who will be our leader?
will need to show all of his mother’s Funnily enough, I am the polar opposite of
deftness in diplomacy in order to silence people who think like this.
the inevitable howls of protest which will As a schoolboy studying history, I hugely
greet his coronation. admired Oliver Cromwell, our only republican
leader, and I later wrote a book about his
Latin secretary, the famous poet who wrote
Paradise Lost, John Milton.
My emotions thrilled to what those doughty Lessons: Charles must emulate his mother’s ability to bring people together
17th- century republicans
Thankfully, however, there is every reason called The Good Old Cause —
to feel confident that Charles has the t h e i r d e t e r m i n e d s t a n c e you would have become a period when the Queen was Queen’s childhood, that those
makings of a fine monarch. against any form of monarchy. communist on the spot.’ growing up, her forebears main- countries which had given up
As Prince of Wales, he showed himself to But as I have reflected upon Thankfully, not everyone did, tained in this country the idea monarchy — Germany and
be not just a passionate advocate for good the matter over many years of and Britain escaped the of a constitutional monarchy. Russia in particular — fell victim
causes, but also a prescient one. reading history, I realise that hideous fate that befell Russia Under this system, the Crown, to the most appalling tyranny;
His views on the environment and farming, my youthful enthusiasm for where, a little under a decade which is the symbol of power, is nor that Italy, which retained a
for example, were dismissed by critics at Cromwell overlooked quite a before the Queen was born, ‘above politics’. But the person constitutional monarchy of
the time as the rantings of an eccentric. number of disturbing facts. the communists ushered in who wears the crown is a sorts, was the first country to
But they have now become mainstream. This supposed defender of generations of soviet tyranny guardian of the institutions emerge from the horror of
His impromptu walkabout outside the Parliament in our English Civil by brutally murdering their which keep us free — namely fascism, when the King of Italy
Wars lost no time in abolishing own royal family. the rule of law, the judiciary, sacked Mussolini.
Palace yesterday, followed by a heartfelt But it wasn’t just communism jury trial and Parliament. (After that, alas, Italy became
Parliament when it disagreed
address to the nation, demonstrated just with him. He then ushered in that threatened the peace. Those who think that consti- a republic and has lived in total
how at ease with himself the once petulant an era in which he outlawed While P rincess Elizabeth tutional monarchs are simply political chaos ever since —
prince has become. anything he disapproved of, grew up, Italy had a fascist figureheads, symbolic figures with the highest offices of state
Much credit for this must surely go to his including theatres, maypoles dictator, Mussolini; and after who are occasionally paraded utterly corrupt.)
wife Camilla, whose easy-going charm and and Christmas — our equiva- 1933, Germany — the land of through the streets wearing It was not an accident that
humility has won over a once sceptical lent, really, of being ruled by Beethoven and Bach, and strange clothes, should look Britain avoided the pitfalls of
public. Her steady support as Queen in the the Taliban. of the most rational scientists again at the life of Elizabeth II, having a communist or a fascist
years ahead will be invaluable. You may say that there’s no and philosophers in the history and of the two men from dictatorship. These horrors
As well as having the love of his life by his danger of a modern British of the world — plunged into whom she learnt her craft — were kept at bay in very large
side, His Majesty will be able to rule republican president making it the madness of being ruled by her father George vI and the
confidently in the knowledge that Prince illegal to eat a Christmas Adolf Hitler. man she called Grandpa
William and his elegant wife Kate’s star pudding, and you would As the terrible decade England, George v.
quality and enormous rapport with the
public means he already has ready-made
probably be right. But, as you wore on, a government of the Day in, day out, the Queen
look back over the long life and extreme Left arose in spain, would read through the state
reign of Queen Elizabeth II, where whole convents full of papers brought to her in red
She learnt all
royal successors waiting in the wings.
Doubtless it remains a source of deep
your brain should tell you there nuns were lined up and shot as boxes. Once a week, she would
is no room for complacency. Catholicism became a crime. meet the Prime Minister.
from ‘Grandpa
regret for Charles that his second son she was born in 1926, at The civil war which followed All the Prime Ministers who
Harry and wife Meghan have declined to
serve in this regenerated royal set-up to
about the time of the General divided Europe, between have paid tribute to Her
strike, when many in Britain those who supported the Majesty over the past couple
pursue commercial deals in America. feared that there would be a quasi-fascist General Franco of days have acknowledged the
But the choice to do so was theirs and communist revolution akin to — who won, having killed meticulous and patient way in
theirs alone. what had happened in Russia tens of thousands of his which she had mastered all measure by our monarchs,
No one has done more to capture the very in 1917. fellow spaniards — and those this material, and how wise working in tandem with the
essence of the monarchy than our dear I remember an ancient doctor backing the republic, which she was in her advice. Establishment, or the political
departed Queen. Her commitment to her saying to me when I was a would undoubtedly have come O f c o u r s e , t h e e l e c t e d class, whatever you want to
very young man: ‘I worked under the control of a genocidal government makes all the call it.
people remained undimmed right to the as a GP in the East End of stalin’s Russia if it had executive decisions, but it George v was a dyed-in-the-
end. May God bless her. London in those days. There been victorious. would be quite wrong to ignore wool old Tory countryman who
Now it is up to King Charles to step up were children dying of But none of this happened in how intimately they work in loved shooting pheasant,
and carry forward the glittering legacy she rickets. Living conditions were Britain. And that is in large tandem with the monarch. It partridge and snipe, and who
leaves behind for future generations. awful. If you had lived then, part because throughout the was not an accident, during the was ultra- conservative in
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 47

This is the moment she was, in public, a shy person, but

also because she was so keenly

republicans have
aware of the difference between
being a monarch and a celebrity.
Republics came into being, in
history, because of the arrogance of
monarchs. States, which are com-
posed of all of us, were seen by the
absolute monarchs as their own

been waiting for

personal possessions. Louis XIV of
France famously declared that he
was the state (‘L’Etat c’est moi’).
Never in all her long life would
such a thought have occurred to
Elizabeth II, who was so well-
taught, by her grandparents

and their drumbeat

and parents, in the tradition of
constitutional monarchy. She
was not the state, but the role
she played within the state was
central. She was its linchpin.
As I said, it was no accident that
Britain was lucky enough, in the

will grow ever

20th and 21st centuries, to escape
having a brutal dictatorship such
as those that held sway over most
of the European landmass, from
Stalin’s Russia to Hitler’s Germany
to Franco’s Spain.
It was, in fact, the result of the
wisdom of relatively few people.

louder. But history

When Queen Victoria came to
the throne in 1837, she was a
clueless teenager, and it was only
when she had a petulant teenage
strop with her second Prime
Minister, Robert Peel, that she
began to learn the ropes.

proves Britain’s
Peel was a moderate conserva-
tive who taught Victoria and Albert
that you did not have to choose
between having a monarchy and
having a state in which the people
chose their leaders.
In those years in Europe, die-

unique monarchy
hard conservatives wanted to go

It is not a cult
of personality,

is a bulwark or being a celeb

back to absolute monarchy, and

against dictators
the revolutionaries wanted a
republican world.
Peel and Prince Albert instead
pioneered a precious ideal. The
lawful, inherited monarch would
remain not only what kings and
queens in Britain had always been

and revolution
— upholders of the law and the judi-
ciary — but they would also work
hand-in-hand with representative
government, with Parliament and
eventually democracy, as it evolved
during Victoria’s long reign.
Teenage ignoramus Victoria grew
up into the wise old grandmother
of Europe, who implored her
grandson, the German Emperor,

by A. N.
not to be a tyrant. In vain — he was
overthrown. She begged her foolish
granddaughter, the Empress of
Russia, to adopt a constitutional

WILSON monarchy there and to see the

point of allowing the people their
voice in elections. Again, in vain.
The Russian emperor heedlessly
ignored the advice and they ended
up with Lenin and Stalin.
In Britain, thank God, the legacy
of Peel, Albert and Victoria was
understood by our later monarchs.
outlook. But he also befriended embodied link with the past. remembers the sacrifice of those monarchy, as an institution, is not They all deserve our thanks for car-
the leaders of the trades unions — Charles III has only been our King who died in war. about those persons. It is not a rying on this modest but vital role.
he asked Ramsay MacDonald, the for a few days, but he arrives with Of course, we could hold such a cult of personality. It must, sometimes, be very
first Labour Prime Minister, to the great weight of history — all ceremony with President Blair or This is what made the Queen so boring to be the Queen or King. It
form a National Government of his ancestors and the shared President Esther Rantzen or who- different from, for example, her must also be very frustrating to be
unity at a time of grave crisis — experiences of their people, ever had put themselves forward for grandson’s poor wife, Meghan, who the head of state if you do not have
and he is one of the prime reasons stretching back to the time of the role. But it would not be the thinks that being royal means the power to say in public why you
that constitutional government Alfred the Great. same, because these individuals, being a super-celebrity. think the politicians are making a
survived in Britain. Our late, ever-beloved Queen was however admirable as individuals, It is true that members of the hash of things.
This was because, like his grand- not just a figurehead. She carried could not carry with them the Royal Family are famous simply The paradox of the role of consti-
daughter Elizabeth II, George V with her the experiences of her nation’s past as the sovereign does. because they are royal. But they tutional monarchy is that, much as
saw quite clearly that the humble subjects, so many of whom she had There is a great paradox here, are not celebrities, and the role of we treasure the late Queen’s utter-
role of a modern sovereign is met personally. That is why, at which the Queen understood so the constitutional monarch is not ances (her Christmas broadcasts,
simply to look after those times of great national solemnity, perfectly. Only she could have to be at the centre of it all. her speeches), her greatest and most
institutions which protect the the monarch is so much bigger a fulfilled the role because she inher- Those who were close to Her eloquent gift was in her silences.
liberties of the people. person than any elected president ited it from her father, just as only Majesty often remark that there
The monarch can also do what could ever be. Charles III could continue it for were many personal qualities which n A. N. WiLsoN is the author of
no individual president, however Think of the ceremony at the same reason. He inherited it. were never, or seldom, on display Lilibet: The Girl Who Would Be
admirable, could ever do. The King the Cenotaph each year when the But although the Crown can only — a keen sense of fun, even of satire, Queen (Bonnier) and
provides, in his own person, an monarch joins with the nation and pass to particular individuals, the for example. This is partly because Confessions (Bloomsbury).
Page 48 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022


A glorious souvenir
48-page glossy picture magazine
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 49


How you
he Age of Anxiety was a NOW that the indulgent

T term coined in the 1940s summer holidays are

over you might have noticed
to describe the fraught your waistband is feeling a
and changed world after bit tighter.
the war, but now with The best time to lose weight is
Russia’s attack on Ukraine, just after you have put it on and

can grow
energy bills soaring and so much before you get used to your
economic uncertainty, it feels like new shape, and shedding excess
an apt description of our current fat, particularly from around
turbulent times. the tummy, is important for
The trouble is, although mental health your long-term health.
problems such as depression and anxiety A recent study of 428,000
are on the rise (and have been for years), middle-aged Brits by the
the treatments haven’t really changed. University of Oxford found

new little
If your symptoms are serious you will that every extra inch around
probably be offered medication and the waist was linked to an
perhaps psychological therapies. But
many people don’t want to take pills, 11 per cent greater risk of
and therapy isn’t for everyone. developing heart failure over
But there is good news, as recently a 13-year period.
highlighted in Nature, a leading science
journal, with promising research

grey cells
exploring possible causes — and
treatments. These include: AT LeAST half the average Briton’s
calories now come from ultra-
PRESS-UPS AND FASTING processed junk food (the sort of
WheN I was at medical school we were food that comes in bright packages
told that adults don’t grow new brain with a long list of strange-sounding
cells, so we should look after the ones we ingredients) — and there is a good
have (I thought at the time that this was chance that it’s having a bad effect
on our brains.
a subtle dig at the culture of medical
students drinking and destroying their
brain cells).
But during the 1990s, when researchers
... and it could help In a recent study researchers at
Florida Atlantic University
surveyed more than 10,000 people
started doing post-mortem human
brain studies they found signs of
new cell growth in brain areas such as
tackle depression about eating habits and mental
health and found that the more
junk food people ate, the more
the hippocampus, which helps
regulate mood and memory. So we
do go on creating new brain cells, even
and anxiety without likely they were to report ‘mentally
unhealthy’ or ‘anxious’ days.
This follows a seminal study,
published in 2017, by Australian
into old age, in a process known
as neurogenesis.
But more recently, brain scans have
shown that chronic stress alters this
a need for medication researchers where people who were
moderately or severely depressed
went on a healthier Mediterranean-
delicate balance, accelerating the style diet — after a couple of
death of existing brains cells, while time-restricted eating (where you resistant to other treatments. A much time indoors and stay up months, around a third were able
slowing the growth of new ones. only eat within a reduced time far less invasive approach is to late, which is bad for our body to come off medication.
This not only spells trouble for window, such as from 10am to deliver weak electrical currents to clocks and our brains — and our Why is highly processed food so
things such as memory, it’s thought 8pm) and the 5:2 method (where specific parts of the brain via mood, as it affects the production bad for the brain? As well as being
it could also be a trigger for you dramatically reduce calorie electrodes attached to the scalp — of hormones that help regulate it. full of salt, sugar and fat, it tends
depression and anxiety (though intake for two days a week) have this is said to suppress a type of An immediate way to boost your to be low in fibre and essential
exactly how is unclear). been shown to boost BDNF. brainwave that’s more common in mood is to go for a brisk 20-minute vitamins, which leads to chronic
This could also help explain how people with depression. walk first thing in the morning, inflammation throughout the body,
some antidepressants work, as we A ZAP TO THE BRAIN In a 2019 study by the University which will help reset your body including the brain. This in turn
know they can trigger cell growth ANOTheR way to boost your of North Carolina, 32 patients with clock. Or you could try 30 minutes seems to lead to the rewiring of
in the hippocampus and other mood could be to stimulate your severe depression were treated in in front of a SAD lamp, a light box neural circuits, triggering
brain areas. One of the ways they brain with small electric shocks. this way and when they were re- that produces 10,000 lux (a depression or anxiety.
do this is by stimulating the release The more radical version of the tested after a couple of weeks, measure of light intensity), similar
of a chemical called BDNF, which electric shock approach is called 70 per cent reported markedly to a bright summer’s day and EAT MARMITE
acts like fertiliser for the brain. deep brain stimulation (DBS), improved symptoms. around 50 times more intense than ONe vitamin that seems to be
There are drug-free methods to w h i c h i n v o l v e s i m p l a n t i n g you would get indoors. important for mood is vitamin B6,
help boost BDNF and therefore the electrodes deep inside the brain in LIGHT THERAPY In a small study published in July, which is found in tuna, salmon,
growth of new brain cells, including areas that regulate your mood. IF YOU don’t fancy electric shocks, researchers from the University of fortified cereals and one of my
resistance exercise and intermit- DBS was developed to treat the what about light therapy? Your Basel in Switzerland allocated 22 favourite spreads: Marmite.
tent fasting. The best form of resist- tremors caused by Parkinson’s body runs on an internal clock that women with severe post-natal A recent study by the University
ance exercise for boosting BDNF disease, and when it works it is tries to keep your body in sync depression to either 30 minutes a of Reading found that B6 in large
seems to be press-ups and squats, impressive. While it doesn’t have with the world around you. day of bright-light therapy (10,000 doses helped reduce symptoms of
because they lead to big surges in quite as impressive an impact on At the start of the day it is lux) or dim red light (the control anxiety and depression in young
blood to the brain, which in turn depression, an analysis of 17 exposure to bright morning light group) for six weeks: 73 per cent of people. To get a decent dose of
encourages more BDNF. That is studies, published last year in the that resets your internal clock and the women given bright-light vitamin B6, marinate salmon fillets
one reason I do at least 30 squats journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, gets you ready for the day. therapy were no longer depressed in a mix of Marmite, soy sauce,
and press-ups most mornings. concluded that it worked in more But with the arrival of artificial at the end of the study, compared honey and chilli. Sounds terrible,
As for intermittent fasting, both than half of cases of depression light, these days we spend too to 27 per cent in the control group. but it works!

Why your ears are a useful health tool

WHeNeVeR I  when reunited. Not 
return home our  just that, but 
dog, tari, starts to run  according to recent 
around and yelp in  Japanese research, 
what I fondly imagine  the surge in oxytocin  I AM a big fan of Tolkien’s Lord of the most reliable way to tell who’s an elf newborn can suggest kidney problems
is pure joy.  can make both dogs  Rings books, and l loved the films, too. is by looking at their ears, which are, (but no one knows why). Big,
And there is  and humans  So I eagerly awaited the new prequel of course, pointy. flappy ears, on the other hand,
indeed research  literally weep 
that shows dog  with joy.  TV series, The Lord of the Rings: The In fact, your ears are quite a useful are probably just a sign that
owners, and their  I’m convinced  Rings of Power, which was released health tool, too. For instance, if you you are getting older.
pets, enjoy a big  that tari, despite  recently on Amazon Prime Video. have a diagonal crease in your Contrary to popular myth, ears
surge in blood  being a stiff-upper- I’ve only seen one episode and, while earlobe it suggests you might be at don’t get bigger as you age but
levels of the  lip King Charles,   it looks good, I am struggling to keep up increased risk of heart disease, the cartilage, which they’re made
bonding and  does shed a   with all the new characters, not helped possibly related to problems with of, begins to sag, and that can
love hormone  little tear on  by my wife Clare asking me every few your arteries. make them look more prominent
oxytocin  seeing me. minutes: ‘Who’s that?’ As I told her, the Meanwhile, a skin tag on the ear of a (sadly it’s the same with your nose).
Page 50 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Picture: SPLASH

Opulent: The Peltzes’ Florida estate where Brooklyn

and Nicola, right, married in a lavish ceremony

S olive branches go, it’s very victoria

A Beckham. After months of speculation about

frosty relations with her son Brooklyn’s new
in-laws, he and his wife Nicola have been
invited to victoria’s Paris Fashion Week show
at the end of the month.
‘everyone is invited, including Brooklyn and Nicola,’ i’m told.
‘Although it’s not definite yet that they will come.’
All concerned are hoping the newlyweds will attend and that
the families will be reunited — not least because the fall-out
between them has caused the Beckhams a great deal of pain.
As first revealed in this paper, an icy silence has descended between
Nicola and her mother-in-law victoria.
Starting from the wedding in April, the pair have pointedly
failed to like each other’s posts on social media. They have spent
time together only once, on a night
out in italy in July.
Brooklyn and Nicola enjoyed
weeks on holiday with the Peltz
family on their yacht this summer
— and skipped the Beckhams’
yacht holiday completely. They
then spent more time with the
Peltzes in Florida.
Since then, there has been a
volley of accusations, with claims
that victoria hijacked the bride
and groom’s wedding dance and
that Nicola had no intention of
by Alison
wearing a dress by victoria as,
woundingly, she knew designers
who were ‘actually talented’.
These tensions, which came to
a head during the wedding,
remain high. on one side, you have Pe l t z f a m i l y c a n o f f e r h i m
besotted Brooklyn, who has an things which they [the Beckhams]
enormous ‘Peltz’ tattoo across his cannot in terms of commercial
connections. David and victoria
have been deeply upset by how
things have played out.
‘They are worried that Nicola
‘He’s spending is going to hurt Brooklyn. They
feel that the relationship is
all his time with unbalanced. He makes a lot of
sacrifices for her but it’s not clear
what happens in return. But you
her family. It’s know, as victoria says: “He’s just
gaga about that girl.” ’
The former Spice Girl may have
Peltz, Peltz, Peltz’ risen to fame with the mantra Girl
Power, but it seems this is one
situation which she has no power
to fix — at least not by wading in
chest and keeps adding more inky and opening her mouth.
tributes to his wife — apparently ‘it’s a waiting game,’ says the
each one makes her weep because source. ‘She is doing nothing and was a steadier influence than first went to the Peltz house, the eyebrows. The feeling was that the
she is so in love with him. about it — she would be stupid to some of his previous romances Beckhams sent their security team Beckhams were somehow saying
on the other, you have the even try.’ (his liaison with model Hana Cross in advance to sweep the place. that they were more important
Beckhams, who feel their son has How different the picture was was very stormy.) ‘it is standard procedure when than the Peltzes. it was a simple
been completely absorbed by his when Brooklyn and Nicola started The couple became engaged in you are a couple at this level of mis-step, but a bad start.’
wife’s large, wealthy family. dating at the end of 2019. July 2020, just as the first pandemic fame, but it did not go down well Thoughts then turned to
Nelson Peltz, a feared corporate From the start, David and lockdown in the UK was lifting. wedding planning.
raider whose firm is the largest victoria thoroughly approved of Nicola posed for pictures in a The Beckhams were interested
shareholder in the Wendy’s burger Nicola, the savvy youngest child canary yellow victoria Beckham in having weddings on both sides
chain, is said to be bringing of a billionaire family (Nelson is
Brooklyn even further into the worth £1.3 billion).
dress and victoria penned a gushing
welcome on instagram ‘The MoST
‘Nicola’s mum of the Atlantic, with a celebration
at their house in the Cotswolds —
fold by financially backing his She was a guest of honour at exciting news!! We could not be as they did for Brooklyn’s 21st —
forthcoming commercial venture Brooklyn’s 21st birthday party in
into the hot chilli sauce business. March 2020, dancing the night
happier. Wishing you so much love
and a lifetime of happiness. We all
isn’t at all plus one in America.
The Peltzes, as is traditional,
To Nicola’s delight, aspiring chef away with victoria, who wrote of
Brooklyn defers to Nelson (quite Nicola on instagram: ‘We love you
sensibly) for career advice. so much!’
love you both so much x.’
But i’m told by a well-placed
friend that the cracks started to
intimidated wanted to have just one wedding
at their immense house in
Florida, complete with its own
She told Tatler this summer: Nicola, four years older than
‘Brooklyn is getting into very Brooklyn, had already found a
appear soon afterwards, when the
Beckhams were invited to meet by Victoria’ jetty and beach.
Claudia Heffner Peltz, a titanium
exciting things with his shows and career while he was struggling to Nelson and Claudia Peltz at their socialite and former top model,
also business things and it’s really make it as a photographer and £76 million home in Palm Beach, firmly took charge, and made a
sweet. i watch him call my dad and model, having already decided Florida. in normal circumstances, with the Peltz family. They have number of decisions — including
say: “What do you think about against following his father into this would have happened before their own security, of course, and that there would just be one
this?” i love watching him learn football. By contrast, Nicola had the engagement — but the naturally it is the best that money wedding. She’s had years of
from my dad.’ tasted some success, starring in pandemic meant that it didn’t. can buy, so there was no need for experience hosting mega-budget
A Beckham source says: ‘The Transformers: Age of extinction, The source says: ‘When they their visitors to do this. it raised parties and charity events — a bar
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 51

As Brooklyn spends the


summer with his new wife
and billionaire in-laws —
but not his own parents...

The real
reason the Ri Brooklyn and
Nicola with the
Beckhams, top, and,
left, NIcola with her

mother, Claudia

Victoria stole the first
dan from the bride are
inaccurate, as are reports
tha singer Marc Anthony
upset Nicola by giving a
long speech about

feel they’re
Mr Beckham.
Bu the damage had
bee done, with the Beck-
ham feeling puzzled that
they had been seemingly
sidelined from the life of
thei adored eldest son.
There are also suggestions
that the Peltz family are
rather surprised that

being frozen
Brooklyn hasn’t had more
of an education. He
dropped out of his univer-
sity course in photography
th prestigious Parsons
at the
Scho of Design in New
York after only a year.
I’m told: ‘A level of
mistrust exists which
means that each side

out of their
suspects, wrongly, that the
othe has been leaking
stori in recent weeks.
‘Th Beckhams are both
reall hurt, particularly
David. They want to be
there for Brooklyn, they
alway thought he would
be a big part
par of their lives for ever.
driving seat over the wedding and Now they don’t even speak as often

son’s life
it put Victoria into a rage.
‘Victoria is used to people being
intimidated by her, she’s been
famous for 25 years and is deferred
to a lot, but Mrs Peltz didn’t seem ‘Brooklyn is
to be impressed in the slightest.’
Another apparent source of
tension was Victoria’s habit
madly in love.
of posting online pictures of
herself cosied up to her future
Nobody can talk
mitzvah she threw for her twin
sons at the St Regis in New York
experience for this, the biggest
dress of her life.
Victoria, who is known for her
tailored trouser suits.
Claudia’s view, apparently, was
that it was time for this overly sense into him’
clingy and interfering mother to
is said to have cost £2 million. By September 2021, she was But while Nicola did wear a trou- fade into the background and let
At the outset, Nicola had said visiting Pierpaolo Piccioli at ser suit on the eve of her wedding, her girl shine. as they would like. It has come as
that she wanted her mum to be Valentino in Rome with her mother it was not a Victoria Beckham In the end, Victoria’s only input a real shock.
her wedding planner, recalling in Claudia and her stylist in creation, but one by Dior. into the wedding seems to have ‘The only plus is that problems
an interview with Wonderland Nor did Victoria get a look in at been that the guests should be have brought Victoria and David
magazine this week: ‘My mom was the post-wedding party, when offered a ‘light’ menu option. closer together. They discuss it
such a big help in my wedding.’ Nicola opted to wear a Versace The Beckhams also chose their endlessly. They know that Brooklyn
One of the first and biggest
questions was who would design ‘Each side mini-dress.
To make matters worse, Nicola
friend, DJ Fat Tony, to provide a set
at the wedding, and are thought to
is madly in love with Nicola and
you can’t fight that.
the dress. As Nicola has said, spoke in flattering terms about have paid for both this and a ‘Nobody can talk any sense
Victoria Beckham had offered to
do the honours.
suspects that the both designers to Vogue magazine,
failing to mention at any point in
performance by the singer Marc
Anthony, who is also a pal.
into him. He’s spending all his
time with her family — it’s all Peltz,
Recollections vary about what the interview that her future Peltz Peltz.’
happened next. Nicola said that it
became clear that what she
other has been mother-in-law was a successful
designer herself.
In addition, the Beckhams were
absent from the top table. It caused
some confusion as at an English
Indeed, Brooklyn continues to
gush over Nicola on Instagram.
wanted was beyond what her
mother-in-law’s atelier was
able to deliver. Some other
leaking stories’ As for the mother of the
b r i d e , C l a u d i a Pe l t z w o r e
Versace throughout.
wedding the top table would
include both the bride and groom’s
‘Words can’t describe how proud I
am of you,’ he writes. ‘I love you
parents — but at this American so much.’
sources think that Nicola was Perhaps no slight was wedding the Beckhams hosted Occasionally, though, he cooks.
n e v e r r e a l l y s e r i o u s about attendance, being fitted for her intended, but the publicity felt their own table of friends. On August 19 he shared footage of
taking Victoria up on the offer. dream dress. At this point, there like rather a slap around the face ‘Victoria would have liked to have himself making a ‘spicy chicken
It would be no surprise if was an assumption by many of for Mrs Beckham. been on the top table,’ I’m told. parm’. His father wrote: ‘When u
Nicola, a full-on fashionista, had Victoria’s friends that one of the I’m told: ‘This all started The day itself went off well gonna make us one?’
had her heart set on the couture bride’s other outfits would be by because Claudia was in the enough. Reports suggesting that When indeed?
Page 52 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Proposal: Patric Cassidy

Patsy says Will Selina come to

yes to future
husband No 5 the aid of King Juan?
OMETIME BBC ‘golden denies the accusations. ‘I found Juan

ACTRESS Patsy Kensit declared just last
Carlos a passionate man, handsome and
month that she ‘can’t be bothered’ with girl’ Selina Scott could be lots of fun, with a refreshing world view,’
men, so imagine my surprise to learn about to embark on a dra- she adds.
that she’s got engaged . . . again. matic royal rescue mission. ‘He introduced me to Fidel Castro and
The ex-model, 54, is said to have I can disclose that The Real gave me a ride on his high-powered motor
accepted a proposal from property Marigold Hotel star has been asked by cycle, which was exhilarating.’
tycoon Patric Cassidy, 58. King Juan Carlos of Spain to help save his The king is being taken to court by
Her spokesman will say only: ‘Patsy is honour — and fortune. Corinna over claims that he caused her
very happy.’ The king wants the broadcaster, 71, to ‘great mental pain and distress’ when he
Cassidy would be in line to become give a character reference for him to the tried to recover more than £50 million that
her fifth husband. High Court in London, where he’s being he claims he lent her, but she says was
sued for damages by his former mistress, a gift.
She divorced DJ Jeremy Healy, 60, in the German socialite Corinna zu Sayn- She will also claim damages for the pain
2010 following a three-year marriage. Wittgenstein-Sayn, 58. she alleges was caused by agents spying on
At the time, Kensit said their split had Juan Carlos, 84, hopes that Selina, who her in London and her home in the coun-
taken its toll on her mental health and was a newsreader on ITV’s News At Ten try. She will tell the court of mysterious
caused her to gain weight. ‘I lost my before she was poached by the BBC to break-ins at her Knightsbridge flat.
confidence and ballooned from 8st to launch Breakfast Time, will do the same The king’s request to Selina follows an
11,’ she said. for him as Kate Moss did for Johnny Depp article she wrote for Spanish newspaper
She was previously married to Oasis when she defended the Hollywood star ‘Lots of fun’: Juan Carlos and Scott El Pais in which she recalled interviewing
during his highly acrimonious court battle him for a landmark ITV programme. It
star Liam Gallagher, 49, with whom she with his ex-wife, Amber Heard. laundering and tax evasion over a separate caused a sensation in Madrid because it
has a son, Lennon. ‘It’s tragic what has happened to him,’ $100 million payment from the Saudi portrayed him as a hard-living, hard-loving
She has another son, James, with her Selina tells me of Juan Carlos, who abdi- Arabian government. hedonist with popular appeal.
second husband, Simple Minds singer cated in 2014 in favour of his son, King Those cases were dropped last year for Yorkshire-based Selina, who has had a
Jim Kerr, 63, whom she divorced in 1996. Felipe, 54. Juan Carlos has been dogged by lack of evidence. holiday home on the Spanish island of
Her first husband was Dan Donovan, 60, a series of scandals since he abdicated. Juan Carlos, who returned to Spain for a Majorca for 30 years, has yet to decide
lead singer with Big Audio Dynamite. Prosecutors in Switzerland and Spain brief visit this year but has spent the past if she wishes to be drawn into the
investigated him for suspected money two years living in exile in Abu Dhabi, court battle.

SHE captivated a young Prince

William, with whom she enjoyed a
carefree romance in the months after
he left Eton.
Since then, Rose Farquhar (right)
has melted hearts at numerous
weddings, singing everything from
In a spin: With DJ Jeremy Healy
Ave Maria to Elvis’s Can’t Help Fall-
ing In Love, as well as making it on to
TV talent contest The Voice.
Now, though, is the time for her
most exultant aria — in celebration of
her engagement to George Gemmell,
who, her father, Captain Ian Farqu-
har, tells me, ‘could not be a more
charming son-in-law for the future’.
Adds Farquhar, for 34 years a
renowned Master of the Beaufort
to marry
Hunt: ‘The Gemmells have been
friends of ours for years. We’re
Definitely maybe: Liam Gallagher absolutely delighted.’
George (inset), currently complet-
ing veterinary studies, is the stepson
of Barbadian construction tycoon Sir
Charles ‘Cow’ Williams, who died last
year. It’s a link which might suggest a
Caribbean wedding — but not,
seemingly, for George and Rose, 42,
who is head of ‘special projects’
for the Duchess of Rutland at
Belvoir Castle, Leicestershire.
The wedding, says Captain tershire. But will William be in stumbled across them in his van Straubenzee’s wedding
Farquhar, will be close to attendance? He and Rose were Cotswolds field — which, some four years ago . . . at which
Christmas and — ‘hopefully’ — once allegedly caught ‘canoo- claim, is why he was absent Rose sang as the register
Hubby No2: Simple Minds star Jim Kerr at the family home in Glouces- d l i n g ’ b y a f a r m e r w h o from his friend Charlie was signed.

n BOOKER Prize-winner
Douglas Stuart was looking
forward to watching some-
working telly,’ rages the
Glasgow-born author of
Shuggie Bain, who’s lived in
thing on the small screen
when he settled down for a
New York for more than
20 years. ‘When I told the
long-haul flight.
Unfortunately, BA had other
hostess, she smiled and said,
“Oh, so you got the booby


ideas and put him in a seat
without a working television.
‘Thanks British Airways,
seat. Sorry.” Couldn’t give a
f***. Nice One.’
He’s since deleted the
Dynamite: With singer Dan Donovan seven-hour flight and no comment on Twitter.       
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 53

Follow me on Twitter @richardaeden

and on Instagram @edenconfidential

Georgia May puts

a smile back on
mum Jerry’s face
HEARTBROKEN Jerry Hall is said
to have blamed Rupert Murdoch’s
children for the abrupt end of her
marriage after they allegedly drove a
wedge between between her and the
media mogul, 91.
However, relations with her own
offspring couldn’t be closer.
Here, the Texan, 66, is posing for a
selfie with her daughter, and fellow
blonde model Georgia May Jagger.
They were launching a new
shampoo at the Los Angeles branch
of Bleach London, the hair salon
Georgia, 30, co-owns with stylist pal
Alex Brownsell. Clearly, blondes do
have more fun.

Mystery of latest
golden girl Cara’s role, a
‘unexpected’ lollipop
bank action lady!
SHE has seemingly had the world at her feet
ever since her runway debut in London
Fashion Week as a willowy 18-year-old — the
prelude to a dazzling career as supermodel
and budding actress during which Cara
Delevingne, now 30, has seen her earnings
spiral to £30,000 a day.
But I can reveal that some of those with
the most detailed knowledge of her
commercial activities have taken unexpected
action to protect their interests, lest her
business, Cara & Co, should suffer a sudden
reversal of fortune.
Her bankers, HSBC, registered a charge
against the company in April this year —
despite the fact that it has assets
of £41.4 million.
‘It’s unexpected for a company with that
much money in it to have charges of this
kind against it,’ my financial mole tells me.
‘It’s very unlikely to go bust, but if you have
a secured charge you become the first one in
the queue to be repaid what you’re owed.’
Last week, the property developer’s
daughter was seen sitting alone in a parked
car in Los Angeles, where she took drops of WHEN it comes to making a Gala in Venice wearing a
liquid from a pipette and smoked from what spectacular entrance, Jodie multi-coloured corset and
appeared to be a pipe. Her legs appeared to Turner-Smith has got it licked. skirt designed by Christopher
be bruised. Peterborough-born Jodie, John Rogers.
Cara was still more dishevelled this week
after attending the Burning Man Festival in who played Anne Boleyn in ‘It looks like she’s wearing a
Nevada. She arrived at an airport looking a racy television drama Rowntree’s Fruit Pastilles
jittery. Cara’s spokesman did not respond to about Henry VIII’s second wife, ice lolly,’ one fashion watcher
a request for comment. turned up to the amFAR remarks. How sweet.

n REVENGE is a dish best n SIX years after we voted

served cold. Labour MP Rupa
Huq settled a long-term score
when she made her first
Why all the world’s a stage to Leave, the BBC is still
obsessed with Brexit. This
week, the Corporation’s
appearance on the Commons
Culture Select Committee.
Grilling BBC boss Tim Davie,
she asked why ‘at the turn of
for Princess Diana’s nephew director of comedy, Jon
Petrie, managed to shoehorn
a mention into a screening
of Charlie Brooker’s new
HE HAS, to date, fathered seven Spencer, no relation]. I couldn’t be
the century the Blue Peter children by three different wives, but prouder of him.’
BBC Two series, Cunk On
presenter Konnie Huq was Earl Spencer had eyes only for his elder Louis, 28, has coyly registered his stage Earth. ‘If you don’t live in
paid less than the male son, Louis, Viscount Althorp, earlier name as Louis John Lyons, as I disclosed the UK, it’s on Netflix,’ he
presenters’. Invited to this week. this summer. told the audience at the BFI
declare any personal Announcing that Louis had graduated But, as Princess Diana’s nephew and the Southbank in London.
interests at the start of the from London’s ArtsEd drama school ‘with man who will one day inherit the family’s ‘Brexit is not going to stop
hearing, Rupa declined to a First class degree’, Spencer posted this 13,000-acre Althorp estate in Northamp- us exporting Cunk to the
disclose that Konnie is her snap on social media and added: ‘A final tonshire, he was surely born for a role in rest of the world.’ Get over
younger sister. farewell hug to his brilliant principal [Julie The Crown — as his own father, perhaps? it, man!
Page 54 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

N December 31, 2021, I posted
That’s what Richard E. Grant’s
O a message on Instagram.
‘Lockdown last year turned out to be
a blessing in disguise, because my wife
and I spent nine months, after our
38 years together, with each other every minute of
the day and night, and then . . . had eight months
together for the last months of her life, this year.
wife told him to find in every
day shortly before she died.
‘And she said to me, just before she died, “You’re
going to be all right — try to find a pocketful of
happiness in every single day”, and I’m just so
grateful for almost four decades that we had
together and the gift that is our daughter. So, on
that note, Happy New Year to you.’

Now, in a memoir celebrating

When last I looked, it had been viewed more than
a quarter of a million times and 1,748 comments
were posted by friends, acquaintances and
complete strangers. Whatever cynicism I’d accrued
like an old crab-shell in my many years was cracked
and dissolved by the compassion, kindness and
love I’ve been engulfed by this past year.
Honouring my wife’s edict became my New Year’s
resolution and my mantra. Whenever I waver
38 years of love and laughter,
‘You’re not sulking are
you? If you are, you’d he recalls how she fell for a
better snap out of it’
towards the canyon of grief, Joan’s instruction
‘skinny stick insect’...and
pings across my cranium.
Joan died in September 2021 and, two months
later, I flew to South Africa to visit my 90-year-
old mother whom I’d not seen for four years
other than on Skype. A 12-hour flight later, I was
thrilled to see her on such feisty
salutes her indomitable spirit
by Richard E. Grant
form. Still driving, playing bridge
regularly, reading five novels per coaching, I was also frustrated
week and writing summaries for a that after only two sessions I no
book company. longer had a legitimate reason to
She announces that all the see her again.
electricity has been accidentally She was a few years older than
cut off by a plumber who severed me, married-but-separated, and
the wrong pipe and it’s been off for with a string of prestigious produc-
two days already. As her back-up tions to her name. Indeed, such
burst out laughing and never or for worse, in sickness and in formidable presence, with a rich,
generator has now run out too, I was the success of richard eyre’s
dared sulk with Joan ever again. health’, honouring our marriage deep voice that contrasted with
diplomatically suggest that we I made the mistake of chuckling landmark National Theatre pro-
vows made on November 1, 1986. her petite figure.
book into a hotel nearby until the in response to my mother’s I truly hope that my scribblings duction of Guys And Dolls in 1982,
At the end of the first session, I
power is reconnected. intransigence, remembering will give you an idea why I loved asked if she would consider and Joan’s accent coaching, that
‘Out of the question,’ is her Joan’s rebuke. eyebrow raised, her so utterly and completely for teaching me privately. barbra Streisand enquired, ‘Who
unequivocal response. roger moore-style, she snapped: 38 years. A journalist once asked ‘What for?’ are these American actors I’ve
‘but I’ve been travelling for ‘It’s not funny.’ me what the secret was for ‘To iron out my colonial accent.’ never heard of?’ Which resulted in
14 hours and would like to have The thing about death is that managing to stay together for ‘I don’t really have the time, as Joan being invited to coach mittel-
a shower.’ after the past eight months of almost four decades, especially in I’m coaching at various theatres european accents for Streisand’s
‘boil a kettle!’ bearing witness to the love of my showbusiness, and my reply was and at rADA.’ directorial debut movie, Yentl.
‘There’s no electricity!’ life deteriorating daily, negotiating immediate and simple. We began a ‘Please. I’m begging you!’ That I, on the other hand, was an out-
She won’t relent. ‘I’m not going with my mother about a hotel bed conversation in 1983 and we never made her laugh. ‘Please?’ of-work actor from the southern
to sleep in any bed other than versus her own bed is funny. stopped talking, or sleeping She gave me the once - over, hemisphere earning a subsistence
my own.’ I silently register that this would together in the same bed. sighed and replied: ‘OK.’ wage as a waiter. Not exactly a
A pocketful of patience is have made Joan cackle, which Our marriage is the story of my ‘Thank you! What do ‘catch’ of any kind — and pipe-
what’s required. instantly reminds me that I can adult life. Which concluded with you charge?’ cleaner thin.
even though I am 64 years old, it never share these trivials with her her last earthly breath on Thurs- ‘£20 per hour.’ but then in January 1983 Joan
is with the greatest trepidation ever again. day, September 2, 2021, at 7.30pm. ‘but I can only afford £12 . . .’ unexpectedly contacted me,
that I go ahead and book myself a Not face to face, nor on the phone Holding each other’s hands. She fixed me with her big monkey asking if I’d record a script that
hotel room. Her barely concealed or by text, or whisper to pillow. eyes and said, ‘All right — but you’ll she was coaching for the rSc,
contempt reminds me of the nine Yet, just the act of writing this
months when she refused to speak down conjures her present again.
1982 have to repay me if you ever which required a Siswati speaker
NeWLY arrived in London from make it.’ — ‘and as you’re the only person
to my father in 1967, prior to It feels like an act of resurrection. my native Swaziland, I was ‘Done deal! So how long do you I’ve ever met who can speak the
their divorce. I began writing a diary when I working as a waiter at a brasserie reckon it’ll take to sort me out?’ language, come over and I’ll cook
Her capacity to silently sulk is was ten years old, after waking up in covent Garden, and had just I asked. you dinner’.
epic and I remember my father on the back seat of a car to witness secured an acting agent, who ‘No more than a couple We agreed a date and en route I
trying every subterfuge to get a my mother bonking my father’s suggested getting accent of sessions.’ bought a bunch of tulips, wonder-
word out of her, to no avail. I was best friend on the front seat in coaching. A pal told me about the I was astonished. Her innate gift, ing if this might be inappropriate/
used as piggy-in-the-middle: ‘Ask 1967. A sentence that can hurtle Actors centre, where you could as has been reiterated by everyone patronising/non-her and held them
your father to pass me the salt/car trippingly off my tongue several take classes at an affordable price, lucky enough to have been taught behind my back when I rang the
keys/mail’ — you name it. decades later. so I signed up for Joan by her, is the confidence she doorbell, keeping them hidden
Shortly after Joan and I coupled but back in the last century, I Washington’s accent course. instilled with her belief that you until I was inside.
up, we disagreed about something couldn’t tell anyone, least of all my boiler-suited, Kicker-booted and can crack it. ‘Your hand all right?’
and I shut off. father, or any of my friends. So I sporting a Laurie Anderson spiked While I was grateful that she ‘Yes, why d’you ask?’
‘You’re not sulking by any chance, began writing in secret. Somehow haircut, she was a charismatic and didn’t think I needed endless ‘You’ve held it behind your back
are you?’ she said incredulously. it rendered the unreality real. for the past five minutes.’
‘because if you are, you’d better I’ve kept a diary ever since. I blushed and offered up the
snap right out of it, pronto presto, During Joan’s illness, writing was tulips, which thankfully turned out
as I won’t stand for it!’ the only vestige of control I could
I was so taken aback that this cling on to, as each day, as her
well-learned ploy, which had health declined, underlined how
‘We began a conversation in 1983 to be more than acceptable.
I fired off lots of questions at
Joan which she answered
always stood me in such good helpless we were. I wanted a record
stead, was being detonated that I of everything we shared, ‘for better and we never stopped talking’ unreservedly and, in turn, asked
me as many, which culminated in
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 55


Picture: PA/ALAMY

Leading lights: Richard with Joan and daughter Olivia at

a film premiere in 2006 and, above, a special hug in LA

her casually asking, ‘Are you in a about anything, she suggests call-
relationship?’ while taking a ing our GP, a first in our marriage.
casserole out of the oven. ‘Have you lost your sense of smell
‘Not at the moment.’ or taste?’ I ask. It’s the year
She smiled. ‘Let’s eat first, then of coronavirus.
do the recording.’ ‘Don’t be daft.’
The transition from pupil and Manage to get through to our
teacher into flirter and flirtee local health centre and get an
happened seamlessly. After din- appointment at 5pm for a chest
ner we recorded the script, con- X-ray and blood test. Doesn’t take
tinued talking and when I long and she returns feeling calm
checked my watch it was gone and reassured. Our daughter Oilly
midnight, so no chance of getting — official name Olivia — and her
to the station in time.
‘Would you mind if I stayed the
night in your guest bedroom, as
I’ve missed the last Tube?
My fault.’
‘Formidable and
Went upstairs and she opened the
door into an icebox. ‘I’m sorry, but
charismatic with
the radiator’s been turned off in
here. I’ll get you an extra duvet.’
This pantomime lasted all of ten
a rich, deep voice’
minutes, before I gingerly knocked
on her door and said, ‘I’m really
sorry, but it’s arctic in there. May
I join you?’ Got into bed and, just partner Florian come over and
when I thought things were help me cook birthday dinner.
hunky-dory, she declared, ‘You’re Candles lit, Happy Birthday sung
as skinny as a stick-insect!’ A and presents opened. Everything
passion-killing phrase if ever there as familiar and familial as can be.
was one . ..
MONDAY, DEC 21, 2020 THE lung co-ordinator at our local
JOAN’S birthday. We are una- hospital calls to say the X-ray has
bashed Christmas-aholics, and the revealed a ‘small abnormal knot in
house is baubled up, tree kissing the right lung, which is likely to be
the ceiling, and enough fairy lights residual scar tissue from when
to host a Tinker Bell convention. Joan had pneumonia a couple of
For the past week she’s mentioned years ago’. They want her to attend
feeling breathless and has to pause for a CT scan this evening.
halfway up the stairs. Nothing
more than that. WEDNESDAY, DEC 23
Uncharacteristically, for an Aber- AT 11am the lung co-ordinator
donian doctor’s daughter who has calls again and asks to speak to
resolutely resisted any and every
encouragement to see a medic TURN TO NEXT PAGE
Page 56 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

FROM PREVIOUS PAGE was a good cook, it was her act of

friendship for our guests.
Joan. I know instantly from the
tone of her voice that the news MONDAY, JAN 11, 2021
i s n’ t g o o d . I h a n d J o a n THE hours until our appointment
the phone. with the oncologist stretch ahead
‘The CT scan has revealed a dark in an infinity of excruciation.
mass on your left lung, Joan, so we Cannot imagine what Joan must
need you to go to the Marsden be feeling like. Drive as sedately as
Hospital in Sutton for a PET possible to the hospital for 3.15pm.
scan at 8.15 tomorrow morning.’ Oilly isn’t allowed in, but can
Joan looks at me and listen on speakerphone. Once
unequivocally says: ‘It’s lung inside, we wait for a further hour.
cancer, isn’t it?’ The longest of our lives.
Tongue-tied, I can only slowly Wanda Cui finally arrives and
ushers us into a room. She apolo-
nod in agreement. It’s the first gises profusely for the delay, then
time that either of us has dared calmly delivers the atom bomb
utter that toxic ‘C’ word. diagnosis: Stage 4 lung cancer.
THURSDAY, DEC 24 Never have I dreaded or loathed
a number so instantaneously as
WAKE at 6am and feel like I’ve this one. Closely followed by the
spent the entire night sprinting word ‘spread’ . . .
around my own brain. To the lymph nodes. To the
Must stay calm for Joan. Must adrenal glands. To the brain.
stay calm for her, no matter what. A Catherine wheel of information.
Drive for half an hour through Flaring and firing in every
deserted streets to the hospital. direction. With Joan’s permission,
Ushered into a small room where I dare ask, ‘How long?’
a nurse injects a saline solution Wanda answers with, ‘That’s a
into Joan’s arm, followed by a very good question. If you’re sure
radiation drug that will circulate you want to know, understanding
through her bloodstream, taking that this isn’t an exact science . . .’
an hour to fully absorb, during ‘Yes, please. Tell us.’
which she has to lie still and ‘At best, 12 to 18 months. Or less.’
not talk. The room tips in on itself as
That’s a challenge for us, as our world spins off its axis.
yakety-yakking is the modus Hurtling. Freefalling.
operandi of our marriage. Look at Words compete for attention —
one another with incredible radiation/statistics/scans/terminal/
intensity and naked tenderness. Home is where the heart is: Richard and Joan relaxing at their house in the Cotswolds blood tests/immunotherapy/com-
A lung doctor tells us: ‘The right bined/with chemotherapy/ster-
lung is 95 per cent intact and it’s oids/terminal — zoning in and out.
she mumbles, ‘I feel very We had also discovered that Joan career- defining role came at Joan is devastated. All three of us,
clear to see that the left lung has a disorientated’ and takes a left was pregnant. the most heartbreaking
growth all over it, which is why utterly devastated. Poleaxed.
turn into the living room. ‘I don’t T h e p a y - o f f f o r t h e l o n g, price imaginable. Drive home blurry-eyed and
you’re experiencing such shortness know where I am.’ debilitating workless period which
of breath. You’re breathing with blinking. Sucker-punched by a
followed was that a casting tidal wave of grief.
only one lung.’
‘It’s also spread into your clavicle
MONDAY, JAN 4 director saw the film and called
lymph nodes,’ he continues. ‘It OILLY’S 32nd birthday. The me in to audition for Withnail And
I, to play an actor riddled with
JOAN was asked to coach
Christopher Lambert on The
could be some kind of severe hospital says the dizziness is not CHAOTIC day of disbelief and
due to lack of oxygen. The frustration at being out of work Sicilian and escaped to Italy. She
infection, but is most likely to be a for months on end. That break- was not keen to go but it seemed discord. Joan is very chipper — in
form of lung cancer, so I’d like to consultant has suggested a brain contrast to Oilly and me, lurching
scan as soon as possible. My through role single -handedly better to be abroad while I was
do a biopsy under local anaesthetic transformed my career prospects filming on location in Cumbria in and out of tears. Even though
next week.’ stomach plunge is akin to one of we hesitantly anticipated what
those mid-air pressure drops. and bank account. than to be alone at home with a
We look at one another, as our They had been trying to cast the baby’s room that has no infant. the diagnosis might be, nothing
has properly prepared us for the
whole world spins, stumbles and
judders before us. WEDNESDAY, JAN 6 part for two months and the writer
and director Bruce Robinson had
I felt incredibly insecure playing
this lead role, especially as I’m head-and-heart-exploding over-
JOAN undergoes a 40-minute MRI whelm of it all. While Joan naps,
rejected every actor on the allergic to alcohol and Withnail is
1984 brain scan. She is her perky,
provocative and funnily restored grounds that no one had yet made in a near-perpetual state of drunk- Oilly and I email and message all
WHEN Joan’s divorce was finalised him laugh speaking his dialogue. enness. Bruce insisted that I get our friends. No sooner sent, than
in 1984, she had told me that ‘we self on the drive home. our news is reciprocated by a
I read for him and bellowed drunk the night before the final
cyber-avalanche of love, shock,
should wait a while before moving
in together’. That ‘while’ lasted all THURSDAY, JAN 7 ‘FORK IT!’, referring to matter
growing in the mouldy kitchen
day of rehearsal ‘in order to have a
chemical memory’ to draw upon, disbelief and compassion.
of a week. NOON call from Wanda Cui, the
Twelve months later, when I Australian oncologist from the
sink. He laughed and on the basis
of saying these two words ‘as he’d
which I somehow managed to do.
I threw up throughout the night, SATURDAY, JAN 16
went back to Africa to see my Royal Marsden cancer hospital, heard them in his head’, I was topping up on more drink at the POURING rain. Nigella Lawson
family, it was the longest time who speaks delicately and with called back to audition with other studio the next morning, until I WhatsApps that she’s booked a
we’d been apart since then. immense vocal calm. actors, after which I was finally finally passed out midway through cab to deliver a home-made rice
Desperately missing each other, ‘The MRI scan has revealed offered the role. the rehearsal, to the delight of dish, a cake and her latest cook-
we wrote to each other twice lesions on the brain and there is My co-star Paul McGann and I, Bruce and Paul. book, which arrives accompanied
a day. swelling around them, which both being movie first-timers, My £20,000 pay cheque for by an incredibly loving dedication
‘Let’s be very happy together all accounts for Joan’s current were given two weeks of rehearsal. Withnail was more money than I’d and generous note.
our lives,’ wrote Joan, ‘because I symptoms, so I’ve prescribed At the end of the first week, Joan earned in my entire professional n  AdApted from A pocketful Of 
believe we have a very special and steroids which will alleviate went into premature labour. career and, the moment the film Happiness by Richard e. Grant, 
great love. Come home to me the pressure.’ We hurtled through the morning wrapped, we set a wedding date to be published by Gallery on 
safely, my sweet darling . . . All my The room turns upside down traffic to the hospital and our for November 1, 1986. September 29 at £20. © Richard  
love, forever, Joan XXX and I hear myself agreeing to daughter Tiffany was born, but Joan decided that we should e. Grant 2022. to order a copy for 
‘PS. You’re all around me all the everything that Wanda is saying tragically only lived for half cater our own wedding party at £17 (offer valid to September 24, 
time. I can feel you and smell you and advising, though, in actuality, an hour. Her lungs were too under- home — for 80 people. Everyone 2022; UK p&p free on orders over 
and I quite often have talks with not taking in a single thing. developed to survive. It felt as thought we were nuts, but Joan £20), 
you out loud — as well as my Yet confirmation that it’s brain though this euphoric life and persuasively argued that as she or call 020 3176 2937.
constant conversation with you lesions causing her confusion is its
inside my head. I adore you, Rich. own odd relief.
Yours now and always, Joan
1 1 S E P T E M B E R 2 02 2

Six weeks apart convinced me UNBELIEvABLY, Joan wakes up
that we should get married, so I able to see properly, walk normally,
bought the most expensive talk coherently and eat a proper
breakfast. Fully restored in less

diamond I couldn’t afford and, at
6am at Heathrow airport in than 24 hours with the
January 1986, I got down on one steroid pills.
knee, beside the luggage trolley, ‘No matter what happens,
and proposed. She accepted. please don’t let me be alone in a
hospital, Swaziboy,’ pleads Joan.
JOAN helps me put away all the
Christmas decorations.
In the afternoon she says that
‘I want to be at home with you.
Promise me.’
‘I promise, Monkee’ — even
though I know that this might not
I feel like my
compass has
she feels very dizzy whenever she be in my power to keep.
stands up, and I suggest it’s
probably because she doesn’t have 1986
enough oxygen. JOAN’S faith in me never wavered, ‘I feel like
We tele-surf and settle on The despite the fact that I had been my com pas s

been smashed
Bridge On The River Kwai. The unemployed for nine months has bee n
plot is very straightforward and in 1985. sma shed ’
we’ve both seen it before, so alarm The year had begun promisingly
bells start clanging when she when I was cast in a BBC film RICHARD E GRANT
on losing the great love of his
questions what’s going on. alongside Adrian Edmondson, life, his wife of 38 years

When she goes to bed at 8pm, Arabella Weir and Gary Oldman.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 V4 Page 57

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Page 58 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

A masked
machete gang
storming an
he scene which greets

18th birthday
you on the corner of
Morgan Street in east
London has become all-too
familiar in towns and cities
across Britain.
Outside a row of terraced town houses, tied
to the railings are balloons, flowers, cards and

party in a church.
handwritten notes. One reads: ‘You are funny,
caring, loving, silly, cool and kind. You did not
deserve to die.’
These words refer to 17-year-old Shea
Gordon. It was here at this very spot, in the
early hours of last Sunday, that the straight-A
student’s life slowly ebbed away after he was
stabbed in the neck.

A pitched battle
For 45 desperate minutes, paramedics
battled to save him.
The medical team could be heard counting
‘1, 2, 1, 2’ as they pounded the teenager’s
chest to administer CPR.
Shea was eventually airlifted to
hospital where he was pronounced dead just
before 2am. Blood on the pavement — just a

between 100
short stroll from Tredegar Square, one of the
finest Georgian plazas in London — was still
visible more than 24 hours later.
Shea’s death, in a corner of the capital where
homes sell for nearly £2 million, has heightened
fears in the local community that no one is
safe any more and no neighbourhood is
immune from the savagery which is infecting

youths. And
too many areas of the country.
Surely there can be no more chilling proof
than what happened to Shea; it was more
than just a knife attack.
The fatal stabbing, in a gentrified conserva-
tion area, not far from Mile end tube station,
followed a mass brawl involving up to 100

The presence of so
many friends is
testament to just
a straight-A
how loved he was
people, and at the centre of the melee were
machete-wielding thugs in balaclavas. It was
student’s life
bleeding away
a war zone.
The loss of such a young life is always a
tragedy but the past also tells us that
teenagers who are killed in such circumstances
can also be part of the problem.
Was Shea part of the problem?
‘I put my hand on my heart and say Shea
was not in a gang,’ insisted his grandmother,

in the road...
who has spent hours at the roadside floral
shrine together with other members of his
family and closest friends.
‘I would tell you if he was. A 100 per cent, he
is not in a gang. If he had been in a gang I
would say because I don’t see why mothers
and grandparents should hide it.’
Shea, who lived with his mother
and had four younger brothers and
a sister, was highly academic.
he told everyone he wanted to in Bow, just a few yards from where culminated in the brutal attack on youngest in the city, the briefing they were worried about reprisals.
get into the property business he would bleed to death. Shea shortly after midnight and document said, stabbings by Discarded machetes and knives
when he left college. he had ‘he went to the party on his own,’ also left an 18-year- old in a offenders aged under 25 were were later found under parked
dreams of being an entrepreneur. his grandmother told me. ‘he had critical condition in hospital with prevalent, and heroin and crack cars in the streets around the
‘he was a good boy,’ his great- told his friends he didn’t want to head injuries. cocaine dealing was rife in former holy Trinity Church, now
grandmother added softly. go but then he changed his mind. But there is, not unsurprisingly, a the borough. occupied by epainos Ministries,
The presence of so many relatives ‘he had been invited by the girl disturbing back story to this chain Police usually need a ‘reasonable part of the New Testament Church
and friends gathered at the spot whose party it was.’ of events. A report by council suspicion’ to stop and search of God, where the party was held.
where he collapsed and died is her grandson, she said, was on youth violence coordinators an individual. Being refused entry to the
testament to just how loved the guest list. It is an important revealed that Tower hamlets, But in the aftermath of the brawl building might have been the
he was. point to stress. where Shea was attacked, has, in a Section 60 was issued allowing catalyst for the mayhem, but few
Shea had travelled from his home Trouble erupted, the police said, recent years, endured some of officers to stop and search without believe it was the real reason for
in enfield, north London, to attend after ‘a number of uninvited per- London’s highest levels of ‘gang suspicion because they believed the wanton lawlessness.
an 18th birthday party last sons’ gate-crashed the function. flagged offences’. there were still ‘persons armed Shortly before all hell broke
Saturday at a Pentecostal church Those are the bare facts which Gang members were among the with weapons’ in the vicinity and loose, a very large crowd was
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 59

Daylight thuggery: A machete-wielding gang member

during an attack in Hyde Park last year. And above, teenager
Shea Gordon, from Enfield, who was fatally stabbed last week
in the street outside a party in London’s Mile End

obviously we have a duty to repeatedly stabbed by a gang

protect people.’ armed with machetes.
Several days ago, one of the boys August 12: Section 60 notice
she had given refuge to had his issued covering three postcodes
bike stolen. — e1, e3 [which includes the
‘two guys on their bikes, who streets where the machete brawl
were proper adults, not youths, broke out] and e4 — after eight
came across and knocked him off separate reports in the space of 90
his bike and then went off with it,’ minutes of people fighting with
said Miss Mills, who fears the inci- knives, axes or weapons.
dent may be connected to the the increasing prevalence of
most recent explosion of violence. machetes in such confrontations is
People began arriving for the especially disturbing.
party, on foot and by car, at around in June last year, onlookers in
8pm. Security guards checked Hyde Park were horrified to wit-
tickets at the back entrance of the ness a machete-wielding gang set
church, in Lichfield road. upon a youth in broad daylight. A
it is unclear when those who did 17-year-old was later said to have
not have a ticket gatecrashed recovered from the injuries
the event. sustained in the royal park.
But sometime after midnight the Figures released under Freedom
screaming started. How many
of information laws from police
people got caught up in the con-
frontation? 50? 70? forces in england and Wales show
Possibly as many as 100, by all machete-related offences have
accounts — a number of whom doubled in two years.
had deadly weapons. they were used in 1,364 crimes in
‘Stay with me, stay with me,’ november and December last year,
friends of Shea gordon could be compared with 664 for the same
heard telling him, trying to keep period in 2019, and an almost six-
him conscious, amid the chaos fold increase on the 229 in those
after he had been stabbed. two months in 2014.
spotted heading for the church. Family), globe town Massive, instances where two or three Shea managed to stagger several the true figure is even higher as
One witness said he had never JSM (Jubilee Street Massive) and young kids have come to hide in hundred yards before collapsing the Met, the country’s biggest
seen so many people ‘marching, S Block. the back of the pub. outside Anne Penketh’s house. force, did not provide statistics.
not walking’ up the road. tit-for-tat reprisals are endemic: ‘they [were being followed] by ‘i heard screaming but i did not it can’t be just a coincidence that
they were ‘masked up’ and some entering a rival’s territory or some of the guys with balaclava think there was anything serious gang-related violence has
had machetes, leaving him in little ‘dissing’ another gang in so-called face coverings on bikes, hanging going on until i heard the police coincided with the closure of so
doubt that ‘they had come for an drill rap videos have triggered sirens,’ said Anne, a crime writer, many police stations. Front desks
attack’. Why else would they be mindless outbreaks of violence. and the former diplomatic editor in many stations, including one in
primed for battle? even a petty dispute over a belt of the independent newspaper. Bow, have also been shut to allow
the scene the witness described
had echoes of Stanley Kubrick’s
resulted in a virtual field hospital
being set up next to a children’s
She opened her When she opened the door, she
saw a figure lying across the pave-
more officers to be deployed on
neighbourhood patrols.
portrayal of ‘ultra violence’ in play area in Camberwell, South
a dystopian, futuristic Britain in
his cult 1970s film A
London a few years ago to treat
the wounded.
door to see the ment with paramedics around
him. the London air ambulance
was ‘parked’ in the street. ‘it was
the bottom line, however, is that
the police have become invisible in
most neighbourhoods.
Clockwork Orange.
rumours circulating suggested a
gang from Aberfeldy in
the upmarket enclave around
the new testament Church of god
has, until now anyway, escaped
air ambulance shocking,’ said Miss Penketh.
the notice authorising the police
to use additional stop and search
By the end of the week, more
flowers and notes had been left on
the pavement outside Anne
neighbouring Poplar were in the
e3 postcode, which covers Bow, on
the night in question.
many of the problems that have
plagued the rest of tower Hamlets
— a borough with the highest child
‘parked’ outside powers in the aftermath of the
fatal stabbing was posted on the
Penketh’s house in Morgan Street
where Shea gordon collapsed.
tower Hamlets neighbourhood One from his auntie said:
One of their rivals, it is said, is a poverty rate in Britain — where Watch Association. ‘You made us all so proud. You
gang from the roman road area, a there were an average of 40 knife it is not the first time police had were everything.’
main artery running through the crimes a month last year. around outside looking for them. been granted such powers in two hours after Shea was
heart of Bow. gangs from those Suspected gang activity in this eventually, they dispersed and the tower Hamlets. stabbed to death in mass brawl, a
areas were certainly highlighted in once peaceful quarter, however, kids left.’ July 3: Section 60 notice issued man was shot dead in an affluent
the report by the council youth has reared its head in recent the teenagers, who looked 14 or after a 16-year-old boy was hospi- part of west London.
violence coordinators. months. Khaitee Mills, manager of 15, told her that if they went talised with potentially life-chang- Haven’t we now arrived in the
the roman road crew is — or at the nearby Morgan Arms, has now outside they ‘would be stabbed’. ing injuries which appeared to be
least was — called rBS: roman been told by the police not to ‘We tried to communicate with dystopian future portrayed in A
‘gang-related’ and the risk of Clockwork Orange?
Blood Shedderz. Others in tower speak to the Press, but in an inter- them, but they’d just say “we don’t revenge attacks was ‘substantial’.
Hamlets included the iOD (isle of view with MyLondon website, she want to talk, just need to hide”. July 19: Section 60 notice issued n ADDITIONAL reporting: Tim
Dogs Boys), DrF (Devons road said: ‘there have been a couple of it made me feel uneasy. But, after a 16-year- old boy was Corkett and Tim Stewart
Page 60 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

etting insider knowledge

G on the pretty little greek port

of Loutro from Dave was a
stroke of luck. He’s the kind
of tourist you really want to
cross paths with — a chatty english
holidaymaker who visits this blue-
and-white fishing village in rural
southern Crete every year. Uncrowded:
Dave is right to say that Crete is a beautiful
‘last blast of sun’ destination, staying hot Loutro and,

well into October. How could it fail? it’s the top, a taverna
southernmost major holiday island in
greece. easyJet and BA fly here until late
in the season.
Dave knows his onions when it comes to

eating out, recommending the delicious —
and affordable — moussaka at the Old
Phoenix. And that’s just for starters.
‘go to Stratis, behind the church,’ he tells

Late Show
me, when we next bump into each other. ‘it’s
the best food in Loutro. they barbecue the


chicken souvlaki in front of you — and they
do the best chips in greece.’
the food from the grill is juicy and this
family run restaurant is generous with the
orange cheesecake as well as the free raki.
As the day fades to pink then grey over the
horseshoe harbour i think, ‘Why doesn’t
everyone come here?’ then i think, ‘What a
relief so few do.’
it is uncrowded and so devoid of high-
rise package hotels — rather like the
Mediterranean of 30 or 40 years ago.

L OutrO is one of a string of unspoilt

hamlets and isolated strands along a
20-mile stretch of the South-West
coast. it isn’t a place for culture
cravers, so don’t come for historic sites or
museums. You’re here for a holiday filled
with transparent shallows, unfussy
Head to the south of the island where it’s warm and
welcoming well into October — and affordable too
tavernas and lurid sunsets that happy but not hectic. i have two beside Loutro’s harbour waters. informal Mermaid taverna, set bothered hikers throw themselves
will make you feel carefree and days here, although i could live the Old Phoenix is a fairly over the water. into the cooling shallows. Finally,
25 again. here for a year — double-balconied unreconstructed pensione, but it’s i couldn’t feel further from the we reach Sougia. the owners of my
So where’s the catch? there isn’t rooms at Samaria By the Sea cost perfection for the price: family run, luxury resorts of the north as i sit white, cubic apartment leave free
one. it’s just that this part of Crete £90 a night and have fridges intimate and presiding over its own here peacefully beside the Libyan wine and raki in the fridge, and i
can’t be developed easily — sheer for Mythos beers bought at deep, silent bay, with kayaks you Sea, with north Africa over the lie in before rising for long, cool
flanks fall away to the sea, leaving a mini-market. can take out. horizon. i feel almost sorry to be swims off the beach.
practically no room for roads Vrissi, the cove here, is reached Hikers walking the southern heading further west tomorrow to there are sea-bass lunches and
or resorts, just little time-warp by steep steps, with rental loungers coastal path check in — doubles Sougia, and the end of my trip. wine-laced conversations with
beach towns served by boats to laze away the days. it has a start at £50, or £45 if you pay cash i needn’t have worried. the guests at the next table. We agree
and ferries. blue swell that, after an hour’s — and breakfast toast with honey 90-minute voyage there is a breezy never to tell a soul about this
Fly to Chania rather than swimming, makes me hungry. on the terrace is a rarefied moment; break in itself, on a flat-bottomed stretch of southern Crete. Oops,
Heraklion and hop on a bus time to hit the three Brothers ditto dinner, under a Biro-blue sky multi-deck car ferry. too late. i just have.
(£15) south. taverna, framed by pink rhododen- with stars. i buy a chilled beer and crack it
in an hour and 45 minutes, after drons, above the beach. the greek tiny motorboats call in to take open as the shoreline changes. TRAVEL FACTS
a final Scalextric descent from the salad has a whole paving slab of guests west for 20 minutes Here and there, Orthodox churches
Lefka Ori (White Mountains — delicious feta. to Marmara beach, with its cling to rocks, tiny and pastel-pale
SUNVIL ( has seven
the spine of western Crete), the When i move on to Loutro, i stay aquarium-clear, bouldery shallows; as Mr Kipling French Fancies. now nights’ self-catering in Loutro
tiny port town of Hora Sfakion just around the headland at the or east, to Sweetwater, where and then we shudder into a from £1,156 pp, based on two
emerges. Here my odyssey begins. Old Phoenix, walking back over the nearly the only signs of life are the small port. sharing, including flights from
the waterfront restaurants are eerie promontory for nightcaps goats — and Yorgos, who runs the At Agia roumeli, hot and Gatwick on October 18, 2022.

holidays, a chance to let off steam. For the teenagers, mothers with babies, twenty and
Queen, it was about meeting people on thirty-somethings on their way to work. No
behalf of the nation, spreading goodwill one had told them to be there.
and, in many cases, blazing a trail. She was During her long life, the Queen had the
WHAT struck me outside Buckingham Palace a globetrotting sovereign. chance to see the world’s greatest sights.
yesterday was the number of people from In 1961, she became the first British She peered up at great mountains and
overseas laying flowers and bowing their monarch to visit India since her grandfather, stood on the banks of great rivers.
heads in respect for the Queen. George V, 50 years earlier and, despite the Yesterday, a river of affection and
Black, Asian, Middle Eastern; Arabs and controversies of the Partition of India, more gratitude was flowing through the country
Jews; Christians, Muslims, Hindus; Americans, than a million people turned out to greet — and will continue to do so in the coming
Australians, Japanese. One couple told me her in New Delhi. days. Most of us will never see the like of
they were due to fly back to Canada today Likewise, she was welcomed warmly on a it again.
but felt compelled to stay longer. state visit to Germany in 1965 — the first to
Queen of the World sounds trite, but that that country by a member of the Royal
doesn’t make it any less valid. She was more Family since before World War I.
widely travelled than any leader of any era, What also moved me was how many young
visiting places such as New Zealand people were walking slowly down
(pictured). Travel for many of us means Constitution Hill towards the Palace:
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Jeep’s all-electric leap
Page 74 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

n NEW Transport Secretary

Anne-Marie Trevelyan
starts her job with a bursting
inbox and lobby groups vying
for her attention.
The Berwick MP’s arrival
has raised hopes in the North-
East that the long overdue
upgrade of the A1 through
MOTORING Northumberland en route to
Edinburgh — for which she has
campaigned — will finally
BY RAY MASSEY get under way.
MOTORING EDITOR The AA’s top priorities include

safer roads, a reform of ‘smart’
motorways, more electric
He first fully electric Jeep will be vehicle charging points and
unveiled as the off-road giant born incentives to
during World War ii launches an switch to
eco offensive. electric cars,
The new zero-emissions Avenger SuV fixing potholed
with a range of 250 miles is set to make its debut roads, more
at the Paris Motor Show on october 17 with traffic police,
reservations opening for customers that same day. transparency
first uK showroom deliveries will commence at of fuel pricing,
the beginning of next year, with prices expected
at between £35,000 and £40,000. more park and ride, a better
With a name that echoes the big-screen super- deal for motorists facing
hero team — or for British fans of a certain vintage, Moving on: The Avenger, latest in a long line, but the first battery-only model rip-off parking fines, and a
the suave John Steed and accomplices speedier rollout of in-car
including Mrs emma Peel — Jeep said be battery-electric vehicles America before arriving in 400 miles. The range consists assisted driving technology to
the new Avenger will be positioned by 2030. e u r o p e a n d t h e r e s t o f of the Cherokee, Compass, help reduce collisions.
under the renegade and be produced Antonella Bruno, head of Jeep the world. Gladiator, Grand Cherokee, Road safety charity IAM
in Tychy, Poland. europe at parent company The Wagoneer S has already renegade and Wrangler. RoadSmart highlighted drug-
it promises a modern, technologi- Stellantis, said: ‘The all-new raised eyebrows for its uncanny The original Jeep was a mili- driving, e-scooter regulation
cally advanced interior, with plenty of Avenger will offer Jeep brand resemblance to Land rover tary scout vehicle built for the
people and cargo space. capability that is rightsized for rival the range rover Sport. u.S. war department from 1941 and older drivers among the
The car is one of four all-electric the european market.’ Powered by electric motors by Willys-overland. it became areas where it would like the
SuVs to be launched in north America Two more fully-electric 4x4s developing a mighty 600 hp, it’s the workhorse 4x4 of u.S. and new minister to focus.
and europe by 2025, with Jeep bosses were also unveiled — the Jeep expected to accelerate from rest Allied forces during World
promising that 50 per cent of sales in recon and Wagoneer S — which to 60 mph in just 3.5 seconds, War ii, from the normandy GARDENING: Page 76
the u.S. and all sales in europe will will be launched first in north with an average range of up to beachheads to the far east.
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Page 76 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

leaved plants such as feathery

Picture: ALAMY
A late f lush of Artemisia absinthium, or Eryn-
gium Silver Ghost.
Perovskia combines blue
colour revives flower spikes with its own
silver leaves.
if your garden seems short of
borders and is flowers, plant more late bloomers.
Some, like perennial sunflowers
Helianthus, are at their best.
a boost for bees Colours run from the vibrant
yellow Monarch to the slightly
paler Lemon Queen.

GARDENING in MoST gardens, the daisy
family leads an autumn show.

Summer varieties such as
rudbeckias and echinaceas still
have weeks to run.
friend once asked which But as they age, Michaelmas
was my favourite month. daisies and chrysanthemums
Without hesitation i said, are budding now.
‘September’. nature turns The names can be misleading.
green to gold this month. Michaelmas daises used to be
Aster but many are now called
But after the sweltering summer, Symphyotrichum. despite the
our reviving gardens are creating a confusion, variety names have
second spring. Royal tribute: Perennial sunflower Helianthus Lemon Queen is an autumn delight stayed the same.
Some of the year’s finest Sadly, many Michaelmas daisy
perennials are coming out now. until november. There are valuable to bees, butterflies and heavy dews turning your lawns varieties are susceptible to
Some of those will last until autumn bulbs to enjoy now, as other nectar-seeking insects. to silver. mildew. Luckily, there are
november. Autumn flower well — from huge, untidy crinums Many need extra sustenance for Plants react amazingly quickly. resistant varieties such as
colours are rich and mellow, and long-stemmed nerines to successful hibernation. P reviously stressed plants shimmering blue, mid-height
enhanced by softer light and leafless colchicums and for later, could produce new shoots and S . Little Carlow and silvery
backed by the russets and gold yellow sternbergias. GOLDEN GLORY fresh buds. S. Oktoberlicht.
of autumn foliage. Colours of autumn bulbs if your garden looks tired, Late-flowering salvias such as Colchicums are among the first
Late -flowering daisies in include shades of pink or lilac- with stressed lawns, shabby kingfisher-blue Salvia uliginosa bulbs to bloom in September,
purples, blues and pinks contrast mauve, as well as white. containers and disappointing and dark navy S. guaranitica followed by true crocuses such
with rusty heleniums and yellow Clean blues come from new borders, don’t despair. The also flower this month. non- as C. speciosus.
rudbeckias. Summer pots, too, World salvias and curious, changing season will help to hardy S. patens finds a second Autumn’s largest and most
develop a second wind if watered coppery-leaved leadwort Cerato- fix that. wind, now, with a burst of blue, elegant bulbs are South African
and fed. Potted begonias, lobelias stigma plumbaginoides. nights are growing longer and hook-shaped flowers. nerines. They’re also perfect as
and pelargoniums could flower Late flowering plants are also cooler. Mornings usually have Blue flowers team with silver- cut flowers.
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City Finance
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4.1 per cent

year-on-year decline in
Russian economic output in
second quarter
City Editor: Alex Brummer Group Business Editor: Ruth Sunderland

Dollar showing its mettle

NE of the greatest changes exchange rate is dependent on the ‘kindness the past year, is not hard to explain. The

O Alex
of Queen Elizabeth II’s
reign is the speed
of communications.
In global finance, as the writer
Michael Lewis has chronicled in his book
of strangers’ had a nice ring. It is not as sim-
ple as that as sterling is anchored by the fact
that, for all its faults, the UK is still much
beloved by Middle-Eastern oil potentates
and Hong Kong and Singaporean investors.
All those visits the King made to the Mid-
Federal Reserve has hit the interest rate
tool harder and faster than the European
Central Bank, the Bank of Japan and the
Old Lady of Threadneedle Street.
As importantly, while much of the world is
struggling with climate change transition

Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt, traders dle-East have not been without reward. A and the impact of the Ukraine war, the US
now think in milliseconds. ride down the race course at Royal Ascot with sits on a continent of fossil fuels. Since 2019
Analysts and economic thinkers have more the monarch is still much valued by Dubai. it has been net fuel exporter for the first
time, but there is still a tendency to hit the time since 1952 – coincidentally the year of
send button on Twitter without proper con- Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne.

text. So it has been for sterling in recent
weeks as the country has gone through a
period of intense political uncertainty dur-
ing which the pound’s vulnerability has been
interpreted as evidence of grave crisis.
Liz Truss’s reshaped Tory government
acted quickly to staunch the wound. It opted
for growth over fiscal orthodoxy, sacrificing
the Treasury’s top mandarin Tom Scholar in

the potential recession. The pound has

bounced to $1.16 against the dollar – averting
its 1985 low point – in spite of the Bank putting
off its interest rate decision until September
22 in line with national mourning.
HAT the currency markets are
going through at present is
not a sterling crisis, as in 1976,
but one of those moments
when everyone loves the dollar. The parallel is
with 1985 when the G5 (later to become the
G7 with the addition of Canada and Italy)
met at the Plaza in New York in a concerted
The US government has a key advantage.
The dollar remains the world’s unchallenged
reserve currency. Efforts by governments to
diversify reserves by holding yen, euros or
China’s renmimbi largely have failed.
America has the extreme privilege of being
able to issue dollar debt without fear of a
shortage of customers. As technology moves
on, a trusted, digitally created global stable
the process. It has targeted money at the As a freely floating currency, with no anchor effort to knock the value of the dollar down. coin might dislodge dollar supremacy.
problem of energy prices, with a £100bn or to other trading blocs, the pound (which will The weakness of sterling, and other major The pound cannot compete. But it is pos-
more safety net for household incomes. soon have the new face of King Charles III traded currencies, was simply a corollary of sible that if the UK could rediscover energy
That in itself takes a scythe to headline infla- on the notes), offers easy prey to specula- the greenback’s strength. The current dol- independence – a goal of the Prime Minister
tion, of potentially 4pc to 5pc, and will ease tors. Former Bank of England governor lar renaissance, which has seen it climb by – it could become a petro-renewables cur-
the squeeze on real incomes and the depth of Mark Carney’s observation that the pound’s 20pc against a basket of global currencies in rency to be trusted again.

After a week of turmoil for Britain...

Twin boost as
sterling and
Footsie rally
THE London market ral- By Mark Shapland crucial meeting of the Monetary
Policy Committee that sets
lied at the end of a turbu- ket and the pound has shown
interest rates.
lent week that saw a Prime some resilience.’ The panel – led by governor
Minister take office and Adam Pollock, director at Andrew Bailey – was widely
the death of the Queen. wealth manager Oberon Invest- expected to announce another
As the stock exchange said ments, added: ‘A very sad day. hike in interest rates on Thurs-
trading would carry on as nor- In the spirit of the Royal Family day as it steps up its fight
mal, the FTSE 100 index rose the show must go on.’ against sky-high inflation. The
1.2pc, or 89.01 points, to The London Stock Exchange Bank was tipped to raise rates
said it would stay open during by another 0.5 percentage points
7351.07 and the FTSE 250
gained 1.6pc, or 309.74 points,
to 19188.03.
Sterling was also on the rise
the official period of mourning,
but will close on the day of the
funeral as it is expected to be a
– taking them from 1.75pc to
2.25pc – although an even bigger
0.75 percentage point increase
was also seen as an option.
Asos goes out of fashion
against the dollar as the mighty
greenback took a breather from
its recent charge higher. Having
hit a 37-year low of $1.1406 on
public holiday.
But while the stock market
remains open, the Bank of Eng-
land postponed next week’s
But the Bank said this month’s
meeting of the MPC has been
pushed back by a week ‘in light
of the period of national mourn-
in summer slowdown
Wednesday, the pound rose as ASOS became the latest retailer to for the year will drop to 2pc – com-
high as $1.1647 before easing. ing now being observed in the provide a bleak outlook for con- pared with highs of 20pc as Covid
n EUROPEANS will be ‘poorer United Kingdom’.
The twin rallies on stock and for longer’ unless inflation is sumers as the cost of living rises. drove a boom in online shopping.
currency markets came at the Despite the turmoil, the pound
controlled, an EU finance min- regained ground against the dol- In a devastating double blow, the Shares yesterday dropped 0.74pc,
end of a week that saw the death online fashion firm said customers or 5p, to 673.5p. They have fallen
of Queen Elizabeth II days after ister has warned. lar having plunged to its lowest
‘We acknowledge and we level since 1985 earlier in the have cut back on spending as finan- 80pc in the past year.
Liz Truss succeed Boris Johnson
as Prime Minister. agree that we must reduce week. And respected investor Bill cial pressures mount while last AJ Bell investment director Russ
City figures said the mood in inflation,’ said Paschal Dono- Gross, who co-founded Pacific month’s heatwave led to lower sales Mould said the warning was ‘not
the Square Mile was subdued as hoe, the Irish chairman of Investment Management Co, is for autumn and winter clothing. the biggest surprise in the world’
the nation – and the world – came eurozone finance ministers. betting on sterling to recover Asos warned the double whammy coming after Associated British
to terms with the Queen’s death. over the coming months. would mean sales for the year to Foods, owner of Primark, on Thurs-
‘The failure to do so will make He said: ‘Continued large
Phillip Wale, chief executive at our citizens, the people of August 31 were ‘weaker than day said lower consumer confi-
stock broker WH Ireland, said: trade deficits and a ceiling on expected’. It now expects profits dence would hit profits this year.
‘Everybody feels numb on the Europe, poorer for longer.’ the Fed’s ability to raise rates to
trading floor. We have had some It came as eurozone finance anticipated levels due to future for the year to be ‘around the bot- Mould said: ‘Perhaps the greatest
client meetings but to be honest ministers agreed to act to recession will limit further tom end of company guidance’ of area of concern [for Asos]... is that
nobody has talked about stocks protect households and firms depreciation of the pound and between £20m and £60m. Last year the autumn/winter season, and by
and shares. It is a sombre day but from soaring energy prices. likely lead to future increases it made £193.6m. extension, the company’s new
business goes on. The stock mar- compared to the dollar.’ The group also said sales growth financial year, is off to a slow start.’
Page 84 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

‘Our nation has

grown and flourished’
Elizabethan age heralded revolution in British industry
By Alex Brummer
URING a long hot summer

D when the cost of living crisis,

the energy price shock and
industrial strife dominated
the national agenda, it
might easily have been imagined that
‘Great’ no longer described Britain.
On a slate grey day, when rain stopped
play at the Oval, and maudlin images
came to us from Balmoral, it became
possible to step back and see the United
Kingdom as it really is after 70 years of
the Queen’s service to the nation.
Our newly minted Prime Minister, a Liz to
a Lilibet, dared echo an oft forgotten truth.
‘Our nation has grown and flourished’ under
Elizabeth II’s calm stewardship. Queen’s industry: (Clockwise
The late Queen’s 15 Prime Ministers, from left) At Crossrail,
countless Chancellors and policymakers experimenting at Grey Coat
have delivered a much better country than
people want to acknowledge. Hospital, in miners’ uniform
It was fitting that one of her last symbolic and touring the Bank of
acts, showcasing Britain as an economic England’s gold vault
powerhouse, was the opening of Crossrail,
the Elizabeth Line, in May of this year. Tun- the unions in the 1980s, first the
nelled under London in the 21st century, it is coal mines, then many of the steel
a magnificent tribute to the nation’s engi- works, were shuttered.
neering, architectural and technology skills. Northern towns such as Bishop
Such engineering feats are the tip of an Auckland became industrial waste-
iceberg of change and innovation. From film lands bereft of opportunity. Out of
stages being built at Elstree in Hertford- this wasteland developed a new
shire, to the centre of space exploration economy. Manufacturing, which
excellence at Stevenage, the video gaming accounted for 33pc of national out-
industry in Dundee and pharmaceutical put when the Queen came to the
research in Cambridge, the New Elizabethan throne, had shrunk to just 10pc by
age saw a flourishing every bit as impressive the turn of the millennium.
as its Tudor predecessor. The 1980s saw a transformation.
Back in 2008, on visit to the London School The pull of London and finance
of Economics, the Queen may have embar- and the demand of the public for
rassed the City with her ‘Why didn’t anybody services saw it catapulted to the
notice it?’ question on the financial crisis. largest economic sector. Britain
Yet in the 14 years since, a was selling insurance, banking
sturdier Square Mile has and other professional services.
emerged, making it the A second industrial revolution
most valuable source of of technology saw city centres
national prosperity and boarded up as online shopping
the money spinner which displaced traditional retail. The
funds sometimes sclerotic department store, the social core
public services. in many regional towns,
great prosperity in the indus- American support, saw the was destroyed.
trial strongholds of the Mid- emergence of a new wave of

lands and North. Cars poured car maker and world-beating
born a few years
before the start of
Elizabeth II’s reign, I have
been fortunate enough to
have a ringside seat to
the fantastic changes in
off the production lines – Jag-
uars for the sporty inclined,
Rovers for the established
classes and the Morris, Aus-
tin, Ford, Vauxhall and Hill-
man for the middle-classes
and working person. Patri-
ship production. The UK’s
pre -war, under-invested
manufacturing became
increasingly less competitive
and West Germany, Japan
and Europe rose phoenix-
like from the ashes of war.
O LD industrial cities
have come back. In
the 1980s, Michael
Heseltine’s support for Liver-
pool saw the restoration of its
waterfront. Manchester was
our economy. cian Tory Prime Minister Britain’s older industries transformed into a modern
The thrill of travelling to Harold Macmillan felt confi- struggled. The UK’s under- metropolis. Leeds became a
London to attend the coro- dent enough to declare in invested education system Northern financial and retail
nation celebrations in 1953 1957 ‘most of our people have produced fewer skilled hub. Britain is a much richer
is still fresh in my mind. with Allied Breweries to never had it so good’. workers and our banks were nation than in 1950.
The descent into the bowels become Allied Lyons. After a New homes, many of them more interested in trading Remarkably for a small
of the earth at Victoria station merger with Domecq, the put up by councils, were and international expan- crowded island, it is the fifth
for my first ever ride on the Lyons name was exorcised churned out at the rate of sion than supporting largest economy in the world.
Underground. Then it was and the rump bought by 200,000 a year. The welfare domestic industries. After The Queen’s reign was marked
lunch at the Lyons Corner France’s Pernod Ricard in a state of protection from ‘cra- the industrial strife of the by great leaps forward in the
House at Marble Arch. £7.4bn takeover in 2005. dle to grave’ and the NHS was 1960s, Britain was forced 1950s and early 1960s, and set-
London’s underground rail- Many still look back on the being implemented rapidly. into the hands of the backs in the 1970s and 1980s.
way is still there and one of the 1950s as a halcyon period for But while Britain concen- International Monetary But the under her benign
great legacies of the nation’s the UK. Across the country trated on public investment in Fund in 1976 and gov- supervision, the Thatcherite
paternalistic, liberal, imagina- there was a feeling of opti- welfare, other countries ernment support for revolution has made the UK a
tive Victorian forbearers. mism as the rationing of food focused on industrial recovery. industry fell away. more enterprising, entrepre-
As for J Lyons & Co, the first ended on July 4, 1954. The Marshall Plan in Europe Shipyards closed, car neurial society and our great
company in Britain to adopt The legacy of the post-war in 1948 – together with forgive- factories were perpetu- research universities, with
computing to run its affairs, it Attlee government was the ness of German debt from two ally on strike and runa- their skills in life sciences and
is no longer with us. Like so nationalisation of our great world wars – saw money way inflation put pay tech, a source of great hope.
many great British brands in industries – coal, power, steel, released for investment in to competitiveness. The second Elizabethan age
the second Elizabethan age, it and even aerospace – providing modern steel, car building and When Margaret could be regarded by histori-
was swallowed up by modern a security of employment and ship building. Thatcher ans as leaving a legacy every bit as
capitalism. First it was merged production which sustained In Japan, reconstruction with declared war on glorious as the first.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 85


25pc Pence

16pc 2,500

14pc 2,000

1,000 Close:
27pc 756.8p
2020 2021 2022

By Anne
The wind is OCADO and Marks & Spencer
will be in focus next week as
the joint venture between the
grocers posts results for the
three months to August.
Ocado Retail, half-owned by
M&S, has been hammered by

blowing behind
Ashworth the rising cost of living, with
shoppers ordering less and
also trading down to cheaper
he capping of

products. It has also struggled
energy prices has since the pandemic-fuelled
cooled the fuel bill boom in online grocer y
crisis. But although shopping ended – with sales

alarm over soaring falling behind levels seen since
costs may have lessened, Covid-19 struck.
calls are growing for a more Ocado’s shares have fallen
55pc this year, while M&S is
rapid transition to renewa- down by 49pc.
ble energy sources such as On Tuesday analysts will be
wind and solar. looking at whether the online
This year’s geopolitical chaos grocer – which sells Ocado and
has focused minds on how to
keep the lights on without
costing the earth, and Liz
Truss has pledged her com-
Change in energy trends points one way M&S products – is losing shop-
pers to more affordable rivals.
The grocers typically attract
planet, or believe that politicians’ the Sanlam Multi-Strategy fund Greencoat UK Wind and SDCL wealthier customers.
mitment to net zero. top priorities will be to keep con- also contends that this is a propi- Hargreaves Lansdown ana-
Such is the interest in the energy efficiency.
sumers’ fuel bills low and tious moment to take a bet on the I am an investor in the last four lyst Susannah Streeter said
renewables sector that the share strengthen energy security. ‘multi-decade’ changes in the
price of the Gresham house of these since assessing the mer- there is a risk they go else-
For the Prime Minister, this is energy landscape. its of the individual players in this where ‘or at least occasionally
energy Storage investment trust one of the issues that is top of the he says: ‘One of fundamental
is at a 32pc premium to the value industry demands familiarity with shop around’.
agenda. advantages of renewables is that complex technologies.
of its net assets. These are the reasons why, the input fuels – wind and sun- She said: ‘Investors will be
This trust backs the battery David harrison, manager of the watching closely to see if hard
although reliance on fossil fuels shine – are free.’ Rathbone Greenbank Global
operator businesses that store may last longer than we thought Solar may be a more predictable won market share gains are
excess renewables supply. Sustainability Fund, opts for
before the war in Ukraine, I have resource than wind, especially off- showing signs of unravelling.’
In 2021, $755bn was invested established companies like the
been committing more cash shore wind. Ocado’s shares are particu-
worldwide in the transition to renewables. But since both come for free, it energy storage group Schneider
electric and Linde, the industrial larly depressed amid a global
to ‘clean’ energy sources, accord- The UK may not buy energy is likely that the Government will sell-off of loss-making technol-
ing to a Bloomberg study, directly from Russia, but the eU’s do more to bring down the price gases specialist.
but future expenditure will far I plan to add to my holdings in ogy firms. The group’s focus is
attempts to curtail its depend- of the long-term supply contracts firmly on its tech arm, which
exceed this sum. ence on this source – it imports held by renewables companies, trusts when share prices weaken,
For example, the International 57pc of its energy needs – has which are based on the much but also to take some bets on sells automated grocery deliv-
energy Agency estimates that raised competition for supplies, higher price of gas. renewables funds. ery technology to grocery
$820bn a year must be spent on causing prices to surge. Controversially, this price is Dzmitry Lipski, of Interactive stores around the world.
power grids – the cables that link Will Riley, manager of the Guin- determined by the price of supply Investors, likes the proven track Shares topped £28 during the
offshore wind farms and other ness Sustainable energy fund, from the most expensive power record of the iShares Global Clean pandemic as the shift to online
power sources with consumers – if argues that these conditions plant meeting demand on that energy eTF. Lipski suggests that grocery shopping was turbo-
global warming is to be limited to highlight the requirement to particular day. anyone looking for an income charged. But they have fallen
1.5 degrees Celsius by 2030. Annual boost energy security through the But Gresham house is not the should consider Gravis Clean
energy Income Fund. back amid questions about
outlay now is about $260bn. more efficient use of power and only renewables trust standing at
Anyone building a long-term the move to solar, wind and the a premium. Others include JLeN The new government has taken when the firm will become
portfolio should be paying atten- other renewables, activities in environmental Assets, Downing bold action on energy bills. You profitable. They closed yester-
tion to these global trends, which this fund invests. Renewables & Infrastructure, could see this as a spur to change day worth under £8.
whether you wish to save the Chris Greenland, manager of Gore Street energy Storage, your strategy towards the sector.

then sell. But if you get your timing wrong –

Since you ask...

COMPANIeS distribute dividends to share- by buying the shares too late, for example
holders several times a year. Some make – your gains may be negligible, even taking
these payouts twice a year, but investment into account the dividend.
trusts and larger companies, such as Shell, IS THERE A SCANDAL IN EUROPE?
Unilever and other members of the FTSe 100 Oh, yes. The Cum-ex scandal, the largest
tend to pay quarterly. On the declaration
tax dodging scandal of recent German his-
date, when the company announces the
dividend, it also sets two other key dates – Here we explain baffling stock market tory, has even drawn in Chancellor Olaf
Scholz. MM Warburg, a German financial
the ex-dividend date and the record date.
institution, is alleged to have traded shares
Only those who have bought the shares
before the ex-dividend date are entitled to
terminology – and how you might stand on, or just before, the record date, and
receive that particular dividend – which will claimed two capital gains refunds, although
be paid to those who are shareholders on to profit. This week : Ex-Dividend tax had only been paid once. The courts
have ruled this to be criminal tax evasion.
the record date, usually one business day
later. ex is Latin for ‘away’ or ‘from’. Cum- HOW GENEROUS ARE DIVIS NOW?
dividend, a phrase you will sometimes hear, AJ Bell estimates that 2022 could turn out
means ‘with dividend’, Latin again. to be the second-best year ever for payouts,
UNILeVeR’S third quarter dividend will be THE EX-DIVIDEND DATE? WHEN A SHARE GOES EX-DIVIDEND? only slightly less than in the record year of
announced with its trading statement on The company has paid out cash so decreas- The ‘dividend capture’ strategy can be a 2018. But there may be less largesse in 2023,
October 27. The shares will go ex-dividend ing the value of its assets. On this basis, you means to benefit, and numerous investor according to Link’s, with recession set to
on November 17. The record date is Novem- would suppose that its market capitalisa- websites argue that you do not need to be limit the ability and willingness of compa-
ber 18. The website lists tion and thus its share price would fall. an expert share trader to turn a profit via nies to increase their dividends.
the declaration, report and ex-dividend This is usually the case, but not invariably. this approach. There are some risks, how- Yet if you own shares that have given you
dates of FTSe 100 and other companies. If Some positive news about the company, or ever. Shares tend to appreciate, as their ex- decent payouts this year, it’s worth noting
you are scanning the share price pages the sector in which it operates could cause dividend date draws closer. This presents that there is research indicating such shares
newspapers, you will see shares that are ex- the shares to rise. Or the shares could be the opportunity to buy shares before they tend to outperform in the long-term, espe-
dividend marked as ‘xd’. lifted by optimistic economic data. move upwards, pocket the dividend and cially at times of economic turbulence.
Page 86 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

7351.07 19188.03 4041.46 32149.78 28214.75 19362.25 13088.21 91.56 1712.98
89.01 309.74 50.90 375.26 149.47 507.63 183.89 2.50 1.73
1.23% 1.64% 1.28% 1.18% 0.53% 2.69% 1.43% 2.81% 0.10%
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Euro €.......... 1.10 NZ $ .............1.77 Sw Fr........... 1.06 US $ ..............1.11
H:1.3847 L:1.1469 H:1.2102 L:1.1534 WWW.TRAVELEX.CO.UK FOR INDICATION USE ONLY

Ashley wins promotion STOCK

as Frasers enters Footsie
TracksuiT tycoon Mike ashley numbers in china. Anglo Ameri- £274m last December. With the

– the former owner of Newcastle

united – is on his way back to the MARKET REPORT can rose 4.7pc, or 132p, to 2926.5p,
Glencore gained 3.7pc, or 17.25p,
investigation nearing completion,
the cMa said the acquisition ‘will
stock market’s top flight.
The 58-year-old billionaire’s By to 488.4p, Antofagasta added
3.9pc, or 44.5p, to 1195.5p and Rio
not lead to a substantial lessening
of competition between Quantile 250
retail empire Frasers Group, Tinto lifted 2.9pc, or 134.5p, at and its rivals’.
which owns chains including John 4860p. The LsE group and Quantile
sports Direct and House of Fra- Cineworld was handed a lifeline have until the end of september
ser, will be promoted to the Abiona after a us court approved access to respond to the cMa before it 200
FTsE 100 on Tuesday. to around £678m of emergency plans to release a final report by 2022
shares in the company, which funds to help the world’s second- October 31.
were up 1pc, or 8p, at 812p yester- international, was demoted in largest cinema chain continue LsE shares were flat at 8004p. ■ MANOLETE Partners expects
day, have risen by a third in the March 2016. operating. Royal Mail shares ticked up to report a loss following a
past three months and have more shares in London were on the The troubled uk cinema giant, 2.9pc, or 7.3p, to 259.1p a day after
front foot after a turbulent week
High Court ruling on one of its
than quadrupled since their covid which employs 28,000 people the delivery group dismissed larger cases.
lows. This has given Frasers, that saw the Queen pass away worldwide and operates 751 cine- rumours it was in ‘secret’ takeover
whose other brands include Evans days after Liz Truss became Prime mas in ten countries, filed for talks with a Luxembourg-based The AIM-listed firm, which
cycles, Flannels, Jack Wills and Minister. bankruptcy in the us in a bid to private equity firm. funds insolvency litigation
agent Provocateur, a value of With trading continuing as nor- ‘significantly’ reduce its massive in a statement on Thursday, cases, has applied for the deci-
£3.8bn. That is enough for it to mal, the FTSE 100 index rose debt pile of £7.5bn. shares fell 1pc, royal Mail said the claim from sion to be reviewed at the
join the blue chips next week 1.2pc, or 89.01 points, to 7351.07 or 0.04p, to 4.1p. Dave Ward, the General secretary Court of Appeal.
when defence giant Meggitt is and the FTSE 250 gained 1.6pc, or The London Stock Exchange of the cWu, was not true. The firm has decided to write
delisted following its takeover by 309.74 points, to 19188.03. Group’s takeover of Quantile FTsE 250 firm 4imprint enjoyed down the full value of the case
us rival Parker-Hannifin. sterling was also on the march, moved a step closer after it was a better showing with brokers.
rising as high as $1.1647 having hit
in its forthcoming half-year
ashley owns 69pc of Frasers – a provisionally cleared by the uk analysts at Barclays raised the
stake worth over £2.6bn – and his a 37-year low of $1.1406 on competition watchdog. target price of the marketing results. With profits set to fall
son-in-law Michael Murray took Wednesday. The competition and Markets group, which makes promotional by £2.3m, the company has so
over as chief executive this year. Mining stocks led the charge in authority (cMa) referred the products such as bags and pens, far paid out £636,756 on the
ashley was last in the FTsE 100 London as copper prices rose on deal for an investigation in May to 5800p from 4800p. case. Shares crashed 15.3pc,
six years ago before his company, the back of the weaker dollar and after the exchange operator shares rose 5.7pc, or 200p, to or 38.5p, to 214p yesterday.
then known as sports Direct lower than expected inflation snapped up Quantile for up to 3735p by the close.
High Low High Low
Aerospace & Defence
Aston Martin ...........482 4+26 8 1963 2 371 4
3 1

BAE Systems..........78438 -3 83838 52834

1 1


Support Services
Ashtead Gp.............4292xd+87 6450 3359
Babcock Intl ............32038 -258 38014 29518
Chemring Gp ..........29912xd -1 36712 256 Biffa ........................402xd +2 41534 283
Meggitt ....................79858 79858 73238
National Express 187.50 +12.88% Travel sector optimism Bridgepoint Group 259.00 -14.63% Technical glitch
Bunzl.......................2899 +32 3163 2397
QinetiQ ...................334 -3 39414 243 Darktrace 379.20 +12.49% Recovers losses Computacenter 2182.00 -11.44% Profit slump DCC ........................4938 +148 6486 4750
Rolls-Royce ............7812 +18 14712 7114 Ferrexpo 156.10 +7.14% Chinese inflation cools Vistry Group 800.00 -2.50% Broker rating Diploma ..................2534 +54 3460 2158
TI Fluid Systems .....149xd +634 28712 136 Essentra .................19758 -38 357 19138
Aston Martin 482.80 +5.71% Places more shares Bytes Technology 431.20 -2.00% Sector concerns
Banks Experian .................2730 +38 3667 2285
4imprint 3735.00 +5.66% Target price hiked Telecom Plus 1792.00 -1.32% Sell-off continues Ferguson ................10135+10513305 8680
Banco Santander ....21938 +378 29078 19338
Hays .......................121 +314 17538 109
Bank of Georgia......2125 +45 2125 986 High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low
Barclays ..................16878xd+258 21718 14058 Bellevue Hlthcare ...177 +4 208 13238 VinaCapital Vietna ..508 +9 545 454 Housebuilders Savills .....................951 2xd+18121450 902 Homeserve .............1190 +3 1190 60812
Mining 1

HSBC Hldgs ...........525xd -12 56714 35934 BlackRock Smlr ......1330 +50 2185 1254 Witan Invest ............22212xd +4 257 202 SEGRO...................93058xd+23143612 89158 Intertek Gp ..............4000 +28 5782 3873
502 Wwide Healthcare...3450 +55 3810 2825 Barratt Devel...........422 4+11 4 760 408 8 Anglo American ......2926 12xd+13214170 2 1 247052 Shaftesbury ............40258 -258 662 40058 IWG ........................14812 +378 310 14434
1 3 5 1 1 1

Lloyds Banking .......46xd +34 5518 41 BlkRckWldMining ....606xd +16 792

NatWest Group .......26034xd+638 26314 19278 Caledonia Inv..........3605 +95 4100 3230 XP Power................1920 +54 5540 1798 Bellway ...................2055 +32 3511 1959 Antofagasta ............1195 2xd+44 21781 2 99118 Sirius Real Estate ...8034 +112 144 7818 Mitie Group .............7578 +78 7934 4612
Chrysalis Inv ...........7212 -34 272 6934 Berkeley Grp...........3542 +67 4903 3447 BHP Group .............2280xd+98 3019 1835 4
133 11612 Network Int .............291 8+10 4 371 4 171 4
3 1 3 3
Stan Chartered .......61414xd+213863858 410 Countryside ............26058 +14 530 22534 Centamin ................9158xd +3 10934 7438 Supermarket Income 123
TBC Bank ...............1882 +50 1882 901 City of London IT ....406 +512 425 377 Food Producers 106 Pagegroup ..............402 4xd+13 680 2 383 4
1 1 1
Crest Nicholson ......225 8 +38 41358 22038 Endeavour Mining ...1760xd+33 2100 1510 Target Healthcare ...107 4 +1 4 119 4
5 1 1 1

Edin Inv Trust .........598 +13 657 573 Assoc Brit Foods ....1355 +10 2131 1345
2 Rentokil Initial .........552 8xd +7 636 4 444 2
5 1 1
Virgin Money UK .....15412 +178 21818 12414 Persimmon .............1502 +37 1
2 2883 1442 Evraz ......................81 646 1
4 53 1
8 TR Property IT ........35012 +512 504 343 1
Edin Wwide.............18958 +234 335 160 4 Cranswick ...............3056 +52 3878 2918

644 Greencore Gp .........88 +214 14658 8418 Redrow ...................488xd +958 71834 47038 Ferrexpo .................15618+1038 37938 107 Tritax Big Box .........16638 +338 249 15814 RS Group................1099 +25 1255 812
Beverages European Opp ........702 +5 891 Serco ......................180 4 +1 4 188 4 12114
1 1 1

770 Hilton Food Gp .......961 +14 1250 930 Taylor Wimpey ........108 8 +214 1781 104 Fresnillo ..................72838xd+211 986 14 622 8 Tritax Eurobox ........80xd - 4 117 4 79 2
3 3 5 3 3 1 1 1

Britvic ......................784 +612 94912 741 F&C Inv Trust .........875 +9 946
21812 Premier Foods ........10434 -1 12634 9814 Vistry Group............800 -20 2 1261 2 741 Glencore .................488 8xd+17 4541 2 312 UK Comm Prop.......6612 +12 9338 66 Travis Perkins .........852 4+18 4 1830 805
1 1
Fidelity China ..........23612 +2 352
C&C Group .............17218 +418 26434 16314 Hochschild Mining...63xd +314 17338 5918 Unite Group ............1051 +9 1207 99014
Coca-Cola HBC ......1968 +1412 2687 146012
Fidelity Emg ............603 +10 896 58714 Tate & Lyle .............76114 +13 90612 73312 Industrial Transportation Technology Hardware & Equipment
26712 Unilever ..................3953 +4112 406312 3328 Clarkson .................2725xd+60 4180 2665 Rio Tinto .................4860xd+134 26225 4375 2 Urban Logistics .......168
1 1
Fidelity Eur..............288 +512 345 199 11812
Diageo .....................3797xd+2612410312 3343 discoverIE Gp .........754 +23 1200 597
Fidelity Spec Val .....263 +5 315 250
Redde Northgate ....32712 +712 44012 312 Nonlife Insurance Workspace Gp ........518 +8 899 498
1 1 5
2 2 8
Chemicals Finsbury G&I Tst .....840 +10 930 734 Forestry & Paper Spirent Comms .......26438xd+638 29834 21538
Royal Mail ...............25918 +714 52634 25134 Admiral Gp..............2201xd+34 3526 1729 Retailers
GCP Infra Inv ..........10634 +114 11858 10014 Mondi ......................146712xd+21121980 1309 Telecoms
Croda Intnal ............6866 +210 10410 5908 Beazley ...................606 +13 1
2 606 370 1
Global Smaller ........140 +138 177 13438 Industrials Direct Line Ins.........21258xd+538 31214 19358 ASOS......................67352 -51 3345 6631 Airtel Africa .............13958 +212 17078 9314

Elementis ................10934 +112 15714 97 Greencoat UK .........16312 -114 16514 12934 General Financial Bodycote .................541 1
2 +16 959 500 B&M ........................350 8 +6 2 644 344 8
Johnson Matt ..........2008 +54 2856 1721 Hiscox .....................911 3
4 xd +17 990 1
4 792 3
4 BT Gp .....................14018xd +78 20078 13514
Harbourvest ............2160 +50 2940 2000 3i Group ..................116612 +11 150312 1059 Hill & Smith .............1026 +20 1878 960
Lancashire Hldgs ....515 +1212 660 34658 Burberry Gp ............1711 2+10 2 2063 1482 Helios Towers .........11814 +412 189 110
1 1
Synthomer ..............19114 +678 52412 182 Henderson Sml Co .796xd +19 1324 754 Ashmore Gp ...........22658 +7 37014 192 IMI...........................1142xd+37 1838 1071 Currys .....................6612xd +134 14018 5878
Victrex.....................1777 +27 2600 1590 Herald Inv Trust ......1686 +46 2585 1560 BR Throgmorton .....571 +17 1022 533 Melrose Ind .............12738 +212 18312 10758 Oil & Gas Producers Telecom Plus ..........1792 -24 2250 1010
Dr. Martens .............249 +3 42934 18278
Construction & Materials HG Capital Trust .....36812 +812 454 26712 Brewin Dolphin .......513 517 266 RHI Magnesita ........1894xd+33 3702 1729 BP ...........................45034xd+734 46338 300 Vodafone Gp ..........10812 +58 13912 107
Dunelm Gp .............73612 +23 1521 67012
HICL Infr .................17638xd 183 161 Bridgepoint Group ..259xd-44 8 569 208 Rotork .....................24914xd+558 37338 23234 Capricorn Energy ....24014 +434 24234 17112

Balfour Beatty .........334 +2 334 21558 10258 Capital Gearing.......5100 +30 5180 4905 Smith (DS) ..............27914 +434 45834 26038 Diversified Energy ..13114xd+158 142 9812 Frasers Group ........812 +8 949 2 562 2 Tobacco
1 1
Hipgnosis Songs .....10858 -58 12914
CRH ........................3161 +41 4002 275612 ICG Enterprise ........1080 +38 1314 954 Close Brothers ........1032 +20 1575 987 Smiths Gp ...............1537 +15 1629 135512 Energean ................1418 +7 1418 75412 Greggs ....................1999 +43 3416 1804 Br Am Tob ..............3489 +13 3628 251212
Genuit Group ..........342xd +412 739 333 Impax Enviro Mkts ..44212 +10 583 38112 CMC Markets ..........22912 +9 317 21412 Smurfit Kappa Gp ...2897 +69 4180 2623 Harbour Energy ......48038+1678 530 29812 Howden Joinery ......58434+1334 97558 55238 Imperial Brands ......195212xd+1512195212 1486
Grafton Gp ..............74738+1114 1385 704 JPM American ........773xd +16 795 655 Coats Group ...........5858 +78 8138 57 Spirax-Sarco ...........10865+23017135 9130 Shell........................2300xd+30 2440 183338 Inchcape .................752 +7 928 647
Ibstock ....................19718xd+412 22238 154 JPM Emerg Mkt ......10634 +134 13714 9934 Hargrvs Lansdwn ....85634+2458 1598 76258 Vesuvius .................34658xd+834 560 28458 Tullow Oil ................49 +12 6214 3958 JD Sports Fashion ..12618 -34 2341 10278
1 1 7 Travel & Leisure
Marshalls ................32614 +358 81912 319 JPM Euro Disc. .......38812 +13 582 36612 IG Gp ......................79312 +812 85712 648 Weir Gp ..................151412+2412 1897 132812 Kingfisher................242 8 +4 4 370 2 229 8 888 Holdings...........12378 +34 478 119
Tyman.....................219xd +2 44412 211 JPM Japan IT .........465 +1 729 41212 Integrafin.................268 +934 602 213 Oil Equipment & Services Marks & Spencer ....11758 +34 25678 11678 Carnival ..................78114+2434 176638 61958
Volution...................33712 +512 560 325 Jupiter Fund............10334 +212 265 9138 Intermediate Cap ....128312+2912 2379 1254 Leisure Goods Wood Gp(J) ............13212 +414 25134 12738 Moonpig ..................20434 +978 38458 17538 Compass Gp...........1900 +8 196912 1436
Law Debenture .......736 +13 830 709 Intl Public Prtnshps .168 +3 17414 156 Games Workshp .....7500xd+12511870 6005 Next ........................5882 +66 8426 5732 Dominos Pizza ........255xd +958 46514 22658
Electricity LXI REIT .................151 +1 15334 13358 Investec ..................40434 +878 53634 27558 Watches of Switz ....858 +3212 1518 737 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Ocado Gp ...............75634 +558 189712 68414 easyJet ...................35878 +358 72738 34512
Contour Global .......25612xd +2 258 178 M&G .......................20418xd+478 22714 17814 AstraZeneca ...........10500xd-1211440 8063
IP Group .................69 7
8 xd +1 1
2 141 3
4 66 1
Life Insurance Pets at Home Gp ....321 +1014 519 278 Entain .....................121812xd+18122377 107512
Drax Gp ..................74912xd+17 83112 425 Mercantile IT ...........188 +414 286 17334 Dechra Pharma.......3288 +40 5365 3110
JTC .........................759 +24 936 571
abrdn ......................15138xd+134 26378 14112 Genus .....................2860 +62 5750 2234 Sainsbury(J) ...........20258 +5 30612 19738 FirstGroup...............120 2 +1 8 139 2 85
5 1 5 1 1 1

SSE ........................1790xd+37121920 1525 Molten Ventures .....35534 +714 1154 32634

Monks Inv Tst .........1052xd+20 1450 888 London Stock Ex ....8004xd 8582 6370
Aviva .......................44318xd+618 60278 38214 GSK ........................134858xd+438181038 134414 SSP Group .............225 8 +9 303 4 201 4 Flutter Ent ...............10235 +20 15890 7614
Electronic & Electrical Equipment Morgan Sindall........1670 +40 2600 1630 Man Group ..............256 1
2xd+534 27478 17878
Just Group ..............7234 +234 9538 6314 Hikma Pharma ........128512xd+19 2500 126612 Tesco ......................239 8 +2 2 303 8 237 8 Intercontl Htls..........4793xd+98 5338 4193
7 1 3 3

770 OSB Group .............54552xd +85 599 41834 Legal & General......26214xd+534 30734 23314 Indivior ....................29334 +6 33634 19318 WH Smith ...............1440 +42 180512 1311 Intl Cons Airl ...........111 +3 188 10278

Halma .....................2157 +41 3216 187612 Murray Inc Tst.........818xd +11 934
1076 Paragon ..................495 8 +1 8 617 2 427 4 Phoenix Gp .............61434xd+153870138 56814 PZ Cussons ............19734 +358 249 18234
1 1

Morgan Advanced...24712 +4 41212 24112 Murray Intl Tst.........1240 +12 1320 Mitchells & Butlers ..16538 +318 27034 14918
Ninety One..............201 +434 27738 18334 Petershill Partners ..220 + 2 350 4 194 4 Prudential ...............96138xd+23381509 881 Reckitt Benckiser ....6568xd+50 6808 5391
1 3 3 Software & Computer Services National Express ....18712+2138 28414 16618
Oxford Instruments .2110 +30 2665 1760
24012 Plus500...................1648xd +2 1824 1255 2 St James Place.......1143xd+13173112 1044 Auction Tech...........832 +24 1516 749 Trainline ..................35518+1334 409 159

Renishaw ................3548 +104 5500 3444 Pantheon Intl ..........265 +3 351

Pershing Square .....2875xd+35 3115 2330 Provident Financial .18614xd+134 38158 166 Real Estate Avast.......................71658 -358 721 465 TUI AG....................13814 +618 34318 12312
47312 Quilter .....................10518xd+218 185 9638 Media
Spectris...................2910 +46 4083 2458 Assura ....................64 +114 7614 5958 Aveva Gp ................2944 +26 4032 1924
Personal Assets Tr .49014xd+214 509 Wetherspoon (JD)...521 +712 1095 47134
Equity Investment Instruments Polar Cap Tech.......2045 +53 2750 1778 Rathbone Grp .........1790xd+38 2210 1518 4imprint ...................3735xd+2004045 2240 Big Yellow Gp .........1249 +15 1724 1200 Baltic Classifieds ....142 +7 253 9934
3i Infrastructure.......338 +212 36612 304 Renewables Infra ....14258xd 14714 12314 Ruffer Investment ...304 +2 2 325 230 Ascential .................220 8 +5 8 448 4 195 British Land.............41418 +314 55638 40618 Bytes Technology ...43114 -834 57812 399 Whitbread ...............2602 +51 3438 2431
1 3 3 3

Aberforth Smlr Cos .1208 +26 1572 1144 RIT Cap Partners ....2295 +35 2765 2220 Schroders ...............2660 +18 3871 2578 Auto Trader Gp .......65838xd+18 74134 49912 Captl & Count Prop .11778xd +12 17914 11618 Computacenter .......2182 -282 2978 2182 Wizz Air Hldgs ........2071 +55 5398 1695
Schroder Asia .........518 +11 614 498 SDCL Energy..........11534xd +58 12538 9734 Euromny Inst ..........1450 1466 829 CLS Hldgs ..............17334 +238 237 17138 Darktrace ................37914+4218 985 28758 Utilities
AJ Bell ....................27134 +958 42634 24614
Schroder Oriental ...263 +8 276 25112 Temple Bar .............21912 +312 25438 20358 Future .....................1648 +58 3830 1486 Derwent London .....2430 +2 3717 2352 FDM Group .............743xd +20 1354 723
Alliance Trust ..........991xd +16 1078 887 Scot American Inv...488xd +8 543 44212 TP ICAP..................17114 +814 17114 10212 Informa ...................56034xd+1414 624 46438 Grainger..................26738 +4 32914 25834 Centrica ..................8678 +418 91 5078
Allianz Tech ............24112 +512 370 200 779 70012 Kainos Gp ...............1449 +69 2084 954 2 National Grid...........1071 +5 124512 88458
Scottish Mortgage ...83758 +25 154312 67058 ITV ..........................6458 +258 12578 6114 Grt Portland Est ......737
Apax Global ............169xd +514 235 15738 8314 Health Care Equipment & Services 19 Micro Focus Intl ......520 + 4 520 256 4 Pennon ...................949 +312 1247 916
3 1
Sequoia Econ Infra .8814 +14 11358 ..19134 +4 24634 167 Hammerson ............2138 +18 3978
AVI Global Trust .....18858 +258 222 172 1140 Convatec ................22814xd+238 24534 16678 Pearson ..................91534xd+133891534 57134 Land Securities .......635xd +658 81314 617 NCC Grp .................219 2 31312 16738 Severn Trent ...........2763 +31 3211 2603
Smithson Inv ...........1290 +7 2025
Baillie Giff Japan.....750 +12 1106 662 Syncona..................196 -38 219 157 4 Mediclinic Intl ..........494 8 -1 4 501 2 286 8 RELX ......................2291xd+17 2449 2071 LondonMetric Prop .208 4xd+6 8 285 4 201 4 Playtech ..................454 4 +6 8 770 414 United Utilities.........1056 +1212 117612 96838
1 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 5

Bankers InvTst........10414 +2 125 9512 Templeton Em ........14838 +258 18914 14058 Smith & Neph .........110412+912 1369 1008 Rightmove Group....630 +12 80038 531 Primary Hlth Prop ...13734 +134 16312 13118 Sage Group ............74738+1238 85334 59558 *Ex-Dividend
BBGI Global............17134 +338 18038 158 Vietnam Enter .........686 -3 791 625 Spire Health ............238 -2 25412 206 WPP .......................77114+2314 1224 72534 Safestore Hldgs ......1028 +10 1418 1015 Softcat ....................1277 +27 2240 1217 Source: The Press Association
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
US OPEN 2022 87

Sharapova slams
new crop of stars
Maria SHaraPova turned By MIKE DICKSON tournament complaining that
up at Flushing Meadows on she was having difficulty
Thursday night, and showed in New York controlling the lighter ball the
she has not lost her ability to women use, but here she is.
deliver a caustic observation. world to win a Grand Slam. in her favour is a remarkable
Commentating on the uS Swiatek had the tougher record in WTa finals,
open women’s semi-finals for passage, bouncing back in a including her two French
eSPN, the former world No 1 deciding set to defeat the open triumphs. in her last
recalled a conversation with talented but brittle aryna nine matches to decide
former rival Serena Williams Sabalenka 3-6, 6-1, 6-4. tournaments she has won all
at last year’s Met Gala. Jabeur stopped the player nine, without dropping a set.
‘i was like, “No disrespect to who looked to be in the best and Jabeur reflected: ‘iga
this generation but you are so form, France’s Caroline never loses finals, so it’s
much better, you need to go Garcia, abruptly in her tracks going to be very tough. i
out there”,’ said Sharapova, with a 6-1 6-3 victory. know she struggled a bit
who has recently given birth in Tunisia, where she is known with the balls here, but i don’t
to her first child. as the ‘Minister of Happiness’, see her struggling much, to be
Given that Williams was about her exploits are so widely- honest with you.’
to turn 40 at the time and was followed that her quarter-final
injured, the inference was even managed to knock
clear about the current crop. football off the mainstream
Serena has now moved on television channels.
from the sport, and the final ‘it was the Champions
she has left behind will be league, Juventus playing
between the world No 1 iga Paris Saint-Germain,’ she
Swiatek and Wimbledon said. ‘in Tunisia it’s all
finalist ons Jabeur. about soccer but people
Sharapova is correct to were not watching, they
suggest that there is a were watching my game.’
shortage of elite players on Jabeur feels that her
the women’s side at the experience at Wimbledon,
moment, although it should where she lost in the final
also be said that the strength- to elena rybakina, will help
in-depth lower down is her second time round.
probably greater. ‘it feels more real, to be
and at least the final will be honest, just to be in the finals
between the one standout again. at Wimbledon, i was
player, Poland’s Swiatek, and kind of just living the dream
a challenger who has been and i couldn’t believe it.
clearly the second-best player ‘but now, i hope i’m getting
in the world this season, used to it. i’m just happy
Tunisia’s ons Jabeur. about the fact that i backed
The women’s game also up the results in Wimbledon
retains the capacity to create and people are not surprised Leading lights: Swiatek
history, which would certainly i’m in the finals, keeping going
be the case if Jabeur becomes and just doing my thing.’
(main) and Jabeur (above)
the first woman from the arab Swiatek came into the have had stellar seasons REX

Tennis Correspondent
in New York

oe SaliSbury took
Another triumph Hero Watson
given hall of
fame honour
J his fifth Grand Slam
title last night and
the bragging rights
over Davis Cup team-
mate Neal Skupski when
he successfully defended
for five-star Joe BOXING
inducted into the British boxing
his uS open trophy.
and thrown into the bargain
was the retention of Salisbury’s
status as the world’s No 1 doubles
Slam win takes Salisbury to world No 1 hall of fame this month in
recognition of the inspiration
he has provided in his fight
against brain injuries suffered
player, which had been threat- desperately close with few open-
ened by the 32-year-old from ings until the tiebreak, which saw in the ring 31 years ago.
liverpool. Skupski and Koolhof move into a The three-time world title
accompanied by american Winners
4-1 lead. That changed sharply challenger, who spent 40 days
partner rajeev ram, the again:
when Koolhof dropped both battling for his life in a coma
londoner beat second seeds Salisbury points on his serve, and from after a brutal knockout by Chris
Skupski and Dutch team-mate and Ram there they completed a run of six
Wesley Koolhof 7-6, 7-5 in one Eubank in 1991, will be honoured
(left) straight points to seal it 7-4. by the British Ex-Boxers
hour and 55 minutes.
retained ram faced two break points in Association at a ceremony in
The first match on before last
night’s men’s semi-finals, it was a their the third game of the following London on September 18.
close affair which was just shaded US Open set. on the first he drew an error Since suffering his horrific
by the more established duo but the second one saw Skupski
doubles title middle a backhand return winner injuries, which required Watson
when Skupski had his serve in New York to relearn how to talk, read,
broken as a second tiebreak to go ahead for the first time.
That work was undone when the write and walk after six years in
loomed. Salisbury has now won a wheelchair, he has gone on to
three men’s doubles and two Skupski, starting with an ace,
mixed at the majors. dropped the next four points. The run a marathon and has raised
He and Skupski will be team- fourth team who will be present. the first pair to qualify for the champions could have driven home hundreds of thousands of
mates in the four-way group The event starts on Tuesday and year-end aTP Finals in Turin. the advantage in the next game pounds for charities.
play-offs in Glasgow next week to is set to go ahead after lengthy They have won six finals this when they created another break The 57-year-old told Sportsmail:
determine two teams who will discussions at the lawn Tennis year, more than any other pair, point, which Koolhof saved with a ‘Going in the hall of fame is a
advance to November’s Davis association who, releasing the but lost last time out against the volley. amid a sea of defensive vol- true honour and a privilege. It
Cup finals. information in the middle of the same opposition, at indian Wells leys it continued to be close until has really touched my heart
The quartet on court will be King’s speech, said they had in early spring. the break point at the end.
last night’s semi-finals were that fans and people have not
reunited soon enough, with ram made the decision after careful it was the anglo-american pair
playing in Scotland for the uSa consideration. who had the first chance when due to feature Casper ruud forgotten me and that I have
a n d Ko o l h o f r e p r e s e n t i n g Skupski and his Dutch partner they forced a break point against a g a i n s t Ka r e n K h a c h a n o v, been able to do good from my
Holland in the round robin have had an outstanding season, the Skupski serve in the third followed by Carlos alcaraz against situation. I am blessed. This has
competition. Kazakhstan are the to the extent that they became game. other than that it was america’s Frances Tiafoe. made me very happy.’
88 Racemail Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Fahey tipping
Platinum to
strike gold on
Hoo beauty! Boughey
soft ground
Racing Correspondent
bids for Classic double
TRAINER Richard Fahey is Hoo Ya Mal can secure tomorrow’s
backing The Platinum
Queen to cope with the MARCUS historic prize.
To do that he must overcome the
softest ground she has
ever encountered when
TOWNEND two-length gap between him and
odds-on favourite New London
the speedball filly lines up Racing Correspondent when the met in the Gordon Stakes
in tomorrow’s Flying at Doncaster at Glorious Goodwood.
Childers Stakes. But Boughey has reasons to
HE Cazoo St Leger believe that can happen and is also

Oisin Orr’s mount has only buoyed by David Probert’s mount
ever raced on good to might be one of the proving his stamina when winning
firm going which has most exacting tests the mile-and-three-quarter March
allowed her to show her of stamina in the Flat Stakes at Goodwood on his last
electric pace, winning at racing calendar and start.
Glorious Goodwood in an Team effort: Boughey with stable staff and St Leger hope Hoo Ya Mal Boughey said: ‘Ryan (Moore) lost
it could be won by a trainer his whip before the final furlong in
exceptional time before who is conducting his career
blazing a trail in the have a Group Two winner, having Harry Eustace, but he the one the Gordon Stakes. He was pretty
Group One Nunthorpe at a sprint. had a Group Three winner last making the most waves. sure he would have finished closer if
If Hoo Ya Mal can land the year. He is assured of a top-20 finish in that hadn’t happened. It was a very
Stakes at York against rescheduled final Classic of the ‘To have a Classic winner so early the Flat trainer championship and creditable run.
older opponents, when season at Doncaster tomorrow on was great. It is something I would his prizemoney haul of £1.5million ‘He then stepped forward
she beat all but the what will be a poignant day’s racing not even have dreamt of two years — closing in on double his 2021 tally massively when winning the March
in-form filly Highfield following the death of the Queen, it ago. It was a distant hope. I don’t — will soar within touch of the £2m Stakes. It was an easier race but he
Princess. will be a second Classic victory of think that would have even been in mark if Hoo Ya Mal can land the settled well and hit the line strongly
The ground on the season for George Boughey after the 10-year plan! £450,000 St Leger first prize. over one mile six furlongs on good-
Doncaster’s Town Moor is his victory in the 1,000 Guineas in ‘We started with three modest Even if Hoo Ya Mal wins, it will be to-soft ground.
May with Cachet. horses three years ago and after his third and last run for Boughey ‘He was keen in his races but he is
currently good to soft but The Newmarket-based trainer also winning a Classic I could die happy before he emigrates to Australia doing everything the right way
there are thundery landed his first wins at Royal Ascot if I stopped training tomorrow. with the Melbourne Cup in his round now, enabling himself to stay
showers in the forecast this summer, thanks to Missed The Winning Royal Ascot handicaps is sights. by being more relaxed. Physically
which Fahey described as Cut (Golden Gate Stakes) and also very hard. The colt, who finished second in he has changed since we got him.
‘hit and miss’. Inver Park (Buckingham Palace ‘My only plan was to try to have the Derby at Epsom when trained He is a different animal now.
The Malton-based trainer Stakes) and it is long odds-on that 100 winners because we have had by Andrew Balding, was sold for ‘He got a very good ride in the
said: ‘I wouldn’t say I am he will secure the 16 more wins he more horses. We still have a lot of £1.2m to an Aussie syndicate which Derby from David Probert which
worried about the needs to reach 100 successes in a nice two-year-olds which haven’t includes well-known Australian was a big part in my decision of
season in only the third full year of been seen yet and my ethos has trainer Gai Waterhouse. wanting him again to ride in the St
ground but she has never always been winners lead to better Leger.
his career. Pa r t o f B o u g h e y ’ s t r a i n i n g
run on soft and I would In between inspecting yearlings horses.’ apprenticeship was served with ‘New London has never run over
not want it to get too and potential new recruits at the Boughey is part of a new Waterhouse, who will be Hoo Ya 14-and-a-half furlongs and Hoo Ya
Ta t t e r s a l l S a l e s c o m p l e x i n generation making their mark in Mal’s trainer when he lines-up in Mal has proven he will stay and the
Newmarket this week, Boughey Flat racing’s HQ alongside James the Melbourne Cup. big galloping track will allow us to
said: ‘My plan this year was just to Ferguson, Charlie Fellowes and Before then Boughey is hopeful see the best of him.’

12.30 Chaldean 12.30 Chaldean
Stakes when he had Jumby and Sacred behind him and race conditions look
1.00 Able Kane 1.00 Juan Les Pins perfect for him to follow up. MAIN DANGER: DOUBLE OR BUBBLE, last
1.35 The Platinum Queen
2.10 Whenthedealinsdone
2.10 Bergerac
2.10 —CORAL PORTLAND HANDICAP (2) £100,000 added ITV4
(£51,540) 5f 143yds (22) year’s runner-up, should be in the mix again coming into the race in good form.

2.45 Trueshan
3.20 KINROSS (nap)
2.45 Trueshan
3.20 Kinross
401 (16) 4L1505 JUSTANOTHERBOTTLE 29 (B) (C&DD3) (GS) K Ryan 8-9-12

402 (8) L10220 DAKOTA GOLD 25 (C&DD6BF) (GS) M Dods 8-9-11 ........... C Beasley
O McSweeney (5)
3.55 115yds
SERIES) (1) (3-Y-O) £786,000 added (£445,741) 1m 6f ITV4
3.55 New London (nb) 3.55 New London (nb)
4.30 Johan 4.30 Flor De La Luna 403 (13) 223475 MAKANAH 25 (CDBF) (GS) J Camacho 7-9-10 ....................P Hanagan 1 (5) 1-11L ELDAR ELDAROV 59 (BF) (GS) R Varian 9-3 .....................David Egan
5.05 Inchicore 5.05 Inchicore 404 (20) 5-07021 WHENTHEDEALINSDONE 8 (P) (D) (GS) R Teal 4-9-9 ...... D Tudhope 2 (8) 5021 EL HABEEB 26 K P De Foy 9-3 .........................................P J McDonald
405 (22) 803211 BERGERAC 25 (B) (D3) (G) K Ryan 4-9-6 ................................. T Eaves 3 (9) 14-133 FRENCH CLAIM 78 P Twomey (IRE) 9-3............................. D Tudhope
NEWMARKET – 3.55 NEW LONDON (nap); 5.05 Mahrajaan (nb). 406 (2) 845-L70 SIGNIFICANTLY 25 (D) (S) K R Burke 4-9-5............................. S James 4 (2) 1-14321 GIAVELLOTTO 37 (H) (G) M Botti 9-3 ........................................N Callan
NORTHERNER – 1.35 THE PLATINUM QUEEN (nap); 4.30 Point Lynas (nb). 407 (4) 8110L7 BURNING CASH 15 (C2) (G) P Midgley 4-9-5 .............. Ryan Sexton (5) 5 (7) 2-32231 HOO YA MAL 15 (T) (GS) G Boughey 9-3 ............................... D Probert
408 (19) 257110 INTRINSIC BOND 16 (C&DD3BF) (GS) T Waggott 5-9-4 .... JP Sullivan 6 (4) 1-1211 NEW LONDON 45 (GS) C Appleby 9-3....................................... W Buick
12.30—CORAL CHAMPAGNE STAKES (GROUP 2) (1) (2-Y-O) £134,220
added (£79,458) 7f 6yds (3) 409 (1) 0L53L1 NIGHT ON EARTH 33 (HP) (G) I Williams 4-9-4 ...................... D Probert
410 (7) 1300-L0 PROJECT DANTE 25 (S) B Smart 3-9-3 .............................P Mulrennan
(6) 515243 EMILY DICKINSON 43 (BF) A P O’Brien (IRE) 9-0 .............. S M Levey
(3) 11 HASKOY 24 R Beckett 9-0.......................................................... L Dettori
Bullish: Trainer Fahey 101 (1)
102 (2)
511 CHALDEAN 25 (D2) A Balding 9-2............................................. L Dettori
512 INDESTRUCTIBLE 25 (G) M O’Callaghan (IRE) 9-2 ...........David Egan
411 (6) 54L045 NOMADIC EMPIRE 8 (V) (D) (G) D O’Meara 4-9-2 ...................N Callan
412 (11) 294116 LEQUINTO 41 (D3BF) (G) A Carroll 5-9-1 ...................................H Doyle
9 (1) 37141 LIZZIE JEAN 44 (H) I Furtado 9-0 ................................................H Doyle
103 (3) 411 SILVER KNOTT 22 (D2) C Appleby 9-2 ...................................... W Buick Probable SP: 4-5 New London, 9-2 Eldar Eldarov, 6 Hoo Ya Mal, 7 Haskoy,
413 (9) 143743 GHATHANFAR 9 (V) (D4) (G) T Waggott 6-9-1 ........................... D Swift
heavy. She is in great Probable SP: 10-11 Silver Knott, 15-8 Chaldean, 4 Indestructible.
414 (14) 867621 CHIPSTEAD 22 (D) (G) R Teal 4-9-1 ....................................F Larson (5)
14 French Claim, 16 Emily Dickinson.
FAVOURITES: 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 3 1
FAVOURITES: 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 3
form and I am very happy 2021: Bayside Boy 2 9 0 (David Egan) 5-1 R Varian drawn (2) 4 ran.
415 (12) 24445-0 MOTAGALLY 15 (B) (D4) (G) S Dixon 6-9-1.............................P Dennis 2021: Hurricane Lane 3 9 1 (William Buick) 8-11 Fav C Appleby drawn (4)
416 (15) 852050 SUNDAY SOVEREIGN 25 (T) (D2) (S) T Easterby 5-9-1 ....... J Crowley 10 ran.
with her. We were
delighted with her in the 1.00 —CAZOO
HANDICAP (2) £50,000 added (£27,000) 6f 111yds

201 (13) L440-11 SHINE SO BRIGHT 120 (H) (D4) (G) A Balding 6-9-10 ...NON RUNNER
417 (18) 010-8LL ATALANTA’S BOY 14 (H) (C&DD6) (GS) Martin Smith 7-8-13 Jacob Clark (7)
418 (17) 3LL761 LORD RIDDIFORD 47 (GS) J J Quinn 7-8-13 ..........................B Garritty
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: NEW LONDON is the favourite but he will be hard
to beat. He looked a perfect candidate for this race when landing the Gordon
419 (21) 1042L3 DUSKY LORD 14 (D) (G) R Varian 4-8-12 ............................David Egan Stakes at Glorious Goodwood. MAIN DANGER: HOO YA MAL, the Derby
Nunthorpe and she was 202 (8) 0-10100 ASJAD 50 (C) (S) James Horton 4-9-5 ..............................P J McDonald 420 (10) 267L70 ZARGUN 43 (P) (S) S Dixon 7-8-12 ........................................... K O’Neill runner-up, was behind the selection at Goodwood but showed he stays when
203 (5) 450219 FOOLS RUSH IN 22 (PT) (D3) (GS) H Palmer 4-9-2 ...........H Davies (3) 421 (3) 136147 CALL ME GINGER 8 (C&DD4) (G) J Goldie 6-8-12 ..... Amie Waugh (5)
beaten by a filly who is in 204 (2) 2845L0 LORD OF THE LODGE 22 (D2) (G) K R Burke 5-9-1......... S Feilden (7) 422 (5) 365470 COUNT D’ORSAY 25 (S) T Easterby 6-8-11 ................................D Allan
winning the March Stakes back at the track. He never runs a bad race.
unbeatable form at the
205 (1) 034102 MUMS TIPPLE 8 (D) (G) R Hannon 5-9-1 .............................. S M Levey
206 (11) 102-L78 BELLOSA 15 (T) (D2) (G) J Chapple-Hyam 4-9-0 ......................H Doyle
207 (10) 110LL1 TANMAWWY 16 (H) (C) (GS) C Hills 4-9-0 ............................. J Crowley
Probable SP: 5 Whenthedealinsdone, 7 Makanah, 8 Chipstead, 10 Bergerac,
12 Burning Cash, Dakota Gold, Lequinto, 14 Justanotherbottle, Intrinsic Bond, 4.30 —P
added (£25,770) 1m (18)
(9) 1400-1L JOHAN 142 (C&DD5) (S) M Channon 5-9-12 .......................David Egan
Ghathanfar, Night On Earth, 16 Lord Riddiford, Count D’Orsay, Dusky Lord.
208 (6) 210910 LION TOWER 24 (D4) (G) G Tuer 5-8-13 .................................. S James 2 (13) L5-8325 BRUNCH 93 (D3) (G) M Dods 5-9-12....................................... C Beasley
The Platinum Queen faces 209 (9) 0-37010 RAATEA 43 (H) (G) J Camacho 5-8-11 .......................................... G Lee
FAVOURITES: 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 (W 9-3). AGES: 5 4 4 7 4 5 5 3 5 4
2021: Hurricane Ivor 4 9 10 (Tom Marquand) 11-2 Fav W Haggas drawn (5) 3 (5) 1142L3 TYRRHENIAN SEA 24 (D3) R Varian 4-9-11 ........................ D Tudhope
seven opponents which 210 (14) 216034 ABLE KANE 15 (C&DD2) (GS) B Millman 5-8-10...................... W Buick 16 ran. 4 (11) 722-202 SYMBOLIZE 37 (BF) (GS) A Balding 5-9-10 ............................ D Probert
211 (12) 451111 JUAN LES PINS 38 (CD) (G) M Appleby 5-8-10 ..................F Larson (5) GOODFELLOW’S PICK: WHENTHEDEALISDONE was a very impres- 5 (1) 030-94L ASTRO KING 49 (V) (D2) (G) Sir M Stoute 5-9-7........................H Doyle
include the Richard 212 (7) 832144 HYPERFOCUS 41 (P) (BF) (S) T Easterby 8-8-9 .........................D Allan sive winner when sauntering to victory at Ascot last week and should be able to 6 (7) 3107-LL DASHING ROGER 9 (D5) (GS) W Stone 5-9-2 .......................... N Currie
Hannon-trained Trillium, 213 (3) 267L70 ZARGUN 43 (D) (S) S Dixon 7-8-7 ............................................. C Hardie take the leap in his handicap rating in his stride. MAIN DANGER: DAKOTA 7 (8) 04L212 EMPIRESTATEOFMIND 26 (B) (D5) (S) J J Quinn 4-8-13
B Robinson
214 (4) 143619 MITROSONFIRE 17 (D) (GS) W Muir & C Grassick 4-8-6 ........ H Turner GOLD has a good track record and will be suited by being back racing on a
who was an impressive Probable SP: 7-2 Tanmawwy, 5 Juan Les Pins, 6 Able Kane, 13-2 Mums softer surface. 8 (2) 112L-L0 POWER OF BEAUTY 87 (PT) (G) H Palmer 3-8-13 ............H Davies (3)
9 (18) 2860-LL FLOR DE LA LUNA 16 (HPT) (S) M Appleby 5-8-13.............. J Crowley
winner of the Molecomb Tipple, 10 Hyperfocus, 12 Mitrosonfire, Fools Rush In, Asjad, Bellosa.

Stakes at Glorious
FAVOURITES & 2021: No corresponding race.
2.45 197yds
CHAMPIONS SERIES) (1) £130,000 added (£73,723) 2m 1f
10 (6) 026174 FAME AND ACCLAIM 36 (D3) (S) J L Eyre 5-8-13 ...............P Hanagan
11 (17) 410361 ATRIUM 23 (D2) C Fellowes 3-8-11 ............................................ W Buick
Goodwood on his
1.35 £115,000 added (£65,216) 5f 3yds (8)
301 (6) 1223L4 CRISPY CAT 45 (D) M O’Callaghan (IRE) 9-3 .....................David Egan
501 (6) 221142 COLTRANE 23 (BF) (GS) A Balding 5-9-7 ............................... D Probert
12 (10) 313842 ARTHUR’S REALM 43 (C&DD2) (S) E Dunlop 4-8-11 .............Oisin Orr
13 (12) 2L02L3 GISBURN 16 (S) R Hannon 3-8-10 ....................................P J McDonald
502 (4) 121115 GET SHIRTY 22 (GS) D O’Meara 6-9-7 ................................. D Tudhope
previous start. 302 (3) 1845 HARRY TIME 29 M O’Callaghan (IRE) 9-3 .............................L F Roche
503 (7) 700841 ISLAND BRAVE 8 (G) H Main 8-9-7 ..................................P J McDonald
14 (4) 76L243 BULLACE 22 (D) (G) R Beckett 4-8-9 ................................... C Shepherd
15 (15) 51-2178 LAASUDOOD 43 (C&D) (G) R Hannon 3-8-7 ..................NON RUNNER
303 (1) 11 PRINCE OF PILLO 29 (D) (G) K Dalgleish 9-3 .................... C Rodriguez
The Platinum Queen is 304 (4) 232936 FUNNY MONEY HONEY 10 J Harrington (IRE) 9-0...................H Doyle
504 (8) 552153 RESHOUN 23 (P) (C) (GS) I Williams 8-9-7............................. J Crowley 16 (3) 05-6015 ATASER 65 (C) T Kent 4-8-6 ...................................................... H Turner
505 (3) L1L0-L1 STRATUM 85 (D) (GS) W P Mullins (IRE) 9-9-7 ....................... W Buick
owned by Middleham 305 (8) 31 LADY HAMANA 25 (D) K R Burke 9-0....................................... S James 506 (5) 111-113 TRUESHAN 47 (S) A King 6-9-7...................................................H Doyle
17 (16) 21-0311 POINT LYNAS 23 (H) (D2) (G) E Bethell 3-8-6 .......................R Dawson
18 (14) 524122 MASTER RICHARD 23 (D2) (G) Mrs A Duffield 3-8-2 ............ W Pyle (7)
306 (2) 211233 MALRESCIA 8 (T) (D) (S) G Boughey 9-0 .................................. W Buick
Park Racing and their 307 (7) 10112 THE PLATINUM QUEEN 23 (D3) (G) R Fahey 9-0...................Oisin Orr
507 (1) 344592 HAIZOOM 18 (S) K Dalgleish 4-9-4 ............................................ S James
508 (2) 2/8214-8 LISMORE 130 (P) (GS) H De Bromhead (IRE) 5-9-4............... L Dettori
Probable SP: 11-2 Tyrrhenian Sea, 13-2 Atrium, 15-2 Astro King, 10
Symbolize, Point Lynas, Bullace, Brunch, 12 Empirestateofmind, Master Richard,
light blue silks may also 308 (5) 211 TRILLIUM 46 (D) (G) R Hannon 9-0 ........................................... P Dobbs
Probable SP: 11-8 The Platinum Queen, 2 Trillium, 15-2 Crispy Cat,
Probable SP: 1-2 Trueshan, 5 Coltrane, 6 Get Shirty, 14 Stratum, 20 14 Johan, Arthur’s Realm, Ataser, Gisburn, 16 Fame And Acclaim.
be carried in the same 10 Malrescia, 12 Prince Of Pillo, 20 Lady Hamana, Funny Money Honey. FAVOURITES: 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 AGES: 6 7 5 6 7 3 8 5 4 7
FAVOURITES: 3 1 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 1 (W 9-2). AGES: 5 4 3 6 5 3 3 4 3 3
FAVOURITES: 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 0 3 2021: Royal Fleet 3 9 1 (William Buick) 11-8 Fav C Appleby drawn (7) 8 ran.
race by the Keith 2021: Stradivarius 7 9 8 (L Dettori) 4-11 Fav J & T Gosden drawn (5) 6 ran.
Dalgleish-trained Prince
2021: Caturra 2 9 1 (Adam Kirby) 7-1 C Cox drawn (7) 11 ran.
early speed when thrown in against older rivals in the Gr 1 Nunthorpe Stakes
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: TRUESHAN looks a class apart from his rivals
here with the going and the trip made to measure. He was 3rd to Kyprios and 5.05 —CORAL
MALLARD HANDICAP (2) £60,000 added (£32,400)
1m 6f 115yds (13)
(3) 13-3L23 MAHRAJAAN 23 (BF) (G) W Haggas 4-10-2 ...................NON RUNNER
Of Pillo, unbeaten in his at York’s Ebor meeting and only finding in-form Highfield Princess too good.
Stradivarius in the Goodwood Cup on his last run and doesn’t face rivals of that
calibre. MAIN DANGER: COLTRANE was 4th in the Goodwood Cup and 2 (8) 917245 DARK JEDI 16 (S) T Easterby 6-10-1 ....................................D Fentiman
last two outings. MAIN DANGER: TRILLIUM produced a massive step up in form when readily while he has over four lengths to make up on the selection he continues to run 3 (5) 653-314 INCHICORE 71 (S) A King 5-10-0.................................................H Doyle
dismissing some useful rivals on her drop back to 5f in the Molecomb Stakes at well in a hugely successful season. 4 (11) 1-134L2 GOING GONE 36 J Boyle 4-9-13........................................... P Cosgrave
However, if too much rain Glorious Goodwood. 5 (12) 283104- MR CURIOSITY 274 (H) (S) C Fellowes 5-9-11 ................... C Shepherd
arrives for Pat Dobbs’s
3.20 —CAZOO PARK STAKES (GROUP 2) (1) £120,000 added ITV4
(£68,052) 7f 6yds (9)
(7) 021104 HALIPHON 8 I Williams 5-9-11 .......................................B Sanderson (3)
(2) L40001 THEMAXWECAN 36 (P) (G) C & M Johnston 6-9-11 ............. C Beasley
mount, he could be GOING: Good to soft-soft in places. STALLS: Straight centre; remain-
601 (5) 63301L JUMBY 22 (D3) (G) E J-Houghton 4-9-9 ................................... D Probert 8 (9) 546611 WISE EAGLE 15 (P) (GS) A Nicol 5-9-11 .............................. D Tudhope
602 (2) 49-3821 KINROSS 22 (D4) (GS) R Beckett 5-9-9 .................................... L Dettori 9 (6) LL3712 SIR CHAUVELIN 16 (GS) J Goldie 10-9-10.........................P Mulrennan
pulled out to run at Ayr der inside. DRAW ADVANTAGE: None. Top jockey: William Buick. 603 (1) 6131-05 AL SUHAIL 22 (H) (D3) (GS) C Appleby 5-9-6 ........................... W Buick 10 (13) 100222 HMS PRESIDENT 15 (B) (GS) E J-Houghton 5-9-8................... W Buick
next week. Top trainer: R Varian. Placed in the race last year: 2.10 Count 604 (6) 424013 GARRUS 35 (GS) C Hills 6-9-6................................................. J Crowley 11 (10) 337142 FAIR STAR 31 (P) B Ellison 6-9-6 ......................................... B Robinson
D’Orsay (3rd); 5.05 Hms President (2nd). Headgear first time: 1.35 605 (9) 5321L2 MISTY GREY 14 (D3) T Dascombe 5-9-6 ....................................H Doyle 12 (1) 147L64 MOLIWOOD 36 (BT) (G) Dylan Cunha 4-9-5..................... C Howarth (5)
Malrescia, 4.30 Astro King, Flor De La Luna, 5.05 Moliwood, Mr Curi- 606 (8) 28-1051 DOUBLE OR BUBBLE 14 (D4) (GS) C Wall 5-9-3 .................. J Mitchell 13 (4) 2-13121 SONGO 45 (H) (G) M Harris 6-8-12 ............................................ P Dobbs
osity. Longest travellers: Indestructible (12.30), Harry Time (1.35), 607 (4) 171-556 SACRED 22 (T) (D2BF2) (G) W Haggas 4-9-3........................... C Fallon Probable SP: 9-2 Inchicore, 6 Hms President, 7 Wise Eagle, 15-2 Going Gone,
SWIATEK v JABEUR Crispy Cat (1.35), Funny Money Honey (1.35), Lismore (2.45), Stra-
tum (2.45), New Energy (3.20), French Claim (3.55), Emily Dickinson
608 (7) 8-33287 NEW ENERGY 63 (D) S Lavery (IRE) 3-9-2 .............................Oisin Orr
609 (3) 5-75052 THE WIZARD OF EYE 44 (S) J S Moore 3-9-2 .....................David Egan
8 Sir Chauvelin, Themaxwecan, 10 Songo, Dark Jedi, Haliphon, 14 Mr Curiosity,
Fair Star, 16 Moliwood.
IN US OPEN FINAL (3.55) Ireland; Call Me Ginger (2.10) & Sir Chauvelin (5.05) 245 miles.
Drop in Class: 4.30 Johan is down 3 grades on last run (Group 2 to
Probable SP: 2 Kinross, 9-2 Garrus, 5 Sacred, 13-2 Al Suhail, 8 Double Or
Bubble, Jumby, 14 New Energy, 16 Misty Grey.
FAVOURITES: 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 3 2 0 (W 9-3). AGES: 3 5 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 5
2021: Rhythmic Intent 5 9 12 (Hollie Doyle) 6-1 S C Williams drawn (5)
FAVOURITES: 0 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 AGES: 4 3 6 3 6 4 5 5 3 6
SEE PAGE 87 Class 2). First run since wind surgery: None today.
2021: Glorious Journey 6 9 4 (William Buick) 5-2 C Appleby drawn (3) 6 ran.
10 ran.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
Racemail 89
Winning smile:
Boughey with TODAY’S BIG RACE
1,000 Guineas FOR OUR
winner Cachet
Vadeni victory
TO DONCASTER on the cards
at the Curragh
Soumillon believes
amazingly well that
day. Since that day we

QR CODE Vadeni will again

show he is special
when he tries to add
this afternoon’s Irish
are dreaming high.
‘We went to Sandown
hoping he was in the
same good form and
OR VISIT Champion Stakes at
Leopardstown to his
win in the Eclipse
he produced exactly
what we were hoping
for. It was a very Stakes at Sandown in
July. The Jean-Claude
strong race — there
were not a lot of
Rouget-trained runners, but the
/racemail French Derby winner
faces John and Thady
quality was high. I
think it was the best
Gosden-trained Eclipse we have seen
Eclipse Stakes for a long time.
runner-up Mishriff, ‘I think Mishriff will
who Vadeni beat a be the main danger
head with a sharp for me again. He was
burst of speed, plus a bit unlucky at
Aidan O’Brien’s one- Sandown.’
time Derby hope With James Doyle out
Luxembourg, the injured, Ireland’s
2,000 Guineas runner- champion jockey
BY GEORGE, HE’S GOOD! up who returned from Colin Keane has
a long break to win at picked up the ride on
GEORGE BOUGHEY Age: 30 the Curragh last Mishriff, who was
n Studied agriculture & business month. brushed aside by the
management at Newcastle University. Soumillon said: ‘It outstanding Baaeed
n Previously assistant trainer to Hugo was a surprising win in York’s International
Palmer in Newmarket & Gai in the French Derby Stakes last month.
when Vadeni won
Waterhouse in Australia MARCUS TOWNEND
n Granted trainer’s licence: 2019
n Career wins: 197 LEOPARDSTOWN RTV

n First victory: Three C’s (Lingfield,

August 13, 2019) 1
3.45 —IRISH CHAMPION STAKES (GROUP 1) (1) E840,336 added
(E487,395) 1m 2f (7)
(3) 29-161L ALENQUER 70 (D3) (S) W Haggas (UK) 4-9-9 ...................T Marquand
n Classic wins: Cachet (2022 1,000 2 (7) 20-5144 BROOME 14 (C&D2D3BF) (GS) A P O’Brien 6-9-9............ W M Lordan
3 (5) 14-L232 MISHRIFF 24 (D4) (GS) J & T Gosden (UK) 5-9-9 ................ C T Keane
Guineas) 4 (6) 111-31 LUXEMBOURG 28 (D) (S) A P O’Brien 3-9-3......................... R L Moore
Royal Ascot wins: Missed The Cut 5 (4) 12-8151 ONESTO 58 (T) (D) (S) F Chappet 3-9-3 ................................S Pasquier
6 (1) 2-11635 STONE AGE 35 (C&DD) A P O’Brien 3-9-3 ...................... J A Heffernan
(Golden Gates Stakes) & Inver Park 7 (2) 13-5111 VADENI 70 (D2) (GS) J C Rouget (FR) 3-9-3 ..................... C Soumillon
(Buckingham Palace Stakes) — both Probable SP: 5-4 Vadeni, 10-3 Mishriff, 7-2 Luxembourg, 6 Onesto, 16
Alenquer, 20 Stone Age.
2022 FAVOURITES: 2 2 2 1 3 0 1 1 2 1 AGES: 5 4 3 3 3 5 3 4 5 3
2021: St Mark’s Basilica 3 9 3 (Ryan Moore) 5-6 Fav A P O’Brien drawn (4)
4 ran.


O) E336,134 added (E201,681) 7f (12)
1.25 Fossos 1.25
2.00 Betweenthesticks 2.00 Commission
1.50 La Petite Coco 1.50
Above The Curve
3 (11)
31 AMAZING SHOW 51 (D) G M Lyons 9-2 ................................ C T Keane
93 ETERNAL SILENCE 15 J Harrington 9-2..................................... S Foley
21L GAN TEORAINN 22 (B) J S Bolger 9-2 ...............................K J Manning
1.25 —APPRENTICE HANDICAP (6) £7,500 added
(£3,726) 5f 16yds (5)
1 (4) 6L0- AUTUMN ANGEL 321 A Carroll 3-9-9 ... Mollie Phillips (3)
Wade’s Magic
Wade’s Magic
2.25 Highfield Princess 2.25 Highfield Princess 3.40 Connie’s Rose 3.40 Connie’s Rose
3.00 Tahiyra 4 (5) 6213L7 LA DOLCE VITA 15 (D) Donnacha O’Brien 9-2 ...................... G M Ryan 2 (2) 467 CORONATION COTTAGE 12 (C&DD4) (GS) M Saunders
3.00 Meditate 5 (4) 3131 LAKOTA SIOUX 36 (D2) (G) C & M Johnston (UK) 9-2 .... R Kingscote 4.20 Zakram 4.20 Moondial
3.35 Aesop’s Fables 3.35 Marbaan 8-9-4 C Hutchinson (3)
6 (12) 1111 MEDITATE 22 (C&DC) (G) A P O’Brien 9-2 ........................... R L Moore 3 (5) L42 NACHO 30 (PT) (D3) D McCain 4-9-1 ............. H Russell 4.55 Mayson Mount 4.55 Danny Bleu
4.10 Kyprios 4.10 Kyprios
7 (6) 3113 NEVER ENDING STORY 22 (C&DDBF) A P O’Brien 9-2 .. W M Lordan 4 (1) 133 FOSSOS 3 (BT) (C&D2D) (GS) D Faulkner 4-8-13


MARES’ GROUP 2) (1) E168,067 (E100,840) 1m 2f (13)
1612 PAPILIO 37 (C) J A Stack 9-2 ................................................J P Spencer
712 SHELTON 15 (C&DBF) P Twomey 9-2....................................... W J Lee 5 (3) L98 KASWARAH 3 (P) J G O’Shea 4-8-9 ...Gina Mangan (3)
T Fisher (7) 3.40 —HANDICAP
6f 16yds (7)
(5) £9,000 added (£4,536)

1 (6) 311 HIROMICHI 22 M Channon 4-9-12..................G Bass (3)

10 (10) 15L1 SYDNEYARMS CHELSEA 40 (D2) (S) C Hills (UK) 9-2 ........ R Hornby Probable SP: 11-8 Nacho, 9-4 Fossos, 9-2 Coronation
1 (1) 2111-13 LA PETITE COCO 24 (C&D2) (S) P Twomey 4-9-11 ................ W J Lee 2 (2) 355 WINNETKA 46 (D2) (GS) A Carroll 5-9-11
11 (7) 1 TAHIYRA 47 (D) D K Weld 9-2 ................................................ C D Hayes Cottage, 6 Autumn Angel, 16 Kaswarah.
2 (11) 452374 EMPHATIC ANSWER 24 (C) (S) J P O’Brien 4-9-8 .......... D McMonagle Mollie Phillips (5)
12 (8) 13 THORNBROOK 22 (D) J P O’Brien 9-2 .............................. D McDonogh
3 (12) 41L4-22 INSINUENDO 29 (CD) W McCreery 5-9-8 .............................. C T Keane
(7) 7-41341 RUMBLES OF THUNDER 30 (D) (S) P Twomey 4-9-8 .............. S Foley
(9) 3-121 ABOVE THE CURVE 105 (D2) (S) J P O’Brien 3-9-5 ............ R L Moore
Probable SP: 4-5 Meditate, 9-2 Tahiyra, 8 Never Ending Story, 10 Thornbrook,
Sydneyarms Chelsea, 14 Papilio. FAVOURITES: 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 3 2 0
2.00 —MAIDEN
STAKES (5) (2-Y-O) £6,800 added
(£3,672) 5f 16yds (7)
(4) 225 BETWEENTHESTICKS 13 M Channon 9-7 ...G Bass (3)
3 (4) 982 DANAH STAR 108 H Evans 3-9-9 .................. D Costello
4 (3) 133 CONNIE’S ROSE 12 (C&DC) (G) G Harris 3-9-5
C Hutchinson (5)
2021: Discoveries 2 9 2 (Shane Foley) 17-2 J Harrington drawn (8) 8 ran.
6 (5) 70112 DIDN’THAVEMUCHTODO 32 J P O’Brien 3-9-2................ D McDonogh 2 (3) 7 COMMISSION 9 M Tregoning 9-7 ....................C Bennett 5 (1) 140 GREY GALLEON 16 (P) (D3) (G) R Teal 8-9-3
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: TAHIYRA is a sister to the brilliant Tarnawa and
7 (10) 122165 GALLERIA BORGHESE 16 (D) A P O’Brien 3-9-2 ........... J A Heffernan 3 (7) CONGRESS C Cox 9-7.......................................... J Fahy S Osborne (3)
was a very easy winner on debut at Galway in a race her trainer has used tp
8 (3) 4L-1274 LYRICAL POETRY 32 (H) (DBF) J P Murtagh 3-9-2 ............. C D Hayes 4 (6) 74 CLUEDO 12 H Candy 9-2 ...................................D O’Neill 6 (5) 564 PROPHECY 29 (P) S Durack 6-8-12 ................. L Morris
launch some stable stars. MAIN DANGER: MEDITATE looks a pretty obvious
9 (2) 11036 ONE FOR BOBBY 45 (T) J P Murtagh 3-9-2........................... B M Coen 5 (1) 2L3 COMEDIAN LEADER 33 (P) (BF) G Kelleway 9-2 ... L Morris 7 (7) 5-97 THE EMBEZZLER 164 J G O’Shea 3-8-10
threat having won the Albany Stakes at Royal Ascot and the Debutante Stakes
10 (6) 221 ONLY 31 A P O’Brien 3-9-2................................................... W M Lordan 6 (2) 93 FURNICOE 75 G Kelleway 9-2 .................. S Osborne (3) Gina Mangan (5)
at this track.
11 (13) 724325 SEISAI 15 (S) J P O’Brien 3-9-2............................................. S M Crosse 7 (5) 673 OUR FLORENTINE 11 (P) G Boughey 9-2.. B Sayette (3) Probable SP: 6-4 Hiromichi, 11-4 Connie’s Rose,
12 (8) 423231- SUNSET SHIRAZ 327 G Cromwell 3-9-2 ................................G F Carroll
13 (4) 1-74999 WEST COAST 16 A P O’Brien 3-9-2 .................................E J McNamara
1 (3)
3.35 (1) (2-Y-O) E336,134 added (E201,681) 7f (6)
11 AESOP’S FABLES 22 (C&D) A P O’Brien 9-5 ....................... R L Moore
Probable SP: 5-2 Betweenthesticks, 7-2 Our Florentine,
Commission, 11-2 Comedian Leader, 13-2 Congress, 10
6 Winnetka, 13-2 Prophecy, 10 Danah Star, 14 Grey Galleon,
20 The Embezzler.
Probable SP: 15-8 La Petite Coco, 7-2 Above The Curve, 5 Insinuendo, Cluedo, 20 Furnicoe.
13-2 Rumbles Of Thunder, 14 One For Bobby, Only, Didn’thavemuchtodo.
FAVOURITES: 1 0 1 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 AGES: 3 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 3 3
21 AL RIFFA 36 (C&D) J P O’Brien 9-5 .................................. D McMonagle
212 HANS ANDERSEN 22 (C&D) A P O’Brien 9-5 .................. J A Heffernan
2.35 —MAIDEN STAKES (5) £8,000 added (£4,320)
5f 16yds (7)
4.20 —NURSERY (6) (2-Y-O)
(£3,726) 1m 14yds (7)
1 (6) 652
£7,500 added

ZAKRAM 8 (BF2) D O’Meara 9-13 ........... Mark Winn (7)

2021: La Petite Coco 3 9 2 (Billy Lee) 16-5 P Twomey drawn (1) 8 ran. 4 (4) 3111 MARBAAN 47 (D2) (G) C Fellowes (UK) 9-5 ......................J P Spencer
1 (4) 65 ANGUS DE BULL 24 J G O’Shea 6-9-8 ... Gina Mangan (5) 2 (5) 313 AMARILLO GOLD 8 (D) (G) J Osborne 9-11...S Osborne (3)
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: LA PETIT COCO was not disgraced behind Alpi- 5 (6) 113 PROUD AND REGAL 22 (C&DDBF) Donnacha O’Brien 9-5 . G M Ryan
3 (2) 341 MOONDIAL 9 D & C Kubler 9-10 ....................... L Morris
nista and returns to a track where she has won 3 of her 4 starts including in this 6 (2) 3113 SHARTASH 36 (C) J P Murtagh 9-5......................................... B M Coen 2 (5) 5 CLOUD CUCKOO 18 H Candy 3-9-7 ................D O’Neill
3 (7) 63L MY GENGHIS 34 A Carroll 3-9-7........................ L Morris 4 (7) 673 PEDRO AND THE BEAR 22 (P) T Dascombe 9-9
race last year. MAIN DANGER: ABOVE THE CURVE won a group one in Probable SP: 4-5 Aesop’s Fables, 11-2 Marbaan, 6 Hans Andersen, 13-2
P-L Jamin (3)
France last time and is significantly partnered by Ryan Moore. Proud And Regal, 10 Al Riffa, 12 Shartash. FAVOURITES: 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 (1) 85- OASIS GIFT 309 C Cox 3-9-7 ............................... J Fahy
2021: Native Trail 2 9 5 (William Buick) 7-2 C Appleby drawn (7) 7 ran. 5 (6) L-8 BUDDY’S BEAUTY 127 (H) J Gallagher 3-9-2 ..F Marsh 5 (1) 0L9 FULLFORWARD 66 R Hughes 9-4 ...................G Rooke

(GROUP 1) (1) E336,134 added (E201,681) 5f (19)
(2) 5-12130 A CASE OF YOU 85 (T) (CD) (S) A McGuinness 4-9-6...........R Whelan
Proud And Regal behind him when staying on strongly to win the C&D Futurity
ISCHIA 20 (BF) J Fanshawe 3-9-2.............. B Sayette (3)
LA EQUINATA 20 M Murphy & M Keady 3-9-2
T Fisher (7)
6 (3) L76 SPIREITE BOY 24 (P) G Kelleway 9-2 ..............D O’Neill
7 (4) L74 SOLITARY TREES 8 (P) G Boughey 9-0 ... B Sayette (3)
Probable SP: 9-4 Moondial, 5-2 Zakram, 3 Amarillo Gold,
Stakes. MAIN DANGER: MARBAAN showed big improvement when winning
2 (3) 0-72015 DRAGON SYMBOL 23 (H) (D2) (G) R Varian (UK) 4-9-6 ......... S Foley the Vintage Stakes at Glorious Goodwood. Probable SP: 11-10 Ischia, 10-3 My Genghis, 4 La 8 Solitary Trees, 10 Fullforward, 14 Pedro And The Bear.
3 (15) 6-34112 EROSANDPSYCHE 16 (V) (D4BF) (G) P Twomey 4-9-6 .......... W J Lee Equinata, 6 Oasis Gift, 14 Cloud Cuckoo.
4 (13) 654098 GUSTAVUS WESTON 36 (C3) (S) Joseph G Murphy 6-9-6 ... G F Carroll
5 (9) 121128 RAASEL 23 (D9) (GS) M Appleby (UK) 5-9-6 ......................... J Watson
4.10 1) (1) E420,168 added (E243,697) 1m 6f (11) 3.10 —HANDICAP
16yds (13)
(2) £25,000 added (£12,885) 6f 4.55 —HANDICAP
1m 14yds (14)
(6) £7,500 added (£3,726)

1 (6) 9/L-1 ZEALOT 8 (D) E J-Houghton 4-9-13 ............. G Downing

6 (17) 21921-6 THE HIGHWAY RAT 16 (D3) A Oliver 4-9-6........................ W M Lordan 1 (2) 217-551 CAMORRA 79 (BT) (C&D) (S) G M Lyons 5-9-11 ................. C T Keane
2 (8) 24/147-1 HAMISH 129 (D2) (GS) W Haggas (UK) 6-9-11 ................. R Kingscote 1 (10) 8-24 CHURCHILL BAY 29 (T) C Cox 4-9-12 ................ J Fahy 2 (13) 472 ACCRINGTON STANLEY 31 (HT) (D) (G) Paul George
7 (16) 11242-5 CASTLE STAR 57 (C&DC) J A Stack 3-9-5 .........................J P Spencer 2 (9) 56L BLUEBELL TIME 3 (CD) (S) M Saunders 6-9-6... T Whelan 4-9-11 Rhiain Ingram (3)
8 (1) 5-25383 CATURRA 44 (P) (D2) (GS) C Cox (UK) 3-9-5 .......................... A Kirby 3 (5) 1/1-3 JASON THE MILITANT 75 (T) (BF) (S) H De Bromhead 8-9-11..R Whelan
4 (6) 14-1111 KYPRIOS 47 (D2) (GS) A P O’Brien 4-9-11 ............................ R L Moore 3 (1) 439 UNDER CURFEW 16 (CD2) (G) A Carroll 6-9-5 3 (8) 902 LUXY LOU 51 A Wintle 4-9-9 .........................T Heard (3)
9 (18) 38-5471 EBRO RIVER 42 (B) (CD2) (S) H Palmer (UK) 3-9-5 ............... B Curtis Mollie Phillips (5) 4 (1) 1L0 FOUR FEET 39 (D) H Candy 6-9-8 ....................D O’Neill
10 (14) 112L60 NEW YORK CITY 23 (D) A P O’Brien 3-9-5 ........................... R L Moore 5 (1) 581-121 RAISE YOU 29 (C&DC3) (S) J P O’Brien 6-9-11 ................. S M Crosse
6 (4) 224-1LL SEATTLE CREEK 29 (P) L Comer 4-9-11 ............................ N M Crosse 4 (8) 121 BONITA B 13 (P) (D2) (S) M Channon 3-9-3 .G Bass (3) 5 (10) 562 MOUNTAIN ASH 17 (V) (D) (S) B Millman 4-9-7.. T Whelan
11 (10) L13L97 CHOCQUINTO 16 (C&DD3) (G) Miss H McLoughlin 5-9-3 . A J Slattery 5 (11) 261 CABEZA DE LLAVE 21 (G) M Attwater 3-9-1 ..D O’Neill 6 (4) 055 JAMES JUDE 90 A West 3-9-6 ........................C Bennett
12 (7) 211611 HIGHFIELD PRINCESS 23 (D) (GS) J J Quinn (UK) 5-9-3 .......... J Hart 7 (11) 4/140-18 SHANROE 22 (T) (C&DD2) (S) K Thornton 8-9-11 .................. R Colgan
8 (9) 25-0167 PRINCESS ZOE 47 (C) (GS) A Mullins 7-9-8 ..................... J M Sheridan 6 (13) 434 SYMBOL OF HOPE 25 (P) (D) (G) G Harris 4-8-13 7 (14) 633 DEFILADE 26 (T) Mrs S Leech 6-9-6 ................ L Morris
13 (11) 0-23242 MOONEISTA 57 (C&DD2BF) J Davison 4-9-3 ....................... C T Keane L Morris 8 (9) 6L1 DANNY BLEU 20 (P) (C) (S) J Spearing 4-9-5
14 (4) 1310-10 ROMANTIC PROPOSAL 64 (C&DC2D) E Lynam 6-9-3 ....... C D Hayes 9 (7) 111D12 ROSSCARBERY 21 (D) (S) P Twomey 4-9-8 ............................ W J Lee
10 (10) 14-2472 SEARCH FOR A SONG 29 (T) (C&D2C) (G) D K Weld 6-9-8 ... C D Hayes 7 (6) 243 HANDYTALK 13 (CD4) (GS) B Millman 9-8-13 .. O Searle (7) Georgia Dobie (3)
15 (5) 21-4116 BROSTAIGH 57 (D2) (S) J P O’Brien 3-9-2 ....................... D McMonagle 8 (3) 255 VAPE 16 (P) (D3) (S) J Flint 5-8-12....................... W Cox 9 (3) L37 LETTER OF THE LAW 13 (V) (S) J G O’Shea 3-9-4
16 (19) 2-42310 FLOTUS 23 (GS) S & E Crisford (UK) 3-9-2 ..................... J A Heffernan 11 (3) 6353LL MANU ET CORDE 31 (BE) J S Bolger 3-9-2.......................K J Manning
Probable SP: 4-9 Kyprios, 5 Raise You, 8 Hamish, 10 Rosscarbery, 16 Search 9 (2) 274 DELAGATE THIS LORD 32 (D4) (GS) S Hodgson 8-8-12 Gina Mangan (5)
17 (12) 31-2317 GEOCENTRIC 57 (D3) G M Lyons 3-9-2 ............................ Mark Enright T Ladd 10 (12) 535 ALBUS ANNE 18 J Fox 3-9-3 .......................L Catton (5)
18 (6) 132-201 LADIES CHURCH 57 (T) (C&DD2) (G) J P Murtagh 3-9-2..... B M Coen For A Song, 20 Camorra.
FAVOURITES: 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 2 AGES: 6 4 6 3 7 5 3 3 4 4 10 (5) 331 WADE’S MAGIC 11 (P) (D3) (GS) T Easterby 5-8-10 11 (5) 955 LILANDRA 17 (P) (D) (G) J Flint 5-9-3 ........ A Keeley (5)
19 (8) 4530L8 SALITEH 16 (T) (D) A Murray 3-9-2 ........................................... G Halpin Brandon Wilkie (7) 12 (11) 17L MAYSON MOUNT 31 (C&D) (G) A Wintle 5-9-2 ...F Marsh
Probable SP: 7-4 Highfield Princess, 13-2 Mooneista, Romantic Proposal, 8 A 2021: Sonnyboyliston 4 9 11 (Ben Coen) 4-1 J P Murtagh drawn (12) 13 ran.
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: KYPRIOS probably hasn’t got the credit he 11 (7) 433 SOI DAO 11 (P) B Millman 3-8-10.........Gina Mangan (5) 13 (2) 699 NICK VEDDER 110 (D) (G) R Brisland 8-9-2 ....... W Cox
Case Of You, Ladies Church, 10 Dragon Symbol, Ebro River, 12 Raasel, Flotus. 12 (4) 478 MORE THAN LIKELY 59 (D5) (G) Mrs N Evans 6-8-5 14 (7) 643 CAILIN SAOIRSE J11 (BF) Alexandra Dunn 3-8-11
FAVOURITES: 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 AGES: 5 3 5 8 4 3 3 3 4 5 deserves for winning the Ascot Gold Cup and Goodwood Cup and should be
effective at this slightly shorter distance. MAIN DANGER: HAMISH is a tal- G Rooke B Sayette (3)
2021: Romantic Proposal 5 9 3 (C Hayes) 16-1 E Lynam drawn (13) 13 ran. 13 (12) 446 SAPPHIRE’S MOON 6 (G) A Carroll 3-8-2 Probable SP: 11-4 Zealot, 6 Mountain Ash, 13-2 Accrington
GOODFELLOW’S PICK: HIGHFIELD PRINCESS is arguably the best ented performer when he gets dig in the ground and this distance looks ideal.
Rhiain Ingram (3) Stanley, 8 Defilade, 10 Danny Bleu, Luxy Lou, 12 Cailin
sprinter in Europe at the moment after she followed her win in France’s Prix Mau-
rice de Gheest with a scintillating performance in the Nunthorpe Stakes at York. HOTSPOTS Probable SP: 10-3 Bonita B, 11-2 Wade’s Magic, 8
Churchill Bay, Cabeza De Llave, 10 Handytalk, Symbol of
Saoirse, James Jude, Lilandra, 16 Four Feet.
MAIN DANGER: A CASE OF YOU has been a bit below par but has claims on
last year’s 2nd place and his win in the 2021 Prix de L’Abbaye de Longchamp. CAPTAIN HEATH TRIO Hope, Soi Dao, Delagate This Lord, 12 Vape, Under Curfew.
DOUBLE OR BUBBLE (nap) (Doncaster, 3.20) TRACK FACTS: L-H course. GOING: Soft.
TRACK FACTS: R-H course. GOING: Straight: yielding; round:
good to yielding. DRAW ADVANTAGE: None. Top jockey: Colin TANMAWWY (nb) (Doncaster, 1.00) STALLS: Centre. DRAW ADVANTAGE: High on UK/IRISH COMMENTARY AND RESULTS
Keane. Top trainer: A P O’Brien. Placed in the race last year:
1.15 Big Gossey (1st); Gulliver (4th); 1.50 La Petite Coco (1st); 2.25
CHALDEAN (Doncaster, 12.30) straight course. Top jockey: Luke Morris. Top train-
er: J G O’Shea. Headgear first time: 2.00 Comedian 09016 09 29 39
Romantic Proposal (1st); A Case Of You (2nd); 5.20 Max Mayhem WORK WHISPER Leader, Our Florentine, 2.35 Buddy’s Beauty, 3.40 FOR RACING TIPS CALL
09016 09 53 39
(1st); Finans Bay (4th). Headgear first time: 1.15 Exquisite Acclaim, GIAVELLOTTO (Doncaster, 3.55) Prophecy, 4.20 Spireite Boy, 4.55 Letter Of The Law.
1.50 Lyrical Poetry, 3.00 Gan Teorainn, 4.10 Search For A Song, WEIGHTING GAME Longest traveller: Zakram (4.20) 235 miles. Drop
WADE’S MAGIC (Chepstow, 3.10) Down 6lb from last winning mark. in Class: 2.00 Commission is down 2 grades on last
Manu Et Corde, 4.45 Red Sky At Night, 5.20 Team Of Firsts. Longest BURNT FINGERS Calls cost 65p per min plus your telephone company’s network access charge.
travellers: 16 runners from the UK. Drop in Class: None today. First run (Class 3 to Class 5); 4.20 Pedro And The Bear
ABLE KANE (Doncaster, 1.00) (2). First run since wind surgery: None today. Tipster information updated at 10am daily. SP: Spoke. Help: 0808 272 0808
run since wind surgery: None today.
90 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022


Master and
Vettel with
in 2006

Sebastian Vettel is leaving F1 after 15 years

I wasn’t axed… it was

EBASTIAN Vettel Martin owner Lawrence Stroll is I wonder whether in light of his

S is a riddle wrapped not famed for his patience, and it views he might consider either
up in racing over-
JONATHAN is highly believable he pulled the WATCHING BRIEF... quitting now or working for free
trigger. Vettel’s predecessor, ITALIAN GRAND rather than accept money from
alls. Or last week in McEVOY Sergio Perez, learned of his
PRIX, MONZA Saudi-owned Aramco, the third of
a T-shirt that read: at Monza dismissal by overhearing Stroll the three biggest oil companies in
‘Climate Justice Now.’ Well, impart the news on the phone to Qualifying: Today 3pm. the world that have paid him his
not quite now, as it hap- someone else. Race: Tomorrow 2pm. fortune.
Verstappen has made this season One theory is that Vettel’s ‘Um,’ he says. ‘We drivers are not
pens, but at the end of the predictable. backing of ‘Just Stop Oil’ protest-
TV: LIVE on Sky Sports F1.
running the sport.
season, when the quadruple There were a few turning points ers at Silverstone after they ran on ‘To give you the truth, if they
world champion leaves in Vettel’s story. His sojourn at the track was the last straw. enough to have money to imple- paid us 10 per cent of what we are
Formula One aged 35. Ferrari yielded 14 wins but no titles So what’s the truth? Did he jump ment solar panels on my roof. I can getting we’d all still be here
As engaging as he once was after two close calls, so that was or was he pushed? afford an electric car. I choose to because we love driving. Yes, we
quick, still intelligent and likable, mission unaccomplished. If there ‘No, I wasn’t sacked,’ says the drive to every race in Europe are burning fuel to race, otherwise
he has transformed himself into an was an emblem of failure it was German, sitting inside the team rather than fly, apart from Silver- we wouldn’t go anywhere. But it is
eco-warrior in recent seasons, him binning it in the wet while motorhome ahead of tomorrow’s stone and Hungary. not our job to sign up various
which he knows is a have-your- leading his home race at Italian Grand Prix. ‘Coming to my views on the sponsors along the way.
cake-and-eat-it proposition in the Hockenheim in 2018. ‘A lot of things led me to my deci- environment wasn’t a trauma, a ‘I have lots of ideas and when I
gas-guzzling game. He left Ferrari and joined Aston sion. The environmental concerns sudden thing. It’s just that I have step away from the sport we will
Alas, he is not the performer he Martin, where his form has been are only one reason. Seeing my visited so many places around the see what I can do with my money,
was, and languishes 12th in the sadly punctuated by errors. kids grow up is another.’ world and seen changes. though it is a very private
standings. So lightning bright was And in Hungary before the And as for his stance on the ‘Now we don’t have any snow. question. I’d like to implement
he as a youngster that he was fast- summer break, he announced he climate? Forest fires are in Germany, change and help kids, perhaps set
tracked into Toro Rosso and then was leaving — not least to make ‘People say I am greenwashing,’ France, London. There’s drought something up — I could put money
to Red Bull. He won all his titles time for wife Hanna and their three he says, acknowledging the rub in in the summer. into that.’
between 2010 and 2013. Heavens, children. travelling to 22 races across the ‘Having my own children is a What about becoming a politi-
he claimed nine race victories back But there are rumours he was world. ‘I am and we are, but I try factor in seeing things in the way I cian? ‘No, it’s a very difficult job.’
to back — and we think Max sacked. The bombastic Aston to do what I can. I am fortunate now do. Life isn’t only yours.’ Vettel will be replaced next

Monza kicks off with tributes to Her Majesty

THERE was a minute’s silence for Hamilton was seventh quickest ‘She was a symbol of hope and she
the Queen and the shows went on.
By JONATHAN McEVOY and that is not the end of his served her country with dignity, 1 VERSTAPPEN (Red Bull) 310
When practice started it was woes. He will go to the back of the dedication and kindness. 2 LECLERC (Ferrari) 201
Ferrari leading the way ahead of sparkling wine will be sprayed grid for taking on a fourth engine. ‘She was truly like no other and
the Italian president’s visit to remains under discussion. Verstappen and Sainz will also be I’m grateful to have lived during 3 PEREZ (Red Bull) 201
Monza tomorrow. Most of the 125,000-crowd relegated. The world champion her time. I had the incredible
Mercedes duo Lewis Hamilton expected will hope it will be a has a new internal combustion honour of being able to spend 4 RUSSELL (Mercedes) 188
and George Russell stood next to Ferrari man on the top step. There engine in his power unit and time with her. It is something I’ll 5 SAINZ (Ferrari) 175
Formula One’s bosses, Stefano is a decent chance of that after regresses five slots. Sainz has a never forget.
Domenicali and Mohammed ben Carlos Sainz set the fastest time glut of engine changes and is ‘We talked about our shared love 6 HAMILTON (Mercedes) 158
Sulayem as the silence was of yesterday, but the Scuderia destined to start further down the of dogs and she was incredibly
observed in the pit lane. have not claimed a victory in the order with Hamilton. generous with her time. CONSTRUCTORS
Personnel from the 10 teams — last four races as Max Verstappen The seven-time world champion, ‘I know the whole nation and
seven of which are based in the has galloped to victory in them all who received his MBE from the others around the world will be
1 RED BULL 511
UK — gathered outside their to move 109 points clear of his Queen in 2009, paid tribute to the mourning her loss. My thoughts 2 FERRARI 376
garages as a giant black-and-white nearest challenger, Sainz’s team- deceased monarch, saying: ‘Since are with her family and all those
image of the Queen was beamed mate Charles Leclerc, who had set the sad news yesterday, I’ve been close to her, who have lost a loved 3 MERCEDES 346
on the podium. Whether the usual the pace in the first session. reflecting on her incredible life. one. Rest in peace.’
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Glory days:
Vettel enjoys
It’s all go for
his 2012 title
and (right)
takes a stand
Lafai after

stop signs
A HARSH winter in Salford is no
substitute for the sun-kissed
beaches of Sydney; the Super
League will never compare to the
But as Tim Lafai prepares for
today’s play-off eliminator against
Huddersfield Giants, the Samoan
centre can reflect on a season
which has already proved beyond
his fondest imaginings.
After a decade playing Down
Under, Lafai’s career was on the
slide and he wound up working as
a traffic control officer on
construction sites around Sydney.
But then last December — after a
year out of rugby league — Paul
Rowley’s Red Devils offered
31-year-old Lafai a lifeline.
He took it and helped take Salford

and four world titles, but he insists…

into the play-offs after a brilliant
campaign which saw him named in
the Super League Dream Team.
Lafai said: ‘Moving to Salford was
a sliding doors moment. Twelve
months ago, I was working in

my call to quit
traffic control, holding up a “stop/
slow” sign, and also labouring. I
was going through a dark time,
working six days a week, getting
up at four in the morning.
‘They were 12-hour days and some
days I wouldn’t see my four kids.

season by Spaniard Fernando

Alonso — at 41, six years his senior
and the man he replaced at Ferrari
back in 2015.
AS HE prepares to say VETTEL’S JOURNEY SO FAR...
Here in Monza, Vettel (right)
considers his six years in the red farewell at the end of the 2007: Makes his F1 debut.
car, carrying Italy’s hopes on this season, here are Vettel’s 2008: Vettel wins with Toro
shoulders. numbers from his 15 years at Rosso at Monza, becoming the
‘I had a brilliant time,’ he says. ‘I the top level. then youngest-ever GP winner,
got to know Italy from a different aged 21.
point of view. WORLD TITLES... 4
‘But my big target was to win the RACES... 293 2009: Moves to Red Bull.
championship and we failed. I VICTORIES... 53 2010: Wins the world title.
scored too few points. I crashed Passion play: Tim Lafai
when I shouldn’t have. We PODIUMS... 122 2011: Defends his title. GETTY

weren’t quick enough when POLE POSITIONS... 57 2012: Wins his 3rd world title. Now I get downtime with them
we needed to be. n HIS first world title in 2010, and it’s little things like dropping
‘But I have no major 2013: Vettel seals his 4th them off at school or spending
regrets. The smash at
aged 23, made him the consecutive championshp.
youngest champion in the time with them on their birthdays.
Hockenheim is a small one. 2014: Fails to win a race all ‘Playing for Salford has made me
If I could go back, I’d have history of the sport. rediscover my passion for the
season and moves to Ferrari.
braked even earlier! n VETTEL is tied with Michael game.’
‘But that doesn’t 2018: Finishes 2nd to Lewis Salford operate with the lowest
Schumacher for the most
matter so much as Hamilton two years in a row. playing budget in Super League
that I tried most of wins in a season (13 in 2013).
2020: Vettel finishes 13th. His but Rowley has worked wonders in
the time to treat n BUT the German’s last his first year in charge after
people the way I Ferrari contract isn’t renewed
race win was back in 2019 Richard Marshall was axed
wanted to be and he joins Aston Martin. following last season’s second-
for Ferrari in Singapore.
treated.’ 2022: Announces retirement. bottom finish.
Rowley has taken unwanted and
inexpensive players and
transformed the Red Devils into a

Archer to join training camp SPORT IN BRIEF

VUELTA A ESPANA (Spain) — Stage 19
ICE HOCKEY — Premier Sports Challenge
Cup Group A: Fife v Dundee. Elite League:
Manchester v Coventry, Nottingham v Guild-
well-organised, highly-motivated
force who punch above their
Lafai, who has formed a potent
ENGLAND are planning to invite
Jofra Archer on their red-ball
CRICKET (Talavera de la Reina to Talavera de la
Reina): 1 M Pedersen (Den) Trek-Segafredo
ford, Sheffield v Cardiff.
RUGBY LEAGUE — Betfred Super League
partnership on Salford’s left-edge
3hrs 19mins 11secs, 2 F Wright (GB) Bahrain with winger Joe Burgess, added:
winter training camp to help the By RICHARD GIBSON Victorious, 3 G Vermeersch (Bel) Alpecin-
Deceuninck, 4 B Turner (GB) INEOS Grenadiers.
Play-Off Round 1 (1.0): Huddersfield v Salford.
Ch’ship (3.0): Whitehaven v Newcastle. ‘Rowls just gets the best out of
fast bowler’s comeback from injury. Overall: 1 R Evenepoel (Bel) Quick-Step Alpha RUGBY UNION — Gallagher Premiership each player. The mood in the camp
Archer, 27, is sidelined with the ECB’s medical team have refused to Vinyl Team 73hrs 18mins 23secs. (3.0): Exeter v Leicester, London Irish v
is confident but now it’s time to
Worcester, Newcastle v Harlequins, Bristol v
second stress fracture of the back pressure the Sussex bowler by ÷FORMULA ONE Bath (5.30). work even harder.
of his career, but hopes to return to placing a target date on his return. ITALIAN GRAND PRIX (Monza) — 2nd Practice: ÷TOMORROW
‘Huddersfield are a top-four team
gentle bowling this month. But he could travel to Abu Dhabi on 1 C Sainz Jr. (Sp) Ferrari 1min 21.664secs, for a reason, so we’ve got to go toe
He began 2022 rehabilitating his a pre-Pakistan Test tour gathering 2 M Verstappen (Hol) Red Bull 1:21.807, 3 C
Leclerc (Mon) Ferrari 1:21.857, 4 L Norris (GB)
CRICKET — Third ODI: Australia v New
Zealand (Cairns, 05.20am).
to toe and be better than them.’
in November, which will also McLaren 1:22.338, 5 G Russell (GB) Mercedes ICE HOCKEY — Elite League: Cardiff v That today’s opponents are
right elbow after a pre-Christmas GP 1:22.386, 6 S Perez (Mex) Red Bull 1:22.394, Manchester, Coventry v Nottingham, Guild- managed by ex-Salford coach Ian
operation, only for scans to then include England Lions players 7 L Hamilton (GB) Mercedes GP 1:22.503, 8 E ford v Sheffield. Premier Sports Challenge Watson, who jumped ship to join
Ocon (F) Alpine 1:22.728, 9 F Alonso (Sp) Alpine
pick up the back injury on the eve heading for Sri Lanka in early 2023. 1:22.752, 10 A Albon (Tha) Williams 1:22.835.
Cup Group A: Dundee Stars v Glasgow Clan.
Huddersfield in November 2020,
RUGBY LEAGUE — Betfred Championship
of a playing return in June. Fellow bowler Mark Wood has joined (3.0): Bradford v Widnes, Halifax v Feath- adds spice to the showdown.
Now it is anticipated he could finally the third Test set-up at the Oval this erstone, Leigh v Batley, London Broncos v
Barrow, York v Workington.
Lafai added: ‘Of course there is
be match-fit by the end of the year, week as he builds fitness ahead of CRICKET — Women’s First Twenty20 Inter-
national: England v India (Riverside, 7.00pm). RUGBY UNION — Gallagher Premier- going to be that extra tension, but
barring any further setbacks. The the Twenty20 tour of Pakistan. Third Test Match—day 3 of 5: England v South ship (3.0): Gloucester v Wasps, Sale v we’ll let the fans drive that stuff.’
Africa (The Kia Oval, 11.00am). Northampton.
92 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022


Financially-striken Worcester
hope adversity will fire them
to victory against Irish today
ORCESTER are season and just make the numbers staff, owners and the wider audience.

as ready as they up. If Irish are better than us, fine, He is a really good to man to follow.
but we are not going to just go there, In Dimes we trust!
can be for a game roll over and have our bellies tickled. ‘It doesn’t bother me too much,
they feared might There is no point in going there if we what is going on, but you’ve got to
not happen, as don’t think we can win.’ reach out to the younger players who
the future of the club hung in by The Worcester squad and staff have are struggling financially and make
rallied behind Diamond, the director sure that they’re able to get through.
the balance. What they lack in CHRIS FOY of rugby who has taken the lead in People have done that, and even
preparation, they hope to Rugby Correspondent forging a spirit of unity in adversity. housed other players for periods of
make up for with unity. ‘Dimes laid the law down pretty time and still are doing.’
This afternoon, Steve Diamond’s early on,’ said Kvesic. ‘He said we are Neild does not anticipate having to
Warriors will seek to put aside the lad and there is worry about the going to ride this out and stay tight. I say too much to his team-mates to
financial turmoil which has engulfed future. But you can’t look too much think we’ve done that pretty well. motivate them for today’s clash with
them and make a sporting statement into the future. You have to stay in The attitude has been good; as the Exiles. ‘The lads are fully fired
in their Premiership opener against the present.’ positive as you can be. up,’ he said. ‘I don’t think that’s
London Irish in Brentford. There is Kvesic was asked if he had ‘ Yo u’ r e a l w a y s g o i n g t o a s k because of what has gone on. I’ve
still uncertainty behind the scenes, considered leaving and added: ‘Not questions about what is going on. A joined a group who have aspirations
as staff wait for wages and takeover once did I think about jacking it in. I lot of what we see is through the to win rugby games. Our main
talks rumble on — with the threat am very focused on here. For me, this Press and social media, but Dimes intention is to turn up Saturday, then
of administration and relegation is my home. To see where we are now has kept us in the loop as much as he take small motivation from the
looming — but Worcester’s players is upsetting. can. We just have to take what he owners not paying us on time.
are ready to demonstrate their ‘It’s something that has brought us says as gospel. He’s probably one of ‘When you cross the white line, you
professionalism and purpose. closer together. At one point, we the best blokes to have in this aren’t thinking about what’s coming
Matt Kvesic began his career at didn’t know if we were going to situation.’ into your bank at the end of month.
Sixways and, having returned to the be playing another game for That sentiment was echoed You’re thinking about the guy that’s
club who gave him his shot, the Worcester, so it gives you a by the Warriors’ captain today, coming head-first into you and how
30-year-old flanker explained how new perspective and the Cameron Neild, a summer you can put him back on his arse.
Diamond’s squad have coped with group has been way more recruit from Sale. Worcester’s That’ll be the last thought going on
the recent upheaval. ‘There has been together than I’ve ever debutant leader knows in my mind and probably the rest of
dark humour; boys offering to pay experienced. Hopefully, we’ll Diamond from years working the lads.’
for the little one’s meal — the old be able to show that on with him in the North West Worcester could be rusty and
beans-on-toast chat,’ he said. Saturday. We’ve got some and added: ‘He’s brilliant at distracted, but Neild is confident
‘If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. The frustration to let out. getting his message they can rise to the occasion. ‘We are
boys have dealt with it well. Humour ‘We don’t want to across to the players, going there with the intention of
is important in situations like this. It be victims of this. winning,’ said the flanker. ‘We trained
has been quite funny at times, We don’t want to New recruit: really well on Tuesday. It was one of
characters have come out of the be feeling sorry the toughest Tuesdays I have had in
woodwork and put smiles on faces for ourselves. We Neild left Sale my life. It was my birthday, so I was
when boys have been pretty dark. don’t want to to join the glad to finish the day falling asleep by
‘I just have to do my job. At home, turn up for the Warriors 7pm! I am happy with the way we are
it is not ideal. I have got a little first game of the GETTY IMAGES going into the game.’


(TODAY: Sandy Park, 3pm) (Gtech Community Stadium, 3pm) (Kingston Park, 3pm) (Ashton Gate, 5.30pm)
Joe Simmonds lines up at full-back Irish have opted to start one of their Dave Walder’s first Falcons team England prop Ellis Genge will start at
for Exeter, with Harvey Skinner at new England sensations, Will Joseph, as head coach features new loosehead for the Bears, to mark a
fly-half. Wales’ Christ Tshiunza is at on the wing — but Henry Arundell is signing, Josh Barton, at scrum- return to his home-town club, while
openside, while England pair limited to a bench role. Former half, and prop Phil Brantingham at another new signing, Magnus
Henry Slade and Luke Cowan- Wallaby lock Adam Coleman leads loosehead for a first league start. Bradbury, starts at No 8 in a side led
Dickie aren’t in the 23. Kiwi veteran the Exiles. Embattled Worcester are England No 8 Alex Dombrandt fills by Jake Heenan. Piers Francis wears
Jimmy Gopperth makes his debut without injured club captain Ted Hill, in as skipper for the visitors, who 10 for Bath, returning lock Dave
at inside centre for the Tigers, who so Cameron Neild deputises and line up with Lewis Gjaltema and Attwood will lock horns with former
have Chris Ashton at full-back, as another new signing, Fergus Lee- Tommy Allan as their unfamiliar team-mates and Cameron Redpath
Champion: Tigers’ Freddie Steward is rested. Warner, starts at blindside. starting half-back pair. is back from injury in midfield.
Freddie Burns PREDICTION: Home win. PREDICTION: Home win. PREDICTION: Away win. PREDICTION: Home win.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022


stop roaring
÷ Jun 8: Sportsmail reveal several
Worcester players are considering legal
action after not being paid on time for May.
÷ Aug 17: The Premiership side are issued
with a winding-up petition by HMRC. They
are told to settle an unpaid tax bill of more
than £6million or face liquidation.

the silence can

÷ Aug 24: An American consortium, led by
former chief executive Jim O’Toole,
announces its intention to save the club if
they are put into administration.
÷ Aug 26: Worcester’s owners write to all
members of staff to deny reports the club
are on the brink of administration.

be deafening
÷ Aug 30: Staff and players are told they
are unlikely to be paid for the month,
leading to a potential exodus of players.
They pull out of pre-season game a day later.
÷ Sept 1: Steve Diamond insists Warriors
will fulfil their opening fixture.
÷ Today: Worcester face London
Irish despite uncertainty over
payment of wages.

BRIAN O’DRISCOLL reveals the

torment of coming to terms with
retirement in a new documentary
RIAN O’DRIscOll element to every sportsperson to
overcame some
fearsome opposition EXCLUSIVE believe they can do it.
‘I’m a firm believer a sportsman
is the only person who dies twice.
during his rugby
playing career.
But after 15 years of highs,
INTERVIEW It’s like a different life, it’s like
everything is taken away and you
have to start again.
triumphs and trophies, the well- ‘There’s nothing like going out
loved Irishman found retirement
— and the mental struggles that
by Neil Goulding on the big stage and needing to
perform. You could be (Amazon
came with it — the toughest chairman) Jeff Bezos and have
challenge of his life. everything in the world, but it’s
so much so that he has made a may have looked easy, but I had not the same feeling.
candid documentary about men- my struggles. ‘I miss the high and the low of
tal health and retired sportsmen. ‘In 21st century UK and Ireland that, I miss the risk. I miss never
‘My worst fears were that I’d the largest killer of men under-50 being satisfied.
never find anything to live up to is suicide. There’s a crisis in men’s ‘In my own head I was the most
the satisfaction levels I’d had,’ mental health. And for ex-sports- insecure person for 20 years. I used
O’Driscoll tells Sportsmail. men there’s a real stigma attached to sit in a dark room on a saturday
‘I wanted to examine the to showing vulnerability. night, looking out of the window
aftermath and rediscovery of ‘It’s not acceptable having at the stars. I used to think to
yourself after you finish playing. I mediocrity. Mediocre, I don’t ever myself, “You’re s*** and you’ll
was worried life had literally want to be mediocre at anything. never be good again”.
peaked. It was worrying that my ‘I let myself go for a couple of ‘But even after I’d been c***, I’d
best days were behind me. years after I retired. We went get up the following morning
away on a family holiday and that feeling would be
‘It’s very hard when you’ve had
and mum put together gone. I’d promise
as many highs as I had, to then
an album, but I myself I was going to
find something to mimic it. To
opened it up and I be good.
even get close is a real challenge. was appalled at
When you’re right at the top you ‘I know I lived the
what I saw. dream, but I know
don’t think to look down but from ‘I’d lost my
heights like those, there really is you can’t always
ambition to train be satisfied
only one way to go. and seeing those
‘Retirement is something every because someone
pictures was a always beats you.’
athlete has to deal with, but when real catalyst for
the crowd stops roaring the silence England football
me to get to back manager south-
can be deafening.’ on track.’
O’Driscoll (right) called time on gate has turned
O’Driscoll’s friend, retirement into great
his career in 2014 after, in fitting champion jockey AP
fashion, winning the six Nations success, especially
Mccoy, England boss after his woes as a player
with his beloved Ireland, for whom Gareth southgate, former
Staying power: Kvesic is focused he was capped 133 times. for his country.
despite off-field turmoil GETTY IMAGES Australia rugby union coach ‘My journey was unusual because
A happily-married family man M i c h a e l c h e i k a , Te a m G B
O’Driscoll, 43, enjoys life now. He I became a manager at 32 at
Olympic boxer turned wrestler Middlesbrough, but retirement hit
is a respected pundit and runs a Anthony Ogogo and England
production company, 3 Rock, who me three years later after I lost the
international cricketer Jonny job,’ he admitted.
made this documentary with BT Bairstow all appear in the film.
sport. But trying to find the same ‘I had no purpose and you need
Mccoy, 48, who retired in 2015 that in your life. It left me
level of satisfaction he found with a record 4,358 winners, found
starring for his country, or playing feeling unfulfilled.
it hard to come to terms with ‘I’d had a good career, but by the
for leinster, has been illusive. the fact that his best days were
His friend Barry Twomey took time I got to 33 I was angry and
behind him. wanted a new challenge. I’ve been
GLOUCESTER v WASPS SALE v NORTHAMPTON his own life in 2008 and his death ‘I miss the routine, the discipline
had a lasting effect. The film was a blessed with opportunity and not
(TOMORROW: Kingsholm, 3pm) (AJ Bell Stadium, 3pm) and the structure but, most of all, everybody gets that.’
very personal journey for O’Driscoll. I miss winning,’ he admitted. ‘And
Lewis Ludlow is unavailable to Manu Tuilagi is fit to start in ‘It’s been about trying to find O’Driscoll hopes his new film
in a strange kind of way I miss helps sportsmen and sportswomen
lead Gloucester, so Ruan midfield for Sale while the Sharks satisfaction in the next realm of torture and pain.
Ackermann will take the have new wing recruit Tom life, whatever that may entail,’ he to be brave and not scared of
‘I knew when I’d won 15 Jockey’s
armband. He is joined in the O’Flaherty in the XV. Alex Mitchell said. ‘I was nervous what was next championships I was nearly 36 talking about their struggles.
back row by Harry Taylor, for and James Grayson join forces at having seen friends struggle out and I thought then I’ve got five ‘It’s so important to talk and
the other end and not really more years. keep talking, never be scared to
his Premiership debut. Wasps half-back for the Saints, who are put your hand up and say you need
have a fresh look, with new led by England centre Fraser finding their feet. ‘I’ll never be glad I retired, but I
‘I had 15 incredible years as an know it was the right thing to do. help,’ he added.
arrivals John Ryan, Burger Dingwall, while Lukhan Salakaia-
international, but when it all But I’m so stupid, I could probably
Odendaal and Kiran McDonald Loto and Angus Scott-Young ended I was confronted with one still go out and do it. l After The Roar, the latest in the
in Lee Blackett’s starting XV. make debuts up front. of the most testing challenges I’d ‘I do believe in sport you have to BT Sport Films series, will
PREDICTION: Home win. PREDICTION: Home win. ever faced — life after sport. have that mentality and, inwardly, premiere on Friday, September
‘From the outside my retirement there has to be an egotistical 23, at 10pm on BT Sport 1.
94 Football Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

It’s NOT In it for the

long haul:
new boss

win or
bust for
No top four, no problem
for new Chelsea manager
HELSEA intend to
stick with Graham
Potter even if he by ADRIAN
were to miss out on
Champions League KAJUMBA
Potter was named as Thomas
Tuchel’s successor on Thursday,
with his new employers expecting
a top -four finish to be the
fourth in table, three points clear
of Chelsea in sixth.
The Londoners have lost three of
CHELSEA have finished
their seven games so far this
in the top four in eight of
minimum achieved this season
along with a run deep into Europe’s season, including Tuesday’s shock the last 10 seasons,
top competition. Champions League loss against winning the league title
However, the Todd Boehly- Dinamo Zagreb, which turned out twice. Potter guided
Clearlake Capital consortium that to be Tuchel’s final game. Brighton to ninth last
now own Chelsea are preparing However, according to senior season, the club’s
for the long-term with Potter and sources, there is an acceptance highest top-flight
also the club. that Chelsea missed a vital oppor- -11
end of the 2010-11 finish. reas
reason Boehly and players to the extent Brighton
They do not see one year out of tunity to gel as a team with much hing
season when finishing tu
Co turned to him to have been able to bank significant
the competition as reason to rip of their transfer business being phyless
second but trophyless replace Tuchel. sums for them.
up those plans or an outcome that done towards the end of the just a year after He spent more than seven He will be reunited with one of
would leave Potter in danger of window and a firm belief that a winning the club’s first — and only years at Swedish side Ostersund, them at Chelsea in left back Marc
losing his job. much-improved team will emerge — league and cup double. Luiz guiding them from the fourth tier Cucurella, who moved to London
After assessing Chelsea from top as the season progresses, led by Felipe Scolari, Andres Villas-Boas, to the first and into the Europa last month after a year under
to bottom in their first 100 days new man Potter. Roberto di Matteo, Jose League. Potter at Brighton in a deal worth
they are confident they have got it Chelsea’s previous regime led by Mourinho, in his second Chelsea After one season at Swansea, he up to £62million.
right in making Potter their first Roman Abramovich were not spell, and Frank Lampard all was appointed Brighton head Potter met and trained his new
managerial appointment and have afraid to sack managers for failing departed mid-season. coach in May 2019 following their squad for the first time yesterday.
full faith in what they have mapped to meet expectations at the end of The new hierarchy’s position on 17th-placed finish. He led them to With today’s lunchtime trip to
out for the club. a season or even part-way through Potter, therefore, represents a 15th, 16th and ninth — a highest Fulham being cancelled following
Potter has been handed a five- when results or performances were shift in outlook from the top top-flight finish, with record points the death of the Queen, Potter is
year contract and is also under- deemed to not be up to scratch, of Chelsea. and goal tallies — having intro- now set to take charge of his
stood to have been told that he leaving their prospects of success Potter has proved what he can duced an eye-catching style of first game against RB Salzburg at
will get the time he needs to make in danger. accomplish and how he can over- play and left in a healthy financial Stamford Bridge in the Champi-
things work. Potter left Brighton Carlo Ancelotti lost his job at the achieve given time, part of the position after improving a string of ons League on Wednesday.


Chief Football Reporter
Shock at friendly
stunned rival clubs by trying
plea just after
MikEL ARTETA will have the
opportunity to let his Brazilian
stars recharge their batteries
a positive development for his
World Cup hopes though because
of the strength of competition in
to organise a friendly just
minutes after the Queen’s
death was confirmed.
Queen’s death
during this month’s international his position. Philippe Coutinho, of Sportsmail has learned that professional football would
break after none of them were of missing out on the World Cup, Aston Villa, also misses out. the club chief contacted staff shut down this weekend in
called up for friendlies against but will be delighted to give them ‘Coutinho is an extraordinary at opposition clubs with a order to pay tribute to the
Ghana and Tunisia. a rest during what promises to be player, Gabriel Jesus too,’ said Queen.
Manager Tite named his squad a hectic campaign. Tite. ‘We are talking about
view to arranging an
yesterday for the games that if fit, Jesus and Magalhaes are David Neres and Martinelli. it’s impromptu weekend game in All matches in the Premier
will be played in France, still expected to be included in very difficult.’ anticipation of the league League and EFL were
including 11 players from Premier Tite’s squad for the World Cup Liverpool trio Alisson, Fabinho fixtures being cancelled. eventually postponed
League clubs. in November. and Roberto Firmino are called The Queen’s passing was yesterday morning, leaving
But there were none from early ‘This squad is to give up. So are Fred, Antony and announced at 6.30pm on clubs with a free weekend.
leaders Arsenal and no call-up opportunities to Casemiro of Manchester United, Thursday, and the message Some clubs have privately
for Gabriel Jesus (right), despite others to show Richarlison of Tottenham, Lucas from the director in question complained of logistical issues
the striker’s brilliant form for his themselves,’ said the Paqueta of West Ham, Bruno attached to the
new club after a £47million Brazil boss when Guimaraes of Newcastle, Ederson
is said to have arrived no later
move from Manchester City. asked specifically of Manchester City and Thiago than 7pm. postponement of matches,
Winger Gabriel Martinelli and about Jesus. Silva of Chelsea. Recipients of the request, while others would prefer
centre back Gabriel Magalhaes ‘He is competing for Brazil will take on Ghana in which was sent on WhatsApp, their players to have
also miss out. a spot and he is in a Le Havre on September 23 and were left astonished at the involvement in a match
Gunners boss Arteta big moment.’ Tunisia at the Parc de Princes in timing of the message. scenario this weekend to
will not want his Martinelli’s Paris four days later. These are It became increasingly clear ensure players maintain their
players to suffer the omission is not their final warm-up fixtures on Thursday night that sharpness.
disappointment seen as such before the World Cup in Qatar.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
Football 95

From page 97
him. Some may think that makes
Dein a curse —– but it also makes
him a thinker.
So what’s he thinking about
now? Pure time. Making sure the
ball is in play for a minimum of 30
minutes in each half. Taking time-

keeping out of the hands of refe-
rees. Stopping the clock when the
ball goes out of play, or for inju-
ries, or celebrations. And because
he remains connected as an
ambassador for the FA and Pre-
mier League, he still has access to
the corridors of power.
In the end, whether or
not you agree with Dein
on VAR, on Pure time, on
the Premier League, on

Last chance of an Sven — even on whether

the FA should have been
creeping around that crook Jack
Warner when it was lobbying to
win the 2018 World Cup bid, and

England recall for that is a real bone of contention

— football needs people who care,
and think. Dein does, and so does
Wenger. We won’t always agree

Spurs defender
with them, but it’s good to have
people interested in more than
taking the money…
MARTIN SAMUEL: Yes, but I think
international football is meant to
HE case for Eric be the best of ours against the

best of theirs.
Dier’s England DAVID DEIN: Who was the man-
recall, which has by MATT ager and coach of the England
been gathering team who just won the women’s
support and good BARLOW Euros?
MS: Sarina Wiegman, I know. I
reason for months, will didn’t agree with that either.
reach its decisive stage in a DD: You still don’t? The fact we
cajole others from the heart of the
week when he returns to team. He is a vocal presence and a won the Euros with the best that
where it all began. natural leader by example. As Jose we can get? You don’t think in
Tottenham’s next game will be Mourinho once pointed out, a any job you should employ the
Tuesday’s Champions League tie player who ‘likes the conflict’. best that you can get, regardless
at Sporting Lisbon, a club where In short, this is Dier in his best of colour, religion, nationality?
Dier came through the academy position. Moreover, he is refining it MS: I’m not talking about colour
ranks and made his debut in sen- under Conte, a master of the or religion. But nationality? In
ior football nearly a decade ago. system. international sport? Arsenal can
Two days later, Gareth South- All at a time in his career when have who they like, but England?
gate will reveal his final England he can lean upon his experiences Form of his life: It’s cheating. Not literally, but in
squad selection before the World and knowledge accrued from other Dier has excelled in principle. We’re a wealthy coun-
Cup finals in Qatar, ahead of UEFA roles, including as a holding try. We should produce our own
Nations League games against
Antonio Conte’s coaches.
midfielder, a position he fulfilled back-three system
Italy and Germany. for England, including at the last DD: So you don’t agree that
It could be quite a week for World Cup in Russia, before the GETTY IMAGES the women’s coach came from
the 28-year- old Spurs centre emergence of Declan Rice and overseas. I’d like you to put your
back, who has made no secret Kalvin Phillips. view to the public.
you’re leaving behind when you’re MS: I couldn’t care less what the
of his desire to add to his 45 ‘I told him playing in midfield doing that, closing people down,
England caps and attend another would make him a better defender all these little things are things THE MISSING PIECE? public think. I don’t agree with
World Cup. when he made the move,’ said Eddie Jones. I don’t agree with
you have to learn. That comes DIER’S performances have Brendan McCullum. Interna-
‘That’s a clear objective of Ledley King, legendary former with experience, learning all
mine,’ he said, in July. ‘I would improved remarkably since tional sport is different.
Tottenham centre back and the tricks.
never shy away from that. I want captain, who was part of Jose
Antonio Conte arrived at DD: We got criticised at the time
‘But having played in midfield it Tottenham last November. over Sven.
to be there. Mourinho’s coaching team when gives you a different feeling with
‘There’s nothing quite like a Dier decided his future would be Here’s how Dier’s record MS: I know, by people like me.
players running from midfield. I DD: And Sir Bobby Robson and
World Cup. I would love to be part in defence, not midfield. felt the game became a lot easier, compares to England’s other
of another one. It’s just up to me ‘You see the game a lot easier. As David Beckham. But I always
and Eric will feel that as well. centre backs in that time:
believe you choose the best
playing the best I can. Take someone who played a fair bit in ‘I am really delighted he’s
everything from last season and midfield myself, I know that from Goals/game person for the job.
showing his true form and looking MS: Yes, in any other walk of life.
kick on.’ centre half you are facing the game like a real top-class centre half.’ Player Games conceded
This, he has done. Dier has been and you have a lot more time. F Tomori 32 0.72 But if international sport is going
Crucial to Dier’s hopes of to mean anything…
ever-present at the heart of ‘In terms of him on the ball, his an international recall is the fact J Stones 29 0.72
Antonio Conte’s back-three this use of the ball, knowing when to DD: But Arsenal are an English
that Southgate also likes to E Dier 36 0.75 club. What about a rule where 50
season. In fact, he has started push into midfield and what play with a back-three
every Premier League game for M Guehi 38 1.11 per cent of players have to be
his club since mid-February, when B White 34 1.15 homegrown?
he missed two defeats in four MS: No, it’s your club. You’re
days against Southampton and
T Mings 33 1.27 entitled to run your club however
Wolves. H Maguire 30 1.33 you wish.
The upturn in results perhaps DD: Yes but with England the
hints at his value to Conte. Since n DIER has 45 caps for players are all English. And if the
then, Tottenham have lost only England, scoring three goals, manager you’re employing is the
three of 22 in the league, each by and played at Euro 2016 and best in the world…
the odd goal, and have kept 10 the 2018 World Cup. But it is MS: I’d dispute that with Sven.
clean sheets in the process. 22 months since he last DD: Right, you’re having heart
Conte is a coach who builds played for the Three Lions, surgery, do you worry the surgeon
teams on deep - set defensive is German or Dutch or Japanese?
in a 4-0 win over Iceland at You just want the best.
foundations — and an unflinching Wembley in November 2020.
advocate of a tactical formation MS: No, if he was competing in
that plays to Dier’s strengths and heart surgery for England, he’d
protects his weaknesses. have to be English. If he was just
Few coaches, if any, play this — while his resurgence has operating in the local hospital he
particular system better or come alongside Harry can be from wherever you like.
hammer the shape into the Maguire My heart surgeon doesn’t do a lap
minds of their players more losing his place in the of honour of the hospital wrapped
meticulously. Manchester United team in a Union Jack. That’s why it’s
Dier’s appreciation of the after a poor run of form. different.
game and technical ability on Timing can be a factor. DD: I’m enjoying this. And I see
the ball — hallmarks of his Luck can play a part as your argument. I suffered with
Portuguese footballing upbring- careers ebb and flow. Sven. But when you look at his
ing — are perfect for the central Maybe it will also not harm record, did he do a good job? Yes
defender in a back-three. Dier that today’s fixture he did.
His limited pace is less of a against Manchester City, and his MS: When you look at Gareth
problem when flanked by more duel with P remier League Southgate’s record did he do a
mobile defenders, and shielded top-scorer Erling Haaland, has better job? Yes he did.
by two deep in midfield, and he Shootout king: Dier (right) with Southgate after scoring the been postponed ahead of a very I’ve given myself the last word.
can see the game, organise and winning penalty against Colombia at the World Cup in 2018 PA important week. But I’m not saying I got it.
96 Football Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

by Martin When Arsenal
sacked me it
Chief Sports Writer

vEN now, all these years later,
David Dein still has The Dream.
It is 5pm and he is sitting in his

was brutal. I
office. A man comes in and
presents him with a sheet of
paper. Sometimes it is a death warrant.
Sometimes a death certificate. Either
way, it signals the end.
The man is Peter Hill-Wood, the late Arsenal
chairman. And the dream isn’t much of a fantasy
really. It’s a sub-conscious recreation of a true
event, from April 18, 2007, when Hill-Wood,

left with tears

Arsenal director Chips Keswick and an employ-
ment lawyer from Slaughter and May terminated
Dein’s employment at his beloved club.
Dein is now sitting in his Mayfair home. He has
revisited that day for his fascinating auto-
biography Calling The Shots — extracts of which
will be in the Mail on Sunday tomorrow — but
it’s plain he’s not comfortable. ‘I’m a glass half-
full person,’ he murmurs. ‘I want to be positive,

in my eyes
I want to be the guy who puts a brick in the wall,
who builds something. That was the worst I felt
apart from when my mother, and my brother
Arnold, died. I left with tears in my eyes.’
It isn’t the only time Dein equates leaving
Arsenal to personal bereavement. A chapter in
the book, detailing his time post-Arsenal is

David Dein was key to Gunners’ trophy-laden

years under Arsene Wenger but the club’s
board did not share his vision and he was
suddenly ousted. That pain has not receded...
Dream team: Dein (left) and have taken that. He did it without since I was in business. It was interests of the club. We spoke that exit elegantly? You must have
Wenger at Wembley for a 1999 qualms, he just got on with it, but petty, it was spiteful. To this day night. He didn’t think he could dialogue. It didn’t happen in my
the last year or so was uncomfort- nobody has ever properly explained stay. I persuaded him to stay.’ case, didn’t happen in his. And
Champions League tie SHUTTERSTOCK able for me. We had been a harmo- why it had to end this way. It took Wenger and Dein were the axis of that really hurt him. I would have
called Life After Death. He goes nious group and now there were some doing for me to retell it really, Arsenal’s most successful Premier done it differently.
back to the Emirates Stadium factions. So yes, I stuck my neck because it was so painful. It was League years. Wenger would ‘Look, you don’t find a brain like
now, uses his four club seats, gives out. You don’t get anything unless such a traumatic moment. I was in identify a player and the pair his every day of the week. He’s an
away his 10 season tickets, but you stick your neck out. I was in shock. It wasn’t so long before that would discuss the price. They Arsenal man, 22 years at the club.
he’s still not over it. He never commodities. You go long or you we’d been Invincible. We’d just would write the top line down on a Wasn’t his knowledge worth
received a satisfactory explana- go short. You have to take a moved into our new stadium. We piece of paper, then reveal. Dein cultivating? Look at where he is
tion for why 24 years ended so position.’ had so much going for us. claims they were never more than now? So he’s not good enough for
brutally, and when his best friend Dein’s position cost him dearly. ‘It took a lot to get over it. It did five per cent apart. Arsenal, but he is good enough to
Arsene Wenger was later removed He was the first at the club to feel like a death in the family. ‘He was a miracle worker, and be head of global development for
with similar coldness, it stirred the entertain Kroenke, but his fellow Arsenal was part of my life since they just let him go,’ Dein insists. FIFA, in charge of 211 countries.
emotions up again. Dein has never directors thought he had gone the age of 10; I’d helped deliver 18 ‘He left in a similar way to me. I He should have been used by us
talked about his own experience behind their backs. It is the small trophies for them. Arsene and I thought the club owed Arsene a surely, his knowledge, his skill, his
before, though. It still isn’t easy. details that shock. After the meet- had such a wonderful working duty of care, at least a discussion. encyclopaedic awareness of play-
It still feels raw, more than 15 ing, he tried to call his wife relationship. It was Lennon and We need a change but how do you ers. He’s got to be used.’
years later. Barbara only to discover his McCartney. He bled for me, I bled want this to be done? Do you want Wenger has never been back to
‘Brutal, yes, that’s how I’d mobile phone had been cut off. for him. He is still my closest friend. to be involved? What can we do? the Emirates Stadium, and with
describe it,’ he says. ‘It was a com- ‘And it was my number,’ Dein Seeing that taken away was such a Would you like a different role, every passing year, that visit seems
bination of fear and jealousy. I was explains. ‘The number I’d had shame. It wasn’t in the best would you prefer to less likely. Dein returned after a
fairly high-profile and I think the few months the following season,
rest of the board were upset that I as a guest of Terry Brady, Karren’s
was trying to source outside A GOLDEN ERA FOR THE GUNNERS father, who has a box there.
investment, talking to Stan Looking back, he thinks that
Kroenke about my shares. They ARSENAL won 18 major trophies in David Dein’s invitation fortuitous.
wanted to keep it a closed shop. time with the club: ‘Distance begets distance,’ he
But I could see where the game says. ‘The longer I’d stayed away,
was going. You look at football 1987: League Cup the harder it would have
now — Chelsea, Manchester City, 1989: First Division been to come back. So
even Newcastle. We didn’t have sooner rather than later
1991: First Division and Community Shield was better. Maybe if I
the same muscle. We had wealthy
people, but not billionaires. We 1993: League Cup and FA Cup h a d n’ t g o n e t h e n I
didn’t have enough money to 1994: Cup Winners’ Cup wouldn’t have gone, like
finance the new stadium and 1998: Premier League, FA Cup and Community Arsene. He’s hurt, he’s
finance the team. We were trying still bruised. The day I
Shield returned, I saw Robin
to dance at two weddings.
‘Arsene and I would come out of 1999: Community Shield van Persie. “Mr Dein —
board meetings feeling we’d been 2002: Premier League, FA Cup and Community what happened to
knocking our heads against a brick Shield you?” I’d signed him.
wall. We lost Ashley Cole over five He was one of my sons.
2003: FA Cup But then, I’d just van-
grand a week. It was a very
difficult time. There was a lot of 2004: Premier League and Community Shield ished. I told him it was
friction because of the cost of the 2005: FA Cup a long story.’
stadium and we had to ration the Dein lost more than
n ARSENAL won a trophy once every Winners: A r s e n a l t h a t d a y.
salaries. Arsene used every bit of Dein, Vieira
skill in his body to find cheap 16 months with Dean, compared to He was a significant
players. A lot of managers wouldn’t once every four years without. and Anelka figure in the game,
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022
Football 97

Top dog:
Dein relaxes
with his dog disconnect now. There are two
Bernie at types of owners. For some, like me,
home in the money follows the heart. I was
an Arsenal fan through and
London through and fortunate to be able
to buy shares. Then there is the
other type, who have money, buy a
club, and then become a
supporter. To them, football’s a
good investment or good for their
profile. So they don’t have a
‘I was a fan on the board. I could
never have agreed to a project like
the Super League. If I was there
when that happened, I’d have
resigned. They didn’t read the tea
leaves. A closed shop? Nobody has
a divine right. Some of these own-
ers think they’re too big for the
rest of the league. They’re
And some might say that’s fine
talk from the man who was the
driving force behind the Premier
League, but Dein remains proud
of his monster. An entire chapter
in the book is dedicated to the
breakaway and the motivation
behind it. More than just money,
Dein claims, painting a vivid and
distressing picture of football
post-Hillsborough. He describes
the Premier League now as the
fastest train on the track and will
argue passionately against those
who feel they’ve been left behind
at the station.
‘You will always get detractors,’
he says. ‘But it wasn’t like the
Super League. It was never a
closed shop. We took 22 clubs with
us. There has always been promo-
tion and relegation. People who
say it didn’t help my club, or it
didn’t help Macclesfield — look,
it’s an express train and I don’t
want to slow that down. Yes, I

‘They offered
me £250,000
severance. I
told them the
club needed it
more than me’
want Macclesfield to find their
path, but there’s got to be a
balance that doesn’t halt the train.
A lot of money goes down to the
lower leagues. The Premier League
has done an enormous amount of
good and I feel very proud of that.
I feel I’ve put a little brick in the
wall there. So I accept the criti-
cism but you’ve got to remember
where football was.
‘Hillsborough. Football cannot
be about death. People pulling
Calling the Shots: How to blankets back in gymnasiums to
Win in Football and Life by see if it is their son or daughter
David Dein; published by underneath. Change had to come.
Constable on September 15 And that meant voting change,
at £22. To order a copy for structural change. It was a semi-
£19.80 (offer valid to 24/09/22; nal moment. The state of stadi-
PICTURE: ums. Half-time came, you either
UK P&P free on orders over
£20), visit ANDY had to have a cup of tea, or go for
uk/books or call 020 3176 2937 a pee — the queues were too big to
HOOPER do both. So, the way I see it, the
P remier League has been a
resounding success, and we’ve got
vice-chairman of the Football Then there were the offers, prime Arsenal didn’t push me out. The members who sacked Dein for to keep it that way. It’s England’s
Association, president of the G14 among them, chief executive at people there did. Mike Ashley was talking to the American later sold biggest sporting export. I watched
group of elite clubs, a committee Liverpool when the Fenway Sports my neighbour in Totteridge and he him their shares — was ended in a Liverpool versus Newcastle on
member for UEFA and FIFA. All of Group took charge. Couldn’t he wanted me to work at Newcastle. curt telephone conversation. The Turkish Airlines live at 35,000 feet.
it, though, was dependent on his have worked with Jurgen Klopp, But again, I couldn’t do it. It was landscape has changed, Dein was It’s not the Bundesliga being
status at a football club. the way he once did with Wenger? all tempting, but no. AC Milan, told. ‘I was disappointed with shown, it’s not La Liga. I think our
‘I lost a lot outside Arsenal,’ he ‘Tom Werner offered me that role,’ Barcelona called, but I couldn’t Stan, but we’re all over 18,’ Dein critics should think again.’
recalls. ‘Prestigious roles that I Dein says. ‘They had just taken leave London. I love the theatre, says. ‘We move on. I offered him Dein is a politician, but also an
enjoyed. Seeing where the game over and were looking for stability, this is my home. And I’m an my shares first, but I don’t bear ideas man. The book is littered
was going, having a seat at the top someone who knew English Arsenal man. When I left they grudges. The club is doing well with them. The Premier League,
table. It all went away at the same football. It didn’t go far. I was very offered me £250,000 severance. I now. It’s taken time and they’ve Sven Goran Eriksson as England’s
time. I got punished more than flattered, but I couldn’t work in told them I didn’t want it. The made mistakes but the ship is now first foreign manager, VAR, even
once, and for what? Trying to drive opposition to Arsenal. I wouldn’t club needed it more than I did.’ pointing in the right direction. the vanishing spray used to mark
the club forward. I was a major have been happy. I couldn’t give Arsenal have recently enjoyed a ‘Who knows if they’d be in a out free-kicks: all stemmed from
shareholder at this time, so what Liverpool my love, care and better start to the season than at better place with me there? But
is my interest? Making Arsenal attention all the while thinking I any time since Wenger left. Dein the direction they took — there
successful. We came out in the was being disloyal, unfaithful to seems genuinely happy. But any were mistakes after Arsene left. CONTINUED ON
black on transfers, plus 18 Arsenal. It’s the club I really love, chance of a return under the Managerial appointments, the
trophies. Where is the logic?’ whatever happened to me. Kroenke regime — yes, the board transfer market. And there is a PAGE 95, COL 5
98 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022


ou can talk to
all the modern
coaches and
analysts you like,
First rule of football?
Be first to the ball.
apply the latest
buzz terminology and fill
these sports pages with all
the data you can lay your
hands on — but the one
non-negotiable part of
winning football matches is

And Liverpool are

being first to the ball.
at the moment, liverpool are
not doing that. and that’s why
they are a mile off the team we
have known them to be in Jurgen
Klopp’s time at the club.
that intensity of being first to
everything is the reason why they
have become winners again. they

way off it right now

and Manchester City are by far the
best two teams in the country at
doing this and no one else comes
anywhere near their intensity.
they can squeeze the life
out of teams. but they
have gone from a team
that can hustle and
exhaust an opponent,
from the first minute by the people with the data playing we just called it ‘closing need another battle-hardened, Henderson, 32, and James Milner,
to the last, to a team and the big theories. they down’. If one person is not doing it, experienced midfielder at the core 36, to those young ones.
suddenly second to will tell you about the the whole system breaks down and of their team, to pick the pass and there’s no doubting the quality
everything. In doing liverpool high line. about Mo you might as well drop off and be a capitalise on the movement of the of liverpool’s latest addition,
so they appear to be Salah (left) not looking the team that plays counter-attacking strikers. arthur Melo, but will he be able to
vulnerable to every same player he was. about football. Klopp said he didn’t need that deal with the intensity of the
attack. trent alexander-arnold No one is above the team. No one big-name addition this summer. English game, given that liverpool
there are all appearing to jog back is above a b******ing. I was talking He listed the young players he says play games of cup final intensity
sorts of when two of Napoli’s recently about the afternoon at can step up and do a job for him. every weekend and everyone
reasons goals went in, during Coventry in 1983, when we were always has to be at it?
for this that 4-1 defeat on 3-0 down at half-time. It was just I do think there is room in that
being Wednesday night. before half-time when I let my midfield for another high-intensity
offered but liverpool just
don’t seem to have
mate Kenny Dalglish have it. I
asked him: ‘Is there any effing ‘I really hope workaholic who can also deliver a
cute pass. Go back to liverpool’s
the same energy. danger you’re going to get hold of best midfield of three or four
I’ve certainly not
been seeing the
the ball and get started?’ His reply
came right back at me. ‘Is there
we’re not y e a r s a g o . Yo u h a d G i n i
Wijnaldum. Workaholic. James
same Salah. He
has signed the big
contract he wanted
any effing danger you’re going to
win a tackle?’
We carried on that conversation
seeing Mo Salah M i l n e r. Wo r k a h o l i c . J o r d a n
Henderson. Workaholic. Not the
most gifted in terms of cute
and I really hope
we are not seeing
him getting semi
in the dressing room at half-time
and with every sentence, we got
closer and closer, to the point that
in his armchair passing but relentless workers, all
of them. the creativity was
coming through the full-backs and
into his armchair
because of that.
eventually we had to be kept apart.
Joe Fagan and Ronnie Moran
because of his the forwards.
there’s no need for panic and
the need for
intensity is a
collective thing. It
calmly poured themselves a cup of
tea and kept out of it. We were
doing their team talk for them.
new deal’ knee-jerk reactions, of course. as I
said in these pages two weeks ago,
all players are different in how long
has always been the point I’m trying to make is it takes them to get totally up to
that way, going that you can’t put Wednesday It’s good to hear that he has faith speed at the start of the season.
back to my time night, or liverpool’s average start in lads such as Harvey Elliott and but I’m not seeing the liverpool
as a player at the to this season, on individuals. In Curtis Jones. that’s great news for I know because the team are not
club. they like the team I was a part of, we worked every young player at liverpool. getting first to that ball. Why is
to call together, we hunted for the ball but this is a hard and unforgiving this so? that’s a question for
it ‘pressing’ together and we won it back environment we are talking about. the players and I have no doubt
now but together. It’s a big jump from midfielders that Klopp will be asking it, in no
when I was It’s certainly my view liverpool like thiago, who’s 31, Jordan uncertain terms.


‘Panenka’ penalty for LA Galaxy
was proof that those stunts leave you
Potter entering the unknown I WAS one of the few very
fortunate people to meet the
Queen when she came to Anfield in
looking pretty silly when you miss, Football management late terry Cooper, my need to be convinced he is 1993 to visit the Hillsborough
however good they might look when can be a vicious business. It assistant, who’d worked with the right man for the job, Disaster Memorial. I was
they go in. Safe to say it’s not anything has not escaped my notice him at birmingham City. He while a manager with a big Liverpool’s manager and I’ve never
that Chelsea have been doing was quiet but a really good track record would be more
I would have attempted as a player. I a number on thomas tuchel lad around the dressing room readily accepted. forgotten her empathy for the
wouldn’t have been too happy if a since they sacked him this and a bit of a utility player It’s after picking half a dozen families and the club at that
player of mine had tried that on an week: subtly spinning against for us. teams that Potter will face difficult time. One of the first things
important occasion, either. I had a him and undermining him to Potter has done a fantastic the real problems — from the I did when I became Rangers
year of watching Matt Le Tissier taking justify the decision to make job at another south coast guys who are not in the manager, seven years earlier, was
penalties when I was Southampton him a scapegoat for club, brighton, but it’s a starting XI. He has got to ask our kit man, Doddie Soutar, to
manager and I didn’t even watch in everything that has gone different world he enters keep them quiet — and that’s get me the biggest portrait of our
the end because I took it for granted wrong there. this is not an now. Everyone in that why the first month is so Queen that he could find, which we
environment Graham Potter Chelsea dressing room will important. He must be
that he would score. He was a will be familiar with. be looking at him, assessing himself. He must remember hung on the home dressing room
wonderful striker of the ball and he I was Southampton manager him, judging whether they the reasons why he has wall. It was important to me that
missed just one of the 26 Premier when I signed Potter as a are going to learn from him earned the chance to do this the club, a Protestant institution,
League penalties he took in his career. 21-year-old from Stoke for and whether he has what it job. but winning every game should have it there. It has
Good luck trying to top that record. £250,000 in the mid-1990s on takes to get them back to in that first month would remained there to this day.
the recommendation of the winning trophies. they will certainly also help.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

Dressed to
thrill: Souness
in the 1984

European Cup
final kit


concern that tributes to fact that some english clubs
the Queen may not have also have politicised
been universally respected elements of their fan base
— and the potential for was mentioned in the
global embarrassment in the discussions over football’s
event of any dissent from shutdown.
fans — was a factor in the Several Premier League
decision to call off all clubs appear to have
football in the United implicitly recognised this
Kingdom this weekend. danger themselves, as they
A number of Shamrock opted to disable the reply
rovers supporters caused function on Twitter after
outrage by singing offensive posting messages of
songs during their europa condolence to the royal
conference League game Family on Thursday evening.
against Swedish club This was presumably an
Djurgardens on Thursday attempt to avoid inciting a
evening. And while their backlash from anti-
actions are likely to have monarchists on a forum that
stemmed from Irish is not renowned for reasoned
republican sentiment, the debate.


A NUMBER of Premier League clubs have held talks about
opening areas of their grounds on non-matchdays this
winter to provide warm areas for retired and unemployed
fans who may be struggling to heat their homes due to
the huge increase in their energy bills. While many EFL
clubs are worried about being able to pay their own
heating and lighting bills over the next few months, such
concerns do not apply to the Premier League given their
broadcasting, commercial and ticketing income. Many
clubs responded admirably during the pandemic by
transforming themselves into community hubs, offering
their services as Covid-testing sites and food banks, and
several of them are now considering how they can help
alleviate suffering caused by the energy crisis.


FIFA officials have when Sheffield United were
expressed concern about the denied a legitimate goal that
reliability of Hawk-eye had clearly crossed the line
following a string of recent in a Premier League game at
failures in various sports — Aston Villa two years ago.
but have no plans to change Hawk-eye have been
their tech provider before responsible for several errors
the World cup. since then and were dropped
The British-based firm have at short notice for this
the contract to operate summer’s All-Ireland gaelic
VAr, goal-line technology football semi-final between
and the new semi- Dublin and Kerry after they
automated offside system failed to spot that the ball
that will be used for the first had gone between the posts
time in Qatar this winter, in the other last-four match.
leading to fears of a high- In addition to these errors,
profile error causing industry insiders have
embarrassment at the highlighted the fact that
World cup. Hawk-eye utilise just 14
Hawk-eye issued an apology cameras, while some of their
to Huddersfield Town earlier rivals have more than 60.
this week after their FIFA have used Hawkeye
technology failed to show since the 2018 World cup
that Yuta nakayama’s shot and will not drop them at
had crossed the line in their this late stage, but will
1-0 defeat by Blackpool. intensify testing procedures
A similar incident occurred before their showpiece event.


I found my 1984 tracksuit top in an old box! THE National League appear to have resorted to acts of
censorship in their ongoing row with Wrexham, who have
been frustrated by the authorities in their attempts to
live-stream their matches in a bid to grow their fan base.
I’VE JUST come across some gear them but it turns out I’ve got championship medals we had
As part of a long-standing arrangement, the Non-League
that I wore on two of the them after all! won the year before in a
Paper sent an opinion piece to clubs for publication in
greatest nights of my career. I don’t know what happened to cardboard box and dump them
their matchday programmes this week which was broadly
I had some stuff in storage while the No 11 jerseys I wore in those on the massage table.
supportive of Wrexham’s proposals. But 24 hours later
in the process of moving into a finals against Real Madrid and ‘There are some medals from last
they received an instruction from the Non-League Paper
new house and opened a Roma. I’m not really one for year. If you really think you
that it should be replaced by another article analysing the
cardboard box to come across putting mementoes of the past in deserve one, help yourself,’ he’d
transfer window. ‘Apologies but please discard
two tracksuit tops we wore to cabinets or in frames up on the say. And then he would walk out,
yesterday’s column and use the below instead,’ read a
walk out before the 1981 wall. returning five seconds later to
message from the paper’s publishers, Greenway
European Cup final in Paris and ‘Tomorrow is all that matters’, say, ‘By the way, you get f*** all
Publishing. The National League are due to meet on
the 1984 final in Rome, both of was what they always told us at this year for what’s in that box.’
Thursday to discuss a league-wide streaming plan.
which we won. I thought my son, Liverpool, where Ronnie (Moran) So that’s where I’ve put the
James, had taken them to would come into the dressing tracksuit tops. Back in the
university and managed to lose room with our league cardboard box. @MattHughesDM
100 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022
EXCLUSIVE Warm welcome:
the Queen and
Sir Jackie
INTERVIEW Stewart at
Palace REX

by Jonathan
GUEST arrived by

A helicopter at Sir
Jackie Stewart’s
estate. It was a
few days before this year’s
British Grand Prix and
the Formula One grandee
was too busy to greet
his arrival.
Sir Jackie’s staff fretted, and
buzzed him in his study, request-
ing his presence pronto. ‘I can’t
come now,’ was the response. ‘I
am on the phone to the Queen.’
The call completed, Sir Jackie
went to meet the diminutive figure
standing in his house, whose
identity he had not been told of in
advance. It was Tom Cruise.
How many sportsmen past
or present could say they kept
Hollywood royalty waiting because
they were in conversation with the
most famous woman in the
Only Sir John Young Stewart,
just as he holds the unique
distinction of hosting Her Majesty
as guest of honour at his 80th
birthday celebrations, held in June
2019 at the Royal Automobile Club
on Pall Mall.
Not that her invitation was
accepted when club chairman,
Ben Cussons, wrote to extend the
welcome. It was politely declined

‘I saw her a few

weeks ago and
she was sharp
as a needle’
by the Palace secretariat, seem-
ingly without being run by the
The Queen would
make the tea and do
As chance would have it,
Sir Jackie was shooting at
Sandringham a little after the
rejection had landed. ‘I’m sorry
you can’t make my birthday party,
Ma’am,’ Sir Jackie ventured.
‘What party?’ asked the Queen.
She was told, checked her diary

washing up herself
and accepted.
‘Her Majesty was the most
remarkable woman I have ever
met, sensational as a person,’ Sir
Jackie rhapsodised yesterday from
Clayton House, his home on an old
game farm of the Prime Minister’s
country retreat Chequers.
‘She didn’t much like cars.

F1 legend Sir Jackie Stewart recalls many happy

Horses were her love, as we all
know, flat racing not the jumpers
like her mother, and she adored
spending time at her stables. So

hours spent with his great friend Her Majesty

ours was an unusual relationship.
But I saw her a great deal and
funnily enough I was going to visit
her in Balmoral in a couple of days
to show her a film my son Mark great supporter of the princess herself.’ A few years ago, the Queen royalty, or at least facilitated ‘I have met presidents of
has made about me. and other way around,’ noted called in at Clayton House and relationships. One such figure was America and they all held the
‘I last saw her at Windsor a Sir Jackie. was taken to an outbuilding, a Salman, Crown Prince of Bahrain, Queen in such high regard,’ said
few weeks ago and she had a few It was while on a shoot at well-appointed hideaway known whom he got into shooting. Sir Jackie. ‘They were heads of
difficulties walking then. She was Windsor as Anne’s guest that he, a as Helen’s Hut, named after Sir After one early visit to Sandring- state but they were amateur com-
using a stick. But she was still as prize-winning member of the Scot- Jackie’s wife of 60 years. Near ham, the Crown Prince wanted to pared to her, with her experience
sharp as a needle.’ land shooting team, who narrowly there, in that part of the 140-acre repay the Queen for her hospital- and personal strengths.
Sir Jackie, or plain Mr Stewart missed out on selection for the grounds, stand statues of stags ity. What to buy her? He commis- ‘Even when she was greeting the
back then, got to know the Queen 1960 Olympics in Rome, first struck and a Highland cow and calves. sioned a larger-than-life bronze of new Prime Minister the other day
through his friendship with the up a rapport with the Queen. Taking in the scene, the Queen Estimate, her Gold Cup winner in Balmoral, she looked radiant. I
P rincess Royal, then simply As host, she chatted to the guns, mused: ‘Why don’t we have these ridden to victory by Ryan Moore in am told she did not suffer any pain
Princess Anne, whose equestrian and so a friendship was born. They things in our garden, Philip?’ 2013. It stands at Sandringham. as she passed.
career highlights coincided with would meet informally over many To which the Duke of Edinburgh A smaller replica resides in Sir ‘She was a big Scot and she loved
his own triumphs as a three-time years. ‘Often she would not have a replied: ‘It looks like a f ****** Jackie’s kitchen. Balmoral more than any of her
world champion. They were both single member of staff with her,’ zoo.’ Another introduction was to Kiri other houses. So when the time
BBC Sports Personality of the said Sir Jackie. ‘She would make Her Majesty raised an eyebrow. Te Kanawa, the New Zealand came it was the perfect ending as
Year winners. ‘The Queen was a the tea and do the washing up Sir Jackie introduced her to opera star. far as the Queen was concerned.’
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

South Africa
refuse to extend
the Oval Test
ECB wanted to add extra day but tourists
said no citing their players’ ‘workloads’

NGLAND’S deciding
Test will go ahead at
the Kia Oval today,
but only after South
Africa refused to EXCLUSIVE
extend the match by a day by PAUL
in an attempt to make up
for lost time. NEWMAN
The ECB wanted to add an Cricket Correspondent
additional day on Tuesday after
seeing the first day of the final Test blamed schedules for their
washed out and then the second reluctance to stay another 24
called off out of respect following hours when they put out a
the Queen’s death. statement yesterday.
But South Africa said they were ‘The ECB and CSA considered
not prepared to extend their stay whether it was possible to extend
by an extra day and will head for this final match by a day but this
home as scheduled on Tuesday was unfortunately not possible
to prepare for their white-ball tour due to the Proteas’ schedule and
of India. the imminent departure of the
South Africa cited ‘managing white-ball squad for another two- Bravado: Elgar GETTY IMAGES
workloads’ for their decision, but month tour,’ read the Cricket
they are not due to leave for India South Africa statement. been taken after consultation with
until September 23 and only six ‘Players have already been away the Department for Digital,
members of their squad — Aiden from home for over two months Culture, Media and Sport and in
Markram, Keshav Maharaj, Kagiso and will have only a few days with line with official national
Rabada, Lungi Ngidi, Anrich families at home before leaving on mourning guidance,’ said the ECB.
Nortje and Marco Jansen — will be their tour of India and then the ‘Before each match a minute’s
on the plane. T20 World Cup in Australia.’ silence will be held followed by the
Instead, sources told Sportsmail So today will be the third day of national anthem.’
South Africa’s inflexibility owed the Test, with 98 overs scheduled That national anthem will be the

RACING ST LEGER more to pragmatism and their

reluctance to risk another defeat
that could jeopardise their chances
for each remaining day and Surrey
banning fancy dress for the rest of
the match, while also asking
first time when ‘God Save The
King’ will be sung in public at the
Oval, which is owned by the Duchy

By MARCUS TOWNEND IS PUSHED of reaching next year’s World Test

Championship final.
spectators to be in their seats by
10.30am for an on-field celebration
of Cornwall.
The failure of the ECB’s attempt
to extend the match reduces the
South Africa captain Dean Elgar of Her Majesty’s life.
talked a good game at the toss Earlier yesterday, England chances of a winner of a series
ALL racing in Britain today has locked at 1-1.
before rain hit on Thursday, captain Ben Stokes took to
been cancelled as an ‘ongoing
saying: ‘There’s definitely going to Twitter to urge the authorities not But both the first two matches
mark of respect’ following the be a winner in this Test, there’s no to follow football’s lead and ensure ended in three days and England
death of the Queen. However, doubt. With the brand of cricket cricket went on, saying: ‘She have vowed to do all they can to
the sport will return which she has made to the both teams are playing, along with loved sport, be honoured to play in force a positive result.
tomorrow with the Cazoo St sport to be marked.’ the styles, there will be a result.’ her memory.’ Before the Test, Stokes said: ‘If
Leger the centrepiece of a re- A two-minute silence will be But the actions of South Africa Then, after talks that extended we do have a rain affected game it
scheduled card at Doncaster. yesterday did not back up Elgar’s into mid-afternoon, the ECB will be interesting because I know
held at Doncaster tomorrow bravado, the board instead released a statement saying all we’ll be trying whatever we can to
The final Classic of the season and the track was yesterday win. We don’t play for draws.’
implying what Elgar said was cricket, including the men’s Test
will be part of a nine-race card working on what were simply hot air and they do not and England women’s opening So there could be three exciting
which will feature a mix of the described as ‘appropriate want to risk another damaging Twenty20 international against days ahead, with England bowling
best races due to be run at the tributes’ to a late monarch. loss after their innings thrashing India in Durham, would go ahead first today after Stokes won the
South Yorkshire track Doncaster was expecting a in Manchester. South Africa this weekend. ‘The decision has toss before rain hit on Thursday.
yesterday and today. crowd of around 25,000
Tomorrow’s programme will people and all ticket holders
also include the meeting at have had their admission
Chepstow but the planned rolled over, with the ticket
fixture at Musselburgh has office to be manned today.
been cancelled. Mark Spincer, managing
BHA chief executive Julie director of the company which
Harrington said: ‘Her Majesty’s runs Doncaster, said: ‘The early
affinity and bond with British indications we have had is that
racing was enduring and people want to attend on
unique, and a number of our Sunday. We will be paying
sport’s participants have a tributes to the Queen to mark
close relationship with her. her close and valued link to
‘Out of respect and in sympathy horseracing.’
with her family, the sport has When racing restarts, flags will
continued the suspension of fly at half-mast and jockeys
fixtures into Saturday. will wear black armbands. This
‘The return of racing on will continue until Her
Sunday will see the running of Majesty’s funeral.
the St Leger, a race which the Racing continues in Ireland
Queen won with her filly where the two-day Irish
Dunfermline in 1977. Champions meeting begins
‘This will also provide an today. ITV4 will show five races
opportunity for the sport to from Doncaster and five from
pay its respects to Her the Curragh, where the Irish St
Majesty, for the contribution Leger is run tomorrow.
Respect: the Union Jack is flown at half-mast at the Kia Oval after the Queen’s death POPPERFOTO
102 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

ELIZABETH R 1926-2022

Out of respect,
game was right
to put a foot
on the ball...
E all know that
W ‘never com-
plain, never
explain’ is a
mantra that
has long guided the best
strands of royal life —
not that Meghan got
The European Tour’s flagship
BMW PGA Championship will
the email. resume today at Wentworth,
Attributed to Benjamin Disraeli, lack of foresight. Only now are reduced to a 54-hole event
adopted by the Queen Mother, they thinking about how to
and still holding sway among the commemorate the Queen’s reign finishing tomorrow. Englishmen
top rank as the Queen died at when the sport recongregates at Tommy Fleetwood and Andy
Balmoral, it was an aphorism that some ‘appropriate point’. Sullivan currently share the lead
smacked of a stoicism and get-on- At least football has managed with Norway’s Viktor Hovland.
with-life resilience that we consid- the situation better than its
ered a very British aspiration. tin-eared handling of an earlier RUGBY LEAGUE
But there is also a time for crucial phase in its story, namely Play-offs will continue today with
respect, and this important junc- during the First World War, Huddersfield v Salford, following
ture in our national story is that when it played on as hundreds of last night’s match between
moment. And it doesn’t merely thousands of British men died
apply to wearing a black tie. How- in combat.
Catalans and Leeds.
ever, it does require an accept-
ance that sport is not itself a mat-
This insensitivity caused many
schools to disaffiliate from the THE GREAT NORTH RUN
ter of life and death, even if the Football Association, robbing the Will go ahead on Sunday.
Premier League is the closest game of generations of boys to
phenomenon to religion that we rugby union at significant TOUR OF BRITAIN
have in modern Britain, eclipsing disadvantage to its own fortunes. The final three stages of cycling’s
even our exalting of the NHS. Some critics might wonder why Tour of Britain have been
Is one weekend off for our football is the outlier and criticise cancelled, with leader Gonzalo
national game too much to ask? it for being so. Serrano of Spain declared the
Is 70 years of service not worth Racing, cricket, rugby and golf
one brief interruption to a sport only stopped for a day or two, and winner ahead of Brit Tom Pidcock.
that has long broken its old sea-
sonal boundaries so rapaciously
then played on. Perhaps those
sports and others struck the right
that it barely takes a day off? balance by demonstrating a London’s first all-female boxing
As our national game it also degree of reverence without deny- card is off. The O2 Arena was due
carries a responsibility unique in ing fans and participants for to be headlined tonight by the
our society. A distinction recog- longer than decorum demanded. world title fight between
nised in the Premier League’s This nuanced approach may Savannah Marshall and Claressa
stated decision to ‘honour the well have been the right way for Shields, which has now been
Queen’s extraordinary life and football to go. Nothing today and pencilled in for October 15.
contribution to the nation’. tomorrow, and then a resumption.
Of course, the way the decision
was arrived at was farcical. It
The Queen would have been
honoured and sport put in its
should all have been resolved far place. Job done. The Italian Grand Prix will go
in advance of the death of a mon- But if you think everything ahead as normal, with a one-
arch who was essentially house- should have carried on without a minute silence before
bound in Balmoral, unable to walk pause, or a second thought, think yesterday’s practice sessions.
freely and aged 96, rather than in how that would have looked.
a meeting yesterday morning. Typical, greedy football, we JACKIE STEWART AND THE
The last-minute talking reflects would all have chorused. It waits QUEEN: PAGES 100-101
a weakness of leadership and a for no one.

Rugby is awash with acrimony after messy plan

RUGBY will continue this between different solutions as sought to place the decision in unaffected clubs — could cost
weekend, but the frantic, chaotic
attempts to organise a fitting RUGBY they wrestled with the need to be
seen to be suitably respectful, set
the hands of individual host
clubs. However, then came a twist
them up to £200,000.
Many hospitality and ticket

response to the death of the against concerns about the as the PRL board chose to bookings will be cancelled and
Queen stirred up divisions and financial and logistical impact of postpone last night’s games but have to be refunded. There will
acrimony within the sport. mass postponements. allow the others to continue. also be additional match-day
The opening weekend of the For a time yesterday morning, the Bristol were said to be ‘100 per staffing costs. Another factor is
Premiership season is taking
place, with amendments, after a
By CHRIS FOY mood was to press ahead
unchanged, but that position
cent’ determined to proceed with
their game against local rivals
that the match will not be
televised in its new slot, either by
decision was eventually taken to Rugby Correspondent soon shifted. Bath and it is understood the BT Sport or via PRL TV’s
delay the two games which were Sources indicated to Sportsmail West Country club were incensed streaming service.
supposed to launch the 2022-23 fixture in Salford will now kick off that, after talks with the by the PRL board decision. Sale were thought to be erring
campaign last night — Bristol v at 3pm tomorrow. department of Digital, Culture, The Bears were expecting a towards pressing ahead with their
Bath and Sale v Northampton. However, the process was Media and Sport, which yielded crowd in excess of 24,000 at game too, until it was taken out
The West Country derby has been protracted and messy, to say the suggestions but no definitive Ashton Gate and fear that the of their hands.
switched to 5.30pm today and the least, with officials veering guidance, Premiership Rugby postponement — driven by other, After discussions about moving
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

... No, it’s crazy

that football fans
denied the chance
to pay homage
he announce - Britain, expressing emotion in
ment came at ways only it understands. And
when Bastien blew his whistle
6.30pm. And at to signal the conclusion — and
8pm, here’s what
we did. We went MARTIN everyone heard that — a mighty
roar filled the night air, because

to a football match. the football was about to start.
It wasn’t disrespectful. It Nothing wrong with that. In
wasn’t uncaring. Nor did it fact, the spontaneous outbursts
encroach on the passing of a of God Save The Queen sung at
beloved monarch. Chief Sports Writer various points during the game
had the game between West constitute the most meaningful
ham and FCSB of Bucharest cancel? In this way, thousands public tributes to her Majesty
been called off, it would not of fans were denied the chance thus far. All the more so because
have made the pain easier, for to pay their respects in an they came, not from politicians,
those feeling pain. had the fans a p p r o p r i a t e w a y, a t a n or heads of state, but from
been sent home it would not appropriate time. working-class people sharing
have placed the death of Queen That is what happened at common humanity and emotion.
elizabeth II in a more fitting or West ham. No observation that That is what has been denied
involves 50,000 people is ever with these postponements, an
proper perspective. wholly perfect, but the club and
Not everything is football’s opportunity to come together
those in the ground did all they and share.
business, as much as the game could. No one with a smidgeon
would like it to be so. So life At half-time, instead of the
of feeling for humanity, or sport, usual rabble-rousing noise and
continued, within the proper or the institution of the monar-
parameters, at a sad time for chat, there was the sound of a
chy, could have taken offence. gentle orchestra, played at low
the nation. West ham is a patriotic club.
There was a minute of silence. volume, and the score in black
Proud of its role in the 1966 surround on large screens. This
The mood before the game, at World Cup victory, proud to
half-time and after, was sombre gave way to a monochrome
have produced england’s World picture of two local heroes —
and reverential. And that was Cup-winning captain Bobby
entirely appropriate. As was Queen elizabeth II and Bobby
Moore. With more time, a more Moore, being handed the World
playing. It struck the right detailed tribute could have
balance. Don’t stop the clocks. Cup from Wembley’s Royal Box.
been organised. With less than
Today, as I’m writing this, I’m 90 minutes between the he famously wiped his hands of
on my way to Bath to see a announcement and kick-off, dirt and sweat in preparation.
show, Into The Woods, at the however, the club responded Cheers and applause echoed
Theatre Royal. We’ve been magnificently. again and another chorus of our,
looking forward to it for months. This was UeFA’s fixture, do now old, national anthem.
We checked whether it would not forget. So aspects were left Many clubs and towns could
still be on and there were no to UeFA officials to organise as find a similar connection. She
plans for cancellation. We are best they could. That was where was our longest-reigning
expecting the national anthem, the only confusion arose. It was monarch. She travelled widely
the dimming of lights and a announced there would be a and frequently and made a lot
minute of silent contemplation. minute’s silence. The image of of meaningful associations. It
Then the show, as is the saying, the Queen was projected on to would not have been hard to
must go on. giant screens behind each goal. stage -manage a respectful
Football is different. Football The players gathered respect- celebration this weekend, to
went to the Government for fully around the centre circle. balance the past with the
guidance and got none. It was The crowd began applauding. present. West ham did it at an
left up to them, after the Maybe that drowned out referee hour’s notice.
cowards at the Department of Benoit Bastien’s whistle, per- And they won, too, a fine 3-1
Digital, Culture, Media and haps he didn’t know to blow. comeback, which would
Sport briefed a preference that In lieu of a formal silence, normally be a happy affair. Yet
the weekend programme should then, a rather disorganised but when the final whistle blew
United in not go ahead. They stopped football-appropriate tribute there were no bubbles, no great
tribute: short of ordering it, though, in began. Some stood head bowed, celebrations. her Majesty
West Ham case the decision was unpopu- the older generation mainly, looked regally down on the
and FCSB lar. That’s leadership for you, some clapped as if she was a emptying pitch and televisions
champions of Government regu- much-loved but now departed in the public area returned to
show their lation for football should note. centre-forward — which BBC News.
respect REX So it was left to the sport, to metaphorically she was — her subjects dispersed into
all sports, not that football’s others began singing the the night. It was life, and
overlords had an option. Placed national anthem. football, but not as we knew it.
in an untenable position, rather You can look at it two ways, as That was how it should have
than appear disrespectful, what an utter shambles, or as a rather been — and how it should

to crack on
choice did they have but to endearing snapshot of modern have continued.

the fixture to mid-November, it

I know it’s only
a game and some things
Next week’s games could also be off resources being too fans to pay respects to the
was agreed to reschedule it to From Back Page
tomorrow afternoon. are much bigger but weekend of the Women’s stretched, with the Queen’s Queen if games had gone
To avoid a five-day turnaround to imagine all our games Super League, non-League funeral expected to take ahead this weekend. They
their next game, at home to London went ahead this weekend. and grassroots football will
a week on Monday. said: ‘We believe football is at
Irish, the Saints have put that back Black armbands, silences The situation leaves the its finest when bringing
until next Saturday, September 17. also no longer go ahead. Premier League with a people together at times of
At all Premiership games this observed, national It is expected that UEFA problem as to when games huge national significance.
weekend, there will be a minute’s anthem, Royal band will continute with their can be rearranged, especially Our view, which we shared
silence, while players and coaches playing etc to the millions programme, starting with the as the calendar has already with the football authorities,
have been ‘invited’ to wear black around the world European matches involving
armbands as a mark of respect. been condensed due to the is that most supporters would
Meanwhile, the RFU announced all watching? British clubs on Tuesday. winter World Cup in Qatar. have like to go to games this
fixtures from Championship level Isn’t that a better Next week’s football fixtures The Football Supporters weekend and pay their
down to the community game could send-off ? could also be in danger due Association believe it would respect to the Queen
proceed as planned. to concerns about police have been a good chance for alongside their fellow fans.’
104 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

DAVID DEIN: My pain at Arsenal sack


All fixtures called off but cricket and rugby will play on

ALL football matches have
been cancelled this weekend
and next week’s fixtures could
South Tribute: Hamilton
wears a black
armband at Monza

and Africa yesterday PA

also be postponed as a mark
of respect following the death
of the Queen.

F1 pay
Despite being given the option to
play on after the passing of Britain’s
longest-serving monarch, who was
patron of the FA, football will observe
a total shutdown from the Premier
League to grassroots.
The Department for Digital,
to add
Culture, Media and Sport released a

statement yesterday confirming
‘there is no obligation’ to postpone
sporting fixtures. Any decision was
extra day
left ‘at the discretion of individual
Cricket will play on with the third
Test between England and South
to Oval
Africa resuming at the Oval today
after yesterday was cancelled and
rugby union’s Premiership season
will kick off today after two matches
last night were postponed.
But football will come to a stand-
still. The Premier League and EFL CRICKET: PAGE 101
confirmed their matches will be post-
poned, with details on further games
during the period of mourning and
rearrangements to follow. The
FA confirmed all fixtures in their
competitions, including the opening Seb
GRAEME I wasn’t
I jumped
PAGES 90-91
PAGES 98-99
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Page 62 Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022

CRYPTIC CLUES GIANT CROSSWORD CHOOSE cryptic or quick, answers are
ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DOWN
13 How one might describe a 1 A French place supplying water
prominent actor favourably? (2,4,4) 13 14 15 not in a good condition? (6)
14 Don had to reorganise to 2 Old cow I fancy ending in here —
accommodate line for or terrestrial crustaceans (8)
veteran performer (3,4) 3 Old theologian lately discontented
15 Practical Western power 16 17 18 19 in a strange way (5)
diversifying fuel (6) 4 Caretaker is Trojan at work
16 Absurdly outdated fellow needing when around institute (7)
a duel to be resolved (6) 5 Novel is put on top of documents?
17 Rome VIP requires treatment That’s dim-witted (6)
to get better (7) 20 21 22 23 24 6 Mark punctuating text in much
18 Show amusement in part of of Australia once, say (5)
summer in large hotel (5) 25 26 27 7 Commercial opening is coming (6)
19 Outstanding type 8 Heartless leader of criminals, U.S.
being adventurous (4) 28 29 30 31 32 33 gangster and troubled soul (7)
20 Allegation made by Celt at 9 Jam student concocted
odd points with objective (5) needs alteration (10)
34 35
21 Huge crowd observed in 10 American beginning to holiday
Pittsburgh or Denver (5) in Paraguay’s borders is
22 Dependable NHS institution 36 37 38 39 40 41 overly self-assertive (5)
close to bankruptcy (6) 11 Revolutionary priest crafted
23 Boss almost making mistake (5) a big introduction to Easter
28 Tight-fisted Frenchman producing too many words (8)
is ahead of schedule 42 43 44 45 46 12 Fling here unwanted remaining
withholding article (7) labels for starters (4)
30 Niece excited to pursue 24 Gent if desperate to acquire
47 48
self-contained, organised money shows invention (7)
body of knowledge (7) 25 With a change of direction,
33 Excite group feeling uneasy? (3,2,4) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 rate clearing (5)
36 Director, say, revered 26 Depart with leading
figure from the East, 57 58 teacher on holiday (4,3)
is stubbornly persevering (6) 27 Twist about Conservative
38 Series of battles in a 59 60 61 62 endlessly in court (7)
department to get prize (5) 29 Merchant’s partner in
39 Put forward for consideration a type of white (5)
cart in a parade (5) 31 Preside over clubhouse
40 First sign of this number before broadcast (5)
requiring rope (6) 63 64 65 66 67 32 Strike with the hand thing
42 Sweet liquid, say, or lump used for restraint (4)
with regular parts missing (5) 68 69 34 Appreciative word temporarily
43 Write again about drive supplied for people of ability (6)
shown by a paper (7) 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 35 Botanist principally taken with
44 Head of technological facility single part of skeleton (4)
given right conundrum (6) 37 Try second of outfits with a
77 78 79
46 Tax obligation (4) revolutionary pigment (7)
49 Large-scale element found 41 Relative with daughter Dorothy
in Renaissance pictures (4) 80 81 82 83 84 raised small child (7)
51 Complete set of holy books obtained 45 Conventional yacht’s
in land around Dublin (6) front is firmly built (6)
53 How one might describe 47 Sweet of the French combined
a humanitarian’s aim on 85 86 87 with rest after cooking (7)
a permanent basis? (3,4) 48 Smallish treaty (7)
55 Bob has something that 50 A rep excitedly going round
is deficient or loose (5) Irish island’s open grassland (7)
59 Show fondness towards soprano 52 Outer skin shown by pear
following troubles (6) FOR A CHANCE TO WIN £750: Solve crossword to reveal the word reading down the shaded boxes. HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 in dish partly (4)
60 Firearm with grease at the 6231 and leave six-letter answer and details, or TEXT 65700 with the word XWORD, your answer and name. Texts and calls cost £1 plus 54 Grey nocturnal creature
edges or sticky substance (5) standard network charges. One winner chosen from all correct entries received between 00.01 today (Saturday) and 23.59 tomorrow gets to snarl (5)
61 Put down inferior wine (5) (Sunday). UK residents aged 18+, excl NI. Full terms apply, see Page 74. NEED A CLUE? Text HINT to 65700 for six answers, or call 0901 56 Cold TV chat show host
62 Bachelor is enthralled by wild 293 6235. Texts and calls cost £1 plus standard network charges. Today’s clues available from 00.01 Saturday to 23.30 on Sunday. makes one angry (5)
trout — or another fish (6) 57 Alarm fighter with one
63 Forerunner initially
recommending sort of ACROSS 42 Sweet liquid (5)
QUICK CLUES 12 Fling (4) 56 Traverse (5)
of two projections? (4)
58 Some spot term for
course in advertising work (9) 13 Favourably (2,4,4) 43 Write again (7) 83 Army officer (7) 24 Invention (7) 57 Dread (4) semi-aquatic mammal (5)
65 Richard briefly in work 14 Experienced 44 Conundrum (6) 84 Public show 25 Clearing (5) 58 Semi-aquatic 60 Greek publishing group has
proves irritable (7) performer (3,4) 46 Obligation (4) of anger (6) 26 Depart (4,3) mammal (5) restricted latest in pack showing
66 Continue mobilising priests (7) 85 Taint (6) 60 Conformist conformist collective outlook? (10)
70 Number in English river 15 Practical (6) 49 Large-scale (4) 27 Twist (7)
86 Embryonic (7) collective 64 Best side curtailed afternoon
abandoning river (5) 16 Absurdly 51 Complete (6) 29 Tusk indulgence? (5,3)
outdated (6) 53 Permanently (3,4) 87 Badly content (5) outlook (10)
71 Commotion at college 64 Afternoon 67 Nearly get rid of small-scale
followed by shout (6) 17 Get better (7) 55 Loose (5) treated (4,4,2) 31 Seat (5) critical examination (8)
18 Show 59 Affectionately DOWN 32 End of meal (5,3)
73 Glib talk that is acquired 67 Critical 68 Holiday business for all to see beset
by special learner (5) amusement (5) touch (6) 1 Not healthy (6) sleeve (4) by unusual riots on Malta (7)
75 Fruit-based drink in break (5) 19 Adventurous (4) 60 Sticky 2 Terrestrial 34 Aptitude (6) examination (8) 69 Condemn dishevelled Pole
80 Lean walls limited housing (4) 20 Allegation (5) substance (5) crustaceans (8) 35 Skeleton 68 Holiday wearing terrible red (7)
82 Additional trouble when 21 Throng (5) 61 Inferior 3 In a strange part (4) business (7) 72 One planning firework display might
leaving Belgium (5) 22 Dependable (6) wine (5) way (5) 37 Opaque 69 Condemn (7) get this severe reprimand (6)
83 Army officer without others in 23 Mistake (5) 62 Flatfish (6) 4 Caretaker (7) pigment (7) 72 Sharply 74 Powerful summer drink taken
company lodge’s opening (7) 28 Tight-fisted (7) 63 Forerunner (9) 5 Dim-witted (6) 41 Young child (7) increase (6) by unknown character (6)
84 Public show of anger in poor 30 Organised body 65 Irritable (7) 6 Punctuation 45 Thickset (6) 74 Vigorous (6) 76 Medieval clerk amazingly
country with no end of knowledge (7) 66 Keep going (7) mark (5) 47 Pudding (7) 76 Medieval cries about book (6)
of exploitation (6) 33 Excite (3,2,4) 70 Number (5) 7 Arrival (6) 48 Densely clerk (6) 77 Monetary prize pursued
85 Taint indeed after swapping 36 Stubbornly 71 Commotion (6) 8 Heartless (7) packed (7) 77 Slightly by type not half crazy (5)
Austria for Spain (6) persevering (6) 73 Glib talk (5) 9 Alteration (10) 50 Open crazy (5) 78 Host is troubled about
86 Name attached to a perfume 38 Prize (5) 75 Overwhelm (5) 10 Overly self- grassland (7) 78 Laziness (5) Latin laziness (5)
coming into being? (7) 39 Drift (5) 80 Lean (4) assertive (5) 52 Outer skin (4) 79 Temperamental (5) 79 Temperamental doctor fronting
87 Bored hand struggling by 40 Tie with rope (6) 82 Alternative (5) 11 Excessive words (8) 54 Snarl (5) 81 Nation (4) non-British organisation (5)
yard is badly treated (4,4,2) 81 Secure nation (4)


1 2 3 4 5

FILL in all squares in
ACROSS 17 Stratum (5) 6 Offer of 6 7 8 the grid so each row,
1 Multicoloured 18 One who marriage (8) column and each of the
sweets (5,5) provides 8 Fit for 3x3 squares contains all
6 Son of a information (6) selling (8)
monarch (6) 20 Preliminary 9 Response to a 9 10
the digits from 1 to 9.
7 Deposits as rounds (10) sneeze (5,3) SOLUTION ON MONDAY
rubbish (5) 12 Sweet bay (6) 11
9 Load (6)
10 Nothing (3) 1 Jam container (3)
13 Compact
group of 12 13 14 KUROSU SOLUTION
11 Fleshy part 2 Identity mountains (6)
of a fruit (4)
14 A continent (4)
parade (4-2)
3 Gives in (6)
14 Adjust or
accustom (6)
15 16 XXOOXO
15 Distress 4 Final part (6) 19 Lettuce (3) OOXXOX
signal (1,1,1)
16 Expects (6)
5 Lack of
feeling (8) 17 18 19
FRIDAY’S SOLUTION — (No 9,264) ACROSS: 1 Central. 7 Opaque. 8 Vacancy.
3 Queen Victoria 4 The Borrowers
9 Yaps. 10 Risk. 12 Stylish. 14 Saveloy. 16 Ewer. 18 Hugs. 20 Braille. 21 Ritual.
22 Eyeshot. DOWN: 1 Cavorts. 2 Nicks. 3 Rank. 4 Loyalty. 5 Navy blue.
5 The Black Forest 6 Measles XOXOOX
6 Rumpus. 11 Keeps mum. 12 Soluble. 13 Harvest. 15 Anubis. 17 Welsh. 19 Wave.
20 7 Dusty Springfield 8 Motorcycles
9 Danny Boyle 10 Rugby union.
Daily Mail, Saturday, September 10, 2022 Page 63



1 3 4

3 2
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1 3 2

GRAY + SHACK. Distributed by Knight Features

A ONE-CELL outlined block contains PLACE 1 to 9 in the grid so the
the digit 1; a two-cell block contains number in each white circle is
1 and 2; a three-cell block contains equal to the sum of the four
1, 2 and 3; and so on. The same digit surrounding tiles, and tiles of the
must not appear in neighbouring same colour add up to the number
cells — NOT EVEN DIAGONALLY! in the corresponding circle below.


FILL blank squares

so every row and


column contains
1 to 5 once only.
Symbols between
squares indicate if
a number is larger
To order the Fred Basset Yearbook 2022 for £8.36, go to or call 020 3308 9193. Free p&p on orders over £20.
(>) or smaller (<)
than the number
2 next to it.
THE DAILY MAIL offers the opportunity to
re-establish contact with long-lost relatives
a missing loved one and a tale of people
reunited. Produced in conjunction with the
ON MONDAY and friends. Each week, MONICA PORTER voluntary tracing service Searching For A

features the story of someone trying to find Memory, run by Gill Whitley.

1 Which TV series featured

Sun Hill police station?
2 In which European
city was the world’s
5 Which mountainous
8 What are Harley-Davidson
famous for manufacturing?
9 Who directed the 2000
film The Beach, which
‘I WOULD appreciate it if Attention!
first urban underground area is known as starred Leonardo DiCaprio? you could locate my old drill Grenadier
railway built? Schwarzwald in German? 10 With which sport is instructor from the Grenadier
3 Whose face adorned 6 Which infectious children’s Gareth Edwards associated? Guards depot at Caterham in Guards and
Penny Black stamps? disease has the medical Surrey,’ writes 84-year-old (circled)
4 The 2011 animated name rubeola? Colin Jarvis from Bedford. Lance Sgt
film Arrietty was 7 Who had a 1966 No. 1 ‘He was Lance Sgt Warner, first Warner
adapted from which hit with You Don’t Have name Jack, I think. At the end with, behind
children’s novel? To Say You Love Me? ANSWERS: OPPOSITE PAGE of the course he called me over
to congratulate me. I asked what him, Colin
for. “You were the tallest man in Jarvis in 1960

CODEWORD EACH number in the grid the squad, with the last name
I could remember,” he replied. were squads from the other ‘Lance Sgt Warner went on to
represents a letter. Today, 5 is M,
so fill in M every time 5 appears.
Two letters are given in the control grid to start you off.
WIN ‘I was doing National Service
with the Guards from 1959-61.
four regiments of foot guards
doing the same. I then served
have the honour of being one
of the bearer party at Winston
Enter them in the correct squares in the main grid, then
use your knowledge of words to work out which letters
£750 We did 13 weeks at Caterham
before going on to six weeks of
fieldcraft at Pirbright, again in
at Tidworth, Wiltshire, and
near Dusseldorf in Germany.
After demob, I returned to
Churchill’s funeral. I’d like to
contact him, but anyone else
in the photo is welcome to get
should go in the missing squares. SOLUTION ON MONDAY Surrey. At the same time, there the printing industry. in touch for a possible reunion.’

SIX months ago, Faye Weeden played netball and rounders,
asked for help in searching worked hard and had a good
for an old friend. She told us: education, allowing us to
‘I went to Sutton High School follow our dreams.
in Surrey, and belonged to ‘I trained as a nurse in
a five-girl friendship group. London, and I believe
Four of us have managed to Susan Ryan did too, but
stay in touch, but we’d love we lost contact with her.’
to be reunited with the fifth. Alas, the outcome of the
‘I met Denise Haseler at search is not a happy one.
junior school in 1957, and ‘We sadly learnt from her
we became good friends. At brother that Susan died in
senior school, we met Marion 2015,’ emails Faye. ‘We were
happy days: From left, Susan Partridge, Susan Pullan and very sorry to hear this, but
Pullan, Marion (standing), Susan Ryan, and so we shall certainly raise a glass
Faye and Susan ryan became the famous five! We to her at our next reunion.’

n IF there is someone you’d like to trace, write including a phone number. All communications
to Gill Whitley, 1 Newbrook house, New hall answered as soon as possible. A small donation is
Lane, Preston, Pr1 5Pe, enclosing an SAe, or send requested for employing Gill Whitley’s services.
an email to, this column is researched with the aid of

COMPLETE Codeword to reveal the your standard network charges. NEED A CLUE? Text the word
word in the shaded boxes. One weekly winner chosen from all CODEWORD to 65700 to receive
HOW TO ENTER: Call 0901 293 6232 correct entries received between four clues or call 0901 293 6200.
and leave your answer and your 00.01 Monday and 23.59 Saturday. Texts and calls cost £1 plus your
Yesterday’s details. Or TEXT 65700 with the word Answers change daily at 00.01. UK standard network charges.
solution: CODE, your answer and then your residents aged 18+, excl NI. Full Today’s clues available between
name. Texts and calls cost £1 plus terms apply, see Page 74.* 00.01 today and 23.30 only.

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